HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-07-25, Page 3jimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiifillli111111111111)1111111111111111111111111111M1111111111111111111111111111111111111110111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111goij VIIUPSDAY, XIX 20, 1957. , =MN ,lsIVWS.R=RD PAM/ TIME joint J. Foran - John Jeseph. Foram,: 72, who -died in Vancouver, Sunday, July waa bUried there Tuesday, limn in West Wawanosh townSil* on County, auly 7 1885 b w4 son of the late Wk. .and Mrs. Jezie rnialt an of Beigrave. • About 3.0 . years ego lie jo0n44 the :Terento Police Department; go moved west. :and served as a police officer in Winnipeg and Vaneonver. Upon his rettnement from the Vancouver Pollee Depart, merit low years ago, he was a detective, 3n Vancouver be was a Member of iSt.. Patrick's Amen Catholic 01:Web. SurViving are his widow, the: former Xathieen Keough, whom he married about .27 years ago; three sons, Francis, Seattle,. Wash„ and Tom and at, both of Van,: !power; two bretber$, Miellael, Tor- onto and Thoma, LucknOw; and three sisters, lefts. E. Cronin, Tor- onto, Mrs. Anna KennetlY, Bufeelo, N. ,g„ And Mrs, Join,: McGuire, Clinton, 411010010010110110inoolum lisio000100 11111101111 01111 01110011 HARRY W1LLIANK 944e AS FUEL KIDS wm WHE.HVJEMCLARE DON'T \leZIE> al -TP .1 cue oit..v A HIT/ HARRY WILLIAMS FUEL OIL et*" GASOLINE MOTOR OIL,54.1.11 LUBRICANTS itit .2, (i.INTON (Mut fWg-6188 11.111.100010.0001011111110110}1110111111111111111100 11111011 10101 Mrs. Robert Cole oy, Our Ilengia. Correspondent) Publie funeral service for the late Kro, Eliza Jane Herten Cole, highly esteemed and 01,40t:- ident et ITensall,.were held ftwo the Bran funeral Chapel, Ben- eall, Zaly 1.9,.by the Rev. DOD, Ala MaelDorraltle Camel presby,, ;Wien Church, in ,the .absence Of Rev, a D, Daniel; -'1Ars., Cole died in the Ileywend nursing home, eter, on Only L7in ilex, 9$ -.year. She was born on the boundary of Tuckersmith :and Ilibbert Tow' Ships and made ter home with her son and .tlaughter-in-law, M. and Kra,.Wflhian Cole, Bewail,- :for some years, She was a mem- ber Hensell United Churl Her husband, the 'late Robert Cole passed away in 1937, One son, William ad :grandson Alvan Cole, Crotriaxty, and two great grandchildren StIrViVe. Interment was ftMlerrilagart'Seemetey Mrs. E. 13,, Hill Kre. Frank Agarevvo 11;64 been ixi OollingwoOd attending the fun. .eral „Nay 38, of her siater-0ne laW the late lVfre., a B, Hill, form- erly ainton. Mrs, who was in her $7th, year, -wee tile Wil;TONY fEdwin killed in action at Amiens, .France on August 1918. • She is survived by a family oif •two sons and our .daughtera, By and jeoCollingweod; WOTham Har- oldc Collingwoo.d; Mrs, Earl (Eel - elle) Steep, London; Mrs. Lindsay (Ana) McKean, Fresno, Wife Mrs Owen SEditti) Friend, Oar- awla and leks, Frank (Nellie) Bt ters, Cellingwood, pcipnyifien,women gain: 5, 10, 15 • Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor What a thrall Bony limbs fill out; ugly hol- lows fill up; neck no longer scrawny; body loses half-starved, sickly "bean -pole" look. Thousands who never could gain before are now proud of shapely, healthy-loblcing fig- ures. They thank Ostrex Tonic Tablets, Helps build up body skinny because of poor appe- tite due tp lack,of iron. Improves digestion, nourishment; puts flesh on bare bones. In- creases -pep. "Get -acquainted" size only 4300. Try famous Ostrex for neW pounds, pep, vins, vigor, this very day. At all druggists. CHOOSE YOUR OWN TERMS ON ANY FARM. LOAN over $1500 at TRANS CANADA CREDIT Need extra cash for your farm? Then solve your, financial problem with a loan from Trans Canada Credit. Right DOW Trans Canada Credit is offering special terms on all farm loans above $1,500. Payments cati be spread over as long as two -and - a -half