HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-12-21, Page 3• a' WY1N HAM. ITS k.IS MISS INDUSTRIES. Jllzllineiy and ,Fancy Goons. MISS E. MURPHY, Miss E. Murphy opened a millinery establisliinent iu the present premises some nine pare ago, !raving previous b:i to this cetashed herself in public esteem and conildenoe whilst coudgct• ing a private school and teaching music. Hee business is now a most extensive aucl remunerative one, Tier Gook is of a ;cost varied and select kind, pu aced exclusively for cash in the est markets and displayed artistic taste and skill. THE MISSES BONTf-IRON. Misses Bella and Jessie Bonthron came to Winghain from Southampton last spring and opened out a millinery establishment in the Dawson Block, 33y close application to business, eau-. tioas management, courteous and straightforward dealings and the keep- ing of a varied and nicely assorted gauge of goods, they have secured a respectable and sa.tisfacto patronage. To enumerate woi;Jd be mpossible, but this estal,lislimeut i compacted with the newest, prattle. and best kept in ordinary fancy r ds stores. Bakers and Confectioners. A. NICHOL. There's something in a name and location counts mightily in business. Mr. A. Nichol, of the"Oentral' I3al.ery has his shop nearly opposite the market square, A resident of Wing - ham for nine years he has been in business for over three years and is thus the longest in his line in town. None but an expert baker can find employment at the "Ceutral' and such be always keeps. Whilst his bread, • cakes, buns and general, cookery givos.l gives genuine satisfaction we might!, quietly hint that any sentimentally or" matrimonically inclined young people, who have brought the matter to a near impending crisis would be quite within the limits of security in employ - tog 'Alf' to coutract, erect and beautity t the wedding cake. He has shown his hand at that congenial work. Then he always keeps on hand a nice,, fresh, dainty as •cry. Pte tna fall show th rtinent of confection an exhibit at our late t would do credit to any city establ''liment. We like to wit- Itess ents prise and pnsh and hence comm d 'Alf' of the Central, M 'srs. W. Bradley and W. & G. i rist make up the complement of bakers. Attviee. :or Wives. Be gentle and firm with ubildron. Beware of the first disagreement. Beware of meddlers and tale -bear ers. I Learn to speak in a gentle tone of voice. Avoid moods and pets and fits of guiltiness. Learn to govern yourselves and to be gentle and patient. Learn to say kind and pleasant things whenever opportunity offers. Never speak or act in anger until; you have prayed over your words or acts. Remember that valuable as is the gift of speech silence is often more valuable. Never retort a sharp or angry word. It is the secoud word that makes the quarrel. Study the character of each and sympathize with all their troubles, however small. s Do not expect too much from others, but forbear and forgive, as you desire forbearance and foregiveness yourself. Even if your husband should have no heart, he is sure to have a stomach, so be careful to lubricate the marriage yoke with well cooked dinners.' Let him know more than you doonce in a while ; it keeps tip his self respect, and you are none the worse for admitting that you are` not actually infallible. And.,first be as kind; wild courteous, tp your husbarcl as. you were whet he tads your lover: 'then you used. to leek up to him.; dont now look down «p011 hien. • AN Amz n Lien. -,—Life needs for its happiiies, and character for its stability', a definite airs, energetically and regularly pursued, Whatever monotony there is in that is itself an element of happiness which 'men ehn- Abt afford to. do without. It • gives security, confidence, and trust in themselves and each other.. It gives zestto: life and hakes relaxation possible, end p'oasurable. Wmr,itou it i res With Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloli's Vitalizer is uarantesil to euve you. Tl'or sale, by C. B. Mimes, *Wiwi itsaanis. Endeavor to buy only such goods as are saleable,. a stook well bought is half sold, Use your best judgment in selecting patterns. Bad'styles are dear at any price. It is a mistake to think you can only do business with an enormously large stock, for goods get old faded, and out of style, and therefore unsaleable. Endeavor to run your sttch down to a certain amount by the lat. of January of each year. Keep a good assortment of those goods required for every day use. Buy judiciously, sparingly and often, You will be able to buy a better, cleaner and more saleable stock,. and at lowor prices, by looking over the satn• ples of as many firms as possible, then buy, only buying from one house. , There should be no friendship in the business transaction, treat your friend well, but buy no goods from him unless you need them. Take no goods from your jobber blit those you have ordered from him. Always endeavor to discount your bills. 