HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-09-12, Page 5�. '�" A�'', �'�'� �� B'L' � �.'k�t �,'�i � •�.r�,�NT�1� ��' �rSJ�*+�r�,�r0 Accommodation For, hent CLOTHING FOR SALE LEGAL NOTICES ROiOM APART T, furnished, WINTER COAT, $5; 41JVurpose I, RIS EVANS, 140 not b' 9 cast, $5; wool dress, $5; number resiponAble for mar Witfe Vablet's Private bath, Call HU 2, 500. of dresses, blpuses and a suit; also deib`bs,oil or after August 22, 1957, 37*b shoes, Size 6.' Bax 372 Clinton SiPgned-Richard ]suing, 'a ROOM. APPA==, T, furnished, News -Record, 37 -ib. . b 35-6-71p private .entrance and bathroom, BOY'S AIR FORD BLUE gab - +Child welcome. Central located Phone HU 2-9641., 371b arfiine coat and Cap, for fall. Side Livestock FQr Sone 3 years, Also lloy s green gabeN' MOUSE ON NO. 4 IfSWAY, 5 dine winder coat, cap and slacks, 71ViT{O-REAR-C+LD SUFFOLK Ram,. .rninutesi walk to the Radar School, size 3 years, Both .like new, Phone Aligner l3roadfaot. Fhone 655r3L1, "For further particulars Phone HU 2-7024, 37 -ib Seafort'h• 37-{b ,3 -IU 2-9427, 36-37-p 8 PIGS; seven weeks .old, Also -FOUR ROOM GROUND FLOOR CUSTOM WORT( quantity of body .ma•Fle wood, *apartment. Private entrance andfoot long. Wes Hoggart, RIR 1, Private bath, Unfurnished or part- MAiSONRY WORK, All Types Clinton, Phone HU 2-987$ 37-yp 'lly furnished, , Oil furnace: Avail- Amy Wwi'liam Harris, phone HU ONE YOUNG FU✓REBR H01- 05 31b. -Wb .able now. Phone HU 2-9005, 1^371b stein cow to freshen soon.. Apply HOUSE, running water, CUSTOM SPRAYING. Barns, hen to Gordon Reynolds, Highway $, `hydro; immediate possession. 1.3th houses, etc. Ak*y Louis Maloney, 2 miles west c Seatforth. 36.74b i7oncession of Bull,ett, Apply Arth- RR 5, Seaforth, Phone 64r10, Dulb- ONE' REG. HOLSTDIN ��iL"ZT`ER, 1zn, 37-8-tp lir Clark. Phone Blyth 20-14. due- October 21, :accredited and 37-" AUTOMATIC SAW Sharpening vaccinated Jahn Lindsay, RR 31 Saws retoothed jointed' and filed Ol-ratan, one PIU 2-9287. 37 -Ip UNEURNISPED FMONT APART- ' � mint, self-contained, recently doc-, for $1,25. Or just filed and set 75 orated. Furnished or unfurnished. cents, Automatic' butcher knife 'Downtown location. Phone HU 2 and scissor sharpener, scissors 15 Livestock Wanted ,.'96&2,37 cents, knives 10 cents. W, E. -p "Dill" Jervis; Fulton Street, Clin- A'TTFNTION FARMERS! Prompt, :`2 NEW APAiRflMENTS, modern tOn' Phone HU 2-9664. 11-tfb courteous collection of.all dead and disabled farni animals and hides, with new propane gas staves. Heat- ARI, X�NDS,OF SAWS filed and Call collect Ed. Andrews, 851rJI, rod. Close to P. S, Available about set. Crosscut saw's, $1,00, hand Seaforth, Associated with Darling ''Cctoiber L Alpply. A. C. Brandon. sinus, Eft Knives „ and scissors and Co, of Canada Ltd. 26­p,tfib 37"p sharpened free when saws are browght un. Work guaranteed, . Miscellaneous / Articles For Sale laarvid Elliott, Flulton. Street, t Phone HU 2-9765, 36'tg39p WATCH REPAIR 14 A JOB FOR. �Y 30 in, RANG, 3 yearsexperts. Our wor ' assures your ,old, Phone HU 2-0219 37-b satis�factron. Counter's Jewellery, :D POULTRY, Reasonable. FARM EQUIPMENT For' Sale Huron. County's Oldest Establish= ad Jewellery Store, 37-p M. 2-9106, 37-p VASE COMBINE, 6 ft„ converted LET US REPAIR AND MAKE . WiOODEN ' MALT KEGS, Bart- •to thresh beans', in good shape, your rings and jewellery' like never, liffs Bakery Limited, a 37-fb will sell cheap. George Hudie, Diamond rings renewed and stones RR 2, Baylfield, phone HU 2-7533. safely secured -d'on'e take chan- (CONVE[RrSION OII, BURNER in 37-p ces.. Expert work done reasonably. cgood condition.. Phone 11U 2.9709, to your. satisfaction. Watch re- , . 