HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-12-12, Page 7'THURSDA; DZOIMBVR 12, 1957 01:iON nws.ncoaro NEWSAE(ORD NT ... FOR QUICK 111)13$ mopitme FOR 'SAE Accommodation For Rent 1.4 4 v .2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, vate entrance, self centained, im- furnished Phone HU 2-9273 after 50b „ 3 room FURNISHED ,A.PAR,T- ment, heated., •with bethroom, Phone evenings HU 2-9563, 50-b , FOUR ROOM APARTMENT, aelt- . eootained, unfureished or furnish- - ed. Phone HU 2-9682, 49-502 Articles For Sale SKIS and POLES, Also MEN'S ski beats, size 8 or 81/2, 'Phone mi 2-9554. • 50-b rural,. OIL — Stove and Furnace Oil 'delivered anywhere. A. •G, Grigg and Son, phone IltJ 43-ttb 12 GAUGE. DOUBLE BARREL .shot 'gun• for sale. Contact Albert Carter, Maple Street, Clinton. 50-p IVIO,F7AT ELECTRIC RANGE, apetment size. Apply at 7 Vic- toria Blvd., RCAF Station, Clinton. 50-P •13RitztEt Y 0 U R CHRISTMAS • Turkey right now, before you are too late. G. Vanderhaar, RR 2, Hayfield, phone HJ 2749. 50p • TWO SMALL SIZE QUAKER space heaters, in good condition, Price $25.00 each. 1VicEevaies Store, 5()-b GENEROUS TRADE-IN Allow- ance on your old TV on a Brand New 1958 RCA Television. T. A. Dutton, Brucefield, phone Clinton HU 2-3232. , • 364113 -USED VACUUM CLEANERS — reconditioned Electrolux, Electro- lux Saaes and Service, Goderich, phone Goderich 1154. 49-50-51-p ,SEVERAL, NEW PAO1BRNS in English Bone China Dinnerware, including lovely "Cornflower", See it and 'others in eur window and get our low prices for fine china. eCounter's Jewellery, 50p 'CHRISTMAS CAWS, personaliz- -ed—envelopes, too, with return ad- dress if desired. . . Take the work out of sending your greetings. See the National line, at the News - Record Office. 47tfb 'DELUXE TWIN ST AUTOMA- tic washer with soap saver and dryer, used one month, moving, sacrifice cash. $375; Call. City Service •Station„ West Street, God- eerich, 50-b MAGIC MARKERS. Will write on anything, glass, wood, paper, etc. Dry immediately. Seven different colours. Good for poster work, Signs, etc. $1.10 each, sefills, 50c. 'Clinton News -Record. 37-tfb ARTIST'S SUPPLIES, OIL Brush- es, Paints, Canvas Board, Linseed .011, Turpentine, RetouchingVarn- ish, Spray -Fix, Brush Holders, etc; ideal Christmas gifts. At Mc. Ewan's Book and Stationery Store. 45-thb avLTJSIC--FOR PIANO, ORGAN arid vocal; adult or child education in home, school or church. Former Pupils, parents and friends can contact, any time for a social call. Also would like to offer a four mink choker, NEW and Fur Coat ;almost New. Some clothing and ▪ ther household articles. Ed. Wendorf, 50-p MOTORS AND GENERATORS rewound and repaired. Brushes, capacitors, switches, bearings; small appliances repaired. • Used or reconditioned motors for sale. Art Levett, Isaac Street at Dunlop. Thane HU 2-6640. 44tfb YOUR, OLD WASHER IS WORTH money when traded on a new Thor washer. T. A-Dutton's Ap- pliance Store, )3rucefie1d. Phone Clinton HU 2-3232. 46-tfb lorrrovv**.v.**Tvvvfli Automobiles For Sale 1953 FORD 1/2 -TON PICKUP, 19,000 miles, $750, or, part pay on feeder pigs or cattle. Apply John I). Lindsay, AR 3, Clinton, phone HU 2-9197, 50-p Board and Room ACCOMMODATION FOR ONE alone or two sharing. Phone HU 2-3844 for further information, ' 50-p .....1.mammarvir....e....v***romi..morsservvorr000. Business Opportimities .‘OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. COntect L, G. Winter, Real Estate, 'High Street, Clinton, Phone Cline ton HU 24692. 