HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-07-25, Page 6nem spt
'THURSDAY, auLX 2 : 3,9i5 F
News of Bayf:ield
19515 Ontario c hannpIOn RUra1 • Qorrespondient
Miss Helens 'McLeod, Loden,
was hoarse over the weekend.
Mins! E. Logant, London, is :a
!guest att the home o Mr, and
sass, George Litbtle,
Mr. ,and Mrs, Dalton Smith and
Janet, London, occupied their cot-
tage for the weekend..
The BaYlfiei,d Lions Olin mem-
bers are mak4ng plans for their
annual frolic on July 31,
Miss Kathleen Read returned to
Windsor on Sunday after spending
week with her Mother.
The Rev. and Mrs. F. H. Paula
arc At their home in the village
for a few days this week.
4.11514. R! G: Pinter repined to
the village the end 01 last week
after a. trip to Victoria, B, a
Mrs, John! Hayman and ,three
children," " Belleville, arrived on
Sunday to visit with Mr. and Mrs.
Wth in,
A Mtn, B. BA JOhrns etrY SOH Site:
';IVfatie, aliwa the .end• of lastt
Week to occupy her home .on Lou-
isa Street.
Mr, and: Mrs. A, H. Ledbetter,
Mount ,Pleasant, Mich.., were the
guests of Miss C. P. Rankin from
Saturday .until: Monday.
Milton .O'Neill, Windsor, came Toronto,
daslt week to visit his daughter,
Mrs, GordonSicotohmer and fam-
ily, Blue Water Highway.
Mr. and Mrs. Baan Candela,
Larry and Karen are guests of
Mrs. Candela's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Axrtbuur L. Brisson.
'Mr. and Mrs. Harold Simpson
and three children, Sandra, Cathy
and. Jackie, London, spent Friday
with Mrs. J. Cluff and Pamily.
Mr. and Mrs, Robert .McEwen,
Miss+ Susan •MoEwen and friend's,
Byron, were at "The Cedars" for
the weekends.
Mr. and Mrs .Witl4iam E. Parker
returned home on .Sunda even-
ting from a anloltk r trip to Northern
3illia higan, hoarse via. the Sault, and
Northern Ontario,
Mr. and Mrs. Jrannes Robinson,
Brenda, Jimmy and Linda, Clear-
water, Fierida, were guess of the
former's. mother, Mrs. W. H. Rob-
inson, for a week.
Mies D, M. Beattie, Hamilton,
sister of Bishep Beattie of Court-
enay Diocese, was the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. r •1 'Sitewarlt for a
few days last week.
Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Butler and
daughter Lain, Mitffli-nlburg, Pa:,
`came on July 14 to spend' a fort -
right with his ;parents, Mr: and
112rs. Myron Butler.
Mrs. W. M. Puxves, Birrning- •
ham, Mich., is at hoer cottage; Her
guests recently were Mr. and Mrs.
J. Ingeld, Birmingham, and Mrs.
R. Graham, Windsor.
,Mr, and Mrs. William; Barber
and fami9pr, St Thoanas. , are vaoa.,
tioning at their cottage, With
/them ever ,the weekend were Red
Ituhl :and three sons', St, 'Thanes,
misses 1Vt. Hodgin4' and X, Macy
domald returned to the form 's
Oottage, "Stomehavenf' off, Friday
after having spent .a few' days in
Mrs, Thomas Mon and two
cnhfklren, Tommy and Chris, came
ort! Monday to spend the suammeor
with, her parents? 1V.(r, and Mrs. E,
I_ Bauer, . I Kart)»,
t1VI1. and Mrs. R. Torbert .and roar
children returned 4o An'i Arbor,
¥ioh., after spending three weed
at their cottage erected this spring
an Basrield! Terrace, • .
Harold MUM, Sarnia, who was
l'We' quo Saturday, ryas called back
on Monday owing to the serious
3llxness of his uncle, Harold King..
He returned to Sarnia on Tuesday.
