HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-12-12, Page 4Model CD 100 (Shown Aboye)
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To order, call your
Let's Compare The Weather At Clinton Goderich Township
WA. Annual
The annual meeting of the Wo-
men's Auxiliary of St., James'
Church, Middleton, was held on
Wednesday afternon, December 4,
at the home of the president, Mrs.
Fred Middleton, with 19 ladies
Mrs. Gordon Steepe read the
Scripture lesson, St, Matthew 2:
1-12, The secretary, Mrs. Gordon
Riathwell, read the minutes of the
last annual meeting and of the
November meetings Reports indi-
cated, a very successful year in
every way.
Mrs. Donald Middleton presen-
ted the treasurer's repcirt; Mrs.
Dutot gave a splendid report of
the Dorcas work. She also repor-
ted that the sale of Christmas
cards, etc. netted $32.50, Mrs,
John Grigg gave the card report
and Mrs. 0, Cole that of the Birth-
day box,
Mrs. Keith Miller favoured with
three interesting readings. The
WA will assist the wardens by vo-
ting :$31,30 to the church extens-
ion fund.
The usual honorarium was voted
to' the organists, Mrs. Bert Row-
den and Mrs. John Middleton and
to the fireman, Donald Middleton.
The president received the year's
activities and thanked alle officers
and members for their loyal sup-
port. Mrs. Middleton also thank-
ed all who held meetings in their
homes' and those who cleaned the
The rector, the Rev, E. J. B.
Harrison, congratulated the Wom-
an's Auxiliary on the past year's
work and expressed his pleasure
at so many •attending his "open
house" reception the night before.
The rector acted as chairman
and asked for +, the report of the
nominating committee, which was
presented by Mrs. S. Middleton, as
Immediate past president, Mrs.
Fred Middleton.; president, Mrs.
Robert Rowden; vice - president
Mrs., Oliver Cole; secretary, Mrs,
Keith Miller; treasurer, Mrs. Al-
vin Dutot; Do,rcas committee, Mrs.
Charles Cooper, Mrs. Deeves, Mrs.
A. Hudie;
Entertainment committee, Mrs.
Gordon Steepe, • Mrs, Ray Wise;
card convener, Mrs. Milton Steps.;
birthday box, Mrs. A. Miller; press
secretary, Mrs. S. Middlteon,
This slate of officers was accep-
ted unanimously an'd will be instal-
led at the January meeting, held
at the home of the incoming presi-
dent, Mrs. Rowden,
Mr. Marrison closed the meeting
with prayer, after which a boun-
teous lunch was served.
William MeEwen
Funeral service was conducted
on Friday afternoon, December 6,
1957, from 'the Ball and Mutch
funeral home, High • Street, Clin-
ton, for the late William McEwen,
RR 5, Stanley Township. The
Rev. J. A. McKim, Wesley-Willis
United Church was assisted by the
Rev. D. J. Lane, St. Andrew's,
Presbyterian Church and Dr. Char-
lie Mustard, Toronto,
Pall-bearers were former neigh-
bours, Jack Glen, Gordon Man-
ning, Donald,-„Glen, Stanley Jack-
son, William Stirling, George Can-
telon. Flower-bearers were Rob-
ert Glen, Raymond Cantelon,
Thomas Murphy a n d Edward
Broadfoot. Interment was in
Baird's Cemetery.
Surviving are his wife, the for-
mer Belle MacDougall; and his
brother, Rev. J. McEwen, Midland;
three sisters, Mrs. J. McFarlane,
Clinton; Mrs. R. McLaren, Hen-
sail and Mrs. W. Speare, High-
• ONE of Canada's continuing needs is more
- people. There is still room for many millions
more than we now have.
The ' best welcome we can give to those
who come to Canada from other countries is
to have here a country where there are:
1. Political freedom
2. Economic freedom
3. Incentive for the ambitious
4. A, legitimate reward for all willing
and able to work.
