HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-10-10, Page 6•••' 4: .. • III • • • 1, • - You'll Find a Wide Range of 12" Laced Rubbers 10" Leather Hicuts Rubber Hip Boots Every Type To Suit Your Needs ALSO • HUNTING COATS • PLAID SHIRTS • HEAVY SOCKS • PLAID JACKETS • MITTS - GLOVES CAPS AIKEN'S LUGGAGE - - FOOTWEAR ,0 c3 INVITATIONS EF? ANNOUNCEMENTS tt, INFORMALS ASK Felt • ACCESSORIES &ea" .„ -944 NATIO N 11tT us As ST yottNietffi 110Uit WE(1)D114G etAl4s COW Itt_Atip ASK FOR' YOUR FREE BRIDAL GI_FT RAOISTER Clinton News-Record euisolocie Rebekalis Instal New Slate of Officers, 1957.58 • %. Mrs. Douglas 'Andrews was in- stalled as Noble •Grand of the Hur- onie .Rebekah Lodge No, 306 on Monday .evening when Mrs, Ada Fritzley and her installing team from Goderich visited Clinton. „Junior Past Noble Grand is Mrs. John Broadfoot, Brucefield; vice-grand, Mrs. Harold Tyndall; chaplain, Mrs. R. B. Rowden; war- den, Mrs, D, B, Glidden; conduct- tor, , Mrs. Len Bowman; colour' bearer, Mrs. John Sangster; in- side guardian, Mrs. William Ross; outside guardian, Mrs, Jim Cox; R.S.N.G., Mrs. George Beattie; . .: .. • „...4„,4 • • .4 \,t,\•.‘..," . ) .41' lot-':%1 . A 1 .4 t , ,,,/ .N, --01400 To Make Your ThankSgiving Dinner Complete- Serve Our Delicious ROLLS 1 PASTRIES ' 'or CAKES Our Saturday Special: From Our Store Only- MINCE MEAT PIES Reg. 55c for ..... 49c Bartliffs Bakery Ltd. BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS Whiter 2.9727 1100•••• CLINTON *••••••*••••••••1•••••••••.•••••41Y1/.1.01MMEras*••••*••••••••••••••••...... Hospital Auxiliary Appreciates Support Given Penny Sale The Clinton Hospital Auxiliary high lights of the address given at met in the Nurses Residence on the Regional Conference of Hospit- Monday with the president, Mrs. al Auxiliaries held in Stratford re- Alex Rad'dy in the chair. The cently. Miss Priscilla Campbell, secretary, Mrs, C, M. Shearing Chatham, said, ",Know your hospit- read the minutes and Mrs. A, 3. als„ Talk it Up not talk it down 1VkcflVlurray the treasurer's state- and encourage children to know went, • what the hospital stands for." Rep- Mrs, Harry Ball; convener of resenting the National. Council of. the Penny Sale gave an interest- 600 Auxiliaries with a member- lag .and detailed report saying that ship of 80,000, Mrs. 3. D. Good. $800 had been received from this spoke of their achievements. successful project. She stressed On motion of Mrs. H. C. Law- the interest and service of merch- son and Mrs. A, Knight it was ants, organizations, police, women decided to invite the 1958 Pall of the Auxiliary and many others Regional meeting to Clinton. Mrs. adding her personal thanks and M, Shearing and Mrs. C. Trott those of the Auxiliary, The 1956 will represent the Auxiliary at sale had netted the organization the Ontario Hospital Association $576. meeting in the Royal York Hotel, Mrs. W. Morlok brought the Toronto, on October 27, 28 and 29, Mrs, W. Morlok, Mrs. H. C. Lawson and Mrs, Brock Olde will constitute the nominating com- mittee for the 1958 officers, Miss Hilda Smith, acting super- intendant was present and con- gratulated the members on the Hospital and their efforts. Refreshments were served with Mrs. Olde pouring tea and memb- ers of the executive serving, Speaker Tells of Wedding Ceremony .CLANTON NEWS,RECORD 'T.S URSDAY, 00-rOma. 10, lov Miss Edith Paterson, Hamilton, was renewing acquaintances in town during the weekend. Elwin Merrill has returned after spending last week vacationing in Eastern Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Colquhoun were at Staffa last Sunday where they attended the 90th birthday party of Mr. Colqahoun's father. ViSitors, with Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hartley over Monday, were Mr. and Mrs,, K Rosenfend, Hartford, Conn„ uncle and aunt of Mr, Hartley, Constable and Mrs. A. Shaddick and Gerald, Miss Marilyn .Shaddick and Carl Ward, Stratford and