HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-07-25, Page 2N
THURSDAY, JULY 25, 7,95?
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Letten to the Ld forClinton0TCLINTON N W THCLINTON NEWS OlrEariv a, water sp afety
a•� of h h`ld
Axxlalgamated 7924
%Ep A
�0.." .0 Fulilisi>ed. Evory Wftursitiay at oiAd wrr,cc 40 Years Ago
a Clinton, Ontario, c�aA Y
:at the Heart of H mon County, Clinton 'Now Era,
' = Populatiooln-.2,$6Ei tifw a. `1%011 '.Caiiusciay, July 260 1911
- 4^++ sPA PERS-.Asso"
p .. pr, Strgn:g has tenden'ed has
4�,::: ,� A Laurie Goighoun, Publisher resination at the Goderich Col -
9 L Q legl'ate, Institute, after h.pmg
'SUBSC'F{,I 'TION RA.T>:S: P.ayab'le in advance --.•Canada and Great Britain-, $3,00 a year; tau ht fliers -for h t 46 ears..
United States and Foreign: $4.00, ,Single Copies Seven Cents g r t e Pas'
A.utthnized as second class mail, Post Office Department,. Ottawa R Oldsters .cannot remember such
a wet suacnm,er pn the past 50 years,
John Mustard is having weigh
THURSDAY, J U I.,Y 25, 1957 scales pun in at Brucefield, with.
_ : _.----+-•, a cement block office. Mr.. Me-
IT'S,T�' A GOODPROJECTKenzie, Clinton has the contract
G `� for the frame work cif the office,
:THE CURRENT PROJECT of the Clinton salesmen to work out from, It's central in the About $200 was: realized' :at a
Branch of the Canadian Legion, in which they second place for the equipment, to b. a shored
garden, party, suint on the• ground's
g of Mr, Madden, The Clinton Kiltie.
are ca-•aperaning with a group of magazine s,aless- here, and it makes for easy distribution. This band was in attendance. Offerings
mien to rause money for sick room equipment, is wellWln''t ibe. enough, however, if there were not are for the Red Cross.
a good project.- Legion members here who were wilding to take When Magtgwxi (Toronto) Moak
This is the third year that the local Legion on the job of administering the year-round plan the credit of .$150 given the Red
has sponsored the sales campaign, and they have Bor purchase, maintenance, and allotmept orf, the " Cross, by the Clinton Knitting
earned over $1,600 for their prodegt. The local equippienit. CompaX1Y, the situation: was in-
Legionnaires are not selfish. about their gains, This is a worthy plan, designed; to help out vestigated by a Mr. Libby, and,
either. The equipment which they have and it those people who are temporarily 11'1 or disabled, after correspondence lasting since
includes hospital beds 'wheelchairs and an invalid wherever they s hive in Huron County. If the last fall, the wrong was righted.
sixi , During a heave' thunder storm
walker, is for the free use of .any people who magazine sales campaign is, suppoaited by those at the '.farm. of Dr-'Gingerich,
need it throughout the county. who are approached', then the Legion) will be Zurich, the hogpen was struck by
In some parts of the county there is db- able to proceed to add to their supply of equip- lightning and burned, to' the
jeation to the campaign, and it appears to have meet. Thus. is necessary, for at .present a)U ground. Neighbours helped, to save
risen, through jeaanusy'of some m,embexis of other equalpanent on hand is. in almost constant use., the large' barn, but nine small
,branches against the Clinton Legioav, This, has That there should be any ,dissatisfaction Pigs perished.
made no difference. to the uhh of the local branch whatever about the campaign, seems unworthy 'Mx•. and Mrs. A. T, Cooper and
to supply equipment to anyone in the county, of the type of people who live in Hution County. Willis were in a car accident lash
even though, , th may be far from Clinton. This is not the kind of spirit which will attract Sunday, when their alto struck
g they loose gravel and turned turtle, in
The reason for the campaign being held people to came here to work and, to live, rhe dutch. Mr. Cooper was able
from here, rather than from, any other spat in We're heartily in favour of the 'Legion's to proceed with hiss day's pilaw
the County is' 'a simple one. Clinton is central. -project, and' hope that many pe'opl'e in Huron of ipresenting, three addresses, it
Ft's central In the county in the first place for will feel the same way about it. Brussels, and the family returned
in the evening to 'town.
