HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-11-28, Page 6••• it' • .... . PAM SIX CLINTON Nvohwt,vconti THURSDAY, NOMIBER 28, 195-t Personals M. and Mrs, Albert I„,eibed, BR,2, Clinton, and Mrs, Thomas Leppington, visited Mrs. Andy Roberts, Sarnia, Tuesday past. Mr. and Mrs, ',IatR Perdue :and, family were .Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Perdue, Hig- on Road Anne Marie Taterczynski, Lon- don, Visited over the weekend with her grandparents, Mr. . and Mrs. 'William Perdue, Miss Shirley' Stater, Preston, Spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John ter.• Beecher !Streets attended the .Rugby Gane in Hamilton on Sat- urcla.y, when the Hamilton Tiger Cats defeated the Montreal Allow. ettes. HOSPITAL AUXILIARY TO MEET ON DECEMBER 2 The .regular monthly meeting of the Clinton Hospital Auxiliary will be held Monday, December 2 at 2.30. p.rn,„ at the Nurses' Residen- ce. At January 1, .1957, Canada's teel furnaces had a rated ingot capaCity of 504,000 net tons per annum, an increase of 5L6 percent over five years earlier, Friendship Club Annual Bazaar Good Attendance Sparkling Christmas decprations; provided the setting for the Frieralship, An/Mal .Christ - Tries Tea And 134Zaar, held in -St, Paid'S Parish gall, with the, Rev. s, Infer efficating .at the opeD- Ing, Guests were received. by IVfrs, C. S Inder and .the president, Mrs. B. B. Bellinger, Mrs, M. T. Elliott, Mrs, H. BOUM, Mrs, M, Counter and Mrs, I., McKinnon poured tea. The tea tables convened by Mrs. R, B, Campbell were.gally decora- ted with tiny ClulatinaS • trees.. Thoseassisting were IVIIss. E.. :Hal, Mrs. W. N. Counter, Mrs., C. Dix on, 1Virs. T. Twyford, Mrs, L, Arn- sten, Mrs, A, -Crozier, Mrs, R. Thoropson, Mrs, Gi Elliott and Mrs.. M. Retheld, Other conveners. and •helper Were: aprons, Miss F, Seheerdials, Mrs,' Hart, Mrs. M. Duckworth and Mrs. G. Herman; :dolls and novelties, Mrs. Vi liabgood; Mrs. C. Wilson, Mrs, Agnes Dale and Mrs. R, Praper; shnt-in-table, Mrs. H. Thompson„ Mrs.M. Clark and Mrs, .JW. Counter; J. A. Booth, Mrs. R. Cudinore and Mrs, E, SWitzer; kitehen, Mrs, W,‘Becle Mrs, M. Moriock, Mrs, W. Bux- ton, Mrs. B. White, Mrs, M. Mc- Adam and Mrs, A, Leyburne, Men's' & Ladies' —a gift that will be . cherished for years. •••••*`:= UTILITY CASES WRITING CASES . —a gift that is remembered. (gold lettered free) SOCKS - GLOVES - BELTS - SWEATERS Etc..-- Practical, Seasonal Gifts j AIKEN'S ONTWO UNITED...CHURCH: WMS AND WA JOINT METING The Ontario Street -United .Chur -eh Woman's Association find Wom- an's Missionary Society Joint meet- ingwill be on Tuesday; December 3, in the .ehurch parlour, at 2,30 pan. The Christmas program is in the .charge of Miss Courtice and Mrs. C, U1s, and hnich will be served by the ladies of $t. George's Ward' conveners,. J'Ratlferd and Mrs. J. Batkin. A cordial in.