37-6 1 Far1115 For Sale pairs and Pearl restringing. • W. �COLEMAX SPACE HEArrEP., N, Counter, 37-p ••with blower, nearly new. Apply at M ACRES, one mile from church, MAP'S OF THE TOWN OF CLIN- :News-Record office, 37-'p .school, and paved highway. Fertile ton, showing streets, lot numbers, *ELE TRIC GRAIN GRINDER. clay loam land, tile drained. Young and town limits. 50c each. Avaal- -,Phone HU 2-9812. P. Wester- apple orchard. Hydro, pressure able at Clinton, News -Record of- 4hout. 33tfb system, etc, Machine shed, Poultry five. 24-tfb houses and (barn in good repair. 'LARGE: SIZ& OIL SPACE Heat- Insullbrick house, newly decorated, DEAD STOCK PICKED UP pro -eri circulatink fan, practically new. Apiplyto owner, Howard McGuire, mPptly in' sanitary trucks. :Small Amply William Fotheringham, HU RR 6, Lucknow: . Phone Ripley charge made for animals under '2-9196. 37-8-b 163r12, 37-8-9-p 500 .lb's, total. Phone collect: Gaderich, 1483-J4, Seaforth, 146. DANDY LITTLE QUEBEC stove William Stone Sons, Limited, In- ,:far sale, good heater and baker; FURNITURE FOR SALE tevther wood or coal. Norman Cart- er, phone HU 2-6650. 37-b 3 PIECE CHESTERFIELD suite. MAR+GE COL 2%AN oil heater; In very good condition. Phone MONEY WANTED, $6,000 for two `small Que'be heater; Toronto Y HU 2-3361• " 37-b ears, 7 per -cent, Good security. ,couch, adjustable head; kitchen t Box 372, Clinton News -Record ,,cabinet. Phone 'HU 2-9520 37-.b USED ., • 37 -PF -AiLBEsR,TA PEACHES now ready. FURNITURE Bring containers. Govenlock ' or- Pet Stock t�chard % mile north of Forest.. $OUGHT and SOLD 37-8-ip COCXER SPANIEL pup for sale NEW • LOCATION: Apply to Eric Switzer at corner 'aGENEROUS TRADE -1N All of Rattenbury and William Streets, .%anee on your old TV on a Brand .Store now on Highway 4, 1 S7 -p `New 1958 RCA Television. T. A. next to Commercial Hotel. Mutton, Brucefield, phone Clinton 3rd house south of Post Office :HU 2-32232. 36-t&r Property For Sale �.HL. "PIONEER" C1 AIN saws, Phone HU 2-6658 1.31L saws reduced in price. Stop 37-(b DESIRABLE LOT FGR' SALE on . in or call Robert Glen, Raglan Street, near two schools. phone HU 2-9909 nights or AU Clinton,n, D. S. Cantelon, phone HU 2-9483. 11ho' days. 3tU Z. Help Wanted 4 20-tfb RUBBER. STAMPS, SIGNA.TUR- MALI OR; �iF11VIALE HELP want- age ROOM IN Street, BRICK once es, maps of town, marking devices ed for tpoultry plant work. •cage on Mary Street, Residence `-of all. kinds. Call at News -Record in person to Canaria . Packers formation of Mrs, Calton. For further in %O fice, Albert Street, Clinton. Limited. Clinton. 36 -7 -ib p � ation call H+[7 2-9639 after 14-fi6b APPLICATIONS will be received „MM+H QUALITY KITCHEN until September 21 for an organist RE -AL ESTATE ^ahromle sets, Reasonably priced (Hammond organ) and choir lead: - ,and very easy terms at. T. A. er for Egmondvi3le United Church.. It ypu are interested in buying `Dutton's Store,-Brucefield; Dial Applicants -must state qualaafica- a really Pgre ' farm 'here is one, *HU 2.3232,' 32-tfb tions and salary expected. Ivan 160 acres of choice clay loam, ala ` Forsyth, .chairman of music com- workable, no stones, 8 acres of = 701R, OIL TANK TRUCKS, or pus- ini'ttee, RIR 2, Kippen, new orchard: Located 4 miles from construction m aftnery, contt�act 35L6 -7 -p ' Giffen Truck EquapmeiA Limited, Clinton, just, off' the Highway. '_'•5461 Yonge St. Willowdale, Ont. Large bank barn, silo. Implement 32, 34,' 37, :,39, 41, 43-p HELP ,WANTED --FEMALE, shed, garage. Two homes; one of them solid brick, 5 bedroom house FOR, THE BEST'PfRiI(ES on new ONE PAPiI` TrME' WAZTTRESS, with slate roof, 3 piece bathroom, -and used -musical instruments, ac- B3artliffls Restaurant 37 -Pb ,pressure system, full basement, •cessories and TVairs. Phone or I furnace, The other house,. 