HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-12-28, Page 8tre the Editor of the TIN s ; Limn Slap--41ow t at municipal matters are the ahieLtepic of •onverf.atlau, and as the subjectvis likely , beoome"eotnewhat i monotonous:before t o contest 'is .aver it may not be amisst, suggest a law .matters in whicib the ratep. , ern ;night ascertain tilt. views of those W o solicit their suit rage. d.mougst m ny that might be rimmed I beg to meat on a few incidentally. 'Tie time has come hen a new town hall is absolutely neoess y, Then there is the «.question of street lighting. How and when is it to be do e ? Again there is the question of having he mill pond cleaned out. The publio health demands some action in this gnat :r next year, Again, Wingham is entitle to a'high sohooi and must have one bef re we can offer Om strongest induccme is t•J strangers to. come . amongst us. Ever candidate who solicits the support of rate "ayers ought to have decided, iutelligen views on these sub- jects. Municipal ifacers would be none the worse for and rgoing what is called • "heckling" in Seal nd. irVe want to select men with som'gra: of publio questions, •.some energy and eu er!arise. Let voters use judgment in sel=•t1iog their men. It is not absolutely nee scary to vote for a man because he re pred some personal favor to you or so , : distant •relative asl� bygone days. Le = municipal candidatesf{ ,•stand on their ow :merits. The question!' ..ought to be; who will render •the •most . efficient service to . _ • e town.? Apologizing for intramiing -so uesh on your space, Noun, '',OasERVER." 8' RN. y,, 1nonrsON—At Teeewter, on the 9th inst., the -wife of Mr, W. R. Thomson ; a daughter. .+P"btcBIRNEY—In Turnbe • ry, on the 24t1i inst., the wife of Mr. Adam MeBir ley ; daughter. Evxau r—At Whitech rch, or, the 18th inst., the ,,wife of bir. James Everet • son. Yeo—In Goderich town ship. on the 8th inst., the wife of Mr. B. Yeo ; a de ghter. • MAR ' IED. Acnso8—McQutaE — A the residence .ad *he . brides brother, W ingha, on the l.9tti 3net, by the .Rev, H. McQuarrIe, Mr. ' les Jackson, of Bruesels,rta Miss Sarah McGuire, of Ingham. GRENN—MANNEns—A eeswater, on the 19th. inst.,. by the Rev. W. W. a rling, Mr. James Green, to rs. Caroline Manners both of Culross. MoCLoY —WATERS— Howick, on the 12th inst., by the Rev. T. A. right, Mr. John McCloy, of Mornington, to Miss •arab Waters, of Howick. GERRY—STEWART t /brussels, on the 19th inst., Zby the Rev. M. Swan Mr. Noble F. Gerry, to Mies Jennie, only danghte of W. F. Stewart, Esq., of Brussels. Evans—MOLURE—At incardine, on the 19th inst., by the Rets J, L. Mur ay. Mr. J.ichard Evans, to -Miss Mary Alena, eldes a=.Ehter of ,tire. McLure. COLLINS--MAR'rls—•,. Lecknow, on the 12th inst., by the Rev. R. H. ' • aw•, Mr. Joseph Collins, of 'blFiron Township to iss .Elizabeth Martin. MoDoSAtn--Dioart'ort—At Lucknow, by the Rev. Mr. McKay,' M1'. ,T hn McDonald, to bliss Annie Morrison. nosh of 1C' lcardine. WILsos—WEEake n Stanley, on the I2th inst.. by tthe Rev. J. W. Ifodg s, Mr. John Wilson, to bliss Etta May Weekes, bot ELi io T—MoB« TEN—I ,the Rev. Dr. lire, Mr. ,clary McBrion. - BRAYLEY—WILMNSON At Goderich, on the 19th jnst„ by the Rev. Ge • Richardson, bir. John Burt Sraylcy, of Montreal, o Miss Ids V. Wilkinson. ^ - GRANT—ABRIN-1u rey, on the 19th inst., by the Dey. W. T. Cluff, b r. John Grant, to bliss Belle .Askin, both of Grey,. Marry Chridmis aid AHappy Nv Tiar to youall. Xmas Goods 1 Having just received a large shipment of FANCY 