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No. 48—The Horne Paper With the News CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1957 7 cants a Copy , PM, a Your
All Seati filkd By
cclamation; Unique
Post Office Gives.
Warning Of
Mailing Deadlines
:Brucefield. Sailor On Movie Set
Canadian sailors from Halifax-based des-
trciyer escorts helped in the making of a British,
movie when, their ships visited Portland, England,
during a fall training cruise to the U.K. and Bal-
tic. Ae3 Donald Ross, son. of Mr. and Mrs, Seddon
Ross, Brucefield, Ontario, sends a message by
ee„.. ,„
walkie-talkie to a movie company vessel at sea.
With him is Lt.-Cdr. Peter Peake, RN (Ret'd),
naval technical advisor for the film, and daugh-
ter Nicole, four and a half years. AB Ross ser-
ves in HMOS Saguenay.
(National Defence Photo)
Public School Board Members Receive Acclamation
Re-elected to serve on the Clinton Public
School Board for' another two-year term, are Alex
Cudmore (left), Larry Naughton, and William
Hearn. The men will serve with the other three
members, George Levis; Clayton Dixon and K.
W. Colquhoun throughout 1958.
Mayor of the Town of Clinton,
was given an acclamation on
Monday night, and will enter
his, third year as mayor in Jan-
Fire At Alleys
Not 'Serious
The fire alarm late Saturday
evening brought firemen on the
run to the Clinton Bowling Alley,
Fire Chief Grant Rath reports that
the cause was some rubbish burn-
ing under one of the alleys. No
damage was done.' However, it
could have been serious if the
blaze had begun when no-one was
around the premises.
Over 80 Birthday Club
-Edward James Smith, will cele-
brate his 90th birthday at his home
an Raglan Street on Saturday,
November 30. Mr. Smith is enjoy-
ing gOod health. -.
Twin sisters, Mrs. James Raith-
by, Auburn and Mrs. Edith Sturdy,
RR 5, Clinton, will celebrate their
85th birthday on Saturday, -Nov-
ember 30,
(By W. IL D.)
keeping on °Pinions pro and con
over our new "green" look is just
about even at date of writing.
Thank you to all those people who
called us especially to congratulate
us upon the colour, . And we're
sorry if it isn't appreciated by
some others. . • Actually we felt
we should do something speCial
during the pre-Christmas season
—and green newsprint occurred to
us as just the thing. it's a bit
More expensive than the standard
white—but we're publishing with
no extra charge. to you. * *
egreen'A weekly newspaper in On-
tario. . We know of two others
in Canada—the Comox-Courtenay
—Cumberland Free Press, Van-
couver Island; B.C, and the Mel-
ville, Sask, paper. .
colour to one of the senior solid
citizens, we said "Just thought we
should have a little of the Christ-
mas spirit," and his reply was "I'd
prefer some of the 'Christmas.spir-
its!"'—probably forgot for a mom-
ent that Clinton is a part of Hur-
on County, . .
pie may be making a mess of our
streets, . , but they certainly show
a good example of "how to get the
job done fast and neatly..." They
work on, one section at a, time and
get the road back into usable con,:
clition quite quickly. . . They're
courteous, too, in their method of
directing traffic. .
banquets and• annual meetings we
find it a tough spot - to be "in. . .
We hear so, many "good" jokes,
we'd' like to be able to pass them
along. . Probably they wouldn't
look too well in print, though, so
we concentrate on forgetting them
instead. . .
Zig lira
entering his 12th year in county,
council work, announced that
this year would be his last one.
After that, the seat will be a
"free for all."
Small Crowd Attends
Utilities had been served by W. E.
Perdue, this would complete 25
years service on the PUC, He
wished the senior member of the
Commission, the best of health dur-
ing! his coming term, and the wish
for that quarter century to be
completed, indicating that'a cele-
bration of some sort would mark
the silver anniversary.
Visitors to the 'nomination meet-
ing were Reeve John Deeves, Gad-
erich Township, who spoke brief-
ly, noting that he had been some
help in getting the full grant for
the Public Hospital here, working
first in. 1956 and again 4n 1957 at
County level to get the grant ap-
proved; Councillor Frank Falcon-
er, Tuckersrnith Township, brought
greetings from that township on
behalf of the reeve, and remarked
that he had been closely connected
with the work of Clinton's council
through his late brother, Victor D.
M. T. Corless, former clerk-
treasurer of the town, spoke a
word of appreciation to the coulee
cil as a whole, and for the work of
the present clerk.
acclaimed reeve of Hullett Town-
ship, Neither he, nor his coun-
cillors were opposed in their 'hid
for municipal Office.
C of C Directors
Several Expenses
At a recent meeting• of the dir-
ectors of the Clinton. and District
Chamber 'of Commerce they voted
$35. toward support of the Huron
Fish and Game Conservation. As-
sociation project of a Christmas
treat for Clinton's children; auth-
orized payment of $13.60 for a
wreath placed at the cenotaph on
Remembrance Day; authorized
continued support of the Clinton
Citizen's' Horticultural Society's
second annual Christmas decora-
tion contest to the amount of $25.