6 room -write, Ross. Mann Music S+ulpplies, FULL OR, PART TIME, Several instil brick; all in ,good state of re-. 'W Ingham Ont. Phone 735J4 • • territories open for women who pair, Terms can be arranged. 33-.35-37-39-41-43-45-47-49-51-0 are interested in having a good Immediate possession. SEUV'INfir 'CENTRA steady income, Ekperience unnec- $6300.00. Full price for this ess'ary. Avon sells itself. Write 1,00 acre farm with 14 acres of ZelusiPve distributors off World' Mrs. L. Green, Hanover, Ont. 37 -ib bush,. Located 4 miles from Clam- ' Famous Brother Sewing Machines, ton near school and church, Build- ' For service or.free 'home Aetnon- GMUL OR WOMAN for full time ingss in good, state of repair. 3 t ,s�tration write to 42 Wellington work in- office of Clanton News- bedroom home, ,good barn. Excel - '.St., Stratford -or thong, 183.1'. Record. hours: nine to five, Hos- lent water supply. Down payment s .37--44�p Ppitalization plan available. Typing $2500.00', required, Shorthand not needed. `IVtAGIC MARKERS.'Will. write on Apply in !person at office. 37x $1500.00, Full price, 100 .acres Anything, glass, , wood, .paper, oto. of level clay loath land, no stones. 'Dry immediately. 'Seven different WIANmED, CML T04S'SIST with Very good house and barn,- garage. colours. • Good for ;poster work, 'general housework in :farrrily with Must be seen to be appreciated. signs, etc, $1,10 eacli, refills, '50cc. chaldreh. To live in, All modern Located on Highway, Low down -Clinton Newts -Record. k-tfb conveniences, Good salary. Lib- payment. 41 eral time off. Private room. Good Johh Bosveld, reaator, 40 Welles- S'EVmAL NEW .PATTEZW8 In home for young girl.,, Apply to the ley, 'Street, Goderich, Ontario, t "Engl'ish Bone China `Dinnerware, Huron Expositor, Seaforth, Ont, Phone 1108. Salesm2-, doe Mid- t :including lovely ""Cornflower". See arlo. 37-1b Connell, Seafarth; George 1 cC91'- -it and others in our window' 'arid livary, Lwknaw. 36-37-+b get our low prices for fine china. 'Counter's' Jewellery. 37Pb i $uric erV iiarls TENDERS WANTED "MOriiOR,S AsNDi C„E1VEIi,'A:TOILS rewound and rewired. Brushes, t apacitor5, s*1fdhes, bearings; .small app�ltaneb repaired, ttecbn- ditioned, motors, for sale. Art Levett, Issas Street at Dunlop, -Phone +RU 2.6640, 36-tfib Board 'laird 'Room ACCOMiIVJOsUATION rolt TWO -alone or . three shai^ing. Phone '•C[iti�ton ICJ 2-71193. 37:0 C1'tlVN BIRTH pital, on Tuesday, Septeml?.e 10, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. W. C Collins, Brussels, a daughter, �O'I•QI IHOUN-In Clinton Pubii Hospital, on Wednesday, sept emiber 4, 1957, to Mr, and Mrs. Donald G, Colquhoun, RR 5, Gunton, a daughter, --in Clinton Pub- lic 'hospital, on Wednesday, .September 11, 1957, to Mr, and �.VIns. Keith Gemeinhardt, Bay- H>;GGiiNiS-aTi Clinton Public HOs- pital, on. Saturday, September 7, 1957, .to Mr, and. Mrs, John Higgins, Hensall (formerly of Scotland) a daughter, 1£YEM--�In Clinton Public Ho$pital, on Saturday, Septemiber7, 1.957, to Mr, and Mrs, David ,Kyle (nee Mildred F'ollick), Hensall, a son (ibr6ther -for Steve, Nancy and Gary; grandson for Mr, and Mrs. George Follick and Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Kyae, Sr., Hen. Sall). L'OBB -Jn Toronto Western Hos- pit os- pita!, on, Monday, Septerrvber 9, 1957, to Mr. and. Mrs. Harry Lolblb, Toronto, a son (brother tfor Rri'cicyI grandson ter Mr, and Mrs. Fred' Labb). ROBEISON- Mr, and Mrs. Dick Robinson ('nee Joyce Grigg) an- nounce the birth of a son Ran- dal George (still born) at Hotel Dieu. Hospital, Windsor, Ontario S4ptember 3, 1957. Resting at Oakwood Cemetery, Brock- �ville, Ontario. MARRIAGES' HAMILTON-W�HHITMORE,A very pretty wedding took place in Hamilton, on Saturday after- noon, September 7, 1957, by the Rev. W. J, Preston, .Mary Isabel, daughter od Mr, and Mrs, Har- old Whitmore, and granddaught- er of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whitmore, Holmesville, .Alan Carl Hamilton son of Mrs. ,Hftlltm, Hamilton and the late Hector Hamilton. SOiLIRaC,FOlV=SOLONIK - In St, Paul's United Church, Preston, on Friday; August 30, 1957, by 'the Rev. H. J. Herlikey, Audrey Joyce,. daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Solonik, Preston, to Ger- ald Samuel Sturgeon, youngest son of . Mr, and Mrs, Edward J. Sturgeon, Baylfield. 11 'DEATHS OAS71L)� -In Okotoks, Alberta, on i Sunday, September 8, 1957, George Sidney Castle; dear son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, Castle, Bayfield. Resting at the home of his: parents; from Friday morn- ing, where, funeral service will be held on Friday afternoon, 7 _ September 13, commencing at two o'clack. Interment in Bay- field Cemetery. 170DDS- 4ii Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, September 10, 1,957, Susan Dodds, beloved wife of . the -=late Thomas A. Dodds, in her 80th year. Funeral from the Ball. and Match funeral home, High Street, Clinton, to 'Clinton Cemetery, this afternoon Thursday; Sep'temb6r 12, com- mencing, at two o'clock.. SMITH -In Toronto on Tuesday, September 10, 1957, Helen H, It ,Middleton, beloved wife of. t.le late Arthur L. Smith. Funeral from. the Beattie funeral homer Rattenbury Street East, Clinton, to Bayfield Cemetery, on Friday Afternoon, September 13, com- mencing, g, at two o'clock, by the Rev. C. L. Langiford, London, CLEARING AUCTION SALE of 'Household Effects Froin the, home of Mr. Robert Y. Hattin, Lot. No. .3, Stanley Towni- ship, No. 4 Highway, %y mile south of Clinton, on Saturday, September 21 at .1.30 p.m., .the following: Modern Watetfall 4 -piece walnut bedroom suite; Inner spring ,mat- F,A•GJ�1,'rM IN MEMORIAM r er de n loving znernory of a . dear wife, rriother " RO Y THEATRE �,���ton and grandn1oth- eri Mrs. Melinda Baker, who pas- sed away one year ago, Septexnliex , 'Figs $how$ .Nightly wird Serena 11, 1956: .... "Dear -pother you .are not forgotten NOW: Thu rsds,y, Elrlday sad Satarilay Though on earth you are no more "FRIENDLY PERSUASION Still in memory you are with BslLghtfut movie version o f Jessa�m;Yn� West's novel--�a version As you always were before;' Ever Enchanting that will "pleasure" everyone, Enchanting title song, remembered by husband Jahn, sons and daughters and sung by Pat • E .Gory Cooper �-" Dorothy AAalone -- Marjorie Merin grandchildren, 37-t� tender not neceggarily accepted, fkrrlbry Nonday, Tuesday and Wednesday MOON -In loving mempry of I dear wife and, mother, Marthf E, Moon who passed away Sept. c ember 12, 1950, _ Ever rememllbered by husrban' and family, - 37�k CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Household Effects DoucetteFrom thDi al y� Terof ra e, Con .ton, off No. 4 Highway) around the corner from Milt and Mabel's ,Lunch, on• Saturday, September 14 at 1.30_` . P.M.., the