Mrs. T. Fairservice, Londesboro, spent the' weekend in Simcoe and Port Dover, • Visitors during the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mel Crich included Mr, and Mrs, Ray Gibfbings and family, Strathroy; Mrs. M. Feiguson, Toronto; Mrs. J. Churchill, Weston; and Mrs. Ivy 'Johnston, Seaforth. - Mrs. Electa Coates, Hamilton; Misses Peggy Coates and Maude Coultes, Toronto; Mrs, Chris. Crozier; Weaclovvvale, were Satur- day visitors with their aunt, Mrs. Margaret Johnston and cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Farquhar. YPU Rally In Exeter Tuesday - The fall rally of the Young People's Union in Huron Presby- tery is scheduled for Tuesday night with supper served at 6.30 p,m. (Standard Time) in Exeter, James Street United Church. Leighton Ford, the well known evangelist, will be the guest spe- aker. He was formerly an assoc- iate of Billy Graham, and has conducted• evangelistic• tours across Canada and the United States. All YPU members and their frien- ds are invited, and if they find' it impossible to attend the supper, then "Don't miss Leighton Ford". Mrs, W. S. R. Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Farquhar, Clinton,' and Mervyn Farquhar, Dearborn, Mich, have just returned 'from a very pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. Alec Eagleson, Oklahoma City. On their return they were accom- PaT )4Y Mrs, Eagleson and came home by way of the Eastern States stopping by interesting places such as The Smoky Mountains and took the Skyline Drive part of the way. In all they toured 17 states. Mr. and Mrs, Gorden W,,Cun- bighorn, who for the past two mon- ths have been visiting their daugh- ter and son-in-law; Mr. and Mrs., A. E. Saunders, in Silver Heights, Winnipeg, left there last week to continue their trip to the coast Where they wilt visit in the home of their other daughter, Dr. and Mrs. T, fI, Hull, I,J.B.C., Vancouver, They also plan to visit relatives 'arid friends at White Rock and Victoria, B.C., before returning home, o - Wesley-Willis WA Regular Meeting Mrs. J. A. McKim led in prayer at the Wesley-Willis Woman's As- sociation meeting, Mrs. 3, Nediger read the Scripture and Mrs, N. Shepherd the thoughts on the les- son. Mrs. Charles Nelson sang a solo, accompanied by Mrs. N. Shepherd. Plans were made for some sup- pers to be sewed in October and November and for the Minister's Wives meeting at the manse soon. Mrs, George Beattie gave , the reports of social and the manse committees. Committees were formed for the annual Country Fair and tea on October 26, The book, "Thinking about the Church" was filled in 'by the mem- bers present. A social hour was spent with Mrs, H. Adams' group in charge. Mission Director The ROA'. Dr. W. G. Berry, Toronto, is an outstading chur- ch leader, who will be in Hur- on County throughout this we- ek as director. of the Mission to the Nation. His first add- ress is at Thames Road United Church, 7 pm., Thursday, Oct- ober 10. Then on Friday, aft- ernoon and evening at Blyth United Church; on Saturday, over CKiNX Radio and TV and on Sunday, at Gorrie United Church. Assisting him will' be the Rev, H. 3, Snell, president of the conference; the Rev. Dr. R. J. Semple, Egmondville, director of the Spiritual Life. Missions, Huron Presbytery, I OBITUARY, Mrs. Jas. A Miller Funeral services were held at the Beattie Funeral Home, Rat- tenbury St, East on Monday, Sep- tember 30, for Elizabeth Steep, beloved wife of the late James A. Miller who passed away Saturday, September 28 after a long illness. Rev. 3, A. McKim, of. Wesley- Willis United Church, of which the deceased was a faithful member, officiated, and interment was made in' Clinton Cemetery, Pallbearers were Kenneth Mil- ler and Robert Needham, Code- rid); Vernon Wagner, Preston; Roy Churchill, Ottawa; Jonathan Fisher, RR 4, Goderich and Clar- ence Hugill, Clinton. Mrs. Miller was born December. 