HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-12-12, Page 2A,OV 11.7o F4PEI.ATION :SURVEY - WBISI?AY, l -�CEMBER 1.2, 1957 . 1 Clinton News -Record • THE GL1NT()11 NEW ERA • T.HE CLINTON N aWs-R17co w Amalgamated 1924 Published Every Thursday at ciinton, Ontario, at the Heart of Huron County, Ropto tion-* smog El r Q A. Laurie Colguhte m, PublUshei 1, O !a SUBSCRIPTION RAWS: l'•aYable in advance—Canada and Great Britain; ; $3,00 'a United States and Foreign $4.00; Single Copies Seven Cents Authorized as second class 0142, Post Office Departenent, Ottawa year; THURSDAY, DECMrER 12, 1957 RECREATION EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS TIG CITIZENS o't Clinton, and along With them, the councillors who actually make the decisions, will very soon have to realize that they have a responsibility in the field of re- creation. Never has our town, as a municipality, done anything directly to assist the "business" 'of re- creations :Small grants, given to serviceclubs, have been the • total contribution so far. We can foresee the time in the very near, future, 'when the heed for actual participation in the recreation'tprogrann of the town must be- come the job of the municipality itself. Reorea- tion is becoming a big business. We are fortunate in Olinton, from a tax- payer's point of -view, to have the Clinton Lions Club, with their smoothly run arena. Through- out the winter months, the arena fills a need, and the 'youth and oldsters of the town benefit. Of recent years therehas been an annual grant to the Lions Club, given on xegtiest, and gen- eraily with quite a bit of hesitancy on the part of the town council. GOD S GOD MUST speak to men. Despite the Barriers of language and dialect which separate 'nation from nation, tribe from tribe, God must speak to men! This conviction has long inspired the British and Foreign Bible Society in its stupendous task —to translate God's Word into' every tongue; to' place the Bible in every land. , In 1,109 tongues God has now .Spoken to men through inspired Scripture. In marble .dt ler ~e' This is understandable, when it is realized that the council .has no policy' With regard to recreation,, While other towns are spending two to five thousand dollars each year for the purpose of supporting all sorts of activities, our town council sits back and "lets George do it", George in this case, being anybody public spirited enough to make the attempt. In the last meeting of council, we witnessed; an attempt by two councillors to 'discredit the }fork of the one hoard in town which has any- thing at all to do with recreation --the .'arks Board, And we were .discouraged entirely, to see it happen. The town has only one park, and, it has a lovely setting, With a bit more money, the, directors of the board could continue to improve the landscaping, and the facilities there. If the money they are entitled 'to, is threatened, then of ,course nothing can be done at the park and it will be of limited use. We must waken up in Clinton to the need for a -recreational program tailored to suit the requirements of our town. There can be no more evadii'ig of the problem, PEAKS cathedrals and mud huts the same timeless truths are teed, heard, taught and discussed in wards men know. And millions of Bibles, Testa- ments and Portions 'of Scripture are being placed in eager hands. This is our triumph and our continuing challenge -the countless Christians who indi- vidually and through -air churches make possible the work of the British and Foreign Bible So- ciety. • , 0 CHRISTMAS TREES SCOTCH PINE and BALSAM Come and select your tree under cover tat . ELLIOTT'S (behind Clinton Arena) Here's the low-down for BUSY SANTA CLAUS: R. r U fl * there's art easy way Of beating that lastninute twit for Christmas presents.eartd it leads straight to the l3 of M branch in your neighborhood. 