HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-12-28, Page 54e1 soma Examinations, Tee water. In the list given below will be The Baptist allure') is now vacant, found the nailie f the students in. Rev. C. McTiinnon having resigned. 'attendance at ilip.ardine and Walker- ten model aclioels, who were success- ful in passing the professional, third class examination, held on the 101h, llth, 12th and l3th•inst, The names are arranged in order of merit. Maxinuun, 900, Orlando 1d Nelson, 629 ; Minnie McPherson,622; Alex J McCannel, 615 ; James W Hannon, 613 ; Robert Routledge, 618 ; Earnest E Gibbs, 601; Allen C .Farrel, 593•; Mary Straith, 586 ; Janet 0 MoLaugh- 1in, 501. ; Margarat Yemen, 578i; Bella, 1VI:eltae, .578;; Charles Milne;, 576.; 0 June Thompson; 570 ; Hairy W. Hoppelberger, 5.69-; Archibald Bell, 565 ; Jennette: Sheepy, 559 ; Elizabeth McKenzie✓; 5591 Robert Rosa', 554 Tena R Wells, 554 ; Charles Cooper, 551,1;• I{ate Taylor, 550 ; Addis Perrin, X49; Jno D Mc- Laughlan, 549 ; Charles A Madden, 646 .; Malaoim Thompson, 641' ; Isabela G M¢Intoslai, 531 ; Viola O'Neil, 530$;.: Sarah, Cruickshanks,, 630 ; Thos J Hughes. 526 ; Ida M .T;atterson, 526 ; Jennie McVean, 508; Allot'► Nelson, 498;.'Tihos B Hacail• ton, 496; Maggie Gregg, 492 ; John Norman, 489 ; Hector McArthur, 487 ; Robert, J McIntosh, 483 ; Kate - McKenzie, 474 ; Janet McLeod, 455. The hoard decided at its last meeting . that in. future all candidates reJected will be required, to attend a full second sessinu_at the model school and pass the final examination before they are awarded certificates. The following candidates were aavarded Third Class certificates in Clinton and Goderreh Model Schools, tdiis'year : CLINTON. Listowel. Mr,R.Farquharson,B. A,, of Whitby, takes the position of modern language master in the lush school, at the be- ginning of the year.—.The residence of Mrs,J.G,Alexender was badly damaged by fire on Saturday morning. There is no insurance. Cause of the' fire unknown, Langside. Old Mr. Murray is suffering much from rheumatism, ---Mrs. Wm. Dielb- nell,'of Dunville, is spending the holi- days at her •father's, Mr. Jas. Orows- twi. —,An entertaining examination took place on the 18th inst., in the sellout house of S: S. No 9.—A tea• meeting was' held 'in the Methodist church on Xmas eve. Music was furnished by the Lucknow Methodist choir. Owing to the rain the speakers did not put in their appearance, cen- sequently it was not such a success as it might have been. Geo. H Blackwell, 6.45; James. A Brown, 621 Fred Fowler, 669 ; Wm H Graham, 639 ; Mary Gregory, 676 ; Samuel M Hauch, 608 ; !Whine V H Kayne, 636; Wnt,Murray, 625„ Mary McNair, 609 ; Jennie W Morrison, 037 ; John McTavish, '015 ; Bertie • Plummer, 666.; :Elizabeth Robinson,. 609 ; Bella'," Reich,, 674; Floreirce Biehardsun, 684 ; Geo D Shortseed,. 7:11 ; A D Scott, 597 ; Anson, Spotton, 6174'; . Bella Watson,„„ 653 ; Jennie Weir, 770. nommen, Hattie Andrews, 746, ,.aura Baker, ' 707 ; Jane Brotherstoue, 547 ; Ceilie •Calder;•.' 602 Jessie Collins, 639 Tear J Hudson; 676 ;°' Lottie T; Jbhnst'>n,, 688 ; Thomas Knechtel, 699; $lade;iiell3',, 612; Rebecca Lowry, 705';-.J; Bokci, Morrison, 63 ;.• Dennis J,114 alone, 7.04 ; `I'hcnl►as :golf . 615,, Aa*, id'eP ven. 4961 .John Noble, 684;.H,u;h`A. Ross, X640; Wm. B` • Switii•,.608.. E THE CHIN HOUSE W. T. YATIlS. XMAS . GOODS. Blyth. The Blyth Conservative ,Association elected Mr.. F. W. Tanner, president, and Mr.John Bell, secretary -treasurer. —The Standard says : There is Oahe a case of considerable interest tried at the Division Court here.. Owing to representations made to the directors of the•Morris Agricultural Society that John Barr had mixed aoine black oats with a bag of barley that was com- peting against some he had on exhibi- tion the directors withheldfrom him all the prizes he hadwon, at the exhibition, and he is new suing the society/ for the