HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-10-24, Page 10Huron County Farming Report (By B. IVIII,ES, Agricultural Representative for Huron County) "la,eeent rains have curtailed farm work but will aid fall plowing. Fall plowing, lifting sugar' beets and turnips and picking corn are the main Ala of the farmers." Said. "Recently the Association. publicly condemned the bonusing system of meat packers used to maintain direct delivery of hogs to processing plants, 'The A.T,A. said • that this lbonusing discrina- inated against many transporters in favour Of the few; it created unfair competition among truck- gra, and it was detrimental to the .long-range interests of both treaters and farmers'," -"Elimination of direct delivery of hogs will work out to the ben- efit of transporters as well as to producers in the long run," Mr. Aiken concluded, Clerk's -No-tice of First Posting of Voters' List VOTERS' LISTS, 1957, MI(NICIFALITY OF GODERICH TOWNSHIP, COUNTY OF HURON NOTICE is hereby ,given 'that I have complied with Sec- tion 9 of nal VOTERS' .LISTS ACT and that I j1111703 'posted up at my office at /Clinton .;on the 17th, day of October; 1957, the list of all persona /entitled to vote an the isrkid Merdeipality at municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection. AND /I Hereby call wen all voters to take .inunediate proceedings to have-any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the lait day for appeal being tho 31st day of 'October, 1957. . • Dated this 17th day of October, 1957. R. E. THOMPSON, Clerk of Goderiat Township 42-3-6 • Huron County's Junior Plow Team, Lorne Ballantyne, RR 3, Exeter, and Neil McGavin, RR 2, Walton, stood second in competi- tion With 18 other teams, at this year's International plowing match. In the Inter-County Competition this year each of the contestants were required to plow two lands, On Thursday .they plowed a reg- ular plowing match land in which Prices Received At Bred Heifer Holstein Sale An average of $325 was paid by buyers from all over Western On- tario here on Thanksgiving week- end at the first bred heifer sale to be sponsored by the Huron County Holstein Club. For 26 ani- mals a total of $8,450 was paid. Top price paid at the sale was by LeBeau Bros., Clinton, who paid $440 for a bred heifer consigned by Reg, McKie', Clinton. Top buy- er was John Van Ninhuys, RR 2, Bayfield, who paid $1,650 for five bred heifers consigned by the herds of Baxter and Turton of Goderich, Walter J. Forbes,' of Clinton, the Huron County Home of Clinton, and William Sterling, Goderich, LeBeau Bros. paid $370 for a heifer from W. J. Forbes' herd; Walter Eckel, Varna, $285, for one consigned by William Gow, Aub- urn, $315 for one from the herd of Eldon Bradley, Goderich, and $31,0 for one offered by Sandy El• - liott, Exeter. Walter A. Mielke, RR 5, Strat- ford, paid $400 to Thomas Hayden and Son's herd' at Gorrie; Robert J. McMurray, RR 4, Wingham, paid $400 to James Bradley, Gode- rich; and the same price brought D. A. Stirling, Clinton, an open heifer consigned by James Hogg, Seaforth. 'Yon Shore, Glanworth, was auc- tioneer; the club's> secretary, W. Hume Chit-ton, RR, 5, Goderich, was clerk. NOTICES Ontario Fuel Board IN THE MATTER OF The Mraii- eipal !Franchises, Act, Chapter 249, R.S.O. a950, !Section 9 as amended, and IN THE 1VIAIITER OF a proposed By-Law and Franchise Agreement to grant to Bluewater Oil & Gas Limited the right to construct works to supply and to supply natural gas to Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada, repre- sented •by the Minister of National Defence, in respect of lands in. the Township of Tuckersmith, County of Huron, Province of Ontario, be- ing composed of part of Lots num- bers 46 and 47, Concession I and part of Lot 46 Concession II, ac- cording to the London Road Sur- vey and part of Lot 36 Concession II and part of Lot 36 West of the Huron Road Concession II, accord- ing to the Huron Road survey, all in the said Township of Tucker- smith, and owned by her Majesty the Queen in the right of Canada. AND IN THE' MATTER OF an, Application by Bluewater Oil & Gas Limited for an Order declar- ing and directing that the assent of the municipal electors. is not necessary to such By-law. NOTICE OF HEARING Ontario Fuel Board hereby ap- points Thursday, the 31st day off October, 1957, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, Eastern Standard Time„ at the offices of the Board, Suite 311, 4 Richmond Street East, To- ronto, Ontario, for the hearing of the abeve Application