Clinton News-Record, 1957-07-25, Page 10AGF TFC-qLAMN NVW$,,RECO=11 =TPASPAY, JULT 41 Im ... . .... ..... mn 11-1. P . . M to U. Hurons Delegates ToFar m Pr Fish and Game U I W"1100 a ,._n 0 rs clin C "Plea bmemb -i. 440 4,H: C14 � I fUSERALL Conference 0 04rus'nus WM, X. e Held " Xiam'peg, Man, Enjoy Fi$hins Journey to D e.'troit on Tour (1 1, ",OWS Mrs, Am Nesbitt, QorAoa Hill Arran gement$ were M440 for 26--Cl)�Aooait 2urich. Miteheil and Rdhert Taylpor mrented delegation to interview the new at In the arl M jogati a, - 29—Clinto ;ZU4 h igtance fro eB Zion as Wt of a Tri ;By ano, 10 ,94,ay 4Wy, 1$, 440 �Tvr­ the shottd, V, 5, W1 Foderg, CaWet.4t an early dant at eg 'a, P NOW rollr the Ont- With Of at P!aSJ1:wo0q 9,0 couroy 4-H members, and Iotgj to the,131vsh Street Station 'ente for Smejtb2qgnw jnaffiw,�ngg trip, wlxer the spem1l tram was Wait- AT110 Farknero! Union -aft the Inter' We ZYMOW1 =M= At least top this; area, was I'M oved Dasbmiqd friends *WW their �,=UAI retuM to Huron (Zkyunty, (By Poo Epps) proymciQ Union aotTXt farmers ' P g , gjfensaU Farm _i e L s 4nd -, longer raniKe Pro� Yesitetr4W bY Mr. and Mrs. 'Alan, 9t. ter rd Ang, IrAa 'Coln'. %`42. .yeas toUr W'Ris There were a -11un*er of awticaes somp mQ hig4 schoarboys, chose- 1 fer 'held at the 'Vn- gram Which, Will g�arAn�to -c GaIlIblUth. and, Dr. and, Mxs�, Val. ''A 1�� averse �% ; z�� e f at DashwoQd the longest ever to j be taWn by of clothing, oitc� left oil :the tralar, on from across the Province re- rut0a. T at WiTirl, era -a more equi%ble'share, of the This is the erid: of the scheduled" Huron County 4-H menibors, Those who lost swpatory or coats ported last nwnth, at 46 jWdor 16 and 1 nauora inwnle. -1pres1t, Ranger Peg on, '10), A Mol*wn calling for aba.ng The tW10 colApiles lea by plane .4$1 the train ft'AVea'led from Qod' the trwn may obtain then M camps set up by Twolve. Ontario cqunt!Qg were ealhAv Y:u� topm jerii.oh to Deftolt, Mach,, and. b om g the Depg t1le,04tario I % ing-meth(, Sky 4* sactin rtnent of �epartmept of Lands represented at this eqnferenco -Q�f parRaVLentary Procedure to I , Where Noti describing -4 key paints, from onal F14=,Uolon F Ndg into (1, with making 4 total pf no rW'e$', Agriculture and , deg the h14 1;,omts Xxt4toulln Tsland. They made Coo ale or, nt,Rubber Stamps The highlights, of the top)r were lost articles, Was drafted and will.be submitted on, Ideas and asking' tbat po XpxW4 and Sioux Lookout ii� the: r"gements. to be met there and and the Visit to the Greenfield Village AkboUgh. leaders: MWq=ter*d far north"W%t to pemllwoke OnL to PrWkWlal- FB= UP100- can- new election be held, 'until every taken, to agcxod fishing A pat. I Vention$for MfifiMton! Sibility' of &WerYdng thrOagh gra�niite� were I . , Tied- - and the Henry Ford Museum, some difficulty in keeping such a -the oordered in, advance, Marking Weryone on lane trip was amazed large group together in downtOWU pr uotsparolly pr , on, all farm the present opvernment 11 -as -,been and the day Proved 'to, go off Devic n Canada, by exhaugtod, was pasoed, T-besaime IDS Aly the Abe the Museum and.Dj�.t= everyone made their way he4a ", vacation wtth, forpgt1V