prizes, • • The lYlayoralty,,.1889. All the Latest Designs and Tints in Fancy China Goods. BO4BWIZATT GLASS,. In many shades and shapes. BEATTTIFUL JET TEA POTS AND TEA .KETTLES, BEAUTIFUL WATER AND WINE SETS VASES AIM WATER BOTTLES SUGAR BOXES AND CREAM JUGS, VINEGAR AND SAUCE BOTTLES. eking Cabarets, Chiga Fruit ct'% INA, FETSP114011ES ELEGANT WATERS SETS, FIN' TRAYS,. To the Ratepayers of .,the Town of ilringhant LADIES AND Q•EtyTLEHEI/; .; At the reques£.o a Burge number of the ratepayers, I have decided to offer myself as a candidate for the Mayoralty of Wing- ham for 1889. You ars• well and, I trust favorably, acquainted with all my public acts. I have served several years in the Town Council and am ho stranger to muni- cipal law. I have alwaye-done. the best I could ta•advauce the interests of. the town and shalt continue to do so if. elected. The town iesnow'•on the high road to prosperity. It is easy to idorease'or maD'thiit prosper- ity. It shall be my endeavor, by every judicious and honorable means in my power, to add to and, increase that pros- perity. If elected I shall do everything possible in the way of justice' to allclasses al�lie, rich and veer. I shill do'm'y•beat to foster and encourage . the . industries we Theawelfare. of Win am� shall b-ife my aim and object, and at the end of the year I hope to be-abl"e,to show that Wingham will be still advancing. ender Rtl the circum-, stances lrespeotfuily solicit ydnr votes and interest.. - Il'am, Ladi'es.and Gentlemen, { . • Yours :ver)* respectfully; '{N'ALTER..SCOTT. Wingham, Dec. llth, 1888. Exeter Mr. Jas •Che sold his hotel to the Atkinson pros. for '$12,500.—A. man. named Thomas Johns, 20 year of age,. had his hand and arm; badly . mai1glwl in a ,ruachine near Elimville. The arra had to be amputated.- and his recovery vas .doubtful' Kincardine.. Rev. 0. L. Ross, Congregational pastor here, died ,ssilmewhat uneiapect edly`ov 'Friday last, his ailment being diabetes. He was in his 59th. year. Deceased. was ,born in IStrangsella,. Isle of Lewis, Scotland, and went ;to Nova Scotia: in early Lyle, laboring at 'Caper Breton and other' 'pieces. He has atKiiicardine upwards of itve •years. Elie was •m; . good .preacher and diligent pastor, well received and ap- preciated wherever halved: GORDON & McINTYRE; GGodei t4 . llfx F., W. Roberts, who kr the, past six years has occupied,' tufo., position of freight clerk at Godericln Uatrttion, has keens transferred 1 tix Waterloo.---.1tt - Rev; John Walsh, Bishop of :Lon+Jon,: eonCirmed .86, per` •scans In Goderich' last /disk, ingstly etilidren.-s—C;iptaiii XW.... Gtien,„ of (ci,�odericli, was presentedcwith a hand- sdena ;old watch from, the American Government, in recognition of bill bravery in rescuing the. drew bf the American barge Nirris, daring the , heavy scorn; on 74ake gegen on of ' Oct. 24tbY 187.; Zetland:.,. J. 5, ,Wilii(m.bid farewell to his Scholars on „Monday evening. He gave them Some .wholesome. advice anal hell;received •counsel. Cards were given to alt the seholati's.and,the prize for best reader to G im 0•ttrrie and second to Mand GOditin;, .also for best spelling to Sohn Wilson. Approjsffate aaeeelses were also made by Messrs. R. Currie and G. Wiisbn. —At the annual 8011001 meeting d1 Tuesday,Mr, Jas Wilson was elected school trustee, ' instead of Mr. J. i'elton.—Mr, tiud lrs.I)on,^of Grey county, are .l iisititlg *,,,4.111ae 1zTitslan't .., The. Reeveship,1889. To the Ratepayers of Winghani :. • LADIES AND GICNTLEDIEN : At the request of several ratepayers Ihave decided to offer myself as candidate for Reeve of the• ` bwn of Wingham, for 1889. a1 have served- for several years the Town Councilt•and have never spared any personal exertioiiasto benefit the town. Wingham has now Made a new• etartifor- ward, and if elected .Y` aI all do, everg¢thing iii my pov.cr to promote and increase its onward progress. I. shall always be: found firmly on the side- oft eo'onomy, truth and morality, and while ahxinus"to. tn'-ike Wing. 