and all per- sons interested therein. Copy 'of the Applicatien, By-law and Franchise Agreement may be inspected and further particulars obtained at the office of the Clerk of the municipality, the Applicant, the Solicitors for the Applicant, Messrs. Mitchell & Hockin, 189 Dufferin Avenge, London, Ontario, or this Board. NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO DISPENSE WITH tun VOTE OF MUNICIPALELECTORS TA:10131\10=E that at the above public hearing the Board will be aSked to issue an Order declaring and directing that the assent of, the respective municipal 'electors to the' passing of the said By-law is not necessary. DATED at Toronto this 21st day of Octobor 1957. ONTARIO FUEL BOARD n. R, CROZIER, Oltalrninh W. IL HOV,VARD, Connoissiener 434) Notices Ontario Fuel Board IN THE 1V1ATTER OF The Muni- cipal .Franchises Act, Chapter 249, R.S.O. 1950 'Section 8 as amended, and IN THE MATTER OF an Applica- tion by Bluewater Oil & Gas Lim- ited for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to con- struct works and to supply natural gas to Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada, represented by the Minister of National Defence, in respect of lands in the Township of Tuekersmith, County of Huron, Province of Ontario, being part of Lots numbers 46 and 47 Concession I and part of Lot 46 Concession II, according to the London Road Sur- vey'and part of Lot 36 Concession II and part of Lot 36 West of the Huron Road Concession II, accord- ing to the Huron Road Survey, a]l in the said Township of Tucker- smith, and owned by Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada. NOTICE OF HEARING The Ontario Fuel Board hereby appoints Thursday, the 31st day of October 1957 at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, Eastern Standard' Time, at the offices of the Board, Suite 311, 4 Richmond Street East, To- ronto, Ontario for the hearing of the above application and all per- sons interested therein.* Copy of the Application may be inspected, and further particulars obtained at the office of the Clerk of the.municipality, the Applicant, the Solicitors' for the Applicant, Messrs. Mitchell & 1-Tockin, 189 Dufferin Avenue, London, Ontario, or this Board. DATED at Toronto this 21st day of October 1957, ONTARIO FUEL BOARD A. U. CROZIER, Chairman W. R. HOWARD, Commissioner 43-b On DEBENTURES a .n d GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES HURON & ERIE MORTGAGF CORPoRATION CANADA TRUST Head Office London, Ont. District Representative -- H. C. LAWSON, Clinton 'WINTERIZE YOUR YOUR CAR 10 POINT WINTER' TUNEsql, Check spark plugs, rye :Cchleeaduc ArukelOPellamoopr ) battery * Adjust Curburetur, 4.* FcCohhecutesdikii40:isits,tre:fillt07,1 nraegeduPed" tePluw • Check timing. iliefore rust —real col0 snap coma along, la, smart to give your car a winter checkup and tune ,f„Lle cosine for quick, sure nuts, Dave•in. TODAY!' Canada Packers Limited Phone HU 2-3815 Clinton Ontario MORE MILK IN THE PAIL --BIGGER MILK. CHEQUES Don't miss out on ' better milk production by feeding STRAIGHT GRAIN along with your Hay and Silage. IT DOES NOT PAY Your grain is good feed but, it lacks suffic- ient protein, minerals and vitamins for top milk production. BALANCE your grain with SHUR-GAIN 'MILK PRODUCER to build up the levels of these important nutrients. IT DOES PAY! Thousands of farmers have found that SHUR- GAIN Milk Producer added to . their grain means greater milk production at less cost. Come in and let us discuss a plan to BALANCE' your grain that Will giVe YOU.g-rea,ter returns. Wells Auto Electric KING STREET CLiNTON, Phone HU 2-3851' AMITE er=3 YOU GET DOLLARS AND CENTS' PROOF' OF SHUR-GAIN PERFORMANCE WHERE IT, COUNTS MOST: Clinton I PPP - 3 134 eituttlAgavim,913m6 No* by katiltNitit... ft fin emk at am bran& of tit& This years a better buy than ever . THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Y. ri • 4.24, 190T 'i'iiink twice, =ow/ MCP. for ,vo4r401,fi• and once for the other fellow„.. DRIVE SAFELY. Almost 100 Percent Transporters Are Observing Orders Almost 100 percent of the trans- porters of hogs in the first seven .counties brought under direction- al orders Of the.Ontario Hog Prod- Were Marketing Board are ob- serving thase, orders, Eldred Ai- ken, chairman of the Board, stat- ed last week, Mr. Aiken said that despite reported opposition by a few translferters to the directional Orders, of the Board and to the open-market program of bog pro- ducera across Ontario, it appear- ed•that shippers intended to stay within the law and