HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-09-12, Page 6PAM. 'S.= ews of ,Iayii.eid By MISS L'QOX Rt WOODS vj 195E Ontario ChatnPlon Ruta* CorreePondent PHONE:; BAYFIELD 45 r. a: Recent guests at the `"Little Xnu include; Mia and Mrs. James Still, Ottawa; Miss. and Miss M. At- wood, Detroit; Miss Florence Rouse, Perry, iiury, 'Ohio. MissesM. and R. Kruke, Dear- born, eanborn, Mich, were at The Village Guild over the weekend. Mra, L. Laugenslager and Mrs.. McElvoy left' at the end ,of the weer to spend a week in Meat - real. "• Mr. and Mrs, E. W. Oddleifson, London were here over the week end. aDr, W, Archer has returned to Ottawa after a vacation here, and his son Gwylim went to Bell - Wile to be with his uncle John Hayman and family. Mrs. Roy Way, Pleasant Ridge, Mich., and Mrs. L. C. MaeDowell and her daughter Winnilfred, John- stown a,were the guesta of P gu their cousin, the Rev. E. J. B. Har- rison, over the weekend Miss L. C, .. Morley, Highland sister, sGeorge .Park and hers r, M, r Moore, Traverse City, Micia, came lastweek to her cottage "Birch CJiif.• Mrs.. William A,. Townshend,. Miss Betty Jean and Robert Towti- shend, L,ondoa, were at their cot- tage over the weekend, Mr. .and Mrs. John FT?iott and family, Kitchener, were with his Pmts, Mr. and Mrs. William R. Elliott, over the Labor Day week end. Also guests on Sunday were Mr, and Mrs, .John11/leeks, Ser- yle and iiahodda, Stratford, Misses Fllorence Summers and Annie 1.''ool, Brantford. The Reverend Canon I1 M. Lang ,Ford and Mrs. Lang Ford returned to Kitchener on Monday with their daughter, Mrs. la.,.Brick er, after having spent the suniMer at their cottage, canon ung Ford. has assisted the Rector in. celebrating. Holy Communion at the seven orclook service the first Sunday in each month at Trinity Church and .also took part in matins on Sunday last. In epressing happiness in hawing -his help, the.R.ev, B. J, B. WELLS AUTO ELECTRIC are now specializing in, an AFTER VACATION AUTO SAFETY CHECK SERVICE Now that vacation time is over, you must have put thousands of miles on your 'car. Isn't it time you had a complete check of your auto? We are specialists in auto safety .checks' • • We will check: ✓ Tires ✓ Brakes ✓ Windshield Wipers ✓ Alignment ✓ Batteries ✓ Lighting Systefn Wells Auto Electri.c KING STREET CLINTON Phone HU 2-3851 ORIGINAL AUTO'LITE Appointment For Hearing THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD here- by appoints Friday, the thirteenth day of. September, 1957, at the hour of half past one o'clock in the afternoon, .(°local time) at the Court House,Goderich, Ontario, for the hear- ing of all parties interested in support of • or i'. opposing the following by-law. BY-LAW NO. 28, • 1957 • A BY-LAW 01? THE OORPORATYON OF THE COUNTY O• F HURON TO REGULATE THE LOCATION OF BUILD- INGS AND .STRUCTURES ON LAND ADJACENT TO COUNTY ROADS. WHEREAS, it is deemed to be necessary and desirable to regulate the location ofabuildings and structures on land adjac- ent to certain county roads; AND WHEREAS, authority' is granted under Section 30(a) of The Highway Improvement Act as amended by Section 2 of The Highway larenoverent Aanendment Act 1954 to exercise such power subject to the approval of the Municipal Board. The Council of the Corporation of the ,County of Huron enacts as follows: (1) No person shall erect any building .or structure, any part of which is' located closer to the nearest limit of any of the County roads or parts of the County roads, hereinafter defined than - 25 feet where the road is 100 feet wide, 42 feet where the road is 66 feet -wide, ` and in no case closer to the centre line of the original road allowance than 75 feet. (2) No person shall erect or install gasoline pumps: (a) closer than 60 feet from the centre line of the • original road allowance (b) on a curve or the crest of a hill (c) An the tangent to a horizontal or vertical ourve • where the sight distance is less than 800 , feet • in each direction. (3) The County roads or parts of County roads defined by this by -'law are as followts: The entire county road system as defined in Schedule "A" of By Law No, 23, 1954,. same and excerpt such parts of the County road