3f your capital is limited, carry a small stock, and sell for cash and save your discounts. On no account allow your bills to become overdue, for then you are in the power of your creditors, in order to be successful a merchant must be independent, pay his bills when at maturity, and make his pur- chases whenever it is to his best advan- tage. Never give security on your stock, it deprives you of credit, and means abso• lute failure. (CONTINurrJ-o1 PAGE S,) The Mayoralty, 18 9. To the _Ratepayers of the To'wis of 11 ingharn.: Ldnruse': is GPsrl,nams At the request of a large number of th ratepayers, I have decided to offer m se are a candidate for the Mayoralty of Wiut ham for 1859. Yon aro well and;.I tru favorably, acquainted' with all nay. pub! acts. I have served several years in t Town Council and am no stranger to mun cirri law. I have always done the• best could to advance the interests of the to and shall continue to do so if elected. TI town is now on the high road to prosperit It is easy to increase or mar that prospe ity. It shall be my endeavor, by eve judicious and. honorable means in power, to add' to• and increase that pro perity, If elected I shall do everythi possiblb in the way of justice to all class. alike, rich and poor. I 'shall do my bolt foster and encourage the industries aI :cady have and to add to them if possibl The welfare of Wingharn shall be my ai and object, and at the end of the year hope to be able to show that Wingharn wi be ,till advancing. Under all the cireu stances I respectfully solicit your votes an interest. I am, Ladies and Gentlemen, Yours very respectfully, 141,W.,11711e ctrrnrori Mr. Wm. Sheridan had a largely attended wood bve on Friday.41r. John Somerville's team ran a ray on Friday last,. one of the horses sustain- ing severe injuries. No person was hurt. The next meeting of the literary society will be held on the 21st inst. The subject for debate is Which is the • more nseful, iron or wood'? The captains are Messrs. George Armstrong and Chr. Michie, Belmore. Mrs Pierson Ross, of this village, was stricken down last Friday with a paralytic stroke, but she is on the mend through the efforts and care of Dr. Tuck.—The revival meetings in the Methodist church are still going on, there being quite a number attend- ing them,—John Irwin is able to get around again 011 a crutch and staff after being laid up eight weeks with a cut foot.—kir. Janies li, Ross has rented the Delmore cheese and butter factory, There have been a new board of directors appointed only one of the old ones being elected again. Mr. G 13arton resigned his office as salesman. Thanachtvolafaaartatral Courtesy on one side never. Wants long. Courtesy is the true characteristic of a good mind. The smail courtesies sweeten life; the greater eliiioble it. A. churlish courtesy rarely comes but either for gain or falsehood. Courtesy covereth many inperfeea tions, and preventeth more dangers. Nothing is a courtesy unless it be meant for us, and that friendly aad lovingly. If ever I should affect justice, it would be in this, that 1 mighs do courtesies, and receive none. The nearer you come into relation with a person, the more necessary do tact and courtesy become. He that is mild and courteous to others, recoiveth much more honor than the party whom he honoreth. We must be as courteous to a man as to a picture, which we are willing, to give the advantage of a good light. —The latest word incorporated into the, English language is froudaoity. — Princeton has a 72 year oldstudent studying for the ministry, Tnar IIAOEING MMUGU can be so' thickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. For sale by C. E. Williams. Flighty people are seldom; blessed; with 'pinions of their own. —A man sells a horse for $100 buys him back for $9D, and sells him for r$95 How much does he make? —Some of our young men wish to settle this point, which, is. eorreot : "'Two pair Of shoes," or "Two pairs of shone?" —A. ohuroh lottery cake, auctioned at Glassville, N., 13., contained a box and boards,to the weight of 11 pounds, and the ethics of the transaction is now engrossing