HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-09-05, Page 5'471HURSDAY, Srb I . 1957 Ci( TON NEWS,RECORD NEWS.RECORO WANT FOR QUICK RESULTS - RATES - No charge for announcements of Births,. Marriages and Deaths Articles for sale, rent, etc„ Card of Thanks, in Memoriam, engagements, 3c a word, mininlunl 75c. Box No. to this office 15e additional. Repeat in- sertions 2e a word, .minimum 500. CASH DISCOUNT: 1/3 if paid by Saturday fol, lowing last insertion, Billing charge of 10c added each time bill is sent, Latest Time for Insertions --- 12 noon Wednesday Dial HIJ 2-3844 Accommodation For went -AI acorMMODA.TION FOR, ENT Raglan Street, furnished, heated. •Phone HU 2-9483. 3643 HOUSE, THREE BEDROOMS and bath, near KiPPen. .Lloyd Lovell Phone Hensall 678r22, 37p ROUSE ON NO. '4 HIGHWAY, 5 aninutes walk to the Radar School, For further particulars Phone HU 2-9427. 36-1b 'TWO ROOM FURNISHED D apart- anent, oil heated. Apply E. J. • Jacob, London Road, near RCAF ' Station, Phone HU 2-7574,„ 36 -lb CHOICE) OF APARTMENTS for lent. Furnished and heated, D. S. Cantelon, Raglan SI„ .Phone HU 2- ' 9483. 36-t11b ROOM' AND BOARD, for 'one .'alone or two sharing, private home •.and' private entrance. Phone IlltJ ' 2-7093. 35.5-13 FOUR ROOM GROUND FLOOR -apartment. Private entrance and private bath. Unfurnished or part- ly furnished. Oil furnace, Avail- :able vail-:able now. Phone HU 2-9005. 36-113 Accommodation Wanted APARTMENT, 2 BEDROOMS, :ground floor, available October 1. .Phone HU 2-3854 35-36-p MOUSE OR GOOD SIZED apart- xnent,, unfurnished, by September 14. Contact S. R. Dick, phone E3ce- ter 384W or W. Chambers. Phone Clinton HU 2-9938. , 3543 Articles For Sole FIT FCPRfrC GRAIN GRINDER. Phone HU 2-9812. P. Wester- . bout. 33ttb BEACH, COAL OR WOOD range, white enamel, high shelf and res- ervoir, good condition. Phone HU '2-3484. 36-p RUBBER STAMPS, SIGNATUR- es, maps of town, marking devices of all kinds. Call at News -Record 'Office, Albert Street, Clinton.. 14-tfib -MOH QUALITY KITCHEN chrome sets. Reasonably priced and very easy tens at T. A. Dutton's Store; Brucefield. Dial HU 2-32k2. 32-tfb GENEROUS TRADE-IN Allow- Gance on your old TV on • a Brand New 1958 RCA Television. T. A. 'Dutton, Brucefield, phone Clinton HU 2-3232. 36 -tib SEVERAL NEW PATTERNS in English Bone China Dinnerware, `including lovely "Cornflower". See it and others in our window ,and get our low prices for fine china. Counter's Jewellery. • 36p COLEMAN SPACE' HEATER, 51,000 b.t:u., dark brown color, -complete with pipes; both in A4 •eondition. Call Mrs. Fred Miller, HU 2-3840 mornings or after 6 :p.m, 3013 HOME FREEZERS - RCA 20 cu. It. Chest type freezers. Five year guarantee, one year free services, Regular $569, our price $399, cash 'or terms. T. A. Dutton, RCA Vic- tor Dealer, Brucefield. HU 2-3232. 32to39-Ili -aVeCYDORS AND GENERATORS rewound and repaired. Brushes, •<cap'acitators, switches, bearings; droll appliances, repaired. Recon- ' dirtioned motors for sale. Art -Lovett, Issae Street at Dunlop. "Phone HU 2-6640. 36 -tib 'OLIVER 77 TRACTOR; 3 Furrow plow; hay loader; rubber tire -wagon and rack; Oliver 6 ft. com- bine; rubber tire manure spread- rer. Extra good 160 acre farm, 15 'acres of bush, small creek, lots of :water. White brick veneer house. Good barn and other buildings. `Con. 7, Goderioh Township. This '3s• property of Gordon Gilbert, now in B.C. Contact Fred Gilbert, 'Huron Rd., Goderich. Phone Gode- xich 1483J1. 36p Articles Wanted 'GOOD USED TYPEWRITER. `State price and give particulars. :Phone Clinton HU 2-3232. 36•db Automobiles For Sale '49 STUDEBAKER, SKYLIGHT Coupe; best offer takes it. Phone 'HU 2-7527. 