HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-12-21, Page 7GHAM. ITS EliFSMESS INDUSTRIES. .Teweller1J, cg('. F. . There is no bu ess man in Wino-. ham whose listens is more widely known than that of Mr, E. I+' Gersten, He e has a just conception of the value of It and necessity for a judicious use of printer's ink, in connection with the faithful carrying out of whist is c promised. His shop is a model of taste, tidiness and attractiveness in the arrangement of a beautifully I selected stock of fine watches, elegant silverware, jewellory, &c. His show t window is the admiration of all passers by. Ilia trade is not only large iu the town and surrounding country, but includes numerous custnnlers from the adjacent towns and vilinges. " +d." is not only popular generally, hut his; services aro especially in demand when ally amusement or entertaittntent is. being auiranged ability and sos being strong IIo has now the benefit of the service of a most rofieient workman of long kixperien'.e in the person of Mr. M.H. ansei , late of Toronto. Booksellers. and Stationers. GEORGE DIASO1V, The Mason Block, an the corner of Josephine and John streots,w as erected in 1879 by Joint Mason, of London, father to the present proprietor and occupant, Mr, Gebrf;e Mason. Mr. Mason has carried on the book and tationery business here for the past tine years,and has a heevy,wellchosen, nicely kept, well handled and fairly marked stook. In standard works, urrent Literature, tangy goods, station- ery, sobool supplies, his stock is always replete. The promises and arrange - tient are amply large and most com- plete, the Mason Block being one of Ito finest structures in Winghatn, having .cost over { 100. Mr. ],Mason takes an aetiv interest in public matters and se ed inthe town council in past yearsHe knows his calling well.and 1.4k$ closely after his busi- ness, Ile as a vary choice assortment of Ohri oras goods. A. ROSS. Mr. A. Ross, of the Popular Book Store, took charge of the business here about a year and a half ago. Living for many years in close proximity to Wingham, he was thoroughly acquaint- ed in the town and adjoining country. A man of good judgment, of sterling adherence .to sound foundation prin- ciples, cautious, prompt at his post and untiring in his efforts to meet the public demands, his business efforts have met with more than anticipated success. In standard and school books; bibles, stationery, fancy and plush goods, his stock is most choice, com- plete and cheap. In toys, novelties, notions, and everything comprising a holiday stock, his shop is a veritable fairyland, having in it appropriate gifts for all kinds of folks, ofd or young, little or , great or small. This great ass 'tment of new designs and seasona e goods are all bargains as Ross cl 'ins to sell as cheap as any iu the li . or, his executive ability of disposition ersonal characteristics. ED. DINSLEY. This tidy and nicely stceked jewelry :store was opened by fi-. Ed, Dinsley ea few months ago, and, we understand, his success has more than realized his' .expectations since he began. The proprietor, who is youuv, active and obliging, has resided here with his parents for the last fourteen years, and sorvedhiis full apprenticeship with ellr. Halsey Park, who recently re- moved to Hamilton. We hope the receut impetus given to the town and the trade thereby induced, together with the business of the large country tributary to Wingham may so increase the volume of business done in the :aggregate that this latent addition to its jewelry shops may be established .on a broad and solid basis. We have no doubt those .sealing with Mr. Dinsley will find ire reliable, agreeably and honorabl- His stock is choice :aid all new Restaurants. TL1E STAB, BESTAURA.Nr. The Star, under Mr. Jaa. McKelvie's management, is the oldest establish• rnent of the kind in Wingham. Mr. ",McKelvie admittedly has special apti- tudes for managing such an institution, being genial, obliging and straight- forward. lie is sufficiently enterprising to keep everything in season, besides keeping on hand a nice, well assorted and very full lihe of all those goods kept ;in a first-class restaurant. To. enu anerare half what may be cheaply pro - ?cured at the Star, would be impossible here, but the proprietor always keeps fully t creast of the times, and you .may onfidently call on him for any- th' g you might reasonably expect to d in a popular restaurant. JOHN KERR. The Eclipse was established by Mr. .'John Kerr, a native and former resi- dent of London, in 1883, but ways burned iu '85. Mr. Kerr reopened it early in '87. The Eclipse is well equipped, well managed and,we under- stand, yields satis. actory financial returns for the investment therein by its reliable,genial and shrewd manager. With