tollowing . Modern, Waterfall 3 -piece walnut beoroom suite; inner S,Fring' mat- es5' tress, m er . o n ec d . $ i e bit d- room suite (bed has head board bookcase), inner Spring mattress; metal panel bed and springs;- in. ner s�prIng. mattress; combination dresser -wardrobe; bedside ..6esser; 3ypiece' velour chesterfield suite; waiting desk with encased radio - end table; tri -light; 2'small talbles; drop -head sewing machine; Frig- idaire refrigerator; 'breakfast suite Of table and 5 chairs (chrome); Findlay ena-nei 44burner propane range .(nearly new); Beatty elec- tric washing machine; wash stands; tubs; clothes hamper; elerc- tris toaster; electric iron; electric clock; mantel clock; alarm; cluck; mantel radio; 3 wall bracket lamps; 3 bed lamps; fancy hooked mats; 2. table lamps,- dishes; cook- ing utensils; large quantity of fruit and pickles; sealers; glass- ware; ironing board; :brooms, maps, pails; pictures; quantity of wood, garden: tools; 12 gauge shot gun; and numerous other articles. Terins-Cash No reserve as.property is for rent; Earl Doucette, Power of Attorney, Phone HU 2-9741, Queen, Street, Clinton. Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 37b Elowers O A 4 K Telegraphed -�raar • Anywhere K. C. Cooke' FLORIST Phone HU 2-7012, Clinton Clinton Community Farmers . AUCTION SAT ES EVERY MID►AY at 8 P.M. TERMS CASH J. COREY Saaes Manager E. W. ELj6iOTT Auctioneer K, W. COLQUHbUN, Cleft res's; 5-ipaece bedroom some; inner springg mattress; 2 ,bedroomz chairs; p Wa bed and 2 arum chairs (tfoam, SIJ.0 ERTEST rubber cushlioned and nylon cover- ed- nearly new); chesterfield, two Service Stations chairs and 'foot stool; 2 rocking cliaars; arm chair; 4 end tables; Motorola 17 Inch TV; 4 Bay Sky- For.Lease Liner aerial with rotor; combinat- ion Regal radio and autonlatie record player; Pnilca mantel radio; $erkley eiectAo food mixer; V11- er Queen vacuum cleaner and at- achrcnents'; Westminster chime dn�antol olftk; electric clock; day bed; automatic toaster; Hot Point ron; &-pieee maple breakfast lift"' modern walnut -6hina earn- HDP an houir er eaNnet; card table; Frigidaire eu. ft, refrligerator; Moffat TENDEAS will be received .by the 7Yz undersigned Until Saturday, Sept- electric range (automatic riven ember 28, for a man to • operate a control); floor lamp; bed lash Oepa'rtmor+t of Public Printing second grader and do other town;- and table lamps; Simplicity wash4 ship work, Applicant to state price ing rna�chine; 2 lauridry tubs; lib, and Stationery per, hour, Lowest or any other nary table-, a, number, at books,; :2 tender not neceggarily accepted, fkrrlbry stands; clothes hamper; CLINTON, Ontario . Township of. Goderich curtains & drape&; ironing board; A. V, Thonvpson, Clerk Fall bilrrors; .pictures; 96-Ppiece set ftoy.Tyneall, Road SuPpe'tintendent, f of Gold Ct�dwn dishes (with gold Further detarils and applications 37.81p leaf trim,); either dishes; glass- 'amailable at Past Oiifacesr and "-"`- "' ware; 1t�EAL F3SIl'�1(IIG IS OUl1L Btisiriess Johnston silverware, garden. tools; power lawn mower; gar- National Employment Officos, Farms, residential,- commercial, den hose; nUMerous other articles. suanmer cottages. Por dependabie Tern*.i_Cdsh Awly beforre September 20tiff IW7 and capable service list your prop& - to tit" Cl+rii Seri'ice Conruhdseian, erby with John i#asveld, 'Wellesley Street, 06d6tioh, Phone 11.08, No reserve as property is sold, 26 St, Clair .El,'ventte, twat, Saulet,iYtem George McGillivary, AOl(fi�RT V. UATTIN, Proprli+e 0 TORbXT'O, Oin AA6. . Luaknow; J•. McConnell Seaforth. ` Edward W, allott, Anatloneer . 