• vitation extended, to all ladies. Women Teache'rs Hear \1111ustrated Talk of 'Overseas The members of the Clinton Unit of the F.W.T..A.0 met in the Clin- ton Public School, on Tuesday ev- ening of this week. The president, Miss. Edythe Beacorn, opened the meeting by reading "A Mother's Wish for her Son Upon Entering Schap)," Minutes of the previous meeting and financial report were read by the secretary, Miss Olive Johnson, It was decided to hold the Jan - nary meeting at the A/V/1VI Hugh Campbell Public School. Miss Luella Johnston, and Miss Beacom commented briefly on the recent Fall Conference which ty bad attended at Goderieh, Roll call was answered by each teacher displaying a Christmas craft suitable for either classroom or home use. The guest of the evening was' Mrs. LeRoy Path, Bayfield, who recently returned from a trip to Europe. For this meeting Mrs. Poth confined her talk to the first part of her journey throu.gh Eng- land and Scotland. By means of her many coloured pictures and her delightful commentary she was able to depict for her audience some of the pomp and pageantry of Old London, the peace of the English countryside, especially along, the "silver -footed" Thames, the charm of the old cathedral tvvns, and the splendour of Nor- man architecture, Pages from English and Scottish history be-, came 'real when sceneof Had- rian's Wall, Melrose Abbey, Stir- ling and Bannockburn were view ed. All too soon the last slide had been run, and the audience return- ed to reality with the wish in each mind, "If only might have been there!" • A. social hour in the teachers' lounge brought the evening to a close. 0 MOTHER'S STUDY GROUP MET ON NOVEMBER 26 The November meeting of the Mother's Study Group of Wesley - Willis United Church was held on Tuesday evening, November 26, at the home of Mrs. Wilfred Jervis, Mrs. William Murch was in char- ge of the meeting and spoke on the theme "Of Kindness and Friendliness," Some very inter- esting articles Were read and dis- cussecl after which Mrs, Murch conducted a contest. Lunch was served by the hostesses and asoc- ial time was enjoyed by all. Summerhill Group Regular Meetiog The November meeting of the Summerhill 1.4edies' •Club was held, at the home of Mrs. Ivan floggarth with 26 membersand two visitors present. The meeting opened 'by singing "The 1VIaple Leaf Forever," followed by the Lord's Prayer and Creed in unison. Mrs. Fred Vorkien gave the treasurer's report, Mrs. Ball and Mrs. Den McLean gave .a report on the hospital .meeting for November and also gave out mat- erial to be folded into compresses. Mrs, Nornian Ball and Mrs. Ches- ter F•aretihar are to attend the. December meeting. It was decid- ed to answer the next roll eall by exchanging gifts not to exceed. 50 cents. Thank you notes were read from .alfix, • and Mrs. Elwyn Blake and Lloyd PenfOurid. The program -consisted, ef a talk by Mrs, -Ivan Hamrab on her recent trip to Scotland, which was much eregyed, Mrs. George Wright bad a contest that was won by Mrs. Graydon Neal and Mrs. Norman Ball's oon- test was won by WS. Wilfred Pen, found, The December meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs, William Jenkins. Those on the program. are Mrs. Clarence Ball, Mrs, Clar- ke Ball, Mrs. Earl .Blake, and Mrs, 'Cummings, and those on lunch. Mrs. -Keith- Tyndall, Mrs. Fred -Vadden, Mrs. Ivan Hog- garth, and Mrs. Don McLean. FOR HER CHENILLE BEDSPREADS • 5 25 Double bed size—lovely shades, Only • SHEET AND PILLOW SET—Gift, Boxed, Good Assortnient — Gift Boxed - PILLOW ,SL1PS—His and Hers, etc. • ESMOND BLANKETS—Lovely Shades. 5.90, 6.90, 8,90 FOR GIRLS GIRL'S CARDIGANS—All Wool, . Sizes 7-14. Also in Nylon and Orlon Only SLIM JIMS—Lined, 3.90 Sizes 7 -12 GIRL'S BLOUSES --Cotton, Acetate, Devon. 