Decision also was made to re-:
quest the town council to consider
very seriously the 'installation of
new street lights in the main bus-
iness section, at the same time pro-
viding for outlets which could be
used for lighting 'Christmas time
decorations, and other ouch, pro-
A request also will ,go to the
Clinton Public Utilities Commiss-
ion to repair and replace bulbs in
the four strings of lights at the
main intersection.
Research into possible' promotion
of the town through the means of
roadside signs is being continued.
Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Miller and
family, Windsor, ,speht the week-
end with their parents, Mayor W.
S. Miller and Mr. anti Mrs. C. D.
The Week's Weather
1957 1956
High UV High Low
Nov. 21 39 30 38 19
22 35 2.7 24 11
23 37 24 28 15
24 39 30 31 18
32 27 33 24
26 31 22 33 25
27 49 22 31 24
Rain: .18 ins,
-Snotv: 3 ins, Snow: 9 Ina,
Setting a new • record in this
generation for 'Clinton,. Mayor. W.
Miller has the distinction of
heading a complete -council of, six
men and two reeves, for the third
consecutive, year. During that time,
no changes have been made in the
persorinelo Also, this yeare for
the first time since the '30s there
will be no electionneeded for mun-
icipal ,offices in- town.
This pattern of satisfaction with
officials seems to. be repeating it-
self in other municipalities, where
a . great number of acclamations.
have •been noted.- Hullett Town-
ship gave acclamations to their
reeve and council, also.
Ratepayers in Goderich Town-
ship will meet in the Tow?' Hall
here tomorrow, Friday, to make
their nominations, and to hold the
customary ratepayer's meeting.
unopposed this . year, will serve
as reeve for third consecutive
year. 8
minim ion
"Town Meeting in Clinton" could
have ,been a banner raised in the
council chamber on Monday night,
when the citizens took advantage
Of their annual opportunity to se-
lect their leaders for another 12
months. A particularly' small
crowd attended the event, due pro-
bably to the fact that there had
been little indication of :a. contest
for any one of the official seats.
All 14 of the 'municipal offices
were filled . by acclamation. In
fact, only one extra name had been
Put forward by the ratepayers,
Melvin Crich, an ex-reeve of Clin-
ton, withdrew graciously to allow
the present officials another term.
This is the first time Clinton has
not had a municipal election for
many years."
Rev. J. A. McKim, minister df
Wesley-Willis United Church, was
chairman of the citizens' meeting,
and remarked upon the difference
in the highly organized municipal
government systems here in Ont-
ario in comparison to the situation
in Newfotindland, He, mentioned
that in Bon.avista, the people had
voted out the council entirely and
were operating? without one,
Jo•lin, Livermore, clerk, received
the nominations prior to the citi-
zens meeting, and Ernest Radford
acted as secretary, posting the
names. as they were received.
Councillor II, N, Bridle remar-
ked that' wh,eri.• the coming two-.
year term on the Clinton Public
Help Firemen
Fight Dystrophy
Collection boxes for the muscu-
lar dystrophy fund campaign have
been placed in business places
throughout the town, by the Clin-
ton Fire Department, This pro-
ject has been taken tip 'here, as
in other centres, by the firemen,
as their contribution towards the
welfare of society as a whole.
K, C. Cooke, who is chairman of
the campaign this year, reports
that receipts for donations are ay.
tillable from either of the bank;;,
the town clerk's office, from Fire
Chief Grant Rath, or front Mrs.
Cooke, himself.
For anyone planning to mail
Christmas parcels overseas, or to
other provinces within the. Dom-
inion; the local" poSt office has re-
leased the foliowing:.list of dead-
lines. Arthur Ball pestmaster
warns that if parcels. or letters are
mailed later than this, there can
be no certainty that - they will
reach their destination before Dec-
ember 25. - • • •
For Christmas ,Cards, and par-
eels going to the United States,
mail beifore. December 7.
December 11 is the deadline for
those going to Newfoundland and
British. Columbia. Pore Alberta,
mail before Decernipet•12, and for
Saskatchewan and Manitoba,,the
date is December For oher
Maritime Provinces, ',Ontario and
Quebec, mail before December 14,
-Local delivery - deadline ,is by
December 17, After that. the Post
Office can only do its best.
For material going., to Great
Britain,. miail letters, before Dec-
ember 5, and parcels. by November
30. All mails, to European contin-
ent must be on their way by Nov-
ember 30..
If, however, you plan to use air-
mail, then December 10 is the
deadline for parcels acid DeCember
12 for letters to EuroPean Contin-
ents; and December 12 for parcels
and December 14 for letters to
Great Britain.
Christmas Cards in.:unsealed-en-
velopes may be sent to all count-
ries at the rate of . .2% cents each.
The Post Office point§ out the ad-
vantage of using..firt class mail
for Christmas greetings,. is that
they may be sealed, contain writ-
ten: messages and are eligible for
air transportation. if --for delivery
in Canada.