Mr. and• Mrs. William, Stewart,
Windsor, are holidaying at Mars-
ville. Their guests this week are
Mr. and 1VIrs. William Fleming,
Mr, and Mrs. Douglas H. Weeks,
Janet and Gordon, St, Catherines,
visited their aunt and uncle, Mr,
and Mrs. R. Roy F itzimons! on
Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Stephenson;
Miss Barbara Stephenson, Toronto,
and Ada Bingley, Detroit, are at
their home on Ave Street 'for
the summer.
1VA'. and Mrs. Don Mathews, Lon-
don, visited her mother over the
weekend. Also a weekend guest
guest, act the Aibbaoii Hostel was
Mrs. L. Truitt, Royal Oak, Mich,
Mr. and •Mrs. W. Van Russel
and two children, Toronto, were
the guests of her sister, < Mrs. J.
Harrington and family from Wed-
nesday' to Satturtday.
William Feist left on Monday
to visit in Str-eetsville and Port
Credit, afiter having been' with
his daughter, Mrs. H. Harrington
and family from Tuesday.
Miss. J. R Howard, Miss Marg-
aret Howard and Miss Anne
Dxlouin left on Monday to visit
lthe foianer'S sister, Mrs. H. G. E.
Crosby, Mooretown, for as few
Mrs. Hugh McPherson and dao-
gknter Nancy, Toronto are visiting
her father, James A. Cameron and
Mrs. Cameron. Hugh McPherson
Was also- with them from Friday
until. Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles.Harrison
Four 'Teen Agers
Hurt When. Car
Crashes Tree
(By our Bayfield Correspondent)
Figur teen-agers' were Jana, two
of thein severely, whexx their car
Plowed into a 'tr'ee off Highway
2i. a mile south of Bayfield about
4 a, na. .on Sunday, Juicy 21.
The driver Glent Jacklin, RR, 2,
B1ueya1e, who is suffering severe
head injuries and Jbe Mero, Sea-
forth who is under treatment for
fractures to his right aim, ..left
Reg and shock, are in Most serious
'Ilwo other passengers, Marjorie
O'Reilly and Keith; 1enwiess of
Dublin are in ,fair condition Miss,
O'ReWy surfers a fractured rigd;•tt
knee and concussion and Mr. Dens
wiess; a fractured pelvis,
Preirineilat• PO1ice Con'stable Ross
Bae is investigating,
A Better Wash in Every Way • with the
Modern Automatic Washing's Newest Achievement
Brings You Cleaner Clothes and Lower
Operating Cost.
The Westinghouse Eaundiomat
Automatic Washer
With its excluslv'o Revolving ,,AAgitator ,has the .Most complete,
thorough; .WasIthig-Tinting action of ,any washer . 4 . and still
costs less to epern,te.
it uses 'half the detergent needed by other washers ., .
up to ten lgallons less water %ven wheal washing a full 9-1b.
load r. r. , and does this without re -using cold, ;ditty 'Wash or
rinse water.
Also see the 'Westinghouse Clothes.Uryer at
Clinton Electrk Shop
'Your Westinghouse Dealer"
ALBERT ST. b. W. COrniSlay Prop. CLINTON'
Mrs, G. E. McCwllaugh is visit-
ing in Warton with Mr. and Mrs,
H. E. 1Vlorphey,
!Mrs, E, -•J`, Trewartha spent a
few days last week with her sister`
Mrs. C, Bennett, Goderich.
Mt and Mrs. George Mi,'t;chel1
and NancY, Haaniltton, were visit-
ors over the weekend with `Mx,
and Mrs. Harry Williams.
Misses Marion! and Shirley
Docking, Staffa, returned home
after spending a vacation with
their grandparents; Mr, and Mrs.
Bert Lobb and cousins, Marie and
Joanne Labb.
returned to. Sarnia on Monday
after having been the guests of
the former's brother the Rev. E.
J. B. Harrison, at the rectory for
a week.
Mr. and Mars. Keith Leonard,
Ray, Linda, Sonya, Cheryl:' • and
Mavis, Rldchtvale, arrived! Friday
night to spend this week with
Mrs. Leonard's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. 4. Featherston.