THERE'S A TERRIFIC i3OT of coming and be aii out and out mistake,• 4 Clinton News -Record
going in 'the district during the summer months, 0-inton'ss people have not glans to sleep, Thursday, July 28, 1.932
Some Po[Lk think that a small town: goes to They're burning the, candle an both ends, trying J. T. McKnight and son havc
sleep .in the summer. This, fatcn could almost to get all their work dlonne, and. still find time. moved, into the Vocation formerl3
be proved in Clinton, lately, through one line of to travel to. Bayfield, to Goderich, to Seaforth, occupied by Morrish Clothing Co
reasoning. People might ]look down, the last of and to Wing mm, and all points between anal Pork sausage was being offenu
coming events in the paper, and fiord' that if farther away. Summery the time for a holiday, at ten cents a pound; chuck roast:
anything's listed at all it's at -Goderich or at we're told., and we see• people eagerly working of beef, cost 12 cents a poun.d',
Bayfield. hander than ever so they can squeeze in a few hard also for nine cents a paurk
But to decide from this evidence alone' that lvauis; or days away from their jdb `I.n some and pickled -pork mocks for sever
cents a pound an Connell and T'yn•
Clinton has gone to sleep until September would other plaice, dalPs meat market. "
NO ONE WILL. DISPUTE the fact that
"clothes make the man", at least to, the degree
that they make the first impression which very
often - influences an acquaintance to form an.
opinion of good or "bad,
In just that way, first impressions of farm
properties are made,, and, in many cases are last-
ing. Elveryo4e knows 'af a particular mile and
a quarter, or *`line", or side -road, which looks
particularly bad, or is particularly beautiful.
Somehow in: towns and cities, "there is more
incentive to 'the property holder to keep up
his. ;place with: paint, etc.; perhaps because homes
are So close' together that what one's neighbour
does is very important, But the. same spirit
could do our ' country homes a great. deal of
good. .
We notice that, in Carleton County the
Federation of Agriculture is carrying out a pro-
gram aimed at encaur�aging fanms�tead' improve-
ment. They are holding a "farm entrance" com-
Iii; each township the contest will be carried
out, each to have ten 'or more entries. Every
farmer or gardener in the County may enter.
No entry fee, but a dated snapshot oB the farm
entrance must accompany entries. The contest
lasts from August 1, to August '1, 1958. Two
inspections will be made, one this August, and
another after the. contest is closed. Possible
paints .are 500, made up of 200 for condition of
roadway or Iane; 100 ;for type of entrance; 50
for condition: of mailbox; 50 for use of suitable
farm name and 100ofor general appearance.
This 'sounds: like a really good type of com-
petition, and we rather • hope that it can be
taken. up in Huron County. Certainly there is
hardly any farm' home which would,. nort benefitt
...by the sprucing , up which would take place
through entry in such a contest..
(By C. J. Harris)
THERE WAS" ra, time, not long ,gone, when
the infrequently, used term, a billion, had a
meaning for'a.Ll of us. But fin. some strange
fashion fanufiani:ty has bred something akin to
contempt. As the phrase has! come into coni -
mon use, an understanding of its -true meaning
ha6 diminished. Whereas a million still repre-
sents, a dot of anything, be it people, dolilars,
years or bushels, the conception- that a bullion
represents a 'thousand nrrilllion fails to register.
This :odd fact has ,not escaped' notice. In
recent, weeltsb several journals have attempted to
give relative meaning to the -term, The Toronto
Globe and Mai, published the comment than the
figure 1,000,000,000 is• only slightly less than the
number of minutes that have passed, since the
birth of Christ.
