HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-12-28, Page 2tr . e J tag rtmEtmes FRIDAY, DEC. 28, 1888. Presbytery of 11,1aitland• The Presbytery held a regular meet - at Luola`naw On Deo. 11th, the Rev, D. G. Cameron, moderator, in the chair. There was a large attend- _ vice of madam, Elders' oomnlis- stons, were received, The moderator staled that the time bad arrived for tits. successor to he appointed. The #ala aver) O fbr, Stevenson bn the next t atilt tie !roil, he was,on uaotioa,appoint- -d moderator. erator. The thanks of the ;rsiuytery were tendered to Rev.D,G, ;restorer), the moderator, for tLWit@i eretiring 1- 4 ss gau4uet in the chair. The session ye 41% p Huron and Pine River ' Nyoveat Stoaas carefully and correetly' :kept•, The committee appointed to visit, Chalmers Churob, Kincardine township, reported. The report sets forth that ffnanoiai matters were ex, ranged satisfa(storily to all concerned. Tile report was .received and adopted and thanks given to the committee. The congregation of Chalmers' churoh, Kincardine Township, expressed grati- tude to members of Presbytery for gratuitous supply. The following ' motion in regard' to the Rev. Charles Qameron's resignation, • moved by Mr, blaoSueen, seconded hy Mr. Murray, was unanimously passed 1, Than the Presbytery 'mph regrets Mr.Cattueron's departure from among us and expresses its sorrow for the cause that has led him to resign his charge—ill-health, • a• brother that hath en- deared himself to all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance and hath especially endeared himself to his brethren in the Presbytery by his agreeable conversation, Christian char: atter and wise counsel in all the deliberations of the court; a man 'eminently qualified by grace and talent to declare the riches of Christ to the 'multitudes of perishing sinners and ,for the, edifying of the Church; it is the prayer of this Presbytery, if it be the will cf the Lord, that his health may be restored and that in the even - tag of his pilgrimage he May be of much use to the cause of Christ and that his owe,; happiness in the Lord may abound: The treasurer gave in leis annual/report, The auditors re- ported also. , These reports were re7. ceived and adopted. The Rev. Mr. trongman, of the Methodist Church, was invited to sit and deliberate with the Presbytery, A committee, :coil- tasting of 1Vlessra, Stevenson, Mac- Donald, Murray and MacPherson, •eiders, was appointed to confer with 'the congregations of Chalmers' Church, 'Kincardine Township, . and Bervie, with a view to union into one charge. ,The clerk rend a circular from, J. h. MacDonald, Convener of Asaembiy ,Committee on Aged and Infirm Minis- ters' Fund, setting forth that $230 are required from this Presbytery for this year, and, pressing the claims of the tend on, the liberality of the congre- 'gations., It was moved by Mr. Cam- eron, seoonded by Mr. McQueen, that the circular 'be received and its sag 'gestions acted' upon; that the Rev.Mr. :14IcQuarrle be appointed to attend to • the interests Of this fund in the Pres- bytery. A committee, consisting of of Messrs. Stevenson,MoQuarrie,Ross, McNabb end Harrison, was appointed tp.ex„amine the Draft Book of Forms end recommendation of AAsembly's Committee on the book, and report. Rev. Messrs. Moss,, Howie,, McRae, ',lyiartley and their elderswere appoint, ,ed to consider the renaJt on vacancies 4nd settlements and report. Messrs, StiteDonaldr McQnnen,Sutl1erland,Mur` ,rsay and their elders were appointed to ;consider the remit on travelling ex. wenties of oonittiiss'tons to the General Assembly,. The clerk announced the .oharges, entitled to send commissioners the.next General Assembly. Huron, Vluevaae and Eaddies, Luckaow,Knox .Church; Kincardine, Pine River mss• 'lion and Ashfield, Melville Ohnreh, Brussels, Fordwieb and Gerrie, Oran• lfrook :and Ethel, and Walton, elders. 