Clinton News-Record, 1957-12-05, Page 7771,17. V.IVRSDAT, PECKER $ 957 CLAN NEWS•aI corcD PAGE SEVTEN° NEWSNRE TORT' ANT FOR QUICK RESULTS RATES e No Charge for announcements of Births, Marriages and "Deaths Articles for Sale, went, etc., Card of Thanks, .in Memoriam, engagements, 80 a word, minimum 75c. Box No, to this office 15c additional, Repeat in- sertions 2e a word, minimum 50c, CASH DISCOUNT: ?/a if paid by Saturday fol- lowing last insertion. Billing charge of lac added each time bill is sent, Latest Time ior Insertions — 12 ,noon Wednesday Dial HU 2-3844 Accommodation For Rent l'UNEORNISiiD APARTMENT--- rPriYate entrance, Phone Clinton :1:U 2-3337. v 49-50b 'FOUR ROOM APARTMENT, Self - .contained, unfurnished 'or furnish- eed. Phone HU 2-9682. 49-59-p 'MODERN EOM -ROOM APART- -anent with •bath, Unfurnished, ;Phone HU .2-9049. W. N, Counter.. 49p Articles For Sale 'WILLIS UPRIGHT PIANO, 40 in- aches high. George B. Clarke, Sea- (forth, Ort., phone 84. 49b -DEESS'ED DUCKS' -,• 50c ger :1b. rot live ducks -40c per lb. Phone :Blyth 39 r 11. 49:p ',TWO BURNER Canadian Beauty :Deluxe Electric Rangette, in good *condition. Phgne HU 2-3294. 49p ' ELECIIIt;LC LIONEL TRAIN with track, in good condition. Price: :$2Q. Phone HU 2-9524.after 5 p.rn. 49b EUEt, OIL Stove 'and `Furnace Oil delivered anywhere, A. G. -.Grigg Ind -Son, phone HU. 2-941X1. 43 -tib -EASY WASHING CHINE -with ;pump. •Zest two years old. Good ,condition..:Ken'Tyndail, phone HU ' :2-7460. 49-50b. ' GENEROUS TRADE-IN Allow - ranee on . your old TV on a Brand :'New 1958 RCA Television. T. A. ;Dutton, Brucefield, phone Clinton :HU 2-3232. 36-tth USED VACUUM CLEANERS '--- reconditioned Electrolux. Electro - !lux Sales and Service, Goderich, ;phone- Goderich 1154 '49-'50-51-b YOUR ORDERS NOW for 'the :fallowing china -patterns: Spode, 'Royal Albert, Royal Doul- ton and Wedgewood. ANSTETT EVVE!URY, Clinton. Phone HU .'9525. 49b MAGIC MARKERS. Will write on , anything, bass, wood, paper; etc. Dry rrnmediately. Seven different • colours. Good for poster work, (signs, etc. $1,10 each, refills, 50c. eCiinton News -Record. 37-tfb -YOUR OLD WASHER IS WORTH ..money when traded - of a new 'Thor washer, T. A. Dutton's Ap- ..pliance Store, Brucefield. Phone :°Clinton HU 2-3232. 46-tfb `"STUDIOGIRL" COSMETLCS. Learn the "Secret , of the Stars." 'Made in Glendale; .Hollywood, Cal- ifornia. Guaranteed results. Mrs. Roy Mann, Phone HU 2-9552 for home demonstration. Free draw on $1,000 mink coat. 48-9-p ARTIST'S SUPPLIES, OIL Brush - .es, Paints, Canvas Board, Linseed 'Oil, Turpentine, Retouching Varn- ish, Spray -Fix, Brush Holders, etc; 'ideal Christmas` gifts. At Mc- *Ewan's Book and Stationery Store. 45-tfb "MUSKRAT COAT, Size 16; Vanity table, double mirror, lady's grey 'English wool gabardine suit, size 14; various gifts by Beauty Coun- sellor, will give personal attention to each customer. Phone HU 2- '9967. . 49b 'CHRISTUVIAS CARDS, persbnaliz- red—envelopes, too, with return ad-. -dress if desired... Take the work •out of sending your greetings. See the National line, at the News - :Record Office. 47tfb ,SEVERAL NEW PATTERNS in English Bone China Dinnerware, :including lovely "Cornflower". See :it and others in our window and get our low prices for fine china. Counter's Jewellery, 49-p "TWO STORM WINDOWS, 36 by A 67 inches, well painted and puttied, never exposed to the -weather, used under veranda. 48-9-b 'MOTORS AND GENERATORS rewound and repaired. Brushes, •capacitors, switches, bearings; -small appliances repaired. Used ear reconditioned motors for sale, ,Art Levett, Isaac Street at Dunlop, .Phone HU 2-6640. 