HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-12-28, Page 1INGIIAM
—The band pie sandy 'tied (effectively
.serenaded the tow on Christmas day.
Von at Van :stone's, at rock bottom prices.
—A fine dispiaY to be $ e
Services wet held in St. Mary's
achunch by Curate Costello on Christmas;
'day. ;.
—The tastes an • fancies of eveyone can
'be suited in halide goods at Geo. Mason's,
',Low prices.
—Judge Doyle b d division court 'here
soh Wednesday, wh n some dozen oases
'were disposed of.
Forty one canal ates wrote at the
sontrauco this week. There were but'39 at
+Clinton. All were fr m outside the town.
•--The finest lot of 'gold rings, 'ladies'
ooches, gents'. cuff buttons and jewellery
'of all descriptions to be had very cheap at
J. H. Vanstone's, suegessor to H. Park.
-NO :52
WINGIIA , ONT., FRIDAY, DEC. 28, 1888.
`VIIQ LE NO. 884
Thomas Faibairn retires from
the Teesweter News a r.cdnducting it for
fifteen years.' He is (speeded by Mr. A,
G. Stewart.
—Mr. Wm. Pocock preached twice in
%he Baptist church las Sunday. He will ,, ayor Inglis has 'lately df: moose& of the
eeo preach next Su day, m ning and
$15,080 ten year de'$euture: to Hansen
evening. Bros„ of !Montreal, at Y. per c nt. premium)
hoar.—A heavy gel bloodstone. Are• This is also regarded as an e (tenant sale.
twill l bgiven th finder by leaving it
'aatt thhee post office. —Oa Monday evening a magic len-,
—It is Raid that Re . R. McCosb, for. tern entertainment will.tq given in the
imerly of Wingbam,ha accepted an invite- Baptist church by Rev. r ' ,S. Cook, of
'tion %o become paste of the Episcopal Hensall, in-oonuett on r' one of his
church at Petrolia. popular lectures •
—In last.issue we tated tlilit Mr. P. —The best place in town to pul:ob'ase.
Pieper was first Post aster of Win ham. Christmas ' ps la.di R• in tl a s' are edit
P g plush; enols as Iadfes' and :nta' dressing
Mr. Edward Foley se vod three or four oases, travelling cases, odor •asea, Duff aud•
years before Mr. Fish r'a term began- collar oases, &c„ is at Dr. Fowler's drug
store. Here you will find th beet value
—A splendid opportunity for farmers to and the greatest variety its .his line of
se their wl,teat: on the market and buy first. goods. Call and see.
class roller flour, bran and shorts at A. R. —A. "Citizen" would like t "know what
Maodonald's !lobi and feed, wholesale and
retail. the views of aspirants for::oivi • honors are
--i1I' ayor Inglis has farmed of the last : on the question of the m ket. Is it
$8,500 issue of 'comae aced town deben• advisable toizave grain awl oth:rcommodi-
turesto.Mr. G. A.. _S •nsou, of Toronto,' ties bought on the market sq are or on
at 103,1.16) This •iti._Weals `excellent a d._the publiostreoets? weld they approve of
creditable wile. " ' ^ selling the market square:as'Wis inTiested
"-The teaolnng sta are •61;4jooing their by "Farmer" some weeks ago We
imagine there is'a slight mixtur . of irony in
vacation abroad, t MisioaPten,
at Forest; "Citizen's" proposal, but bis head is
Mies $enderson at Gl oa ten, Miss Catiey usually level.,
at Mt forest !;rias urgers ad Lucknow
—Kincardiue is submitting bylaw to
este sli a free library.
1-,Vaustone is selling watche .
r. J. H. Marshall, M, P for East
Middlesex, was buying cattle i Wingham
and vicinity this week.
f i
—r tremendous assertmen of new,
unique, charming articles for Christmas
presents very cheap at Geo, Ma on's.
—The ',Hendry bonus by -la will '1^o
submitted to tlfe ratepayers of eafortli on
the day of the municipal eleetio
—For 1i'.mas presents Vanstone's is the
oe to go. 'lie keeps the largest display
u Wingham. P. O. block.
Mr. C. D. Emmet, of Niagar , was pur.
chasing cattle its this vioinit last week
and shipped one oar at th G. T. R.