'File co'Inmittee on the remit on tile, marriege question are Messrs ilMitrray* 'l$uthel'Iand, McKay, Ross acid their elders, A call from the congregation bf W'roxetee int favor of Eev.T.David• lion, was Austained and handed to. Mr. Davidson. The call' is unanimous., The stipend promised is $800 per., an- num and irises°. Tile stipend is to be liaid in belfyeariy payments. The Ault was supported by 11lessrs, :7 1 itlil'er and L. Lovell. Mr. Davidson linimated his acceptance of the call. induction is to take place on Mon. Allyl. the 21th instant, et 1.30. Mr. dolman StWtl$ appointed to peeacli. • Jones to address the minister and 10st1 to address the contxr;:gation. • i#tevoei$oz to preside. Mr.Smel[ie gave notice that he will move at next meeting that all regular meetings be held. at Wingham. The fallowing were appointed to visit, . aid receiving congi'egatious•'--Pine 1 iver, Mr. Me - Do tald and his Presbyteryelder ; Langside, Messrs. Mequarrie and Harrison ; Dungannon Anel Port Albert, Messrs,. McLennan .and £ 1 eXinnou ; Delgrave, Mr. Hartley and bis Pres- bytery elder, The clerk read a paper from the Augmentation Committee, setting forth that $550 are required from this Presbytery for the fund,and a paper from Dr. Cochrane, stating that $900 are required from this Presbytery for Home Missions, The f clerk was instructed to write to C04 gregations informing them of the amount required from each eongrega- tion on the basis of families reported, The supply of vacant congregations was considered. St. Helens and East Ashfield and Walton ask for one 11ai$ supply and Whitechurch and East Wawanosh one-third supply from the Probationers' list, Mr Ross presented the cl°aims of Manitoba College and urged liberality on its behalf. The estimates for the year for the Presby- tery Fund were presented and adopted, A conference on Sabbath Schools was held in the evening. The next ordinary meeting of Presbytery will be held at Wingham on Tuesday, the 12th day of Marsh next, at 12,30 p. tan. Josh MAONABB,'res. Clerk. ._.m••.._• East Wawanosli. bliss • Lizzie Edwards and Mr. P. W. Scott have been chosen to get up a competitive programmeat theS. id. No 18 Literary for Friday evening. —Mr. J.Taylor, of Delornine, Man., is visiting friends in this locality.—'Mr J. Denholm, of Blyth,hasfinislled shipping apples from this township —Mr, G. fowler is selling silverplated ware for a firm in Windsor.— .A stray mule came to Mr. George Sowler's premises and was lodged in the pound, but was claimed by a party from Listowel. The animal had coxae a long distance.— At the literary on Friday night tbo auhjeot discussed was ; Resolved that "Prohibition is preferable to High License." The debate wasintereatiny, as well as instructive. The speakers for the'affirinative were H. Edwards, R. Wiglitman, W. Martin and 0. Wightman. Those for the negative : B, Ooultes, J. Taylor, M. 11. Harrison and J. Scott. • The decision was given in favor of the affirmative. been booniiug and the contributions to the brio a -brae have been numerous as well as valuable and amusing, ---pair* log the pant few weeks the science of foot -bull playing has: been proven to belong to our fines town as at some recent matches Gred,Oorbiitt, of To- routo University, Wm. Potter of Trinity College, and "Doc," Williams of Tolonto Sohool of Medicine, all old Clinton boys, were oonspiouous players in their respective teams,-'.Cos1N.a. ,,—. .F. . r IN, - ........,--- West Wawanosh: Council met on leo. 15th, members all present. Minutes of former meet- ing were approved f., The treasurer's report for Nevem r showing balance expendi- ture 1 and ex l and receipts $2,38 r ps$, X, p ture $952.52, was read, Dougald McMillan applied for compensation for sheep killed by dogs. No action was taken. The treasurer was instructed to pay the note due the late Anthony Quess. The Reeve reported that he and Mr. Ward .had waited upon the parties to the late treasurer's bonds anct they had agreed to remainas se- curity until the lot day of January next. Chas, Thoms made application to have a road. 