HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-12-21, Page 8W1NGH ITS BUYS.. kCU'vTl' ULt IiI:o.PACI''. kl,) Large general slot . are also con. .rlucte<l by Atha •ra, A. A. the longest established I ,ercliant in town, ;Stiles & Kent, tint! A. dunes cG Talbot, '.Jo11n lfailiia. Mr. Galbraith rt,. ,eently pm.chased .Ali', . Al. Noivans' eta*. Miiiiltery estabiishd eats are carried .on by ,Hiss A. Boy Mrs. 1.. Herds - anon and the "'Ilia, _ Malloy. Messrs. Snarling; i Town!! have an ex. rtpu,livo egg pt.c:d ig establishment ou .Alfred street, n aar:A. C. Lloyd , Sons have recently .erected a lane ial:euin, Mill and sash and • door factory on Joint : reel. . eans Prietelio uud Wm. Crowston aro uu:v carrying on the Wintluatu pop works in dine, corny promises ou . Q9Qplxtlrg: streo."', Those carrying o I the butchering busi. noppss , T Shaw J. a,d•T. Coad land Wi3. n. :laapp, � . Those manger rn fines making M. aA Hvz I'm too aU I ��r�o�m�o_y to— 1 liavi1 g just received a large shipment of 1A..�OY. 'GOO DS, suitable for tho holiday Tracie, iz all We will offer some NOVELTIES, —IN— DRESS and 'r� .. �,,': TLE GO ODA, • '.,. %lively arta ?asci. ;Ficins ce, ;Vise A. Waite, SILKS, SI ATAN y -bTieses HIcC•orvie, 1T •s, !loss ii Coolican, g E E i� "i Miss Wilkinson, reit: > Haley. j A 6;� 7 FM Whose imaged in>ilaingg are H. Carr, tT W. Ferguson, 'aim Poster, Deyel d. -Carrie, Wm. laerr Tine. grain (I.: lers of Wingbam are "Messrs. Wm. Cie :g and T. Gregory. 'Lbc regular ran inters in town are Messrs. U.liherk, Joe Kit.:'' ti, 3. Collins. green Mr. Joy. Brady, *n. keeps a nice bouso on COuter st tet, Mr. A. Bitacliie r"eentiy took ohargo of -the pottery at rite . utlt end. Ir. George Mae en,^,io sloes a law trade l n packing and ala /ping Tray. 'dlias.'alc Ilio llo.ghtou and Miss Ne110 11,oliardy give in tructions in music. Shaving parlu s aro carried on by H. L. Knapp. the to gest established, Messrs. 'Sebastian Bros. • act T. J. W. Sutherland. k', A I3i11in;;s conducts •a harness :shop. Mr T L Jobb carri • s on a carriage mak. ins bu:,iness; General blacksmith strops are .carried On by Mensrs.aohn Stephenson • .and I. Ireland. / All. Wnr. Rol ertson, an active and ,iuiltiential oitize 1, does a good trade at earl.et weavlllt,. Mr Wet. Taylor arries on a general .cooperage bus ne'ss. N E S,t. S UPERS. Crim;hafn'y first neWspaper was the 'TIMES, est.tblishe,i ,'n January, 1872, •by Itober.t Alathisel , Of Ciintou. •After zrerluent changes- f propl:1,4041in; it was purchased al 1 tit a year algo from :1lrs S. W•Girlbr ti h, 11y A,tr R. '+lidott, •who had been ount cteti 'With the 'ListowelBanrzer f r upwards of twenty years. The . Aclranre;. • now :conducted by •m-• Messrs.. if.•Fleury • Son, was started by Mr. 0. (;Bilge, • .1878. GLOVES, 'o E .,', 9.1 .. Handkerchiefs. rete ani aciy-nitute M by, gm op. S In endless variety, to select from, Gents' Furnishings well assorted.. VARIETY LARGE 1N Over- shoes and aublien. CARPETS AND LACE CURTAINS, Away Down to make room for Spring Goods. sr l1,.,. la. El�a�� °�TMi *10010 414 IV=aE'.,'1T t�'". . .. a. THE SEASON'S SENSATION. 0 BOOKS, STATIONERY, TOYS, CARDS, FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS. _,.........meq . EVERYTHING 1 LSO ORIGINA14, SO SO COMPLETE, Grocery Irepaitment fol, . of ure and Fresh Goods. Good" Value €11 thraugh for the Holiday Trade. Call and get advantage of a guess at the Beans. Yours Respectfully, . M. CI O ). - rz. Symt—Tn•Morris, on ie 4ta inst., the wife of Mr. `df 11I their In Morris, on he 7th inst., the wife of nr. 