HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-07-11, Page 62 CENTS A BUSHEL Stops Grain Insects For A Whole Year Spray Bins with HOWARD BIN cr:: TREAT to kill insects in cracks arid. crevices. -. - • Treat new grA,in with HOWARD GRAIN GUARD POWDER Mixes easily with new grain as it is binned — protects it from grain insects for a whole year without affecting milling, feed or seed value, It costs about 2c a bushel to use BEN, TREAT and GiRAIN GUARD a- less: than, it does to fumigate. • ON SALE AT 'CLINTON FARM SUPPLY and Machine Shop Phone HUnter 2-9613 28b mow (?) BIN TREAT you get lifetime, all- weather protection with ROOFING. AND SIDING GALVANIZED STEEL OR ALUMINUM - CHECK THESE TRIPLERIB ADVANTAGLS,r, •Available from stock * Full 32" covering width when applied, -, a Standard lengths—C' to 12', • Low cost installation with practically no maintenance. • Modern design—attractIve far all types n- buildings. • Readily adaptable for use as rooting Of Old141 4 Manufactured by Robertstqa (Cana4o) tfc4,1 SEE US FOR DESCRIPTIVE TRIPLERIB LITERATURE( AND FREE ESTIMATE B.F.Goodrich 'ow,,',,, TRACTOR TIRES AS LOW AS LET US QUOTE YOU ON YOUR SIZE * ASK ABOUT OUR ON-THE-FARM"SERVICE CHECKS Harry Watkins Sunoco Service Ph. Clinton HU 2-6661 'B.EGoodricb Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association "'WHERE BETTER BULLS ARE USED" JULY 16th. at 7.30 P. at our headquarters, one nib e northeast of Waterloo is the time and place of our annual BULL NIGHT or OPEN HOUSE We will be pleased to have all interested people present on this occasion. See the bull's, barns, and the head office which has recently been enlaiged. There will be a parade of bulls that arriv- ed since last year's Bull Night. • Mr. Hugh Campbell, Manager, Special Merchandising Projects for C-I-L, will be the guest speaker, Miss Gayle Atwell, RM. 1, Belton, Out., will entertain. She is an exceptionally talent- ed singer. For Service to any of our Bulls of AB Breeds Coll Collect To: Clinton HU2-3441 BETWEEN:- /.30 clod 9.30 A.M. BETTER CATTLE FOR BETTER LIVING FOR EVERYONE 28b Chevrolet's just ohe ood thing after another !y. Here on this page are seven of those good things -- just to 'start with. You can actually find them by the score --- rill the big features of the best-selling '57 Chevrolet! And every one of .thern is another clear, convincing reason why Chevrolet is so far ahead of all other cars in value, popularity, sales! CLINTON, ONT. 209321 tIEStOST NIODER5 EEFICIENE ENGINES IN THE tvOktb AIR-INTAKE HEADLIGHT HOODS --Up to 22% more fresh, filtered air with Chev- rolet's new ventilation air In. takes, set high abeve road fumes! You- feel more alert, more camfortablei FLIGHT PANEL —. A splihseconai glance at Chevrolet's deep.hood- - eel Command Post panel, and you know instruments have. never been so elegantly easy to read!, 410 BALL RACE STEERING --- Mirror- • smooth ball bearings do you a good turn ease away friction, effort, Feels almost like power: steering! • fit'itia Month after month since this 'ST Chevrokt won introduced. ona, diens have baught mote Chevtoiets then any other car . PositlY0 proof d public tifelatetiCe, c.34570 LORNE BROWN MOTORS LIMITED. • ''''''''''''''',."...."....''''''''':.:.'`''''"'''''''':"'"'''''''',Ms.'',:M'4, x-,•,...,::::.','.:.,"ii't'''Z.::',M15.'''''.',"'"''''''''45:''i,: ......i..,—... F ,,, ..,..7 = '......, . . _ ioe..,:.:,:::'''''*. .....g.. A GENERAL, MOTORS VALUE SUSIER TIMID-FIRE 283 The Most high-Spirited of Chevrolet's Velvety high.tompressien Turbo. Fire VS% in any of thevralet's IF models. Take your choice in any of Chevrolet's 19 Models. Take your choke of Four brit, ildht V8's 6r Chevrolet's famous. for-economy Sbr. 411'• • TURBOGLIDE—You've never felt anything like Turboglide ABSOLUTELY NO SEN. SAT1ON OF SHIFT! Five positions, includ- ing "Park" . and new "Hill Retarder" for safer no.braking downhill driving! FASHION-CRAFTED INTERIORS — Rich, lustrous fabrics, beautiful modern color combinations. Chevrolet's spacious, flaw, lessly appointed interiors would do a, much higher.priced car proud! GLIDE-RIDE FRONT SUSPENSION -- HitOry perfected knee action lets each wheel "step" over the rough spots. Take any road—all YOU feel is the superbly smooth, Chevy ride I Bel Air 2.Door Sedan CIANDON NEws-RxemP URSPA).;7ULY 11, MT' Simmer geenpant$ of the Cour, ningham. cottage on Tuyltl and Cameron Streets are: in "Cedar Nest!' at present and singe first of May rio and Mrs, j.. a Craw- ford, RICAP Statien Oitutm; ..durtina the month 'of August, Dt and Mrs, David C4raubert and. 