Miss Marion Hart returned to
Detroit last week after having
spent a vacation wroth her mother
and sister, Mrs. E. N. Haat and
Miss Dorothy Hart, Reg.N., a't
their cottager.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Campbell
and children; Gathering,, Mary and
Jane, are occupying one of the
McConkey cottages for the' sum-
mer. Mrs. W. Sharp, Ottawa, is
with thein this week. •
Mr. and Mrs. T. Wright, Dettroitt,
visited his uncle, L. H. D. .Ma;e-
1 eod, recently. Also guests of
Mr. and Mrs. MacLeod were Mr.
and Mrs. J. Miller, Grosse Pointe,
Mich:, for a niglut.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MacLeod
and four children, Kingsville, oc-
cupied a cabin at the New Ritz
Hotel from Sunday until Tuesday
while visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. H.
D. MatcLdod, and Mrs. J. McLeod
and family.
On Friday evening, Miss Ruth
E. Hayman entertained act a joint
birthday party for the Archer
family at "The Little Innn". Each
birthday was reanenybered and St
was also in the nature of a wel-
coming home party.
Mr, and Mrs. 1r12onty Lovett and
three children, St. Thomas; Mr.
and Mrs. Don Gray and baby,
London, occupied §cotchmer,,ab-
ins; last week;; also there over the
weekend were Ronnie Bust, Lan-
don; Don Coutts and three sons;
Mrs., Litay'd Westlake. and baibiy
Stops Grain.
Insects.For A
Whole Year
Spray Bins With
BIN ' No
to kill insects TREAT
in cracks anal
crevices. .°
Treat new grain with
' Mixers easily with 'new
grain as it is binned-yprp;
tem 3,t from grtain insefcttS
for a whale year without
e fife:Sing milling, feed or
seed value.
,It casts about 20 a bash -
el to use 13IN TREIA`1.' and
GAMIN GUARD—less than
alt does to fumigate.
Machine Shop
'Phone HUnfer 2-9613
Usk. Young Farmers Visit Here
Seeing Canada for the first time, four young British farmers
get a ;panoramic view of Toronto from the city's highesst vantage
'point -the observation, gallery of Imperial Oil's new exeeittive
offie:e building.. Members of Young Farm Orilla In England
and Wales,. • they are touring Ontario a3 part of a. six-week
exchange progrenv for yaturg• SrntiM and Canadian farmers.
Fran left they are, Jim Barbara, Yorkshire; Mary Busby, Who.
wi'ekshire; Tony Evans, Essex, and Iona Morris, Cardiff, Wales.
During their visit, they are the guests of the Jt nior Farmers'
Association of Ontario .and the Ontario Department of ,Agric-
Oh you can imagine oar glee and
When we went to the beach and
' found the new treasure
For there before us all shiny and
Were fine sturdy stepsand .a
platform too,
Arailiing, was built and the nails
are all gone
New all the bathers sing a new
A. song -of joy and praise- for the
Because steps .are fixed sell the
way down. •
rt certainly is nice to see that
yea care
And all the clottagere think you're
:real fair .
For qui'c1s1y and quietly you heed-
ed our -cry
Oiur rn amnries for Bayfield will
never die!
Sb our thanks ,go out to those
took part
Who fixed the stairs to lootk so
For ilei no one can tumble and
Thanks for answering the bathers'
Catherine Ann returned from
Clinton Public Hospital on Tues-
day of last week to the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Malcom
Towns. Corporal Lloyd Westlake,
OPP, Kitchener, .is spending his
holidays With his wilfe and family.
Recent visitors with Mrs. A. B.
Gardiner at her cottage art Bailey
Park were Mr. and Mrs. C. Met-
ters, London; IVlrs, Clara McHenry,
Mass Flora iHingst, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles W. Brooks, Mitchell; Mrs.
De Witt Miller, Dearborn; Mich,;
Bob McHenry, Windsor.
Dr. and Mrs, W. Archer and
four children who have been in
Ragland for three years, arrived
on Thursday and are with Mr. and
Mrs. A, W. Hayman. Mrs. Hay-
man went to Quebec City to meet
her daughter and family. Dr.
Archer has been on Operational
Research' with the Canadian gov-
Mr. and Mrs. Len B. Smith,
London, were with, Mr. and Mrs.
R. Larson over the weekend. Also
with them on Saturd-ay for T. C.
