Clinton News-Record, 1957-08-01, Page 6PAGE 'SI+X. ITON NEWS -RECORD TEVRS.BA•Y, AUGUST 1, 1Z7 I awe of Bayfield By MISS LUOY Rt woODs 1955 Ontario Champion Rural Correspondent PHONE: BAYFIELD 45 r 3 Rees .Forster, LdoknoW, visited Teal Turner last week. Vise Margaret Forg'tlsom, Toxon: to, ie .a guest at the Albion Hotel.. Mies Helen Aberluardt, Strait - toed, was at the fannily cottage fur the weekend. Miss Gladys" Ha4"nes, Mitchel% ,was the guest of Mrs, J. R. •Cam: er+on last week;. Mr. and Mrs. Agnes Lunn, Shed- deny are enjoying a few days at "Shanlgra-'La" cabin. Dr. and Mrs, Wilfreel• Granit, Ottawa are the guests of Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Hunter, Walter Rabb -sore Toreeto, spent they weekend ve lth his. mother, Mrs:. William: H. Robinson'. Mr, and Mrs. W. Patblado, Oak- ville, spent the weekend with her father, H. N Bramldbn. Miss M. Eason;, London, was the guest of Mrs. Wtilli'am Muni%, "Shangri-La" last week. Mrs Bernard Coyne, Arlington, Vir'gini'a, is the guest of Mris. Richard Moore, "Fairkawn" Miss Donna Murray, Toronto, is spending her vacation with her sister, Mrs. W. J. McLeod. Mrs. N. D. Waranitth, Toronto, is spending, a few days with Miss IVlabel Hodgins, "Stonehaven". ,Mrs. 'john Pease has returned to London for a few days, after_ hav- ing been at the family cottage. Miss Edna Jowett, Marystvillle, Mach., vas the guest of her cousin, Mrs. LeRoy Porth over Sunday. M. Wuillia,m R, Jowett, Gode- trilch, has been spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs, LeRoy Poth. Mrs. Fred Weston and daug'hitter Elaiaie, aceoan yareed ,by Mrs. Char- les Parker rettuened home on Tues- day night alter having visited Mtr. and Mrs! Harold Weston, Ferndale, Mich., frown Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, 3, Barron, J•axiice and Carol; and Ervine Pease, Lon- don, areshoi'ideying at their cot- tage; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Heard, CORRECTION PLEASE • In last week's .account of the delatth, and funeral of Ohristetiher T. Parker, the name of Clarence Larson was inadvertently omattted. 2x:e Larson served as a (lowers bearer, London, visited has parents, Mr. and Mrs, Emerson Heard, over the weekend. Miss Madeline Roddick, London, is the guest, of her brother,. R. S. Roddick and Mrs. Roddicd k, "Cent- urY House." Mr, and Mrs. Joseph S. Miller, Tomiento, were the guests of Miss. Mallei' Hodgins, "Stonehaven” over the weekend. Mr. and Masi. Harry Baaker and Gwen returned to London on Sun - dee after a vacation at their cot- tage "Wheel - In". Miss Lola -Meat, Detroit, iVtr.. and Mrs. Henry Miller, Mount Clemens, are visiting ;'heir broth- er, Leslie EU�lioltt. Mr. and Mrs. Ford, Birmingham, Mich., were the guests of Mr. and, M. F. Hendlrilek, "Westwind." cot'- Mage', over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hopson and family, Calgary, have been holidaying with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geotige Hopson. Mrs, Charles ? r+ker and daugh- ter Bonnie, •$eariborough, spent last week with, her- sister -in -Taw, 7,VLrs. Fred' Weston and family. Keith Donaldson and family,. Renfrew, are spending a three- week vacation at Mrs. F. V. Mart- in's cottage; "Boulder Lodge". William F. Buchan and son Ewing, L ormville, spent Sunday night with his niece and brother, Miss Luny R. Wood% and J. L, Buchan, Mrs. John Stturgeon, Sr.,' Was called to Port Stanley owing to the death of her brother Coturtlan Parker, and his funeral on Monday afternoon. Godench Business College opens Tuesday, September 3, 1957 Specialized Business Training • . Practical instruction in all Commercial Subjects. •,Every fatality :for business training isprovided in our ° modern class rooms including new tytpewriters, large individual oak desks, fluorescent lighting, and experienced instructors. ' • Courses approved by the Business Educators' Assoc- iation of Canada. Prompt Registration Advisable In order to obtain the best results, we urge all students to commence on. the opening date. Our Day School tuition is $18 per month. 