HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-09-19, Page 7SUPERBLY TAILORED TOPCOATS Hallmark of ' men's fashion! NE Now that vocation time la u nikist have M# thousands of miles on your car, isn't it time -you had complete check of your auto?' We are specialists in auto safety checks. We will check: • Tires 3 .Brakes 3 Windshield Wipers 3 Batteries V Lighting' System Wells Auto Electric KING STREET CLINTON Phone HU 2-3851 pedal Twin, W. C. Newcombe, Phm. B. Chemist and Druggist PHONE HU. 2-95 11 — CLINTON by MAX FACTOR AND GET THIS ms), FREE $1.00 ' HI-Fl LIPSTICK $3o2VALLli FOR noof TWO TOGETHER FOR THE PRICE OF ONE Max Factor's Hi-Fi Fluid Make-Up and Hi-Fi Lipstick —the perfect beauty duet. And buying them together means big savings too l Take this chance to get acquainted with their charms. The smooth way they go on, the way they stay put. The way they give you true-to-1de17kki, coloring. You'll love them. THURSDAY, SEPTlailM. 19, 1657 CLINTON NEWS-R1lCORD PAGE SEVEN' Huron County Farming Report (liy D. If, Miles agrieultirali rep- reS9ntative. -for I-Wen ,V9:94tY) "The rains .are rnaXing. the harvesting of .beans .150e14t, Some .sprouting taking Place. sniail acreage of fall wheat has as yet ,been planted." • 9 'School Fair IS Opened: By Douglas IL Miles (11.3., nor liensall Correspondent) -Some 1200 people Agentled. the Nensall Cohnilunity Agricultural ,School Fair September 13. .It was Officially opened by II, Clinton, .agricultural representat- ive for -Huron County, assisted by Art Bolton, .Sea forth, assistant ag- ricoltural representative and Reeve Norman Jones. Splendid exhibits were -noted. in every class, With over 900 entries. A• parade headed by. Bannockburn Pipe Band, Clinton and Varna, included schools from Hensall, S.S. 12 and 10 Tuckersmith; S.S. Hay- and S;S. 7 Hibbert, marehe,d from the town hall to the arena where the affair was held, This school fair originated -in 1934 _and' continued until- 1942; then again in 1948 to 1957. The concert of music, spellingPand pub- lic speaking will be held in the town hall_ October -4. the lowest. rating, .should go still lower. To. the people in other areas where rates are higher than in this district, rates, should go Still higher, Do it blame the Insurance Company. 'Yen an re- dnee the- cost ,of car insurance very easily and quickly. Stop having accidents, Perhaps Co-Operators Insurance eould innovate some method of honouring a good driving record. The under-25-year-old is the most common offender, with the mast expensive accidents, for which he or his dad pays dearly in the form of premiums, •Couldn't C.I.A. make an attrac- tive badge of some sort, available on demand, to honour The boy Who attains his 25th birthday without an accident? It might even., pay off if a b'ad'ge of some sort was made available to us old fellows for driving 25 years accident free. Transport Companies h on o r their safe drivers. It might be good business for C.I.A, to do the same. The drivers in Huron have proved that accidents can be av- oided, o. New Barn Built With Neighbour's Help at M. Lobb's The new barn at Mervyn Lab's is now completed. For material the old barn on the 14th of Gode- rich Township was taken down and new logs taken from the bush. The only serious mishap at this time Was when- a beam fell on Jack Merril-Ps foot, breaking a bone. The work was done by,Sid Mar- tin's Construction Co., Elmira, un- der the supervision of his nephew, Aaron Martin. Some of those in the community helping with equipment to cut logs and take them to mills- were Les Jervis, Murray and Walter Forbes, Allan Neal and Jack Rueger. Jack T-eibbutt with the loader, lifted lumber and timbers, over the wall, . saving the work off many men. On the day of the barn-raising, September 8, the men of the com- munity turned out to help, among those helping were Carman Teb- butt, Lorne Tyndall, Walter For- bes, Donald Forbes, Robin Thomp- son, IldrrY Thompson, Les Pearson, Terry Pearson, Harold Howard, Jim Lobb, Jack Tebbutt, . Harry Cakes, Morgan Jones, Lawrence Jones, Kenneth Farquhar, Irvine Telbbutt, Fred. LOW), Lobb, Russell Good, Wilfred Penfound, Norman Wright, Harry Watkins, Allan Neal, Melillo Martin, Earl Blake, Ross Hoggart, Tom Turner, John Lindsay, Keith Webster and David Webster. Those helping to provide- and serve the meals were Mrs. Fred Lobb; Mrs. Jack Merrill, Mrs. Bert Lobb, Mrs. Bill Lobb, Mrs. Keith Webster, Mr. and Mrs. George Hol- •gate. Others sending provisions were Mrs, Jack Tebbutt, Mrs. Ira Merrill, Mrs. Irvine Tebbutt, Mrs. Morgan Jones, Mrs. Lorne Tyndall-, Mrs. Carman Tebbutt, Mrs. Robin