13-tfb 'Wall WANTED, Continue Raw- leigh Service to Consumers in tutori County. Get into profitable 'business or your WA. lo previous experience or capital investment needed.. :For information write a,wleiglA Dept. L469-916, 4005 1/foetreal, Que. 50-b ,SertlitAsCTIVE WAY TO MAKE MONEY: Always your. itYwh boss. Sell Canada's largest arid finest lint including desameties, house- hold necessities, farm specialtie% 'etc, . ;There is a eustorter hi ee- •ery lirete. Our StteetsSfUl Sales - Trion Olen More than $75.00 a Week. Tree attildguei and details on re. liteat. M. A. Clark, Dept. 107, 1600 Delorimier, Station C. Mo *AL 50,1s RATES charge for announcements of Births, Merriages and paths Articles for sale, rent, etc,, Card Tbanits, Meineriarn, engagementa, 3c a Word, minimum 750, Box No, to this office 150 additional, Repeat in- sertions 2c e weed, tallith= 50c, C4.4H ./ISCOUNT: ,% i paid bY Settirday leaving Tast,insertion, 3jJ1th charge 100 Added each time bill is eent, Latest Time for Disertions — 12 noon Wednesday DWI 24844 s A FULL LENGTH MOUTON coat, size 16, in exeellent cendition, Phone Clinton HU 2-9913. • 49-S0b ONE LEVIE 'GREEN FORMAL, size 16, only went ,Once,,1 regular 330.50, will sell for 815.00, Oe boy's grey suit; eiee-14;shest offer. Phone ITU 2-9552. 50-b rir� F AVM MR ata, barb waltz-lerigth. One be in color and the other is white net with Yellow taffeta SUP. Both size 12: Phone HU 2-9755N 50-b CUSTOM,WORK CUSTOM CHAIN SAWING, wood or log. Apply Ray Wise, Phone HI.7 2-9821, Clinton,t 50p MASONRY WORK, All Types. Apply William Harris, phone litJ 2-9240, , . 37-tfib SEPTIC TANKS; CESS POOLS, etc., ramped and cleaned with Sanitary equipineot All 'Work guar- anteed. Estimates given without obligation. Louis Blake, RR, 2, Brussels, Phone Brussels 42r 6. 42 to 50p AUTOMATIC • SAW - Sharpening. Saws retoothed, jointed and filed for $1.25. Or just filed and set 75 cents. Automatic butcher Smite and scissor sharpener, scissors 15 cents, knives 10 cents. W. E, "Bills Jervis, Fulton Street, Clin- ton, Phone HU Z9664. 35g-tfb EMPLOYMENT WANTED HIGH SCHOOL BOY would like work after school, shorgiling snow, etc. Phone HU 2-3434. 50o Fruit For Sale APR- OS: SPY, GREEN'ING, Pee- walkie. Free delivery in town. Phone HU 2-3214. Fred McCly- mont, Varna, 47-50-p HELP WANTED NEED EXTRA CASH?. WORK spare time. We need women to sew or to addresS envelopes. $50 weekly , possible. Send stamped self-addressed envelope, Write: Box 812, Dauphin, Mane 49-50-1-b Livestock Wanted ATTENTION FARMERS: Prompt, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call collect Ed. Andrews, 851r11, Seaforth: Associated with Darling and Co. of Canada Ltd. 26-p-tfb LOST and FOUND LOST —.A, HEREFORD HEIFER, 3 years old, Western brands, lost west of Brucefield. Finder please contact Gerald Snyder, Zurich, phone Zurich 98r7. 50-1-p LOST—COLL1E, FEMALE, brown and white, in distriet of Porter's Hill, Wednesday, December 11. Finder please phone Bill Cox, HU 2-7464. 50b LOST--SaVIALL BROWN, WHITE and black therorighbred Beagle hound with number tattooed in ear, answering to the name "Nick." Finder please call HU 2-7444. • 50-1-b Miscellaneous WATCH REPAIR IS A JOB FOR experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Establish- ed Jewellery Store. 50p LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely setured—don't take chan- ces. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch- re- pairs and Pearl restringing.W. N. Counter. 50p Pet Stock A GERMAN SHEPHERD POLICE pup, 9 weeks old. Contact Gordon Jerildnee RR 1, Clinton, Phone HU 2-3290. 50-p RABBITS—Mature healthy breed- ing stock. New Zealand Whites and Flemish Giants, also young stock. Albert 'W, Shirray, RR 2, Hensll. .50-p 5 SPANIEL PUPS FOR SALE, 4 weeks old, Contact Ervin Reich- ert, William Street Clinton. 50-p FOX TERRIER PUPS for Sale. Cotitact Glee Broadfoot, 11"U 9110, 50-b ovine • Livestock For Sale 9 YORK PIGS, 8 weeks old. AP - ply to Bill Flynn, Phone HU 2- 9963, • 50-p FTOsSIN- Herefo'4 heifer, due to freshen J'arisiary 5, Contact Murray 30Y, Lorelesboree Phone Illyth 28r6. 