't n, It• fi on ; a dam ter. G4au:;� x In nrnbe :y, en the 12th inst., the w„ o 1 Tit Jayne' Casey ore ; a daughter. '�\IALL a. a. nt ham on the 15th inst„ the wife of Jr I 10011il Jt ; a e ri cl .etas At Listowe on the 16th inst., the wife of tit ?i ihfi. Flowing , a son, Witigham, oa Inc 18th inst., the wife of t. illfrot Gray; a son' 11'A.:. RUM. T, rsr.t1.L—Stutrr A Stratford, on the 6th Inst., 'by Rev, P. trri„S;t ht James Turnbull to Miss Isi. la Smith, both of ii useri8. c hili AN F1.M0, .i' Nianehester,' on the 8th .4 r at by thetey.:1Y iso es, SI r. Jams Wil;htman, .,1ise It tt-!n, eldest d tighter of Mr. T.Oiack, all ny East z anosh ,r yarn MANNA—In A +rrte, on the 1210 hist., by h, Icor. W.II. Hanna 11. A., assisted by tho tier. J. Re , B. A-. Mr. Heber Blair, of Gkre}, to kis Slaty, _ ,ud daughter al Al Geo. Manna, of Morris." t o.,,,• -tial rr A n 'ugh= on the 10111 inst., by 4',o Ear. Bohn Scott, .t.A„ Mr. Arthur Cook, of 10. ewtiook, carriageina 'ors, to':Ii.s Ma3gie taitiln, s,f'tYIngnam. r.., „D` '*'aanrrgt—In Geer, 1 the 12th inst., Annie, wife of 0 late Alexander)? sy tit; aged 82 years. 11.(ar on wife oil; v. 11. CareM—At White nrch on son, aged 44 yI4th inst. earn. • 3. 10X.eodel-Cae.Low pbell, r W�.. &fit Yearson the 18th Inst., -nit. A. 1'. 1IACI.E E. - Honor graduate Toronto 'University. Attendant Sew York Polyclinic. .0., over store of.Gardon & Mointyre. JestrrmtattSr. wtsron,ur, "w54OO,000 110;;4 7AN. On Varna and Town Property . at . cry Lowest Rates mai on r'i na: to suit borrowers. MnRTo"aoss.. 1ICHASUD. No COMMISSIONQHAR3Eo: berrwave' - can obtain money in 5 days if title satiafas 1t. VANSTONB, Beaver !hock, %Ingham, Y. 1\tOrrIC L.L. COU TK AND NOTIOI non IBUCHANAN I04. must be plaid to the undersigned on or baeto Jan. let,'o.). 1I net they trill be placed in C rt far collection, .TO ITN 14IUCITANAN. DO ' 1 SEE ARIGHT CABINETS 2 .A. /00Z T .1."S' MASOI'S OT I WORE: PROPOB 110 'i LOW.. lr;,:I1.101:cT l`3:;TL.L::3 GV'.l".tt.:fr'SHI7 L''1 SIMX. co 0 H v w r 1 iCM CO ma 0 A O W 02 H M =3 F� CsmID A NI X °I E� eii P'"i amu, f • ` a El U2 'W 0 e 1 14 A 04 W ., . m Ei,..m L) PI r ac�x enl72 Prq 'llazzcs. p PP 0 afs aigiC 0r 0 1-11. —w --- The Annual Fleeting ---or 'run—'- iblue>faie Vaasa and & attar Factor' Go. Will be held in the FORESTER -3' F-1liLL, M1.0EVALG, =on T Ii7-SDA.Y, JAN. 3rd, 1589, . EVER:VTR:ENG 1 1 NOVEL, SO NEW, SO CHEAP, SO GAY. To all who read this advertisement, —Coale and sec our low. priced and beautiful good$. Yon oars certainly find what you want, stud your tuoiiey will procure more than anywhere else. M o S I C MISS NELLO MCEARDY. CLASSES 5015 INSTRUCT/ON ON PIANO AND iJ Organ, in voice Cultur'tr:aud Harmony. Music itonnaa : IN Bnevl n 131.00N. For the election of Directors and the transaction pioneer and a1e store of only other business that may be brought before the meeting. n ear. JOHN1 STONE BLOCK.sBURGESS,ra, Secretary. -- - - AT 1 O'CLOCN, 1'. III•, f B1uov,l, Doc. 15th, 1848, I"AR1VI T'O' SALE. Trim L PAST'.M,1nein 8. Lott81,B14th C n., lx VE SALE a wano1h, comprising IOU acres, morn or less, about 80 promiseacres cleared end under good cultivation. On the AMERICAN ICA N Ii �iCER LANCE sare a brink lronse, frame barn,. stables, &e. also good orchard, mostly aviator fruit; also