'opened at the rear of his lot; laid over. Bobt. Ellis pre- sented a claim of $63 for gravel and damage done his property in taking out the gravel; laid over. Mr. Martin appeared in behalf of the East' Wa wanosh portion of U. S. S. ' No. • 14, stating that Ian injustice had been done them by the school rate being levied on the section in the same pro- tiortion as last year, notwithstanding the fact that 600 acres had been add- ed to the section from West Wawa - nosh, thus the ratepayers, of, the East Wawanosh portion had got no benefit from the addition. On inotion the reeve was instructed to consult the township solicitor on the matter. T. B. Somerville complained that owing to fallen timber lying in the creek bed, on lot 15, eon. 9., the water over- flowed the road and thus made travel- ling there is 'possible. The clerk was instructed to notify the proper parties to remove the obstruction;. Moved by Mr. Stuart,. seconded by Mr. Todd, that the clerk procure 150 copies of the financial statement required by law, for distributiion among the rate- payers. The following deputy retina, ing officers were appointed by • by-law: Polling sub -division No. 1, J: G. Ward;;' No. 2, Geo. Rutledge; • No. 3. R. K. Miller; No. d, John Gordon. A barge number • of accounts were passed after which the council ad 'lourned to meet according according to statute.—R. K. MILLER, Tp. Clerk. Salem. A very successful tea -meeting was held in the Methodist Churob here on Wednesday evening last. The church was well filled. A. sumptuous repast wits *served, and an interesting, in. struotive programme was carried out. Among the speakers were Rev. Messrs. McKibben, of B,Iu,evale; Totten, of Wroxeter; •and Edwards of Holstein, the former pastor of the church. A duet sang by M isles Maggie and Mary Hooey% was well received. The pro- ceeds, of the meeting netted some- where about $30 to be applied to the Parsonage fund.. --11r. Wm, Wilson is at present lying seriously ill from an attack of a complication of diseases. We hope to see him around soon.— Messrs. George Bentley. and Orlando Currie left on Monday last for Louisi- ana. We wish them a pleasant stay ha the land of Paradise.—Mr. J. S. Wilson, who has reoentiy, been pros- trated by an attack of brain fever, re- turned home on 'Tuesday last. We are glad to notice his comparative re, covery.—emigration to Louisiana is the principal topic of conversation now.—Owing to the bad roads and rainy weather, the Congregational Church at this place was well nigh filled with emptiness, there being only a congregation of three to preach to. When your mother interferes with your }Tay. Johnny, by spanking you witla.a trunk amp, yon are perfectly justified in alluding to the atfuir es ei leather meddle. Fee 1r.1xHrelenA and raver 4 trapleiut you have lizrt printed, guarantee to cure, Fevery or 'kettle slo by 0, E, 1V331iaws. .A. certain fat man has a very thin wife, Some waggish Mewls have nicknamed them Enough and Too Spare, Consumption Surely Cured. To Toa Entree :-.please Wenn your realises that I have a positive remedy for the above named dleoas°, bop cursed I shall be gMd to seed twoMbottles e1 my remedy fuse to any of your readers who have 1 as tion um,Oion If the-, will solid Ino their Fsru and ., 1 P.10. addre'as, liespCuttelly, Un, 'i, A.. BLOOIJ2? ll7 Yongc St., Taranto, Ont, Teeswater. Copeland Bros. have purchased the churol; and sheds, formerly the proper- ty of the M. E. Uhureh. They are fitting np the place for a livery stable. —Monday was Division Court day here. Over twenty cases were dis posed of. 