HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-11-28, Page 5BELTONE The Only Hearing Aid Made To Suit Individual Hearing Loss For Information, Batteries, Cords for all Makes, contact -PERDUE LIMITED SUTTER Phone HU 2-7021 - Clinton, 04. 48-50-b CL I W W2:70C:A Hugh C. Cameron Service was conducted on Mon- day, November 25, in the Ball and Mutch funeral home, for the late Hugh Duncall Cameron, who pas- sed away at his home on Orange Street, Clinton, on Saturday. The Rev. J. A. McKim, Wesley- Willis United Church, officiated, and interment was in Baird's Cemetery/ Stanley Township. Pall- bearers were Harry Fuss, Bruce Walker, Robin McAllister, James McAllister, Cleave Cochrane, Stan- ley Love. Flower-tearers were six grand- children, Cameron and Robert Ad- dison,, Wayne . Grigg, Kenneth Moon, Donald and Bruce Lock- hart. Born on September 25, 1879, ,Mr. Cameron was the son of the late John Cameron and Janet McDiar- rnid, Stanley Township. He' mar- ried Jean Cochrane. After some years spent in Western Canada, Mr. Cameron had lived in Clinton for the past 38 years. He was a member of Wesley- Willis United Church, where he was a former member of the Bpard of Stewards. He had served on the Clinton Library Board for a number of years. He was a car- penter by trade, and also for some years he had been the official is- suer of motor vehicle licences in this area. A staunch Liberal all his life, he was a member of the Clinton• Lib- eral Association, Surviving besides his wife are one son, John M. Cameron; five daughters, Mrs. Glen (Kathleen) Lockhart, EXeter; Mrs. Alex (Jes- sie) Addison, Clinton; Mrs. Car- men (Agnes) "Moon, Londesboro; Mrs. A. (Jean) Larocque, Mont- real, and Mrs. William (Mary) Grigg, Clinton; two sisters, Mrs. William, Henry, Hensall, and Mrs. Hugh Aikenihead, Brucefield. IVIVIS Met In Church The November meeting, of W'es- ley*Willis Woman's Missionary So- ciety was held in the .church par, lors on Thursday, November 14, at 2,30 pan, Mrs. N, Holland presid- ed hi absence of tiVfrs, C, IsTeIS'On, For the 'Christmas meeting the mother's group and associate help- ers will be invited. The nOhliha-- thig committee members are Mrs, Hearn, Miss Stone and . Miss' V, Jamieson, 12 members 'answered _roll call, Mrs. L. Jervis was appointed to the resolution committee of pies" bYterial. Supply committee read letters of thanks for bales sent in the summer. Reports of the see.. tonal meeting were given by Miss V. Jamieson and Bertha Diehl, Mrs. Shepherd took charge, Mrs. Laidlaw read , the Scripture Phil, 1; 27-30, 2; 1-4 and Mrs. Shel:fr herd took the devotional and Pray- er, Then she took the study book On Japan and refered to making a scrap book. In. 1959 Japan will celebrate 100 years of protestant • missions, Members were favored by a solo sung by Mrs. D, Andrews, after which Mrs, Shepherd .told of work being done 'by the men in Japan. TIWASDA,V, .NOVVMBVR 1957 PAM; TINA. estinghouse Push Button Tuning and Automatic Control. 