'family, New York city will be the oc eUnants; in September Mr, and Mrs. Mel Stewart, • London. In 4 VIV" Are D.and Mrs, A. 3. Dabriak an4 family, Grosse point, aYlieb4, for n10111111 of jUly; 1nMO- 'net, Dr, and -Mrs, fa O. Brown and family, London. Mr, and Mrs'. Cunningham are Planning Pi trip to the Pacific .Coast when they wil visit with their daughters and their families, and Mrs. A, a Saunders, Winnipeg; Dr. and Mrs. T. B. Vancouver, and friends in Victoria, H. C. ' St. Andrew's WIWIS The Women's MISSionary Soc- iety of the United Church met at the home of Mrs. Gladwin West- lake, Blue Water Highway on Thursday evening of last week,. with a good attendance in spite of the fain The devotienal' sub- ject was "prayer" and the ayame and scripture reading carried out the thought. The Study Book 'East from Bur- ma' by Constance Hallock, was completed and plans were made for conimencing the new study of Japan, in September. Trinity Guild Mrs, Percy Weston, presided at the meeting of Trinity Church Guild at the home of Mrs. Ray Fitzsimons on Tuesday.•- evening. The rector, • the Rev. B. T. B. Harrison, opened t Ii e - meeting with prayer. Mrs, Merton Mern- er read the minutes and Mrs. Fred Weston read the finanpial report. It was decided to purchase carpet for the Church aisles, to mark the centennial of Huron Diocese, This church was Wilt as a part of the diocese of Toronto before Rev. C E. Peacock Induction Service Held in Sc. Andrew's United Church glas Heleri Mair is attending summer 'School. at Sudbury. Pottglas and Shirley Darnhor- gUgh are helldeying in ,Amherst- burg.. • - Mr. and Mrs, Harold Weston and 'Susanne -returned to Detroit on SumleY, Miss Hazel Weeks, 'Teeswater, is the guest a ars. R. Fitzsimons for a 'few days, Pease and Ervine Pease, Loudon, were at their cottage tor the weekend', • Airs, J. A. Orr and son John, Stratford, are at their cottage on Bauield Terrace. 114r, and: Mrs, Cyril Cox, Dot- . Voit, oecupied the Lannin cottage or the holiday weekend. Cathy Blaurrion, Birmingham, Miebs, is visiting Mr. and. Mrs, Charles R. Wili "Dingleton".„ Dr. R. G. Hunter left last week ftr Victoria, B.C., on -a basinesa trip, Ife • travelled by *lane. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Moore,. Dot- t, oCettPied; their-eottage- "Fair- lawn" over the long weekend.. MM. William Alberhara, Jr., and two cibildiera London are at the • family .eettage for the season, . Mr, and Mrs. W. McDougall, Detroit, spent the Fourth of July . Weekend at the Foyston cottage. Mr. and Mr. Charles Ferguson and family, Sudbury, spent Wed- aesday of last week in the village. Mr.' and Mrs. J., Ct. Hughea Detroit visited Mr. and aara, La, roy Poth over the long week- end. 41Vir. and Mna, Clayton Gaest, Totanto, spent a weekend recent- ly with lier sister, Mrs. Malcom Tana% Mr. and Mrs. Pat Grahana and two children, Nancy and: Barbara, Wellaad, are vateationing at. • Deer Ledge. !Mr. and Mrs. Robert 1.11orne2',t Phillip and Gayle, are holidaying this Week at • Burlington 'and Trenton. ‘IVfaS. R. J. Larson, Mr. and Mrs. William E. Parker motored to Cahawa. on Monday returning on Tueaday. Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Atkinson and David, Detroit, were with D. A. Atkinson over the holiday weekend. Ma and Mrs. F. Hendrick, 'Birth,- Ingham ,IVLicha entertained guests at "Westwind" over the American holiday weekend. Mr. and Mrs, Norman TOM Detroit, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Toms over the Fourth of July weekend, - Mrs. ,T. - W. Castle was able to leave Clinton Public Hospital and return to her home in the village on • Tuesday, • 1Mir. and Mrs. Keith Brandon and two children, Stratford, were With the fortner's father, H. M. l3ran4on, over the w.eekentl„ Mr. and Mrs, Howard gurt and three children returned to.',4orklen on Sunday after 'haat* spout week with Kre, L. M. Pnrit. and Mrs. T, jamas, Detroit, and Miss Kathleen. Reid, -Windsor, were the guests of the la.tter's mother, Mrs, A, W. Rehl.„ from, Thursday to .Sunday, .The Reverend and Mrs. H. J., V. Webb; Frames and George, 40- 4'0041aP4ed r .101rIny Bnek, Port Dover. visited Mrs, R. H. V. Oairdner- Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker end Cavea are at their cottage. "Wheel In", the former being on vacation. Connie Baker, LOnclon, was also here over the weekend, . Members a the Parker ainily Were •called to London on ,Stinday morning owing to the critical Con- dition of T. Chits Parker who la a patient in Victoria Hospital. Miss Madaed Carrieron, London, • and William L, Cameron, Detroit, stayed with Kra, Rebert. Scotch- mer from a'''riday- to StiadaY while visiting relatives in the district, Staff Sergeaat and Mrs. W. J. Scadeanore and Diane, Camp Bor- den. and Lieut. and Mrs. la, C. Seadamore, Debbie and Cathy, Oakville, are holidaying at Hay's' Beach, The , group committee of the Cuba and Scouts met with the Scouts on Monday evening in Trinity Church parish hall. Mer- ton 1VIersiet' was appointed Seeut- master, Mr. and Mrs. J. Pounder arid two children left OA Sunday to motor to their home hi Dawson 'Creek, BC,, after having spent a vacation with their respective parents. • Mr. and Mrs, .Reg Francis andl- family spent Sunday with her anothera Mrs. J. McMillan, Thor anesford. Jimmy remained to spend' a holiday With his grand- mother,- .. Canon and -Mrs. N. M.:Lang- g'orcl, Waterloo, came last week to occupy their cottage for the season. Their daughter, Mrs. Rance Baleker, Waterloo, spent a few days with them. Harold Langford, London, has purchased the large cottage On River Hill Road from his sister', Miss Larene Langford, Clinton, Miss .Langford has been a summer resident here for over 20 years. Mrs. R. S. Atkinson_ who was the guest of Mrs, C. W. Brown left on Sunday for Kingston, She .aceompanied' her son-hi-law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Cecil. Holmes and son Peter whcavisited his mother in Clinton. Mrs. H. Lord, Montreal, is visit- lag • her brothers, Lyle, Melvin and Russel Davison. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davison, Detroit, were also with them over the Fourth of July weekend, - Mrs, Davison remained for this week. Mrs. T. W. Oates came the first of last week to spend the summer at her ,cottage on Delevan Street. Her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Donald Oates and three children Joan, 'Mary and Tommy, London,. are with her for a fortnight, Misses Amy for, Jane and Master John Kendall, Elmira, came on Thursday to spend a month with their aunt, Mrs. Le-. ray. Potb.. Their paxentsaMr, and Mrs. E. W. Kendall left on Sun- day ;Via air from New York on a Scandinavian tour. Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Denby, Pat- ricia, and Jean,nine, visited Mrs. Ken Brandon and family on Sun- day and Monday on their way. to a cottage -at Ardbeg, Parry Sound District. Lynn Bra/id:on accompanied her grandparents for two weeks visit. Mr. • and Mrs. George Fox and daughter, Birmingham,' Mir. and Mrs. Thomas P. Henry, Bloom, field Hills, Mich., were at the Mc- Combe cottage •oyer the weekend. Mrs. Wilson - Mitchell, Mrs. Cecil Charlton, Birmingham, are Mrs. Fox's guests this week. Guests at the. Little Inn. in - chide; Mrs. Wilbur James, Lond- on; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brown, Mrs. D. Brown and Sons, Bob and Dick, Detroit; Miss Joy .Brue- baker, Kitchener; Mrs'. Robert Victor, Mrs. William Ewald, Fra- nklin, Mich.; Miss Jeanette Kae- vey, Detroit. Mrs. Lawrence Sprague, Detroit, is at her cottage "Holley