observe the Orders; '• There are some' 85 transporters in the seven counties where ap- proximately one fifth of the total annual Ontario hog crop is pro- duced, "We can thank the. Automotive Transport Association for some . of this co-operation," Mr. Aiken Your Neighbourhood CITIES SERVICE SERVICE CARL CANTELON Yes, you CANleave it too long! There is no time like TODAY to have this important work done.' Change to new 5D Koolmotor 10W-30 oil without d,lay. Drop in and talk it over—but do it now!, Corner Mary and King Streets Carl and Doug Cantelon Phone HU 29032 N ,NOW,$,.amcgm "Jokers" Interfere With Prices on Milk Products .rnucara 110 iii n4 PIMTP MAXIM' Arnold Porter was fined .$50 and costs in magistrate's court here on Tuesday last, thought he pleaded his own case against a .charge of overloading his dump truck by • 7,7,90 1134, He contended that he thought he had a license for five. ton load license, whereas in reality. 'he had only a five ton gross lic- epee. Constable Morley Groves of the OP? .Qoclexicli laid the charge. Look out for the driver who doesn't look out for you,—DRilVg SAMILY. Dealer is the man to see! PHONE HU 2-9021 IBy J. Carl Hemingway) I would like to express the ap- preciation of the linron County Federation of Agriculture to the Ceunty Junior Farmers, for their fine co-Operation in assisting et our Prince and Princess Contest last Wednesday evening, A very special thank you to the contest- ants who took Part. Congratulat- ions to the winners 1Vlis$ Joan Wilson of Brussels and Ross Smith of Ethel. Cream prices have been better but some "jokers" have discover- ed that butter oil, a pure butter fat product, can be imported free of duty. This product is then combined with other milk solids and the competative price of the resulting article is quite attrac- tive to the trade. It seems that farmers must be continually• on the alert to guard againk flaws hi the very Meagre trade protec- tion they receive. At a meeting of the Poultry Executive October 16, the Bureau of Statistics figures just released show 189,000 cases of eggs in stor- age instead of the estimated 125,- 000 reported previously, After much discussion by the Poultry Producers Executive arid representatives, of the Poultry Products Institute it was agreed to recommend the following • to the coming Dominion Poultry Conference. First: One to two cents reduc- tion in the support price on eggs --- ouch! Second: Price support to apply on Grade A large eggs only. For- merely there has been a Support on Grade B. it , seemed to the meeting that it was wrong to gupport an inferior product es- pecially when Grade B eggs could easily be eliminated by a little care in handling. They also felt that Grade B's were repulsive to the consumer and were low- ering consumption. Finally: It was felt that the support price should be on a del- ivered basis in deficiency areas; Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouv- er. • • With current production up 4 Lloyd Butler OR EXTRA TRAciittk iRAILMAKER MMUS-. MAW- OUTPERFORMS... all other winter tires! •NEW B.EGoodrich CLINTON ONT. WRITE • percent over 1956 we are very thankfal to be able to .export considerable number of egga• to U.S. This will probably mean that eggs won't drop to the .sup- port until a month later than expected, Huron's Junior Plowmen Place Second At International Plow Match at Simcoe coaching and shaping of furrows was allowed, In order to qualify for Thursday's prize money they were required to plow in the utility class for two-furrowed plows on Friday. They were allowed two and one-half hours to Complete their land and no coaching or shap- ing of furrows was allowed, In Friday's competition, Lorne Bal- lantyne stood second with a score of 76.3 and Neil McGavin stood eighth with 71,5 paints. The-top score on Friday went to 0. Broad- haecker of Galt with 77.6 point's, There were 42 competitors in this class, • The top team in the competition came from York County, In the Open Class for bays under 21 ,on Wednesday, October 16, Lorne Ballantyne won first prize in a class of 25 competitors. The first prize in 'this class was a special one-half horsepower elect- ric motor donated as a trophy by the Ontario Hydro Electric Power Cominission and valued at $50, Neil McGavin placed 11th in the same class. The team's total winnings for three days plowing at the Inter- national Plowling Match amounted to $186. Since this team has reached the age limit in the Inter-County Competition, two younger plow- men will represent Huron County at next year's match.