—East Huron -Farmers' watitute 4will
hold a meeting in Brussels o P`rideat and
Saturday, llth and l2tb Ja uary. Prof.
Mills will be in baton aaoe.
—If you want a good time piece Van:
s .ne's is the place to go. Watches in 3
z. silver ore cases ;from $3.75 upwards.
Successor to H. Pat9t..
—The trial of A. 'e Turner taken place
at Goderich tb•day
—Rev. W. . S • rtt, M. ,A:., preached
the funeral Sermon f the late Rev. •G", L.
Ross, of Kincardine, on Sunday last.
—Services were • eld in the English
church on Christina: day. The building
was appropriately de rated.
—The Farmers' I.• stitute for South
Huron will meet in E eter on the 16th
and 17th ot January,
Xmas and New Year 'e justtohand,irow
if you waster) make a nine durable and
most welconve present o a blend what
would be more becotn'ir g than 'a beautiful
rattan or upholstered asy chair, a nice
music stand or a pair 4 lovely paintings.
If you will come to S. Gracey's furniture
store you can get these articles, and they
are just In ely.
—A fins new English uteli was opeued
in Exeter be Sunday. 1 was built at the
expense of Mr. Trivitt, nd is one of the
finest in the diocese of : uron,
—Mr. W. J. McC oheon, a former
genial and courteous hotel keepet of
Wingham, is now propri:tor of the Clifton
House, 80 Colborne St„ oronto.
ring, This s all done at Mr.J.Mallelvie's
on Monday • ight week. Over thirty young
filen were p •sent, and the capital supper
was served by "mine host" in exaep.
tionally tyle. fine :t 1 . It did credit to him
and was mo = pleasing to the guest and his.
well wisher.. This over, Mr. E. F.
Center, pres ding, an hour or two was
pleasantly s • ent in toasts, songs and
speeches. In reply to the., "Army and
Navy" Mr. '' . H, Macdonald made a,.
really excelle t speeoh ; to that of the
lauded prole alone Dr. A. F. Mackenzie'
spoke well a d appropriately ; to that ofd
the Moneta institutions Messrs. ]drown,
Dippel and i alrymple pleasantly respond-
ed; to that the manufaoturing interests
Messrs D. Ki • paid and G, Duffield aptly
replied; to t i at of t ritercantile'interests
Messrs Mein • oo ani Bowles,'; the p sa
was respondeto by Mr. Wit lr'leuty ;l the
ladies by Me srs. E. fidve lei', E. Dinsley
and E. R, T bot. Short bddresses compli-
mentary to he guest t#i %Phis evening were
also made b Messrs. d, Macdonald, T,Mill•
er, W.Homu• •,. Wm. Shutt, A. K. Cameron,
R. Mackenzi: G. and J. Harper and J. A.
Touhill. Th folloWing address was read
by D. 0. M nro, and the presentatieo
made by J. A Youhill:
Mr. T. B. Tie •ale :—
DEAR Stir,--'Tlie anntftincenient of your
early remova i •frhrh Wingham we have
heard with 104 'regret and have been
moved to rrhabifest in some open and
tangitble' forst our sorrow at your depar-
ture. Your sopial qualities, genial dispo-
sition, manly fetegrity, excellent business
aptitudes, ", aid the active interest and
material aid' you have manifested in
recreative, so ial and intellectual move•
meats during ,our three years residence
in Wingham vo heightened andstrength-
ened'our appr elation and=esteem for you.
We desire ou he eve of vo'ur"departure to
reciprocate a d cement ever friendly
'feelings, and cordially express our igool
,wishes,. Eno ing• your excellent nataral
•,ale}kbs, you ambition and laudable
espirationa,w will wateh with interest
your career i the ` prosecution of .your
studies, will h at with pleasure of your
prosperity and success, and sincerely wish
that at the emit of year.. ooilegeeattrse you
may attain an nvilsble atanditir ainbfigst
the most disti gnished graduates of the
Ontario Coll ge of Pharmacy. 'These
things we wisl you because, during yonr
stay amougst s you. have by your suavity
of manner, ki dly disposition and moral
worth wow ou respect and esteem. Be
pleased to ace pt as a slight tangible token
of remembrau e, the accompanying ring,
Whilst it's ielierent value may becompara-
tively trifling t may serve to remind you
of the fratern l feelings of a few of your
well-wishing and attached friends in
Wingham. y health and prosperity
attend you whe ever you may go. Signed
ou behalf of you friends,
E. F, Gramm, J. A. YOUHILL, T. Mumma
We have still on' hand • number of last
week's issue of the TIME;. Those wishing
to^seeure copies can do :o by nailing at
the.ofce. Office open e ery eveni'eg after,
'7p.m. 4 .
