HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-07-25, Page 1The Wfook's Weather
Over 00 IR(
1� I
Minton 1�Iews�Recorct
tioh, Cern paign MOO,, C-eremony uring of .S
411 Con'tinug -service
roup , .-G. T-W-Riught Meet
inton However ft Legion mgmbe= in. A Dah7 Priocess -will be ..%el, b4 had from the office of the
Clinton are concerned with the, netted next Tuesday evening, July Huron GQ'MtV Federation of Ag-
egnon that in some parts of the 30, in connection with, the annual
`base IrIcUlture; tbv Ontario Departmenit
00110ty, salesmen are meeting up MuVa Cal Soil and Crop Im- of Agriculture, both of Clinton;
t for moh -some resentment of the cam- provement AssoclatloWs twilight or from Slmon N1104rh1n, Bei -
b held an this year at grave; . Bob me, Ross
ty,js pqAgn.. This is: tb.e.UAxd year that ;eating, Cc= 1-3itson
m, Uarshall, RR 1, j0rktop.
6h a salesmen Naive beo� on Me road 0 Huron v Home far
,donsd seWng.mogazines f6r the project. Competition for - the princess . One requirement will be to mid,
vhicln Yet,, there are ryt'U Urge folk crown will be held during the a cow wilth a milking mAcb1n%-
who don't just understand perfect" eiverang, and she WIU. be_eligible This pamt oil the contest will be -
.valid ly, what it Is all about. toenter the Dairy Queen contest in not latbr than five ecanck.
in., Legion oMcials rot
them being held, at the- CanadAan Nat- Two Programs
de T,% a POSSIbAnty that phony saleo- JjouAl EkbibitWn later this Year, An evening Attractive
to bgmth,
:s, to, men may try to stake advant'Itrards -must be between the
feces Of the, 6mpalg% by selling with- ages of 16 and 29, years; may be men and women is -being
all oiAt allUibrization. They request, single, or married, Details Maly -At 7.30, "Chwk" Xtngsbury,,
Ek- householders to take thL- time, to fieldmao for the field cMs branch
Ilythask for oredendals showing the. Department of Agriculture, will
nsaal: the sigivatipres of thg Clinton Leg-upevvise a vds-It to the
rod row.
i.ntitoats, corn. and
on ton, mI Iry charge 6f, 'the ' J)ied Yesterday
test plots, of barely,
botore, buying subscripother crops, Harvey Johnston man-
Jable dons.SWOM ager of the farm, as, well as• the
County e, will make com-
arson Salesmen Who ,are autdjorized to
ments on the home and Prof. R.
.ence sell tor. the campaign are not
field husbAndry dep-
S. Fulkerson,
hp- high pressure salesmen, but it is
r or their, livelihood and, nattwally they artment. QAC, will give counsel
n or try very hard, ta' SeU,. Any concerning the variety. pasture,
.:9::: �
res, one -who feels that he is.,being
The WkXnen wil be, able- to tour
nent, hwgh pressured into a purchase 101/1.1, N
use, are asked to report directly to 'Miss the Rome, led' by Mrs, Johnston..
F. :
the (�Unton, Legion at once. If you
Shirley Patterson, first ex -
let' several Weeks go by, it will clusive home econoi�vist for Huron,
be more "�ddftcult to correct the County, has: arranged for ]�IUL
Bunrtsma to demonstrate flowler.'
arriangements. Mr. Buntsma, who
S week a letter was received
id Last trouble, -il is a (florist at Wingham, will use
flay -Ing forth a complaint of a cuot-
flowers from the garden at the
omer, and, wMin three days, the
Q customer -was cantaoted and the Home.
cUffacultv straightened out.. it I$ Join Program
only fair to give, the service club The evening will conclude with
nS -the chance to do something for ra showing of films, and slklbs,
their courittv. Buyers will get.good taken, by 1iob Carbet, farm eI
UO" value for their,..money on. sub- at CKNX - TV and Radio, on his
trent scrIjAms bought, k the same s reeent trip ito Venezuela, South
ex -time they wall, be- helping the Leg- America' Lunch, pr the
ovided by
Luck- can, to help the Aick'and- suffering. Impravement assoelation, will be
!n to The CliAton Legion- is' estafib.%h- W-ILLIAM 11. CAMPBELL, served by � the Clinton Junior
rhitch Farmers.
