HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-07-11, Page 5I S U. SD:A.'l , ;7ULt''1:1,, 1.957 CI MON S -RECORD 1E'SKE(ORD WANT FOR QUICK. •RESULTS -•RATJ$ .. No charge for announcements of Births,. M'arriage's •and Deaths Articles for Salle, rent, etc„ Card of Thanks, in. Memoriam, engagements, 3C• a word, Minimum 75e. Box No.' to this .office 150 additional, Repeat in- sertions 2e a, word, minimum 50e, • CASH DISCOUNT % if paid by Saturday fol- lowing last insertion. Billing charge of 1.0e added each time bill is sent, Latest Time for Insertiene i2 noon Wednesday Dial HU 2-3844 Accommodation For Rent 741g.131= ROO+IVI 'APARTMMT ;furnished. Phone HU 2-6610. 27tfb 'TWO BEDROOM UNF'tJRNISSi - 'ed'enartMent.anrailable 11o1w. Phone au 2-6677.. 28b 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, kit- chen, livingropm, share bath, Pri. vete entranc7. Phone I3U 2-3874, 16-tfh PURNISHGED APARTMENT, pri- v'ate entrance 'and private bath. Phone Clinton HU 2-9350, after six p.m. •28p COMFORTABLE FURNISHED, 'steam -heated apartment, central- :ly located; available for .couple. Dial HU 2-9728, 26-tfb . 4 room house for rent in Bayfael'd. Hydrr, newly decox ated, reasa n - • • :able rent, Possession immediately. - Phone ICU.' 2-9214. 28.p 'TWO ROOM FURNISHED .apart- ment, suitable for a couple, Wash ing facilities, Available immediat- ely. • Phone HU 2-9504 mornings tor after 6 p.m. -27=8;b 'UNIVERSITY STUDENTS, rooms 'within walking distance of -Lond- oris University in a new modern 'home. •Christian. Contact . Mrs. 'Melvin Des Jardine RR,..1.,• Grand 'Bend, Ontario; 28.9-b Articles 'For Sale REFRIGERATOR, Good Working • order. 6 cu. ft. capacity. .$50. 'Phone HU:2-9162, 28b :BROWNIE 8 M,M MOVIE cam- rera, projector and screen Phone Clinton HU 2-9635. 28-p 12 Fr. ROW BOAT, good shape. Apply at MV errill Radio and .Elect- iric, phone HU 2-7021 28b (HOUSE MAILER, 22 feet by 8 feet rtly furnished. Reply to »c 212, Clinton News -Record, 27p 28b J. C. HIGGSN`S ROAD BIKE. Per- fect condition. $25 for quick sale, „Stelphen Brown; phone HiU 2-9532. • 28p 4 RUBBER STAMPS, SIGNATUR- es, maps, marking devices of all 'kinds, Call at News -Record Of- 'fice, Albert Street, Clinton- 14-tfb 1\TORG,iE OIL SPACE HEATER, •enediun size, in good condition. 'Priced reasonably. Apply to Mrs, "Marion Seeley, -Huron Street West, after 5. 28p ;SEVERAL NEW PATTERNS in English Bone China Dinnerware, - including lovely "Cornflower". See it and others in our window and .,get our low prices for fine china. Counter's Jewellery. 28p 'HOME FREEZERS - • RCA ' 20 cu. :ft. Chest type- freezers. Five .year :guarantee, one year free services, Regular $569, our price $399, cash ,or terms. T. A. Dutton, RCA Vic- tor Dealer, Brucefield. HU 2-3232. 28-9-30-1-b 'TRUCK RACK AND PLATFORM Complete. U -bolts, lights, loading shutes, ridge pole, good for live 'stock. or grain. 13' x 7' 6" and 05' 7" high.- Good repair. Reason- able. easonable. • Bai+rd Transport, Bruce- field.. Phone TSU 2-7551. ,. 26-7-8-b Articles Wanted - 'WAN►PE'D—BBiA'SY CARRIAGE in good condition. Clinton HU 2-7484. 28b 'WANTED — GIRL'S BICYCLE. Wort be in good condition. Phone :TELT 2-6692. 