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The Wingham Times, 1888-12-21, Page 1
It VOL., XY.. ,-`NOWINGUAM, ONT. , n , i0 "U PATRONS. t)T7It VIM • DS P, :� lE�z4,T Qi+T,'r, The nuns b; s Pow ft splendid eil'caa- latinn. We n yet Larking for ill large increase iI ur t:uttscriptiou list, We have beers rj'ing to deserve, it, Friends, iu ler' ` tram bars, tell us we do deserve it, Whilst our list has been steadily s,' lung, we }tope for alien nexe few weel:a ret leave the nem - her very n.•as richly itiareased. Present aobscribore to the tam have rendered as, excellent ear ice by eonareentling the palter to f.ic' ids. We thank diose friends. /Imo 1 etarttty, We will en- <Wavur to desclr , their confidence and as'aistctnce We i ivito those desiring the battle for nes, year to cone fight . along and p•►y ar' orae dollar aud have a, newsy, ro ull r, elevfatiIng iL1fitlence and visitor to y rtr homers weekly, 1�i51t DSS EI)ITIOTT. Hurriedly ti s week's issue of the Trams has beer prepared. Inaccuracies earl very !wee Foot clesoriptions it may am:sttain.. abet•° are far from being intentional. its , reparation has caused ns additional' la or.worry aud aulyiety. [ts purpose is ,t, convey to outsiders, laser bud ahrocl,, a correct impression o>; wheat than)''g,. and what is being -done in tris iri�l to We have en- •;leavored to,©nti•,etato-every industry represent''c1.an bueiness man's uarne. ne otnitte any we. shale gladly •iaake it right in a. future .Mite. We •send regular' ' ,eopies ,of the paper to Many c1ilieret t. `totes of.xhe Ui lou, to verbs uspar taa Itauitaint and odd copies to almost very section of axe Dern neon. , - . We 'desire 00, to intimate that airy wind ,31 parte Is wishing to obtain °'pies .. to send abroi l., ctrl have them at the regular pric: v Balling at the otlice iu 'the Stone talk, next to J. A._!;Hine •ts Ce's has are, Send a coy p. to yx .urs- fr er.£lS, renderer, ra, orad they will ,iappreeiebte: it rtr than several letters, Lo between 1 re and the oetuetery a IV' °b•,ne whip. kinder will be suitably ,i Y11 1 t35. tarf �ded byleash it A u aver <at„ ow s y. - Ve have MOMed aniutorontiu„ lot• or from Mr. S, (e. :1/(0111, barrister, late of Wiu 11 ,in, desori rive of Denver and Colorado It will ai ear in next iseuo, --Villi do you tbiulc 7, a nice hes room suite $bureau, enc. tatted and bed stead) for i'13 ; to fine sideboard for $11 and up t ,, 25; parlor•suite (7 plows) for 1912. Lt, rge4, tiiatras:tes, spring beds, chair°, t• ., &c„ at S. Graoey's furniture stop, imglunn. Gall fur partieulars. ' AMr. V. 1I, Rode. is is having e Christ - Inas tree erooted iu 1 is shoe situp and the public areinvited to all mud see it that °Veiling. MUMS and New Year is just to hand, now if you want to make a Rice durable aud ,most welcome prosect to a friend what would be more becoming than a beautiful rattan o upholstered easy ehair, a niee music .tend or a pair of lovely paintings. If y t will opine to S. Gracoy's furniture e you can get these articles, and they it lovely. —11r. War. Gila at, of "tondulao, Wis- consin, game to own last week. ever, Gilchrist, is an un le to Ur. Geo. Gil- ohrist of the bs,kley, and wilt go iuto business with him, They intend to; open out a gr000ry also, 1 —The best place iu 'town to purcha9e Christmas presents in the tiuest silk plush, such as, ladies' and gents' dressing cases, travelling oases, odor oases, mitt and collar cases, &e., is at Dr. Towler's drug store. EIere you will find the best value and the greatest variety in this -line of goods, call and see. - -We received fro I. Ur, John McNabb, clerk, t. lengthy repot of the Last meeting of. the Presbytery o' Maitland, held at Luoknow, but an ace ' . t of the pressure 011 our columns this wt. -It we have been compelled to withhold ' till next issue. -'Fve have received a 'copy of Dryee's historiosl and desoript -e illustrated hand book of the Dominion of Cauada, written by G. Mercer Ma a noholarly and versatile writer. T o book is entertain• i» gly writt,;rt,• has sixty -ono fine stereo- scopio views, is pographieally most nredia 1e and nioely ound in stiff covers. . Mr, A. Cook, of Messrs, Dore cti Cook, sensibly and quiet' ook unto himself a helpmate 0:1 Vaednosd ay in the person of Miss Maggio Giffin, . of Wingham. T1it nuptial tie was pr •r1y adjusted by Rev. John Scott, IL A.. .'t 'as Emily Braden, of Wroxeter, and War. tate rant, of WizsAiazn,.:acting M' '-rel °aimed-- C; i:- gro wtsman respective' v. Tv1ay the joys of the newly married. cot plc be many, their sorrows few and t .ir life voyage a pleasant one. A merry iswans t This old time, eve new and significant greeting is exteuded 'o all our readers, patrons. and friends Aucstie . sales. Parte steak and npletli"ents'of Mr. T. ]?attersau, Turubet •, boundary Iino, on rriday, 21st Doom et.. Sale at 1 p. m. John Farrow, suet neer. Ii3AYOXtAL`1"Y, I$srl. To ths:.electors of the ,'Iotas of Wimgham LAME; An Gewriat•,art:r,-•having been requested by a number of the heaviest ratepayers, and also leading men of the town, to contest the coming election for the office of mayor, I have consented to do so_ 7 have a large amount of money invested in real estate, therefore I am deeply interested in the general advancement of the towu. If you will give me your vote and influence to fill this honorable position I shall use my hest endeavors to make 1883 a prosperous year for Wingham. Your humble servant, Emir. MoI woo. Wingham, Deo. 12thI,'88.. 1.400415 NEWS. ---A 'ii: •ct eon: 3 t `•` t i ,, ''c z k. •i11• :b p x l - l ', can . tF is vwitneseed ea Vas 'ear's day, towards su nsnt. --American wato los; in 3 oz,, silver ore, -ripen face cases, fo 8,3u AD J. H. Von. _ 9.toue's. - .•-••Tete o vers of he Calecloniat Society of Wiughatn for ter current year will be -chosen at o meeth ' au the • evening of '4Vodueaclay the `Slit inst. ' —,7, II. '4 toeston has the finest and largest display of ladies 15 k., English, reeigoldsets. emoedring s, eto., etc. -1,fr, W. Dilpel kit for Listowel on Tuesday OLnrtg act as cashier iu the brunch there for a veep, one of the hands being iudisposed. A,_ tremendous assortment of now, unique, charming articles for Christmt.s 1 resents very Chea at Geo. Mason's.i' p --A. uiimbbr of o r townspeople attend a Christmae'tree in it Delmore Methodist ohuroh this (bre it evening. Messrs. Gracey,Buohana aud others take part in the programme, ' to —The tastes and faueies of eveyone can s suited in holiday goods at Geo. Makin's. Lot prices, The poputatio of Toronto, 'by a special enumoraatio , isshown to be about 186,800 or 185,000 ” eluding suburbs. —After five we at'e ttlsence from his ofkiee, on ae ouch o severe; dluess, It tr.3.S,. Jerome -is again in peeitiou''to attend to is dental praetie 1 `, Lose.