44ttb Articles Wanted ONE SMALL DOTAL CARRIAGE in, good condition. Phone ,HIT 2-98486,, 9b '. iiWO WHEELED SIDEWALK Bicycle, in good condition, reason- able. Phone HU 2-9235. 49b CHAIN SAW, 18" to 24", in good condition. Write to Box 491, Clin- ton, News-4tet ori. 49b Board and Room AYCCOMOtl?'ATION FOR T W 0 alone or three sharing. Private atone and private entrances Phone HU 2-709a. 48-9-b ROOM AND BREAKFAST FOR tvvo girls sharing,Central loca- tion Phone HU 2-6622 be ween 5,30 and 7 pre. 4 -9-p CLOTHING FOR SALE A FULL LEN'GTI-i 'MOt7TOI' coat, size 16, in excellent condition, Phone Clinton HU 2-9913, 49-50b Business Opportunities OWN YOUR OWN BUSIN1aS$,. Contact L. G. Winter, Meal Estate, High Street, Clinton, Phone Clin- ton HU 2-6692. 13-0b GET ' I1 -HE FACTS. Let us show you how we have helped others to become financially independent selling Rawieigh Products. Good locality now available in Huron County, Write R'awleigb's. Dept. L-169.911, 4005 Richelieu, Mon- treal; 'Que, 49-b MtANV MORE MONEY THAN you thought possible. Sell to your friends and others, in a protected territory, our guaranteed necessit- ies including toilet preparations, faun specialties, large assertrnent of gift boxes, cosmetics, Selling Experience unnecessary, Big com- mission and the chance of estab- lishing a business of your own. Write for free details and Data logue to: M. T. Gardner Dept,' 106, 1600 Delorimier, Station C, Mon- treal. 49-b CUSTOM WORK MASONRY WORK, All Types. William am Harris, phone HU 2-9240. 37-tflb CUSTOM CHAIN SAWING, wood or Tog..Appy Ray Wise; Clinton, Phone HU .2-9321. 49-b SEPTIC TANKS, CESS POOLS, etc,, pumped and cleaned with Sanitary equipment, All work .guar- anteed. Estimates given without obligation. Louis Blake, RR 2, Brussels. Phone Brussels 42r 6. 42 to 50p AUTOMATIC SAW Sharpening. Saws tetoothed, jointed and filed for .$1.255. Or just filed and set 75 cents, Automatic butcher knife and scissor -sharpener,cissors 15 cents, knives 10 cents W. E. "Bill" Jervis, Fulton Street, Clin- ton: Phone HU 2.9664, 35p-tfb FARM ,PRODUCE FOR SALE QUANTITY OF TABLE TURN- ips, 50e a bushel. Locatedsecond farm south of RCAF houses, Frank Falconer, HU 2-9128, 49-p Fruit For Sale APPLES: SPY, GREENING, Pee- walkie. " Free delivery in . town. Phone HU 2-3214. Fred McCly- mont, Varna. 47-50-p HELP WANTED's, HOUSEKEEPER COMPANION for single woman. Comfortable home, references. P.O. Box 395, Clinton,, 49-b NEED EXTRA. CASH?. WORI• spare time. We need women to sew or to address envelopes. 350 weekly possible. Send stamped self-addressed envelope. Write: Box 812, Dauphin, Man. 49-50-1-b HELP WANTED ---FEMALE NEED EXTRA MONEY? We need women to sew by hand or machine, ready -cut baby shoes, sparetime or fulitime at home! Also men or women to address envelopes and prepare letters for mailing, Simple, easy, profitable homework. For information sent stamped addressed envelope to: Sheppard Agencies 693 AB Cord- ova St. Winnipeg, Man. 49-b Livestock For Sale 12 PIGS, 8 WEEKS OLD. Phone HU 2.9879. 49-b 2 HERF.FO'1bD HEIFER CALVES, one week old. Phone HU 2-9275. 49-p 5 HOLSTEIN COWS, DUE IN December and January. 100 per cent guarantee. Also 220 Red x Rock Pullets, five months, Phone HU 2:9206. . 49-p Livestock Wanted ATTENTION FARMERS! Prompt,, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Cali collect Ed. Andrews, 851r11, Seaforth. Associated with Darling and Co. of. Canada Ltd, 26- -tfb Miscellaneous GIRL WISHES TO SHARE'. RIDE to Montreal, leaving December 26, Reply to Colinton News -Record. Box 492, 49-b WATCH REPAIR IS A JOB FOR experts Our work assures your satisfaction, Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Establish- ed Jewellery Store, 49p LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Dianiond rings renewed and Stones safely secured -dont take chai1- ccs. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction, Watch re- peirS and Pearl restringing. W. N, Counter. 49-A' Poultry For Sale 14 '11111,KEYS FOR, SALE be- tween 20 and 25 pounds. Would. like to sell by December 141 Phone Wilfred GIazier HIT 2-9279, 49-h 150 RT-tOt E ISLAND Ittr, PUL - lets, starting to lay. Priced for quick sale, Arnold Lomb, phbne Carlow 184-10. 49-p Pet Stock TERRIER R1E1R.. PUPTPY FOR SALE, Nine weeks bad., Phone HU 2-9758. ' 49-13 PURE-BRED BOXER, PUPS, tan with kvhite markings, five weeks old, Phone Clinton HU 2-9179, 49-p STOVES FOR SALE WHITE ENAMEL COOK STOVE with oven, in excellent condition. Phone HU 2.-9879. 49b Notice to Creditors And Others In the ESTATE of NELLIE MAUDE LADD, of the Town of Clinton, widow, deceased. All :persons having claims against the above estate are required to forward particitlars duly 'verified to theundersigned by December 28th, 1957, after which date the assets of the estate will be distri- buted. DONNELLY •& DONNELLY, 18 The Square, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitors for the personal repre- sentative. 49-50-51-b NOTICE TO CREDITORS, IN' THE ESTATE OF Olive Win- ifred' O'Neil, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Spinster, Deceased All persons having claims again- st the Estate of the above deceas- ed are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the 1.6th day of December, A.D. 1957, after which date the assets wild be distributed amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given, DATED • at Clinton, Ontario, this 27th day of November, A.D. 1957. E. B. Menzies, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. .... 48-9-50-b • NOTICE TO CREdITORS IN' THE ESTATE OF Thomas Carter, late of the Town of Clin- ton in the County of Huron, Es- quire, Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate; on or before the 16th day of December, A.D. 1957, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed amonst the parties entit- led thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been gven. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 27th day of November; A.D. 1957. E. B. Menzies, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 48-9-50-b 0 Counter Check Books 15e each at the News -Record i-•-•-.-.•+-e-.-4-mow+-•-s-s-r.-+44-•-s-•- derf�11 WDA L,, tO GtVe. ti 1 WonderTUI limtl Nimornowe tO Geld ®,,,,,re rid. ;,,j, • • SinithCorona PORTABLE TYPEWRITER For Christmas... the world's fast- As Low est pertablo with the touch and As $1 Per action of an of- fice typewriter. WeekComb in soon for . yout detmonstra- tion of the Smith - Corona portable. Clinton News- Record. 2-3844 BIRTHS DRAPERe--In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Monday, Deeenmber 2, 1957, to LAC and Mrs. Janes Draper, Clinton, a daughter, GILE T In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Monday, December 2, 1957, to Corporal Leslie and Mrs. Gilett, Clinton, a ,daughter, Yvonne Marie, GRAM --fin Welland Hospital, Welland, on Monday, November 4, 1957, to Mr, and Mrs, Patrick Graham, a son (John, William. Mahaffy, grandson for the Rev, and Mrs, John Graham, Port Burwell, formerly. of Bayfield.) I iURST--In Qliatgn Public•Hospi- .Sunday, December 1, The November meeting of the . tal, on' 1957, to LAC and Mrs. Colin London Road Club was held at Hurst, Clinton, a daghter, the home of Mrs. Norman Man- MAYMAN• In Victoria " Hospital; ning. Roll call was answered by London, on Thursday, November each member