14.5, 1.50, 298 2.98 WOOL HATS and 130NNETS BATH TOWELS * All new design, gift -boxed towels, ' 99c 1.29,1.95,2.98 1.5,0, 2.10, 2.90 TABLECLOTHS—Cotton and Rayon. 1.80,13d5, 4.65 WOOL MITTS tad GLOVES „ 75c, 815c, 98c WOOL PLAID SLACKS—sizes 3-6x 2.98 sizes 744 4,50 kfLOVILIDE"-MATJE SLIPS .Oft 9 OR cio GrIRL'S SLIPS—Glazed Cotton and Nylon, All sizes in stock, 3-14. LADIES' PYJA11AS GIRL'S CORDUROY SKIRTS and JUMPERS -- 2.98, 3,35, 3.75, 4.10 —sTooKiNGs —DRESSES * PANTIES SOCKS SWEATERS—Orlon in Interlock Itriit; Pullovers and Cardigans 3.50, 4.10, 4(.90,-5.25, 5.95 GLOVES and MITTS 98c, 1.30, L50, 1.75 pr. SCAUVES*Wool, Nylon, Rayon, Silk 69c, 950.05, 1.65 WHISPER, NYLONS -43, 51, 60 gauge. New Shade. IIANKIES G59C 69c and up ift Boxed , CORMIROY SLIM JIMS WOOL SLACKS HOUSE DRESSES BOY'S GREY FLANNEL DRESS PANTS— Sizes 3-6 2,98 'Lined 3.99 "BRISTOL" WHITE DRESS SHIRTS with Ties. Sizes 246 Gift boxed Only 1.98 BOY'S FLANNELETTE SHIRTS 1,00, 1.58, 2.35 PYJAMAS — NYLON SOCKS jACKETS MITTS and GLOVES • OAPS SWEATERS FOR, Mi: *FLANNELETTE SHIRTS *DRESS slims —swraTuns *SOCKS — TIES J1LLa-FOOTWE.All LOTIIING, and , ALBERT strum — 111C 2-9641. • CLINTON OlsIT, 1 ruckersmith Ladies'Club Names. Officers Mrs, Bert Garrett will be presi- dent of the Tuelrersmith Ladies Club throughout 1958, supported by Mrs, Alice Lawson, as viee- president and treasurer, Mrs. Vic- tor Sytnick is to be assistant treasurer. Mfrs, Norris Sillery, seeretary; lYfrs. Ervine .8illery„ Assistant sec- retary and Mrs, Ernest Crich and Mrs. William .Pepper as pianists, will complete the executive. The groups will take turns in Planning and looking after any social 'aetiv- Mrs, Howard Johns is, press reporter, Committees are 44 follows: re- lief, sewing, etc., Mrs, Warren Whitmore, Mrs, Willie Roberts, Mrs, Warren Gibbings, Mrs. Ed- ward Layton, Mrs. Eldon O'Brien; cards and flowers., MrS, Maud Crich, Mrs, Alden Crich. • The Club will .eneet at the home of Mrs,. Alden .Crich on December 4, at two o'elock, and the, roll call will be answered by "Shortcuts for Christmas dinner." There will be an exchange -of 75cent gifts. On theeveningof November 13, club. members and their families met for a deliehnis turkey supper at the Brucefield United Chureh. Guest speaker was W.P.,. Roberts, RR 3, Clinton, who gave an inter- esting talk on "Education." A program of readings, voca il and nstrumental nunibers, was supplied by the • families of club members... Lupton Court David William Harvey pleaded guilty to car 'theft, and was fined $50 and costs. john Hill, RCAF Station Clinton, ,pleaded guilty to failing to stop, and received sus- pended sentence; another igea. guilty to charge of driving without proper brakes, brought a fine of $25 and costs. St, Adrew's WMS November Meeting The November meeting of St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church Women's Missionary Society was held at the home .of Mrs, Norman Ball on Tuesday. IVIrs, G. D. Rob-, erten presided in the absence Of the president, Mrs, R, W, Mel<en- zie, Bible reading was by Mrs. J. W. Cook and prayer by Mrs. Alice Dunbar, Gifts were reported bY Mrs, J. R. Makins treasurer, to be sent to: Pessmarview Home for retired and aged ministers, !Current events were given by Mrs. John Snider, giving .an cottraging account of recent mis- sionary work in