HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-12-12, Page 3Zone:Commander!losta s icers tegio n ecember Meeting L LONDE$00110 MRS. Correspondent Phone BlYth 87r19 The Christmas meeting of the Londesboro Women's 'Institute was held in the Community. Hall, Thursday afternoon, December 5, Mrs. Stanley Lyon presided, A donation was made to the War Memorial Childress' Hospital, and Mrs. Bert Shobbrook gave her re- port :of the Area Convention, Fin- al arrangements were made reger-• ding the Kent County Federation banquet, Christmas carols were :enjoyed and Mrs. J. T. White gave the special Christmas message, Mrs. G. Carter sang a Christmas song. Letter to the Editor. • SEASON'S C.1ARVINOS, Dear Sir: ' Enclosed please find money or,, der for $3.00 to renew our sub- scription for another year. We enjoy getting your paper each week. Wishing you and your staff- a. Merry ciiristmaa and Happy New Year, Yours truly, MR. AND. MRS.. N. C, MAIIt 1.8\Brydges. Street, Stratford, Ontario, Mrs. H, Wells gave a reading and. Mrs, T; Allen played a couple of selections on the accordion, The hostesses served rerresh- rnents, also Christmas cake slid cookies. The Bible Today (illy Rev, ly, if, mow) . _ "Fines and jail sentences have', Suggested readings for the been Ineffective to a. number of • week: local .offeeders so we're going to try ' something different;" said Judge C, 0, Brennenstobl, a Mis-• $531.14 judge, as he ordered the of- fender to read the Bible .and at- tend church. One of the "regulars" was order- ed to report to the police each. morning for ten days, and while there read two chapters of the Bible under supervision. He was also ordered to attend the church of his choice Sunday morning. The judge has instituted a new policy for punishing regular offenders in police court at Trento, Mo. Even if you wear white clothing at night while walking in traffic, make sure you live by getting well away from the traffic, advises the Canadian. Highway Safety Confer- ence, Sunday Monday Exodus 20: 1-17 Matthew 22; 1540' Tuesday Romans 8:1. Wednesday 1 Corinthians la; 140 Thursday John 1-21 Friday , Matthew 1.20 Saturday Matthew 5; 27,4$ 0 • mger Sewing Machine SPECIALS Christmas Prices on PORTABLES - CABINET and USED MACHINES A LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE Phone Collect Goderich 1135 50-h -'',EIPEP.A.T,101.,1' SURVE' , T133,113$D4,kr, 3.2, 19n .pAcm7MVE QUEENSWAY 'NURSING HOME Hensah Corner of Queen and Nelson Streets VACANCIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN REASONABLE RATES Phone 222,.ifensall AXtbtir Leyburne was installed presidentas of Clinton Branch14o ofthe Canadian Legion at a goMbined electiOn and installation Meeting Nfortday evening, Less than half of the 2X2 Inen,113PriblP Was present, Installing officer was Zone Com- mander Jack Batesori, Wingliaw.. He was assisted by. Don Adams, retiring president of Wingharn Branch, who is also District Mem- bership chairman, and .John Pettis- on, •Zane secretary, also of Wing- ham, Previous to the. impressive in- stallation ceremony, an election was herd for eight members df the executive committee; 12 =embers were in the rpm-ling, Those elec- ted were; George Campbell, Laurie Colquhoun, Gordon Herman, Bob Draper, and Bill Counter, all of last year's executive, and three newcomers to Legion office, James Graham, Stewart Freeman and Vd, Porter, All other offices had been filled by acclamation at the Nov- ember meeting. Vice-presidents are, first, Cam- eron Proctor, second, Edward Dale; secretary, Robert Campbell; treasurer, K. W. Colquhoun; serg.. eant-at-arms, George Campbell; chaplain, Rev. D. J. Lane, Zone Commander Bateson re- viewed the aims and objects of the Canadian Legion for the newly- elected officers, and wished thorn. success in their • year's a delibera- tions. Prestdentieleet Leybu.rne.