:hout Ing themselves as a service clubd , granold man of Aubalrn, � - Officials,
7Uong after, ithose who need away in Clinton. Public
IS to elpld, whether',ed;
are veterans, Hospital yerAeZday morning, BIR Turnbull, president of the
pos- or not. - July 24 in his 101st year. Association, and vice-president
that Phlone, Bill Counter,
or, Clinton in. Funeral is Friday -afterniom, Bob Allan ' Brucefield-will be on
daytime, I -111f 2-96-12 or at night from the Arthur funeral home haA4; as well as ,Delbert Oelger,
HU 2-6697 wfth any problem-_ in. AOI ;exenudve, member and- Douglas EL
redit Miles, agricultural, representative
for the county, and secretary a
the Association.
Mr. ' and Mrs.. Melvin Crich.mupClinton -Bands
weton. nt
t to Cele6rate 20th Anniversary Invited To
More than 120 guests ' attended Mason,Windz& (atfendant at the oderich Tattoo
ithe 20th, wedding anniversary of wedding 20 years aggo) and, Mrs, The Blannotdkburn Pipe Band
Of Mr. and, Mrs. Melvin CHICK, held Harry (Mary) Flordm, Goderich aWo and the RCAF Station Clinton
iton—at their Orange Street ham, lash attended. Another brother, ikr ,A' Trumpet Band Vnill take part in
,d, a Saturdhy afternocon and evening. McBrIen, V10toda, R. C." was; Unr the annual tattob, in, Gbderj)oh to-
outoo- They included, friends, h�om'Royal able to be here, mpizow evening at Agriculitund
eens, Oake, PonI and, Detroit, Mich.; Pouring tela for the first hour Park in the county town. Me
has Windsor, Essex, Rrantford, Galt, On SMUMUY afterMbOn were MM Goderich Pipe 'Band- is the host
L jorganization, and bands, from
AIM M& -bell, Stratford, London. and J. B. Lavis, and, Mrs, Mervin. Bart B -
Post- Seaforth; as well as the surround- kins, then Mrs, Ella Mason -and Guelph, KltChtener, Delgriave, Brus-
ing dlsti(ict. &&,S. Mrabe.l Miller, Royal Oak sell, Exeter, Kincardine and Luck -
Members: of the immediate famr (aunt of Mrs. Chdi),In the eve- now will take part.
ily, attending, were Mr. Crich's ndng, Mm. John Turner and Mrs, 0—
two bmbhers, nmest, Pontiac, Harry. Ford ad the honours,
(wills(was groomsman at taft
he wed" ;Serving in the etrwoni were
ding in 1937): Prank, Mitchell and tWo daughters-in"law of Mrs. Are You
jrS three sisters, Mrs, Gladys; Wellis, CAch, Mrs. Ray Gibbings, Strath-
Cbnton; Mrs,, Roy (Elms) Pepper, 4oY aild Mrs. Hamld GiUbInA
@Lnd, Mrs,. *John (Pearl) Turner, Clinton assisted by Mrs. Ray Mas,
T,Lpakexsmith Township, Another on, In the evening Mm Helen For the POoi?
(Xattle) Doug- Turner and Mrs, William Riehl
Com.: Las,, Straslbourg,'Sask., was una-bae served, assisited by Mxq,. Mason. Since figures' were totalled JaO
Wing to be present, but ether daughter, Receiving guests and in charge week, another $608 has been turn-'
mr,�-. Jinn Houston, Brantford, was of the guest book in the afternoon, ed in t( ' Y the, treasurer of the
ome, were Mrs. Wallis and Mrs. Frantz .
Injurs• a guest. CRnton Community Swimming
nad- Mrs. Crich!s brothers, Garnet McGregor, AR 5, Oinitumi and, in Pool 'Fund. This makes a tota-a,
William (Edith) of $1,956 raised as, a result of
first MdI Witrolt; Secard, MdBrlen, the evern, ig, Aim. Will
in a Goderich Add Eldred McBrien-, n- LAndshm"ough. MOM g
,,ifts, cards the every home -cwwass carried
Very seand tWb sisters, Aug. E111a (Continued on, Page Six) out' .on Juv 15.