fruits in season, confectionary, canned goods, cigars &c., the Eclipse is always well supplied. A find soda water fountain is excellently managed and well • tronize4 in summer season. Oyster are largely handled and cater: i in the best .fashion. l.n fact Mr. err tries hard to make his blishment worthy of its siginifi- ut appellation. TWi 1ITY RESTAURANT. The onward march of Wingham in Material prosperity and a rapid swell- ing .of its population were sufficient inducement to lead to the establish- ment of the "City Restaurant " by tstr. Robert hill, who has been a resident of Wingham for nearly a dozen years, He is widely and favor, ably known throughout the country in connection with the Soda Waterworks, Which he successfully carried on at Wingham for b number of years. I3e ha a really choice location in the best busin.ss portion of the town,in Green's block. His shop is the perfection of elegance and a more prettily arranged assortment of choice fruits,confection- ary, canned goods, &c., can seldom be tonna anywhere. His parlors approach very closely the palatial in tidiness sad s.mfort. Leisurely lovers of the xrto useous bivalves(oysters)can here, a ici pleasing surroundings, enjoy the et quality done up in a style to quit e most fastidious epipttre. Beiiktes those euuraeyated there are in this line, Miss E. Rush bud Mrd. Abort;op,, va8e8, su ar owls, teapots, wine glasses, dee ar ers, &e., his stock is superb, 'Y es takes the load in these lines, t; stile. HARRY IIISCOOKS' CITY GRO- CERY, For eight years in the eulploy of Mr, Robt. Orr, Mr. H. Hisoocks four years ago opened out the City Grocery. A hustling, courteous and genial busi- ness man, accurate and prompt, Mr. Hiscocks bus built up a good town and country trade. You can well risk to call on him for ail seasonable goods, and at right prices. The greatest variety and best selection in groceries and glassware is his well carried out aim. The C. P. R. Telegraph office is located here and receives most un- remitting attention. Chests and boxes of everything from everywhere that you would xpect to find in a most complete ,rocery, are neatly p-icked away at iscoeks'. Fancy Christmas article in profusion, too. 0. N. Griifiin also conducts a general grocery business. .Four and heed, A. H. CARR. The City Flour and Feed Store was opened out by Mr. Arthur H. Carr some months ago, it being previously carried on by Messrs. Hutton & Carr. Very heavy shipments of the fine flour manufactured at the Ethel roller mills have recently been put in. The bran, shorts and coarser feeds are from the Wingham mills of Messrs. Hutton & Carr. Mr. Carr now supplies some of the Winghain bakers with flour, and expect( to do so with others at an early date. "Art." has a thorough knowledge of the flouring business, being a practical miller, and as he is active, pushing and popular, he has an excellent chance to succeed. He has a most reliable and prompt deliverer in the person of avey Campbell. His store is the fir building north of the market sq re. This is the oldest flour and eed premises in the town. P. DEANS. For the past five years Mr. Peter Deans has catered honorably, success- fully and satisfactorily to the public requirements in the flour and feed business. A son of Mr. P. Deans, of lot 22, con. 9, Turnberry, he has been for over thirty years a resident of Wingham or its proximity. Before going into his present line he was for three years engaged in the egg business, selling out to D.D. Wilson, of Seaforth. Of good natural ability and business tact, outspoken and reliable, Pete has the confidence of his customers and acquaintances generally. He is a licensed auctioneer for Huron and Bruce counties, doing a pretty exten- sive business in this line. Motaphori• °ally speaking, he wields the hammer gracefully and effectively in the inter ests of his employers. He has always on hand a full supply of the choicest makes of flour, meals, grain and seeds and is reliable and pr.mpt in his dealings with customer:. In fact, the Stone Block would a sadly deficient without Pate Dean Mr. A. Macd mild has recently opened out a flo - r and feed store in a building or e d or south of the market, Grocers, c&c. W. T. YATES. Mr. W. T. Yates cattle here two years; ago from Goderich and opened out "The China House," Entering and following his avocation for some time in Goderioh he then spent some years in the great western metropolis, Chicago, where he imbibed ARIerrcatr methods to some extent. I3e has always the choicest and freakiest hi groceries, and turns them over in lively style. His special line is fanny glassware. Mr, Yates' special lines 'are glass and china goods. Besides a largo assortment of nnige,,ineoin• pnrably beautiful and necessary arta• eles, he has ornaments and novelties f>F yftloro. Iu