'One poor unfortunate, who played the roll of plaintiff in three of the cases, lost in each. His neighbors, it is needless to say, join in hie sorrow. —The lecture in the Methodist Church by the Rev. D. F. Cambell, ''The Marricige Ring," was fairly well at- tended. The lecture was interesting, but little new was said by the speaker. —A Christ ue tree entertainiuent will be held ih the Westminster and Methodist Churches on Monday even- ing and Tuesday evening (Xmas Eve and Xrnas evening respectively. C1into. 1VZr. E. Hili, 33. A., the new Science Master, spent several days last week at the Collegiate preparing :for the coming term. He is a young man of marked ability and standing and pro- mises to be agood addition to the staff of teachers. --Mr. Pendergast, B. A. was absent several days writing oh his professional examination at '.it?;;lph. He gives Oleo to Mr. Ifill tte>tt yearand the students are sorry Itis ticket is not 13. A., with Science, so as to haste been able to be an ap.. plicant for the position of Science Master here. ' However, the boys waited on, him ere leaving, and made him a good present, feeling that they were not only toeing a, good teacher, but an enthusiastic foot -ball player. --- The attendance this term has been very largo, and when re -opened atter vacation will be well filled, Special provision have been made, for first c asst work, and its- former record for University and other Departmental Examination work will more than be e ro- --.- r, Miss. W esbtxncl M `� PAhad pro- posed to' me lest night. Rivet Lelia -.Did he ? Wllou I refusect t+iln in the afternoon be said he ivas goalie; to do something desperate, QATARREi, Catarrhal Deafness, Hay Fever, A NEW HOME TREATMENT. Sufferers aro not general': aware that thosto oases are contagions, or that they are due to the presence of living parasites in the lining nlembr4lt44 of the nose'and eustraeilian tulles, Jd Btoscoplc re - seam's, h•twever, has prnat:d this to be a fact, arna the reset le that a simple remedy has 'been forma - laced whereby catarrh, catarrhal deetuees and bay fever are perms nontly cured in, from one to three simple eppl}retione matte at Immo bS the patent once in tee weeks. N. 1S. --For catarrhal discharges pcoullar to females, (Whites) thin remedy is a specifics. A pamphlet explaining- this new treatment is sent on receipt of ten °elate by A. IL Dg.nr d: SON, 301 West King St,, Toroute$ Canada.-SelentifSC American. Sufferers fronecaterrhal troubled should read, the abase terefully, A contemporary ounces the following very important correction: The line ' Twaddle like a bum on some Tote spree,' in cur poem of last Saturday, should have read, 'Twitter like a bird on some lone spray.' Apra To Afo'rUERs,-Ate you disturbed et night and broken of your rest by a sink child suffering and oryingwith pain of Cutting Teeth? If se send at Ince and get e, bottle of "Mrs. Wi,islow's soothing Syrup" tor Children Teething. Its<valuedx incalcul- able. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately! Depend upon it, mothers; there is no ;mistake about it. It euros Dysentery and Diarrhoea, reit Mates the Stomach and Bowels, curesWind Colic, softens the Gums, *reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and; energy Oahe whole system. " Mee. Win. siow's Soothin" Syrup for children teething is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. price twenty-five dents a bottle. Be euro ante ask for "Mas, Waists:4'e SOOTHING Mae," and take no other kind. Elverson says, all the world loves a lover. Possibly, but the love of all the world doesn•t make the lover any more contented se long as one little snap of a seventeen year old girl says that she can be to him only as a sister. What's the difference between n mistake and a blundert Well, if you visit a friend's house during a rainy day and. leave with an umbrella not 80 good as your own, that's a blunder, but if you leave with one considerably better, than your own, that's a mistake