Owing to- holidays, and, various
other causes, there may be a
and•lumbt I'df homes Still not vasitE
Clinton Pair Receive Guests exort is being made by the
ru caNnassers to visit everyone that
esti- ng, was rnisse-A during the cantvasg.
If you are still waiting to receive
a eanvMser, -why not make it
a point to call at the town hall,
and deliver your donation direct
to Sohn Livermore, clerk, -and
securetary,;trea&urer of the Pound',
These, pecIple are among those
contributing so 'far-.
Rfqhar7dDixDft ......................$ 1.00
Afted C ....... ............ 10.00
Roll Scott ................... ............ 2.00
Joe, Wilde . 5.00
.......... .0
,obo 5 0
It of W. Denomme .......................... 3.00
Prank Andrews .................. ao.00
Mrs W. 1% 41$W&I ....... 1.00
for 0
W& l?red Trevena ................ 2.00
Nek Steep .............................. 2.00,
the y Louis Freeman __ ................ SM
Williatn 33AMAar .................. 5.00
.1. UDbhnoU ...................... 2.00
Lon Aftston5,00
even s M Bill'�hldwtlll ........... zoo
Barris Toni Steep ................... 5.00
.................... L I.ere s
Yhrold Morrell.............. I
Tvft. T&A barling ................ 5s00
William�'ihawem 5.004
rUM4 4q, n Sthellouburve 5,0a
bnirrdP Cold -611g...................
NMI, "Ay A%$. MMIN ORTOIFY, Orange Street, who oele.
IT AT1WjaC61i;i ............................ 1.00
brated'their 20th w4ddhig annivw4ty there, last Week6nirl, 4 .
J./S, ATIMS-trong ...... ............. i21W
(g,'WS-Pteclord PhOo) / (Conithwed, On page 53
:duv is
76 *6
76 53
'72 �'
.80. 60
70 58
78 59
a 57
RA:ln:4931w. nwin.,1-83im.
Over 00 IR(
1� I
Minton 1�Iews�Recorct
tioh, Cern paign MOO,, C-eremony uring of .S
411 Con'tinug -service
roup , .-G. T-W-Riught Meet
inton However ft Legion mgmbe= in. A Dah7 Priocess -will be ..%el, b4 had from the office of the
Clinton are concerned with the, netted next Tuesday evening, July Huron GQ'MtV Federation of Ag-
egnon that in some parts of the 30, in connection with, the annual
`base IrIcUlture; tbv Ontario Departmenit
00110ty, salesmen are meeting up MuVa Cal Soil and Crop Im- of Agriculture, both of Clinton;
t for moh -some resentment of the cam- provement AssoclatloWs twilight or from Slmon N1104rh1n, Bei -
b held an this year at grave; . Bob me, Ross
ty,js pqAgn.. This is: tb.e.UAxd year that ;eating, Cc= 1-3itson
m, Uarshall, RR 1, j0rktop.
6h a salesmen Naive beo� on Me road 0 Huron v Home far
,donsd seWng.mogazines f6r the project. Competition for - the princess . One requirement will be to mid,
vhicln Yet,, there are ryt'U Urge folk crown will be held during the a cow wilth a milking mAcb1n%-
who don't just understand perfect" eiverang, and she WIU. be_eligible This pamt oil the contest will be -
.valid ly, what it Is all about. toenter the Dairy Queen contest in not latbr than five ecanck.
in., Legion oMcials rot
them being held, at the- CanadAan Nat- Two Programs
de T,% a POSSIbAnty that phony saleo- JjouAl EkbibitWn later this Year, An evening Attractive
to bgmth,
:s, to, men may try to stake advant'Itrards -must be between the
feces Of the, 6mpalg% by selling with- ages of 16 and 29, years; may be men and women is -being
all oiAt allUibrization. They request, single, or married, Details Maly -At 7.30, "Chwk" Xtngsbury,,
Ek- householders to take thL- time, to fieldmao for the field cMs branch
Ilythask for oredendals showing the. Department of Agriculture, will
nsaal: the sigivatipres of thg Clinton Leg-upevvise a vds-It to the
rod row.
i.ntitoats, corn. and
on ton, mI Iry charge 6f, 'the ' J)ied Yesterday
test plots, of barely,
botore, buying subscripother crops, Harvey Johnston man-
Jable dons.SWOM ager of the farm, as, well as• the
County e, will make com-
arson Salesmen Who ,are autdjorized to
ments on the home and Prof. R.