the 'Ukraine. The topic from the study book en Thailand, was taken; by 1Virs. Wiul- iana $haddock, describing the pee - pie as charming, gracious and Clean, Mrs. Charl:es, Clifton, Brucefield,. a ,meinber of Clinton WIVIS, for many years was presented with a. Ufe Membership by • Mrs, John Snider. Though taken very .much by surprise, Mrs, Clifton, thanked the ladies. Mrs. Ed:, Farquhar assisted, the hostess in serving refreshments, Norman Carl Wolfe, Port Elgin, who. was involved, in an accident with Ray Dares earlier this month, appeared and pleaded not guilty to a charge of careless driving. Since he, had not had the advice of a lawyer the magistrate advised hint to ','spend a dollar or two,"- and the case was adjourned! tillmext court, IWO iJ6uv Church Sufiday, December CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCII Pastor: JOHN AGULIAN, B.Th. 10.00 a.M.—Stinday School. 11.00 a.m.-9'1111AT DOES THE BIBLE TEACH ABOUT DRINKING" 7.15 p.m.—EVANGELISTIC SERVICE Thursday, 7.30 p.m.—Faith and Fellowship Hour. A Cordial Welcome to All ST% ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister MRS. M. 3. AGNEW, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, December 1- 9.45 a.m.—Our Church Schoel, Mission Band Hour 10.45 a.m.—Divine Worship, "The Faith of a Protestant" Dec. 18—Our Christmas Social Ev- ening and. Children's Christ- mas Party. A cordial welcome to acknowledge God in all our ways .-Maple Street 'GOSPEL HALL CLINTON , Sunday, December 1 Sunday School ,, ... ..„ 9.45 a.m. Breaking °of Bread 11.00 a,m. Gospel Service ... 8.00 p.m. Speaker: Mr. Reuben Brubach- er. TUESDAY, 8 p,m. — Prayer and Bible Study. 'A Hearty Welcome Avoldts You' Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL °LINTON Christians gathered in the name of the Lord' Jesus Christ (Matt, 18: 20) meeting in the above hall invite you to come and hear the Gospel, the old, old story of Jesus and ,His Love. Order of meetings on Lord's day as follows: 11,00 a.m.—Breaking Eread 3.00 p.m.—Sunday School • 7.00 p.m.—Preaching the Gospel 800 p.m. --Wednesday— Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading. Come and hear how you can be saved arid sure of Heaven. We preach Christ and Him crucified. ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA •St, Paul's -- Clinton REV. C. S, /NDER, Rector Mrs. Theodore Premlin, Organist Saturday, November 30 St, Andrew's Day 10.00 a.m.—Holy Communion. • loirst Sunday in Advent 8,30 a.ai.—Holy Communion. 11.00 aan.—Parish Cernmuhion. 4,30 pm, --Evening Prayer. Tues., Dee, 3—Ladies Guild at Mrs. T. W. Herman's, at 2:45 pen. Sat„ Nov, 30—St, Peas WA, Cor - rate Correntmion, St. An- drew's Day, 10.00 a.m., follow- ed by short business period. Goo (twill Club Votes Money To Organizations The 'Thankoffering meeting of the, Wesley -Willis -Goodwill club was held in the Leetura worn An November 19, with a number a vesta present, Psalin 4.6 was read. by Mrs, Rodgers. Mrs, Manning paid tribute -to the faithful ser- vice and untiring Interest in the work •of the club by the late Miss Winnie °Weil, a past president, The offering wasgiven to the WMS. Other donations were $20 to C,A,R.E,, $35 to Save the Child- ren riAndand no to S..C„A. Mrs, F. Fingland spoke .briefly in the interests of the Humane "Society. • miss Jayne MarySnell