HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-09-05, Page 6' E'VERYBOIFY WELCOME! ANNUAL MEETING Huron Liberal Association (Provincial) FRIDAY, SEPT. 13th, 8.30 p.m. ZURICH COMMUNITY CENTRE Guest Speaker: FARQUHAR R. ,OLIVER Leader of die Opposition in Ontario GOD SAVE THE QUEEN WAN KALT)FumSciEl W. G. COCHRANE President Secretary (Inserted by the Huron Liberal Assodation) 36-b ?AGE .S1X craRro.n Nvwzco10 TI-IURSDJAY, SZIEWMBBR 5, MT tio ews OF hymn". By MISS .141,701t R. WOODS MO Ontario Champion 114114 Correspondent PHONE: BAYFIEW4 i3 • Mr. and. Mrs, George gopson 'Were In Barak) feCkM, FrielaY W4i1 Tuesday. 'Recent 'gueets with Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Pfaff wore Mr, and Mee, Nernian Gnee Liatcwel• Qeorge Hewitt, Lonclore spent a few days last week with, his sister, We, EmersortIed Eared(' and Gerald Clark, St. Theenae, visited with Mr. arid Mr. Charles Tome last week. •IVIr, and Mrs. J. A. Orr and jam, Stratford, were at their cot- tage on Bayfield Terrace over. the Labor Day weekend. Mrs. Alice Helmer, Brucefield, visited with Mrs, Isabella Law - resole from Wednesday to FridaY last week. LAC and Mrs. Warren Carson 0T01 tW4) children visited friends in Hamilton over the Lafbor 1)ay weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Z. W„Oddleifoot4 14>ndon, were at their home on Main Street aver the holiday weekend. efe, and Mrs. S. Bry.ant returned to their cottage on Fridey after having .been in Byron for a few days, Misses M. Twitchell and. Marion MoKechnie, Toronto, were the guests of Prof. and Mrs. H. Kailbeleisch, at their cottage over the weekend. Dr. and WS, Cameron McNeil, Cleveland, Ohio, arrived on Wed- nesday of last week to spend ten day s at Miss M. liodgin'a cottage "Stonehaven" Mr, and Mrs. Alan Galbraith and Jansis returned to .their 1101'1'10 in Clinton on Monday evening af- ter having spent the summer at their cottage. Me and Mrs. Alex Reoeh and three boys who have occupied Mrs. Geange Beatty's cottage for the season returned to their home at 'Itornhill the first of the week, • Returns Horne •Miss Gertrude lVfeGee, Bayfield, returned to her home Sunday night see hours ,aeter she was reported missing. • Police organized a search party of about 100 volunteers! afterMiss McGee was reported missing from her home by her stepfather and mother, Mr,. and Mrs. Bert Bick, a mile south of Baytield. Mr. and Mrs. R. IL IVLiddleton and Bobby stayed over Sunday Jack SCRUTON YOUR Cities Service CITIES SERVICE Distributor Phone HU 2-9653 ,,0 Budget Plan Available At No Extra Cost "The Home of Good Clean Fuels" Sebool,Qp.04,4 With e opening o schoOl oz TtieecleY, Seven, little folk oni- Mence a lieW (ilapt gr t-l*ir • lives in Baefield. Ther are: Buddy Sturgeon, Calvin; Septet:me; Ron - :We Reder, McChnchay, Marion Francis, Karen Fitzsim- ons .and Brenda Stirling, Their teacher is Mrs.. William E., :Parker Who has a 'pupils in the junior room. M. Reg, Bail, Clinton., is PrinCIPA and las 39 puola, In the senior room ,of US$ No...$ Stanleiy, Mos Marlon Matins and. Ken- neth Mark*, London, were with her parents, Mr. .and Mrs, Lloyd Malang over the weekend. Marion has returned to General Motors Diesel office, London, after a vaa- tt spent At Nertle Bay' and the weekend there, night With 1Viis e Luce( WPods on their reinarnt ensall after a motor trip aliened ,Geoegian Bay and the ganitoelhe Mies jeyce Be* returned home en Xondae eVening after havieg clerked et Stanley's Xarket, Onmd Bend, for the signiner, She re- eurned her *tntlies at' CZIVI on Tuesday. .Mr. and Mrs.'.Gordon Pfaff, Windsor, .spent the weekend at their cottage on Victoria Place. 