—A heavy gold bloodstone. A re. ward will be given tree finder by leaving it 4' at the post office. •g; r 23r. A.. I'. Mtacl, 'turned from ,New ,000rse at the Polys has opened Out at� ,6iL1 ,loostorek.. ever 14iessrt. `� enzie, who bas just rc- ork, where he took a into sehooref medieine, office in I4lackenzie's 'ordeal and 111oIntyre's —Any person It wing a difficult watch or clock to be ropa' -ed can't do better than to leave it at Vane one's, where you eau rely on itbeiog don right as he is an ax- verzeuced hand hie elf. In the tk telt o the'Wingllanl skating rims on an inside pa e of this issue it is stated in mistake t at Ittr. Armour was for throe years in -t le egg business with Mr. 3). D.' Wilson, Seaforth. it 'ought to have read with, , Wm. Richardson, of Walkerton.. —A splendid opportunity for farmers to ell their'wh eat on the Market and buy first- class collet flour, bran and shorts at A. R. Miaedeirald's flour and feed, wholesale and sd retail, eete°Oteriatreas tre entertainmentis to be heldin tllu:'1' wr hall this (Friday) evening, when th beautiful Gantanta, Hants, Cline Heists. a will be 1rreeented,. 'Owls wilt be suing y the ehildreu. •-IE you tout '.x'austone'a is the p a bays r tiara a ant a std prase° that people w them so cheap, Tei Wye for iamb. tellable time oa or se to go where you. k to select from, AM rrater how he can sell teasers is tiscautlm 118 Town ' • =en, The counoil met Saturday evening last according to acute. Members alt present, except M I'riugle. Minutes of last meeting con: 'coed. Dr. Towler, chairman of prope y committee, reported that he had colleote 198.60 for shade trees and paid the same Iver to the treasurer. A motion was tried to , the effect that the detaile statement required by the Municipal A t be published as pre- seribed. 'Moved e Mr. Cline, seeped ad by Mr. L' tte, that an order be drawn on t - treasurer for 19110, being balance of gr' nt to teem band for the year 1888.-- arried, `The property committee was em. • ered to make neces- sary.repaira to did b nd roots, now moil - pied by WO, Thom on. The matter of abolition of all ex° I gots from lnauicil?a1 taxation was laid o . Mr, Thos. Irwin was remitted his do. , ax, he htaviug none. BI7ILDING-F • AND It was the intenti in this business revi melt of all the buil. apace forbids., The up to about ;132,000. IMPROVEMENTS, to have embodied a detailed state - done this year but' ar's operation stares li % David Meat this place, has be Rapid. City, Mani 4 - th. ught, formerly of elected mayor Of Tu z .f.:rry. • mina Maggie AuI arson, datyjlrtort of Mer. W. S. atodeLot, 16 0o1).1, has gone for a oath's etay to' ra. tbrother'n At Dre;. - on. FEI DA. , DEC. TCW A 0�fe 1 1888. WI:10LE NO. 883 Of mGAM. ITS PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE. Ens cess $ iidiug z and 1 ill, 1acturill • Instit aUtipx4a. ` 1115 rostra t Rata s~Zo1A;.T.It, FiS'STx:A> TIoNAL,I, ' , setuaircutseaa i!, :PO- MMY, &o. . 11 Bii< '$ !lately of tho T0'�ilq,• Winghatn today htis a recognized and deserve stranding amongst tete foremost of , o ntario tows:,, as to com- mercial ilnpa rtance, general progress and prospe ty aud future prospects. Pride of itizeusbip is 'a laudable charaoteri is and this" issue of the T'isnss its i , tended to lead Wiugl trrgtite.t to a mor• •intelligent a1Ipr Alen,of the imnpor, .ears of t eir • wn, as well as to ()nab - entski r$ near and re- mote, to form a co, , ratively correct estimate i4' i s growt z, i,s commerce, its industrit enterpriser, its unrivalled railway fa i lities, it$ a'l nirablel loca- tion, its ealtlrfuluess, ;;sutl its fine rural surr•undins,whicb aro all legiti- mate sub eats of local pride. Whilst 1Vinglza has a large redius of un- excelled .grioulturel country tributary yshipping-business t i a t t e n i s ar in I•, the. past, itsolid aitd rapidly increas- ing and, ce tralizin,g manufactures, the recent i a pans given in the way of inereasin aucl developing its rearms fa,:tares, Ms ' roving its transportation f" •iiiti'es,.