HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-07-25, Page 7jock SCRUTON YOUR Cities Service CITIES SERVICE Distributor Phone HU 2-9653 0 Budget Plan Available At No Extra Cost 0 "The Home of Good Clean Fuels" See Your Neighbourhood CITIES SERVICE DEALER CARL CANTELON Before You Go Let us inspect your car thoroughly for possible trouble spots, engine, fan belt, tires, tubes, etc., BEFORE you_go on your vacation. No obligation, drop in anytime. Cantelon's Service Station Corner Mary and King Streets CARL CANTELON, Proprietor Phone HU .2-9032 Clinton eeeeeeeeeeeee,:ee-eoeemeeeeeee:eeeeeeeeemeeeeee Only PFAFF has the AUTOMATIC TWINS free arm or flat bed wide range of beautifully designed cabinets, iee MINTON NEW$41KORD PO SIN' ma ready to heard the brain for the 4-ee Club tour, last Week. are Ma to right, rear), Ray Henan, Paul Murray and Terry Ryan, all of Duiblin; front, Billy Ryan, • Dublin; Bill Shaddick, 1.4,1;tlesbere; Bill Black, Clinton, PORTER'S HILL Correspondent MRS. DON HARRIS Phone Clinton 1117 2-3362" Hapoy 4,11 Club Members MasseOlarripferguson .Buys Big 'English Firmi. UV WA 1VIDETS The July meeting of the Wom- an's Association of Grace Church, was held on Thursday last in the church basement. The president, Mrs. A, Lockhart opened the meet- ing and Mrs. Wilmer Harrison led in prayer. Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Gordon- Man- ning. Rol call was answered by 15: ladies by naming,. "Your Fav- ourite Picnic Sport," Plans were made: for catering for a wedding to be held the early part of August. The ladies accepted an invitation to hold the August meeting at the summer wondering . • • what's your best bu Mr,and. Mrs, P. Cleriveatt eeent the weelrepd tit Port Credit, Mr, end. M. .Relhcrst paarrnple 'Were in.'.1-.1arniilton on Monday, Mr, and lYfrs,„ Joe Riley visited fdenKIS W100451teck on Sunday, Mi Mary „Allen had a minor oleenattien in Lowden. as Week, and is elonvelescing. • •Qver 24 ladies of the Elrucefield. vicinity .enjoyed .a bus trip to 1\11.- -Wira Wednesday,. • Mrs. J. Cairns, Mrs. William • DOUglIaS, (Kr, and Mrs. L. Eyre, 4re, visiting in Miceegee this ewe. Mr. arid Mts. Dame Lawson tete-ended the Coleman PiCilie apt Seaforth 141c..Pns park on SatorclaV, Mr. and Mgs. B. F. Warren,. 0$ OMNI NOM NMI. liyhda and Helen) 1,eendere, Kip* Sunday with the ilatter'e. ,parents, Mx, and Mrs. Earl tawsop, Miss lies. liriolwx.t, R, N. '.Guelph and Mr. .and ;go WPM?, OA,11;QIVer, Spent last Monday vistit.. 'tog Mr, and Mrs. Eorden Brown‘ and Mrs, Ames: Atwood and itaray and Mr. and Mrs. Charles DetlancY, WITalAor, visited Mr. and Mrs. -Robert Grimoldby on -Satur- day. Mr, and Mrs, cflaire Hall and sons, Morris and Rill, Yale, Midas, Mrs, Bruce Zylegereiy, Bey:field, were guests of the Misses Kath- leen awl Marie Elliott inst week. Mr'. and WS. Stewart Baird, Orrin and 'Gepalcl,„ spent ,Sunday in Clairo, Mich., with Mrs. Baird's eieter lVfes,-Love. Orrin and Ger- ald remained for a few days visit. Miss Karen and Master Richard Munn, Kitchener; • Miss Kathy Petroba, have been visit- ing last week with their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. V. Pin- Mr. and Mrs..