HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-11-28, Page 11OWN1TON . DOM • • 1, Dublin; usse o Oil ri III III 11111111111111 111111111110111i 1111111111111111111111111111111 Ill III IMO HARRY WILLIAMS A USER ALWAYS RECOMMENDS' OUR. OIL, MOST GLADLY, TO HIS FRIENDS ifs IZE40, HARRY WILLIAMS FUELOIL GASOLIt4(4 moioRolL, iz 'LUBRICANTS ,2,00110Nletain a ilpHiliftiimilomItiolimil0 III III 0111111111 2-6633 E SE -.44-re-+-4)-±e-eeefe•-•-•-•-•-ieeese-4-•-• 1 'Hiketites My Jiro Aforiaghan) - Ttegtillar !classes -at UDCI have been naterrUpted by ChriStinae.'eX- i 'aMinatone, which are now in pro- WeSS. Clintaxing reVerish review. class and at home, roost. ente wrote their first eXamina- tiOne On: Wednesday afternoon, and b$t„ thie time are taking a breath 'between • Grade :nine students, -who rare f4O1Pg nighschOol examinations for the first time, should, now be well laequainted With. this -aspect,"Tues, Are You Ready For Winter Driving? CAN YOU SEE AND STOP SAFELY? REMEMBER, ACCIDENTS DON'T, JUST HAPPEN! COME IN TODAY FOR A SAFETY CHECK urphy Bros. Chrysler — Plymouth — Fargo Sales and Service . Huron St; Clinton HE WILL BE PLEASED WHEN HE GETS A GIFT HE CAN WEAR . . . FROM SANTA CLAUS aisAtiklot,444t.+2.14-44:44-0844-t1-44-1.-Ati44,14-4.04,448:-.-8-0i =BBB, 28, 1957 Cowop.Medical Services Mar Tenth Anniversary in Huron RIPPEN _GUN' CLUB ANNUAL TI JIM TID DT (By our Bengali .correspondent) The annual Christmas turkey shoot -will be held at Kippers, on December 1, at 1 p.m, sharp, spon- sored by Kipper), 'Gun Club. 50, le yard target and 25 handicap, Other events if time permitting! 25. i>lrd International, Miss and ()tit!, Pickles in the Paper. All turkeys choice and oven -dressed,. . 6- 23 17,11k,e1,,14.1,1.%.1.1,14.01.1*1.1.1,1;1;1010.1.1:1:1•1 ^1.1:747.V.:15, , eitt'e'ee's!'ee" At the 10th annual meeting of members of the Huron Co-oiler, ative Medical Services held in the agricultural office board rooms,. last Tuesday night, reports Show,' ed that net earnings for the past year were $1,.05.6,9, This Conie• pares with net earnings ef14,709- for the Previous year. The services this year have ser- ved 1.1,344. earnpared with 20,904 in the previous year.. There are POW 190 groups enrolled in- 4,164 contracts, -Close- to 1,500 are coy- eyed by the new surgical plan in- troduced three years ago. Claims. totalled .$6,700, ineluding $1,200 for surgical. purposes and $5;500 medical needs, Retiring directors re-elected to the 12-man board were Mrs. 0,. G. Anderson, Winghatn; Kenneth Johns, -Weeclharn;Wiener J, For- bes, Clinton; and Foram Clark, Goderieb,. - The meeting voted to ratify a change of. $20 to .'apply on the first claim ea eh year of ail persons $0 years of age to become effective et the first of the new year. Paul _Meehan, Toronto, fieldrean r ,h Co-operative Medical Ser, Gifts for MEN Automatic Screw Driver Combination Square Hunting Knife Plane Tackle Box Tool Box Hand Saw Electric Shaver day will maric the end or examin- ations for another four months, much to the relief of weary stud, eats. ••,•• ,^11 VARNA The Library Board met at the parsonage on Monday evening last. ,Cenenuttee rta pureltase new books was appointed, 'The Lib-. 'nary bee books to suit old and' YOting, So why' notjoin the 'Library and enjoy a winter's 'reading?. The Quarterly Official Board of the Varna Charge will meet in Goshen United Church on Monday, Deeeneber . 2, Mr.e: Lloyd Taylor, Exeter; .Gordon• Kirlfland, Lucknow; B er tram KlePp, Zurich; Gorden Richardson, Brucefiehl, The Holmesville United Church basement was crowded by mem- bers and friends of the Federation, at their annual banquet, on Tues- day night, to enjoy the products of the farm. The program. was interspersed with fine entertain- ment by Mrs. Cox and. Miss Yea, Douglas.MeNeil, president of the County organization, brought gree- tings from the county federation and pointed out the important part played by the township in draf- ting resolutions for consideration. OW the O.F.A. and their presenta- tion to government, I-le also point- ed oit the value the presentation of opinion: to' the International Federation of Agriculture bye, one strong