36b Business Opportunities OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. 'Contact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, High Street, Clinton. Phone Clin- ton HU 2-6692, 13••tfb CUSTOM WORK 'MASONRY WORD, All Types. .Apply William Harris, phone HU '2-9240. 3113-tifb AUTOMATIC SAW Sharpening. ':Sawsretoothed, jointed and filed for $1.25..Or just filed and set 75 cents. Automatic: butcher knife :and Scissor sharpener, scissors 15 colts, knives 10 cents. W. E. "`Bill" Jervis, Fulton Street, Cline 'tot;. Phone HU 2-9664. 11-tfb J,1L RINDS OF SAWS filect and •set. Crosscutaws 1.06, hand S $ saws, 60e, I(nives and: scissors sharpened free when saws are 'brought in. Work guaranteed: "David Elliott, Fulton Street, ;Phone 1HLi 2.9765, 30-37-8-9-b Employment Wonted YOUNG MAR,RIED• WOMAN, ex- perienced machine accounting, beak -keeping and general clerical work, requires full or part -,three employment, Clanton area. Phone HU 935. 36p FURNITURE FOR, SALE • TJSED FU` UiIT'IJ RE BOUGHT and SOLD • NEW LC/CATION: Store now on Highway 4, next to Commercial Hotel. 3rd house south of Post Office Phone HU 2-6658 3643 Help Wanted MALE OR. FE1VEALE HELP went - ed for poultry plant work. ,Apply inperson to Canada Packers Limiteld, Clinton, 36 -ib M'PLTUAfrION5 will be received until September 21 for an organist (Hammond' organ) and choir lead- er for Egmondvi'l'le United Church. Applicants must state qualifica- tions and salary expected. Ivan Forsyth, chairman of music come xnittee,- RIR, 2, Kippen, 35-6-7-p OFFICE HEAP _ ;WANTED Canada Packers Limited Require a Young Man or Woman To -work in the Cream Office, Typing necessary; shorthand an asset but not essential. Apply To; JOHN WILSON Canada Packers Limited Creamery 36b' HELP WANTED—MALE SALESMAN for HURON County, wanted immediately. Full or part time. Will need car. Commission and bonus paid. Apply to Box 352, Clinton News -Record. 35-6-p OMAN WANTED FOR PART -Time help. Night work, five to six hours per night; three to four nights per week. Apply to Box 351, Clinton News -Record. 36b HELP WANTED—FEMALE PARrJ TIME HEIP, morning work. Apply at Commercial Inn Hotel, Clinton. 36-b, GIRL OR WOMAN for General Kitchen duties. Also one part time waitress. Bartliffs Bakery Ltd. 35.6-13 AVON COSMETICS has imuned- late opening for mature woman to service Clinton. Oportunity to earn minimum of $3.00 an hour inspare time. Pleasant e s' ant dignified work. Write Mrs. L. Green, Han- over, Ont. 36 -le LEGAL NOTICES I, RICHARD EVANS, will not be responsible for my wife Violet's debts on or after August 22, 1957. Signed—Richard Evans. 35-6-7-Ep Livestock For Sale TEN YORK PIGS, seven weeks old: Apply to Ed. C. Glenn, HU 2,9292. 36-h, ONE YOUNG PUREBRED Hol- stein cow to fireshen soon. Apply to Gordon Reynolds, Highway 8, 2 miles west of Seaforth. 36-7-4b ONE REG. HOLSTEIN' HEIFER, due October 21, accredited and vaccinated. John Lindsay, RR 3, Clinton, phone HU 2-9197. 36p PUREBRED RED SHORTHORN service age bull; also Massey corn binder good as new. Robert E. McMillan, RR, 2, Seaforth, phone 844r4. 36-p LOST and FOUND FOUND—Child's red leather shoe, found on Mary Street, Phone HU 2-93Q8..• 36-b Miscellaneous WATCH REPAIR IS A JOB FOR experts. ° Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery, Huron County's Oldest Establish- ed jewellery Store. 36p LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings 'and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take chan- ces. Expert work done reasonably to your. satisfaction, Watch re- pairs Pearl restringing.W, pairs N. Counter. 