—What' do you thi.. ?, a nice bed
room suite (bureau, enc. stand and bed
stead) for $13 ; a floe ekd .board for $9 and
up to $25 ; parlor suite ( pieces) for $42.
Lounges, matrasses, ep ing beds, chairs,.
&c., &o•, at S. Gracey':• furniture store,
Win ham. Call for pa deniers.
The East Huron C• iisereative Associ-
ation, at their annual . eAtieg lit Brussels,
elected the fallowing •Micers: 15. Kelly,
president; J. J. Obit an, aecrretary; E.
L. Dickinson treasurer.
—Saturdap and Ch istmas evt'j'Were,
busy tomes With those andliug season's
goo1 rge tirade being done. The post
office authorities are no t oubt thoroughly
tired the amount of good matter matter in
transitbeing unusually; • heavy. Present
And expectant joy' were depicted in the
countenances of old : d young, again
fulfilling the sentiment .f the old couplet:
Christmas comes but . nce a year,
And when it comes it brings good cheer.
91htiof the Hu on S
—At the meeting nod,
and Miss Cargill at Ii ncardine, y —Win;ham's occasio al contributor to
Dr, Parsons, of Toronto, late chemical London, Rev. W. Davis, Sime , was re- the Clinton Iew Bra is pparently a most
assistant of the Royal Opthalmie hospital, elected president of the Alumn Assoc'.i- unreliable fellow. Qr i` it that he wishes
1Vtoorffelds, and Throat Hospital, Golden tion, Huron"'College, and Rev ' Canon to vent his animus on g od citizens? Six
Square, can be consulted relative to dice, Davis secretary. Canon Davis • nd Rev, months ago he Stated that J. MoKelvie
•riases•of the eye, ear, nose and throat at W. Dais were chosen delegat " to the.little m, he says)goingto leave
the Bruuswick House on Sunday, and part ( Jias
of • Monday, 0th and 7th January. Proviuoial Synod at Montreal on the Wingham. This state ent he reiterates
`standing cbmrnittee to look ter thein last week's issue. a are, requested to
financial affairs o€ the Diocese, Rev. W. state that there is abso tely no founda.
Davis. and his two tens, Canon f avis and tion for the assertion as he has not the
Rev. T. R. Davis, M. A., Bar • ia, were slightest intention of do ng so and has not
appointed. The gentlemen refe red to are expressed such intentio s. Be has a well
father and two brothers to Mr. H. Davis established and prosper- us business where
of Wingham. • he is. Be careful youn man. Send nitre
—The following paragraph as been and not gags or fabriea ons. If so you
handed in for publication : The marriage may yet attain destinot on and get a situa.
of Rebeetut !Sanderson and Andr w Roble- tion on "Big Thunder"
• son took placeat the residen •: ;of her —The gloomy wea her and muddy
brether.in•iaw,, Mr. Isae4..Da idson, of streets on Wednesda prompted the
(1lrangevillet•on the 12th inst.,.at 9 o'clock universal expression, "What a dull
a. m. They then partook of a v:. y bounti. Christmas." But Chris as pleasures are
ful repast and proceeded to the tation fornot measured by k{reps• here conditions
the ten o'clock traiu and arriv=• at the With the approach of ti e joyous season
residence of the bride's father in. Wing. there comes a spoutani ty of joy and a
hath at 2 o'clock, where there ' • s a very mellowing of asperitie of temper and
sumptuous meal prepared forst • em, and a disposition, an owerp• ' eriug sense of
large gathering of friends to e. ugratulate kinship, a franker dmission of the
their on their arrival. Ther ide was brotherhood of man a d the aonship of
presented with numerbus pres • is both in Christ, a wholesom: reminder of that
Orapgeville and Wingham. Wo wish time when "the m. ning stars sang.