organization such ass, we have in the Canadian Federation of Agriculture, Reports were given from the re- presentative of Cream Producers, the Ladies Committee, the Poultry Producers, Beef Producers and Hog Producers. The treasurer reported the fin- ancial encouragement given to members of the 4-H clubs to com- plete their projects, also that there is -a good balance to begin the coming year. The County Fieldman announ- ced a general meeting of the Poul- try Producers to be held in the King. Edward Hotel, .Toronto, on December 10, at 10 a.m. Election of officers conducted by Doug McNeil, resulted as fol- lows; president, Frank Yea; past president, Everett McElwain; fir- gt vice-president, Mervin Labh; School Section; Directors, William Longmire, James McMillan, Ed- ward Grigg, Jack Tebbutt, Ray Cox, William Porter, Fraser Ster- ling, Reginald Miller, George Pot- ter. Hog Producers representative, Alf. Warner; Beef Producers rep- resentative, Richard P or t e r; Cream Producers representative, Wilfred Penfound; Lady Director, Mrs. Frank Yeo. . PARR LINE • - (By our ifensall correspondent) Parr Line, Farm Forum met at the home .of Mr. .and Mrs, Keith Love with a good •attendance. This Was review night. After listening to the radio broadcast on "Nation- al Farm Policy" the forum came to the conclusion that the govern- ment should do everything possi- ble to raise the farmers price on all farm products; The farmer shoud get 60 percent ofthe consum- er's dollar; they saw no need for these sudden fluctuating' markets; they would like to see higher level of support prices on all farm pro- ducts; would like more marketing ,baards and better farm credit. We would like to •have a credit and interest rate system similar to the VIA. Euchre concluded a very pleas- ant evening, winners, Mrs. Eldon Jarrott, Mrs. Gordon Len; Gordon Coleman, John Soldan, Lunch was served, The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ross Love. o * SS 4 FORUIVI (By Mrs. I. Merrill) The SS No. 4 Goderich. Town- ship Farm Forum met this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lobb, with an attendance of 14 adults and two children. This: was Fourth Night Series, and the radio discussion was giv- en by the 'Han. Harkness, federal minister of agriculture, who dis- cussed the topics for November, and the manner in which they had Win 0 BY PURCHASING A TICKET ON CLINTON LIONS CLUB GREY CUP PRIZE The Annubl EaSP,Nest Grey Cup 'Football Game for the Canadian -Professional ToOthall Championship Will be Oloyed on Saturday, 'Nov. 30 $1.00 Per Ticket : LIMITED:'NLIMOEWOF TICKETS-BEING SOLD ',Entire Proceeds (Less Prize) Going Towards Clinton Community Welfare Work Ticketc:Availcible' from ''Members ;la the Lions Club and ,:at Many Business Places in Clinton DANCING EVERY _FRIDAY NIGHT .ERNIE,KING and his CKNX Kingsmen "Featuring 'Earl Heywood 'Community centre, Seaforth Friday, Noveniber 29 :Banding 10 pain. to 1 a.m. ADMISSION: 75 Cents Auspices Sea,forth Athletic Association Ideas for the Ladies on Your List— Chop-o-iilatie NEW FOOD CHOPPER Just Tap It! Stainless Steel - - Rotating Blades . •YOU'VE SEEN IT ON TV Easy to Use — Easy to Clean 4-4-.4-11-4-44-4-414-40-40-64-114-e-e-e- Gifts for WOMEN Conch' Thermometer Carving Set Clock Electric Hair Dryer. Kitchen Stool Pinking Shears Pressure Saucepan Teapots Gifts for GIRLS Dish Sets Portable Radio Record Player Roller Skates Gifts for BOYS Coaster Wagon Flashlight Football Air Rifle 4+14-40-4-4,4÷4-<,+÷+4444-4444-.444-6-044144-4-44-4-416 ►44.44-44-•‘ C unter Cheek Books 15c each Clinton News4tecord Office Arthur Bolton, assistant :agri- cultural: representative; expressed the appreciation of thp, Depart, ment for the support given by the. !Federation to the 4-1-I Clubs, and introduced the guest speaker, George Gear, • agricultural repre- sentative from E.rtice County, Mr. Gear meinteined. that the family farm can compete withlir. ge corporations otherwise it would have diSappear4d long ago, Agri- culture, is passing through a period . of "industrial revolution" and far- ming will continue to provide a satisfactory income to those who can and are willing to adapt their efforts to it. 