3i to 35b 4444- NEW rw+ NEIN TiE SALE DEFIANCE 6.00-16 $i395% 6.70-15 14.95 plus your recappable tire ALL PRICES QUOTED WITH TRADE IN TIRES RI TIRE EGULAR PRICE I TIRE SALE PRICE BUY R YOU SAVE SAFETY—S 6.70-15 22.95 20.65 18.50 8.90 LIVE- LIVE—SAVER 6.70-15 43.25 38.95 35.15 16.20 ENJOY 'Mt OP[ATIII OkoltehOh Or • MON cdtbrON 4NlY $1.35 MORE PFR vitt tAFt UIIO IIMf AND NEW ?MADS OOMPIUI NANO( OF MO TIMI—MANY IU 4IW-4116M $ Y9S Harry Wcttkns Sunoco Service 4 co,11,4, Ph. ClinfanHU 1-6661 BAYEIEED'S MAIN STREETS My Charles Wyse) Hayfield Man" Street, ye breaker of springs Despoiler of .shocks and other things Ye answer 'to oil garage !men's enslavers. Yes ;the cause of all those % emi- o ivie repairs, Like an ;aging matron, your face iso lifted But each year, ere the snow hays • shifted Thy elereck holes are back to take their tall Of the hundreds. bf .cars that daily roll And boon e: as on a stormy sea With people err rolute to. the fake for the sunset to see, 're opkbrnist hears of thy suxfatc- Ong a And tightens his`fenders and daily scare Thy hundreds Of 'bad spots, in lope that they May $oon be removed and a Sur - ;face to stay To give the motorist a smooth right or W'atle Oh Baytfield 1Vtain Street, ye break- er of purses Nlo blessings .on thee, but under hat curses. Miss leaftthleen Reid, Windsor, was at "Exilfield" cottage from Friday to Sunday owing to the indisposition of her mother, Mrs. A. W. Reid, Use Ruble Fisher, Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. W. Grierson, Charles axed Anne, Waterloo, visited Mr, and M, James Fisher at their cottage on Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. Aamand Manness and two :boys, Jobn and David, cans on Saturday to spend a fort- night with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. MannessL MIs. Blanche Cornett, . Long Beach, California, left on Tuesday for St.- Pau],', Minn., after having been the guest of Mrs. J. W. Jowett for two weeks. Mr. and 1VMrs, Keith Leonard and family returned to Riclevatle on Sunday after having spent ten days with. her parents, Mr. and Mrs, E. A. Featherston. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon' Pfaff on Wednesday of last week were the latter's, sister and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rupp'el, Susan and David, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John Van Silem- brouck and three children, Harper Woods, Mich,, are guests of Mr's. Van Slearnbrouck's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Brisson. The Rev, and Mrs. E. O. Lan- caster, Woodstock, and the form- er's. orumer's. sister, Miss Eva Lancaster, Si. Marys, were guests. of the Rev. E. J. B. Harrison on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, William EI. Parker retuaniede+to the village on Wednes- day after halving visited with their sons., William and Robert Parker, London, for a couple of days;. Jane Kend'ail returned to Elmira on Tuesday and Miss Amy Grace and John on Friday after having been with their aunt, Mrs. LeRoy Path since the end of June. Prof. and Mns, Manley Thomp- son, Cathy and Roddy, left .on Friday for Chicago, after having visited Mrs. Thoanpson's parenitts; Mr. and Mrs. J. MacKenzie. Jack Whri,ddon, Victoria, B.C., and his sister, Mrs. Thomas, Stin- son, Edmonton, are visiting their cousin, Mss. Archie Armstrong., Bronson, Line, Stanley Township, Mss. W. Sparrow and two dau- ghters, Miss Connie Sparrow and Mrs. K. Hutchison; and two boys, Glenbain, Sask., were recent visit - ore with. Mr. and Mrs.. W. Munro. Mrs:. Pashette and two children, and Miss Jensen; who have been olcoupying Mrs. Charles Rogers' cottage for two weeks; returned to their home in Tilllsonburgh on Saturday. , Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pfaff and family returned to Windsor .on Sunday after a week at their cot- tage-. Cadet M]thael Pfaff, Camp Ipperwash, spent the weekend with his parents. Mrs. Spencer Ervine and Mary Elizabeth who had been visiting her parents in Southampton, re- turned eturned home last week. They were accon>Ip'anie11d by her father, Gar- field Rourke. Mrs, R. Clark and Miss Roberta Clark returned to Cleveland, Ohio, last week after halving been the guests :of the former's cousins', Mre. L. M. Burt and Mrs, Lloyd S'cotchaner for a fortnight. ' , Mrs. W. M: P'unives returned to Birm:inghaun, Muesli•, on Tuesday after occupying her cottage :this month. She leaves shortly on ' a cruise up the St. Lawrence • to Newfoundland and Nova Scotia, Mrs. LeRoy Pith; accompanied by Miss Edna, Jowett, MarysNille, Mites, left on Monday for Mont- real, oultreal, where' they sailed aboard the Emiprests of Brittain vt„ith a univer- saltty tour of the Continent and Britain. Mr. and MTG. Gilbert Knight spent a few days fast week in Satginaw, Mich, Their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Art Latimer, Toronto, were with them over the weekend anti their two children, Billy and Gil, remained with their grandparentts, at the thornily residence. Chief Petty Officer and Mrs. Joseph Parker atel two daughters:Beck and