14, 1875, in Goderich Township, the daughter of Elizabeth Curry and Peter Steep. Following her marriage on November 14, 1894, she resided on the Bayfield Line and later on the Huron Road about three miles west of Clinton. Eigh- teen years ago she and Mr. Miller moved to Clinton. Following Mr. Miller's death in 1940 Mrs. Miller lived with her daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Churchill, until Mrs. Churchill passed away in 1952, Following that she resided for a time with her son Fred' L., then with her niece Vera (now Mrs. Alvin Wil- helm, Stratford). The last three years she has been living with Mr. and, Mrs. James Lockhart on Rattenbury Street, Clinton. Surviving are one son, Fred L., Clinton and one brother, Adam Steep, Godericlr. There are nine grandchildren and 12 great-grand- children. A son, Norfnan W., was killed in a car accident in 1951 while he was County Clerk, and a daughter, Edna (Mrs. Simpson), Hamilton, predeceased her in 1942, Mrs. Miller's kind and cheerful. disposition Won her many friends Which was reflected in the numer- ous and beautiful floral tributes. Vilniteb Qt burcb REV. 3. A. MoKIM, BA. MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNIE. Choir Director • Sunday, October 13 World Wide Communion Sunday 11.15 a.m.--Morning Worship-- Sermon by the Minister 7.30 p.m.-Worship at Holmesville HOLMESVILLE 78th Anniversary 10.00 a.m,--,Morning Worship- Sermon by the Minister 11.00 a.m,-Sunday School. 7.30 p.m.-Song Service & Even- ing Worship. Sermon by the Minister. Let us keep the Lord's'Day apart by Worship" 44444 4. 4.4,44-44,44,4-444.44.4 Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday School 9.45 a.m. Breaking of Bread 11.00 a.m. Gospel SerVice .... 8.00 p.m. Speaker: John M. Martin. TUESDAY, 8 p.m. - Prayer and Bible Study. 'A Hearty Welcome Awaits You" BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH I. BODENHAM, Pastor 10.00 a.m. Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.-Evening Service Wed., 8 p.m.-Prayer Meeting "Study in the Book of Heb- rews". You are cordially invited to these services, ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. D, J. LANE, B.A., Minister MR,S, M. 3. AGNEW, Organist and Choir Leader 10.00 aan,-Our Church School meets. 11.00 am.--Public Worship- Subject "The Only Saviour" „Anniversary Services '11, a. n. and 1.36 p.m, Sunday, October 20 Rev. James Fleming, moilem erator of the Synod of Hamil- ton and London, will occupy the pulpit at both services'. Monday, October 21 , 8.30 p.m.--Anniversary Concert- Schneider-Orpheus Male Choir A weltoine to all extended to all services. The October meeting, of the Clinton Junior Institute was held in the Clinton District Collegiate Institute on Tuesday, October 8 at 8.30 p.m. Miss Helen Johnston pre- sided in the absence of the presi- dent Mae Coleman. The girls were asked to consider competing for the princess com- petition in Huron County. It was decided to have a play at the Drama Festival. The roll call was answered by "Where 'would you like to go on your honeymoon?" Olive Aikenhead read a poem. The guest speaker, Rev. D. J. Lane, was introduced by Olive Aikenhead. He gave a very inter- esting talk on the different forms of a wedding ceremony. Helen Wilson moved a vote of thanks to the speaker, Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Christians gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 18: 20) meeting in the above hall invite you to come and hear the Gospel, the old, old story of Jesus and His Love. Order of meetings on Lord's day as follows: 11.00 a.m.-Breaking Bread 3.00 p.m.-Sunday School 7.00 p.m.-Preaching the Gospel 8.00 p.m.-Wednesday-- Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading. Come' and hear how you can be saved and sure of Heaven. We preach Christ and Him crucified. Christian Reformed Church REV. G. J. HOYTEMA, Minister 10.00 a.m.-Service in .English, 11.30 a.m.-Sunday School 2.30 p.m.-Service in Dutch Everyone Welciime Saturday 9.30 a.m.