HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-12-21, Page 540y; ' •WATEItW hanee watcr'w rib' ey,.Stean,; e' in operation ;\ 1873, a most perfect one and is justly col mended. That system was put in ty the Watt'rous Engine Works Com any, of 13rnntford, and cost the tower over .$10.000, and with an active and c• ",dent fire brigade, under Chief Pettypie sire management, eur town enjoys he 'tunity front Aro conflagration. Th' insurance rates are thus lower tha in most town of this size. WINGRA:1t A D FUR,NITUP„'E, Wingham has eon steadily coming to the front as a f 'Mitre coutre. Its reputation in this espect has been greatly strengthened during the past few months. The redacts of its excellent factories 1 vo gone abroad, fond by genuine nae it, are now widely known and large seu; ht for. In the near future, t n'otlgh0at the length and breadth o1 Canada, we expect Wingham to be atniliar ae TES Funxt- *rune . TOWN. - k EI)ICAL, • The medical ofession here is rep- resented byDr. 12, Macdonal•1, M. P. ; Dr. Towler, Dr. arelyn, Dr. Chis- holm, Dr. Muldrn i and Dr.MoKenzie. LEG L HIEN. Winghare h a three law offices, enndnuted respe tively by Mr. J. A. Morton, reeve the town, Messrs. - Meyer J • Dickinso and 119r, R. Vanstone, successor '`to 14 Ir. S. G. Iia( ill. DENTAL S RGEONS. There are two dental offices in Wingham -- those of Mr. W, II,. Macdonald and lir J. S. Jerome. VETERINARY 'tJIWEONS. - This lino is rcaprese; odd by Messrs. Wm. Ridd and John Wilson, both regular graduates at reliable and successful praotitione .s. INSURANCE.' AGENTS. In fire insurance we gave Joint Ritchie, . IT. Davis and S. Youlti 1, and in Life, A. Dawson, Jas, 1lleCreigh • BOOTS ANI) ,:HOES. Besides those briefly written up in the boot and shoe lit Messrs. T. Al;raltatn and G. Mo rison conduct. custom and repeir s11.pe, FOUN tY. • A general fouudr and implement establishment is car'ie,i on in Wing ham by Mr. R. M. Robinson. frflu9',%'.4, PRESBY"TE The Presbyterian phina steeet, opposit the market, iii A. ergo, beautifully tit ished brick strut tore, with seating anamodation for about one thousand, was erected. some seven years ago, Rev. H. Mc. qu:trrie has been the t star for about twelve years. tUAN. lurch,' on ' jose. MARBLE Ur. Wm. Smyth tombstone business street. ROTE. VTinglratn has supe , molatiou, the commere' confined to the Bruns Messrs. J. H. & W. I+ Queens, kept by 1' I)insley house by Other good houses a Fred. Korman, the C. Conover, the Excltan, s ; and Mr. R. t' uirntnons, • the Brit sb. LWA7. he size on the Trunk Railway ttnsin'.'ss as has f tho aggregate =plate and has tom is.,popular triitlidetheing. sting, eneage its on the line—at. haus and vicinity YORKS. .arriee on . the on Josephine v hotel accnm. 41 trade being ick kept by Dunnage ;. the . A. Roe ;. the Sohn Dinsley. e kept by Mr. i+utrai ;. Mr, A. J. THE G. T. 11 Perhaps- no tow,t of, whole line of ,the Gran hasto large tti shipping Wiughatn, A statement shipping of the year itkin to be withheld. - The G with all parties. I tr S ono of tete most account). ant tivideawako agent least the public of. Wit think so. 1; APTIST 0 ' URCE'. This is a very tidy ,rick structure on John street. It has s: ating accommo- dation fo( about 300 • rsous, but has no stationed pastor at present, CONGREGATItl,. CHURCH. The Cougregati al ohurola is a substantial brick e Woo on John street cast and will acco ntodate about 400 persons, PIte pas or is Rev. W. K. Shortt, M. A., to recently took charge. ENGLISfI CITUBOH. The Episcopal c urolt is a neat brick building on John st Tet near the C.P.Er station, having a seating capacity for about .300 perso ts. The rentor is Rev. J, H. 1loorl ouse. METHODIST HUBC)T, This is a frame str cture on Minnie street with a sea ng capacity of between six and seven hundred, including the gal try. The pastor ie the Rev. John Setit, DI. A. RO\1AT'' CAT $LIC CAUItoH. St. I1 cry's Roma. Oatholie church, on Victoria street east, is a brink structure 52 feet by 30. The successor to Rev. Father West, of St.Augustine, now of (xoclerich, is ev. Fatber.Mc- Gee,wittt. ICev. P. l°stello as assistant curate. . ' (comnern ON mere 8.) FLOURING ' ILLS. Messrs. Hutton , Carr's fine roller flouring mills in Lowe Vingham was de- stroyed by fire some me tits ago, but they stili carry on the app= mills where griud- ing is clone by stone a nue. SCIIO( S. The beautiful brick `cltool is one of. the finest educational in titutinnt' it) the west and was erected in 1 at a cost of about $11,000, Mr. 