Carole, Jean, Halifax, stayed their eousfnn, Mrs. Retilog Harold King on Wednesday of New Carpet Is Dedicated At Trinity Church A± the morning service in Trine, RV Church, July 28, the rector ;the Rev.. E. J. B. Harrison ded- icated tate new aisle carpet given by the Guild in recognition of the diocesan centennial year. It match- es the meunorieul Carpets in the chancel, given at the time of the hundredth anniversary of Trinity hurch parish. In this service, the rector walk- ed very reverently to the church entrance and back to the chancel,, where he salid dedicatory prayer for the caxlpet and also a new red kneeler for the communion' rail given by, the Chancel Guild. Larslon over the weekend, while visiting relatives. here. Mx. Park- er is an instructor with the R.C.- NtV.R. Mrs. Rance Bricker, Waterloo, cane on Friday last to visit her 'parents, Canon and Mirs. H. M. Lamgtl± ori. On Monday her dau- ghter, Mm. Donald Waite, and: little Elizabeth Susan, Hamilton, joined her grandparents at their cottage. Recent guestsof the Gordon Pifaff's at their cottage on Victoria Place included: Mr. and Mrs. Geo- rge Pilaff, Miss O. Pfaff and Chtar- les, Holman, Elmira; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pfaff, Mr. dnd Mrs. Henry Mete Mr. and Mns'. Roy Siebert, Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Heard and William. T. Heatd were in Stnat- ford on Sunday, where they visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heard, Lorna and Douglas. Mr. and Mrs, Delbert Hary and family, Proton, also spent the day in Stratford with her brothers. Misses Many Nicolson, Betty Harding and Barbara Grant were the guests of Mr.' and Mrs. W. Munroe, "Shangri-La", over the weekend. Also with them on Sun- day were Mrs. Munroe's eon, Don- ald Stephens, Charlie Witelaw, 1VIr. andMrs. Masseo, Valera and ri Naicy:, London, The poi -holes on Bayffield's Main and Catherine Streets, have even made the London. Free Press. In a letter to the editor, a visitor comments about the beautiful re- sort, but .the pot holes were good only for garage -owners. He sug- gesits they could substitute for bomb shelters in case of an enemy sneak aur attack. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Denby, dau- ghter Jeannine, Buffalo, and grand- daughter daughter Lynn, Brandon, returned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth enneth Brandon after three weeks' vacation at their cottage at White - stone. Mr. and Mrs. Denby left on Sunday for their home, in Buf- falo, ufTalo, while Jeannine remained to spend the remainder of the holi- days with her sister. Guests at the Little Inn are: Misses Frances and Ann Burns, Kitchener; Miss Helen Lindsay, London; Mr, and Mrs. G. Alsecz, Burlington; Mr. and Mrs. Don Schneider, Ann Arbor; Misses M. and L. Laurie, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, Charles Coates, Detroit; Miss Helen )3eautniont, Cleveland; Mrs. H. Webster, Windsor; Mrs. Paul Lanniell, Canton, Ohio; Miss Jean Millard, Brantford Mr. and Mrs. Reith Pruss and baby spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Park- er. ° On their return to London, they were accompanied • by, their daughter Janice who visited at the home ' of her aunt, Mrs. Fred Weston last week, and niece, Cathy W9sston, who is visiting them. in London this week. Bonnie Parker and Jackie Weston staye:d.. with their grandparents, Mn and Mrs, J. T. Parker, while their Mothers were in Ferndale, Minh. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Atwood, Sarnia, who came to visit his uncle, Harold Ding, in Clinton Hospital, visited his sister, Mirs. Alvin 13ait,ot, Goderich Township, and also called on Mrs. E. A. Featherston, Hayfield. Also visit- FARMERS-- TIME TO ORDER BINDER TWINE EMPIRE BRAND and BRANTFORD GOLD LEAF BRAND (600 ft. per ib.) All Types of Ely Sprays and Powders H. l • WETTLAUFEP PEWS and SEEDS MARC STREET CLINTON — PHONE iflJ 2.9'792 At St. Andrew's 11RtEV. C. ll'.r. PEACOCK, newly induicted minister of the two paint charge in the Unit- ed Church:. of Canada, at St. Andrew's, B:ay:field, and at Porter's Hill. • (Engraving from North Bay Nugget) Letter to the Ed icor About Street Dear Publisher: Being a weekly weekend visitor alt Bayfield and liking the village and its ;people I am submittting a little criticism in poetry from after overhearing numerous com- plaints from tourists and summer residents pertaining to the (pot holey) condition ,of Main Street in proximity of The Post Office, Weston's store and The Little Inn. If you have been at Bayftield re- cently you will understtand why