HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-12-12, Page 11• timmunimmomir 110 :FOOD MARKET Stokely's honey, Pod PEAS '15 OZ. C‘ ANS 2 for 33c Clover Leaf COluie SALMON 7 3/4 oz. cANs St,olcly's Cream Style Ct) ls,oz.tcyasis 2 for 29c Swift's Golden Dew MARGARINE )1,B,PKG. 27c Fancy Quality 'olden MIXED NUTS 2 ix. BAG ' 79c Phone HU 2,3813 Free Delivery BRUBACHER, Proprietor foi .. . ,. • ...„ • . • ,. I I . . . , . w• Newcom be. . ; p h ., B., ... . C. it Chemist and Druggist PHONE HU. 2-9 5 1 1 • CLINTON CLINTON NEWS-RECORD MOE ELEVDN'' THI,E3.9.DAY, Dr:CaMk3= 12, 1957 • are Bible Society' Giving Down News of Auburn Correspondent MRS. IMO, ROSS Phone Dungannon .9 r 15 'D A N C .N: Every Friday Night Ian Willieeand His Melody Makers. Featuring Vocalist Donna Wagner Community centre, Seafoith Dancing 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. ADMISSION - 75 CENTS Auspices: 'Seaforth Athletic Association 50b Mrs, J. Mutch, Ottawa, is visit, ing her sister Mrs, Herbert Govier. Miss lYlargAretWright, nurse-in- training at Brantford Hospital, viisted at her home at the week- end, and, Mrs.. M. Allison, Park- hill, visited the lady's parentsy Mr. and Mrs. 'D. 'W. Hamilton) Satur- day. Master Brian Craig celebrated his .sixth birthday on .Saturday, when he entertained the following, jOhn;',.R.Orinie and Wayne Arthur, Malcolm. and Marium Hiltz, Allan McDougal; Mark. Arthur, Ronnie Rrowny.Allan Craig, Robert Wilk- in and. Johnnie MacKay, Horticultural Meeting The Christmas meeting of the Horticultural Society was held in the -grange aan with the presid- ent, Mrs, G. R. Taylor presiding, The hall- was decorated in keep- ing with ,Christrnas, Carol sing.- ing was led by Mrs. Wes Brad- neck with Mrs, 11, J, Phillips at the piano. The secretary Miss E. a Mutch read the minutes of the pre- vious meeting and the treasurer's report4vas given by Mrs. Ed. Dav- ies, Mrs, Wes Bradnock convener 'of the nominating committe presen- ted the following slate of officers for 1958: past president, Mrs. G. R. Taylor; president, Mrs. Bert Craig; first vice-president, Mrs. Kenneth Scott; second vice-presi, dent, Mrs, D. A, MacKay; third, vice-president, Mrs. - Ea. .Davies; recording secretaryy, Miss' .Vlina 1Viutch; corresponding secretarY and treasurer, Mrs.. Ed,. Davies, Directors to retire in 1958, Mrs, H, Mogridge, Mrs. J, Houston, Mrs, Wil'Uam ,StraughaA Mrs.. Straughan; directors to retire in 1959, Mrs, E, Lawson, Mrs. W, Robison, Mrs. Wes'Bradnocit, Mrs. Herb Govier and, Mrs'. Frank Raithby; auditors, Mrs. Sid Lan-, sing, Miss M. R. Jackson, pianist, Mrs. R, 3. Phillips. • Mrs, G. R. Taylor thanked ev-• eryorie for their loyal support dur- ing her tenure of office and Mrs. W. T. Robison thanked Mrs. Tay-, ler for her untiring efforts during her 'term of.. office. ThoChriAmas message was giv- en by Mrs. Arthur Grange, Lloyd Raithby showed pictures he had .taken while on a trip to Florida, also local pictures. G. 1/, Taylor, showed' pictures he had taken at Manitoulin Island, Copper Cliff and local autumn scenes. Mrs. Grange, thanked the men for show- ing the pictures. Miss M. R. Jackson conducted two clintests. Winners of the fir-• st was Mrs. W. Bradnock and Mrs. F. Ross and for the second one Mrs., C. Straughari and Miss Viola Thompson, The new president, Mrs. -Bert Craig spoke a few words. There was an exchange of gifts. Refreshments' were served with 'Mrs. W. T, Robison pouring tea. Committee in charge were Mrs. Ed. Davies, Mrs. Arthur Grange, Mrs. R. J. Phillips .and. Miss M, R. Jackson. , KODAK GIFTS SAY... THEY'LL SAVE CHRISTMAS FUN FOR YEARS TO COME' Maybe Not the Time to Use, but NOW is the (By our Hayfield Correspondent) Miss A. M. Stirling, president, and Mrs. Mackenzie, secretary- treasurer of the Bayfield branch Of the Upper Canada Bible Society 'appreciate the help and splendid co-operation which they received this year. Despite a good deal of effort on the part of the collectors, the total for this district stands at $139. Last year it was $160.71. The difference is attributed in part to the fact that there was no service here this year, But 'at a time When there is a greater demand than ever for cop- ies of the Scripture, it is disap- pointing that we have "scrimped" in our givings to this important work in gig Lord's vineyard, 0, Trinity Club Meets At Mrs. Meimer's (By our Hayfield Correspondent) Trinity Church Guild met at the home of Mrs, Merton. Merner, on Tuesday evening. The Rev, E. J. B. Harrison conducted the opening exercises. Mrs. Percy Weston presided for the business period, the secretary's reports were given by Mrs. Merton Merner. Mrs. Fred Watson presen- ted