SHILIfiefi ttrAIflln it gat s»r -a positive cure for Catarrh,Diphtheria and Canker Atotttb. roe sale by 0. E. Williams.. If you want to get cold facts out of a woman contradict her and make bee bud, It fetciles the truth every time, but usually it isn't complimentary to you. bid X not give yon "a flogging the other day£ said a school master to a tretnlbling boy, Yes sir, answered the boy, Well, what do the Scriptures f say upon the subject I dont , know, sir,, said the boy; except itis, itis more bl'essifll to give that to receive, Little Dot-Malnnia, Dick is It188illg inn. Mamma_ I ata clad lira likes; you so well, dear. Ent it isn't Wight, Oh, it don't ntlttter1 pet. What makes, you think it isn't; rt;414 I, Caltde nurse, llowsetsprOkmertorareolirnfnemeorn C. P. Rt. TIME TABLE.. Trains arrive and depart as follows : ItSAVING ARRIVING .27 a. m..,. r, •- . S r Toronto.... , .... 5:27 sae :46 p. en 14 1145 p.m :15 p.in........ ..For Teeswater.......... 3.15 11 0:20p,,m e<. . " d 10:20. '• ti 3 tt nein nm n -4Spp1ILISIIED EVE= t.� It1DAY rife Nr, ---AT TDB, -- TONICS OFFIGE, JOSePHfNESyste£T, W10011AI , - ONT EIO. ,SUl,uoriptl01'tprl0o,4t1 Vin" y5ftr,31s adverece. ADVERTISING BATES: T reo-rT C A. C. STRATHDEE, AGENT, WINa11Au. Through tickets to all points in America -North, !Vest, Pacitic Coast, etc„ via the shortest and all popular routes. Baggage checked through to destination. Lowest freight rata to all points. •---•-TIME TABLE. MIAMI wINORAM. ARRSW& AT WINONAM. 0:30 a.m.Toronto, Guelph, Palmerston, Eco, 3:80 pan, 11410 " t 10:10 3 40.m. " " Clintons " 7..:6 p" ,.....Palmerston, Min*. ..10:20 a.m. 7:05 a.m...........London, &c. 11:00 " 8:40m. 7:45 pas, 11110 a.m. ......Kincardine, &a,...... 0.80 anal. 3:00 peril 11:10 " „ 41 10.0.0 • 6:60 p.m. VOR SALE OR TO ItBN't FOR FIVE YEARS.- A first class farm in the township of Turnberry, being Lot 3 and part of 4, in the Seeenth Concession, containing 107 acres, of which 1.03 are cleared and in a good state of oultivatien and all free of stumps, except about 4 acres. A fine orobard, a•good frame dwelling and large bank barn, with frame driving sheds, &o., are wt the premises. The farm is well watered. For particulars apply to the proprietor on the premises, or to 3, Cewall, \Vroi4iter. JOHN Gil&& 1TLL, Wroxetor P. 0. -8t . DAVI --1��'�iI--IS OFF���-E1�RING-v- '.A.1212 '1=2,0P3RZ'Y`' AT VERY LOW RATES. SEf IiTh Z OFFICE—OPPOSITE TFiC MARKET. lazttenAld, oarosna dell,, 1888. agora. ^ i yr. t @;Y:-00 mt+- 1 3 Ino. l i 141° n;Ia. One Unh, ul>p also 00 iib W 1 520 uCi $B 0 Ht,1f „ 236 00 20 00 12 00 54tluurtcr 14 Y000 18 00 7 iltl 4 One inch 5 00 3 00 2 00 _1 ft) Lara1 ante other eRInn ,dvertieellteuts, Fc, per line for first i,rsertion, and le. per line for sui,ac'yuel4t tnsertlnn, Larai notices, in norparall type, 1011. tor aryl in• sertlen, aid flu, per line for 4tleh enbeetiuent Insertion.. No l01•al sotnce will be Cha `rod leas than ?fie. Advertisements of Lost, unci, Strayed, Situ Wong, and lousiness t1ila1Ves Wan d, trot s:weeding 8 liana nonpareil, rl l rr m toll ltouseV and Farms for Sale, not exceeding 8 linev:l The a Urine be stn,icttlyadhere/I month. Special rates for loupe a dvertisereenee, or far lenge, parlods. Advertieen tints without aperlSc direst}anti, will be Inserted till forbid aud1, oh8rgetl aeeordiugly. Time. sitory 0dverttaenlonts aloft be wad in advance. Changes for 11ontreet adv'ertisenle,tts nmot bei fp the odiee by Wedneethty neon, in order to al+pear that week. R "Ett1OTTs I'earfL ATIIa AIM Penhmun8.. T tR. 3SACDf)NALi:t, JOSEPIIINE STR.BET, WI$e11AM, • • • - OTTAWAS.. • ,R. J. AblLORVM, , Ironer Graduate of Toronto Unlversit}•. Office and Reafdenoe-The old stand formerly etre. pied by Dr. Bethune, at the corner of Centre mei Patrick streets, WisuluOI, - . O, '` A1~ J. ANDA ltS014, UNDLItTA1iErt. Caskets, Hollins, "lobes, Ike, always on hand. ZEST' CLAss $h1ARSEOrattn, PIUTUpE r9AtdlNn PRoMPtLY 111YEtette f0. maintained,-.