the summer people and natives who drive cars.. are complaining. Will you be kind enough to publish the attached in your val. uable newspaper. Respectfully Yours,, Charles Wyse. July 25, 1957, 125 Briscoe St. London, Ontario. • last week, were his brother, Frank King, wife and daughter Marlene, Toronto, who are at their summer cottage at Port Elgin; Miss Hilda Kang, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hale, Mrs. Norman Storey, London; Mr, amrd Mrs. James. T. Patterson, Sar- nia. Deer Lodge Park Mr. and Mrs. Alan Dwyer, Reg- gie eggie and Colleen, Detroit, are visit- ing Mrs. Dwyer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Proctor. Mrs. Proctor's niece, Miss Marilyn Sink, Detroit, is also their guest. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Sponarski and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. MoNiece and fainly, Mr. and Mrs. l M. D. Bain'ey, Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Campbell and fainly, Windsor, are occupying cottages for two weeks and! Mr. and Mrs. T. Turner and family, Toronto, are also newcom- ers. Rev. Peter Renner Inducted During Teeswater United Church Service (iVir, and Mrs, Percy Renner, Mr, and Mrs, George L'iltibie, Hayfield, attended the induction of the Rev. Peter a, Renner in;tta his new charge alt Teeswerter on Friday evening, July 26 at 8.30 o'clock. The service in Teeswater United ten urcth was conducted by the Iden H. T. West, 13e]rtnore, assisted by the ;Rev. W. D, Ellunslee, Pont Elginr, Itt was :attended by some 200 people of the Teeswater and Salem eongreggatttone, Following the Induction Service, Mr, and Mrs. Renner were invited Ito the front of the chaireh; The clerk of the session and president Of the Woman's Association intro - shined the individual aneanbea•ts of the congregation as theyfiled past. x:atter at a social reception, mes- sages of greeting and . welcome were presented by representattives of the Sessioai, Womr'an'aa Associa- tion, Sunday Soahool, Woman's Mis- sionary Society, Young Couples Club, and Young People's Union. Mr. Renner replied atpproprriattei r eo the welcome and well -wishes expressed; by the Stanious grloleps.. .And lung was served by the ladi;es. The Rev. Peter Renner conduct- ed hie ttirst services in lois new charge on Sunday, July 28. Mir. and Mrs. Charles Scotehmer NOTICE Township of Stanley The ICouncil of the Township of Stanley intend cleaning up the Cemetery on Highway 4. one quarter ladle south of Brucefield, and also the Cemetery on County Road; two miles west of Varna. Council intends removing the headstones,, and levelling the grounds. Any person interested should contact FRED WATSON, Clerk, by Tuesday, August 6, 1957. 311b 'and Charlene and Ruthann, Han. field, were alt Teeswater for the- morning service and visited with the Rev..and Mrs. P. Renner roar the afternoon. Also on Sunday af- ternoon, Gorden Portter visited:' • them- for a shorn tia'ne, Lets you— Bake when you please! Serve when you need r • Set includes 64 oz, casserole, ° 40 oz. casserole, 2 aluminum lids for freezer storage, clear lid for baking and serving. Makes a perfect sift. Choice of turquoise, white, or charcoal-' with smart snowflake patter% or pink with daisy pattern. Complete set, $8.95 Here nowt Sutter -Perdue LIMITED "Pour Frigidaire Dealer'." RHONE, HU 2-7023 Albert Street -- Clinton LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND BEND NEW DANCE NIGHTS_?` NEW DANCE ORCHESTRA!: • WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS GRAND BEND'S OLD FAVOURITE' BOBBY DOWNS and his Orchestra FRIDAYS Western Ontario's Best Known Dance Musicians LIONEL THORNTON and his ORCHESTRA SUNDAY, AUGUST 4 MIDNITE DANCE -12:05 till 3 a.m. LIONEL THORNTON 1MPA CE CAUSED THIS FATAL ACCIDENT LOCATION North of Barrie, on Highway 11. TIME: 10.38 p.m. ROAD SURFACE: Asphalt. Dry RESULT: Two killed, three seriously injurer!, The driver of the car on the left became impatient behind a string of five cars and pulled out to pass them. He accelerated hard because the station wagon wag approaching., He didn't make it. The driver of the station wagon apparently realized too late that the impatient driver was coming -too fast to stop in time. You can see what happened. The impatient driver was seriously injured. His con- panion received a fractured ekull. The driver of the station wagon end his `wife were killed. Their 5 -year-old son was badly injured. Before you become impatient behind the wheeel, think about the above picture. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT-* ONTARIO tee