HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-01-04, Page 2‘•Tore,ERatorotthlr.4A lorry uhriltzu A low To4r to all Ail t at municipal matters Katitat oincera. IN I I If . are the chief,topic t uversation, and an -.the Bu cis likely -become' soinewitat inionotononeabefore t e contest is ,omer it may not b zni ts suggest **tow matters in which the ratep ere inifsdit escertain the views of those w o solicit their buff. rage. amongst u ny that might be oianoed. 1 beg to moot on a few incidentally, J.Che time has come hen a new town ball is absolutely necessa y, Theo there is the .question of street ighting, How and when is it to be do e Again there is the Xmas Goods! Having just received a large shipment of FA,NOY. GOODS, question of having he mill poud cleaned out, The public health demands some THE action in this mat r nest year. Again. Wingharn is entitle to a high sokool and must have one be f we can offer the , strongest induceme te to strangers to come . amongst us. Ever candidate who solicits the support of rate ayers ought to have intelligen views on these sub- jects. Municipal 'facers would be none the worse for und rgoing what is called • "heckling" in Seal nd. We want to select men with eons& gra, -some energy and eu use judgment in sel is not absolutely DEC man because he re favor to you or so bygone days, Le stand on their ow -ought to be: who . efficient service to • for intruding .80 14 i suitable for the Holiday Trade, in all LATEST - NOVELTIES, 'We will oiler some Is ig Bargains —IN--- uprlic, Let voters DRESS and MANTLE GOODS, a pubquestions, thig their men. It ssary to vote for a SILKS SATINS,FLUSHES pred soroe personal P fi distant relative in) SEALETTS, FURS, municipal candidates{ •merits. Tim guestion4 GLOVES HOSIERY, will render -tbe quose, town,? Apologising ush on your space, • Sours, •00sessyss." B RN. Ttiourson—At Tocaw ter, on the 9th inst., the --wife of Mr. W. R. Tboni son ; a daughter lams-sr—In Turnbe ry, on the 24th inst., the ,wite of Mr. Adam McBir ey •, daughter. Evsalirr—At Whitech rcb, on the 18th inst., the -.wife of Mr. James Eyeret ; son, Goderich town hip, on the 8th net., the wife of Mr. B. Yeo; du Otter. • MAR XED. drolacitscet—licGman — A tho residence .51 tthe bride,s brother, Wingha , on tile lOaliinsL,Ay the .Rev, H. hicquarrie, Mr. las Jackson, of Brussels,eo Miss Sarah bleGuire,-of Ingham. Gansx—Masxzes—A eeswater, on the 10th inst.,. :by the Rev. W. W. 5. ding, !dr. James Green, to „Mrs. Caroline Manners both of Culross. bloCtor —WArans— n flowick, on the 12th inst., by the Rev. T. A. right, Mr, John MeCloy, of Mornine,ton, to MISS .orah Waters', of Howick. GERRY—hTZWART t Brussels on the Mitit inst., "by the Rev, M. Swan . Mr, Noble F. Gerry, to Mies Jennie, only daughte of W. P. Stewart, Esq., of .113russeIs. Evails—marAE—At iocardine, on the 19th inst., by the Rev- .1, L. blur ay. Mr. Richard Evane, to .31i55 Mary Alcoa, eldes daughter of Mrs. McLure. .Coatt5s—blanrix—A Lacknow, on the 12th inst„ ,by the Rev 18. H. . .aw, Mr. Joseph Collins, of ,tifurori Township, to les Elizabeth Martin. • • MoDosami—Monm os—At Lucknow, by the Rev. rc, " lir. McKay.Mi'. J hu McDonald, to Miss Annie .,Morrison. troth of weren't°. Witsorr—Wassus rt Stanley, on the I2th inst.. by *the Rev. J. W. Hodgt '0, Mr. John Wilson, to Miss. Etta May IVeekes, hot 01 StaStily, . B551corr—blaBlueS-1 Grab:what Township, by the :the Rev. Dr. Ure, Mr, `dward John Elliott, to