'ham a prosperous and flearisitng town, I 'shall at the same time'1be,mincious to make it a pure and moral bne.. Wiughamis now at the crisis of a rising tide, and if properly; isoly managed; it will still rapidly Sincerely hope. that aWtheir Customers and, the Public generally. AND A HAPPY, HAPPY tra c0. W And, to give practical evidence of prepared to give voi N rnCIO their sincerity in this matter, they arae° ;. SPE IA.L. BARGAIN —IN---- Every Line of their Pig Stock, From thio date till the FIRST OF JANUaitxs 1889: —Their Stook of--- CHRISTMAS GOODS • �I8 .. E ' Very Choice and C'ompl'ete In EVERY D'E•.TMEN1T,' SPLENDID. VALUE,- BEAUTIFUL CHINA TEA SETS. A full -line of NEW _ FRUITS, NUTS, CONFECTIONERY AND GROCERIES, fresh and reliable. Inspection inritei" No trouble to show goods W_ T_ Y'.A.T]3S_ THE CHINA HOUSE, and w rise, and grow otherwise the ebb tide may poor) set in. Such ar:crisis should never be neglected. Yep will find me constant in attention, botlitt at +1te Town and County �Qltunoils. I' have been closely identified with Wingham, almost from, its very in - pt .cy,.andtit has always been and always will;, be my pride to malts it a place of ,i/VIPrtance. All I ask is that in your interests and mine yon give me a chance to work for it at this critical period in its career. Yon Will never find me to turn one stop abide from )lie• strict line, of duty for any person or consideration. Isbell always 'be found for justice and right. I therefore respectfully ask you to elect me, and -I feel: confident that the event will show that I am, not and will not be Unworthy of, the trust, 1 am, Ladies and Gentlemen, Yours respectfully, fiEOUGE1 MtzKAY:• Stock is ¢employe. TO THE RATEPAYERS OF WINOHAM: GR,EA leaping)` �• ° u OF $15!OO ¥fORTW ---01 And..,wilia be• soli♦`. ,AT e ,BOTTOM , a . PRICES. General - Goods. gut B: SlaughEosed BEFORE 1111OVING, Our Friends ai'Tbwn,.who can conveniently do so, will confer a favor•by` leaving their orders in the forenoon. GORDON McINTYRE, THE BIG BROWN ANCHOR. D, 1IIL?1 JENLT ESTk91IS�,i�N�” Has a most complete assortment of tli -Li EST, CHQICES ,..and. MOST CHARMING ARTVLEVili•.i Watches, Clocks, ,Jewelry Y and . Sil.irer'Gbod§d^ TOU $. BUT § AT s BAGAMS. CLOSE .ATTENTION . GIVEN TO REPAIRING, AND WORK ALL- , 'GO RIGHT TO u•REEN SiBLOCK FOB, YC U.11:.JE, YELEF+& . T. A. MILLS flas determined to clear: out • the whole stock* ofi: • DRESS. GOODS, 14 WYtMADE CLOTHING, CARPETS, k'LANNFLS1. MANTLE • (loom; CLOTHS, TWEED'Si, I3L•ANKETS, SHAWLS, HATS AND CAPS; FURS, BOOTS AND SHOES. GROG +'RIES.,.. CROCKtRY AND' 0LA.S4SWARE. —o---- TT3E<: STOOK •--:15 Fully ,silos. Call and' 1 get,Bargains, 'while the LADIEB'+AND GENTLEMEBf,i -- •— -TITIS 14 A--?• I have been requested by. aanumber ..' 1 ,i CIe.ann Ste didate for�.•tlie. Reavesliip %for ntliey en- Cenulne g'„.. ening, year; •1859..• Haying Served its. Deputy Reeve < to,. the ,mtereet of the ,---ol,..---..— totim, four rata ;ago,, anclt no coin, plaints rea,.against. me, Up.* . do.ale Ible ". o,ttu,..y '. tc oleet•.Ine, as:,yoair,.a iee�e..;£of ,the ;4 A ., p conyiyg,ye... A. t L. i , dirt♦,.,• ,T CA 1$Ak , SIM of the,:fled,Fiag;.y, WARRANTED. plUMY OPENED .OUT,. c.R HILL'S • CITY` RESTAURANT„ With a New, Fresh, Well-assorted;Stock. Oysters 'Dobe.. in' Any Styes,. A' p.uperb Varietlrxpf GOODS, - OO k ES, • -- LEMONS, GRAPES; -. said. -- • All — .• Seasona�ls , -- Fruit •, Vitteweofrafettimory., i•RaEN'8 BLocirr --•• .•— OPPOSITE THE BOItAL •GnoOERY, WINGHAhi. , Tif. lie iadieo o .1 111iinaItnn� and Surrounding Oountrlj •,, We beg: to intimate that,we have on.liand a very•Oomplete Stock of • FANCY GOODS, ,Comprising the CHOICEST ARTICLES and LA,T.EST'NU"il'EL:M.4i. B4ast. lg, Gioodg VArery De art ieent a. ,. All INSPECTION OF O'lr,•.Ilf:S1'ooIc SOLICITED. ri.oOs Very I ,easona,°ble.....