Tule Financial Plast took a more material
view• of noting that "If you had a n ll�iion dollars
and'set out to count tile -.money at $100 a minute,
•working eight hours a day for six days a week,
it would -take you more than: 66 years to
finish the jab,"
And the Wall Street? Journal offered the. yard-
stick that while a million dollars in thousand
dollar )Maas would make a little pule about three
and �a. halt Inches thick, a MAlon dollars iq thous-
and dollar bills wound make a pile nearly 300 feet
tall, about the, equivalent of, a 30 -storey sky
Perhaps more than any orbber factor it has
been the very rapid rise in state, spending, and
taxing, that has mvade the term almost mean-
ingless. In 1639 the -federal government of
Canada spent $553 million. By 1949 the; compar-
ative ,total had jumped to $2.1 billion, in the
current Tear it will be about $5.5 billion. '
As 16ng as the total was in millions', even
hundreds of milrLions, it had an undersandalble
dimension. Now that it is up an the billions it
has slipped into the realm of the inconnprehens-
ible, and make the term:, one billion, ahnasit
meaningless• in whatever cofineetion it is aoplied.
Being a grown-up driver Is a difficult art.
It takes character and alertness, decency and
good .judgement.
For there is one fool on every road, a deadly
menace to you and your children. And • there
ale ,good peaple; good drivers, who are foolish
for one impulsive moment. For the possible gain
of a few seconds they will bet their lives on a
(Globe and Mail)
Dominion, says the dictionary, rtneans:. "The
power or right of governing and controlling,
sovereign authority; sovereignty; rule; control;"
So It was an, ideal title for this independent
nation from 1867 onward, But in twenty-two
years (without a dictionary)'the Liberals some-
ihow attached an, antit'hede meaning to it, W
sthey began erasing at 'w'herever It cropped, up,
Now, with a change of Government, we may get
It back.
One of the victims -a this erosion to get early
attention should undoubtedly be, the Dominion
Bureau of Statlaticsl -lonrg and Universally known,
as DDS. This being an e6r,606t, fact -reporting
agency, we simply mttst do something about
,restoring and balling dMn the D,
............. 111.1.1.... .._"....
highway version of Russian roulette.
There are, wonderful con4xm ions, for being
a ;grown-up driver. You never g e ulcers. ►Your
fenders istitlrl; have :the fresh curve that Came
from the factory. Your insurance man is your
friend, And motoring Is still a great pleasure.
-,From the Commercial Travellers Association'
of Canada.
Morninb Leaf -Shadow
How delicately the peach blooni morning sun
copies through a lace of mulberry leaves
to inscribe blue ideographs of shadow on the
precisely, fas'tidiou'sly this &hadbw script,
as thin, as sharp -etched spidery bird claws, ^.
is quietly written on the parchment of the wall
by slanted melon -colored morning light.
I -low pike brushstrokes of Chinese ideographs, in.
these ephemeral music notes of mnarning,
a music of leaf -shimmer in; gold light,
bird -chime and echo of invisible bird: '
a wavering pause for musle notes to fall,
shadowa of script we never can quite read,
and mi sic suggested more than music heard,
•- Prederick Ebright.
�e ercl .
The Editor, Again, may we thank you for
Work shirts, for men; cost any News -Record, giving us your su'pp'ort, How-
where from 49c to $7.,00, .either Clinton, .Ontario, ever, even anter our. concentrated'
Plain blue, khaki or .plaid at l?lum- TDoar Sir: efforta in June, more people were
steel' Bros. 'drowned in Ontario than during
W. T. O'Neil' Wered 10 barn We are extremely grateful for the, same month aaslt year, Maybe
. f white naptha soap for 35!c; the support that you gave to the . by 'tole c'omlbined efforts of us all
Fray Benton earned beef at filo Ontario Division of the Canadian during July and,August, we can'
for 25c, picnic hams for 15,e a Red Cross Society during their somehow or other reduce the ap-
pound'; breakfast,bacon at 25c Water safety Week. Although ane palling number of deaths through
pound; pea anneal bacon. at .25c week of Water Safety Rules in drowning,
and oranges, two dozen' for 45c, the press and on radio and TV Yours sincerely,
Banans were 25c a dozencannot possibly eradicate all the (Miss) C I3A1tLOTTE KEENS
Ball and Zapfe had, a .special unnecessary drownings, we cert- • Fublcity Director, ,
on, light bulbs, 6 for 245a, airily hope that they may be cur- 'Fater Safety Week.
tailed to some extent, By repeti July 15th, 1957
e tion of the water hazards fe1low-
10 YEARS AGO ed by the miles, the panic which
Clinton News -Record results. from Ignorance may be $A Thames
avoided rto some extent, The Dd'itor,
Thursda ;,,July 24, 1057 Clinton News -Record,
.May I cite an example, In )Elam- �
Lloyd H: Effl offer, Mitchell, Ilton, tlttring Water Safety Week, Clinton, Ontario.