11, From. r E ▪ 40 Years go. • Clinton New Era TJ>'ursday, Deoeixi,ber la, 19X7' The .Riltie Silver Hand, along with' the reception committee and a big crowd .of •citizens met the Stratford train Friday night when Pte., Al. Doherty, son of lVfr, and Mrs. W, D, Doherty, returned from overseas, R. G. Taylor, Auburn, sold a pig last week weighing 680 pounds, which brought him $99.60, call from the congregation of Brucefield, in favour of , Rev. W'. D. McIntosh, Nairn, promised a stipend of $1,200 per. annum, with manse and four weeks :holidays. Margarine made its. bow in town this week, so remember what You don't know won't hurt you. Christmas advertising, plus cold weather, and no Coal until Wednes- day, delayed the printing of the New Era past the usual tune•, The library will be closed three days a week, owing to shortage .of fuel, Eastern Star Is Holding Their Christmas Draw The Clinton Chapter, No, 266, Order of the Eastern Star, is hold- ing a turkey draw on Saturday, December 28, in Newcombe's Drug Store, at three 'o'clock. All mem- bers are asked to please leave all stubs and money at Newcombe's by December 13. Proceeds of this draw are to go toward an oxygen tent for the Clinton Public Hos- pital. Where there's a BofM there's a way! .., 5 ho�i2 t�ouh /aka Alloppiiiphot4Ar If you are a busy Santa Claus with a long list to take care of, be sure to in- elude a visit to "MY BANK" on your shopping tour. Here you will find a num- ber of gift -ideas that are guaranteed to give special cheer, to everyone on your "what do -they -need?" list, tetropk... Youngsters rank high on .. anyone's...list and there's an extra, special gift that's bound to make a hit — a Savings Account, complete with passbook designed to appeal to the small fry. And wait 'til you see the gay yuletide passbook cover — just right for the occasion. 444 of ; e'' Per the head -to -choose -for, festively -decorated cheques that come in Cbristreassy `f envelopes and folders pro - 'vide a shortcut to your shopping problems, For out- -af-towners, who like to buy , for themselves, practical 13 of M money orders' enclosed• in holly decked envelopes cart save you needless worry and guesswork. And •i} you are art etttployer, you cart give your staff bonus a yuletide lift by using special I3 of M Christmas cheques. 1ANK of Mor TUAL. Mated Otatitift VVVLL1AM IVIOULOK, Minager lfCk t! K i NI otitl esborougb (SuI..Agency) t Open Mon. Si Thins, WI*H GANADtAN'4 IN t: VERY WALK IIANRV Ess ot:V • tee ;t II e Itis arty Files 11 25 Years Ago Clinton News,Record Thursday, December 1.0, 1932 ,Clinton .eame fifth in the cigar- ette wrapper contest, which has been running for some tune. This means the Legion will have 75 Christmas ,gifts, valued at 32 each to distribute arnong needy child- ren at Christmas tune, . J, J Allen, formerly of Clinton, has been elected mayor of Ottawa for the third time. l lr .Aden was• formerly 1VIess X. Jackson,. altieseli Jervis has been appoin- ted manager of a branch of the Pletch hatchery of Stratford. The branch is in E . Charlesworth's Feed Store, next door to the Clip - ton News -Record. In the "Gay Nineties" column it. was noted that the Good Pas Committee of County :Council was" concerned with 107 bridges within the county, Sutter -Perdue and Walker were offering a 1933 radio at $69.40. Well, here's the second instal-, Ment on deer : hunting. What's that? You thought it was finish- ed? Your're hot interested in deer hunting? Don't be ridiculous. That's the first tin•:e in a couple of years that I've been farther away than the next' township, and yo'u're going to hear all about It. I have enough deer hunting mater- ial to keep this column going un- til spring. k d: * * We. went deer hunting by boat. I don't mean that We shot • only those deer which were in 'swim- ming, but we made the boat our camp, sleeping on board: We were a mixed bag; one farmer, one hair- dresser, on car salesman; one well driller, one editor, and our ubiqui- ous skipper, guide, pancake maker and whopper -teller, John. .' a * * By the time the hunt was aver, the farmer was completely spoiled, as he'd been sleeping in until 6 a.m, The hairdresser was so Whis- kered and dishevelled youcouldn't tell: whether you were talking to the back of his head or the front. The car salesman would have sold you a perfectly good rifle, with which he'd missed, three dear, for 8 cents. The well driller was ready to crawl into a drill hole and pull