qulite 0schedule,, �Jrjge ;il the nuMUer a the historic bad- to the station on 'time and the ano woodexuf1t eduoation,. camp means of dei4Qi%v-y paymento was mODWtion :requestea that the gov- 0 almbra4h, of every description ings situqted in Greenfield V1111age, train reached' the ,CduntY almost d work, releas, again supported, as., a major pro- ernment should uld not be cofisidered 'self!', �Ie was Also. .Sports an back home in time 'From -Greenfield Wlage the Z minutes, ahead Of schedule, Ible ting experieneed Department W. ,elft. Consideration Was given to detfOatedr e=ept on, a direct -vote to opeMi.0 the. project4r for the S gmup went to Briggs Stadium membors on the Way home Seemed sonal for more pressing, dutles prokeictiM for Canadian firmeM of want of confidence and that film shoWing .alt Pioneer Park, mp Pad. to see tbo Now York Yankees, to agree; that it. was Avery Worth- mainly associated I �,O the f1prest Against excessive dumpipg of farm. any member CKE the House of Com, Rayfield 14% night, Sold by defeat the Detroit Ugers jbv,a while one day tour, fire, season. producti; from other countrles,, n�ons should have the right to score'' a 3 to 2. As-, the SCOM This tour Was arranged and Cm- The Turdfm Ranger 15ro&ram jis. A �esolutlon asked the Inter -L RVIng, 'in bills or make motions: Would indicate 'this was a very ducted by Dgve McLean, Travel- increasingly pbpullAr With high proviaeW Pam: Union Council to whlofr. Wplve the expenditure of (jinton News'. -R0004 Interesting g4rhe. iling, P he-'CNR, xdhoo� youths and make rmoromendaitiong as to -the moneys. 11th assenger Agent for It, Cox picnic many more ap- Following the game the gFoup and D. H, Miles, and A. S. Bolton, ;,U.�Jaftono for appointment are r ire- meth'adby Which agricultural allp- The 1958 rnterprovincial Farm went again by bus to the Barlum agriculkpral , representatives for, i(zeiyed, each yeav, than can• pas' part pricas can be paid direct Union Board, Conference ,will be Held July 1 -WW1, fordinner and then m Huron , County, sibly be accepted. Many Juni or to prioducer% held in SaQmtoorm --------------- Rangers, -- have chosen, a. career in • forestry or some life Work akin In Harbour Park :to it I ass ' a direct resale of the' The 11th ,,inial reunion.,of Ltle, A f Varna experience at these summer camps, Nevis of HensallCox c" Was held in Haxibour ews o The pMgram developed after the Pa�k, Goderich, on Saturdby, J* 4e a word, nflialmum 15o latit War. when the DWaxtmeot, opyrbsponout MI%S. X REDDEN _. .,A 20, wltilv,:around, 85 relatives Preis Thuts., July 25*—AIN`CxO, Leg..., coricmyed the idea Q& employing •PhoneHensan 5 eat. ion Memorial Hall, Kirk Str"t, 011b16 Vacafiort School also to! the XAMY fT!end$' who yputU o� 17 or 18 during the sum- . The, spolls, were under -the direc- Clinton, Commencing at 8,30 p. , m.; -hool . was. gave, ift$, of rAbney, To the par. ------ --- A vac4dm Bibae s, mer VaoaUon to supplerjftem� the t&M of Ede Cox, Jim Cox and. 15 regular games,for $5.00; three Teaeroiv held, in, the Varna. United ents w1_19 brought children in•teir seasonal forest ranger staff, The miss Irma Kipfer, T6onto, is (Intended for' last week) Austin Harris, andwere, as fol- Special, share -the -wealth. gameg: cars and to an who contributeri project has,grown, _�teadily mpop- $!58 jackpot on 58numbers incluid- vacationing at her home,here. Mr, and Mrs. A. R, Orr spent lows: pre-school, ag% Larry Turn- ed in all share -the -wealth - games;;, Cb=&, Under thO leadership of to, the sWCM Of tbL- School in ulaxity, value and numbers.