-Bible School Listen to the denominational broadcast of the Christian Re- formed Church; Back to God Hour. Every Sunday, Sarnia, Ontario, OKOC, 9,30 a. m., 1070 kcs, Windsor, Ont., CK- LW, 11.30 p.m., 800 kcs. ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA St. Paul's - Clinton REV. C. S. INDER, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Seventeenth Sunday After Trinity 830 a rctr Holy Commttnion. 11.00 am:L-Morning Prayer. 4.30 p.m.-Holy Baptism. 'rues„ Oct. 15 * WA at home of Mrs. H. Bartlitf, 2.45 p.m. Wed., Oct, 16 -- Huron Deanery WA at Hensall, 2.30 p.m. BST. Wed., Oct. Friendahip Club, Parish Hall, 8.15, p.m. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH P.A,O.C. Victoria Street, Clinton K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor leriday, October 11- 8.00 pm.-Christ's Ambassadors: Sunday, Oetober 13-* 10.00 aln,,-,Sundo School 11,00 a.m.-IViorning Worship 7,30 p.M.-Gospel Service TtiesdaYI, October 15- 8,00 p.M.--Regular Prayer and Bible Study Service, A Special Weledmo AWaits Yon PERSONALS ('AGE six Ontario St. WMS Holds Annual Thankoffering The autumn thank offering meeting of Ontario Street United Church WMS was held in the church parlors on Tuesday, Octob- er 8. Guests were present from Wesley-Willis WM'S and Turner's. The president, Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes ektended a welcome to all and presided for the meeting. The devotions were taken by Miss Emma Pluinsteel, with prayer by Miss 3. Courtice, Mrs, Nelson gave a very interesting and am- using reading entitled " Commit- tee meetings„ and "what is suc- cess?". Two piano duets by Mrs. E. Radford and Miss Elva Willse were much enjoyed as well as a solo 'by Mrs. F. Falconer. The guest speaker, Mrs. Grant Mills, spoke on the work of the WMS in the church and the chal- lenge for service for every woman in the church. 'Mrs. Fear thanked all who had helped in any way for such a helpful and inspiring meeting. Mrs. M. Wiltse closed the meet- ing with prayer, 0 Best home insurance: simple fire prevention. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1957 (Eastern Standard Time) ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" Pastor,-REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. 9.45 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Thanksgiving and Baptism Service. TURNER'S CHURCH 2.00 p.m.-Church Service 3.00 p.m.-Sunday School ILSING, Mrs. Carman McPherson; I RSVG, Mrs, George Knights; 1.4.SITG, Mrs. Orrin Dowson; record, ing secretary, Mrs. R, B, Sutter; treasurer, Mrs. John Hamilton; financial secretary, Mrs, Goldwin Smith; musician, Mrs. Norman. Shepherd, During the meeting it was deei& ed to prepare and sell another birthday calendar, The members were asked to bring as many names as possible to the next meeting. Lunch was served, 0 • WISLTL. ytANEDETRV.10WeloriERIS The Women's Missionary Soc- iety of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church will meet at the home of Mrs, George Roberton for their thank-offering meeting, October 17, at 2,30 pm, Note change of date. With Thanksgiving this weekend, you are reminded of your Christmas gift list. Come in and we'll "talk turkey". Already some of our customers are using our Christmas tray-Away $1.00 deposit wilt hold any article until Christmas. a/46 JEWELLERS FOR AVE RIVEST4s7D/AMONO.gaG/A7S" achtit,WATC1-1 REPAIRER. CUNTON•gd.1111. 2-9525 WELCOME TO THE GREENWAY CRUSADE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11 at 8 p.m. FAMILY NIGHT OCTOBER 6 to 15 (Except THANKSGIVING Sunday 11 a.m. and CLINTON BAPTIS and Mrs. Greenway Conducted by Canada's Nationally Known Evangelistic Team EVANGELIST AND MRS. REGINALD GREENWAY • Singing A rich Tenor Voice. • Irish Harp Instrument of the Old Testament. • Theremin The Scientific Marvel. • Violin The Golden Tones of a Master-piece. • Hammond Organ Music's glorious voice. Saturday) 8 p.m. SERVICES 7.15 p.m. T CHURCH