50-p REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE is our BUSINESS. Farme, residential, coirunerelal, summer -cottages:. For depelidable and capable servicesliet your prop- erty with John 13osvelcIS Wellesley Street, .00derich, Phone 1108, Salesmen G e oge IVIeGillivray, Lucknow; J. Meeonnell, Seaforth, • 501-tfli Notice to Creditors And Others •‘• • In the ESTATE of 1sTELLIE MAUDE LADD, of the Town of Clinton, widow, deeeased. All persons having claims against the above estate are required to forward particulars duly verified to the undersigned by December 28th, 1957, after which date ,the assets of the estate Will be distri- buted. DONNELLY & DONNELLY, 18 The Square, Goderide Ontario., Solicitors for the personal repre- sentative, 49-50-51-b NOTICE_ TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF Olive Win- ifred O'Neil, late of the Toven. of Clinton in the County of Huron, Spinster, Deceased All persons having claims again- st the E'state of the above deceas- ed are recollred to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the 16th, clay ofsDecember, A.D. 1957, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the olaims of which notice shall have been giVen. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 2/th day of November, A.D. 1957. E, B. Menzies, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 48-9-50-b , NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF Thomas Carter, late of the Town. of Clin- ton in the County of Huron, Es- quire, Deceased All persons having claims against the State of the above deceased are required to 21e the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the 16th day of December, A.D. 1957, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed areonst the parties entit- led thereto, baying regard only to the claims of 'which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 21th day of November, A.D. 1961. E. B. Menzies, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 48-9-50-b NoTicE OF CHANGE OF NAME ACT TARE NOTICE that an Appli- cation will be made before His Honour, Judge Frank Fingland, or other presiding Judge at the Court' House, (3oderich, Ontario, on Fri- day, the 24th day of January, A.D. 1958, at 10 o'clock aen, by Gerald James Wilson, Clinton, Ontario, t. change his name s from Gerald James Wilson to 'Joseph Gerald Brown, • DATED at •Clinton, Ontario, this 10th day at. December, AD 1957. E. B. Menzies, Clinton Ontario, Solicitor for the Appliesint. 50-1-2-b Dr. F .M. Newland EVENING IIOURS By Appointment Tuesdays and Thursdays •7 to 9 "p.m. Beginning January 2, 1958 50-1-b aimaamiimaaaamaiiiiioaaara NOTICE' OVERNittHT PARKING ON THE STREETS OF THE TOWN OF CuNTON Is PROHIBITED FROM DECEMBER 1t 1957, TO MARCH 1, I958. • .By Order 'ol he TOWN OF CLINTON 0-h .1,11.1t BIRTHS — In Clinton Public 0spital, on 'Friday, December 6, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs, Floyd Buehler, -Zurich, la SW GRIFFITHS — In 'Stratford, on Saturday, November 21, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. George Griffiths • the Genevieve Smith) a son, LoNicoltB,LP—In St. Joseph. Hos- pital, London, on Friday, Dec- ember 6, 1957, to 1Vir. and aere, Donald Longfield, 93 Barker Street, London; a daughter, (Nancy Marie, a sister for Jan- et Lynn.) WHITE—r4 General. Hospital, Red. Deer, Alberta, to LAC and •Mrs. Geaeld, Whitaker, Red De'er, Alberta (nee Grace Handy), on 'Thursday, December 5, 1957, a son, • Richard James, a brother vAmofor Mark. Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Saturday, December 7, len to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Van - leo, Clinton, a son. • - MARRIAGES CONSITT-DOWSON --• In Varna United Church, on Saturday, De- cember 7, 1957, by the Rev. T, J. Pitt, Marjorie Catherine Jane, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Cecil DOWSon, Varna, to William Rus- sell Consitt, Zurich, son of Mrs. Eileen Consitt, Zurich, and the . late Russell Consitt. DEATHS ANDERSON—In Alexancira Mar- ine and General Hospnal, rieh, on Thursday, December 5, 1957, SVIaey Emmeline Keys, widow of the late Louis Alexand- er , Anderson, in her 90th year, Foneral front the Stiles funeral home, Goderich, ee Bayfield Cemetery, on Saturday after- noon, by the PO. A. E. Eustace. JOHNiSONe-In Clinton, on Satur- day, December 7, '1957, Etelka Agnes Johnson, 'belevecl wife of the late William L. Jehilson, in her 62nd year. Funeral from the Ball and Mittch funeral home, High. Street, ,Clinton, on Monday afternoon, to Clinton Cemetery.. • - IVIcCAUGHEY —In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday morning, December 5, 1957, Mrs. 'John Thomas McCaughey, Blyth, Re- quiem :high mass sung in St. 1Vlichae1'e Rerna.n Catholic Church Blythr on Saturday inornzng, by the Rey. J. W. P. Grahaxn. , peesevesosese,--In Clinton, on Sa:t- urday, December 7, 1957, Henry Perry Plurnstael, . in his 78th year. Funeral from the Beattie Funeral H o m e, Rat tenbury Street Ea.st, Clinton, on Monday afterneon, by Rev, G. L. Mills, and interment in Clinton Ceme- tery. .STACIOHOUSE — In Welland, on Saturday, December 7., 1957, Miss Ada Stackhotge, sister-in- law of Mrs. J. W. Stackhouse, Brucefield. Funeral from the Tasker memorial chapel, Blyth, to Blyth Union Cemetery, on Tuesday afternoon, by the Rev, A. W. Watson. 0 GODERSCH TOWNSHIP Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lobb visited with their son-in-law and daugh- ter, Mr, and Mrs. Lyle Docking, Staffa, 8n Sunday evening, w Federation Elects Gordon, Greig To hs Executive (Conetrated tom Page Qne) aer 1 HemingWay, secretary fieltimare spoke briefly, reminding his hearers that a, requeet to the Ontario Hydra ter reduction to density requirements had .gone fromthe county Federation this spring, and whether or not they could take •complete credit for the change he did not Icnow, but he did -know that another resolution from Huron County did accomp- lish What it set out to do, was a resolution passed that grain dealers must submit proof of fin" ancial stability before dealing in grain. Thais has been written into the new plan proposed for the sale of wheat, Mr. Hemingway said,. "I want you, to realize the importance of the iSiclividual termer,. the Towns ship Federations of Agriculture, the County F -of A and the Provtheial 1' .of A Also he remarked upon the re- sults Of a rneetieg of the Poultry Producers of` Ontario, which had decided to beponie an incorporated body, and so be able - to opine under Section 9 of the Farm Products Marketing Act, and be eventually • able to • finance their own erganizatien. At present the Federation of Agriculture is sup, porting them, Resolutions passed wished for the speedy recovery of T. Fryde;. -voiced appreciation of the heir) of the press, radio and television; thanks to the staff of the Ontario Department of A.griculture, and finally requested an amendment of the requirementsfor_ farm votesunder the Fat= Products Marketing Act. Jim jacielin, fieldman for • the Ontario Federation. of Agriculture, delivered a sparkling presentation of •the various aspects of the Wheat Vote, and emphasized the fact 'that they would be asked to. vote on whether or not they want- ed the authority to collectively .inarket their wheat. Douglas • H, Miles, agricultural representative for the county of Huron conducted the election Of officers, Martin Bann, Grey Town- ship farmer,spoke in appreciation of the work done by Carl Heming- way, during' his first year as secs retary-fieldrnan for Huron. • • BRUCEFIELD Duncan', Aikenhead, Seaforth, Frei* Aikenhead, Hensall; Dr, WfU Aikenhead, Toronto; and Mal- colm; Aikenhead, London, all for- merly of Brucefield, attended the funeral of their cousin, the late Wilhiam IVIeFeven, Stanley Town- ship. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of a dear hus- band and father, Joseph Webster, who passed away December 16, 1956: When evening shades are falling, And we sit in quiet alone To our hearts there comes a longing -e - If he could just come home. s 'Friends may think we have for- gotten, When at times they see es smile, But they little know the heart- ache Our smile hides all the while." —Lovingly remembered brills wife and family. 50tp For Every *. . Occasion GOLD FISH — TROPICAL FISH FISH BOWLS ACQTJARTUMS ALL FISH and BIRD SUPPLIES Canaries Guaventeed Singing Birds from Germany v 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 1 1 Bird Cages — 14 .fludgies young Birds ht A.SOrted Colours K. C. COOKEP Florist Dial HU 24012 CLINTON PAM SVITOr ROXY THEATRE Clinton Two Shows Nightly, Wide Screen NOW; Thursday, Friday :and Saturday TUN FOR A COWARD" Bullets blaze through the frontier town, but the young rancher who will not shoot ..displays the !greatest courage, tn Cinentascope and Eastnan Color, Fred McMurray Janice .Rale Jeffrey Hunter - MONDAY, !EUESDAT and WEDNESDAY "THE LITTLE Mr YehroW raising .dialogue and eituations—definitely not for the leichlies—biit great fun for their eiders., Ava Gardner , Stewart Granger , David Niven COMING; "THE TALL T" •Riehard Boone -- Randolph Scott !Maureen CARDS OF THANKS .wisti, to thank all thase who visited me, sent cards and treats while 1 was a patient in Clinton Hospital, Specal thanks to the Clinton Legion, Dr. Gorwill and the nursing staff. — BILL BISILDGE, Brucefield, 50-p Again I wish to take this op- portunity to thank my relatives and friends for the kindnesses shown me in visits, letters, cards and treats, while 1 was' a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Spec- ial thanks to Dr, Oakes sand the entire staff of the hosiptail for their untiring care and kindness bestowed one me—MRS. BERT TREWARTHA. . . 50-p We wish , to express our sincere thanks to all our friends • and neighbor e who so kindly assisted in any way during and since the fire which destroyed our barn. —MR. AND MRS. 1VIENNO.MAR- 50-b dirMii/Mmorreffoni***0•0•*mgm•vmmv./MOVv*****Mimiarfoli. Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY at 1.30 p.m. TERMS CASH J. COR,EY, Sales Manager E. W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk PARK THEATRE GODERICH Now Playing: • "GUNFIGHT AT THE 0,K, CORRAL" super -western in color with Burt Lancaster and Kirk Douglas MON, TPS., WED. GREGORY PECK Lauren Bacall and, Dolores Gray YOU will enjoy the whirlwind courtship in this comedy -yarn a- bout a fashion designer who mar- ries a brash sports writer. while on vacation in Florida. "DESIGNING WOMAN" In Cinemaseope and Metro -Color -- In Cinemascope THURS., FRI., SAT Gordon Scott and Betty St. John • Aebrand. new Tarzan provides thrills aplenty as he leads, a search through lush tropical forests, "TARZAN AND TILE, LOST SAFARI" — lit Teeludeolor Coming: "KELLY AND ME" In color with Piper Laurie and Van Johnson. A. Good Movie is stilt your - BEST Entertainment:: Everyone Reads and Uses the WANT ADS • SPORT SHIRTS Checks, Stripes, Plains or Fancies from 3.95 to 13.95 CHRISTMAS TIES Complete Selection — Gift Boxes $1.001 $1.50,„, $2.00 MEN'S SOCKS Wool, Nylon, Orlon, Vyella from $1.00 to $2.00 MEN'S GLOVES Wools, Rayons, Silks in all Colors from $12.95 to $25.00 WHITE SHIRTS— for the perfect gift See the new IRON ontArra (No Iron Broadcloth) 5.00 to 6.95 Pickett 8/ C b 11 • amp e Limited AitabiN si1110,1 STPOSON orzist Aut, DA V WED14tSIDAYS THAI CHRISTMAS