sysstean which lie within the limits of zany `town, Village, or Police Village within. the County of Huron. • (4) The Canporation of the County of Huron, by their Clerk, may give nlbtice to the (Niter or Occupant of any land requiring him to remove or alter any buildingor structure erected after the passing ,a this By -Law that doe§ not comply, with sections 1 and 2 and each notice under this seetioxt shall be in: writing and Sent by registered mail, addressed to the Owner or Ooetipant of the land', (5) If the person to whom the notice is given, older section 4 above fails to comply with it Within 30 days from Mailing of such notice, the Corporation of the Couni'y of Huron may direct any officer, ennpleyee or agent of the said Corpoiration to enter upon the land andd'iy or cause to be done, whatever may be necessary,to remove or alter such building or structure mentioned in said notice. (ti) Every ;perS•on who violates any ofthe provisions tit Sections 2 and 3 or fails to comply•with the notice given cinder Section 4, shall be guilty of ori offence and on summary conviction shall be liable to a penalty of not More than fifty 'Milers ($50.00) far each dffela ce and the etiontinuance of the condition constituting an oRenee for each week after contactual, therefore, shall constitute a new offence. (C7)is By -Law b y shall coarse into eilfeet upon the day itIs patt- ed 'Council subject to the app al of the Ontario Municipal Eo'ard. Read a first, second andthird time, and finally passed • this 14th day of June, 1957, (Signed) (Signed) A I11RSKINE HAROLD GODA, Unroll County Huron 864. Harrison said that Canon. Lang Fond had been coining to Barfield• each fiuttuTfier for 44 years. 412r and Mrs: ;Percy Elliott, fort Colborne, visited the tatter's slaters Mrs J, Fraser from Tuesday to Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. 3. Fraser attended the christening et theirgrandson, Richard Stewart at King Street United .ChvreIi, London on Sept- ember 8, It was the wedding an- niivetsary of the baby's parents, Mr, and Mrs. J.Fraser, Jr. The occasion was celebrated by A din- ner at their home, Mr. and 'Mrs. W, H. Deep -and Janice, London, occupied their cot•. tage over the weekend. .. fir. W, H. Robinson was in London for several' days last.week, LAC Warren Carso}ni and f'ainily left on Saturday for'Pietou, N, S. owing to the illness - Of his, father. W. IX.. Johnston ieft 'en Menday morning to visit relatives in •Ne conta, N, D, Mrs. Johnston is stay ,ng with her son Ford and family during his absence, Mr. and Mrs. R. -.Larson left with Mr. . and Mrs, E:'• Aa„<iE'eatber ston on Sunday on a Motliaartrili to Eastern Ontario : and .Quebec: Mrs. J. 1VioKenzie returned hdrne on Wednesday of last week after having visited her sister in Win- nipeg„„,for about two weeks. A. 0, Gellatly, his vwife and two chlclren, Richard and, Joan, are occupying Mrs, R. Grainger's cot- tage op Howard Street. Mr. Gel,- fatly has recently been posted to the M. E. Section, RCAF Station, Clinton from MacDonald, Man. • The Rev. E. J, )3, Harrison went to London on Wednesday for the Huron College Alumnus session, in connection with the Diocesan Centennial, Mrs. Maynard Corrie is recuper- ating at home after 'being a pat- ient in Clinton; Public Hospital for eight days following surgery. Martha Carrie who spent last week with her aunt, Mrs, Les Re Gray, London, returned home on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Gray who were here for the day, Mrs. A. Cam -risings, Port Stanley, returned last week to, be with Mrs. W: T. Metcalf after two months vacation, Miss Jessie L. Metcalf left • on Sunday for Detroit to resume her duties on the faculty. of Wayne University, Mr. and 1VCrs. G. Sturgeon have returned to Preston atter having spent part of their honeym000n with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Sturgeon. James A. Cameron is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. He had the misfortune to fall off a ladder while working at his home and sustained a fracture to his riaght heel. Mrs. Bert Ruston returned to Mitchell on Sunday with her son- in-law and .daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hovey, after having