them touch happiness and prosperity. together and the sons o God shouted for
On their return they met a lar e compauy joy." A brief respite from business toils
at their own home on the eve ing of the incidental to the age, g d family reunions
18th inst, and social intercourse are the order of
— Seotehmea, as a rule, are matter -of. the day. If there were those who acted
fact people. They possess, al's , consider; boisterously—aye, - to. foolishly—good
...The next meeting of Ito West Huron able tonaeity of purpose. Sao••li prayers eitizenaremetnbered it ' as a timeof"pease
Farmers' Institute will b• 11eln iu Winf+. are proverbially long. If the c any soots' on earth and,good will t men," and the
riram on Monday and .Tu tday, Jan, 14th devotional tendefi!cies are ilei, Melted by day passed ase, "'easanth and quietly as
r' and l5tIr,' commencing at :30 oe the 14th, extraneous and spirituous infi mem and might he expected,
:aqd $ a.,; vii. oe the' 15t Amongst,the tine national disposition to ela oratien of
tepot<kera,vr111 be Prof, Mi s, president .of philosophical disguisitiou horoughly
W16.00.644 Agricultural Rosas; awakened, persons with loss zeal and
..,.Mr; D. McKellar, i Denfletd, for limited timg at their disposal a likely to
leetne years a farmer in ' est Wawanosh, become restive under the • i• lotion of
wlio sow"represents the mous P'onthill having to listen. ,'Phis, we nderstand,
44r/smite, of Welland unty, Ont,, it, this was the ease with one of Winghare's
in town at ptesent, and lstoposet popular hosts when he inc • nsiderately
canvassing this plats and 1 cality.. 'Whilst undertook to "Baud" a light a • a bedroom
'he lar prepared to supply a builds of fruit door whilst a Hieland guest 1 • n Stanley
trees he has ab specialties seine popular was performing his custom ry eveuiug
'yarietiets of Ruasiau apples, . all Mode of devotions one night last week. Although
‘pinaweutal shrubbery and small fruits. unquestioned in his ertli doxy, this
Mk. Molieller is apparently a man who guest may not have been a m u'tin whom
. iuideratands hitt work well a die favorably there no wile: ,Moral: iv a esetolimau
,now", Buijuiry of eta w aasanta „to, fi giv
xmftde dt'•tke Truss Y • hts own light for his devetiott l
spent Friday in to .—Wm McQuarria who has
been attending college is home for his vacation.—
John Elliott. operator, of T Elliott, of this town,
now of Duluth, is 'home r a holiday,—Jas Found,
operator, who has recent been In Montana, was in
Wingham oq Christmas y, be[ g heme on a visit to
hispevents at Whltech roh.—F A Wiggle medical
student, of Essex Cent ,/cs Visiting tit Mrs Agnew's.
Wm Eason spent Ch ijimas with friends in Sea
forth.—Mies Jennie er is visiting at Clinton.--
George Sills Is visit! g at Seaforth.-=•Mrs Birni
returned last week of or six weeks' visit to Peter -
bore and some ot'. he rounding towns ii1 that
vicinity. She reed 'tim s as very lively in that
part of the country-=dohn Taylor, of Carrick, has
been visiting Ste son,' A ie, and his daughter,
•Emma, teprser hotlie wit him, she having spent a
Month'z V&A''Wiith' or br ther,—Rev J C Tolmie,
son iS1'Rdr'A, 'Maio, o Southampton, who wet
au},plying'tileiPreabvterie church at Whitechurch,
has been visiting at D Mo nnes', fn town,Mrs McInnes
being an gaunt to Mr Tel ie. J J nacponogh, who
has been In the employment of tlomuth & Buchanan,
has been forthe past wtek suffering froth s severe
attack of inflammatory amatism, bift is stewty
.'Tows C ttneil.
Pile champions ip Tease at the rink. on
' ;ltgidttk1e night did ot come off, Bekrett
.111) a'kitting in all ap•-arance- There was
esi good.attendauca ant Mr. A. Sebastian
1teek the absent man':. place. Dir. Cernyn
raanite-off victorious. -
-,In. "bringing iiow • the estimates" for
AIM ensuing :;year we hope kind friends
j11 not fgrget to incl • e their newspaper
esubitetiptions. Tridiu as the subsoriber'as
,?dollar May appenar nidi idually, •oolleotive-
alp:they!make dip the otal which gives
reotiMi tp the lournalis • c wheels.