years, and ,can be made in any one of these three ways: i QUARTERLY 2 HALF -YEARLY 3 ANNUALLY - REGULAR LOANS Loans of $1,000 and less are available on Trans Canada Credit's monthly payment ternas. Don't let the lack of ready money prevent you froM buying seed, stock, or any other farm 'requitement. Get the cash you -need at Trans Canada Credit. ' THE ALC -CANADIAN 'LOAN COMPANY TRANS CANADA CREDIT CORPORATION LIMITED TV -16 148 The Square, GorIerich Ontoria Phone 797 Jenkins Family Reunion Staged At Woodland Farm The Zenkinsi reunion was held on Saturday, "fillY -20 at "Wood - 1=4” the beautiful countrY home lvf;, and lefes, Ec11, Jenkine. 1.21 member% of the family were w* corned by the heat and hestese, elated by Oleic Mr and daughter.. Dr, and lVlrs. George Jell - 104S, London, SuPPer was served, on the lawn under the able direction Of Mrs. WWaor.,Ienitins, Clinton, assisted IV'frs. Donald JenkieS, Lrodolli Mire, 4, Bell, Blyth and Mrs, GeOrge Jenkine, London. Table were praeided for the Q+CeaSiert by Millen). Ion -Idris ni Gordon aim - ton. Singing -of grace was ied bY Mrs. Percy Atkinson, 1..ondon, iChecolete milk for the childreP! Was mexvided hy Aesistants with the ice cream were Arnim Andrew, Goderiehl B. Bell and 1Vrait, Driver, After a sumpt- uous repest, Clayton Laithwatte condneted a rousing eing-gong, as- sisted by Sid Smith, M.ichigem officers for the coming year are: president, William Jenkins, Clintoni; first vice-preeicient, Clay- ton LaithvVaite, Goderich; second vice-ppesident, Z Bell, Blytle; sec- retary,. Mrs, N. Forbes, Clinfen; treasurer, Matt, Driver, Gocleriale Sports were under the enthue- %stile leadership of C. Laitnwaite. The younger memberenjoyed a peanut scriamble aa well as races and content. The eldese member present was Mrs. Cora Driver, Goderich Largest faiy, M. and Meg, George Hetherington, Blue - vale; longest forehead, Charles Barker, Goderidi; most recentllv married cOuple, Mr. and Mrs. Colin McMillen, Goderiche birthday, July 20, Miss Dolores Ieithwaite, Wind- sor; 'youngest Child, Rolbert Wise, Clinton, son a Ur. and Mrs. Gee - age Wise; guest ,bopk was super - vied by Misses pien and Melva 330yee, Brumfield, Members of the faihily Were present from Sanderland, London, Toronto, Hamilton( Galt, Leam- ington, Michigan, and surrounding vicinety. Shower Honours , Kippers Bride. Elect, 1% 'Thomson (By our Henson Correspondent) Miis Marion Threnslin, bride - teethe, yeast guest of honour at a miscellaneous shower n Kippen United Church on Thursday even- ing. • A program was enjoYed eon- sisting of vocal solos by Joan Sin- clair and Edith Thomson and eon- teste by Helen 1V1eKay and Dorothy Turner. Marion was seated in a prettily decorated chair in color scheines of pink and white. The address was read b.y Dorothy Turner and the gifts were presented by Helexa McKay and Edna eDeitz. The bride -elect thanked her friends for the beantiful gifts and invited them to her home where she dis- played the bridal trousseau and wedding gifts, A dainty knell was served by the ladies. • Kippen. Lad Hurt By Runaway Car Near Centralia. (By our Hensan Correspondent) Bobby Gridzak 9, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Grklzak, Kippen, •was admitted to South Huron Hospital, Exeter, an Saturday night follow- ing an accident at Centralia. He was x-rayed and, later 'released, sultfering, leg braises. Bobby who was visiting his grandparents, Mr, arid Mrs. Cliff Wiesen, Centralia, was about to enter the house and had the door open when a parked car owned by James. Cronyn, R.R. 1, Clande- boye, rolled down a slight incline, and went over the steps of the house. pinning the youngster be-. tween the doer and the house. O. P. P P Cecil. Gibbons was, the vestigating officer, Used .2 -Pc. • Chesterfiekt Suite Real good condition. Priced real l'ow for quIck sale. The best suite we have had this year. 0 Lawn Furniture Reduced 10% CHAISE LOVNGES (HAIRS TABLES 11141131RELIAW FACTOIM CLEARANCE, on, , • 7 PIECE DINETTE SUITE 80* roam Mahogany as shown in our window. $319 00 Ow. $369.00 — REDUCED TO . .... .. .... Beattie Futititure • -We0ns liesk,—Turnbuil •JoslinoiShobbrook A. pretty summer wedding WaS' SOlerniniZnd nt tbe home QNtr. fir44 Mro. Anktrew Torpfhte,5, Brussels, on. Saturday, -July 20, When their only tiaughter, Flora Jean, Weis: .enited in Marline !to WiIUaan.Douglas..