Parker's funeral were: Mr. and,
Mrs. Ed: Rouse, Dorchester; Mr.
and Mrs. • Glen Smith and two
children, London. Glen Smith and
family also returned to visit on
Harold King, Sarnia, was taken
to Clinton Public Hospital .on -
Monday suffering from pneumonia.
Mr. and Mrs. H. King came on
Friday owing to the death of her
father, T. C. Parker. They were
staying with Mr. and Mrs. Feath
erston. Mr. King became dlZ oat
Saturday but is now improving'
Mrs. R. 13 F. Gairdner cele-
brated her birfiday on Wednesday
afternoon, July 17, by entertaining
the Trinity Church Sunday School
pupils in the parish hall. Teachers,
mothers; senior pupils and the
rector, Rev. E. 3. •B. Harrison, as-
sisted in the games and serving
refreshments. It was a gay scene
with paper hats and other favours'.
Dr, and Mrs. Byron Johnson and
four c hiltdren, Erica, Roth, Mark
and Stuart; Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Bond and Larry were the guests
of Mrs. Janson parents, Mr. and
1Vlrsi. H. H. Ormond frown Friday
until Wednesday, They had been
on a cruise around Georfiian Bay
oro Dr. Johnson's yacht, "The Mex=
rymlac", and left for their home
in Ashtabula, Ohio, pn Lake Erie,
Oh Wedniesday motrnang.
Mrs. Jean Fisher and two sons,
John and James, Pensieola,
and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Chtaprfan,
Mark, .Emit and Dale, park Forest,
Ilk, are visiting their another, Mrs.
A. C. Chapman. Also guests f r
a few days were Mrs. Rata Atte
ette and son Al, Cincinnati, Oldie;
.and the Rev. and Mrs. William
Kinser, Martinsville, Va. Frani
the 166. to the 18th of July, Mrs.
Ohapanan entertained 12 guests
from Detroit at a house Pertp,
They all attended the Shakes+pear+
Ian Ft estnvat
River Rockery
Holadayirag• at the River Rockery
C,a+him are; Mx and Mrs. Frank
Jenkins, Thornhill; Mr, and Mie.
FI, A, Johnson and family, Lon-
don; Helen Kersey and .plane
Frieda),, Mr and Mrs, Frank
Thiontss, Stratford; Mr, and IVrrS:,
Rex, 112cGreg?oto Seafortli; Mass
Sharon Cook, Clinton; Mr, and
Mrs, Randall, Montreal; Mr. and
Tilos, Christopher
• (By our Baytiold correspondent)
After being hospitalised for
three weeks, T. Christopher. P'ark-
er, Varna, succuan'bed to a: paral- .
ylti•e sirqgke 1111 .V,Iotox'ia I cyspatal:
on Thursday marring 'J'uly 18,
1957. He tad been in ill health,
for eight months..
The remains rested in the Westt
lake Amoral home, Zurich, and at
T ^inity Chau*.ch Bayfield from
10,30 :P. at, to 2.30 p. at. on Sart-
urday:. The service, which was
largely 'attended, was conducted
by the reotox, the Rev, B. 3', B.
Pell -bearers were Melvin Dad -
son, John E. Howard, Carl Hors -
ton, Hugh Matey,. William Mc-
Doo1, Harald Stinson. Fiiwer-hear-
ens •were .iGaen Smitii, ,Oharles
Parker,: Williaan • Reid, Charles;
Reid, William; Parker Jr., ail
nephews, - , ; t t •
ioderrc .. Township
ter. and Mrs. Fred Middleton
:spent soiree <days last week' at
Manitoulin Deland.
Miss Kathleen McQ1Tat ghtoth.
Landon, slsen' the weekend with
her cousin, Mrs, Fred Middleton,.
Tiltartnent ala' iri Bayfield Union
,lnete'ry. 'Relatives from London,
Sarnia, Dettnoit and Toronto wore
present act the; funeral
"Chris,'' as he was familiarly
known, was the second son of
the late Charles W, Parker and
Catherine Johnston. Ile was born
in Bayfield, July 29, 1884, and
received his edueation there in
Bayfield Public School. and cons
ttifua'tion classes. •
As a.. young man he Went to
North Dakota, and then took up
!land and hmanesiteaded vn Sask-
at>ohetwan at Naitcam. R:ettiring and
returning to this ddatrict, he pur-
chased' a farm on the Parr Line
near Varna, where he has resid.'ed
for nine Years.