accomp- anied by Miss Mavis Steepe, sang two beautiful solos, "Without a Song," and "Never Walk Merle,' Merle,' guest speaker, Mrs, . Leroy Poth introdticed by , Mrs. Rodges, gave a most interesting talk on her recent European tour, describing - typical scenes and incidents in each country visited, Mrs. Manning thanked the speaker and all others taking part. After the Mipah benediction,' lamb was served by group five -with: Mrs, 11, Jenkins and Mrs, A. L. Rodiges as eonveners., Today's short short STOP' You'll be delighted to see , • aoswn o „ cloyur gift list here. h/w eily you "con ge Hurry in NOW . . be- ,„ I fore the rush! One Free Ticket on Del- go.„ 7 Roy 1958 Chevrolet with every $5 purchase. egep-teilfiti Eniteb eburcb REV. 3. A. McKIM, B.A. MRS, M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNIE. Choir Director (16 'Sunday, December 1 Loyalty Sunday 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship and white Gift Service. Ser- mon by the minister. 12.15 p.m.—Sunday School & Bible Class. HOLMESVILLE 1.30 p.m.—Worship Service. 2.30 p.m.—Sunday School & Bible Class. •Let us' use theltLord's Day to strengthen our Christian Faith Christian 'Reformed Church REV. G, 3, HOYTE1VIA, Minister 10.00 a.m.—Service in Dutch 11.30 a.M.—Sunday School 2.30 p.m.—Service in English t Everyone Welcome Saturday 9.30 a.m.—Bible School Listen to the denominational broadcast of the Christian Re- formed Church: Back to God Hour. Every Sunday, Sarnia, Ontario, •CROC, 8.30 a.m., 1070 kcs, Windsor, Ont., CE - LW, 10.30 p.m., 800 kes. B4YFIELD -BAPTIST CHURCH I. BODZNHAM, Pastor 10.00 aan.—Sunday School 11.00 aan.--Marning 'Worship '7.30 pan.—Evening Service Wed., 8 prn.—Prayer Meeting "Study in the Book of Heb- rews". You are cordially invited to these services, PENTECOSTAL CHURCH P,A.O.c. Victoria, Street, Clinton X. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor • A,ssistarit Pastor: B. DAVIDSON 13'riday, November 29- 8.00 p.m. ---Christ's Ari Sunday, December 1.-- 10.00 a.m..—,Sunday 8Chool 3100 aan,—Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.—Gospel Service Tuesday, Deeember 3- 8.00 p.m.—Regular ,Pras'er 'and Bible Study Service, A Special Welconie Avvalta You ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH ritoMprig CHurt,01" Pastor -.REV. GRANTlitILLS0 Ildko 9.45 ant—Sunday Scheel 11.00 A.M.—Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.-8Vening Service 1001INER'S ettrittrt ,0() pan,--Chtitth Servict 3.00 pan.—unday Sheol sIMINININIVIPOJNONINNPANJPIINFANINPINNIN - The News -Record Sells Fine Wedding Stationery . . IN HOME OR OFF/CE !!•INS/10 RO88&51/114144RE Arm PR $CHOOL SAVO TOOL We can give quick service in supplying custom made rubber stamps...at budget prices. Drop in. and tell us what you want - we'll have it ready for you with - soma in a couple of days. ACCURACY See Samples and Get Prices at4 Clinton News -Re° cord. BROWN 'n' SERVE ROLLS - 20c doz. CHELSEY RINGS 30c each HONEY DIP DO -NUTS , 40c doz, CHEESE BREAD '25c LAYER CAKES TARTS 45c each 60c doz. 11 'Delicious Pumpkin Pies — 55c ea CIIRISTIVIA.S CAKE 90c lb. Light and Dark 44,"164,44.444444,4140' OUR SATURDAY SPECIAL: Prom Our Store Only. CHOP SUEY LOAF . Reg. 35c for Bartliffs Bakery Ltd. 29c BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS NOnter 2-021 • CLINTON