HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-09-19, Page 5ll''HU'RSD'AY, SWUM= 19, 195:7 CLI N NEWS -RECORD Accommodation For Rent ."S'IlORE FOR RENT in .Sloan 'block.. Possession now, Dial .HU 2- :9145, 38 -9 -la 'THREE ROOM APARTMENT", 4asitli butlt4n cupboards and oil burner. Phone HU, 2-9509 38-p 'THREE 'ROOMS furnished, Priv- at bath. ' Central location, . ansa r rate entrance, Phone HU 2-6665. 3 ROOM UNFURNISHED Apart- ment, Private entrance, Private `bath, Parking space. Victoria. St. :Phone HIJ 2-9085. 381, R CE HOUSE, running water, 'hydro, immediate possession. 13th ''Concession of Hullett. Apply Arth- nir Clark. Phone .Blyth 20-14. 37-8ab •4 -ROOM HOUSE for rent in Bay- field. Hydro. Newly decorated. "Unfurnished. Reasonable rent, Po- ssession. immediately. Phone HU :2-9214. _ 381b Articles For Sale x12c it ARY 30 in. RANGE, 3 years told, Phone HU 2-9219. 37-8b LARGE SPACE" HEATER. Built - 'in -fan, $70 or nearest offer. Phone HU .2-9712, 381p :SWEET CORN. 25c :dozen. Percy (Carter,'•Lendesboro. Phone IW 2- f991.8. 38b BICY'LE, GIRL'S sidewalk bike. 'Real good tires. Phone Blyth 50,13. 38-p (GOOD t/SED PIANO. Apply to 'Ezra. Ellis, 'RR 1, ,Clinton. Phone IHU' 2-9291. 38-b LLOYD BABY 'CARRIA'GE, con- •verti!ble. Good condition. $20. :Phone HU 2-7484. "384b IILAR;GE SIZE OIL SPACE •Hea't rer, circulating fan; practically new. Apply William Fotheringham, ICU, '2-9196. 37.8-b 'DANDY LI'1rtwE QUEBEC stove for sale, good heater and baker; .either wood or coal. Norman Cart - ser, phone HU 2-6650. 37=81b ..ALLB'F.IRTA PEACHES now ready, 'Bring containers. Govenlock or- <chard 3 mile north of Forest 37-8-Ap SEE THE COMPLETE line of 'Cornflower Crystal, including the New "Epic" designs, at Anstett •Je'w,ellers. Expert Wateh and Jew- ellery Repairs, Phone HU 2-9525. 38-b ' :SET OF STAINLESS STEEL cop- per bottom Revere cookware. May 'be bought as set or by the piece. 'Phone RU 2-7484, 38-b GENEROUS TRADE-IN Allow- • :ante on your old TV on a Brand New 1958 RCA Television. T. A. 'Dutton, Brucefield, phone Clinton ITU 2-3232. 36-tfb "PIONEER" &JAIN SAWS. New' saws reduced in price. Stop -in or call Robert Glen, Clinton, :Phone HU 2-9909 nights or HU 2- • '9292 days. 37-8-p RUBBER STAMPS, SIGNATU'R- "es, maps of town, marking devices Bof all kinds. Cali at News -Record *Office, Albert Street, Clinton. 14 -bib si1IGH QUALITY KITCHEN 0 -chrome sets. Reasonably priced and very easy terms at T. A. `Dutton's Store, Brucefield. Diad -HU 2-3232. 32-tftb 'CLEAR OUT SPECIAL on Corn- flower 5 oz. juice glasses; reg. '70c, special, 29c ea.; set of 8, $2,25. Anstett Jewellers. E5cpert Watch and Jewellery Repairs. Phone HU `2-9525. 38-b EVAANS STOVE, B.T.U, 51000 per 'hour, blower attached. Also Find- ley oil. stove. One small coal oil header. Ed Greens, Huron. Street, 'Phone ITU 2-9503. 38-rpp 'BROTHER SEWING CENTRE. -Easclusive distributors of World 'Vernal.% Brother"Sewiilg Machines. Tor service or free home demon- stration write to 42 Wellington St., Stratford or phone 163J. 37-44•ip -MAGIC MARKERS. Will write on -anything, glass, wood, paper, etc. `Dry immediately. Seven different colours. Good for ;poster work, signs, etc. $1.10 each, refills, 50c. *Clinton News•'Recard, 37-tfb :SEVERAL NEW PATTERNS in English Bone China 'Dinnerware, including lovely "Cornflower". See 'it and others in our window and get our low' prices for fine china. 'Counter's ' Jewellery. 88p •SEnVERRtWAR!)1: We still have .stock of the following patterns at ' aa price: First Love, Adoration, 'Eternally YourS, 1Vlorriing.Star and '.Coronation, Anatett jewellers. Expert Watch and Jewellery Re - Stirs. Phase 11U 2-9525 88b 'QRS AND GENERATORS rewoundand repaired. Brushes, •capanitors, 5wltches, bearirigs; small &Ve lances repaired tecon- ditioned motors for sale. Art Levett, Issac Street at -Dunlop. Phone HU 2.6640. 