been their guest for a week. Mr. and Mrs. O'Lane, daughter and friend, Howell, Mich„ are spending this week in Mrs. Chas. 1. Rogers' cottage, "Char -Min” :Mrs. E. A. Featherston, Mrs. T. C, Bailey and Mrs. R. Scotchmer of the local Library Board attend- ed ttended the diamond anniversary ban- quet and program of the Auburn Library on Wednesday evening, July 4. E. A. Featherston motored the ladies to Auburn. They were accompanied by Miss Norma N. Sinclair. Misses Mabel Scotchmer and •Norm. FT. Sinclair returned to Toronto on Sunday after having spent a week with Mrs. Robert Soatchaner, Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Arkell were in Goderich on Sunday where they celebrated Mrs. Arkell's birthday at a dinner given by her daughter, Mrs. D. Sager. - John R. MacLeod returned to Port Harwell on Tuesday morn- ing after having spent a day with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. L. H. I). MacLeod. Miss Jacqueline Ciuff left on XVIonday to attend Ontario Teach ers' College at London. J)r. and Mrs. A. C. MacNiel left on Friday for Toronto after spend- ing ten days' vacation at "Stone- haven”. They attended the wed- ding of the former's niece on Sat- urday, returning to their home .in Cleveland the 'first of the week. Mrs. 3. Cainnross has returned tap. London after spending the weekend at her summer cottage, CYCOCoGY,S0.; WlJEtd A MAN BRA,G$ Her TAkES Nis HAT i rF i" ) moBoDY, ASK H.IM, HOW HE GgT$ N15 HAIk Ciir Lotting net tositry ante repalr. go Means you're In for a '1/41100 shave" or OVCfl a mishap. Bo the Wisp Whig . See Us# four the expert auto servicethutoli give you• s setter, aster Car t4 drat e • SERVICE STATION CAR, r. !).Ain cilNrgt o,v !�\A 'i,.[ ("Like, wHent rt A,-' ' you NC V[R "AV6di0 -#/ ✓ R4ow vouR *MON' • C/ iNroN re Nu 9-90.19 • !ON NEWS -RECORD ',Dangers of Pipelines Interference Threat To HuronFarm Lands (By iYt Carl Hemingway) ''.This is a every trou'b'lesca#ae prx�l lem to many cowvties in southern Qntario. Some comities have as many .as seven lines. crossing ahem at different locations, While we are agreed that pipelines are nec- fessery to the march Of progress tiler could be less objectionable e "a little organized planning was dine in advance, -to reduce the damage to farm land the tines of different compan- ies could be run side by side in one: ldcatif and it would be pas- silblleyto,,use a much larger percent age of less productive land. 7llie •Companies first step in ,gain- uig a right of way is to approach the Township Council with' a very juicy offer on damages and tax « 06 for pern•iussion to cross the Ciiivriship roads On the strength OBITUARY . George Castle (By our Bayfield Correspondent) George Castle, son of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Castle, Bayfield, was 'frilled on Sunday, September 8, when the three ton gravel truck he was .driving crashed into a ditch, and rolled over on Highway 3 near Okotoks, 24 miles south of IJalgary, Alta. Besides his parents he is surviv- ed':by three brothers, Thomas, Jr., and Kenneth, Bayfield; Ronald; Calgary; and two sisters. Mrs, Marion Cox, Calgary and Mrs, Mary Winhold, London. The body is being brought to Hayfield for burial. .of this the Provi#leim'1 .Fuel Board-, (consisting of two lawyers and a •geologist).. taken the attitude that the community apptoves the pipe- line and is quite willing to approve expropriations of the farmer's land if he refuses the' company's .offer. for a right of way, • The Federation of Agriculture is requesting legislation stating that ,theCoanpany must -advertise th,e,.route of the proposed line loc• - ally before seeking lent ,es, Aiso that a public hearing for those directly affected, must be held locally, Wei in Huron, have not had thi's problem to meet but we are told ,that within five years gas lines Will be spreading throughout the country, We can't and wouldn't keep thean out but good farm land is getting sloareer every year. Time and effort Gould be well spent if we could cut this destruction to a minimum by a little fore -sight, 11t any of you have been travel- ling to ,the southward and have seen these, lines under construction you, will realize the seriousness of of the