- thank- ed the members for the privilege of'becoming. their president, and as his first ditty presented the out- going president with a pest-presi- dent's badge. Doug replied hum- orously, especially thatiRing the secretary and treasurer for their assistance, The one commander drew Drew Fowler's name for the at- tendanoe prize, Mr. Fowler who now resides in London, was not present, making the attendance prize for January worth $20. Business included: $10 donation to the Canadian Legion Christmas Tree Fund at London; the pur- chase of a typewriter, to be avail- able to the secretary, and com- mittee _chairmen. Future .donations from Clinton Legion Branch will be $15 to Legion or veteran's or- ganizations and $1.0 to non-Legion groups, Each request to be dealt with on its merits, Treasurer K. W. Colguboun re- ported a small deficit on the short month's business. He requested all outstanding accounts be turned in, so a complete report can be made for the calendar year. Gar- net Harland and Roy Fitzsimons were appointed auditors. • The branch's poppy account has a balance of $861.93, with over $400 yet to come in from wreath and 'poppy sales in November..- Cameron Proctor,. chairMan of the hall rental committee reported that rents for the year amounted .$002„ The bingo -committee under the chairmanship of. Dick Freeman, carne in for 4PhSiderable PraiSO from the president and treasurer, Over ,$.3,000 has already been rea-, lined from bingos every 'Thursday evening, the committee hopes to make over $4,000 from this activo sty, Profits on the last two tur- key bingos have been $340. The branch's annual Christmas Party for member's children, - is being held on Sunday afternoon, Decetrilber 22, at two o'clock, K. W. Colquhoun is in charge of .ar- rangements; assisted by D. J. Thorndike. Santa Claus will be there to give gifts and treats to all children. An excellent film is being procured, 0 , Counter Check Books 15c each at the News-Record Legion Turkey Bingo EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT 15 Games for Turkeys or Cash Prizes 3 Share-the-Wealth Gaines-Special $25 Game Regular Jackpot Prize on Share-the-Wealth Games Legion Memorial Hall, Kirk Street ADMISSION: 50 CENTS 50-b 00044-04-04041ACVM-04 mop,w,,r000raPopkwo-r,,,o:Am Decorate Your Home NOTICE J. E. Longstall Optometrist Will be on Annual Holidays DECEMBER 26 to JANUARY 15 Seaforth office will be open for replacement service. ,Name Phone ' 0 • 49 50-b I ,Mara- titan ' GOLF • BALD 3' for ,$1.35 12 for. 9 'Johnson's Baby Gift Sets .,„ $1.50, $2.50, $3:75 Johnson's Gift Stocking .... . .. ......., 97c inflated Toys `,,., irom. 69e A practical girt fOr tun; car owned J. & J. AUTO KIT It's a good idea to keep a first aid kit in on auto In cose first aid is required on the rood, of-the cottage, etc. $3,50 Other First Aid, Kits from $1.6$ FROSTY SNOW' A unique decdrating material to spray on trees and windows. In aerosol "bomb" 5 oz, 89c 10-ounce tin and stencils $1.29 Your W.A. store has a complete range of {eats and wrap- ping paper. Abv "Charm-a-tot" 44' ... FOOD WARMER $1,98 Bankseralt BOTTLE wimitaunt Has automatic control to heat 'baby's milk to lust the right temperature. Element is replaceable , $3.45 Above Wormer' with Vaporizer top fotr "steam-treating" colds ..... $4&5 11 S4a/oft "Chortler Set" containing miniature sizes of • '-C riendship's Garden 'Toilet Water , Talcum, Body Sachet ibbling Both Crystals ...... .