36 -tab GENT'S AND YOUTH'S17-3ewel, shook -proof, dustproof watches, With expansion bracelet,S $19.95 or 15,00 down; •$1.00 per week; 1 year guarantee. Anstett Jeweller's, Ex - Pert Wath and Jewellery Repairs. -Phone. '1 J 2.925. 38-b ARTICLES FOR SALE RIFLE SPECIALS 30 Calibre Precision Swiss, 12 - shot lightning fast repeater, de- tachable [magazine, Only .$1.6,95, Available as a Deluxe Spotter, only $22.50. 30-06 Winchester or Remington 6 -shot repeating Sport- ers only $32.50 Each fully garan- teed: Get yours now while swppply lasts. We ship C.O,D, promptly. International Firearms Co. Ltd., 1011 Bleary, 'Montreal, Que. 38-9-40-1-11) Articles Wanted USED SMALL SAFE WANTED, Phone HU 2,9525, 38 -Ab Business Opportunities OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Contact L, G. Winter, Real Estate, High Street, Clinton. Phone Clin- ton Ill 2-6692. 13-tfb BJ 1IISIH AMERICAN OIL Co., Ltd. will have service station -for lease in !Clinton 'the first week in}. Novearber, For further particulars applyto J. D, Harrison, British American Oil Co. Lod., Douro Street, Stratford. 38.9-40-1b CLOTHING FOR SALE 'W7!N01ER CAMPI5Z COAT size 14, 36; black "rubber snow boots size 7, $4; maternity clothes, $5; All in good. condition. Box 380 Cl,ins ton News -Record. 38-Ap CUSTOM WORK MASONRY WORK, Ail Types. Apply William Harris, phone HU 2.9940. alb -tab CUSTOM SPRAYING. Barns, hen- houses, etc. Apply Louis Maloney, RR. 5, Seaforth, Phone 64r10, Dub- lin. 37-8-p AUTOMATIC SAW Sharpening. Saws retoothed, jointed and filed for $1.25. Or just filed and set 75 cents. Automatic butcher knife and scissor sharpener, •scissors, 15 cents, knives 10 cents. W. E. "Bill" Jervis, Fulton Street; Clin- ton. Phone HU 2-9664. • 35p -tills ALL. KINDS OF SAWS filed and •set. Crosscut saws,. $1.00, hand saws, 60c. Knives and scissors sharpened free when saws are brought an. Work guaranteed. David Elliott, Fulton Street, Phone HU 2-9765. 36to39p FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale MoCORMICK DEERING No. 2 en- silage harvester, John Deere No. 101 corn picker. Ervine Tebbutt. Phone HU 2-7474. 38b CASE COMBINE, 6 ft., converted to thresh beans, in good shape, will sell cheap. George Hudie, RR 2, Bayfield, phone HU 2-7533. Farms For Sale 125 ACRES, one mile from church, school, and paved highway. Fertile clay loam land, tile drained. Young apple orchard. Hydro, -pressure system, etc. Machine shed. Poultry houses and barn in good repair. Insu!J brick house, newly decorated. Apply to owner, Howard McGuire, RR, 6, Lucknow. Phone Ripley 163r12, 37-8-9-p FURNITURE FOR SALE 3 PIECE CHESTERFIELD suite. In very good condition. Phone HiJ 2-3361. 37p -38b HAY FOR SALE 15 ACRE'S, . STANDING ALFAL- fa hay. Sam Flewitt. Phone I3IJ 2-3398 38-1) HELP WANTED—FEMALE START NOW! Avon Cosmetics of- fers opportunity to earn $40 to $50 weekly commission Hours option- al. We train. Write at once for aippoint1nent. Mrs. L. Green, Han- over, Ontario. 38ab Livestock For Sale . 5 FEEDER STEERS) Herefordand Durham. Ernest • Dale. au 2; 7537. 38 -ib Livestock Wanted ATTENTION FARMERS! Proiiipt, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call collect Ed. Andrews, 8510.1, Seaforth. „Associated with Darling and Co. of Canada Ltd. 26-p-tfb Lost and Found LOST--Jted wool bathing trunks, withintermediate and .senior Red •Cross swimingbadges, lost at or near swim pool. Owner would ap- pre'ciate its return, especially the badges. Phone HU 2-7069 3$h Poultry For Sale PULLETS, TS, 100 RED X SUSSEX and 90 Red X Rock Bruce Swit- zer, Phone HU 2-3978. 3842 150 Pi LLrETS, Swifts. Sky I -Ii lay- era, WL X R,Ii1t 51,4 months oId Laying. Janes Inindaborough, RR 8, Seaforth. Phone Seaforth6r. . 