MUM ,bittry Marion. BlaltbEY—WrtnnisoN At Goderich, on the 19th :inst., by the Rev. Ge. Richardson, bir. John Burt Brayley, ef blontreal, o Miss Ida V. Wilkinson. • GEAST—A$RIN rey, on the 19th inst., by the R5y. W. T. Cluff, b i. John Grant, to Miss Bello .Askin, both of Grey. to, • Dtcasox—On Wedne ay oi last weelc, Arch. ,Dickson, postmaster, of oderioh, 5155o51ter a bed 31Iness, in his 40th year. Warmaintert—At Blyt , on thod8th inst., Margaret • ' Ann, youngest daughte of Mr. Adaili Wettlaufer, Hawron—At Exeter, on the 52th inst., John Ilar- ..aged 6 months. Jon, aged 85 years and grtranr —At Strutter , on the 14th inst., Jennie, ,‘ „1„swife of J. Russell St rt, principal of Stratford ..Publie Schools, aged 26 ars. 'Roes—At Benton, on he 16th inst., Sarah Boss, 4.tged 81 years. Commt—in Ooderich on the 16th inst., George Led 56wears a 2 months. ED, V•TINGRAM MARKETS. 'Corrected ty T. Deans, Produce Dealer. WINGUAM, Dec. 27, Flour per 800 lbs, • , $ 2 40 to • '5'5.11 Wheat per bushel, • 118 to -12ring ' 98 to - 82 to ilarley,A - . • 48 to Peas, . • 58 to lotatos, - • 40 to 4.pples per bag, 40 to 'Rutter per lb., . 16 to Stnrs per dozen, • •. 18 to Dressed Hogs, . - . 6 50 to Wood per cord,: ..,,. - • I so to __.-41.0..sttel.-:-;• - . - 50 00 to A. F :4KENZIE. DB. Honor graduate Toronto tet New fork Polyclinic. Office over store of Gordon Josariuxs Sr. • • Silk lian.dkerchiefs. e °awl anil •11'...- IS E1 LI2I4LrsrDIztzvaerr:o 07D THE SEASON'S SENSATION, o BOOKS, STATIONERY, TOYS, CARDS, FANcy, Goons, 0 NOTIONS, EVERYTHING 1 EVERYTHING 1 ! S* ORIGINAL, SO NOVEL, $O NEW, SO COMPLETE, SO CHEAP, " SO GAY{ To all who read this advertisement .—Come and see our low beatitiful geode. You can certainly find what you want, your money will procure mere itan anywhere else. logir Beay-male Cletihil Tie In endless variety, to select from. Gents' Furnishings well assorted. VARIETY LARGE 1N Beets and Dees, Slippers, Over- • shoes ad Rubbers. CARPETS AND LACE CURTAINS, priced anei and ()pular "}eobAoro ROg OF CHRISTMAS GOODS, COMPRISING : CARDS', TOYS, GAMES, FANCY GOODS, BOOKS, BOOKLETS, ETC., ETC., IN WINGHAM. A CALL SOLICITED BEFORE BITYllsiG. GEO SON, Away Down to make room for Spring Goods„ [" MASON BLOOK,"] Woenesr, • ONTARIO* Grocery Department full of Pure . and Fresh Goods.. :—UNDE RTAKING ItEr Good Value all through for the Holiday Trade. Jiar Call and get advantage -of •s. guess at the Beans. Yours Respectfully, • 0 •, • 1 = 0 0 1•11011111.1•11 University. Attendant & McIntyre. • Witionim. DO I SEE BHT? 132 oABINETS $2 =az -mist cI� E,4 0 Iftr-D )"7: I.... • 1\TOT M. A LI, Aecounirg AND t(4itllS DU B(JCHANAN ..a. BROS: mina be paid ijo the and rsigned on -0rbefore Jan, 1st, '39. If no they wUJ be placed irt Nutt for epilection. M. B. McINDOO. THE CHEAPEST f f 1 JOHN 4UcIIIANAN. g.00,000 TO LOAN. `Otararrn and Town Property at -s try Lowest Rates lend on Tomas to suit borrowers. MORTGAGES pGRoHAsao. 840 oOmmunisloN CHARGED. bOrrewers ocan obtain money in 6 days if title Satisfactory, R. VAhTSTONE, ileaVer Block, Wingham. 0 I M A S 0 NS.. The Ann 1i4eing )TEKI1 WOR I PROIOOR- TIONALLY LOW. • EltrEct 'PICTUREs OtrAtArittn svtior =vitt 1st Meal Kill Opened. The undersigned !desire to inform /arm- ro and the pooplevaorally that they have opened their let Med 111111111 46 HOY Vint pared to purchase dhtte in • unlimited quantities and at the flgbsst blarktt Price. 