'l V. E. 0 oval is the pains- taking and successful rincipal, and has an efficient staff of assis ants. SOCIETIES AND 0 GANIZA.TIONS. Wingham is essentia ty a town of socio• ties and organizations Tho following aro represented : 0adfell, IVs, Canadian For. eaters, ]3'roe Mason, Chosou Friends, ( rrangetneu, Catholio 4 tonal Benefit Asso- ciation, Caledonian f3 aiety., Literary So- ciety, Royal Templar s of Temperance. THE POS ' ' ' VICE. The post office is a b felt structure on Josephine street. Mr. . Fisher was the first poetmaster.ltavit g acted itt that ea- pacity now nearly 2. years. Ho has disa- chare e1 the duties soieutiously, faith- fully and efficiently. TIto bank of Ham' on hasbeonin opera- tion More for roan years, does a yery large and increasing . loess has the eon. faience of the public a: c is under the able and popular manag nont of .Mr. ,I3.eu, Willson. as A customs office w opened hero in 1I S as stn bntpost of Rine 'no with Mr.II,Davts as o.tllootor. Tho bu nose done last year was largo, llamas ea. ceding those of Kin- cardine by a cons' ti rabic amount. Mr. Davis is a most p trataking. and obliging of feud. Wingltam has an seellent. brass band, until lately under he leadership of Mr. 1). Kincaid: Tito ^r now is tlt;r. S. Merrifield, and Ur. F. Gerstcr business - manager, The dealers in r= estate, and money tendons in'1Vingltam s' a Messrs, S. Vow hill, R. Melncloc, It. s avis, T. Itolmes, 11, t;ttrnyn,1'', 1ttoSibb t, .'. Coruyn and S. THE CHINA HOUSE, W. T. YATES. XMAS :- COORS. ,A 11 the Latest Designs and Tints in Fancy China Goods. EIVIIAN GLASS In many shades and shapes. BEAUTIFUL JET TEA POTS AND TEA KETTLES, BEAUTIFUL TIFUL WATER AND WINE SETS VASES AND WATER BOTTLES Me Mayoralty, 1389. To the Ratepayers of. the Town of li'inghant : L&nros AND : At the request of a large number of the ratepayers, I have decided to offer myself as a eattclidate for the Mayoralty of Wing - ham for 1.889. You aro well and,•I• trust favorably, acquainted' with all my' public sots. I have served several years in the Town Council and am no stranger to muni- cipal law, I have always done the• best I could to advance the interests of the town and shall eontinue to do so if elected. The town is now on the high road to prosperity. It is easy to increase or•mar that prosper- ity. It shail be my endeavor, by every judioious encs- honorable moans in my power, to add to; and increase thatpros- perity, If elected I shall do everything possible in the way of justice to all classes alike, richand poor. I Shall do my best to foster cosi encourage the industries we al 7eady have attd to add to them if possible, Tito welfare of Wingham shall be my Win and object, and at the end of the year I hope to be able to show that Wingham will be still advancing. Under all the oireum- stances I respectfully solicit your votes and: interest. I am, Ladies and Gentlemen, Yours very respectfully, WALTER SCOTT. Wingham, Dec. lith, 188B. • The Reeveship'a 1889. To the Ratepayers of TVinyhant: lamas Ann G,eNxnamns : • At the request of several ratepayers Ibavo decided to offer rnyself as candidate for Reeve of the 'Town of Wingham, for 1889. nave served for several yeareain the Town Council, and have never spared any personal exertions to benefit the town. \Vingbam has now mado a now start for- ward, and if elected I"shall do everything: in my power to promote and inoreas its onward progress. I shall always be feud firmly on the side of economy, truth