- Ap- Basil, 35dwards, is ap&146nt in the -weekend. in Hanover.. er, John qbx, Pats� wisei Six 'bo �ne game fpr $25,00, , Ad-, the minisiter, the Rev. T. J. Pitt, aTw -way they say, "Thank YOW'. poante-es serve across the northern St, Mr. and Mrs. Dpna-ld Joynt at- eight is special JQseph?s Hospital, London. years, Ronnie Cox, Julie Cox, mission: regular games for 50c; 1.��Aons were held every'moTn- Awe%ted parts of the ProNdnce.tended the pro�esSjonal golf tour- LTe Mrs. Wayne Smith, Danny And nament at Mtchener-, J ,ra)y COX; eight to ten years,, special games 15c,, 2 for Zc; 6 for'. in g from 9 a, m.. to noon. Their work end training are di- U16' 10- , Larry Pearmn, .John, Cox, Bonnie W-0, There was a, total enTollmei seated by experienoedstaff rnemb- Debible, are Apendlog two weeks Mrs. George Hess is assisting on aho&en They in'Clud _od Cox; teq� to 12 years,, Bobby Pear- Sat, July 2.x—Baking Sale, at. kt Godetich Rink board and visiting with refttives in Seatorth. the staff of. the United Church of 95 e ers and, they receive ce 'Mc- Camp, near Baiffield, son, John Cox, Janet .Harris; 12- Mrs. GaIrdner's home, Bayfield., Pupils of the Varna and Goshen lodgiing in supervised, buildings or Mr. and, Mrs. Clarence 'MM'- Herb L Streifton and fangly�' 14 years, John Cox, Bobby Pear- 3 p. m. Sponsors: St. James os" en ton and J'ackie, spent the .1 1 Unifted, Church. Sunday Schows, Takes Home ftent . camps as well. , as a dailiy Naugh Lucah, are visiting. With Mrs. M. son, Larry Pearson; Middleton. 30 tm and, also a' few children, from the rote of pay. weekend in. Listowel. Sangster. Young ladies, Janet .. Harris., Goderich Pavilion; -Summer Dan-- Bruceflead. and Xkven Churches of Lands and For- 71�e condition & 0. L, Jinks Mr.- and 'Mrs', Gus loath and Ronnie CoK, Jule Cox; young, m0n�, cing Friday Nights, 'Teen Age Re - Newcombe Trophy e;rZ,enMa',6dsi'reercdve to, all Divisaon who is a patient at South Hurm Jimmy, Mr. and Mrs, William John 34-amils, Ronmie Pearson, cord Hop -with Johnny r Re -- and others. f . . Cabaret h bar Brent. Ev- Were L MISS' -o and f.!,&d - offices of the 1�oopital, - Exeter, following two Simpson, Detroit, spent the week- Bruce Harris; married ladies, Bve� ery Saturday, . . et dancing,. The teachers . (Mara Chief end with Mrs. L., Simps - . ' Paul Cross and his Orchestra.. ClarkejMISS Rachel JOhn'StOn, Miss A NW7 i1jeresting event took Department, - has pointed, Out: "It strokes, has greatly improved-. Mrs. J. Helm:*, ,,t on Phylli& Wise., daughter lyn Tamer, Mollie Sunday Midnight dance August 4 Ruth, Clarke, Rev. S. Davison, place on the local greens yesterday is not intended that Junior Forest Miss Amy Laonnit-, London, and Joyce'L L -ton, -were weekend Cox; married'men, Bfil.Cox; Dori- The