$1,S0 "Tina Set" ---- similar to above set but fea- turing Old Spice fravance .......... 3.50 "Friendship's Garcia," or 'Old Spice" .7 tilozet 610019 Toilet `Hater .,.. $1 35; Stick, Cologne ..„.$1.25 "Ultrauiatic Old Spice Bath Salts . ................................... I.. $2.00 Lipstick wing Vistauistt 60,1011 cresgretoce - "Deluxe Perfume" --a VA ounce 'flacon of Geraey No more i viol( cop perfume in on ottroctive gilt package .. $2,00 „Eau de Cologue" ---..a generous three ounces in '1'1° L‘Pst.nd, one --ccr--. e hscio...sr4.rit5, sirnulated cut gloss bottle with old s in ' so quick. ,. ;, • PERELIN1E STICRin cap -- o luxurious-kook:mg gift .............. :$2.00 Solid perurnecose. IA.140 CLOVER COLOGNE by Hudnut --:- a lour old colour g $2.S0 ounce bottle of delightful cologne in, a popular irclgronce .............................. . ..................... $1.00 COMPACIS .................... $1.50. $2.50, $3.25 ‘19 Uniting UpSelwat iv_ • In gilt juMboi1.50 el case PERFUME ATOMITERS ., $1,00, $3.00., $4.00 up ' gith 1 ." 4 41* - ' 4141111111 1 1 el It. gil I 111 b ' ' 4 141 lb ° - '4 4111111b . - - 111 I I 0 lh I . ,'41111 , • . , , , : i 811..L.F01.10S for men or wornen include such specials Os-- Zippered Morocco Lecher 1. Flotfold'Engilsit Morocco Billfold, fold--$2,50 value ...... $1.19 St1,00 value .................. $2.50 4( . "-4' ,.... 0 haves every day' I• D•As • D RUG .,S TORE eAle4V1)."-e' orn. Budget gifts, practical gifts, luxurious gifts far ladies, men and children too ; .. you'll find them all at your I.D.A. drug store! Brush Co Comb DRUGGIST Sett 98c, $1•34), $2,5t' Diaper Bcg $1.TYNNt ,1 in Mennen n (lift $2 5 Stacki r "Old Spice" far Wten After Shave Lotion ........ $1:35, S1.00 Silaying tfog ............ $1.50 Electric Shave . ........... .......... $1.25 OVIAIIPAG BRUSH Rulalserset spe60, $4,00 value brush with f Of e 1001 E.1.01•1G CASE contains 1 chrome 41n- ` Isheci. fittings in neat 'zippered carrying case, 1.15 value ........ $5.9S CLUB BRUSH anci COMB Solid lucite bock brush with nylon bristles and matching comb-41.65 value ....... 9Bc "Ni/kGSALITE" MIRR2.1. 1%:::!5.95 bristle core and bodge hair caslog ...., ..................... . $2 54 100* genuine badger hair brush ........... ..... ...Via, up Other .tubber Brush $1 p , PAISHES GOI SET Containing 9 or, size Skin BfaCer and0' , A oz. fter ShaVelalcurn 35c giant tube of Lather Shove 65c. I n a gift bcPc ..... , .... „,..., ......... $2.00 l3racer and Mier Shove Skin Talcum in gift box „, "Mta" Shove $1 Z5 F. B. PENNEBAKER The " Blue Blades-- on with card decoroted with goy elf.Iike 10 Blades 50c; 2.0 BlOcies $1,00 character. 50 Modes $2.50; AOC blades $5.00 Blue Blades -- in attractcorto Men enloy its clean Masculine scent and invigorating tingle. Coots razor PailitSRAVE ROTARY ELECTRIC SHAVER lei a he That's what nett sey when he tries it out Christmas Morn- ing. the way the the head stretches the Oa the revOlving self.shrpening acsblo cut off those Mhiskers hush w ith ilie skin is bound to please biro. , Complete With who has O Gicis greeting vivol Rat S ICE soft AQuAv'A Refreshing f\fter Shove 1.