it in after him. The editor was the acknowledged authority on Nov- ember swims, following several dunkings.ee , It was an interesting hunt; "right from the first. On the way over, those little waves with the cute white taps on them, that we'd seen from the shore, turned out to be higher than the boat. There is something slightly unnerving about seeing a solid wall of cold water corning at you, slowly at first, then eagerly, like the tongue of a great, grey monster, uncoiling to flick you over for a look, before sucking you into its maw. * * * First night at the, island, we had company, three lost .hunters from an aircraft parked in the next bay. After four hours of tramping a- bout in the; darkness, they climbed aboard, soaked, exhausted and near shock, with the joy of pil- grims reaching Mecca. We were glad to have them, but they put quite a hole in our cough syrup before bedding down on the deck, 4 When one of our boys got,up to light the fire, early in the morn- ing, he was somewhat mystified to find himself standing in half an inch of water. It seems some- body had left the seacocks open, or something, the bilge had approx- imately 1000 gallons of water in it, and we were sitting on the bottom. It's a good thing the bottom was not too far from the top at diet location, or our guests would have been floating. L :h 'l Two hours of chain -gang bailing and pumping put us afloat again, As the .buckets and saucepans pas- sed up and down the line, I ven- tured a mild witticism; "This neer hunting sure is ,fen." It didn't go over at all. * v: ,k 4, Next day another silly thing took place. Chap in the next boat. shot a buck, with a nice spread of ant- lers. He wasupa tree, trying to hang .the. deer, A branch broke and down he went, impaling him- self, •through the rump,' on a need- le-like point of the antlers. It went in about three inches, • A stubborn type, he hauled himself off the prong, finished banging the deer, stuffed some torn -off under- wear into the hole, and tottered two miles back, blazing the trail with good, red blood, He made it, lay in his bunk for five days until healed, and went hunting again, limping like a 90 -year-old, but quite proud o!; his peculiar pierc- ing. There's scarcely any need to tell you what his nickname was by, that time, * a * * A' few days later, one of our dogs was shot by a hunter in a- nother party, by accident, He was nursed like a baby for several days (in fact, the horned hunter from the next boat claimed in- dignantly that the .dog got far more .sympathy than he did), but it was no good, as he'd been crip- pled. * :s * 4' A few more incidents like these and some of us would have been frogging it back to the mainland, without benefit of boat, Fortun- ately, the more 'timid souls were deterred from such a step by the fact that there was a 50 -mile -an - hour gale blowing continuously. When you stuck your head out at one end of the boar, it was com- mon practice to have a man sta- tioned at the other end, to catch it in case it was blown off. - * :k 4' :6 Of course, we. were a pretty rug- ged crew. I remember one day in the bush, when I encountered two other stalwart hunters at a cross- ing of trails. One was barking like a seal, Theother was wheez- ing like a winded whale. I had the earache. We started exchanging remedies and comparing notes. A- mong inong the three of us, we had: nerve tonic pills, cough drops, tranquillizers, 222.'s, seasick pills, laxative pills, sleeping pills and stomach powders. It sounded like a meeting of the Over -Ninety Club. x: 4' s+ a: We had a fairly thrilling, trip home, nosing across a shoal on which the big seas were breaking, at four o'clock on a black morn- ing. It was nice to get back to good old civilization, though, and find the whole family in bed with the 'flu, the furnace on the hum- mer, the linotype operator depart- ed, a pile of bills up to my waist and the phone ringing irritatedly. Just 4 reminder that there is but a few days left before Christmas 'to order that SPECIAL TURKEY for, your C RIS' MAS • DINNER. Don't leave it until the last minute. To get the size and quality you wants order now. There is a