7h •47'to 44ab 37-8,b 0 Modern Station on Nb: 4 High- way, adjacent to Post Office in Clinton: (a) Lange 'gallonage established; ,b) Present offices on north side are sublet by dealer. (c) Garage ,portion sari also be sublet by dealer -six -car size --hoist and wash -rack. With above portion's sublet the ret'lt is very reasonable and pre- sents an eiceellent opportunity for right party. Servoce Station & Restaurant, located on Highway 8 ire Clinton. Equipment can be Purchased at a reasonable price. Excellent o portunity for the right party. Immediate Possession - CONTACT O FREE SEAFORTIH Phone 26$ The, Ines byern . Shr .�a.n n A startling adventure into the unknown, Hour by hour, he gets smaller and smaller, Moment by m'o-hent, the suspense mounts. Grant Williams Randy Stewart -- Paul Langton omi ng `4SILVER, MY11 Yvonne De CSarlo-Eftund O'Brien -- Barry Intxgerald PARK THEATRE GODERICH NOW PLAYING: THURS., FRI. and SAT. Robert Taylor and Mary Howard in 'BILLY The lmft Technicoldr Mon., Tues. and Wed. September 16-17-18 ;TOUR GIRLS In TOWN" -- Cinemascope & Technicolor -- Behind the scenes in Hollywood - as 4 glamorous, g1r1A are brought to the film capit 1 to test for a big idture. gF George Nader -- ,Julie Adams and ,Marianne Cools -Thurs., Fri. and Sat. September 19-20-21 "NORTHWEST PASSAGE" In `Pechnicolor -- M-G-M presents an encore classic -a truly great adventure story, passed with eMOU'�onwal appeal. Spencer Tracy -- Ruth Hussey j Robert Young -- Walter Brennan COMING: ,Juno Allyson & Jack Lemmon yr "YOU CAN'T RUN AWAY ' FROM IT" -- In Cinemascope NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of OLIVER RO- BERT WELSH, late of the Town- ship of Goderich aur the County of Huron, Yeoman, Deceased. All persons hawing claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the 30th day of September, A.D. 1957, after which date the assets will be dist- ributed amongst the parties entitl- ed thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DsA[MD at Clinton, Ontario, this 10th day of September, A.D. 1957. E. B. MENZIES, • Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate, 37 -8 -9 -Ib NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of ROSANNA TEBBUTT, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Spinster, Deceased: All persons hawing claims against the tEstate of the above deceased are required to file the same with new in RCA Victor TV New Shmmer Cawnet -- saves UP to 61/2 inches! Biggest change since TV started! New comp'a'ct .RCA Victor TV" saves floar space, helps you decor- ate. See it now, . Extro-powerful 21 -inch console. Three wood finishes. $339.95. TRADE NOW ON THE NEW LEAN, CLEAN, MIRROR - SHARP RCA VICTOR TV Galbraith RADIO and TV We . Also Service Your TV , Factory Trained Technicians Coll JIU 2-3841 the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the 30th. day of September, A.D, 1657, after which date the assets will ,be dist- ributed amongst the parties entitl- ed thereto, having regard. only to the claims of which notice shall have 'been given. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 10th day of September, A.D. 1957. E. B. •DMNZIES, , Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. T VS ` OY PERFECTLY FOR FALL No NEW ME'R,CHANDISE Picke IS NOW BEING RECEIVED See the Newest in Styles, Colours and Materials , ... Now! SPORT COATS SPOJRLWq SHIRTS SWEATERS ETC. k ORDER YOUR NEW SUIT NOW WHILE THE SELECTION IS FEST 0 tt & Ca, ns bell Umaed AA"VV VV SWATS STISTSOX 1"tS