1.1.hity *ill supply customer% with the Egan OnAbEit 111 Oat Meal. IiLDER & CLEGG) I'VZZICEr-Z.A5a4, CZWV • ---or T515— !Pante Cheese a d Butter. Factory Co, Will be Id in the FORESTERS' ALL.1 B ..UEVALE, THURSDAY, A. d, 1889J AT OCE, P. , - for the election of Dir tors and he transaction of spy other business 8.8 may bo rought before themeeting. By Order. 33Inerate, POO. iSt11, 18 FARM OR SALE. HN RGtSS, fieeretary. MHZ 80118012113E18 OPPERS VOR SALE TM FARM; being S. Lot Si, 14th Cori., Eaet W. wanosh,tompriaing 100 acres, More Or JOSS, 5.(Ifout 85 IT;o:t4iVeTiftavrebia &n T.1 aisogood orchard, meetly winter fruit also about 7 aeras fall whoat Fannie well feneed and omit miles front Wingham and iinitieafronovattoehnech, The farm will bo sold on ressonnblo toms, rot further particulate apply to the proprietor on fhb womb" or 00 Whitechurch P. 0, THOMAtil COOK, Pot Sale. Twelve Acres of Land adloininK the Corporation of Winghain, In Tnrnberty, tree el stones and ettitspit and well fenced, shade trees and a hover faningsprieg. Apply to A, 110114 Oeen'i tlotafi 1101•••• Z LLI LTSZO_ To SUIT ALL TASTES AND AT 0 L41r4,4t... 11117141N114 tiV t"-,'• Having added a Delivery Waggon to this branch of the business orders will (if necessary) be delivered anywhere within 10 miles •of Wingham. This will no doubt oftentimes save a goodleal of trouble, especially c where parties may not have suitable cohkelranco, of their own. Alt necessaries for FUNERAL FURNISHINGk Ilkreit41.Es, GLOVES, ETC, kept and delivered with orders. SI. 8. GRACEY, Undertaker. .1GOLDSMITR8' HALL Is the place where all can be supplied with Watches, Clocks, aVvrellery, Silverwave and Spectacles Of the BEST QUALITY and at the LOWEST PRICES. Having just returned from the Wholesale Markets, where 1 have bought a •very heavy stock of above articles for Spot Cash, I am in a position to ofter them to ray Customers and the Public generally at cecxc nomiiroivx PRicms. Call and see my Fine Assorted Stock of Ladies' and Cents' Gold Watches, Ladies' and Gents' Gold Chains, the finest and cheapest lot of Ladies' Bitooh, es, Earrings, Cuti-buttons, &c., in the Town. have the finest and largest stock of Gold Rings ever kept in /ngbant, consisting of Plain Rings, Stone Set Rings, Diamond Rings and Start Pins. In Watch Movements I have there in stook from all the leading manlike...4 turers of the Milted States The Elgin, Waltham> HarriPa90, Illinois, Rockford, Columbus and Aurora 'Watches. I have also a very large stook of Clocks, from upwards. If you want 0, Christmas or New Years present, VANSTONE'S \igrwhore you,can get it either in gold or silver at Rock Bottom Priceg. As have bought for soot cash, that is just the reason that I can offer goods so cheap. Call end inspect Ing stook. °1 ao 611 kinds of repairing in watches, clocks, jewellery, , at reasonable prices and all warranted. Thanking my numerous customers for the very liberal patronage bestowid on me`since coming to Wingharn, and solieiting a continuance of the same, ,I remain, yours truly, MISS NELLO MeHARDY. OLA8SlSrrCTICON PZN° AD Organ, noEeGture and ulo Minn Items tut Brims Brecht. * Pioneer Hardware Store, STONE BLOCK. Tho Leading Cross Cot Saws AMERICAN A -HEAD OF ANY, AMERICAN RACER LANCE SMITErs LEA.DER. HEST LINES 01101MING JIXES, CATTLE CHAINS, All at. BOTTOM PRICES, VIIIA VALUE Th staman BELLS. » IL 171111111111 , rt StrOOESSOlt TO IL PAM 4/16 414140 iig woo' itir laegasniber thO stand s Sext dor to the Post °Aka,