and morality, and while anxious to make Wing - ham a prosperous and flourishing town, I shalt at the same time be anxious to make it a Duro and moral one: Wingham is now at the orixie of a rising tide. and if properly and wisely managed. it will still .rapidly rise and„row ; otherwise the ebb tide may soon set in. Such a crisis should never be neglected. You will find me constant in attention, both at +he Town and County Councils. I have been closely identified with Wingharu, almost from its very in- famy, and it luta always boon and always will bo my pride to make it a place of importance. All I ask is that itt your interests and mine you give me a chance to work for it at this critical period in its career. You will never find me to turn ono step a,ido from the strict line of duty for any person or consideration. I shall always b,± found for justice and right. I therefore respectfully ask you to elect me, and I fool .eenfldeut that the event willshow that I ash not and will not be. unworthy of the trust. I am, Ladies and Gentlemen, Yours respectfully, GEORG1ii Mel/KAY. SUGAR BOXES AND *'CREAM JUGS, VINEGAR AND SAUCE BOTTLES. China Garotgn Ma . Fruit liaglots, CHINA CUSPI;DORES ELEGANT WATER SETS, FINE'' TRAYS, BEAUTIFUL CHIN A. TEA SETS. A full line of NEW FRUITS, NUTS, CONFECTIONERY AND GROCERIES, fresh and reliable. Inspection invited. No trouble to show goods THE CHINA HOUSE, TO TILE RATEPAYERS OF' WINSI1Ait9 `grADIES AND Gewettatere,---• I have been requested by a number. of • the citizens to offer myself as can- didate for an•didatefor the Reeveship for the en- suing year, 1889. Having served as: DeputyReeve to the interest of the town, four years ago, and no cum• plaints made against •tne, I ask y011 to elect me as your Reeve for the coarsing year; Truly yours, $15,090 � 11101fill 1aghtm t BEFORE r mmmica T. A. MILLS �ZcI�TYR ,Sincerely hope that all their Custoznen aid, the Public generally, AND A HAPPY, HAPPY .o, is ti r'1 5 L1 And, to give practical evidence of their sincerity in this matter, they aro prepared to give Has determined to clear out the whole stock of ' DRESS GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, CARPETS, FLANNELS,:. MANTLE GOODS, CLOTHS, TWEEDS, BLANK +'TS, SHAWLS, HATS AND CAP;;, FURS, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. *0— EKE': STOOE, Asseled Call and get ,• Bargains while the Stock is completed SPECIAL' 1, , la Every Line of their Dag Stock,. From this date till the FinST of ItaTUAnY, 1880. — Their Stock of— C , _a RISTMA S GO t , S i *T0.26 •1s Genuine CIS` o� Sale Se % at a �b�E'CIS e T. A. MILLS J9m5 UA AL. Sidi' of the Red , ---IS-- Very --•IS= Very Choice and Complete In EV P.11 Y D'11.1.p-1 .1-1,r._i._1MENT, SPLEN DeD VALUE, AT And will be sold BOTTOM - PRI( ER Our Friends in Town, who can conveniently do so, will confer a favor by leaving their orders in the forenoon. GORDON' & MeI. TY. ' THE BIG .BROWN ANCHOR. XFLET3 iFIRLBY CTADL.,5tl ,a Has a most complete assortment of the LATEST, CHOICEST,.. and MOST CHARMING ARTICLES in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silver Go'o er CLOSE ATr1iNTIO1`a GIVEN TO REPAIRING, AND Woi WARRANTED. GO•RIGHT_TO GREEN'S BLOCK l'OR YOUR JEWELL BY.. 1.1,1121VOIVONI947.211:16.301.2r,311.•/* .4 FULLY OPENED O a � R. HILL'S- CITY RESTAURANT, With a New, Fresh, Well -assorted Stock. Oysters Done in y St c A. Superb Variety of ------ CANDIES -- and — CANNED ' — GOODS, ORANGES, --- L1!ONS, --- GRAPES, i, and -•-• All --- Seasonable -^ Fruit. Elmo' Genfectignegy,, QmfortaLle Rolgoaritent GitTMN'S DLOCit, .—. OI'POBITii WITH Ilo3i.1L (anocisitr, ` Ito: um..i- . To The Ladies, of. olid $nni1nnl ding. goon rii We beg to intimate that wetbavo on Band a very Complete; Stock of FA Y G-OODS Comprising the �pcaorc1 Ss'.l'. ARTICLES and } LA.T�I,�1,ST N�"OV,�tjli� LTii Famuttd• CL. bb5 Ek1 EiiJ .: $ 112 CK:l i)�re 'Elle.'`. 85 t�b4'lA%�^. AN Ia\iSrEOI'ION oil' OUR STOCK. SOLICITED. ' Prices Very 'ti,easouab i. .: • MISSES BONTH ROK