Pat1,6 now open. 29bi Tivem Fred MaQymont and, Rev. T.J. when the Walter Newcombe: Trio- Rangers should be pampered. Mrs. Dickens, Eketef, visite.d.,with guestq with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence nae Harris., Oliver Wise; kicking P�tt, Assdsting were Miss Donna Py was played for and w0n by Nanutheless the demands, of the Miss Greta Lam over the, week- Reid and famil, y. I the %lipper, Ronnie Pearson, Bobby Hayter, Mrs Robert Tayabir, Mrs. mrs, AW�waws rink,. Goderich, project are'such that all connected end. John Passmore returned home Pearson,, Jbhn, Hark% W4t Webster and' Mrs, Amon svith. three L W'w, plus of 13 and with, the program must give, most C. L.,OJinks who has been ill. Mmday of this his from, a pleas- Follom4ng the pimI6 supper, IE'S Coleman. aggregate of 38, Second' PrIze ser,10us allRnbon to the p-rovision at his home from a 'Stroke was ant visit With hli� daughter$ME Rev. Benstan Cox, acting president, In charge of renreation for jun- mwnt to Mrs. Aillison,& rink, God- of the best potsiMle working and tiken to South Huron Hospital, WgRam McLean,and MrA, conducted the 195$ election. New BROWN Elder, Hamilton. lar and, young peoples classes,'werel, erich, three wing, pius of '12, and camping- conditi6m.. Eketer, on Saturday. ton. is officers" elected were: president, W. T. AcAsh and, Floyd McAsh. aggregate,"off 33; third, AfM The Junior Rangers are quarter- Mr. and, Mrs. W. X Redden , Mirs. Minnie Little, Lone He ting Wa her son ary I vi PA * , 'ith and daughtel, Ray Cox; gecref �treasurer, Es - Mrs. Pitt asslat4l at some of the Duvallo Ank, Wingham, two wins, ored usually 12 to a came. Woodstock, Mr, and Ws. Pete in law Mir.. and Mrs. Edward telle Wise. devational, periods. The lessons plus of 16; aggnegate of 29; fourth, An, eight week programme! will Balfour, TinInly andShayne, Stan- Little and flamily, Marcia , a and Gifts, were, distributed to: oldest DRIVE-IN I work Mrg,:�, 'Bayes' rink, two. w4ns, plus famlliarlz�e the Junior Rangers provIded plenty of practical ,ford,L Spent Sunday With• Mrs; Cherya member present, William Cbx,. and were enjoyed by the pupils. of 14, aggregate of .7. with Departmental operations, Catherine Fledden, Carolyn, Yvonne. and' P=ela Zldlyeloodl; youngest member pres. The local Orange Lodge very . Ait the weekly jitney on Tuesday bush'lore, land, water and, work Miss Betty Mickle and Miss Alkenhead, Kippen, are n n emit, Rodney -Elgin Cox; largi; ..,,CLINTON Mrs. Caryl Draper was %-Cety, camp stanitation, and a host Jean Courner,. .Ottawa, left Sun- this week visit mtivegs It 'All ng with cfan­dW - piesenti family of M -b. kindly placed their lodge -rooms at evening, L t - disposal of one of the larger first for the ladiels; Mrs. Bea of other aspeats, off outdoor, life, day" by plane for �BenniiAda where 1&, and MrO- WlUlam • 1_b'09ala Raymond Craw1bird, London; com- THURSDAY and FRIDAY hDetroit, Micli. classes,. On the closing, wornifig Boveo, secpnie, Men, Budd Soyer, conservation and forest protection,. they wall s¢ lid a, weeks vacation JUly. ?,5 and 26 ing longest distance, Mr. and Mrs. 1w -cream was served to, all