Bayfield and Clinton merchant, there was a demonstration on the Dear Sur:
has,, been appointed District Gov- Holger Neilson Method 'aP Artifi- In a nation -'wide financial ap-
ernor of District A-1, Lions Inter- cial Respiration. A.. woman, with Peal there are always local con
national. her 18 month old son, who had ditions -that make it necessary
-Miss ' Eldna Ball, 17 year old learned the Schafer Method dui'•-. for some communities to step out
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie lag the war and felt that it was of line and delay their effort,
Ball, was rescued from drowning certainly adequate, happened to Such has ,been the experience of
ip the Maitland River at Forester's attend the demonstration. She was, The Salv&tion Army in .,the 1957
Falls, by the quick thinking of soon convinced that the newer Red Shield, Appeal, However, even
Dr: J. A. Addison and Ti„ J. Carter, method was afar more effective making a conservative, estimate oB
She and l,'lnyllis Herman and Helen and 'wenn home and taught :her these, delayed appeals, we are l ap-
Ball, were, bathing when the in- husband that evening. Not two spy -to report a..195'7 victory,
cident occurred, Miss Herman put- days later, the father had to use. An. analysis' of this victory shows
led Helen in to shore, but E'db;, it -on his own child. The little abundant evidence of. team work.
was carried dbmaistream to a spot boy had wandered away, and when Clerical workers, organizers and
where Dr. Addison and, Glenn discovered' face down in the fish !canvassers worked closely in gath-
Lockhart were fishing. With the pond, close;, to their house, he had erring in the dollars'. Advertising .
,help of Mr. Canter the girl's life stopped' breathing. Immediately and publicity media co-operated,
was saved. the father applied the newly learnt and often collaborated' in a very
Plans .are going ahead smoothly method of artificial respiration) and wond'erlful way.
for Clinton's- 50 -unit 'housing pro•- brought the child around The This all adds up to the kind
jest, and lots were selected this child was taken to hospital for ob- of team, work that makes Canada
week for the new homes. 11sei vWon; 'but as he showed no ill the envy of other nations,
fedts, he was all, to- go Our warmest thanks to you and
Fine weather drew a, crowd of ,home within a couple of days, your newspaper for your contrib-
1,500 to Bayfield's first annual
summer carnival, sponsored by the We heagd of this' .particular case union to this splendid achieve.
Lions Club. The service club was, from a letter sent to our Reel Ment,
Cross Water Safe sincerelyorganized. in February, t3' chairman in Yours sincerely
Hensall veterans, who have been Han -Alton. Thankes to the various- ' L, BURSEY; BR,IGADIER
members of the Exeter Legion, media of publicity, that particular Natupnal Campaign Director'
have begun a branch of their own, mother head attended that demon- July 16, 1957'
and.,.received its chanter on 1VTon.- stra'tion and by so doing was dir- 20 Albert St.
day evening. Theme are 40 charter ectly responsible .for saving the Toronto 1, Ont,
members, and 18 more were in•• - - - - - -
ntiated, The president is Sam Dou-
Cl The Bible Today
Clayton's Ice Cream Bar opens ,
on Saturday, July. 26,
(By Rev. W. H. Moore)
Wherever you go in the world there last Christmas had a service
UGAR and SPIT(you expect to find a Bible House, and celebration. Gifts were provid-
Sexccept. perhaps in Spain & be- ed for the refugees, some of whom
(By W. (Bill) B. T. Smiley) hind -the--iron curtain. It is the ,had not observed Christmas for
11 centre of Christian activity, for many years. -
printed, it
God i
f G
d oon s prine
Guess it's bine to write some- ging shacks, organizing various the WbrVienna is still the centre of
thing. about summer. Like all -the types of warfare and hounding form is the hand. -book of every distribution of Hungarian Script
other seaso .a..otf the year, it is their .parents for ' non -Roman, branch of the Christ -
pop money. .Lit -ores for the United Bible Soc-
harder on the people who 'aren't tle girls, spend the heat summer !an church. ieties. The Canadian branch has
yet old but are out of their youth. days chasing boys around and try- A visitor to Austria at any made its conrtribution,to.the main -
Like you and me, Mabel. Ing to get into their, gangs, time during the -past eight months tenasice in Austria of a Bible
__, * * squ.ealin:g, and go -Ing through foul:' would find unusual activity at the House where hope and cheer and
Summer was made for children.changes of clothes.* * a= Bible House in Vienna. new life may be found.