-otlort burn too! ....................... 19c, $.25 Lectric Shave makes el- te ectri"C shavingttalo $1.25 CANADA DRY by the case now! HUnter 2.6626 An ideal gift for anyone in the family - lust the thing for recording Christmas-day activities indoors or out - BROWNIE HOLIDAY FLASH OUTFIT (Illustrated below) 'Includes Brownie Holiday 'Flash Camera, Kocialite Flasholder; six M2 flash- bulbs, two batteries, two rolls of film and 16-page instruction book. $12.25 (Outfit with 1 film $11.75) .We can also supply you with other flash outfits at $11.95, $17,50 and up, or with other Kodak still or movie cameras Call in to see our complete' display,, ownersrheg would ift camera mer choose for themselves! SYLVANIA BU The FLASHBULBS shuLiBbSs with the Blue Dots for Sure Shots. 12 bulb cartons M2 $1.68 Press 25 $2.04 A gift that can be useful right on Christmas day! r. NORTH-RITE BALL POINT PENS useful gift to put in stockings of "schOol- agers" NORTH. RITE' "Canadian" Retract- able ball point pen. Two-tone colours. Cadbury's ° MILK TRAY CHOCOLATES A delirious assortment of teletted centres, creams, nuts, cruncf,es .'and caramels - generously, coated with the. famous Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate, Half pound box One pound box 80c $1.50 Rules for the Great Christmas Decoration Contest 1, All entries to be judged according to originality and attractiveness from the street. 2, All decorations to be definitely of a Christmas nature. 3, Decorations must' be ready for judging by 12 noon Saturday, December 21 at 6 p..m. 4. Any resident of the Town of Clinton is eligible to enter the contest. e. 5. Decisions of judges are final. 6, All intending contestants must use the entry form, and leave with Miss Dinnin, at News-Record Office, not later than December 16, 7, Last year's first' prize winner not eligible to win first prize money, but will be allowed second place if judged first, Entry Form Please enter my home in the CHRISTMAS HOME DECORATION CONTEST Sponsored by THE CLINTON THE CLINTON HORTICULTURAL CHAMBER OF SOCIETY COMMERCE Street v•,,,vr•rrrIr ............ 1,11 ..... ............. ........ v .. ,141.411".11v1111 ively de- r Blades Other Gillette Razor Kits .,.. $5.00, $6.00 GO1 e. ered, loather cos e• ba b y gouty M*S A tempting, „delicious :assortment ,.of cashews, pecans, filberts and almonds in an CittradiVe Christmas-decorated plastic Container. 7 ounce ?Sc 14 ounce $1.75 We have a full range of cigars, pipe and cigar- ette tobaccos and cigar- ettes - ideal for gifts. Macdonald's "EXPORT" "Canada's finest Cigarette" A fine "extra" gift to put under the tree or in stockings, 20's 25's 50's 33c 41c 82c The famous Dr. Plumb Pipes Top quality French briar 49c ors $3.50 MATCHING 0,411fr - PEN und BATHROOM SCALES PIPES A cool, sweet- smoking filter pipe in bent, bulldog or standard shapes. Always dry! Always clean! PO- T Choose EXPORT "A" Filter Tips for the ladies. BRIER PIPE TOBACCO 1/2 pound tin $1.45 "Map*" STORM LIGHTER Sturdy, dependable, Tri\ neat-looking Guaranteed to be satisfactory. A good gift for cigarette, cigar or pipe smokers. . likekainie "Borg""Regal" 98c (MOM Ve 4 4Ata CANDIES for stocking or table We also have a fine selection of fresh boked chocolates by such famous makers as Neilson's, Stnifeen Chuckles, Moirs, Rowotrees, etc, for gifts or for your buffet. A rifrioa 44.1r WATERMAN'S PENS or SETS Neyouyie Cartridge-tiled Pent i3.95 up e/F Pert and Liquid Pencil SION $5.90 up