giving a current ° 28, 1957, to Sgt: and Mrs, Joseph event,. Mrs, Bennett had charge Mayman, a son (Jeffrey Mac- of the' mystery box, which was Millen), a grandson for Mr. andwon by Mrs. Norman Manning. Mrs. R, L. MacMillen, Bayfield. Mrs. Jim Nott had the ,program,. M0OREr—In Clinton Public Hos-. during which all members took pital, on Saturday,. November 30, part in a game of bingo•. A thank 1957, to, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas . you card from Mr. and Mrs. Don - Moore, RR 4, Goderich, a son, aid Cooper was read, thanking Stephen Paui.the club for a wedding present SHEPHERD — In Clinton Public which had been given them. Hospital, on Saturday, Novem- Delicious' lunch was served by ber 30, 1957, to Mr, and Mrs. Mrs. Garnet Harland and. Mrs. John Shepherd, RR 1, Londes- Hy Plumsteel assisted by Mrs. boro, a daughter, Manning. • The December meeting will be MARRIAGES held at the home of Mrs, Bruce Cann- on December 19, and there GRE7,DAINUS-ZYiLSTRA In the will' be a pot luck supper. Mrs. Christian Reformed Church, Hy Plurnsteel and Mrs. Bruce Clinton, on Tuesday, November Cann will have charge .of ' the 26, 1957, by the Rev.. G J. program. Hoytema, Theresa Zylstra, Clin- ton, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. John, Zylstra, Bergurn, Holland, to Tjerk Greidanus, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Greidanus, Lon- desboro. IOO!F Notes . The Annual Christians Party for Odd. Fellows and Rebek.ahs and . their litisbantis and wives will be held in the Lodge Room on Tuesday evening,. December 10, at 8 o'clock, Cards will be played, lunch served and a visit from Santa Claus will' highlight the evening, Each one is asked to bring a gift to help this ,lolly fellow in his task. A good attendance enjoyed the egitnual fowl dinner of Clinton Lodge' LO.O, '. No. 83, The din- ner was served by the lunch com- mittee comprising. of Harold Tyn, dill, Benson Sutter, John Sangster Toni O'Connell and Jam Cox with. Bob" Irwin officiating as carver, Grace was asked by the chatlain, Charles Nelson, ,Noble Grand' Bert Rowden was In charge of the }meeting which. followed. E:m- phaSis was laid on the addition to the LO,O.F. Home in Barrie for which each member is being asked to donate one dollar, London Road Club November Meeting DEATHS .HALE In Clinton, on Monday, December 2, 1957, Robert Mark Hale, beloved son of the late Charles _and Vivien Hale, in his 46th year. Funeral from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, High Street, Clinton; on Wednesday, December 4, to Clinton Ceme- tery, McEEWEN—In London, on Wednes- day, December 4, 1957, William McEwen, beloved husband of Belle McDougall, in his 79th year. Funeral from the Ball and Mitch funeral home, High St.; Clinton, to Baird's Cemetery, on Friday afternoon, December 6, commencing at 2 o'clock. ,'— { CARDS OF THANKS We would like to thank our friends and neighbours for their many kindnesses, and special thanks to the nurses and staff. of Clinton Hospital, Dr. Oakes, spec- ial nurses Mrs. Haddy and Mrs. Elliott, the Rev. 3, A. McKim, Ball and. Mutch funeral home and all those who assisted following the death of a dear wife and mother. —MR. WILLIAM HOY and Fam- ily. '49p Mr. and Mrs. George Bailey and George Hunter, wish to thank their friends.' and neighbors for their, help andkindness, during their redent sickness, 49-p Huron Debaters Defeat Middlesex Enter Next Set By a narrow margin Huron County Junior Farmers' debating team defeated Middlesex Junior Fanners in a contest held last week in two sections, one at Clin- ton and the other at London. In Clinton Huron's negative team of George