water liett~t, fruit howls, Hardware ,Merchants, J. A. CLINE & CO. About six years ago, Mr. J. A.Cline began business here and four years ago took into partnership Mr. John Neelands. The character, busi- ness reputation, (lose attention of the men, combined ' ivith splendid financing and unlimited capital, might be regarded as the secret of the steady success attending this firm. The premises were greatly extended this year by the addition of one of the largest and most complete wareroorns possessed by any hardware firm in the west. The improvements cost about $1,000. The establishment as a hard- ware emporium is replete in every de- partment and conducted with the system and precision of clock work. Some estimate of the extent of tete business done may be inferred from the fact that there was received in merchandise singe 1st of' October 151,848 lbs., or about 76 tons, on which charges for freight were $449.52, This does not ifnclude coal, of which a large quantity, both for manufacturing and domestic purposes, were received. Mr. Cline is a member of the town council who renders invaluable service in that respect. He was for several years chief of the fire brigade and is a shrewd, farseeing, honorable Ivan, and popular with all clas es. Mr.Neelands is a sterling man, d rvedly esteemed a member of the t council and for five years Hig Canadian Ord has resided years, occupi Pilled accep within th success highly °iiest Treasurer of the of Foresters. Ile Wingham fourteen cl the mayor's chair and ably other civic positions gift of the people. The f this firrn is gratifying, deserved and ungrudged by s. SLEEPLESS rawars, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the Remedy for you. For sale by C. E. Williatns. CALEDONIAN BALL_ This commodious hall can be soopred for enter- tainments of every kind at a very low figure. For terms 62c., apply to JAMES LOUTIT, at Cline a Co's store. MONEY TO LEND. malt CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF Turnberry has about 53,000 to loan op Mort- gages. For toms apply to, P. MoLAREN, or WM. MCPHPRSON, Tr. Tsstsviena, Wingham. REEVE, Glenfarrow; winghnm, May NEW TAILOR SHOP MR. E. C. CLARKE, In opening a new Tailor Shop in Winghain, respectfully solicits a sharp of public patronage. It will be his endeavor to give satisfaction to all entrusting him with their orders. tar Ladies requiring tailor-made JA. OKETS AND UT.LSTT'.RS Can secure a good fitting garment by patronizing the new Tailor Shop. E. C. CLARKE. BANK OF HAMILTON, WAN G=a,`A1uL- Starling Exchange and Drafts on Neve Yet BOUGHT AND'SOLD., Oenics Ilours t 1e a. in. to 3 p. m. Saturdays, from 10 a, m. to1p.m B. WILLSON, ,docxx. Novas &c Dicstssos, Solicitors MililigUMMINAMWASCCUSINaliWO V,'Le'n I say Cony demo an merely to Stop them for a time, aud t have tb mrart turfs attain. 13rlr AN A RA 'CAL ((1L. have made the disease EPILE?S'Y oi' . rAL141110 EiICKfiNEESS0 &lite Nom Maar. T pAltriAxrmhyremedy o OUnrr the sunt aabes. IIepW»se other* tori allleBent�dlCenore sokferttotnowrecelvin Laura Oi 7. lleetorritraitiscoendaitaxe longer.' n r I4 ten . nothinge R a Post (me. tr , audit will cure you. Address 3)r. It B. WM. 37 Yonge St, Te ntto, Ont. Wingham, Sept. nth, 1888. ELEGANT CiJ .L1 E S TWO DOZEN BEAUTIES BEING FINISHED AT DORE & COOK'S. These articles are of LATEST DESIGN, SUPERIOR MATERIAL and. • SPLENDIDLY FINISHED. Intending purchasers ought to see them. 'eadparters Cand Sleighs. lintr BE SURE AND CALL AT THEIR SHOPS ON "VICTORIA ST. `VINGHAM, - -•- - ONTARIO. THE EST PLACE —-. TO G.T— --- OIZD ED - : - CLOP IIN G A. We ISE HAS CHOICE FINE § PERSIAN 'ESTER', LINES OF WINTER SUITINGS AND OVER - NGS, WOO § LAMB § GOODS § AND § IMITATIONS, GENTS' FURNISHINGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION VERY CHEAP FOR CASH. GOODS MADE TO ORDER, ALL GUARANTEED. OUT OF THE EIRE IIAVING FULLY AS3OItTED THEIR STOCK,. MESSRS. .McINNES & TALBOT ---HAVE OPENED OUT IN 1-lend.erson's Old Stand, AND OFFER SPLENDID INDUCEMENTS IN READY-MADE CLOTHING, GROCERIES, BOOTS ( SHOES, AND GLASSWARE. aglgrad and White Shirts TE ? GREAT T or GREAT BIG BARGAINS, 'WHICH EVERYBODY OT.JGHT TO ' OBSERVE AND PROFIT Y. ,STOVE AT HALF PRICE, D. SUS` ERLAND'S STOVE and TINWARE ROOMS, Having purchased the stock of HINGSTON iga Sats, we are offeril,,, GREAT I AGAIN S IN STOVES for the -next GO DAYS. COAL and WOOD STOVES in Great. Variety, and at GREA.TLY REDUCED PRICES. Owing to the number of Furnaces put in this year, we have Some SECONI)4IAND SDOVES as good as new, at LESS THAN HALF' COST. A SUPERB STOCK Or CROICE LAMP GOODS. BEST PROCt';.i'RABLE GOAL OIL. READY-MADE TINWAREI, PA RIUSSi:IEAVY STOOK AT VEIN LOW ORDERED WORIC, A SPECIALTY. WAKE RO011S. AND SHOPS ; Opposite Exchange hotel, corner 3osephityp ttt1Yl Viettlria Strret t,