'He showed that farmers must exploit the advantages of their particular loCation. ..They must do the- beSt with what they have where they are, V raSer Sterling expressed the appreciation of those present to the guest speaker with a few well chosen words. o • • RCAF Bowlers Retain Standing (By Mrs. Helen M. Mullen) Friday night scheduled'game had to be played on Sunday, November 17, due to a Station Dance held in the Recreation Centre. However, the change in schedule did not af- fect the team standing for the WAIF Bowling League. Prizes, for the week were award- ed to Mrs,, J. Fyvie, high triple', 632; Mrs. M. Sutton, high single, 267; and those earning praise for scores of 200 and over are Mrs. L. Mady, 256; Mrs. K. Banville, •246; Mrs. B. baking, 244; Mrs. B. For- tiler, 242; Mrs. A. 'Nickerson, 234; Mrs, K. Gardneau, 231; Mrs. U. Mathews, 230; Mrs. M. Brown, 228; Mrs, S. McKinnon, 224; Mrs. T. Clark, 223 Mrs. P. Cameron, 223; 1Virs. J. Silbbert, 220; Mrs. R. Roots, 220; Mrs. P. Elson, 213; Mrs, T. Hatch, 210; Mrs. C. Sweeney, 207. • For someone Chemist and Druggist "PHONE HU. 2-9511 — W. C. Newcombe, Phm. B. MOTHERS! SAVE ON BABY PANTS Playtex Plastikool TRANSPARENT Small to Extra Large — Reg, 98c SPECIAL 2 for 99c rEacE. CLINTON been answered by the Forum mem- bers, He s-aid, now that he had taken part in a Farm Forum broadcast, he would have even more interest in the work of the Forums. For recreation the members played "50D" and lunch wag, ser- ved by the hostess, Tickets were distributed to those who will at- tend the Farm Forum banquet in Blyth on November 27. The meet- ing next week will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Lobb. * .1. FRIENDLY FEW (By our Constance correspondent) The Friendly Few Farm Forum met at -the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley, with a good atten- dance. The review, topics over the radio were given and' there was no discussion. Progressive euchre was played and the prizes went to: high, Mr. and Mrs. William Jewitt; low, Mr. and. Mrs. Ross McGregor. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson invited the for- um to their home next Monday night. LIVE WIRES The Live Wire Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Bert Shobbrook with 21. adults and two children present, The host con- ducted the business part of the meeting, and the Forum decided on a Christmas party. The hostess served lunch and cards were play- ed, The next meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Hewett. 1 FORSYTH NO-IRON WHITE SHIRTS Ail Sizes 141/2 to 171/2 GIFT $5.95I $7.50 ktit:,44-1K+4,444~,-,844444:-:4444,-4,44.4.144,444.44,t CHOOSE FROM OUR COMPLETE SELECTION OF: Sportshirts • Sweaters • Jackets Men's Jewellery Hosiery • Ties USE OUR: LAYAWAY PLAN! Shop Now! 'Only 29 Shopping Days Township ,of A. Enj6ys inner at Hohnoville County Fattr. Forms Seilitig Out Safe Continues All Light Fixtures D • In Stock 1/2 rice ALL ITEMS MUST GO ON ALL APPLIANCES PLAYTEX WATERPROOFED Silk Panty ' Washes and Dries in Seconds Reg. 1,29 — SPECIAL, SALE 99c Special Savings PUSSY RICH CREAM for dry skin, Reg. 2.75 for 1.50 PUSSY WIND and WEATHER H IND LOTION— Reg. 2.50 for 1.50 Reg, 1.25 for .75 JERGENS HAND LOTION with DISPENSER Only • 1.25 DESERT FLOWER BODY LOTION & COLOGNE—reg. 1.85 for 1.25 "ON CAMERA" Bright New Fashion Shades Lipsticks Max Factor' 1.00 & 1.50 See Our Display A Small Deposit Will Hold Any Camera 'Till .Christmas. Price; $5.90 and. up Christmas Cards Boxed, 50 cards 98c Boxed, 50 Cards ..... 1.98 Religious Cards, boxed 1.50 Single Personal Cards 50 to $1 Our Christmas Gifts Are Now on Display Choose yours now while Selections: are Best COSMETIC, SETS SHAVING SETS COLOGNES PERFUMES BATH NEEDS ELECTRIC RAZORS PLAYING CARDS SODA SIPHON Bottles BRIDGE SETS PENS and Pencil Sets Merrill Radio and Electric "BE WISE-,t—BUY FROM A SERVICE DEALER" Htiode 2-7021 CLINTON 4.44#4,44.4.44,044W440.0Nnin44444~4, Herman's Men's Wear Phone HU 2-V351 Clinton, Ontario (OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS) eiee-44-41-0-444-s-0-4-4-••+e SUTTER.PERDUE LTD. `"Your PRIGIDAIRt Dealer" Phone HU 14023 Clinton, Ont.