11fr. and IVIre, Fred Seheuerireon and daughters, Barbara, -Carel .and Sandra were their guests over the Labor Da.:y weekend. - The Right Reverend -William. A. 7'mi-eche/id, Die, 'Sat- ragoa BiShop of Huron, who has beee holideying at his cottage in the Village, left en September 1, to attend, the Canadian House ot Bishops reeetieg 'in Virmelpeg, and the Executive Council in Brand, Max. Mrs. Townshend And ether members of the .family returned to London theinrst of the. week. Bob and Ken ?later,. Detreit, spent last week with their sister, Mrs. Earl Martin and two child, ren,Dale and Wayne, Mr. and Mr. Jame e Deeeatclin; Detroit, joined her children at her cottage for the Labor Day 'weekend. Also their guess for the Weekend were Mrs. DesTerdin't sister, Mrs'. C. Pebbles and: her daughter, Mrs, James Ketcheel, Detroit, Miss Eaphemia Logan, who has been a guest at the home of Mr*, George Little for "several- weeks, returned to Lyndon on Sunday. Mise Aneka Greet, Amsterdam, Holland, and Tor -onto, Was the weekend guest cif Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Hunter. =se Diana Meeser, who was the ,guest of Dr. and Mrs'. R. G. Hunter for a week, returned to Toronto on Monday. Dr. and Ilere. R. G. Hunter and Sally Beth, Accompanied be Mr. Charles Rogers returned to Toron- to on- Tuesday atter having spent the sueureer at their home in the Recent guetts at the Rectory in- clii:de Mr. and Mrs. Rose Blake and Son Teddy, Sarnia; George Lane, Jack Gilchrist, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Stoddart and Susan, Wood- stock; and the rector's twin bro- ther and his wife, the Rev. and Mrs. A. elelfarrison, Ederton, on Thursday and Friday. Jim Higgins, Toronto, was with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Higgins, ower the Labor Day week- end. Mrs, L. M. Burt, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Burt and family, Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Burt, London, were at their home on Sarnia Street over the weekend. -Mr. and Harold Weston, Ray and Susanne, Ferndale, Mich., spent the long weekend with the former's father, George Weston. ays.r. and Mrs. William Barber and -family returned to St. Thomas on Monday after having been at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Baker and daughters, Cormie and Gwen, Lon- don, and son-in-law, Douglas Long, who has: recently returned from Vancouver, were at "Wheel -In" cottage over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Smith at- tended the funeral of the latter's aunt, IVfrs. Charles, Breckove Goderieh on Saturday, The Rev, Fred Jewell, Gelansby, visited his sister, Mrs. Smith, en Saturday, having --come for the funeral. Mrs. 5. Cairecross and family returned to London on Monday after having spent -the summer at the Tillmann cottage on 1VIdria St. and Bayne/1d Terrace, Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used" The show eiaason s again here and you will have the opportunity to see imany offspring sof 43ur bulls in the 'competitions at Many fall fairs led by 4-H members and many senor farmers. If given an equal opportunity, ;they will win their share ,of honours. ,example -of la, popuela: winner is pictured. •Slie is gt, daughter .of Glettafton Rag Apple ,Aladdin previously in service. :Ii'itthfly !Ig Apple Lorene 'EX. This COW was Grand COhampiOn at tii Waterloo Meek and White Show several !times and Was then sold Tor 10,22$.00. By the use of our bulls, dairy or beef, you will'produce: trrtrt, CATTLE FOR BETTER LIVING For 'service or more !information, phone Coiled to: CLINTON ItTinter 0-344I Between 7.30 and .9.30 a.m. Guardsniall Robert Ore, Came PetawaWa, arrived pSaturday t spend a month's leave with 'his parents, Mr. and Mrs, William Orr. He has recently returned from military exercises in New Bruns - Wick. . Alberhardt was with his wife and children over the holi- day. Also at the family cottage Mr, and 'Mr% A. Eeerves and Were Dz. and Mrs. William Aber- family returned to Detroit on Mr, and Ms W„a. Pvc07.0 BUC-, fact. Miss Jeannette Dene' who has been visiting: her _sister, also returned home, Mrs.. David Dewar, who•slne„nt a year with her son