„ fl4 Sen of Kr, and IVIrs, EnlersOn Reek, Lon:des- iboro, Tha bride -chose a WairtZ4e1:101 strapless gioNvn of embroidered White net Over Satin With net (104nee, roaLtelung Were w#41 lay point sleeves and peter pan cellar. A crown .o.(.e pearls and sequins held her veil of silk illusion net and She carried a bouquet of red roes and fern, Mrs: Glen Robinson, sister of the .groone, as matron of honour, wore a strapless goWn of pink net With ealtin bolero and carried bzonze rose% Charlie Turnbull, brother of the bride Was groorns- In At iVfernerial Presbyterian Church, Toronto, Rev,, George • ten .0ff0*te& when Barbara Ruth - Anne Shobbrook .exchanged roar - rine vows with Rebert James • The bride is the daughter of Kr. and Kre, Stanley Shobbroolc, 'remote and granddaughter of Kr, and Urs, J, Wesley ShobrWook, Clinton The groom is the son of frs,.1Vfarprie Jho, Toronto and the late Captain J. Walker JoSlie; randeon of Xre-, .G., JosHin, Orillie. Given in marriage by h.er fathef the bride wore en .ankle length gown of imported .la,ee and net The full skirt of net featured 'a 41..ee panel specked wlith tiny .rhine- stenee, The atrapless bodice ef lane was also -specked with thine - stones and had. a net _Insert eerose the top, The matching lace jacket featured a, peter pan collar and long Sleeves tapering to a point. Her fingertip veil of tulle illusion. was caught to a -tiara of geed pearls and eequins. She carried a cascade bouquet of red sweetheart roses and white "mums, whieb. Was, Wee' tpreeentecl • ix the bride's grandmother. Maid of honour was Miss Shirley Thome,. Eigins Mills and -brides,- maids, were Miss Margaret Sini- son and lVeise Joyce Babcock, Tor- onto gowned alike in ballerina length *mate of powder blue cryst- alette; in their hair they wore email bards of powder blue nylon and earried pink carnations. Flovreigirl was Miss Sandra Me - Kay in pink nylon with white trim, She ware .a head piece .of pink and white rosebuds and carried a basket of pink carnations with yellow halaY 'gnome, iGroomsrrran was Dave Millard and =here were Jerorne McElroy cousin of the bride and Tam Goal, all of Toronto, For a honeymoon trip to Musk - aka the bride wore a pale blue .sheath.! .dress with white wet- soriee and a white gardenia. Receiving at, the Silverthorn Legion Hall, the !bride's mother wore navy blue crepe with white trim, white accessories and a cor- sage of pink rosebuds. She was' assisted' by the groom's mother in pale blue embroidered nylon with whiteaccessories and a cor- sage of pink rosebuds. • The couple 'will reside in Halifax, Nova Scotia where the groom is stationed with the Royal Canadian Navy. man. The bride entered the living - /loam 011 the aren a her father to the strains of wedding music played by her aunt Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull and enoic her place Un- der an arch of Pink and white streamers and beekete of summer flowers. During the signing of the regist- er, Mrs, Rennie Hamelin sang, "Because". The wedding dinner was served in the New American Hate, Brus- sel. The beide'e mother received hi figured yellow terylene, assisted, by the groom's mother, who had chosen pink figured tertylene, Eaoh wore a white carnation cor- sage, For travelling, the bride donned a figured blue dress with aqua duster cleat, white accessories and yellow rose corsage, The happy young couple lett antid showere , of confetti for points moth. On their return they will reside 1 Goderich. Judge Fingland • Overrules Court's Decision. wi1M4Trk Harrold Johnston - wias fined .