&I„show t.lett, ttslms alia,rdy talten raLlk he tut h 'dostr'ia.l' towu and that its s irewdt'stiazhabitants aud business n.. have confinenire in its future. \Vingh m is pleasantly sit: bated at the CO tiaence of tho north ,aud south bra' 'hes 'of the Maitland, in Turnborry township. Splendid natural advert ages, utilized atad de. veicped by inti of enterprise, supple- tnented by the boon of railway'and otIlor promoters of eivilizittion aud .material p.or,1r resa have coriibir,egcl to maize Wingham s that it is today, one of . the most s lid, progressive and prosperous tone $ iu Canada. Want of space forbids alta passing reference to the early se Moment of Winghaln, Whilst Edwitrd +arley was the pioneer settler in Lea : 1Vinghanl, /about thirty years ago J'o, n Corny nd his throe sons — Bob: rt, p '4V ianz and Thomas—settled n 1I corner noir ocoupied by the Q ' ee hotel. They had previously li d several years in Turnberry, on cot . 4. The .first store was opened by rd Foley, on the site of the present fir e Beaver .Plock. Snbsegtiently used 's a hotel, this building was rem ed and is still partially utilized as s, • p:Ittery. • The arrival of Peter anArchie Fisher in Lower Wingbaan, . here they started flouring, gristin ; to d saw mills, ;ave the first business irnpet l s to the place, Consequent ori those mprovements, other settlers soon eta 81,., amongst the earliest of whom vete John and Thomas Gregory. It 700 inhabitants, Wi porated as a village, manager of the I3ta here, being the first ren'. Tauilyn, T. Gregory, IT, avis and G. Pettypiece constittttlne the first cousi- rd first clerk. e in '75.7-8, and 1878, Wiugharn a town, Mr, Will - by aceltarnatiou, a. Macdonald 1874,with some .tam was blame Mr. 13. Willem, k of Hamilton , 1tessrs.Dr. cit, and W. J. Idaytq Mr. Willson was ree I. Davis in '76. 1 was incorporated as sorb being first may for the year 1870. was .elected re.,ve or .r L. J. Droop. The first council wa- composed. of J. Neelands, J. I'vitelii L, R. 31, Robinson, IL Lt+ntmsx, T. L,' Jobb, G. McKay, T. Doll, W. Kerr, . Ktmuie, W. W. Inglis, '1'il. McCiyinon r and G. lia'i ib - bon. ,,'11r.Johu Dick:.n was appointed areastlrer tho same ar. tie financial receipts for this ye, '• , ere $0;t118 and the expenditure w0, Tho town's liabilities were thei aboatt V1,006. The present Habil " is of the tosyl are about k; 313,000', briar i a recent loans grantect to assist thetruitursJ tdtlstry to the extent of .: 0 0.91f,"anct the ascots are ery m•,i .. put at about 888,000. Tito'. who occupied the mayor', a sine incorporation were I3. Wit bon, Dr. Ma tonald, C.T.Scott,. Geo;i1 eKibbolaf 1.1.4 .0. Meyer, John Neatends and W. , Inglis. The perks were W. J, H ywar#t, B. Flynn and J. 13. Ferguson, he present pains- taking and capab'o one, since 18.32. One of Winghn it's meta marked features aud la g eat element in its S110CeSs is its . SPLENDID 1UiL% 1' ,tM.0II,1TiES, The Wellington, t ey and Bruce division of the Grand `trunk passes throtxtlt i:t and connect at Kincardine, 28 xniles`distant. it has direct con• neetion with Loudon 74 miles distant, • bion and Bruce, e Canadian Pacific by tide?' Loudon, Over a year ago Railway was put 'oto running opera tion hot'o and this we have the two great competing hues of Canada.. Further rofereitees to our railway facilities will be snide iu another