James and ram- ily, Kingston, la with her brother, Fred and Mrs, Watson, after via, Ulna her slater,rs, J.lVfos.SoP., Van*, and Mrs. B. T. :Stephenson - and Itis„s Barn Stephenaen re -c turned to Toronto at week and Miss Ada Bingley to Detroit After having spent the summer at .their, home Mr, and Nfrs.. R. McENVen and Miss Susan 1Vfeaven, Byron, spent, the weekend at "The Cedars”, Carson ravvcett and baby Nancy Louise, returned to London on Sunday 1,111•144 her husband after having visited her parents, Mr. If, IVfaeLeod 10: and Xrs. Norval Gemein- hardt and family returned to their home in Saginaw after holidaying at the family residence. and Um.3 Atkinson re- turned to St, .Clair. Shores, Mich., on Sunday after a week at their home in the. Nene e hardt, -London, and Nese elee Aberliardt, Stratford. They re- turned to Landon on Monday. Mrs, e. Crawfor4 and two dau- ghters, MS. Forbes MacDonald, her husband and daughter Nancy, and Mrs. Isaac Rye, all of Pick- ford, Mic13., visited her sisters, Misses A. M. and E. Stirling from Tuesday to Friday, Mr, and Mrs. Hugh McLaren and Christine, Port Elgin, spent last Wednesday -with them Mre.. ClaytonGuest who visited her sister, Mrs. Malcolm Toms, for a fortnight, returned to Lea-, side last week with her, husband who was -here over the weekend. Corporal Lloyd Westlake, Pro- vincial Police detachment, Kitch- ener, was with his wife and family at the home of her parente, Mr. and Mrs. lVfalcolm. Toms from Fri-. day to Tuesday. • &idly Weston who has spent the summer with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E, R. Weston, re- turned to London an Sunday. Mrs. Weston accompanied her to spend two weeks in- London. Mr. and Mrs. William, Parker, Jr.,London, were home over the weekend. Mrs. F. V. Martin, Detroit; is at her cottage, "l3oelder Lodge”. .Mrs. Charles K. teroolfenden, Misses Louise Woolfenden and Emily Bigelon, Detroit, are the guests of the latter's aunt, Miss Grace Woolfenden this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace, Oakville, are the guests ef Mrs. J. H. Cobb. W. E. Manness, Jr., Joanne and Billy, London, were the weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Manness. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Mother - seed, Garrett• and Christopher, Arlington, Va., were the guests of their aunt, Mrs. R. W. Bristol, for a few days last week. Mrs. Agnes Murray is at her home on Keith Crescent. Mr. and Mrs. William Murray, Detroit, are with his mother this week. Mrs. Keith. Pruss, Janice and baby Charles, who have spent a month with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Je H. Parker, returned to London on Thursday with her hus- band. Carl Wilkins has returned to "Sum -R -Lin" after staying at the home of Mrs. R. Seatchmer for the summer. Mr. and 'Mrs. Sidney Katz and two sons returned to Toronto on Sunday after a holiday in the village, Mr. and Mrs, R. C. Moore, De- troit, are at their cottage "Fair- lawn" for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Jarries Maitland and son Peter, left on Sunday for their home in Winnipeg atter hav- ing been with LeRoy Poth &ram Friday. Mrs. Ken Brandon, Lynn and Karen, are visiting her parents, e %............. 2 CENTS A BUSHEL ,Stops Grain Insects For A Whole. Year Spray Bins With HOWARD BIN HOWARD TREAT • ' SIN to kill insects ' TREAT in cracks and crevices. Treat new grain with HOWARD GRAIN GUARD POWDER Mixes easily with new grain ae it is binned—pro- feces It froze grain insects far a. whole year without affecting angling, feed or seed value. It costs about 2c a bush, el to use BIN TREAT and GRAIN GUARD—less than it does to fumigate. • ON SALE AT CLINTON FARM SUPPLY and Machine Shop Phone flUnfer 2-9613 Tuesday after a holiday at the Kanter cottage. The Leonard: ehildren, who have been with their grandparents; Mr. and Mrs, E. A. Featherston, for a *pelt, rettirried to, their home