prey= first; Harry" Sturdy, second. at -the Babow Beach Club. Sliss Betty Mickle, Toronto, Eric Cox, Chatbam; most recently 11THAT'CERTAIN FEELING"' spent last week holidaying with ent. Thanks are due to the Varna Kindly note: jitneys! will, sftart I an' I IM, JOynt lefit her parents and family, and is malTied couple, Ntr. and Mrs, John (Colour) and - Goshen WA's and - Young promptly at eight o'clock Tues- Gunner - ThomasonS..dy to spend. ab week's vacation spending tt& week with Miss Jean Watson, Bayfield. Bob. Hope,. ---Elva Mario. Saint., Peoples Union. for 'donat4ons and day evening,, July 30, with the Partner's brother and 4Z*,ourner, Ottawa, and Miss Virgin- (Tivo, Cgortoon6) Mr, and MTs. Carey aa, Scroggins, Galt, at the latiter's Joynt at Beth Completes. Two lehom, Pa., summer home at Bruce Beach. SATURDAY and MONDAY' 1r, 11d, ten- year Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle, Miss July ?17 and 29 .�S■ Year Army Course old dauWAer of Mr. and Mrs. W11. Betty Mlckle� Charles; ' Bob and, Ann spent Sunday in Ridgetown, Scout "THEMAN ;V�HO. KNEW. UM 'Po-morzow, Gunner R. G. liam. Aiken -head, will undergo eye v%6;ng the foormer's, mother, Mrs L TOO MUCH" surgery 1n ii"JOna Hospital Over GeDoge T Mickle, Mrs Frank mertime - TOYS )' the weekeri& I and (Colour) Thomag*A' (fformerly of Ci'nfbon Mickle and Mrs, Charles H.' will, be one of Canada's 32 young- ilimes - Stewart Doris Day KEEP THE CHILDREN COOL WITH A, exit and keenest , soldieTs, when his Ross Nnlw, together with the Rhodes, Toledo, Ohio. Cub (Cartoon) class of soldier apprentices stage ,toffs Tuckey Bev.&ages, Exeter, * Sgt. John Seem, Mrs. Beer, David — BACK *YARD -MVINIVING POOL their. ceremoyftal graduation par- flow to 00veland, Ohio, Sunday and Johnny, RCAF Station Cent- Church Service, Sunday, July 28', b - xalla, Mr.- and Mrs.. George Beer News -0amp, 9-hido, Manitoba. and attended the balli game , e- 8.00 p.m.-4Rev. A. McKim ade ait twoen the, Cleveland livtians and and Linda Lee, HensaA; Mr., and Gnr. Thomason has. been, ap- Alm. Jack Timey, Dwayne, Xaren!, memibers of 1th6 Clinton Roy?,. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY W)WINGFROOLS pTenticed for two years at the the Boston Red Sox. Joan and Carol,' Hay, are vaca- Scout tro are planning a week- JvJy 30 and 31 'an School Mm, X�4th Lindsay, who has. tiorAng at Schade View, near Turn- 11AS'LONG AS THEYRE' with One, ,Two and Three Royal. Ca-n�& of Art end iour to, Algonquin Park, rfn�_ inflated rings ............ 3.95, 5.95, 6.95, 9.95 Sgry. Since 1955 h6 -has been been v!�Itingwdthh her parents, Mr,. bull's. der the, leadership of Scoutmaster HAPPY" gettdiig two years high school. in- and -Mrs. John Henderson returned Browtit They wily leave L Rigid Pool with Metal Frame struction along with military and on Sunday to Napanee with her and Seats' ...... 12.95 trades.. training. Now he will pro- husband who spent the week d # town on Friday, August 2, and Diana, Dors -- Gene Carson ......... ...... I en V5 &"% 0eed with the others tow,-trd§, 'here. Miss, Jean. Henderson return- August (Two Cartoons) Rrayoodrich w"uBireeretumis. onnee'dtontbacayrecrulit' two 'AQUA MAT for the beach or water ............ 