about 7 s acres fall wheat Farm is well fenced and about Gi ►5 IT II 5 LEADER. Tile fares will be hold ons mites from tens nor further partieuts apply to the proprietor on the premises, or t, hitechureh Y. 0. THOMAS COOK. FOX' Sale. • • Taelvo Acres of Land adjoining the Corporation of 1`Vingham, in Turnborry, feet of stones and 011101pa and wen fenced,shade trees and a novoe failing spring'. Apply to The Leading Cross Cat Saws a OF 5,3 C.._.Rdu Y'iti h S GOODS, COMPRISING : CARDS, TOYS, GAMES, FANCY GOODS, BOOKS, BOOKLETS, ETO., ETC., IN WINC11.A1J. A +OA&LL SOLICITED BEFOEE 'BUYING. AMERICAN AHEAD OF ANY, A.11.0E, Queen's II1tei. Estate Thomas P 'ce, Deceased.. I hereby go. notice tha as of for Martha 'hrh:',who was o'awlu rife of Thomas litre, lhto elf vin filaata, Inii , n. ' dccease0, I have applied to the qurderimt our 110 County of Huron for s �ADt TILT IN „$LEIGH relttrerrf�oiR+ittinie , •. ,Ito the estate of the said; 1 ai, Y t� Vf x'bourfta Ignite, , bars the letters formerly . , ran c o' , g 1 h sl It S' DIST rams —0E-- GRIMING 0r G A G AXES, OATTLE 'CHAINS, All at BOTTOM PRIM. J; ["A1ASON BLOCK,"I "'INGIIA"vI� 1 � t ai t Ali ;'rico Yoked . and further fount , 13B7. to al iroeao, gs have be • commenced to rests; the skid Al .a ?ries from d with the b t o i (�['It�y, raid Hoot s Price. �y9i1iNY �+ t Tr IV, tttor. OhTb. sltiarrl. for Martha !'doe.: AZ • ONTAT{Io. 1.10.11.V.M11•081rniell% .004, • . }laving added. a Delivery Waggon to this branch] of the business orders will .(if necessary) be ciela`vered anywhere within 10. miles of Win,�ham. This will. Tl;o doubt oftentimes save a`good deal of troubling especially where parties may not have • misfile conveytinces of' their. own.; All necessaries for FUNERAL�� Isiili (s, I1ATCP.,APES, Ulla'}its, E`TC.,. kept -and delivered with vrdels, G A LT Undertaker +' LSI. Is the placeirere all corn. be supplied with. r pi bsgSt !er ns .' o @Rory,. gware and. Of the BEST QXJALI'J1Y'`and at-�tho LOWEST PRICES'; . Raving just returned from ttie.Wiolesnle Markets, where I have bought a very heavy stool's of above articles' for Spot Cash,1 am in a position to offer them to lay Customer's auclthe Public generally at HALL Call and see my Fine Assorted Stocll;' of Ladies' and Geiits' Gold Watches, Ladies` and Gents" Gold Chains, the finest and cheapest lot of Ladies' Brooch- es, Earrings, Cuff -buttons, &o:, ii1 the Town., I have the finest !Lila largest stock •ol7'Gold Rings ever' kept in `Wingliam, consisting of Plain ;:singe, Stone Set Bl S, Diamond Rings and Scarf Pins. Watch Movements I have tlieul in stook; from all the leading manufac- turers turers of the United. States : the Elgin, �Valtiaitrri, kialnpden, Tlliiioisr Rockford, Columbus and Aurora 'Watches. I have also a very large stock of Clocks, from $1,20 upwards. If you want a Christmas or Now Years present, VAI�TSTO E's is wllero yon can get it either in gold or silver at Rock Bottom Varices. As I have bought for snot cash,, that is just the reason that Z can offer` goods so cheap. dal and inspect my' stock. I do all kinds of repairing in watches, clocks, jewellery, Atc, at reasonable prices and all warranted. Thanking lay numerous en'stomers frit' tLevar .r liberal patronage bestowed on me since coming" to Winglram, and soliciting a �Continllalle0 of the same, I remain, yorlrs truly, " S SindAiSIOR -,L O, ta. PAU:. Retnsmber the staial t 1ext'door to the Post 021004