on Fritlay- with • their father, Keith Leonard, who came for them ori Thursday. mr. and Mrs, George Fellows and faanily returned to their home in Riverside after halving occupied their cottage for the se -aeon, Mr. and IVIrs, Gordon Scotchmer and. daughter visited in Windsor from Friday td Monday. Mr. and Mrs, Don -Kingsbury and Douglas spent the weekend in Toronto and Dundas. (Additional Hayfield On Page Eight) Wheat Prices To Be Considered • 40, 414. :Carl Hemi4gwv) A meeting •of the me.mbers af the •Ontario Federation of Agricla- ture has been called far September 5 and .6 in Toronto, On the sixth they will Meet With remsentativ- es of the county winter wheat Committee% The sale price pf Ont. Arlo winter wheat is current41y $1;25 per buShel, This is en absurd price when we find grain dealers • asking. Almost as much for screen- ings, .which may be up to 6 per' cent weed .seetla, The winter wheat growers had planned on setting -up a ..wheat board similar to the white bean plan but found that wheat is the one product that is excluded frpm this. act. They then asked to have it come under the •Canadian Wheat. Board. This has not been ac,cepted, as yet. The only advice to wheat growers is to hold their wheat AS far as possible in hopes that something can be done to improve the situation. The executive of the county beet VARNA On Sunday evernng, September 8, at 7.30 °Work, the Rev, W. R. Moore, district secretary for the Upper Oana.da Bible Society, is ex- pected to show a film and speak for the society in the United Chureh at Varna. All interested in the Bible Society are invited to attend. Mr. and Mr.. David C. Pitt and family left on Wednesday for New- foundland by TCA. Mr. Pitt will be resuming his duties as professor of English in the Newfoundland Memorial University. 11 -4+ -0• -•ARD -414-4D-4044-414-4441 FARMERS We are shipping cattle every Monday for United Co-operative of ()italic, and solicit your patronage. We will pick them up at your farm. Please PHONE COLLECT not later than Saturday nights. Seaforth Farmers Co-operative H. S. Kunt, Shipper PHONES—Day 9; Evenings 481w 9. • .24- tf b producers met recently and Aro planning a .general meeting soon., They hope to have Ralph Bennett, • Dominion Livestock -COMmissiener as guest speaker. The meeting will be preceded by A beef dinner.. Plan to atteni& Hog Producers Bring. our -mot Pen of • 4 BACON flOGS to the Seaforth Fall Fair rood fake home some extra price and good Prizes in the T, Eaton Spocat, Rules .governing same: hogs to be on greellds by 11- a.m. first day of fair, Sept, 19. —Hogs to ibe all within 140-170 lba. dressed weight. e -,Must be 10 eiens at least gone speting. __ewe to be sold by auction on baeis Of F.O.B. Stratford M- amba& yards, —Other rules same as last year. In the event •of not enough pens out, the Society will provide free trucking facilities to Stratferd yards. SEAFORTH SWINE COMMITTEE -- 36-p '02 1144$011.314: M111Q4 FORDS '49 ?OROS '09 ClIEVs. '49 Cathy, 11, Parts for Older Makes., of Cat's DOME ½ TON7 ifOOROA PA.NEIE.04 3,-,'50 FORD PANELS, '48 VA19 $ ON kipi. POJW 3 TON 12 t. stalm Rack rt; Oiravel Box & IROISt NEW—f6 04K,P, TON Box, SiZesl X441021)Mf TOWING SIERVXM ^ • (r ' • We Buy- Scrap; Metal: CLEREATU: AUTO) *TUCKERS MSS OLIN'ToN Dial HIT 2-3211 Glene, Prop, 35-tfle lillE11111111111MORNIiiiIN 1111111 111111111111be tO‘ YES: Of all cars in its price class, the Oldsmobile "88" offers you more big -car features . . more big -car comfort . . more built-in value . . . as standard equipment! It won't cost you a fortune to move up to a big -value "88" it's the lowest -priced Rocket Oldsmobile and easily within your reach! • e+ oe. GOLDEN ROCKET 88 4 -DOOR SEDAN A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE 0•105e, 6 e. t_ r.) s Niikap .;(74,1,144. °E.^ ILE Fi NI COW . ;11:•/' ou.• • - . . • LORNE BRO.WN MOTORS LIMITED Phone HU 24321 CLINTON, ,ONT.