Thompson, Mrs. Harold Howard, Mrs. Jim Lobb. o - Volunteer members of the Can- adian Red Cross Corps gave 107, 465 -hours of their time for com- ,mutirity service in 1956. -"4/4-4#4-4,-.444-*****46-1-4-•44-41,44-•", „ SUNSET .111RIVE1N THEATRE 1J/4 Miles East of GotterIch --- On Highway ---- THURSDAY and FRIDAY 'SolPt0Pher 19 and 29 Tom Neal. and Jean Porter And on the Sere Program of the angle" JOram-Bently and Zeller Marshall SATURDAY and MONDAY September 21 and 23 "ROCK ROCICR6W Allan need -- Frankie Lynn and La Verne Baker and 3 Cartoons "TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY September 24 and 25 "THE STRANGER'S 'Thavcifliaward - Rich, Basehart Cartoons Comedy Box Office Opens 7.30 , First Show At Dusk Two Shows Each Night ,•'-'4:91ildreitt under 12 in Car'S FREE Playground — Refreslunents "40-41-.4-40-4,10-41-•-•-44-6-+44-10-11-e-•-•-1-++ PRICED TO CLEAT;;: 1 Tee Nee Trailer . . $269400 1 Cedar Strip 16' Boat , $365.00 1 Johnson 35 h.p. Motor $565.00 T6tal $1,199.00 SPECIAL PRICE 00 COMPLETE (no trade-in) n 1 Aluminum Car Top 12' Boat - Reg. $240.00. SPECIAL PRICE -$195.00 it 5occf o Ruddy CLIN'TON ONTARIO Your Headquarters for Boats, Motors, Hunting and Fishing Supplies,— Hunting Licenses are now on, hand PHONE HU 2-9622 — CLINTON, LONT. • 4AW 1:* :00-•• • Colors as modern as tomorrow Come in and see the 'C-I-L color selector with 168 Stylist Colors that offer you hundreds of fascinating combinations to give your borne fresh new beauty. Stylist Colors collie hi four sheen CILTONE .odorless alkyd enamel 'Flat, Semi-Class ttticl. Gloss, and SPEED. EASY SATIN lateX wall paint. SUTTER-PERDUE LTD. 7Jr CKNX To Pioneer New Idea In .Farm Teloast • • (By J. Carl Hemingway) This . year will bring anaher innovation for farm people in the Wangham 0.1iNX area, Already the County Mlerations -of Agriculture, local .Farrn„er's Co-Ops,, credit• Unions, 104101 Services and C,LA, Committees 3c.41194 together to sponsor the first farm 'TV-broadcast .on the continent. This has been So 'We, cessful that a second! area, London OFIPL, is now producing a farm TV -broadcast on the same basis, Last year the question of broad- casting the Farm Forum over TV was discussed famourablY. It is only fitting that an .Up-to-the-Min- ute station like CKNX, with ,its progressive Surrounding commun- ity, Should be chosen for the ex- periment. Tuesday afternoon Farm For- um representatives, Federation Fieldmen 'and C.I.A. officers- met with Ontario Farm Forum, officers and CKNX and CRC --personnel to discuss methods of evaluating the new medium for this type of - adult education, 'A •corninittee of Mrs, Gordon Greig, Jim Powers and Lindsay Awery was appointed With • power to add to their committee, to draw up a plan of action to be' discussed at a meeting \ to be held in Guelph, September 27. Co-Op Insurance Co-Op Insurance' policy holders in Huron County have established a very creditable , loss ratio for the first six months in 1957. The 32 per cent loss. ratio, while not the lowest of any county in the province, is certainly the lowest- when the large per tentage of policy holders is considered. With -accident claims rising in the province in other companies as well as C.I.A. it is very grat- ifying to. C.I.A. policy holders to know, -that they are reducing the number of accidents. Insurance rates are getting higher and higher each year, Car drivers should soon realize that they make the rates. On the record of the past six months the rates in Huron, already , in 1111011101111111111111 11111111111111111111 1111M 001111 1111 11111111111i HARRY WILLIAMS' (--ing eHe44-. (THEIR MOUSE WAS N\ SO C1-4ILL'Y'e IT MADE THEM FEEL SCRAPPY - GIWCE. USiNG OUR. Cm.... THEY'RE COZY AMD HAPPY HU 2-6699 brisk weather you'll be interested in our Pure wool Topcoats in quality Tweeds 4 and Gabardines. ,3t.?: V;s;;•ki Light, warm, impee- cably tailored. All • ;. PRICED AS LOW AS $19.95 Herman's Men's Wear Phone HU 2-9351 Clinton, Ontario OFU Meets At The regular monthly meeting of the HOlniesville Local 219 of the Ontario Farmers' Union was, held Monday night, September 0 in the liolinesYille school, Car- respondence from the bead- office in Guelph was read, Gordon Hill, County Director for Hhron • gave a splendid report On the Interprovincial Farrn. 