36p MAPS OF THE TOWN OF OLIN--` tori, Showing streets, Iot numbers, and town limits, 50c each. Avail- able at Clinton News- Reeord, of- fiee. ' 24-tfb DEAD STOCK PICEiE DUPro- mptly in sanitary trucks. Small chargemade for animals under 500 bs, • total.. Phone collect: Goderich, 1483-J4, Seafforth, 146. Wi)Iliaan Stone Sons, Limited, In- gersoll. 36, to 48,b livestock Wonted keelONTION FARMERS: Prompt, courteous collection of all dead and' disabled farm animals and hides. Call eollect Ed. Andrews, 851r11, Seaforth, Associated with Darling and Co. of Canada Ltd. 26-p-ttb Property •For Sale 3 BEDROOM HOUSE' on James Street. For further information call evenings, HU 2-9707, 36 -lb DESIRABLE LOT FOR SALE on Raglan Street, near two schools, D. S. Cantelon, phone HU 2-9483. 20-tfb FIVE ROOM INS;UL BRICK Cot- tage on Mary Street. Residence of Mrs, Calton. For further in- formation call HU 2-9639 after 6 p.an, 35-tflb REAL ESTATE Xf you are interested in buying. a really great farm here is one, 160 acres of choice clay loam, all workable, no stones, 8 acres of new orchard. Located 4 miles from Clinton, just off the Highway. Lange ;bank barn, silo. Implement shed, garage. Two homes, one of them solid brick, 5 bedroom house with slate roof, 3 piece bathroom, pressure system, full basement, furnace, The other house, 6 room insul brick, all in good state of re- pair. Texans' can be arranged. Immediate possession. $6300.00. Pull price for this 100 acre farm with 14 acres of bush. Located 4 miles from Clin- ton near school and church. Build+ in;gs in good state of repair. 3 bedroom home, good barn. Excel- lent water supply. Down payment $2500.00. $7500.00, Full price; 100 acres of level clay loam land, no stones. Very good house and barn, garage, Must be seen to be appreciated. Located on Highway. Low down - payment. John Bosveld, realtor, 40 Welles- ley Street, Goderich, Ontario. Phone 1108. Salesmen: Joe Mc- Connell, Seaforth; George McGil- livery, Lucknow, 36 -37 -le MORTGAGE SALE MORTGAGE SALE OF Restaurant Equipment In the frown of ,Clinton on Saturday, Sept. 7 at 1 o'clock, on Highway 8 West. A. full line of restaurant equip- ment, including 1 chicken fryer and trays (electric); 2 serve all French fryers, including baskets and trays (electric) ; 1 milk shak- BIRTHS ST. ANDREW'S WMS TO MEET TUESDAY The Women's Missionary Soc- iety of St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church will meet on Tuesday, -September 10, at 2.30 pen. at the borne of Mrs, W, S iaddocic,, Ellis—Bussell Smith Bussell The double wedding of Miss Lorna Jean Bussell, to Clayton Ellis, of Clinton and Miss Glenna To- CAMPBELL—In St. Joseph's Hos- Elvera Bussell to Paul. Smith, To ronto, was perfolened by Rev. tiutal, London, on friday, Aug- David Powell in Grace Anglican ust 29, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs'. Church, Milton. The brides are Donald •Campbell, Bayfield, a daughters of Mr, and Mrs, Guy son. Wilson Bussell, H-ornb6. Mr. Elias DIEHL on In Clinton Public Hos- is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Ezra pital, on Wednesday, September Ems, Clinton, and Mr. small is 4, 1957, to Mr, en Mrs. Ronald the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Smith, Toronto. Miss Lorna Bussell, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a floor -length gown of nylon chiffon and net over du Bess satin featuring softly shirred empire Waistline and the skirt cascading to a slight train. The headdress, a tiara or chantilly lace and 'seed pearls held her finger-tip silk illus- ion veil, Miss Glenna Bussell, who was also given in marriage by her father, wore a floor -length gown of nylon chiffon and net over white taffeta. The bodice was appliqued with chantilly lace and the bouf- fant skirt had insertions of