28b Automobiles for Sale I955 PLYMOUTH SAVOY sedan, good condition. Accept trade. Can ,e financed. Phone HU 2-75,23. 28-p 1954 DODGE, HI -DRIVE, Sedan, all extras; also 1955 1:3,Jjrivouth . Savoy, sedan, all extras. Phone Blyth. 162, - 28p 'ONE TON FAP;GO• truck in :good running condition. Stake body. Cheap. Apply J, Retpson, . Clinton. Phone HU 2-7051. '1952 STUrDiEBAEF)R. (Champion) 'One owner, one driver, lovv mile- age, in good condition, Apply to W. V. Roy, Box 310, Clinton; Phone evendngs'HU2.9357, Office 1310'2-9642. 28-h `Baby Chiske SUMMER, CHECKS, PROM BIG -4 Hatchery. Weekly hatches, 'Peoafript shipment, Pullets, a wide choice, all ,ages. Ames dayold put- Iehs, White Rock dayold chicks, PiiIoh first generation. Yott'11 find, .all these in good .production for .good Markets, Agents Charles • S:cott, Auburn, phone 43r23 Blyth, 28b BABY 'SITTING RELIABLE MOTHER., will Baby •sit by the day or hourly, Reason,. able rates. Phtipe HU 2.9765. 7-tas Board and Room .A.CCOMMODATION FOR TWO alone or three sharing. Phone ' intoe 1•L(1' 2-7093; 27-8✓6 Business Opportunities OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS, Contact .LG Winter, Real Estate, Ugh Street, Clinton.. Phone Clin- ton HU 2-6692, 13-tfb START YOUR OWN BUSINESS se1lixtg guaranteed .and well knowai products rho all faunilies of :your looality, " Interesting commission, Free catalogue and details on re- quest, 1600 Deioritner, Dept. 81, Staten C, Montreal, 27-8-9-30-b OUSTOM WORK MASONRY WORK,, All Types, A•Y Wdlanaun Hams, phone HU 2-92,49, 27b-tfb AUTOMATIC SA.W Sharpening, Saws retoothed, jointed and filed for $1.25. Or just filed .and set 75 cents. Automatic butcher knife and scissor sharpener, scissors, 15 cents, knives 10cents. W. E. "Bill" Jervis, Fulton Street, .Clin- ton. Phone HU 2-9664. 11-tfb SANITARY SEWAGE • DISPOSAL Septic tanks, Cess Pools, etc., pumped. end gleaned with Sanitary equipment. All work guaranteed. Estimates given without obligat- ion. . Louis Blake, RR 2, Brussels, Phone Brussels 42r6. .6 to 32-p FARM EQUIPMENT For Sade SMOKER F)T VATOR,S, NEW Holland. Haying equipment. Geor- ge Wraith, Montreal Street, God- erich, • phone 1285. 23-tfb ALIAS. •- CHALMERS COMBINE 60 with motor, scour clean, bin, flax roll, swath spreader. In good condition. Wan. Taylor, Varna, phone •HU 2-3276, 281) Farm, Produce For Sale STRAWBERRIES FOR SALE - Berries are nowat their best: Or- der. early as the season will be short on account of early frost. F. W. Andrews, phone HU 2-3462. 25tfb C1RERRins :WHITE and BLACK Sweet Cherries now ready; Mont- morency about July 10. You may pick your own at Burton Wells Fruit Farm, corner of Ridge Road and 10th Con. Bosanquet Twp., 3 miles south of iplperwaslr. Camp. 27-8-p FURNITURE FOR SALE 4 .CHROME CHAIRS, good as new, chesterfield, day bed.. Phone HU 2`+9606. 28-b HELP WANTED --FEMALE. TYPIST WANTED, 5 -DAY Week. Apply in person to H. A. D,oney, Canada Pokers Ltd., poultry plant. 2811 STENOGRAPHERS • and TYPISTS for DEPARTMENT of NATIONAL DEFENCE CLINTON, ONTARIO STENOGRAPHER SALARY $1860 - $2640 TYPIST SALARY . $1860 - $2550 • (Based on education and experience) Apply: Civil Service Commission,,. 