Ribey, RR 6, God- erich, and Murray Gaunt, RR 1, Lucknow was defeated, while en affirmative team of Larry Wheat- ley, RR 1, Dublin, and Lawrence Nesbitt, RR 3, Blyth, won in Lon- don, The Huron team was declared the winner of the round however, on points earned, and ' will move onto compete with an other coun- ty sometime before December 15. The provincial championship will be decided in March. The motion for debate was. "That the modern farmer is losing his independence." BR'UCEFIELD FARMER IN PHOENIX, ARIZONA Mac LeBeau, Brucefield, is the guest of the J. L Case Company in Phoenix, Arizona, along with m2re than 3,500 present and pros- pective Case dealers taking part in a month-long premiere of the 1960 line of tractors and machinery. ROXY THEATRE (Piton Two Shows Nigbfy' Wide Screen NOW.: 'Thursday) Friday and Saturday "TAMMY AND THE BACHELOR" Tammy, any unspoiled child' of the bays country, nurses a crashed airman back to health, winning all hearts in the pro- cess, Cinemascope and Technicolor. Debbie Reynolds -- Leslie Nielsen M- Walter Brennan MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY 44 THE BUSTER KEATON S • "" � N TOR l The rise and fall and, •rise again gf one of the world's great conmios, In Vistavision, Donald O'Connor -- Rhonda Fleming -- Ann, Blyth COMING: "GUN FOR A COWARD"' Fred 11aeMurray -- Janice Ruler,. tTeffrey Hunter AUCTION SALE Auction Sale of CHOICE H04 - STEIN COWS and HEIFERS at Lot 14, •Concession 2, Stanley Twp, 11A miles west of Brueefield, on ' TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10 • at 1.30 p.m. 45 Dead of Holstein cows and heifers, fresh and close; springers, some due in December and Jan, Number of registered cows; ten open Holstein heifers; number of young calves, 'Cattle are vaccinated, Sale will be held under cover. Terms—Cash D'ARCY RATHWELL, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer 491) BIG TRADE-IN VALUES NOW! New Luxurious RCA VICTOR Console Television Model 21TC286 "The Gordon" SLIM STYLING combine with top performance in sound and picture. Available in Walnut, Mahogany & Fumed Oak finishes. At GALBRAITH'S RADIO and TV Phone tLUp 2=3841 PARK THEATRE GODER.1CH NOW; . JOE DAKOTA" A, technieolor Western with Luana Pattens Sat, Matinee: Episode No. 2 "THE LOST PLANET", MON:,, TUES., WED, December 9-10-11 Jeff Chandler -- Jeanne Crain and Jack Carson A. compelling and suspense -packed, melodrama concerns a criminal lawyer who is involved in a bribery charge. "The TATTERED DRESS" -- Yn Ciuemascope — THURS., FRT,, SAT December 12-18-14 "GUNFIGJIT at the O.K. CORRAL" —In Vistavision - Technicolor -- One of the West's most famous gun battles .isrecreated in this ex- ceptional story of Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday. Burt Lancaster -- Rhonda Fleming and Kirk Douglas COMING: Our, Christmas Special! "KELLY and ME" with Piper Laurie t_ Clinton Community Farmers • AUCTION. SATES EVERY FRIDAY at 1.30 Lim. TERMS CASH J. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELLIOTTAuctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk F r Every Occasion GOLD FISH —• TROPICAL FISH FISH BOWLS -- ACQUARTUMS ALL FISH and BIRD SUPPLIES Canaries Guaranteed Singing Birds from Germany — Bird Cages -- Budgies Young Birds to Assorted Colours Itm C. COOKE Florist Dim HU1 24012 .* CLINTON Y CHECK THESE OFF YOUR LIST: • SKIRTS ' • SWEATERS • SOCKS • TIES A PYJAMAS • DRESSING GOWNS — JEWELLERY i HATS JACKETS — Etc. IIIRON CHEATER by ARROW No -Iron Broadcloth — White Only $5.95 and $6.95 r . r+ Open Wednesday Afternoons Until Christmas Pickett & Campbell Limited A[GR4W 9if�t.T� STETSON OATS OPEN rRinAiY' EVENINGS