.ence sell tor. the campaign are not
field husbAndry dep-
S. Fulkerson,
hp- high pressure salesmen, but it is
r or their, livelihood and, nattwally they artment. QAC, will give counsel
n or try very hard, ta' SeU,. Any concerning the variety. pasture,
.:9::: �
res, one -who feels that he is.,being
The WkXnen wil be, able- to tour
nent, hwgh pressured into a purchase 101/1.1, N
use, are asked to report directly to 'Miss the Rome, led' by Mrs, Johnston..
F. :
the (�Unton, Legion at once. If you
Shirley Patterson, first ex -
let' several Weeks go by, it will clusive home econoi�vist for Huron,
be more "�ddftcult to correct the County, has: arranged for ]�IUL
Bunrtsma to demonstrate flowler.'
arriangements. Mr. Buntsma, who
S week a letter was received
id Last trouble, -il is a (florist at Wingham, will use
flay -Ing forth a complaint of a cuot-
flowers from the garden at the
omer, and, wMin three days, the
Q customer -was cantaoted and the Home.
cUffacultv straightened out.. it I$ Join Program
only fair to give, the service club The evening will conclude with
nS -the chance to do something for ra showing of films, and slklbs,
their courittv. Buyers will get.good taken, by 1iob Carbet, farm eI
UO" value for their,..money on. sub- at CKNX - TV and Radio, on his
trent scrIjAms bought, k the same s reeent trip ito Venezuela, South
ex -time they wall, be- helping the Leg- America' Lunch, pr the
ovided by
Luck- can, to help the Aick'and- suffering. Impravement assoelation, will be
!n to The CliAton Legion- is' estafib.%h- W-ILLIAM 11. CAMPBELL, served by � the Clinton Junior
rhitch Farmers.
:hout Ing themselves as a service clubd , granold man of Aubalrn, � - Officials,
7Uong after, ithose who need away in Clinton. Public
IS to elpld, whether',ed;
are veterans, Hospital yerAeZday morning, BIR Turnbull, president of the
pos- or not. - July 24 in his 101st year. Association, and vice-president
that Phlone, Bill Counter,
or, Clinton in. Funeral is Friday -afterniom, Bob Allan ' Brucefield-will be on
daytime, I -111f 2-96-12 or at night from the Arthur funeral home haA4; as well as ,Delbert Oelger,
HU 2-6697 wfth any problem-_ in. AOI ;exenudve, member and- Douglas EL
redit Miles, agricultural, representative
for the county, and secretary a
the Association.
Mr. ' and Mrs.. Melvin Crich.mupClinton -Bands
weton. nt
t to Cele6rate 20th Anniversary Invited To
More than 120 guests ' attended Mason,Windz& (atfendant at the oderich Tattoo
ithe 20th, wedding anniversary of wedding 20 years aggo) and, Mrs, The Blannotdkburn Pipe Band
Of Mr. and, Mrs. Melvin CHICK, held Harry (Mary) Flordm, Goderich aWo and the RCAF Station Clinton
iton—at their Orange Street ham, lash attended. Another brother, ikr ,A' Trumpet Band Vnill take part in
,d, a Saturdhy afternocon and evening. McBrIen, V10toda, R. C." was; Unr the annual tattob, in, Gbderj)oh to-
outoo- They included, friends, h�om'Royal able to be here, mpizow evening at Agriculitund
eens, Oake, PonI and, Detroit, Mich.; Pouring tela for the first hour Park in the county town. Me
has Windsor, Essex, Rrantford, Galt, On SMUMUY afterMbOn were MM Goderich Pipe 'Band- is the host
L jorganization, and bands, from
AIM M& -bell, Stratford, London. and J. B. Lavis, and, Mrs, Mervin. Bart B -
Post- Seaforth; as well as the surround- kins, then Mrs, Ella Mason -and Guelph, KltChtener, Delgriave, Brus-
ing dlsti(ict. &&,S. Mrabe.l Miller, Royal Oak sell, Exeter, Kincardine and Luck -
Members: of the immediate famr (aunt of Mrs. Chdi),In the eve- now will take part.