7.95 NCO,s :or . officers rank. ed home with them and will stay , i more drivers, with . thew cars, to LIFE .BELT for the tiny tots ........... 79c' for a month. RICK YOUR TIRE- helo transport t1wboys and their Box Office. Qpens,; 8,00 pmb- .98C -.00 F -ICK YOUR PiVICE will undertake FIRST SHOW AT DUSK SPLIT RING with fancy decorations ..:� ........ Band Priz6s gear. The Scouts SAND PAILS and SHOVELS in Rubber, In connection with the Ontario to pay for all expenses, including TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY. 25c to 69c SEABREEZE Bean Festival here on, Labour Day food, gasoline, etc. All, that is Plqsti.c or. Metal ............ sponsored 'by Hensall Xinsmen, NEW TIRk SALE needed is a car, a.driver, and the -Children Under 12 SNORKEL for fun in the water 1.19 prizes for the besit ben& in the DEFIANCE 9S Volunteer should bring -along a In Cars—FREE band competkion will be! awarded,. Voon, knife. and, fork. 7bat's all. - - - - - - - - - SWIMM646 GOGGLES ........ ... 2Sc and 39c Record Players .1 6.00-16 $1311 SAIL BOATS , .............. ....... 79c - 95c .6 1.75 First prize, $150; 'second *109.; MECHANICAL BOATS .... 39c - S9c - 1.79 - 1.98 F& -Home -Entertainment, or third .$50, Any ban&, Who have PI., y­­.CqPPdb14 14. Music at the Cottage not ,been contacted and are in '$V5 ter6sted are asked to send, their 6.70-15... This Summer. entries toi Robert 1�edburn, Hensall. 71.0,-15 ... $19-50 A Bingo Winners ALL PRICES QUOTED Wifinners of the Legion Ringo on WITKt'RADE-IN Life. M,cE"wan s Saturday last week were: Mrs,- I b. - q V TIRES Safety -S Savor: B. Baker Sr.; 'Paul Bloa. (2); Chris- GIfT nand STATIONERY STORE ta.'na WilklinAon, (2), Bob, Baker, I TIRE 6.70-15 6.70-15 Sr. (2); Mrs. Orville Sm'lhj, W�,, Regura (2) 22.95143 25 Claientce, held; Sim Roob Pace Mrs. Roy, Smale (2)L; Mrs. Wes, - - - - - - - - - - -Venner. Door, prize of, $5 Was - won by Mm. Reichert. F, TIRE 6.70-1516,70-15 G UIL L CONTEST Span"redby K 1.1. It N SMEN CLUB OF CL INTOA 'rickets: $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00 Patterson vs.' Jackson Heavyweight Championship Inght My 2% 1957 rP1cXF.T8 MAY tr, PVA6HASED PROM .ANY XWMEN It r 1 2 1 A —I- Unbeatable - value! Powerful ampliflar and full range sVeaker,61it*damqzing tonal qual- ity. Four. speedsf. Plays a)l sizes 6rl` rwm,&. Tut4h-over eart2idge with ]two sa0phire needlos;4 Pop-up 40 for Five. Years .......... *&k1tal See the Above Model and All 6thcr Seobreeto Models at 0 DOLL UP YOUR PRINTING Let us plan ottrtidtive, eye-totching printed material for youl 0. �Lov/ Cost, m5al'� rte ' ku-ricz- s " shone 1W 24021 C Inton, News -Record .............. ............ 01 Lloyd Butler •- White)ftose'Proilucts P14ONt'o V�m CLINTON HU 1-9011, ONT, • B R AK E� p Sl R Y' 7p Don't ride around on a "hope and a prayer." Fie -sure your Car Can stop quickly When heces-. sary, Let us check, adjuust and reline your brakes today) Good brakes are vital to safety; We use only the finest materials, and gUaedh- fee out workmanship, LORNE BROWN V OTORS LTD: Your Friendly CHtV.-OLDS. Dealer Hunter 2-0321 .4 -14 CLINTON Open Evenings for your Conveni,�nce