388 Dundas St. London, Ontario 28b Help Wanted—Male SAiLETSrM1AN WITH CAR. No ex- perience necessary. Earnings $100 to $150 per week; also monthly bonus plan, Apply Room 6, Hotel Clinton, July 11; 7-9 p.m, and July 15, 16, 17 inelnusive. 28p CLEANERS AND HELPERS,— $2400-$2760. ELPE1 S,—$2400-$2760. Required by Depart- ment of Na'bion:al Defence (Air) at Clinton, Ontario, Open to Male residents of Clinton and locality, Details and application forms: at Posit O,fifces and National Emp7oy- menet services, Apply before July 19, 1957, to the Civil Service Com- mission, 25 St, Clair Ave. East, Toronto 7. Quote competition number 57-T-905, . 28b Livestock For Sale 2 HOLSTEIN CALVES, suitable for veal, Apply Murray' Forbes, Phone Clinton HU 2-334. 28p 'Livestock Wanted A' .'TENTION FARMERS: Prot pt, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call collect Ed. Andrem6s, 851)411, Seaforth. Associated with Darling and Co.' of Canada Ltd. 26-p-tth Real Estate REAL ES'T'ATE: IS OUR BUSIN- ess, Fara-S, residential, cannier tial, summer .cottages. For de- pendable and capable service list your. property With john Bosveld, Wellesley Street, Goderich, phone 1108, Salesmen: George Mc - J. McConnell. 23.4,5-648—ii PERSONAi. ASTiR;OLOrGi1ST (MARGO). New Telephone, ,Goderich 298; 158 Keays St., Goderich. 28p LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. OF PARTNERSHIP NOTICE is hereby given that the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us, the undersigned Ar- thur I.,aunie Colquhoun, HarrY J. MoEwan and Frank M. McEwan, carrying on business as printers and publishers under the firm mune of "Qintex): News -Record" in the Town of Clinton, has this day been dissolved by mutual con- sent, All debts owing to the said Partnership P are to be paid to Clinton News -Record at their pe- nce on Albert Street, Clinton, On- tario, and all claims against the said partnership are to be present- ed to the skid Clinton News -Re- cord, by whorl, they will be settled. Dated at Clinton, this 3rd day of July, A,D, 1957. • Arthur Laurie C'olquhoun, Harr J. McEwan, Frank M. McEWan, By their Solicitor, .E. B."Menzies, Clinton, Ont. 27-8-9;b Miscellaneous HOMES NEEDED FOR, SMALL Ginger Kittens, '3 weeks old, Also, for sale, ladj's bicycle, $15, Phone HtJ 2-7528. 28b• WATCH REPAIR IS A JOB FOR experts. Our work assures your satisfaction.. Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Establish- ed Jewellery Store. 28p EIET tJS. REPAIR AND MAKE your 'rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take chan- cos, Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch re- pairs and Pearl restringing, W. N. Counter. 28p MAPS OF THE TOWN OF CLIN- ton, showing streets, . lot numbers, and town limits. 50e each, Avail- able at Clinton News -Record of- fice. 24-tfb Property For Sale DESIRABLE LOT FOR SALE on Raglan Street, near two .schools. D. S. Canteion, phone HU 2-9483. 20-tfb LOT FOR SALE, Princess Sit. E., near bath sohools; approx. 130 ft. frontage; 100 ft. deep. McEWan's Stationery Store. 28tfb FOR SALE . iltOM OWNER: 7- reamed house, garage, stoker fur- nace, open fireplace, excellent hardwood floors. Taxes and heat- ing costs "low. Owner transferred. Priced right for quick sale. Phone HU 2-6660 after 5. 