situation. o HENSALL VILLAGE COUNCIL AWARDS $120 IN GRANTS (By oar Hensall Correspondent) Hensall Village Council, meeting on September 9, granted $5Q to- ward the Hensall Union Cemetery and $70 to the Iensall School Fair. - iOlerk James A. Paterson re- ported that there were no appeals on the 1957 assessment, therefore it would not be necessary to hold Count of Revision on same. FARMERS We are shipping cattle every Monday for 'United Co-operative of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We will pick them up at your farm - Please PHONE COLLECT not later than Saturday nights. ' Seaforth Farmers Co-operative H. S. Hunt, -Shipper PHONES.—Day 9; Evenings 481w 24-tfb FUEL OIL CONTACT US NOW FOR NEXT WINTER'S DELIVERY OF "Champion" Furnace and. Stove Oil The Safest Fuel Money Can Buy We have in stock all sizes of Fuel Oil Tanks at Lowest Prices -- Drums loaned to customers on request. A. G. Grigg and Son "Champion" "Blue" Fuel Oil Dial HU 2-9i'' Coal 37-b A 5T0RY ABOUT asture .. . GOOD ]PASTURE produces your cheapest ;milk. Pasture improvement and management (a subject we haven't space to cover here) deserve any dairyman's attention. But for loug- term result*, even the best pasture requires some supplemental feeding . ,. I. and poorer pastures, of Course, require .more, VOU-l'iIRN a 1,200 Iii, eew:tuft on lush. 'pasture.' She eats to capacity,—say even 10 lbs. ,a day.: But Ws 84% water. She is getting only 18 to 19 lbs dry :solids, (when she should be getting at least 3o lbs. Dry „Solids per day) ...- not much over half What you, telt she needed in the stable; and the pasture Is stimulating her to make more .rutin •UNI.FSS she gets more dry solids than she can get out of pasture, site draws heavily on her body, and runs herselt down in Weight. and ,00ndition. Theta she. drops off in milk; and you can't get her up.. again, -no matter how well you. feed, until you buildthat lost Weight and. condition back int. That's slow and ,e:a pens[ve. it's better tow feed.7ter first than last, SO FTJRIiNA SUGGESTS.; 1. Feed goodhay even an good pasture, if you; have. it, 2. Feed;' BUL1iy'-LAS,, a. gallon night and morning. Cows will lest ' it when they refuse hay.. 3. As soon as cows will era it after turning out, begin feeding DAJi Y RATIQN. (Many good dairymen feed: Bulky -Las and grain, half-and-half, while pastures are good and switch to inille• stimulatingdairy ration whenpastures. grow short. and' dry. Clinton Farm Supply and Machine Shop Charles NelsonJack Nediger PHONE HU 2-9613= aaaaleare "1 wonder what's happened to Nancy ..." "Ohl I'm glad you called —, 1 was worried." The telephone rings and everything's OK So many of the calls •you make every day say "Don't worry"! When someone has to work late, or can't keep a date, or has to cancel an appointment, the telephone. lets other•people know. At times like this -- whether you are making the call or receiving it — the ready reassurance provided by your telephone can be precious beyond words.. This is just one of countless examples of how your telephone pays its way, as it makes life happier,easier, more secure. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA, man . . 1 �1. when left strictly alone to accumulate, f with interest, hi your Royal Bank bank accounts ! SAVINGS ACCOUNT. "But", you say "I've got bills to pay ,'1 . and cheques to write. How can I keep my hands off it?" Quite simply , .. when you operate a second, separate PERSONAL CHEQUINO. AccotiNT. "-ONE FOR SAVING .. Regular say- ings deposits have a much better chance to grow into a healthy bank balance, sz "ONS FOR PAYING BILLS . For paying bills by cheque you open a Royal. Bank PERSONAL CHEQUING ACCOUNT. It's businesslike, saves you time at the bank, can save you money on cheques, too. And every three months the bank mails you a complete printed statement of your account, plus your cancelled.' cheques valuable to you as proof of bills paid, This ROYAL HANK "TWO -ACCOUNT PLAN",• helps yon save ... puts your personal, and household accounts on a business-• like basis. Try it. Full- particulars at. every branch. IrHE imOVAL BANK. OF CANADA Clinton Branch ,,,..., O. L. Engelstad, Manager Goderich Branch . H. R. Heath, Manager