-:We.have Dr.'Ciiish'•fin's authority for
Mating that the bigy•rus industriously
;circulated asto kis , aving has an
• '!Adventure with a burglar on the road and
-securing a kit of tools ud some money
were pure :!fabrications. The. Dr. never
Bail, any. suph thrilling ex • erienoe.
eo6;al given: by he Presbyterian
t `r`illfurob pible'elass at Mr, : W. Scott's on
Thursdey.evening passe•:', off pleasantly.
.1'lr Gordon in the chai , an. address was
gitlen by Ti Chisholm, .ougs by J. A.
CIiil't3;Mists . 3. Dallas, he Bible class,
' ^?rebitatibne by 8. Gracev, - ..ilenderson an&
``lsMiss Carrie Maedonald,
All -the member were present at
the meeting on N. dnesday evenings
except Dr. Towler a d R.M.Robinson.
Mr. Dickinson, so 'citor, read the
agreement, mutually: rranged between
the Council's Commi tee and Messrs.
Gilchrist, Green & Cp. The clerk read
the original propo4tions made by the
firm. Mr. Neelands approved of the
agreement,and pointed out its eiakticity
in the matter of et4ipioying the stipu-
lated number of hands. Mr. Morton -
said there Was no change in the original
co>lditions, This agreement had regard.
to rut ire 'conduct and contingencies.
Mess2's. Gilchrist, Green & Co. have 10
comply with the terms laid down before
the money is paid over. It provides
at to how 'Compensation is to be ob-
tained if the terms of•'the agreeutent
are riot tarried out. Ile believed it u ,
fair and equitable arrangement between
the oorpo►'atiou and the contracting
firm. In answer to "Mr. T. Holmes,
Ur. Mackenzie said 1 money lieu was
to be made by the fir '►n case thuy4id
not employ the stipul'a ednumb't'.isf,,
hands, they paying bac at the rate . f " •
$14. yearly for each cl'. they are -
re short'.:' - blr. Morton explained the
view taken by the coititnittee of tin's
matter. For instance if they employ
50 hands more' than as their won
they are to get from the town • $50'
benefit or $10 for each ;, an. If they
make default in emplo;ing the stipu .,
lated sear, they pay a that rate for
each, man short. Mr:-iIackcn 'le `re-
garded the agreement equitable iind
jest. Mr.(zreen stated hat they were
pushing the work wit 1 all possible
speed,werl3 now putting up the shafting
and had insurance in reliable com—
panies to the value of "1!1400 and di&
not expect the stoney. t 11 their under-
taking was carried out. lt`was gloved
by Messrs. Mackenzie and•. Williams;
that the Councilappro e of the agree;
ment now before us, b tween the O'er •
potation and Gilehrie , Green•.cS Co..
and that as soon as therequired
security be given a• ape dal indeting be
called and the blanks i .the agreements
be filled in. This.* i s unanimously
agreed td.
Mr. T. 1#elt asked t { at the time foi
making his inlprovem:nts be extended
till 1st July next, whi.h request .wea
acceoded to on 'mot on of liessrs.
Neelands and I1omutl
Mr, Bee, ent in writing;, 1
protest against the: ying over of the
money by the Council and also as til
changing any of the condition$ for=
merle+ ladawn.
Accoltntsid were ord>, ed to be paid
as follows ! J. W. Wal er, gravel, 6Oc;
W. Moore, *ork, $2.1'' ; R. M..ltobiw
son, repali's to hydran $1.20; 7.'rapiee,
advertising; $6.75; 13. Ferguson,
salary,$62.50; do., po alae,&c., $3.01
G. Pettyliiede, salary, 1.106.25 ; John
Dickson,ealttry, 17,50 iJ.Cotta,sitlary.
$11.25; 3'.Hertibese, r pairs,75 cants;
Watt & Little, lumb , 81.50. The
Council then adjourt • .