2 59. Sets As Low As See them NOW at "Your WESTINGHOUSE Dealer" ALBERT ST. 0. W. Cornish; PrOp. CLINTON For Carefree TV . WATCH. See Our Special Sale Window SUNBEAM IRONRASTER, Steam or Dry Special at $13.95 CHRISTMAS TREE STANDS Reg. $1.49 - $ .98 PROCTOR DELUXE TOASTER Reg. $19.95 - $15.95 BATH SCALES $6.39 -- 5 Foot TOBOGGAN• $ 6.79 FILTRO ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR, 8-cup Real Buy at $11.49 HOCKEY STICK, TAPE and PUCK ..... Reg. $2.00 Special $ 1.49 HAMILTON BEACH. PORTABLE FOOD MIXERS, 5 Year Warranty Special at $19.95 Santa's Coming to BALL and MATCH HARDWARE SATURDAY NOVEMBER 30 2 to 4 p.m. HARDWARE and FURNITURE Phone HU 2-9505 MAIL YOUR LETTERS IN SANTA'S MAILBOX 4 The County is digging up the 'treet around the Community Ar- ena, part of Brock, Richmond and Elizabeth, and filling it with grav- el, which will be paved next year with asphalt. Master Beverley Hamilton,°was a weekend visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Sim Raobol. Herb Hedden who has been a patient at South Huron Hospital, Exeter, has returned' home. Miss Myra, Roobol, nurse-in- training at Vitoria Hosiptal, Lon- don, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr .and Mrs. Sim Roobol. (Next to Bank of Montreal) IS SORRY THAT 'IT CAN NO LONGER ACCEPT ADULT'S USED CLOTHING. But lS still 'accepting Children's Good Used Clothing. Many good children's clothing bays on our racks. KINETTE NEARLY-NU SHOPPE !attfra. Vrriest pos.,. who has been president of the Clintonian Club, vacated that position last month, and ;graduated to the post of him- oura.ry president. Mrs, T, O'con- nell suceeeds to the job of .presi- dent. The Clintonian Club is the Clin- ton branch of the Mary Hastings Club. . , ;Other officers .elected at the meeting held in the Town Hall .on November 13 were vice-presidents, Mrs. E. Radford and MrS, j. John- son; secretary, Mrs. A, Venner; treasurer, Mrs. Ross Merrill and press secretary, Mrs. Violet Hab- good; finance, Mrs. T. Leppin,gton, Mrs. Butler, Mrs. Monaghan and Mrs. Habgood; cards and boxes, 'Mrs. Layton and Mrs. N. Carter; work committee, Mrs. Ings, Mrs. Aldington and.Mrs. Reid;pro- grams, three names to be drawn each month, - Mrs. Epps presided for the early part of the meeting during which Old business was' dealt with, ,Mrs. Ings_. gave a report on, her visit. to the London convention, There' were 28 members and two visitors in attendance. Mrs. Eipps welcom- ed the new president and wished her good, luck in the year ahead Under the leadership of presi- dent Mrs. T. O'Connell, the group decided 'Upon a 25 cent member- ship fee. The December meeting will be a combination Christmas and birthday party, for which Mrs. Epps offered her horrid; Those at-. tending will bring their own dish- es for the lunch, and there will be a gift exchange, not to exceed 50 cents. The KINETTE Club Nearly Nu Shoppe, Clintonians Have New President Mrs. T. O'Connell HENS= Mrs. H. B. Combe Mrs, H. B, Conrbe, formerly of Clinton, ',died early Friday, Nov- ember 22, at Halifax, N.S., where She had been living for the last few years. She had been in poor health .for some time. Mrs. Combo, the former Julia Isabel Dunsmore, was born at Mitchell, daughter of the late Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Dunsmore. She trained as a nurse -at Woodstock General Hospital, and soon after married Hugh Barry Combe, of Clinton. During' the First World War, Col. Combe raised the 161st (Hur- on) Battalion, CEF, and went Overseas with it as the command- ing officer. He died in October, 1945, An only son, Lieut. Owen Combe was killed in France during the Second World War while -serving .with the Essex Scottish of Can- ada. Mrs. Combo was a member of the Anglican Church. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Fletcher (Barry) Troop, Halifax, N.S.; Mrs. Robert (Agnes) McKee, Qr- illia, one • grandsori„Gilbert 'Troop, Halifax; tWos-Sister% Mrs. J. A. (Margaret)' Gray,' Vancouver B.C.; Mrs. Amy Martinson, Win- nipeg, Man.; a half-sister, Miss W. B. Dunsmore, 45 , Young's St., 48b Stratford; two half-brothers, Co- oper H. Dunsmore, Kamloops, B.C. and. J.. M. Dunsmore, 74 William St., Stratford. The funeral was Held Monday afternoon at Halifax, with burial in that city. Mrs. George Wilson Named LOBA Worthy Mistress After a delicious turkey supper served at the Commercial Inn, the' LOBA held their regular. meeting in the lodge room on November 26. Many plans were made for the Christmas season including our card party and, draw for the lucky quilt to be held next Tuesday, December 3. The following officers were elec- ted for 1958: Immediate Past Mis- tress, Mrs. Wilfred Glazier; Wor- thy Mistress, Mrs. George Wilson; Deputy Mistress, Mrs. Tom O'Con- nell; Junior Deputy Mistress, Mrs. Peter Harrison; chaplain, Miss Clara Harrison; secretary, Mrs. Clayton Hogins'; finance secretary, Mrs. William McIllwain; treasurer, Mrs. Waldby Burtor,z; guardian, Mrs. Henry Six:mien; director of ceremonies, Mrs. ' Wilfred Col- clough; senior elector, Mrs. Ninian Heard; junior elector, Mrs, Alex McilVfichael; inner guard, Mrs: Doug Freeman; outer guard, Mr. Tam Deeves; second: visitor com- mittee, Mrs. Wes. Shobbrook; sec- ond' committee, Mrs. Tom Deeves; third committee, Mrs. Len Hunter; fourth committee, Mrs. Roy (By Janet Sharp) " The first meeting of the Clinton 4,11i Homemaker's Club was held Friday, November 8, at the home of Mrs. M. Batkin. The following officers were elec.- ted: president, Mary Jean Coign.- holm; vice-president, Marion Dale; secretary, Joan Johnston; tre4sur. er, Myrtle Collins; pianist, Emily 'Collins; press reporter, Janet Sharp. In this unit which is "Working with Wool" the girls, will learn how to make, care for and store a. wool -skirt or jumper, Mrs: Bat-, kin 'gave a talk about the qualities of , wool and the girls received Samples. of different kinds of wool, Everyone was to think of a,,name for _the club. The leaders of this club are Mrs. M. Batkin and Mrs, W. Ross. The. members are: Mary ,Jean. Colqu- houn, Joan Johnston, Emily Col- lins, Marion Dale, Jean Booth, Janet Sharp, Myrtle Collins, Elaine Brawn, Meryln Hough, The hpeond meeting was held Friday, November 15. The girls decided to call the club' "The Clin- ton Woollen Club." They also de- cided to make their record books out of black bristol board with, the club name and lambs put on with white ink, • The girls when given suggest- ions on what style of skirt to make to suit their figure. The roll call which was to bring a piece 'of mat- LOOK OVER OUR SHOULDER AND SEE HOW WE 00 A JOB -114AT WILL 0 GIVE 00 .c<21 VTO YoU Obituaries erial and prove it was wool was answered by all members present. The meeting ended, with an en- joyable lunch. $2,000 Damage To Bay field Car, No ,One Badly Hurt (By our .44 yellow correspondent) Warner Payne was involved in an automobile accident on 'lines- day :night, one mile west of Seb-, ringyille on, Highway 8, whenl-e- turning from the 'hockey game at ateheaPT, Other occupants of the car were Jack Salter, Strat, ford, Tom Shanahan, .Clinton; Ralph Boyd, Mitchell; Douglas. McCready, Tharnesford. Payne swerved . to miss hitting'. a -stalled car, His