28p For quick sale, 6 room frame e house with three piece bath and 2 extra lots; partly f rnL hed, in- cluding Heintznann piano; -choice location in Clinton. All yids for onlly. $4,0.00 low doom. payment. John Bosveld, Realtor, 40 Wellesley Street, God'erich, Phone 1108. 27-8-b WANTED WHITE EGGS We are interested in large flacks of layers. Will pay premium for rwthite eggs:, Contact 'Cliff Cooper et Poultry Plant for details. Canada Packers Ltd. 28b HOG CONTRACT WANTED You supply the hogs, and we will supply the feed Until market weight. Call Cream ery O1>ficei for complete de- ' tails. HU 2-9301 Canada Packers Ltd. 28-b 111 111 lmmmoolmumimmmili1i11mm1mmmmlmiuu mmo Phone rOrders Taken For RASPBERRIES Ill 1111 III Choicest Berries for Canning and Table Use. Don. C. Cod. thoun r, Ph. 111J 2-3297 At the new housing dovetopinent tit Highway 4., SOiith 04 Clinton. 27-8,b Bff}1011Nm lnirmmil'UmtlIlliflilt m[OMI1111I1(111111lI111111I 115 • BIRTHS clANTM N •.•. • In ,Clinton Public 19ospi al, onMondaY, July 8, 57, Mr, and Mrs.. Raymond -antelon, Rif 5, Clinton, a dap, - Miter, OOLC1%.OUOili — In.Clinton, on Tuesday, Jay" 9, 1957, to Mr, 'and Mrs, •Qeo'rge Colclough, the gift of a chosen daughter, ('Sharron Annette), HICi 9 0i.0ton Public Bospi- tel, ori Friday, July 5, 1957,' to Mr. and Mrs, Robert Dicks:, Clinton, • a daughter. IVES -1h Clinton Public Hospital, on ,Sunday, July 7, 1957, to Mr, and Mrs, Hugh George Ives, RR 1, Ilyth, a claUghter, McGREyGOR,. -- In Clinton Public Haspital; on Tuesday, 3uly 9, 1957, to Mr, .and Mrs. Fred Mc- Gregor, Brucefield', a daughter. li,EEVES—IIn Clinton. Public Hos, phial, on Sunday, July 7, 1957, to LAC and Mrs, Lorimer • Reeves, Albert Street, Clinton, • a daughter, TOiMA — At Portage la Prairie;. Man., on Monday, July 8, 1957, to Flight Lieutenant ,and Mrs. Andre 'Tonna (nee Janet Mac- Leod) a daughter (1Vfary Kate)._ DEATHS EAiSR'—Suddenly at his home in Mullett Township, on Friday evening, July 5, 1957, Charles East, beloved husband of Annie Pilgrim, Aubrarn, in his 69th, year. Funereal tram -the Arthur funeral home, Auburn, to Bali's Cemetery, on Monday afternoon, July 8, by the Rev. R. S. I3iltz. YUNGDLUT —In. Clinton Public. Hospital, on Friday morning, July 5, 1957, John Yungbiut, dear father of Preroy Yungblut and Mrs. Russell King, Auburn, in his 79th year. Funeral from the Arthur . funeral home, to Ball's . Cemetery, on Monday, July 8, by the .Rev. D. J. Lane, Clinton, .assisted by the Rev: Bren .de -Vries, Auburn • CARDS OF THANKS My sincere thanks to all those who sent cards and flowers, while was in hospital in London. Spec- ial thanks to Dr. Oakes'. --CHAS. WILSON. 28p Mr. William Hayter wishes to thank all those who called to visit him and sent cards and treats and flowers while a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. 28b We would like to thank our neighiboirrs, friends and relatives for gifts, cards''and party given to us cm our 25th wedding anniver- sary: DORIS and BILL DATION. 28p I would like to thank any frien- ds, neighbours and relatives for gift ,s treats and card's, and for their many acts of kindness to me and my family during my: recent illness. --JANET ELLIOTT 28-p We would like to thank our friends and neighbours, .