- Simon McKenzie received :Word. on Sunday that a friend, a Mr. McKenzie hi Sit. Thomas, had dropped dead while operating the binder on his far on Saturday._ • • . Mt, -and .Mrs, William Paterson., Montreal; Mr, and -Mrs. A,, And- erson and daughter Ina • Toronto, ePent the weekend witl!i‘ Mr. and Mrs. Alex'Patereon and Mr. and Mrs.. Rcieal Patterson. The C. G. 1, T. girls, namely Miss Janet Henderson. Barbara Henderson, Suanne Haugh , and Sustan Arnold,- Toronto, are camp- ing at the Unified' Church Camp north of .Giode4ch, this week. Barry Balwin, St, Thomas; Rob- exit Turner,, Zurich; We, Percy Robinsion, and 'Can:fly, Aylmer; Mrs. Blopehe Baldwin„ and family, St. Thomas', were weekend gueets With Mr, and Mrs. Victor-. Har-, Moon 'Cour, y Farmin .eport (sy, $, :Balton;,. Rotstaut ate" riemtuxai romsontative of Tor-- ,colvat.y.) During the past week, iMately one-third .of -.the Wheat =op in' the eotuxtly art With the .binder and Many of the -farm- erS plan to ithraOt this wheat this •week, .operations have been almost completed, - With the .sunshine' and .adequate moisture supply the manly heve made rapid _erowth, Last Wednesday a rather .seripliai • ,outbreak Of .arrnorworm was re- ported in e corn field ih_;11(koltillop Township, The owner of this part; War field PiKig, to spray the arrnyworms, Corn Is a crop which Will make a. remarkable recovery from, the type of damage clone by armyworna or by storms. Bees Swarmed. At Sehwahn Rome (By our Mensal] Correspondent) Gordon Schwalm, village court- cillor, noticed a swarm of bees. flying around his home which land- ed. in an _apple tree, He got in touch with George Smale, Heneall- aPieriatt, Who set a bee hive Wider the tree and left it for a few houm The queen bee was seen Moving into the hive follewed.by the bees, Mr, Smile removed-the hive later, geeaves. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mason, Wind- sor; Mr. and Mrs. Stewart -Knox, Sarnia, atitended the Wilson ree union over the weekend. Mrs. Lorne Wilson and Mrs.. Hamilton, Auburn, • reltiurned- home with them fora shprt Mrs. Robert Johnston, ' Grand'_ Valley, spent ,Wednesday and Thursday with their parents, Mr. and - Mrst. James lVfedd. Master Bruce Johnston and David lVfedd, who spent • the past week here Brave returned borne. cottage of Mre, Meson Cox. Dur- ing the afternoon a quilt was quilted. New Officers The Parsonage Board commit- tee from .Porter's' Hill met with the Committee from Bayfield last Thursday evening: The new of- floors -1'0r tie% year are:. chairman, Austin Harris; secretary, Mrs. J. Lindsey; treasurer, Mrs. J. Scotch- mer, It was decided tit buy a few articles for the parsonage and also to hold a supper in Bayfield on August 5. Lunch was enjoyed. Rev, Peacock closed the meeting with a prayer. • Community Club The - Porter's Hill Community Club held its meeting on Wednes- day, evenieg at the hotne of Mrs. Williaan (lox.. The president, Mr's. Gorden Manning was - in pharge of the meeting, which opened with "Ilhe. Lord's Prayer.". Secretary and treasurer's reports .were given and. correspondence read. Roll call was answered with the payment of fees. The various committees re- ported.) The next meetieg in October will be held at the home of Mrs. Keith Cox. Tickets' were sold on a mystery prize and won by Mrs. Donald Harrison. Various- contests were conducted by Mrs. Roy Cox. 0 Highways Dept. to Assist With'Lions Park at Seaforth Seaforth Lions Park committee, has been informed by the Dep- artment of Highways officials that work will sleet immediately en the coast action of eneW steps leading to the park and a new en- trance. Additional work will entail face- lifting the grounds immediately in-front of the park where some trees will be removed and replac- ed. A gradual slope will be mede to the edge of Silver Creek on the park side and ground will be levelled on the noeth