1-'OODS, suitable for elle Holiday Trade, in all THE - LATEST - NOVELTIES, We will offer some of Statil8y. Goderich Township, by the 1' (rood Value 'dward John Elliott, to Miss i - • Lkirgaiiis .zN DRESS and MANTLE GOODS, SILKS, SATINS, PLUSHES, SEALETTS, FURS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, Silk Handkerchief.. Oth1c . ant easy -tae I�tMi In endless variety, to select from. Gents' Furnishings well assorted. VARIETY LARGE 1N Boot': ad Mhos, Sipper:, Over- skoc a Robber:. CARPETS AND LACE CURTAINS, Away Down to make room for Spring Goods. Grocery Department. full of Pure and Fresh Goods. ED. DICRsoN—On Wedne-• ay of Iasi week, Arch. ,Dickson, postmaster, of (Aerial, died, after a baled illness, in his 49th year.. Wm-mama—At Blyt , oa therl8th inst., Margaret • Ann, youngest daughte of Mr. Adana W.ettlaufer, „aged 6 months. natures—At Exeter, on the 8.2th inst., John Har - ton, aged 86 years and : months. S2umur—At Strati° °,. on the 14th inst., Jennie, .wife of J. Russell St • rt, principal of Stratdord Public Schools, aged.26 -ars. %Boss—At Bohnore, ou he Nth inst., Sarah Roes, raged 81 years. Cosuenn—In Goderich on the 16th inst,, George -.Connell, .aged 66,03ars a '. 2 months, WIDT•GI!AM MARKETS. 'Corrected Ly P.. Deans, Produce Dealer. WINeIUAM, Dec. 27, 1888. Fleur' per IWO lbs, - • S 2 40 to 2 40 +Fall Wheat per bushel, 998 to 1 00 60 • ,/etc, g 82 to 84 I alt's, ,.; -48 to bb Il trtey 0` 58 to 58 - 40 to -• 60 • - 40.to 50 16 to 17 18 to 18 6'60 -to id 80 1 60 to 1 60 31000 to Iti00 Peas, 'otatos,, A.nples per bag, Butter per lb., -$gars per dozen, ,Dressed flogs w nod per nor$; . i . Da. A. F.`MRENEE. Honor graduate Torento University. Attendant ?yf New' York Polyclinic. Office over store of Gordon & Molntyre. JOsnrn1NE ST. • - WINOSAM. D0 I SEE ARIIT ? a 2 CABINETS $2 A 7,0'1=11(' A.'V MASON'S JTHER W'ORIt PROPOR- TIONALLY LOW. ERFECT PICTURES CUAEASTEED EVERY TIME. 'at Meal Kill Opened. The nndersigneri desire to inform farm. re and the people onerally toast they have ()opened their ' ab meal VII In Winglanm, °.nd "are now ffitepared to purchase Oats in unlimited quantities and at the end Markst Price. t'ha+f will 'supply customers with the Dior CRAnsa in Oat Meal, 'erg C.GC>f, • all through for the Holiday Trade. A' Call and get advantage'df' It guess'at the Beans. Yours Respectfully, M. 11, McINDOO. V/ LU Z 0 • luirk F rzl0 O U H a H THE CHEAPEST f ! ! 1 c k W +2 ran i t CD k 1:C1 rawl .F:4) ra Lg. P.4 CS 0 CANNED GOODS AND FRUITS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW YEAR'S GOODS 'IO SUIT ALL TASTES AND AT Popular . Prices. i A.IRX ,A r RF V I IT S'® NOT r - E ALL ACCOUNTS AND N tTES DU BUOUARAIN BROS: whet be paid . the and •reigned on or before Jan. 1st, '80. it no they wil be placed in Cduxt for epitection, JOgN UCKANAN. W500,000 TO LOAN. 'On't'armand Town Property at iery Lowest Rates end on Terme to suit borrowers. MORTGAGES PURCHASED. NO OOMMISSION CHARGED. borrtilvers•can obtain money in 6 days if title •satisfactory. R. VANSTONE, Heaver Block, Wingham. NOZI E. The Ann 1 eeting Ting -- d Butter Factory Co, Wilt be Id in tho ----Or. Bluera1e Cheese a FORESTERS' ALL, B UEVALK, THURSDAY, AN. d, 1889, AT I.O C OCK, P. bI , For the election of Dir tors and he trensaotlon of spy other business t may be rought before the meeting. &y Order. J lluerate, Doc. I6th,18 FARM FOR SALE. wing SUBSCRIBER OFFERS vOa SALE MIS L FARM, being S. } Lot 81, 14th Con., East Wa• wanosh, comprising 100 acres, more or Ie,s, about 80 acres cleared and under