Listed As
Following are '-qte:l.natnes', of
those officials proposed during :the
nomination• period in Clinton Coun-
cil Chamber on Monday evening,
'Following each name is their ad-
dress' the office for which they
were named, and the mover and
All have qualified except Melvin
W. E. PERDUE, Huron Street,
Public Utilities (W. J. Miller,
Charles Brown.)
137.' S'I'ANLEY, John Street, Ree-
ve' (C. Brown, H. E. Hartley).
N. W. TRElWARTHA, Ontario
Street, Deputy Reeve (W. E. Per-
due, W. J/ Miller).
Street, Public School' Board (L.
Houghton, H. E. Hartley).
W, J. MILLER, Ontario Street,
Mayor (W. E. Perdue, C. Brown).
L. HAIIIGHTON, Ontario Street,
Public School Board (H. E. Hart-
ley, A. Cudmore).
H. E. HARTLEY, North Street,
Public Utilities Commission (C,
Brown, L. Houghton).
mor,VinN CRICH, Princes s
Street, Councillor (M. J. Agnew,
A. Cudmore).
Street, Public School Board (N.
Livermore, A. Cudmore)
JOHN A. SUTTER, Rattenbury
Street, Councillor (N. Livermore,
L, Houghton).
H. G. BRIDLE, Huron Street,
'Councillor (J. A. Sutter, E. J.
E. J. DALE, Rattenbury Street,
Councillor (B. Stanley, H. N. Brid-
R. N. IRWIN, Rattenbury
Street, Councillor (M, T. Corless,.
H. E, Hartley).
N. LIVERMORE', East Street,
Councillor (H. N. Bridle, B. Stan-
G. B. BEATTIE Rattenbury
Street, Councillor (R. N. Irwin, J,
A. Sutter),
Open li-Iouse
Rev. and Mrs. Grant Mills are
holding open house at the Ontario
Street United Church parsonage on
Albert Street, 014 Friday afternoon
and evening, November 29, from 3
to 5 and from 7.30 to 10 p.m.
Members and friends of the con-
gregation are welcome.
Oil the occasion of their 60th
wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert Mogridge will be at home
to their friends, Saturday, Novem.
her 30, from 2 to 5 and from 7 to
COnItgt9rioN, Please!.
On. Page ten of this issue, in the
advertisement announcing the !lest
pasting of Voters Lists In Stanley
Township, the late of last ttppeal
is incorrect, It should read Dee-
ember 13,
lunch last week that bad-tempered
people are most susceptible to dis-:
ease, . . which prompted the table,
wit to remark. . "The surly bird
catches the germ" .
* ,,,• *
the busy-riess of our town. . . we
think that last night is a geed ex-
ample. . . For instance, with' most,
'of the classrooms at the collegiate
'Pat to' a gbed nse'Vr the Stu'VehtS
of the night school, the Jueior
Farmers held their debating con-:
' test in the agricultural office. . .
Upstairs over their 'heads was an-
other meeting.. . In the town hall;
three meetings. were in progress
one in the fire hall, another.in .the
committee room, and a third by the
horticultural society, in the coun-
cil chamber. . . The librari was
open, and going strong, the movie
theatre had a fair good crowd and
the Oddfellows.'hall was a scene of
activity. . . Just how many more
committee meetings, executive
meetings, etc., were scheduled last
night we haye no way of know-
ing. .
Wheat Vote Deferred
Till Lists Are Checked
Clinton's Hard-Working PUC Officials
The Ontario Farm Products
Marketing Board Therefore found
it necessary to defer the vote until
January 17.
The directors instructed the sec-
retary fieldman to have extra cop-
ies of the county voters list pre-
pared, so that each township could
revise it and contact each wheat
grower in the township. After this
has been done, the Federation' of
of Agriculture will arrange as
many information meetings as nec-
essary throughout the county.
"Now that there is definite in-
formation to be had,'" remarked
the secretary-fieldman, J. Carl
Hemingway, "it is hoped that the
Wheat Producers will take suf-
ficient interest to make their wish-
es known on the question of far-
mer controlled marketing."
Grouped informally in the office of the Clin-
ton Public Utilities, are the members of the
commission during on of their monthly meetings,
tFrortt, from the left, are A. "Red" Caron, W. E.
Perdue, H, E. Hartley and Charles Hrown, Rear,
Jabot. Rands, superintendent of the PtIC who
attends 01 COmMiSien meetings; and Mayor W.
J. Miller, member ex officio. Mr. Perdue, who,
with. H. Z. Hartley, received an acclamation toy
the PUC for another two year term, at the nom-
ination meeting on. Monday night, will have
commission during one of their monthly meetings.
finishes his present term, •
(News-Record Photo)
On Monday evening the directors
of the Huron County Federation
of Agriculture met in the agricul-
tural office board rooms, to organ-
ize an information campaign on
the coming wheat vote.
There has been a good 'deal of
delay in getting many of the de-
tails finalized during the fall, so
that the plan itself was ready for
distribution only Tuesday. The
Farm- Products Marketing Board
released the voters list on Thurs-
day, November 21, and as explain-
ed elsewhere in this paper, it re-
quired extensive revision.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tyndall, and
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Trewartha
visited for a few days in Toronto
and attended the Royal Winter