665r1 38 --fib :R .A E S <- No charge for .announcements of Births, Marria&es and Deaths Articles for sale, rent, etc., Card of Thanks, in Memoriam, engagements, 3c a word, minimum 75c, Box No, to this office 1.5c additional, Repeat .j sertions 2e a word, minimum 50c, CASH DISUNT; 1/s if paid by Saturday fol lowing last insertion, Billing charge of IOc Wed.. each time bili is sent, Latest Time for Insertions en. 12 nags Wednesday .,r Dial HV 2,3844 ' ,>5•., MONEY WANTED 1 000 SECOND MORTGAGE Will Pay 15 Percent Interest Box 382, Clinton News -Record Miscellaneous WATCH REPAIR IS A JOB FOR experts, Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery, Huron County's Oldest Establish- ed Jewellery Store. 38p LET US REPAIR AND °MAKE your rings and jewellery like new, Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take chan- cos. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch re- pairs and Pearl restringing. W. N. Counter; 38,p MAPS OF THE TOWN QF OLIN- ton, showing streets, lot numbers, and town limits. 50e each. Avail- able at Clinton News -Record of- fice. 24-tfb DEAD STOOK PICKED UP pro- mAptly in sanitary trucks. • wall change made for animals under 500 lbs. total Phone collect; Goderich, 1483-34, Seaforth, 146, William' Stone Sons, Limited, In- gersoll. Property For Sale DESIRABLE LOT FOR SALE on Raglan Street, near two schools. D. $. Cantelon, phone HU 2-9483. 20-tfb FIVE ROOM INSUL BRICK Cot- tage on Mary Street. Residence o4 Mrs. Calton. For . further in- formation call HU 2-9639 after 6 p.m. 35-ttlb SMALL HOUSE, on Highway near Clinton. Oil heated. Modern con- veniences. Available October 1. Write to Box 383 Clinton Newts - Record. • 38,p TWO BEDROOM, Central Mort- gage house, excellent condition, with Coleman floor furnace and many extras. For further pant - Ionians. Phone HU 2-3460. Reason for selling, Owner transferred. 38 -gab REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE IS OUR Business Farms, residential, commercial, summer cottages. For dependable and capable service list your prop- erty with Jahn Bosveid, Wellesley Street, Goderich. Phone 1108. Salesmen: George McGillivary; Lucknow; 3. McConnell, Seaforth. 37 to t4b TENDERS WAITED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until Saturday,. Sept- ember 28, for a man to operate a second grader and do other town- ship work. Applicant to state price per hour. . Lowest or any other' tender not necessarily accepted. Township of Goderach R. E. Thompson, Clerk Roy Tyndall, Road Superintendent. 37-8-p . SUPERTEST Service Stations For Lease Modern Station'on No. 4 High- way, adjacent to Post Office in Clinton: (a) Large gallonage established. (,b) Present offices on north side are sublet by dealer. (c) Garage portion can also be sulb1et by dealer—six-oar size —hoist and wash -rack. With above portion's sublet the rent is very reasonable and prey setts am excellent opportunity for right party. Service Station & Restaurant, located on Highway 8 in Clinton: Equipment can be purchased at a reasonable price. Excellent op- portunity far the right party:, Immediate Possession CONTACT H. O. FREE SEAFORTH -- Phone 366 BIRTHS RYLSIMA In .Clinton B.ablio Hos,; pital, on Thursday, Septeznbei' 12, 1957, to Mr, and Ws. W, By'lsnla, Blyth, twit? d'au'ghters.:. G NG. CH.—In Clinton Public Hospital on Thursday, Septem:•- iber 12, 1957, to Mr, and Mrs, Cleveland Gingerieh, Zurich, a son. Ensus—In Clinton. Public Hospi- tal, on Thursday, September 12, 1957, to Caporal and Mrs. W. L, Edge, Clinton, a daughter. ELLIOTT--In Moose Jaw, Sask., on September 16, 1957, to Fly- ing Officer and Mrs, Gerald E1*• liott (nee Betty Bormell) a son (Clinton Gerald) another grand- son for Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Elliott). 