We,,must be able to show newcomers that
Canada is a better as well as a bigger country
than the one they came from.
(DY 'VS 1C+, iCAINgra, RCAF .St4titm Clinton),
Although. thundershowers were 'forecast - for the night of the 18th
and 19th of NOvernber for the lake Huron Region, none ,occured in
the region at that time, However lightning and thunder were respon-
sible for the destruction of property on a 'farm near Stratfordville' in able for the destruction of property on a farm near Straffordville in
the southwest part of the province on the night of the 20th of Nov-
say the least, the frequency of occurrence of thunderstorm activity for
the month of November in this region has been seven thunderstorms
from TM to 1957, with the greatest occurrence being two which oc-
curred during the month of November 1955, at Centralia,
From the information gathered it appears that the month of
November 1957 has been slightly ceoler' than, November of 1956i, but
with K. greator amount of precipitation both in the form of rain and
snow, The November 1957 rainfall exceeded the November 1956 rain-
fall by ,67" and the November 1957 snowfall exceeded the November
1956. snowfall by 4.2", The greatest snowfall for any one day during
November of 1956 was 3.5" which occurred on the 22nd, and the great-
est snowfall for- any one day during November was 7.5" which occur-
red on the 9th, 1,957.
During November of 1957 there were 23 days in which the imum temperature registered 32° or lower as compared to 24 days
for the sarne'period of 1956, Also during November of 1957 there
Were 7 days in which the maximum temperature failed to register
above 32° as compared to 8 days for the same period in 1956.
In summary we find that even though the month of November
1957 'has proven to be slightly cooler than the month of November
1.$56, the fact remains that on the average the 11 month period has
been warmer by 0.2° and also less rain arid more snow has fallen.
Comparative Climatology at RCAF
Station Clinton
Month—November 'Years--1956 and 1957
Temperatures in ,Degrees Fahrenheit
Years Average Maximum & Date Minimum & Date
1956 '85.2 68.0 1st • - 10,0 23 & 29
1957 34.8 64,0 16th 6.0 10th •
Precipitation & Total No. of Days With
Amounts Precipitation, Precipitation
'Rain Snow Rain & Snow Mixed Rain Snow
• 1956 1.79" 11" 2.89" 12 . 5
1957 2.46" 15.2 3.98" 12. 7,,
Mean Average Temperature for the First 11 Months
Hullett F. of A.
Year-end Dinner
At Londesboro
(By Percy Gibbings,,, secretary-
treasurer of the Hullett
The monthly meeting of the dir-
ectors of Mullett Township Federa-
tion' of Agriculture was 'held in the
township hall, Londesboro, last
Thursday evening, and enjoyed a
turkey supper to mark the end of
the year.' Wives of the directors
served dinner to the 30 men.
The voters list for the wheat
producers was scrutinized, and
some• adjustments were made.
Past President Lloyd Pipe spoke a
few words on the year's work and
thanked the directors for their co-
operation. • He then called upon
the new president, Lloyd Medd.
Lloyd replied in a few words, hop-
ing he would have the same co-op-
eration from the directors in the
coming year.
Winners of progressive euchre
were women, high, Mrs, Lloyd
Pipe; •low, Mrs. Arthur Hallam;
lone hands, Mrs. Archie Young;
men's high,. Everett Taylor; low,
Jack McEwan; lone hands, Everett
s 1957 43.7
Total Rainfall,for 'the First 11 Months
1956 41.74"
1957 30.91"
Total Snowfall for the First ill (Months
1956 59.1" (First snowfall of season occurred on the
19th day of Septen1ber, 1956)
1957 77.3" "(First snowfall of current season occurred
on the 26th day of October, 1957)
Total Precipitation Rain and Snow iCombined for the First
11 months. :(Note: 10" of snow equal 1" of rain)
38.64" '
Number of Days with Rainfall for the First 111 Months
1956 111
1957 96
Number of Days with Snowfall for the First 11 Months
1956 35
1957 42
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