Lodge". Mr. Sprague, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Prim, Detroit, were with her form Wednesday to Sunday. Ws. Neil Richardson and Mrs. Ray • Hay- ward, Detroit, came on Tuesday to be Mrs. Sprague's Vesta until Friday. ' The Rev. and Mrs. A. H. Har- rison), Ilderton the latter's broth- er, William Culley, Toronto, were the guests of the Rev. EL J, B. Harrison on Tuesday morning, Mrs. L. G. Bassett and Mrs, George Davison, London, called on friends in the village on Thaira.,- day. last. Mr. artd"Mrs. Russel Elliott and son Harold Elliott, wife and sari David, Sarnia, were the guests of the Rev. E. J. B. Harrison on Sun- day, David Elliott is Mr. Harris- on's god-child The Rev. and Mrs. E. C. Atwell, Sarnia., were also callers at the Rectory On Sunday afternoon. Mist Ruth EL Hap-Ilan enter- tained at a family .party at the Little Ian On .So_ttn.ddy in honour of her father's birthday, The birthday cake was eoraplete With candles and all the trimmings'. John Ita.yitritin and two daughters, IVIlarilya and Gayle, 'were present. .1.iest-s. at Mrs.* Walter. West,,, lakes over the weekend include& Robert BOW .Grose Point, Naha Miss Betty Cuter, Dettait; and Mrs, L. W. Stillatat and son, Detroit; Mrs, Cl M, Perry, .Mrs. Charles Redeker and ,daughter Margi, Windsor, are also spell& ing a vacation ',here. ilVtr. and Mrs, Clayton, Weston retained to -Chicagt. Sunday after having spent the week with his parents,. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Weston, Mr. and Mrs, arafton Wasted, London', were also with his parents over the weekend. Judy is spending the •Surnatet With her grandparents. Rev, 3. T. Clark:Centralia, pre- Sided at the service and gave brief .adresa, He aiiao 'adressed the new minister reminding him of bia respensiblitiea .as the pastor of a, congregation. Rev. T, J. Pitt, Varna spoke the eangregatien giving some ad- vice at to, their share in the part- nership of minister and PeePle, Which makes op a congregation. Pros try representative, Mr, A. Dana escorted Kr. Peacock to the front of the church Where Mr. Clark pat the prescribed qustions to him. At the close Mr, Peacock entered his pulpit for the first time and pronouneed the ben- edietaon. A reception and -social hour fol- lowed' in the Sunday School room Of the Church. First Service A large congregation greeted Rev. C. E, Peacock on Sunday morning in St. Andrew's Church at his first service here. He took his text Hebrews 12;27; the Diocese of Huron Was formed'. Final arrangements were made for the bake sale and in lieu of a second bake sale on August IA it was do:tided to hold a supper hi the 'parish hall. A meeting Will be held the first week in August in the hall - to complete arrangements for it. Mrs. R. H. F. Gairriner said the closing pray- er after which Mrs. Fitzsimons served refreshments., "Signifying those things that are shaken as of things that are mada!. that those things that cannot be shaken may Trora :oin." He spoke of the many things Which in our time have been shaken and went on to apply the Words which can- 'hot be ,abaken, to the word of Cod, the church .of 'God ,s...r4 the man of God and advised his hearers to. bold to those steadfast tillage. Miss Chira Cleric sang very' sweetly, the. solo, 'Wonder-fu Savior% See Us About Our 10% Cash Discount_ On ROOFING, SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE Phone Seaforth or 13—Egg Station' 28, 30-by News of 'llayfield By MSS, 'AMY it WOODS 1905 Ontario Champion Rural CelTelsPandent PHONE; BAMELD 4 r .(Ifla our Raafield CeraespOadeaa) The induction of the Rev. Mara lea Egerton Peacock into the past- • Oral 'Change of Ba,ylield., Porter's Hill and Taylor's Corner United Churches, took Place on Friday • everdng in St, Andrew's Church, Bayfield I. HOWARD'S FLY' SPRAYS and POWDERS COWFLY SPRAYS and POWDERS FLORBAIT FLY KILLER INSECT BOMBS — LIVESTOCK BOMBS HOWARD'S STERIWASH LIQUID for washing and disinfecting milking machines, separators, pails, etc. H. F. WETTLAUFER .rEEDS and SEEDS MARE STREET — CLINTON — PHONE HU 2-979'2 I I I