1VIUR,PHY In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Monday, September 16, 1957, to Corporal and Mrs. Jo- seph Murphy, Blyth a son. OA'1'ES—En Clinton Public Hospi- tal, an Monday, September 16, 1957, to Sergeant . and Mrs. Frank Oates, Clinton, a daugh- ter. ROSS. In Clinton Public Hospital, on S'a'turday, September 14, 1957, to Flying Officer and Mrs. Ron- ald Ross, Clinton, a daughter, SALVAS—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, September. 17, 1957, to LAC and Mrs, John Salves, Clinton, a son: MARRIAGES - 1 LINKING -LAZIER. --- In the manse of Londesboro United Church, on Saturday, September 14, 1957, by the Rev. J. T. White, Londesrboro, Dorothy Marie, daughter a Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Glazier, Clinton to Gerald Douglas Hunking, ,Auburn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hunk - Ing, Auburn. MaaDONALD - DeHECK — In the First Presbyterian Church, Ann • Arbour; Mini„ on Saturday, Sep, temlbea• 7, ,1957, Ruth Marie DeHedk to James C, MacDonald, nephew of MacDonaild Bros., Goderich Township and Frank MacDonald, Hullett Township. DEATHS COOPER-- In Seaforth on Tues- ' day, September 10, 1957, Eliza Mae Appleby, beloved wife of R.. Fred Cooper, Seaforth, in her 62nd year. Funeral from the Box funeral chapel, to Clinton Cem- etery, on Friday afternoon, Septean(ber 13, by the Rev. Bruce W. Hall, Seaforth. VANDER,WORiP— On Thursday, September 12, 1957, John Wil, Earn Vanderworp, dear. son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Vanderworp, Hensall aged 18 months. Service from the Bonthron funeral chap- el conducted by Rev. Van Far- rowi, en Saturday afternoon, Septernber 14. CARDS OF THANKS The family af.,••the late Mrs. T. A. Dodds wish to express their sincere thanks to Rev. D. J. Lane, Hospital Staff, Dr. Oakes, Dr. Ad- dison, and friends for their kind deeds and thoughtfulness to her during her long stay at Hospital. Your kindness and sympathy was greatly appreciated during our re- cent bereavement. a. 38-p Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Castle and family wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to neighbours and friendsfor their deeds of kindness and sympathy during their sad bereavement of a dear son and brother, for cards and floral tributes of sympathy received. Special thanks to the pallbearers and flowerbearers and those who loaned cars or helped in any way. 38 -lb ASHTON' S TAXI Operated by CLIFF ASHTON DAY or NIGHT CALL HU - 2-9036 Just Arrived ! Imported Dutch Bulbs K. Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere O DAFFODILS IN TULIPS O NARCISSUS to HYACINTHS • CROCUS C. . COOKE,-,forisd Dial HU 2-71112 — CLINTON eaded ,. u: Vie• C0 ,adian Girls jr;'.1 '.training M -3,g Bea gf"'Ontario • Street United Church ie�,i'fi"the„ir first meeting; of the sea - 'VD last .`Iliursday nnht, with 15 or eanbers;.present under thhe lead- ership :of Miss Helen Johnson, -Elections were held and the fol- lowing officers elected; president, Beverley Beattie; vice-president,. Carol Wiiliars'r•secretary-treasur- er, Joan Johnson; press reporter,. Gail Omen. . . Wesley -Willis � W.MS Sees Film On Japan Customs Ube Wesley -Willis Woman's Mis- sionary Society meeting was held in the lecture room of the church on Thursday night September 12, at 8 part. The president, Mrs, C, Nelson :presided, Invitations were received for Th'ankofifering meetings at North Side, Seaforth on September 24, at 8 p,an. and Ontario Street, Clin- ton on October 8, at 2.30 p.m. Both invitations were accepted. Delegates to the Sectional Meet- ing at Winthrop .on October 9 were appointed: Miss E. Jamison and Bertha Diehl, Mrs. Lorne (Continued from page one) Jervis gave an interesting report When, in 1941, Germany and of the school for leaders held at Russia became enemies, the Polish Alma College, St. Thomas. General Anders obtained peranis- PAGE, 1'l ROY THEATRE Girton Two 'Shows. Nightly Wide Screen NOW; Their �da, , .Friday and Saturday SILVER CITY" Every man Inn/ his price , .every Man bat once, Yvonne De Carlo {- Edmund O'Brien Barry Fitzgerald Monday, Tuesday Sz Wednesday.