They come out of school into a For days on end it was•'the home
world, of green and goad that The fellow in his sixties or sev- of refugees from Hungary, 25 or Suggested readings for the
stretches like an enchanted island, entries doesn't have the physical more people were .put up over- week:
before them. When youre ten, the power of the children, but he has night. At =first they had to lie Sunday 1 Samuel 2:7-9
sun creeps in, warm and
ere yellow, something just as important. He's on straw:4111. ed sacks later it was Monday ........ 2 Samuel 22: 1-33
to wake' you in the morning., acquired• a maturity of outlook,
You're wide wake in a second, but .a sanity of round, that gives him possible to provide mattresses. Tuesday 1 Chronicles 29: 9-20
you he there and stretch a little,' peace. He's no Ionger trying to Meals were provided, and the staff Wed.............2 Chronicles 15: 1-9
If youire lucky, you can see a tree -prove something to himself and of the Bible House spared no Thurs. ....2 Chronicles 19: 1-11..
just outside your window, and the whole world. In short he's' a trouble .or personal' expense to Friday ............ Galatians 2: 1-21
you crouch and look out at it, and enrties' deesn't have the pyhsicaa see that the Hungarians: who were Saturday ........ Galatians 3: 1-29
the world smells good and looks, sonably successful life; all he has
good, and you are hungry. to do in the summer is go fishing,
-hoist an odd cold one, chat with
When you're twenty, summer is the boys in front of the po-o1 room,.
stili wonderful. You•'ve been our and write letters: to his daughter Business and Professional
in the city, explaining that it
dancing until three:, , and that a- would die better if she didn't come "
larm: is pretty rugged when it goes and bring the ]-rids this suo-iimes•, Directory
off, and you :get out of bed, and as Mother is poorly.
that terrific machine that is a 20 DENTISTRY INSURANCE
year-old boy comes to life and.
pumps the blood through, you and What about our friend rho is DR. N. W. HAYNES J. E. (EDDIE) DALE
you .bounce Blown stairs; eat every- caught in the middle, John: Dope,
thing in sight and get off to work wage-earner, bread-winner,whip- Dentist District Representative
with, your body filledwith a zest ping -•boy for society? -Here are Across From Royal BankThe Confederationa Assurance
for life and. your -head with very the facts, ma'am. He puts in a phone HU. 2-9571 phone Clinton HU 2-9405
little of anything. full' day of -work, heat or no heat. 29- 14-tBb
s , He comes )tome to be greeted by
But where ;get to be thirty, a lawn that needs mowing, weeds INVESTMENTS
y, h, , that need pulling, or kids that
Bort fifty, - You're on the but need H. O. LAWSON
speaking to. H by some
-Warks' of a large•, shaky e'�dif=ice Get 7'he Facts Bank of Montreal Building
chance old these Things have ,been
known as Bamiily security. The Call VIC DINNIN Clinton
attender) to, and he thinks he
morning wakening is- a thing'. of ,night slap, out to the golf course, Phone 168 - Zurich PHONES: Office HU 2-9644,
mild horror,' You groan, mutter, that's the night his wife says isn't Investors Mutual Res., HU 2.9787
totter -about looking for socks, Managed and. Distributed by Insurance „v- 'Real Estate
it a lovely evening, I think we Investors Syndicate of
scratch yourself, rub your tongue should take the ,kids to the beach Agent: Mutual Life Assurance Co.
around in that baboon's cage of a for a swum Canada, Ltd.
mouth, and try to talk yourself
out of shavving; You want a cigar-
ette and know that if you have
one you'll' .be gagging over the
john. You come downstairs,. view
with nausea a box of cereal and
go off to work with your stomach
snarling and graMing like two
carts in a • sack. You. re not alive
until your, first coffee break.