1.4021 convention held during July in' Winnipeg. All met bens Were urged to SUP:- port their Local, as the strength of the union: depends • on the strength of the Locals,. LONDESBORO Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lear spent the weekend' in Toronto and visit- ed friends in Bolbcageoll, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ear) Gaunt and family' -were Mr. and Mrs. William Hunking, Auburn; Mr, and Mrs, W. R, Lobb, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Brittain and Joel, Listowel, visited on Sun- day with Mr. and, Mrs, Ted realer- gill. Also on Wednesday after- noon, Mrs. Jack Elsley and Lois, Mrs. Reuben Berlett, Listovvel and Mrs: John Toth and Jimmy, Brit-tan, visited with the' Fothergill's. The members of the Mission Circle entertained the Exeter Mis- sion Circle at a dinner ,given in the church on Monday evening. kfra, Wallace, Ingersoll, was guest speaker and Mrs. William MoVit- tie, Blyth, who is Presbytery presi- dent, brought greetings from the Huron Presbyterial. Burns-Londeshoro YPU held their first meeting of the season on Sunday night. The new pres- ident Marguerite Lyon, presided; Twenty two old members and ten new members were. present, Rev. J. T, Whyte gave a talk on activities for the coming year. The convention at Aylmer was discussed. Some delegates will at- tend on- September 27-29. . The Fall Rally will be held in Jaimes Street 'United Church, Ex- eter on October 15. Layton Ford, Now York, will be theme speaker, VARNA Harvest Festival Service' in. St. John's Anglican Church, Varna, will be held on Sunday at 7 o'clock, Rev.. E. J. B. Harrison will preach. Gerald Clarice returned to Lon- don on Saturday to take the posit- ion of telegraph operator at the CPR depot. Miss Lola Chuter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Chuter left for Brantford on.Tuesday, Septem- ber 10, where she begins her train- ing at the Brantford General Hos- pital. WMS WA The Woman's Missionary Soc- iety and the Woman's Association of Varna United Church held a joint, meeting in the church base- ment on September 5. The Dev- otional Period was conducted by Mrs. Mervin Hayter. Arrangements were made to have a Thankoffer- ing on October 3. A very interest- ing article was read by Mrs. Fred 1VIcelymont, the temperance sec- retary. Mrs. ,Anson Coleman, president of the WMS and Mrs. Lee IVIoCon- nell, president of the WA, presided over the business periods of their respective organizations. The WA appointed Mrs. Gordon Coleman as Stewardship secretary. The date for the annual fall baz- aar was set for October 26. Miss Ruth Clarke, a " recent graduate of Stratford Nursing School, de- lighted all present with a paper on the subject of nursing. ALL NEW RCA Victor TV LEA N, CLEAN and MIRROR SHARP! The DRYDEN Table Model, 21T272 Series Lowest priced 21" table model in ROA. Vietor's new "lean, clean" line, the Dryden can be Converted easily to a fashionable conabIette with matching base (optional, ex- tra), In Walnut, Mahogany or Limed Oak finishes, nimenstorts: Height 19%", (with base 33%") width 23:Yd,", Depth 17%". WE SERVICE ALL MAKES AND MODELS OF TELEVISION Galbraith RADIO and TV Factory 'Trained itechnIclons Call lit 2-3841 PlioNtttrT Z-702$1 CLINTON, ONT. • • 0`.4141•Ormat\is!*•.4,*.tNe•o)..., WELLS AUTO ELECTRIC are now speelaliging in an ,AFTERNACATION AUTO SAFETY CHECK SERVICE 0000 USED POWER LAWN MOWERS FOR SALE Also: USED ENGINES; 2 Good Used Briggs and•Stratton 11/2 h.p. Gas Engines. WHY FEED PURINA DOG (HOW ? PURINA DOG CHOW is a nutrition- ally adequate diet for dogs. But equally important it. the fact it is high in palatability. Palatability, as far as the dog is concerned, means agreeable taste and texture. Tests have shown a dog food must feel good as well as taste good to dogs • before it can ever get the chance to do good. AT PRESENT PRICES, the economical thing to do is to eat the traditional "table scraps" yourself, and feed your dog PURINA DOG CHOW: You'll both be better off, for Dog Chow is very reasonably priced . . better balanced for health AMA condition' sotentificiaity and practically RIGHT. Dogs take to it . it's palatable. Racked by Research tests on thottsands of dogs- (some in the Purina Kennels have got nothing bet Dog Chow and water for 17 generations, and thrived' on it) it's the choice of leading kennels and trainers for top-priced show and breeding stock. DOG 0110W IS A DRY FOOD--.-90 percent food: solids. It is - made in two farms'--Checkers, land Kibbled Meal. The Checkers are fed dry. The Dibbled Meal Is fed, moist . , . usually with Water, though, as a spot to appetite you may sonic time; mix in soup, gravy, Milk, Or broth from cooked vegetables. Mix 1 part liquid,- 2 parts Meal, stir and let stand for 6- minutes. reed according to condition. , . Clinton Farm Supply and Machine .Shop Charles Nelson Jack Nediger PHONE lfU 24611 -144-4,4-44-4*-4-4444-0-4-44-.4-44-44-4-44-4,44-4-044.4-044-4,9-.444-