chan- tilly lace. A scalloped tiara of peares and sequins held her finger- tip veil of silk illusion. The sisters carried cascades of pink delight roses, stephanotis and ivy. Miss Lorna Bussell was attend- ed by Mrs. Joseph DeLoze, Sarnia, as maid of honour and Miss Loreen ,Talbot, Toronto, as bridesmaid, .while Miss Iva Routley, Toronto, was maid of honour for Miss Glen- na Bussell and Miss' Leone Bussell, sister of the brides, was brides- maid. The attendants wore prin- cess gowns of apple green crystal charm made with softly pleated yokes to form a V neckline in the back, and there to fall' in floating panels. They carried cascades of yellow shasta chrysanthemuans. The flower girls, Misses Pamela and Barbara Routley, Winnipeg, wore white embroidered organdy over yellow taffeta with matching bandeaus and carried nosegays of white and yellow 'mums. John Peck, Kippen, was gropms- man for Mr. Ellis and Hugh Wain- r wright, Toronto, was groomsman for Mr. Smith. Dr, Keith Routley, Glen Martin, Gordon Brown and Harley Doney ushered. After the double ring ceremon- ies, a lawn reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. Returning from their wedding trips, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis will re- side in Clinton and°Mr. and Mrs. Smith in Toronto. 0 Diehl, Ethel, a daughter. DomeLDSON—In Victoria Hospi- tal, London, on Tuesday, Sep- tember 3, 1957, to Mr, and Mrs. Radford Donaldson, (nee June Saundercock), London, twin sons (grandsons for Mrs, Annie Saundereock, Hensall). FORBES—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Wednesday, August 28, 1957, to Mr, and Mrs. Murray Forbes, RR 2, Clinton, a dau- ghter (Brenda Joyce, sister for Katherine and Connie). HESS—In South Huron District Hospital, Exeter, on Saturday, August 31, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hess, Zurich, a son °brother for Larry and Gary). HU'11CHINSON In Sidney, Nova Scotia, on Thursday, August 29, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hutchinson, (Peggy O'Neil, niece of the Misses Win and Dell O'Neil), a son (Ian Ross). KOSTTEN1UK In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, September 2, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Elias Kosteniuk, RR 3, Walton, a son. MUSTARD In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, August 27, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mustard, Brucefield, a son (bro- ther for Stewart and Neil) . PARD ---In St. Joseph's Hos- pital, on Tuesday, September 3, 1.957, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parker (nee Wilda Reid, Luck - now) London, a daughter, (Pam- ela Marie, granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs. William E. Parker, Bayfield). PRATT - . In Chatham, General Hospital, on Sunday, September 1, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Pratt, (nee Mary Ellen Mac- Donald), Merlin, a son. RUTLETDGE-,In . Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, September 1, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rutledge, Brussels, a son. TURNER—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Friday, August, 27, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Turner (nee Lillian Stewart) • Bayfield, a son (Stewart Allan, brother, for Debbie) CARDS OF THANKS I wish to than1: Dr, Newland and all who sent treats, flowers and cards, and all the nurses who helped make me comfortable while in hospital. ---BERTHA CANTELON 36,p CNR Cancelling er, almost new with '6 aluminum) Two Trains cans; 1 large grill; 1 small grill; electric 4 -burner stove; refrigerat- or; electric pop-up toaster; one pop cooler; electric soup heater; electric coffee maker; hot water tank; ice cream deep-freeze; stain- less steel cutlery; quantity dishes, glasses, sundae dishes, soda dishes, etc.; counter and number of stools; 2 eurpboards; one loading rack and trays; approx. 