$10'ean,d costs in County Court nt GodelIth last week when Judge Frank Fingland, Clinton, overruled a decision of magistrate D. E.-: Holmes. The magistrate had- "dismissed :the case on the grounds that the information was laid on a -Sunday," ' James Donnelly had been the lawyer Who had defer-II:led John.' ston, and Contended that there wasno provision in the Act for "information" to be laid on Sun- day. Crown Attorney H. °Glenn Hays, (40, appealed against the decision on behalf of the Attorney General of the Province of Ontario and the appeal ame before .Judge Fing- land .May 31. Judge Fingland reserved deals- ioneuntil last Friday and held the. taking of the information was a minisitexilal act oniy and therefore not invalid by reasons of its hav- ing been done on &inlay, . . you need a vatation from heavy washing and leolting. Why not start today—leave that hot, perspirey job to us: We're equipped to do those pounds and pounds of extra stormier laundry in short o1 - der. „Sanitary plant, good: service. This Week the Lucky is No. 1047 Cheek your Calenoar. If the number matches, take the Calendar to aur office alid dates your $3.00 redit •4444.444-.4+++-44-4 • For Your ,canvenience Use Our • Downtown Office on King Street (fOrrnerly SinipsOns-Seare) Si. Andrew's WMS deet at Home of Mrs, Robert Scott The 'Woolen's Missionary So - 10r of St, Andre Presbyterian Church met at the home of Krs, Robert .Scott on '1.y. irn the absence of the president, IVIrs, George Roberton presided and con- ducted the worship period with Mrs, Dunbar leading in prayer, Mrs. -Scott read the minutes and. the treasurer's statement was given by Km. J. R. Malan% Mrs, D, S, Lane read .an n. forma -aye letter from VrIss, Beat. rlice t$ootta missionary in tile_ Canadian Presbyterian Mission Awidult, India, telling of yotmg people Joining the ohurch and as.X. 4rtg for prayero ,oie the chat in Canada. Many MVP workers have con l0 in which is en occasion for thanks giving and encourage. mat. ."Agitgkihs of people in South Bast -AS14" waa the title of the chapter in the study book given bylVIrs, KO: --Farquhar, Some of them, aware that the old religions are inadequate for: the needs. ot the new day, -wonder if Christ. sanity May not point the way ta a solution of their problems, Um. Makins assisted the host. ess in sewing lunch, DRUG STORES LOOK I Ws the fabulous 11011-1-' The only pen in the world that fills itself by itself moving partsi It's worth a special trip to our store to see this sensational new Parker 611 In ten seconds, the 61 fills itself–from the end opposite the point! Wide choice of Colours. Pencils to match. Parker 0180 from $22,50 to $27,50. Sets from $30 to $40. PARKER "61" Gleaming cap, with matching Pencil.Penfrom$22.50to$27.50. Set from $30.00 to $40.00. See the beautiful Parker 61 today at uNpiloctivi 1 B.PENNEBAKER 2= • SERVICE DRUGGIST 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 E we toe 'em but we can't keep 'em s now at new low prices, all wool, 1izes 35 to 42. Regularly priced to 39.50. SPORT COATS Seeing is believing, see these To Clear from $15 up 4-4e-•-• MEN'S PAM'S Tropical Worsteds a'nd All Wool Worsteds. Size's 28 to 44. Save nip to $8, • from $5.95- up • SPORT SHIRTS -- T-SHIRTS STRAW HATS — SUMMER CAPS. KHAKI SHIRTS for AIRPORCE 6PFICERS. Reg. $5.95 – To Clear at13.95 ea. Better Buys in Boys' Wear SPORT SHIRTS — T-SHIRTS — XEANS 110PALO1tG CASSIDY SUITS — SOCKS 4. SALE ENDS AUGUST OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS Pickett & Campbell Limited MAIN CORNER Phone HU 2.9132 Clintett; •' CLINTON'