- 1.'he Literary Society has told sIt53Etfoggoo t,t old wets!;. Oat wk ft1Ytk1Atts d, rends! Waeksop*e, War- FRIIE , tasted. nears dons uotd Hutting CWoa. Both ladies' and segueatrea,wnh Werke Sad colas '0f *Moe 00ioe. One I'e1'eola la each ie. entity raft eeeuse esti 'free, totethee with tint large Aad vel. nabla alae of fioaabadid anmplen. 'flees aemplu, es well ae The orateh, we feed Free. sad snot Yoe tare kaplt Piero in yeti* Mete roe * Theethe'tied sheen them to there *he may hate Ogled, they become past ewe dr a Twee,rhe Melte at thee Sat be Mara` oeel f rnWat�rr thudttole red Anntlple1a.. Weeay all niece, hetth6016, Ad,,kto. 01rn.+otsticCM, a+ISIM I<'4xtilrtfttJi,letlr►ttorre jf R EVER ER do DICKIt\SON, let BARYBI40RRS, Solleitors for the Bank at }Ilunllton,' Commistlonera for taking alfldavlta torillaultnba, krivatn tends to land in ttraight Mane at lowest rate., Oincee-. Itent'e Block, Wingliam, Lnekn(,W nod Gerrie, 11,.W, 0. VRI'Ea. R. L. nI1NIN$.tN.. J.A. MOUTON. BARRISTER,, Winghem Onntarha. 1VANSTONI. A. BARRISTER, SORIC 'TOIL NOTARY PIUBLIC% CONVEYANCER, ETC. OFFICES -Beaver Block, Wreunia t, Gomm and BLYBI, ONT. Private and Company funds to loan at low tato nS interest. Mortgagee, town and faun property bought and sold. Mercantile collections a epentalty... DENTISTRY.-. J, S. JEROME, t?iNOIfsIr, I am making beautiful setts o; Artificial Gum "Teeth" for ee.00 pet sett; and. Plain Teeth, per sett, 54.90. Prllies in all other branches o deufit. try 10 proportion: i l Vegetable, Vapor administrated for the painless extraction of teotNthe only s fe anesthetio 000wh. OFFICE:: In.thb Beaver Block, opposite the, Brunswick hotel.' DENTIST.aY,--W. 11,. MACDONALD,' WLIONAM. )ov Malie0'ef• Vulcanite, Celluloid, Alloy . Sifter, Gold, etc., etc., Plates, ranging Pi1N dr�M erwung and es frombridgework.Teeth ex-oi00 owarde B tracted without the least pain by the use of Vital- ized Air. Head Mee, Wingham, side entrance oar poeite the Queen's hotel, open daily (Sundays except• ed) from 0 a in to 6 p 1n: Will be at Blytih every Saturday-ORice at 3f,lne's hotel; Gerrie: ist and 32fi rd Mondays of truth month-•-OmceAt Albion hotel;, Lucknow : and and 4th Monday and Tuesdays at, snob month-Oftice at Whiteloy'ahotel, Extraoting,, amts i i AOS' JOHN RITCHIE, „_GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Wn,enAM, Ovens®. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM, 1l, INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. GEORGGEORGE tfc1A.Y, Wingham, Licensed Auctios5ac E the Counties of Huron and Bruce. At moderate rates, sales will he conducted in ert7 portion.ef the 0olintler, Orders San be left at the Tlafse Office. J0 CU UUE, WuseiLt d, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Orders left at Tuses' office prolnptly attended ter TERMS, REASONABLE,. Pa DEAN, Ja., Wi8outr , LICENSED. AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNT}t OF U111t031. . Sates attended an any part of the Co, Chargee Moderate. JAMES IIENDBRS01r, P' fySORNasD ,,Atttt'rI012EkR 1?O13 CeIt.NT1EH Mean Ara Bums. A11 sales'nttonded to promptly anti on the Shortest Notice, 3s Charges Moderate and Satieiacitoll Guaranteed, All necessary arrangements can bo Made at the That's' Apo. Wawa' , ONT. Money to Loan on Notes. Notes Discounted A'.p 4REASONABLE 1 A 'ES. Moheyl `advanced on Mortgages at 0 per cent. with privilege 'of paying at the end of any year. IRotea and accounts collected. ItOBT. aitoINDOO. OrrlO ,-BeaVer Block, Wingham, Oat. REAL ESTATE AND PIR IN$UR* ANCE AGENCY. 4 ()MCC ; KENT'S BLOCK 4 WINGHAM,. Private made to loan. A number of Building Lofe and Boldface proper- ties for Sale Theile desiring to make n home in WW'lughem ehotil .ic cnintaunic,ete with, or spely in pereeti et my °filet,. whete all necessfry Information can I* obtained., -