good cultivation. On the premises are a brick )louse, fraise barn, stabler, ?sc.: ataO good orchard, mostly winter frult also about 7 acres fall wheat 'Farm is well fenced and about Si miles from Wingharn and 1/ miles from Whitechurch, fprrstmeie.ms will an reasonable farther particulars aeclurieprieton he roWhithrch P. 0HdifAll COOK. Por Sale. Twelve Acres of Landadjoining the Corporation of Wingham, In Turnborty, free Of Mono's and stumps end well fenced, shade trees and a never failing spring. Apply to A, BOE, gusto's 130t.& HNaljRGE SrSTs U's C,_ MISS NELLO MCHARDY. THE SEASON'S SENSATIO.I'1T, BOOKS, STATIONERY, TOYS, ,CARDS, FANCY, GOODS, NOTIONS. EVERYTHING 1 ORIGINAL, SO SO COMPLETE, 0__ EVERYTHING l NOVEL, Si) NEW, SO CHEAP, SO GAY I�l'�T'ITATIO ' To all who read this advertisement .—Come and see 'our low priced anti beatitiful goods. You can certainly find what fou want, and your money will procure more tlaaii anywhere else. CLASsliS 1015 INSTRUCTION ON PIANO AND Organ, in Voice Culture and Harmony. Minna Rooms :115 Bwe iR BLOOIt. Ii Pioneer Hardware Store STONE BLOCK. The Leading Cross Cult Saws AMERICAN A -HEAD OF ANY, AMERICAN RACER LANCE SMITWS LEADER. BEST LINES --�--OMI' BoN' o1uIaF 1�i) ®1, 'ore CATTLE CHAINS, All 'at $OTT011I PRICES. E "VRA VALUE IN 'SrmGI BELLS'. CIS • - AtiOUT OF ROO CHRISTMAS GOODS, COMPRISING; CARDS, TOYS, GAMES, FANCY GOODS, BOOKS. BOOKLETS, ETC., ETC., IN WINGHAII. A CALL SOLICITED BEFORE BUYING. GE . MASON, [" MASON BLOCK,"] WINGRAM, ONTAR;O: --U1 DE RTAKI Having added a Delivery Waggon to this branch of the business orders will• (if necessary) be delivered anywhere within 10 miles of Wingham. This will no doubt 'oftentimes save a good deal of trouble,; especially where .parties may not have suitable convey aces of their own. AIL necessaries for FUNERAL FURNISHINGS, 'IL T0itAPES, GLOVES, ETC., kept and delivered with orders. S. GRACEY, Undertaker. wINGTII..M GOLDSMITH S' HALL Is the place where all can be supplied with Watches, Clacks, Xewellery: Silverware And Spectaeles Of the BEST QUALITY and at the LOWEST PRICES. Having just returned from the Wholesale Markets; where T have bought a very heavy stock of above articles for Spot Cash, I am in a position to offer them to my Customers and the Public generally at ROCK BOTTOIi/I PRICBS. Call and see my Fine Assorted Stock of Ladies' and Gents' Gold Watches, Ladies' and Gents' Gold Chains, the finest and cheapest lot of Ladies' B$eoch-- es, Earrings, Cuff -buttons, &c., in the Town. ;``toblitli' have the finest and largest stock of Gold Rings ever kept in-wIng1�i iace,, consisting of Plain Rings, Stone Set Rings, .Diamond Rings and S&arf Pins. In Watch Movements 1 have them in stock from all the leading manufaa& tuners of the UYiited States : The Elgin, Waltham, Hampden, Illinois, Rockford, Columbus and Aurora Watches. I have also a very largo stock of Clocks, from $1.20 upwards. If you want a Christmas or New Years present, VANSTONE'S -1 where you can get it either in gold or silver at Rock Bottom, Prices, As I have bought for soot cash, that is just the reason that I can offer goods so cheap. C1all and Inspect nay (shook. I do all kinds of repairing in watohee, cloche, jewellery, dm., at reasonable prices and ail warranted. - Thanking noy numerous customersfor the very liberal patronage bestowed on ma sineo coaling to Wingham, and soliciting a continuance of the same, ,T remain, yours truly, , Et tittliten, SUCCESSOR, TO 11. 1'4RK. > " Remember the stand t Next door to the Post Office.