* * * :
�Stran el enough, and 'thank
g y
goodness, this summer morning
business improves again as you
get older. At sixty ar seventy,
YOU donft need as mach. sheep, So
you wake up at silt', and the world'
9 dewy and cool and sparkling.
Yong make a pot of tea and then
You go out and putter about, peer-
ing tut your potato bugs; and en-
toying .that first pipe of the day,
before going In to wake up the
old' lady, and,, eat a hearty break:-
' " * ,
`Tihere's something wrung and
brutal in our society that makes
* *
The kic15 have only been; in
swimming twice already today.
His wife, has been sitting in the
sun getting a tan half the after-
noon, All she served for dinner
was tomato sandwiches and milk.
But it would be mean and selfish
of old' John to go off to the gulf
course and just leavq them stuck
there. So- he climbs in the car,:
drivos to the beach, forks over
cash; for 'hot .dogs and pop, has to
roll up his panus and wade out
far enough to yell at the kids
when -they go tea far, sits gloom-
W rn. the wand feeling s
himself, and drives�tlem all home,
wet, ;bedraggled' and surly,
* � �
At 11. lin., the kids are in
bed, and he slum into a chair,'
to read the .paper. His wafo is
Just explaining for the 48th time
heat he never talks to her, other
men talk to their wives, acid she
never sees �a soul all day except
those darn, kids and " ust because
Optometx1st - Optician
(successor to the late A. L.
Cole, optometrist)
For appointment phone 98,
Sl .
Reaforth: Daily except Monday &
Wednesday -9 a.m, to 5.30 p.m.
Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
Thursday evening by appointment
Clinton: ,Above only.
ware -Mondays 6nly-9 a.m. to
5.30 p.tn. `
phone Hunter 2-7010 Clinton
Public Accountant
Insure the "Co-op" Way
W. V. ROY "
District Representative
s 810 Clinton, Ontario
Phone Collect
fice Fitt 2 -9642 -Res. HU 2-9357
Be Sure Be Insured
ur Life Assurance Co. of Canada.
Office: Royal Bank Building
Office HU 2 -9747 --Res, 2-7556
J. E. HOWARD, Hayfield
Phone Bayfield 53r3
liar Fire - Life - Acoildent
Wind Insurance
If you need 'Insurance, I nave
a Policy
the fell6w in • his nii.�ldle .years, I Office and Residence Officers
Its meets' interesting people all Rattenl�ury Street East Ale:
supposed to ba the, prime of life, day,- .when; there'-- a knock on'
the door, the sound of Phone HiJ 2-9877
shoulder the whorle, load. And, be- � not
gay voices, CLINTON, ONTARIO
)leve 'me, IVP the £e11oW wattllu the and rahere, wViadda ya know, are rets
mortgage, the income tax Payer,50-tfb A. l
the• wretch in his 30-40.50's, Who` the teity jusait their way friends from, � M n
throughREAL ESTATE Rob
takes. -the beating lit the snrmpner, town, on their holidays and ttir '
as always, ought they'd drop in and m harp
* * * hello, And drink all •his cold R Clin
beverage. And . eat every scrap ileal Q to and Business Broker ton;
A youngster, who has about 77. High Street Clinton v
times: the health, energy and, vital•• of tihat cold chicken he was going Prions Sij 2-6892 Bim'
ity yof lois Parenfs, has nothing to to tnv6M49ate, And keep him: up
do in the summer but: spend 14 until 34 -ft
;hours. a day using them, up, in the Al
Everyone Reacts circ
%,,, cess of entertaining :Himself. In -It's a wondel., to me thet,6 arena �., .
the case of boys, tW9 ,consists, of nW6 calve murders during the, ,1asSxflecls Mur
Swimming, going on h'lkes, build- summer. C
esident, W. S.
Seafortli; . sec -
i manager, M
11 McEwing,,
Chris, Leone
J. Trewartha.
r: Wilt, Lbndes-
1 . Praeter, Brodhagen;
Balzer, Brussels; Eric.