20 wooden chairs (all match) ; 2 or 3 round tables with aliborite tops; 5 or 6 large tables with axlborite tops; 5 lawn wicker chairs; 3 large lawn um- brellas and metal tables; 2 small lawn ' metal tables; number of heavy aluminum pans, frying pans, kettles, saucepans, one wall can opener; medicine chest; glass wall cabinet; oil space heater; garbage pails; serviette dispensers; long string of coloured lights; 2 long wooden tables, Terms—Cash Mrs. Mable L. Gray, Mortgagee Harold Jackson, Auctioneer 36rb SUNSET DRIVE-IN THEATRE 114 Miles East of Goderich On Highway 8 -- THURSDAY and FRIDAY September 5 and 6 "TO THE SHORES OF TRIPOLI" John Wayne -- Vera Rolston COMEDY CARTOON SATURDAY and MONDAY September 7 and 9 "THE FIGHTING KENTUCKIAN" John Wayne -- Vera Ralston COMEDY CARTOON TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY September 10 and 11 "IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE" James Stewart Donna Reed BOX OFFICE OPENS 8.00 P,M. First Show At Dusk Two Shows Each Night Children under 12 in Cars FREE Playground :--:- --. Refreshments (Continued from page one) area. „ John. Noel, regional manager of publie relations, explained that this was not just the case. The P.O. had been adrvised orf certain studies 'being made, and that con- sideration to, finding other means of mail carrying was advisable. The CNR would have liked to be able to keep on the service by their own express' trucks. Mitchell Mayor Robinson ex- plained that he felt loss of patron- age was due to lack of service. He and others remarked that the ride on the line was terrible. People would not use it if they could find another way. Same discussion was held over preference of the mid-day trains, rather than the early and late ones. Those present seemed to favour travel on the trains which the CNR was. discontinuing. How- ever actual practice has shown greater travel on the mid-day trains. Deputy Reeve James' Donnelly, Goderiele put the fears of most of those present into words when he remarked that it was one more step in making it difficult for this area to compete with the rest of thenation. He stated that industry required trains, and by gradually cutting off train service, the CNR was cutting into the potential of the area. He noted that freight, express, baggage and passenger service combined showed a profit, and that it was a narrow view to reduce the one item which was not showing profit, just because some "w jte shirt in Montreal had de - ori an economical view now, and let's not worry about the fatuee." The meeting went on record as being definitely and strongly op- posed to the manner in which the decision to cease running the trains was trade first, and then handed on to the municipalities: as an accomplished fact Without giv- ing opportunity for appeal, o - HAPPY WORKERS WILL MEET ON SEPTEMBER 12 The Happy Workers Club will meet on September 12 at the home of Mrs. Elgin Dale in the evening. Group 1, Mrs. Charlie Brandon and Mrs, Cliff Glazier will be in charge of lunelt Fish and Game Club News (By Don Epps) August 28 saw the close of some 46 Junior Forest Ranger camps across Ontario and more than 500 high school students of 17 and 18 years of age headed homeward after a summer of field work and forestry education with the pro- vince's Department of Lands and Forests. A great. many activities have' kept them busy since school's end last June, They have assisted in clearing portages, repairing Dep- artment telephone