the public in that looality. A professor was expatiating on the im- possibility of creating or destroying matter, and as a climax assorted : "You eao't.make anything." A nervous, fragile youth in the rear exclaimed : "But, pro. fessor, can't we make a noise ; that didn't exist before." —It is estimated that 75. per cent. of the ady school teae ers get married after they have taught for three years; 00 per cent. at the expiration of five years; 95 per cent. at the end cf ton years, and 5 pot: cont. rotnain free; from. matrimonial ()area to the end of the ahaptor, Cnour, wiroorssa cotton and Breuehitis irnmodiatoly relieved by Bliiloli's Cure. For solo by C. It. Williams. I11.1.612 was printed the largest book. ever published, namely two huge volumes of= near 5,000 pages, in small tyke;, the author Joseph Ceryl. It was a commentary on the Book of Job. Sumas Conon and: Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It euros Con. st11ul!tiou, x'or taro by G. L. Williams. Mr. Win. Bickle, of H.ibbort, has a twin ram, lamb, seven months old, which weighs 170 pounds. ]:low comes it that while "biweekly" means once in two weeks, "triweekly" means three times a week. TILE States decreased their interest bearing debt this year by 74,788,- 920. SAMPLEs of Manitoba 'wheat are being, sent to Ottawa to have its. variety tested. Texas is the "banner" Democratic State of the Union. Cleveland's majority at the recent election was 135,760. The New York Sun says : Canada sees competent to furnish an oarsman wbo will prove himself more than enough .for a Tomer two of Ameri- cans. Doctor Barr was in love, but one night when on the point of proposing, he thought ruefully of his prospects. "I wish I had a few more patients," he said, half to himself. "Oh, you cruel man," pried his lady love 'Am wish people ill." "Personally my dear, 1 wish no one ill,' he replied, 'but professionally 1 cannot help it.' Of two,things men find women are never weary -•=-Bearing themselves speak and seeing themselves in p.riut. Tlie practical result of theso• proclivi- ties is; in private life the habit of :giving advice which in. itself is retro. 'spoctive censure ;. in, public, having an opinion, a theory --of which the outcome is writin,the papers, proving every one hut, the writer dense witted thick-heade3,, and mole eyed. ,max TIOR SALE OR To RENT NOR VIVR ?EARS.— JAI' A first class farm in the township of Turnherry, Wing Lot 3 and part of 4, in the Seventh Concession, containing' 107 sores, of *which 103 ars cleared and to, a good state of cultivation and all free of atnuii: i, except about 4 acres. A tine orchard, a good frai,to 'dwelling and large bank barn, with•fratuo driving sheds, 330 are on the premises. The !arid is wen' watered. 14,r particulars apply to the propttetor: ou the promises, or to 3. Cowan, Wroxeter, JQIIN GEALRILL, Wroxetor 1', 0, —81 Oat Meal !Mill Opened.. "t'hts undersigned desire to inform farm. ers and the people generally that they have reopened their Dat Meg XIII in Winghain, And are now prepared to purchase Oats in unlimited quantities and at the Highest Narket Price. They will supply customers with the Ben gUAusa in Oat Vicat, ELt R. 8r, CLEGGr,, .'ASI W, I GLI , MANUFACTURER AND AFALER INS Flue Gutters,. B leigha, Buggies, &ae, &e. Repairing of all kinds attended to. legr PRICES VERY MODERATE. GIVE MEA CALL, ---YOU OUGHT TO GO TO T_ TYR IST_IT'S Where is to be found the FINEST, BEST SELECTED' and CHEAPEST AS- SORTMENT of all the Latest Patterns and Most Reliable makes in SCOTCH, ENGLISH, IRISH and CANADIAN Made Goods. Fine French. printings;. Worsteds gild: O\ereontiggS. A STOCK OF GENTS' FURNISHINGS. LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH FOR RELIABLE GOODS AND GUARANTEED FITS JOSEPIIINE ST;, EAST, GO TO T. LESLIE WING$AM, ONT. THE CONDITION Of Unfaithful, Sluggish, Slumbering or. Napping Watches ThQv®-gg ,ly DiagnAged &ad ,.rut night IN FRAME AND DISPOSITION, BY 1 F. 1 STER. Besides, he keeps the Most Varied, Select, Elegant and (!leap Stock of WATCEXES, ZTEWELL ,Y, a . iN WINGHA 11I. ALL _ , PROVE i liAsoN BLogx WINGUAM. I1UFFIEI..,D k. 0 C3 T .garde,. SON Give all classes a chanca to invest their means to the best advantage in COOK §, STOVES Lamps, Lamp Goods, Cutlary and r7 C.1.4 r00 sa0V R n'i t7 not .72 W ooue1 ware. American and Canadian. Ceal Oil, who'esale and retail. Eavetroughing a. speeialty. Itopairing net y a°id pAornptly done. Don't make any mistake bit call Ind ins 2, c: our stools and got our prices. DU F F I .,.JI L S O N STONY, IiLOOI , 2, u