place. Wholesale .r 4usfries. MESSES. GILCH IST, GREEN & t0. The Union F rniture Factory of a'tiossrs. Gilctxrist Green & Co., recent- ly enlarged, the . wu having granted aid by way of loan, 's now one of the most complete, most horoughlyegciip- pea and best arrange 1 establishments in Canada. The main building, frame, 154 feet by 60 and t ree-stories high. The breakout rootu ad dry kiln "e''' 95 feet by 84. The e'gine cot 's a new detached l ler 50eeGb 3 new 75 lI 2. boiler an a 5 . P. engine has been placed, b 'th from P. Wheel. trek, of Galt. " The ew additions and improvements iia th building have cost about €,55,500, ixty hands on the average have bee employed since tassttb. r ` fire 122 s'i - merit rte -and fint'at quality of 1 aohinery is being added and it is be ng perfeetty equipp- ed throughout. One hundred hands will be employe • when. fully in opera- tion, cued that staff can turn into manufactured y oods two million feet of lumber yeart'. The lines to be bedroom snits, and extension writing desks. edy taut to 1=, , li s , f made at present Aro sideboards, centre tables, ball reeks an The building is he, 000 feet of piping eing used. There to nay y ' its being lighted by s firm began work two -en'hands and before e employing about nernbers . of the worlcnnen, corn- '. The active reen. If Provi- e who hustle, thou s .is accounted for. is a prof h 1 t electricity. Tit years ago with the enlargetn 35. The i firm are patent ividual 11 practice na pushin manae :r itt Mr. W. de to smiles on th M ' Green's succe THO Tho extensive, conducted furnitu Haired some thirte Messrs. Scott & 13 several years under .1r. management, Th pre. .sea on Jose- phine street, near the G.T. B. station, are three storey fr rue, 120 feet by 40, excellently and the ughly equipped. The warehouse is 2,0 ,feet by 42. Thirty-five skilled ha ids are employed . .BE LL. substantial and well. industry estate n years tage by 11, Jin, a enn for eJ?s exclusive on an average andj peed:tots of the fao from the readities he merit of the Ery may be inferred fr with which sales are made and the 'xeellent dernancl for theta. The mar tit• are mainly in l'lanitob west, where ftogaentS agents are made. almost doubling or the procluots and the North. rid heavy ship - la Bell proposes t re capacity of his factory by the ered ion of a large brick structure next ser son. The lateness of the season and lea y "demands for goods prevented his d a ing so after the bonuses were votes Iast fall, The chair goods aro n t to be made in future. A thorou It sritotieal i•ltowl- edge of the basi s combined with cautiousness, closet att•,ntiotl,'tlie estrab- lieliment of a repot tion for superior goods and h stab! and shrewd base ness deal' have de thilr ono of the In <t procluctir of '1Vinghaltl's ind fs cies widely an favorably known. KINCAI. 13EE013. in consequence or the aid grautea to 1ua utfacturetz n Wingbaln by way o loans, i; 17a� s lastfall, 11, ,a a a r• C G ,now the town,, almost, ready for operatiotl, n most haridsonae, co A tmilieus, cub;stan- •tiat and elegantly quipped btructuro,, to be utilized as a hair factory. Thi fine vow brick factor' -'list completed, rr is situated near tel G. 1 . R. station. The itlain building is 00 feet by 48, and the drying kiln , al engine house 52 feet by 36, the hole being two stories higlr, with ; avel roof. A tiuo new boiler and ere, ' ie from Messrs. Goldie eir• rleOulkiell, o Galt, in oper- ation exu the necessar3 machinery iy being placed and the 1 tetory will be ready for operations