---Oou de Rill "4TTIE UNDEA.DY' (Adult Entertainhnent). A thousand -=yeas of fantastic horror — a thousand chills and thrills as the astounding story unfolds, Pamela Hynean -- Richard Garland -..'Allison Hayes 1 --• and "VOODOO WOMAN" A woman by day -.-a monster by night—creeping terror in .a forbidden Jungle, Mane English -- To Conway -- ,Lance Fuller Coming: "THREE VIOLENT PEOPLE" Charlton Heston -- Anne Baxter Ballet Teacher Skilled In Art Plans Dances, Too 1VIrs. N. Holland tool charge for the study period, Miss Stone read the Scripture, Phil 1: 1-8, Mrs. Holland led in prayer. Mrs. H'ol'land had a fi'lxnm. She read the story and Lloyd Holland operated the projector. This told of mission- a'rie's work in Japan. On display on tables were items sold by Can- ada to Japan, which totaled over $90 rn'illion. Canada buys over 326 mi'alion from them. o. -. . CLINTON' WI WILL MEET SEPTEMBER 26 The Clinton Women's' Institute is holding their September meeting on SepteniJber 26, in the agricul'tur- a'l office board room. Roll call "A Canadian Product I had for Breakfast". . District president, Mrs. W. Bradnack, Auburn, will address the gathering. Program,: Mrs. Fred Tyndall and her com- mittee. Hostess convener Mrs. W. Ross. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of OLIVER RO- BERT WELSH, late of the Tovim ship of Goderich in the County of Huron, Yeoman, Deceased. All persons.having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the 30th dray of September, A.D. 1957, after which date the assets will be dist- ributed amongst the parties entitl- ed thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given, DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 10th day of September, A.D. 1957. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 37-8-9-b • NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of ROSANNA TEBBUTT, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Spinster, Deceased'. , All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before .the 30th day of September, A.D. 1957, after which date the assets will be dist- ributed amongst the parties entitl- ed thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DARED at Clinton, Ontario, this 10th day of September, A.D. 1957. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 37-8-9-b CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Household Effects From the home of Mr. Robert Y. Hattin, Lot. NO. 3, Stanley Town- ship, No. 4 Highway, n/y mile south of Clinton, on Saturday, September 21 at 1.30 p.m., the following: Modern Waterfall 4 -piece walnut bedroom 'suite; inner spring mat- tress; 5 -piece bedroom suite; inner spring mattress; 2 bedroom chairs; sofa bed and 2 arm chairs (foam rubber cushioned and nylon cover- ed—nearly new) ; chesterfield, two chairs and foot stool; 2 rocking chairs; arm. chair; 4 end tablet; Motorola 17 inch TV; 4 Bay Sky - Liner aerial with rotor; combinat- tion Regal radio and automatic record player; Philcomantel radio; Berkley electric food mixer; Fil- ter Queen vacuum cleaner and at- tachments; Westminster ' chime mantel clock; electric clock; day bed; automatic toaster; Hot Point iron; 6 -piece maple breakfast suite; modern walnut china corn- er cabinet; card table; Frigidaire 74 cu, ft. refrigerator; Moffat electric range (automatic oven control) ; floor lamp; bed lamps and table lamps; Simplicity wash- ing machine; 2 laundry tubs; lib- rary table; a number of books; 2 fernery stands; clothes hamper; curtains & drapes; ironing board; wall Mirrors; ,pictures; 96 -piece set of Gold Crown dishes (with gold leaf trim,); Other dishes; glass- ware; silverware; garden tools; T'ohnston power lawn mower; gar- den hose; numerals other articles. 