vehicle rolled into the .0i* and came to rest upside down, Before the -men got out of the ear,, a second driver swerved tk miss the stalled one, hit the ditch and rolled into the Payne car. " The lone :occupant was not injured, None of the ,occupants of the Payne car was seriously injured. Payne, Salter and McCready were treated for cuts and abrasions at Stratford General Hospital and released.. Damage to Payne's • car was estimated at $2,000 and the other one, at $900, Warner is• wearing a bandage on one., hand. but ex-, pected to go back to work with the Ontario Department of High- ways on Thursday. This Week the Lucky No. is 2100 Cheek your Calendar.' If the number matches, take the Calciular • to, Our office and claim your $3.00 credit. 1.4-4-44 • ii: • • *-9-0-14-1-4-*-•-•-0-0-o- For Your Convenience Use 'Our Down Town Office on King Street Have you heard about the, lateSt service especially desig- ned for men? Now you can get your suits, coats. slacks dry cleaned and pressed the way men, -like them done: It takes a special. knack-is one of our 'specialties. Try us. , , , .....,...,0::. .....,„ Competitive ..,..„:„.,.., ``{'.,:.SPECIAL . d Prices Plus Personal uG s ToRE s VALUES and. REMINDERS THIS WEEK Service Manicure Guerlain Gemey DeVilbiss Musical Shaving Gillette 50 Gillette Shulton After Shaving Sets Brush Ss Johnson's Hainkscraft with Baby Hot Diaper FOR Ronson Dr. Plumb Medico Case and "4"14:""+-"+"+"4****44-44*"4 59c 1.50 - 1.00 3.95 98c 98c 1.00 1.29 98c 3,75 % 2.95 1,93, 2.50, 1.35, .1.98 .:,e 4 I:Box of *Cards and CHEERILY 21 in 42, SLIM and 4,,/.. x ' bo of .--,,. ' ,,+?: Others, A. 4+ ' + ' up): •.4". ' 6.0ot I.D.A. A. 2.01 FLOOR 2.00,, , 1 lb. t 4t,.• 'upx 45c, CHRISTMAS upt SrECIALS 50 a box ri tin 2:98, 44-,:i4.;*,:n4-0,0:04+4:+41-0 .4:4-044- 21 YOURS, TALL, 39c 2 for Colorful Envelopes "Easi-Gloss" - regular -.0' to WAX CARDS 98c 79C 1.10 1.98 59c 89e ' GIFT Hai); Brushes Compacts Perfume Billfolds Hair Brushes Pipe Others Zippo Stormlighter 40444+.14-0444444.4-4+144444:44:+°•S' FOR HER Sets I . Shalimar' Perfume Cologne. Atomizer FOR HIM Brushes Blue Blades and 100 blades, Razor Kits Shave Lotion, Mug ' FOR BABY ,Baby Sets 1.50, Bottle Warmer, Vaporizer Plate Bag 1.89*s+ SMOKERS Lighter Pipe Standard:Filter Lighter 2.10 Boxes S., Old Spice Comb Set A 1 00, 3.00 2.50, Cap up4 I.D.A. -4* 1:-. MINERAL OIL .... .s., 16 oz. 40 oz. 4,,t. Reg. 55c Reg. 1.10 .1:- 43c 8'7c up+ 'upiti I.D.A. Up+ HALIBUT ), LIVER, OIL 5.004 CAPSULES t upX , 1.00 s 250's 506's -1 • 1.15 Reg. 229 Reg. 4.29 2.00*ti 89c 1.89 3.49 +t .f 1.25+=t •,,. I.D.A. "Utility" up,t4 - 4 HOT WATER ;,t.. ,i ;.i BOTTLE . . . a: Reg. 1.98 ....... ,„.. 1.49 ....., up+y 4+ BABY'S OWN 'X 1 t4 3.75; , Special! A. 3.454 11/2 :kz aSkheasmspooaop and 4.25 1, 64c value 49c 1.98, • 4 - Dee Tee it A.S.A. TABLETS ..1. $, 100's 300's 3: 19c 49c + "PI+ LUSTRE CREME 3.514 X Lotion Shampoo y 1.954 1.25 size., 99c '' up): t 3.954( Palmolive ::CAPID SHAVE BOMB it. 4: ' 98c size 79c UNIQUE . PHOTO • F. SERVICE B. PENNEBAKER . DRUGGIST H Unter 2-66/6 i -ft,fk, 1 20% ,,., ',...sorr Christmat •,.t1 in a 0 a a to one-third NOVELTY END TABLES STEP TABLES COFFEE CORNER As Shown off SPecials FURNITURE TABLES TABLES Window reg. In 4 Our prices '''.."'T>'--.," 4 ••,,,, ' . s. .‘ 4-4.4-4-4 -40-6-41-4,-.114-44-4-4,-4-44,-4.......... EA TIE . .. ... - x 4:0 Homemakers Begin Wool Study