side of the road to the east of the park. Main entrance to the park will be moved to the east of the park cottage, eliminating a dangerous condition created when the high, way level was changed last year News.of Brucefield .; i. esponaents. r. WRAY iflwae Clinton 111)' 24072 or Setetortb, 659r22 Massey-- Harris Fergliaen secencl largest maker of farm .nra,- chine* has .offered tr, talw,.ever al' Of Standard Motor •COmpany 1,itd., it has been ,annionMedi by Lord -Tedder, Chairman of Stand- ands, which Is a, large British mot, or car and tractor maracfacturer, Massey., now owns .5,0901,0Il4 rod- .inae^ shares of Standard and has offered to acquire all the remain- tag 22,4 1,750 shares at a cost expected to be about $25,000,000,. „Att Coventry, England, Standard . has the. largest )tractor plant in the world, 'capable Of making. a- bout 100,000 tractors a year, 'and at present turning out .375 tract- ors a day. In the past 18 months Standard has invested4 V2 mil lion pounds in new plant and equipment to manufacture the new. Ferguson '35' tractor. As. wall as' being the largest, Standard tractor Plant -is :the Most modern ,cquaprnent to produce A high quality tractor at a low men- nfacIfierting nest, Lord Tedder .said that under his Chairmanship Standard would remain as a separate corporate entity with its existing board and the addition of Massey-Harris- ForgusOn representation, W, E Phifts, -cbairnan of Massey Harrison - '"X•i,•guson 1444 said that the objective is>w 041141141g .$tandard Motor is to lower costs of operation by controlling ..the nani,lifaeiinring and also to obtain increased facilities for the long range outlook. LET YOUR CAR ENJOY THE TRIP TOO eeieeeeneeceeee =ARS: J:Va, 31,3X: .21 19M IIIIONE 329 IIMEMISTON. PFAFF, naturally... the best you can bu $129.00 Saco 1861 do byword for qualify and cIopondobility HEAD OFFICE: 243$ DUNCAN ROAD, MONTREAL Pfaff Sewing Machines ow Said and serviced only at genuine sewing centres Whose trained pertonnel devote all their skill to PFAFF alone. Consul your local telephone directory for the Pfaff Sewing Centre nearest you. PFAFF SEWING CENTRE Collie and see us at the Goderieh Trade Fair — Aughst14 to 11 F Bayfield Re Community. WEDNESDAY -Lions C Centre A Club N Grounds, ioth D. , JULY Bayfield DRAW Annual 31 TABLE TRI-LIGHT ELECTRIC BIG LAMP DRAW ri.00xt CLOCK at ii LAMP T.V. PAIR BATHROOM p.m. for , 220 LAMP BED LAMPS SCALES • FINE LUNCH IRONING BARBEQUE PRIZES COOLER, BOARD Mitre COWES PERCOLATOR warn BARROW STEAM IRON 2 LAWN CHAIRS ELECTRIC KETTLE LAWN CART ELECTRIC CORN POPPER VISAING TACKLE KIT Tiekets: 25 cants each or 5 for' $1.00, Available at Grounds ALSO THREE VALUABLE GATE EGG SERVING SWIVEL on Night PRIZES CART LIAR STOOL SERVING SET of Frolic 404, . FREE RIDES FOR CHILDREN on RCAF strition ...-. - ainton ..... BIG BINGO GAME Merry-Go-Round Donated by TRUMPET BAND GAMES of SKILL Weston Bread Co. In Attendance PONY RIDES Men's Ball GameE ) ocTEAms) ila.t FIREWORKS ADMISSIONf Adults, 25c; CHILVZ5N Pk Proceeds for Soyfield Lions Community Work - Others may match Pfaff in price, but none can match Pfaff quality! It's the, world's first fully automatic sewing machine-,- the most advanCed—with thousands of built-in stitches at your fingertips. No disks or extra attachments to buy—you an save up to $360 when you choose a Pfaff! When you buy a Pfaff you buy the best ... and you can get a genuine Pfaff straight . stitching sewing• machine with -Pfaff's lifetime guarantee, for as little as CLINTON WRITE UOX 260 '