shortage of fresh killed turkeys in the smaller weights, Insist on a fresh killed turkey for your Christmas. Orders will be filled in the sire taken. '4414RA $ STANLEY'S order they Red and White Supermarket Phone.11 24447 reitlArAMAM044044AMAPAig9E 10 *Years Aga Clinton News4Record, Thursday! December 1L. 19¢7 Ralph G, Foster,. a farmer school teacher, has been appointed by the •Clinton Public School Board, as its representative on the Clinton Collegiate Institute Board. Donald Miller, former reeve of 'teen town, is now Mayor of the• organization, Thomas Churchill received the trophy from. the Huron Fish an. Caine Club for catching the long- est bass during 1947. It measur- ed 18i4 inches, and was caught t e'Maitland •i. h N.[a Hand r vex Dr. H. A, McIntyre has been :chosen president of the Clinton Branch 140, Canadian Legion. Tuckerrmith Township passed, the necessary by»law to authorize erection of street Tights in the vile lage of Brumfield. Business aqui. Profess ,onoi Directory ... DENTISTRY DR. N W. HAYNES Dentist ,cross From Royal Bank X"nene HU, 2-9571 29; tfb INVESTMENTS Get The Facts Call VIC DfNN1N Phone 168 -- Zurich , Investors Mutual Managed and Distributed by Investors Syndicate of Canada, Ltd. OPTOMETRY • G. B. CLANCY Optometrist — Optician (successor tothe late A. L. Cole, optometrist) For appointment phone 33, Goderich J. E. LONGSTAFF Hours: Seaterth: Daily except Monday & Wednesday -9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m, Wednesday, 9 a.m, to 12.30 p.m. Thursday evening by appointment only. Clinton: Above Hawkins Hard- ware—Mondays only -9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m, Phone Hunter 2-7010 Clinton PHONE 791 SEAFORTH PUBLIC •ACCOUNTANT ROY N. BENTLEY Public Accountant GODEREcH, Ontario Telephone 1011 Box 478 45-17-b RONALD G. McCANN Public Accountant Office and Residence Rattenbury Street East Phone HU 2-9677 CLINTON, ONTARIO REAL ESTATE • - LEONARD G. WINTER Real Estate and Business Broker High Street -- Clinton Phone HU 2-6692 INSURANCE Insure the "Ce -op" Way AT,ITOMOBiritX:: and HOME IENSIUNA.W04 District *Presentative I"• A,. "PETE" 1t07L P.O. Box 810, Clinton'Ontario Phone Collect: nv 2-4357 354 b J. R. (EDDIE) DALE District Representative The .Confederation Life Assurangi Company Phone Clinton HU 2-9405 14-rtfh H. C. LAWSON Bank of Montreal Building Clinton PHONES: Office HU 2-9644, Res., HU 2-9787 Insurance -- Real Estate Agent: Mutual Life Assurance Co. Be Sure • ; Be Insured W. CoLQUHQUN GENFRf.ALINSURANC'! Representative Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Office: Royal BB, ink Building PHO Office HU 2.9747—Res. 2-7556 • J. E. HOWARD, Hayfield Phone Bayfield 63r2 • Ontario Automobile Association Car - Fire - Accident Wind Insurance If you need Insurance, I have a Policy THE McKILLOI' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Head Office: Seaforth Officers • 1956: President, W. S. Alexander, Walton; vice-president, Robert Archibald, Seaforth; sec- retary -treasurer and manager, M A, Reid, Seaforth. ' Directors: 'John IL McEwing; Robert Archibald; Chris. Leon- hardt, Bornholm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; Wm. S. Alexander, Wal- ton; J. L. Malone, Seaforth; Har- vey Fuller, Goderich; J. E. Pepper, Brucefield; Alister Broadfoot, Sea - forth. • Agents: Wm. Leiper Jr., Londes- boro; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Eric Munroe, Seaforth. SeIIing Out Continues Until Christmas Eve ELFCTR.OHOME RADIO, 3 -SPEED RECORD PLAYER Reg. rice - 1 Price -432.85 SEABREEZE 3 -SPEED RECORD PLAYER with Built -In Amplifier Reg. Price J/2 Price -417.50 $34.95 DORMEYER DEEP FRYER. Reg, Price '/ $29:95 Price-- $1t99 PORTABLE AIR. CONDITIONER Reg. Price $64.50 ,... SAMSON DOMINION ELECTRIC FRY PAN Reg. Price t/2 Price ----$11.49 $22,95 .,.,, CANADIAN BEAUTY HOT PLATE 2 -Burner, 5 -Heat Reg. Price t/2Price--$ 4.49 $$,95 DANBY IIOT PLATE, 2 -Burner Price 1/2 Price -1$ 2.75 STANDARD 1000w HEATER Reg. Price/'rCe 4.99 $5.95.,,,, . PORTABLE CLOVES DRYER Reg. Price 1 e i 6Y7.5V /2 Price -$84.75 Merrili Radio and EIectri "OE WISE —BUY FROM A SERVICE DEALER" HUntev 2-761 1/2 Priee—S32.25 CLINTON