alt t Near Years. The building is a otos capacious and convenient one. Ther y bands will bo steadil, employed. With splendid: facilities, an active at experienced furniture roan, Mr. D. incaid, fox manager, and two practical mechanics, Messrs. W. F. and J. . r. I maid, aen- neeted with the b sines , we have a pretty good guar tee th the business will be sue telly pro,ecuted. INGLI 3 & Altl The. Woolen Hill & A.rntstrong is on most important Mantra.. on Alfred .street, near th was erected in 1875. two storey frame stru- buildin; being 90 fe boiler room and machinery is of tel approved kind, co manufacturing carte. STRONG. E Messrs, Inglis of Wingbani's It is r'ocated station, and t is a large tore, the main t by 45, besides ye house. The latest anti most rising two sets of one set of custom cards, 15 Crornptan ooans, and 640 are employed on the average and tit. • mill has a eapa.ca•ty of d0 yards of drugget daily. The ecru it is upwa is of= 200,000 yarns .arkets bre fountl f the Dominion. r lease iu i'orautp, St. John, Victeric, ilst bonie wools htainable, the spindles. About 40 hand early., The 111 Every province g. Large sates are Moetrettt, Quebec, and Winnipeg. ars purehased so far as main materials are foleign—Persilan,, French,,- Cb4atesc, &c. -F��+ t sb'•C:..11.ik'(a ; ren rty '.'t'laouull is 1leatecT. b gas manufactured o. n g' I i li, e t .ai� the first, has been in over thirty years. Un exclusive article madeg but now the firm has gt tweeds. 111;. Inglis all the details of shrewd, energetic, it which al,ottt :rt7C; bran s ft' ...t.. steam and lit key the premises, 31r. Live manager of o woolen trade il recently the. was drugets, ne into making 4s familiar with the business, is dustrious end has an established repute • for integrity Baling. He ,ayor of the s. foreman. and honorab _ business has t een . r two years 1� tow r. L. Bobbins, GIIAY, YOUNG I SPADLING. Messrs, ; & Spar ling open,. ere out the Salt f lock here in Mays 1887, and the ind stry has been sue- cessfttlly prosecuted "nee, A sp'.cn;.iid supply of brine is o , tained on the farm of Mr.Thos..W1al ter, on o n. 12; East 4Vawanoslt, the ell beim; about 1200 feit d, ;p, nevi re a three .inch. pipe ea pumpin'* capacity of .about 12 pails per mints o. The Wiughant lalcck is situated at the terminus of the C. P. B. track, .n 'the Maitland river, a most convenien. and cow :band se - ing position, The buil ing is 150 by 't 84 feet, a frame st uetuxe. The evaporatiug pan is 14 feet by 24 feet and the boiling cap itv is about 180 barrels in 24 hours On an average about 15 hands are employed the year round. The coars and fine grades axe tnede here. The ou ut of the present year was about 40, 0 barrels. Iiia wards of 4,000 cords f wood are need yearly. This substa tial industry is Mader the manager eat of a stirring, active,reliallle firm .. Mr.F.C}.t parlittg has just remove from Seafortll' to Wingham ail(' Wi 1 in future manage this block. t is is intention to add machine or tiro on nufacture of their owt b ` rel heading.. ELDER: , CL.LEGG. The Winglatio Oal.rneal hills has been tinder t e marnagementi , of Messrs. ,Eider ' Clegg: for the .pest four years. _. It is .•acted fast of the G. ''1,1, station, a d is:aa threat storey frame ... turevvi It a2'21t.squarebrick kiln.'tie aniIt `, furnished with tiro latest irupiroved machinery for, the manufacture of 1c , • t f nay of oat. meal. It has tie pacity of about 60 ,barrels daily, Ti: products of this mill command rut a y sale and, tuptt essl (eoti'frtati i eX PAGli 4 )