1957 Pontiac "6" Coach with just over 1,000 miles (subject to reserve bid), Terms,—Cash 1O rese'mve as property is Sold,: ItORERrt Y', MAVEN; IN, lerof►rietoic Edward W. Elliott, Aiiettoheer: sion from the exiled Polish•govern- rent in England to foams an army to fight on the side of the Allies. Miloslawa went into this army, and she was sent to Iran and final- ly to Palestine. It was here that she met Tony, who was a lieuten- ant in the Palish .Atrnny. She was a; memilber of the Second Polish Coups, Eighth British Army. As part of an entertainment troupe, she travelled to Italy, and moved north to the fighting at Anzio. She and her canteen vehic- le were at the front lines while the fighting was going on. She was awarded the Monte Cassino ribbon for her efforts during this phase of the war in Europe. By this time she was a WO2 and was selected to go to officer cadets solicit)/ to obtain her com- mission. She and Tony were mar- ried in Italy at this time. War was coming to an end, and she never did complete her training. She was decorated with the Distinguished Service Cross by General Anders' assistant. Mr. and Mrs. Zablocki went to England where they were demob- ilized. They left for Canada with their baby daughter Theresa, and settled on a small farm at Lond- esboro until last year: It was there that Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent paid them a visit, in the company of A. Y. McLean, Sea - forth, on an election campaign tour of this area. Young Richard was born in Londesboro, Last year they purchased a lot on Highway 8, just at the new public school, and have built a lovely home there. Last year Mrs. Zablacki's instruction classes were held in her home, but she is find- ing that there are more pupils than she can accommodate easily, and she is hoping to find larger quarters. . The. foregoing details about Mrs. Zablacki . were not all obtain- ed by personal interview, since she is modest about talking about her pant. A goad many of the details were taken from a feature article in the Clinton Mercury, the month- ly xnagazine published at RCAF Station Clinton, in 1954. Tony is employed in the Officer's Mess at the Station. Theresa is a pupil at the Clinton Public Sch- ool, and young Richard entered Grade 1 here this year. Our cars and roads have been improved; Now let's innprove our driving.—DRIVE. SAFELY, PARK THEATRE GODERICH Now Playing: Spencer Tracy & obert loRYoung In ""NORTHWEST PASSAGE" (Cor) Mon,, 'Tues. and Wed. September 23-24,25 June Allyson - Jack Lemrnon and. Charles Bickford This musical version of the sue- cessful romantic comedy .features June as a madcap daughter in love with a brash young reporter, "YOU CAN'T RTJN AWAY FROM fl" In Cinemascope and Teehnieglor Thurs., Fri. and Sat. September 26-27-28 Rhonda Fleming -- MacDonald Carey and JUM'A, With the African veldt as its locale this' adventure story tells of a trapper, a lady veterinarian and a native boy. Featuring various' wild animals of the region, "ODONGO" In Cinemascope and Technicolor COMING: Jimmy Piersals true story "FEAR STRIKES OUT" - with Anthony Perkins Public enemy number ONE is the stop -sign passer. — DRIVE SAFELY. Annual Shoe Sale. I•IUNDREDSNOW OFON PAIRS TO CHOOSE FROM Clifford Lobb Store J Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY at 8 p.m. TERMS CASK J. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELLIOTT Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk Clearance of Boys'Suits Ages 7 to 16 years 1V1ART NEW CLOTHS and PATTERNS Regularly Priced To $25.00 Coat and 2 Trousers SPECIAL from $11.95"to $19.50 OPEN PIIIDAY EVENINGS Pickett ,& Campbell Limited