lines, building docks and other construction work, learning woods lore and safety under experienced rangers, con- servation officers forest protection and other specialists. They have released other trained personnel for more pressing work such as forest fire fighting. ;Lands and Forests Minister Mapledoram has termed the Jun- ior Ranger movement, begun about 15 years ago, as one of the most successful programs the Depart- ment 'has undertaken. From a small beginning, the popularity of the project has grown until there are far more applicants each year than can possibily be accommodat- ed in the camps. For the boys, the summer cone - bines healthful, useful work, an out-of-doors vacation, and a first- hand . experience in forestry and woodcraft which leads some each year to enter forestry as a career. In addition, the young rangers all gain weight, for the out-of- dooxs engenders huge appetites, and they receive remuneration for their services. Service Station ' For Lease Modern Supertcst Station on No. 4 Highway, adjacent to Post Office in Clinton: (a) Large gallonage estalblished.- (b) Present offices on northside are sublet by dealer. (e) Garage portion can also be sub'iet bjp dealer—Six-oar size --;hoist and wash=rack. With above portions sublet the rent is very reasonable and pre- sents an excellent opportunity for right party. CONTACT H. O. REE SEAFORTH phone 366. 36 -tib PAGE FIV. ROXY THEATRE Clinton Two Shows Nightly Wide• Screen NOW; Thursday, Friday and Saturday • "You Can't Run Away From It" Lively new musical version of "IT HAPPENED ONE =an - the wackiest comedy in two decades. In ,Cinemascope gird trechnicotor JUNE A,LLYSON »- JACIi :LENI,MQN -- ouARLES B CI FQRD ALL WEEK September 9 to --34 "FRIENDLY PERSUASI JN Dealing with the temptations -.-,great and :small—encountered day 19th century Quakers, Wholesome, heart-warming, • thoroughly satisfying. GARY COOPER -- l OROTHY JIVIAGUIREi -- MARJORIE. MAIN Coming ,Next: 'THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING MAN" Grant Williams -- Randy Stewart Announcement: Sturdy Farm Equipment has moved from Ratten- bury St. to the Massey- Harris building on Albert St., opposite Hanover Transport. Sturdy Farm Equipment Clarence and Jack Sturdy. IMPERIAL GASOLINE MASSEY-HARRIS-F ERGUSON ASHTON' S TAXI Operated by CLIFF ASHTON DAY or NIGHT CALL HU - 2-9036 1 Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere K. C. Cooke FLORIST Phone HU 2-7012, Clinton PARD THEATRE GODERICH NOW PLAYING: "FRIENDLY PERSUASION" In peLuxe Color with Gary Cooper -- ,Dorothy Maguire and 1VIarjorie Main Non., Tues. and Wed. September 9 - 10 - 11 Can YOU take a double dose a adventurous, chilling horror? Then See -- John Manley's: topical science -fiction thriller "THE 27th DAY" -- PLUS -- Joann Taylor -- William Hopper and John Zareniba, in "20 MILLION MILES TO EARTH" — Adult Entertainment — SeCond showing begins at 9 o'clock Thurs., Fri. and Sat. September 12 - 13 - 14 Robert Taylor & Mary Howard Co-starred in a wide-screen, pre- sentation.of a romantic interPlUde in the life of the notorious south- western desperado "BILLY THE KID" COMING: "Four girls In Town" In Cinemascope with. George Nader and Jul% Adams Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY at 8 p.m. TERMS CASH J. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELLIOTT Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk OU PERFECTLY FOR FALL: ORDER YOUR New Fall Suit NOW NEW SAMPLES ARE BEING RECEIVED THIS WEEK See The New WORSTEDS -- TWISTS -- TWEEDS Etc. MADE -TO -MEASURE • by 1 WARREN K. COOK CAMBRIDGE CLOTHES W. A. JOHNSTON TIP TOP 'CLOTHES Pickett & Campbell Limited ARROW SHIRTS STETSON' HATS