the treasurer's' statement. A motion was passed to` contribute $100 to the church warden for• gen- eral expenses. Plans were made for the Sunday School party to be held in the Parish Hall, December 20, at 7.30 to 9.30 p.m. Mr. Harrison presided for the el- ection of officers for 1958. They are as follows: president, Mrs. Perci Weston; first vire-president, Mrs. R. Larson; second vice-presi- dent, Mrs. L. Scotchmer; secre- tary, Mrs. Merton Merner; treas- urer, Mrs, Fred Weston; card con- vener, Mrs. R. Fitzsimons; Ticker committee, Mrs. E. A. Feather- ston and Mrs: A. M. BasSett; the rector extended his heart-filled thanks and appreciation to the Guild for assisting him when he held "Open House" at the rectory. Following the closing prayer by the Rev. E, J. B. Harrison, Mrs. Merton Merner served •refresh- mrts. Time To Buy Camping Supplies SEE OUR DISPLAYS OF CHRISTMAS GIFTS DRESSER SETS 4.98 to 10.75 UTEX SETS 79c to 4.00 COSMETIC SETS ..,..... 1.00 to' 15:00 By: 'Pussy - Tabu - Yardley - Coty Max Factor Tiffany OLOGNES - BATH POWDERS - SOAPS - PERFUMES 500 to 10.00 MUSICAL POWDER BOXES .,.. 3.95 BUXTON' BILLFOLDS, 3.95 to 10.00 ELECTRIC BLANKET - full size, dual controls' $54.95 clmmn,mws COSMETIC SETS- Manicure Sets - Bubble Bath - Soaps, etc. 79e to 1.50 TOBACCO POUCHES - rims ' suAvENG•=BRUSHES, 50c to• $10 PEN &..PENCIL SETS $1.95 up ELECTRIC RAZORS: Schick, Phili- shave. TOBACCOS, CIGARETTES, 2.99 etn CIGARETTE CASE & LIGHTER 1.98 CIGARETTE LIGHTER and FLAT 50 CIGARETTES 1.31 SPARKLET SYPHON, for Soda Water $15.95 VACUUM BOTTLES, 1 qt. /No. 51 $ 4.25 "MISS CANADA" LUNCH BOX with Thermos $ 5.98 KAMPLITE' LANTERNS, IL11 $21.50 KOOKLITE STOVES, LCS 21 $27.95 PICNIC JUGS $ 4.75 PORTABLE ICE BOXES $12.95, $17.95 Fishing Tackle-Special on Now THREE for the price of TWO CHRISTMAS CARDS Boxes of 50-98c to $1.98 .118's for 89c SINGLE CARDS-Os to $1.00 - WE ARE OPEN EVERY EVENING - Hunting -- Fishing -- Camping Supplies too numerous to list prices Sewilitz., 49ovds of 02ttatily tf4KAPAK-x!iFAK.x • 4K-04K AW-41.7 AMP If WEAR GIFTS for MEN . Everyone is talking Wash 'and Wear and the freedom it gives from long washing and ironing attention. It's two gifts in one - a new handsom'e gift for the man who gets it - a second to who ever looks after his apparel. It is a tip on a new labor-saving device we think you ladies will appreciate. Ask us about them., RS FA FOYTH P No-iron Shirts AT RICED 5.95 to 7.50 MOUS Dress Shirts In White, Plain Shades, Stripes - FORSYTH STARDUST ALSO A COMPLETE NEW RANGE OF Forsyth No-Iron Sport Shirts at $5.95 - ALL GIFT BOXED HERMAN'S MEN'S WEAR Christmas Store Hours. Open all day Wed, Open Friday Evenings • 4 PHONE HIT 2.9351 MAIN ST., CLINTON ee:Vr yo~x.ek-M--r*esk-rtlr-V-PigtM-V--N--V-PrfrroirM-*teW'.04-Ve:V-POI'?'.or-rzsAF" CLINTON ONT'AlltiO VARNA Mrs. Ernest Izzard, IVIontreal was a weekend visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Allastair Murray. T. 3. Stinson, who is a patient in VictOria Hospital, London, is not improving as well as his many friends would ,Wish. BROWNIE MOVIE and PROJECTOR ..... $126.09. MOVIE CAMERA .... $34.95, BROWNIE HOLIDAY FLASH SET complete $11.75 STAR FLASH Outfits $11.95 BROWNIE HAWKEYE OUTFIT, complete $17.50 PHOTO HOBBY OUTFIT- Develop & print your own films ,„ complete .03.75 Stock up now on FILM and FLASH BULBS. All Types and Sizes in' Stock CHOCOLATES by SMILES 'N' CHUCKLES 1/2 lb. 65c to 4 lbs. $5.00 Christmas Gift Wrapped We Will Gift Wrap Your Parcels Free Scotsman 2-door pix-passenger. sedan ,Agaih, Studebaker-Packard beats the field in value with Canada's lowest-priced full-sized cars! _ Studebaker Scotsman for '58 'Now you can have big car comfort at small car cost in the :Studebaker Scotsman for 1958. For here is new '58 Scotsman styling, operating economy with better than '30 miles per gallon plus the lowest depreciation factor 'in 'the industry. But low initial cost and economy in action provide only part of the answer To why today's Scotsman is Canada's .greatest automobile buy. There's complete comfort for six in its stylishly functional interior, new ease of braking and handling on city streets or highways . . . plus the extra Studebaker craftsmanship that assures lowest Upkeep while you drive-highest value when you sell. Test the '58 'Scotsman today-you'll want to drive it home tonight! OF CANADA, LIMITED Cfd+ell/l126 '67,029.6nainf./0 CO;fited ScOtsman StatiOn Wagon:- 93 cubic feet of luggage' mace inn wagon that saves you hundreds of dollars' Heater/Defroster is included, asure directional signals, spare tire and wheel, double wipers, mirror, W. H. DALRYMPLE and SON , Phone HU 2-9211 BRUCEF1ELD, ONT.