PERSONALS.—Miss Ilen Mackenzie returned this
week after spending ome months with friends near
London.—Mr Georg Kerr, who has boon a est
sotto months, retu ned to town this week. Mr
Michael Robertson 1 ayes for Nebraska; this we
He is a brother to Mr m Robertson.—Mr S Grace .
wife and family spe t Christmas with friends in
Blyth.—Mr Pethiok sp nt Christmas in London.—Me
D McKellar, of Dent! • d, formerly of East Wawanosh,
Was in town this wee Mlsses Bella, Lizzie, Aggie,
and Mr A Webster, , t Londesboro, spent Christmas
in Wingham.—Mrs Leslie spent Christmas et Lis. -
tewel, ,vith her daug . or, Mrs M McD Fleming.—Mr
Peter Gray, printer,s n of Mr Mark Gray, of Wing -
ham, spent Christmas in town.—Mr Chrales Coulties,
of Grand Rapids, MI ., is home on a visit.—Mr Wm
Irwin, of the Listow l High School, is spending his
vacation with friendin town.—Miss Sarah Lamont,
et paisley, is visiting t Mr J,Smith's, G T baggage
master.—Ernest Mateo mann, pilot, of Buffalo, a son
of T. Malcolmson, Maxtor In' Chancery, Goderich,
spent Monday in town. P Moltoracher, W M6Pher-
sou and J Goodwin, al furniture shop employee, of
Kincardine, spent M • nday in Wingham.—P Deans
and family spent C ristmas with Mr J Dawson s,
Whitechurch.• -Mies illy Miller, who has been some
tilno visiting at Luek ow, returned to Winrham.—
Johq Cornyn, teacher t Bethany, is tome on his
va 8i,ion —Miss Montgo. cry, of Hamilton, is a guest
ati.ii Cornyn'e this w k.—Misses Kate and May
Breadfoot, of Seaforth, ro visiting at J A Cline's.—
hiee'-Nellie Houghton is visiting in Toronto thi
week.=Dr McCready. . t Detroit, spent Monday in
toys.--•M1es May Nichol s, of London, is visiting her
brother, A Nicholls, tisk r, this week.• --Henry Itierr,
of Lendon, spent this w ok at the Edllpse Restaur-
ant. -Jellies Dayton, of arkdale, is spending vaca-
tion at 0 Lloyd's. -E I"i enter, jeweller, is on a visit
to his friends at Berlin. Wm Johnston, of Toronto,
son of James Johnsto , formerly of the Queen's
hotel, spent Christmas n Wingham --John, ten Of
Dr Campbotl, of Seafort is spending h few days et
the residence of II Davis —John Davis, drug clerk;
tlt Obdorlch, is home on a visit to his parents at
WCngliaht.—J Lowfek lir wife, of Brussels, spent
Christntas with R Sparlln , of Sparltng k 1'owell•
Mrs C Dallas was visiting riends in 'Blyth last weekr
=-A Tipling, of the bow ditty line, left es Satur-
day torn two weeks trip o friends in Toronto. the
vicinity of Brampton and New Market.—Rev. And.
row MoWitliatsis, of the post Church, who preach -
0111 Dundee County, w in Wingham on kriday.
We was 'fo meth/ it teach r in Ittnloss towhehip.—
Mies Leila , sedonald was visiting friends at Myth
last week. -.Oso F proctor, t Hanover,lately return
ed from Vancouver, it C . Is Ailing T R ',Tisdale'd
position at In Towlet's Phe iueey,—isaael angstreth,
in toe employ of broad at do -Bax, et l eaforth
'r. E. Tisdale egneted.
1•'riendlineSs and aboia•ility are marked
Characteristics of our gro'ing 3ivilization.
and of the age in which ' e live. Wing•
ham is noted for warm Hearted people,
for generous and attach = , ` friends who are
strongly disposed to man est their friend-
ships in a tangible manna . When it be-
came known that Me, '17r n' . Tisdale, for
three years in the empl. of Dr. Towler,
wet about to leave town to pursue his
studios in Torouto,a nu • r of his friends
leaded to tender him farewell oyster
supper. They did more, they presented
hifrt teal1 an address and '' beautiful" geld
IlkkOYRAL r 1899.
To the electors c ''the 21aiea o lViityhani :
LAMES ANY; GxNTLlfia, ,—Having bete
requested by it numbe • of tile lioavie 11
ratepityere, told also le ing Yncu ot till
town, to contest' the co.'. ingelectioufor the
office et mayor, 1 have • nsented'to oto t:o.
have a large itmount p money* .invested
in real estate, theta.o I am iteepla
interested in the genera • advancement
the totvn. If you will a nie your vete
and influence to fill tb honorable position
I shall use my bet end vers to make 180
a prosperous year for . aria,
/our hi ...le servant,
IV . It'MCIN!)an:
Wityghalils bee.1*th0