On April 7, 1015, he wase mar-
ried to .Miss Alice Christopherson,
who with six daughters, survive. •
The daughters are, Thelma (Mrs •
Arnold Bye, Natcaan, Sask,), Clara
(Mrs. Morris S;cesttt, Varna), Nora
(Mrs. Lloyd Heard, Varna) , Louise
(Mrs. Charles Presher, Naaicam),
Alice (Mrs. H. K. Brandon, Strat-
ford), Beulah (Mrs. Keith, Keys,
Ckflnton)•. He is also survived by
three brothers, Percy, Necoma,
North Dakota; John H. and Wil-
liam .E., Bayfield; five sisters;
Claxla, Mrs. E. A. Featherston;
N argaret, Mr% Rehney Larson,
Bayfield; Louise, Mrs, Harold
King, Sarnia; ,Belle, Mrs. Geiorige
Reid, Varna; Beulah, Mrs. Len
Smith, London.
A paternal aunt and uncle, Mrs.
Mary (Sox, Ninth Dakota and Wil-
liam Parker, Barthel, Sask., and
a maternal uncle, Weilitvgtant
Johnston, Nekoma, North Dakota
also survive.
Some Damage;
Cottages Looted;
Police Investigate
(By our Bayfield Correspondent)
Provincial Police Constable A.
Tremblay and village Constable
Little are investigating a series
:of petty thefts o'cc;umring in four
break-ins at cottages in Bayfield
during last weekend. A consider-
able sum of cash and val.�uable
articles are missing.
Vandals also recently entered
:the recently renovated home of T.
Blackie at Bayfield, and did con-
siderable damage.
None Burt
No one was hurt in a one car
crashon the old portion of High-
ighway 21, near the Jbwett's Grove
ao:tttadge area early Sunday morn-
ing. A'car driven by Barry Fisher,
with two passengers, T. Tillman
and J. Gillespie, left the 'curve,
and struck a tree. The car was
completely wrecked:
Mrs. Earl . Ballantine and family,
A. "Heskdtt and family, London;
Mr. and Mrs. Town Haley, Miss
Barbara, Dungey, aSeaforth.
- Little' Inn
Recent guests registered. at The
Little Inn include: Mr. and Mrs.
,Charles Galsworthy, Detroit; Mr.
and Mrs. S. Lack, Oakville; Mr.
and Mrs. Q. Aust, Bonnie. and
Mary, -Mr. aid Mrs: A. W. Harris,
Major and Mrs. D. Thompson and
Janie, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Sores,
Leslie and Gregory, ,London; Miss
Jraseehine Bibik, Detroit; Miss
Ghardi, Highland Park, Mich.
Miss Jane Myers, Byrpn; is vis-
iting her grapdparenits, Mr. and
Mrs. S. Bryant.
Bishop and Mrs. William, A.
Townshend have returned to Lan-
don after a vacation at their cot-
Bottled by , ,y.
Hamilton Beverage
• Wingham, Ontario
Available at all refreshment
Stands and Grocery Shores.
Phone Wingham 485•
for large deliveries
Used Truck
,153 inch W.B.; complete •
with racks, box & hoist;
ideal grain, cattle truck ,Only 77.1.00
1953 •CHEV. 1/2 TON PICK-UP
Very Clean;ndition Only $790.00
Good co
1949 -'REO 3 -TON Chassis and Cab
Utility Box; Tires Like',
0ly $495.00
New; Good :Motor
uiphy Bros.
Chrysler -- Plymouth -- Fargo
Sales and Service
Huron St. Clinton
Reduced Just in Time for Your Holidays
16 Ft. CEDAR STRIP—New Only $229.50
16 Ft. CEDAR STRIP -New ---64" beam .. , . • $329.50
14 Ft. CEDAR STRIP—Used---Ver. Good ... $49.00
14 Ft. CEDAR STRIP—Used—Good , $129.50
One of Ontario's Finest Excl>tsive Sporting Goods, Stores
mood s;i
Phone IIU 2-9622
C4iit 0
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King Street