ily, attending, were Mr. Crich's ndng, Mm. John Turner and Mrs, 0—
two bmbhers, nmest, Pontiac, Harry. Ford ad the honours,
(wills(was groomsman at taft
he wed" ;Serving in the etrwoni were
ding in 1937): Prank, Mitchell and tWo daughters-in"law of Mrs. Are You
jrS three sisters, Mrs, Gladys; Wellis, CAch, Mrs. Ray Gibbings, Strath-
Cbnton; Mrs,, Roy (Elms) Pepper, 4oY aild Mrs. Hamld GiUbInA
@Lnd, Mrs,. *John (Pearl) Turner, Clinton assisted by Mrs. Ray Mas,
T,Lpakexsmith Township, Another on, In the evening Mm Helen For the POoi?
(Xattle) Doug- Turner and Mrs, William Riehl
Com.: Las,, Straslbourg,'Sask., was una-bae served, assisited by Mxq,. Mason. Since figures' were totalled JaO
Wing to be present, but ether daughter, Receiving guests and in charge week, another $608 has been turn-'
mr,�-. Jinn Houston, Brantford, was of the guest book in the afternoon, ed in t( ' Y the, treasurer of the
ome, were Mrs. Wallis and Mrs. Frantz .
Injurs• a guest. CRnton Community Swimming
nad- Mrs. Crich!s brothers, Garnet McGregor, AR 5, Oinitumi and, in Pool 'Fund. This makes a tota-a,
William (Edith) of $1,956 raised as, a result of
first MdI Witrolt; Secard, MdBrlen, the evern, ig, Aim. Will
in a Goderich Add Eldred McBrien-, n- LAndshm"ough. MOM g
,,ifts, cards the every home -cwwass carried
Very seand tWb sisters, Aug. E111a (Continued on, Page Six) out' .on Juv 15.
Owing to- holidays, and, various
other causes, there may be a
and•lumbt I'df homes Still not vasitE
Clinton Pair Receive Guests exort is being made by the
ru caNnassers to visit everyone that
esti- ng, was rnisse-A during the cantvasg.
If you are still waiting to receive
a eanvMser, -why not make it
a point to call at the town hall,
and deliver your donation direct
to Sohn Livermore, clerk, -and
securetary,;trea&urer of the Pound',
These, pecIple are among those
contributing so 'far-.
Rfqhar7dDixDft ......................$ 1.00
Afted C ....... ............ 10.00
Roll Scott ................... ............ 2.00
Joe, Wilde . 5.00
.......... .0
,obo 5 0
It of W. Denomme .......................... 3.00
Prank Andrews .................. ao.00
Mrs W. 1% 41$W&I ....... 1.00
for 0
W& l?red Trevena ................ 2.00
Nek Steep .............................. 2.00,
the y Louis Freeman __ ................ SM
Williatn 33AMAar .................. 5.00
.1. UDbhnoU ...................... 2.00
Lon Aftston5,00
even s M Bill'�hldwtlll ........... zoo
Barris Toni Steep ................... 5.00
.................... L I.ere s
Yhrold Morrell.............. I
Tvft. T&A barling ................ 5s00
William�'ihawem 5.004
rUM4 4q, n Sthellouburve 5,0a
bnirrdP Cold -611g...................
NMI, "Ay A%$. MMIN ORTOIFY, Orange Street, who oele.
IT AT1WjaC61i;i ............................ 1.00
brated'their 20th w4ddhig annivw4ty there, last Week6nirl, 4 .
J./S, ATIMS-trong ...... ............. i21W
(g,'WS-Pteclord PhOo) / (Conithwed, On page 53