`Dr. New- land, and tihe nurses of Clinton Public Hospital for their kindness and helpfulness shown to us at the time of Rorvald's accident and dur- ing his stay in hospital--BEl i'ee and GRANT T IRWIN. 2 I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to alll my friends. and neighlboues for their many kindnesses and help during my' recent illness, also for visits, cards, flowers and treats. Special thanks to my special nur- ses and all the nurses and staff at Clinton Public Hospital; also Dr. Brady and Dr, Oakes: MR$. HOWARD M. CRICH, 28-p CLEARING - AUCTION SALE of 'ARM and FARM IMPLEMENTS At Lot O. 24 and Part Lot 25, Concession 4, Stanley Township, (2r/2 milea'south of Clinton on No. 4 Highway and 13/ miles west) on r,. Wednesday, July 17 at 1.30 Innplements, ete.: 199;4 , Ford tractor; Ford tractor ploiw; M -H binder, 6 ft. cut; George White 32-50 threshing machine; M -H mower, 5 ft. cut; rubber tire wag- on and fiat rack; hay- loader; set of discs; -3-drum steel roller; cul- tivator; set drag harrows; spring- dumprake;set 11 cultivator; Coat of sleiglhs; seed drill; stone boat; straw blower; ;fanning mill and motor; quantity of lumber 2"x4"s; and cedar posts; and quantity of steel; roofing. Feed: A small quantity of sats; buckwheat and mixed grain, . Farm: of 150 acres (-more or less) of clay loam on which is sit- uated itmated a 11/2 storey frame house with roll' brick siding; a bank barn 34'x50`; a poultry house 18'x 80'; hydro throughout the build- ings; and a never -failing, water supply. On this farm. is 20 acres of hardwood bush and 38 acres of grain crop, balance in 'hay • and pasture,s Terirnon implements, etc,, cash. Terms on Farm; 10% dewn and balance in 30 day's. Farm; to be offered for sale subject to a res serve .bid, A'RTIIIIR CHAPI% AN, Proprietor, RR 5, Clinton: Edward Wi Elliott, Atiot'ioneerr 8b •-4.-4-#44•x- My Barber Shop will be closed for Holidays from July 22 until 31. MAIN LLTTrixTREE 1.8.9-b j Rev, C. E. Peacock Arrives From Callander Cbarge (.By our Hayfield correspenciont) The Reverend Charles. Egerton Peacock, Pastor of St, Andrews United, Bayfield, Grace, Porter's Hill and Taylor's Corners Church. was 'born in Grimsby, England. He received his early education there and • served with the British armed fences an the .contnent in World War 1, Tn 1924 he ,emigrated to New., Bfoundlan'd, Active in the 1Vletllodist .Church he . trained n. t a u N . Mount ... ' o Albs+ n .B and attended In e d P e e Hill Divinity Hall, Halifax; graduating in 1999, He wa& ordained in June of that year at Gower Street Church, St. John's, Newfoundland. Aliso in 1932 he was married to Miss Pearl Brigden, E.rwarth, Newfoundland. Mr. PeaK:ock' served in New- foundland 'Dm 12 years,and in Halifax during the war years, He was part time chaplain .at the British, Navaa Base in Ben - rondo. and pastor of a negro chur- ch there for two years. In Ontario he served the United Church. at MacTi.er and Huntsville, There were 17 summer congrega- tions in connection with the latter :dharrge on the Lake of Bays. For �111 ` the past five years . Mr, Peacock's charge was Ferris and Callander. The two places: sep- +orated and so he resigned to ac- cept the Bayfield pastorate. He had served as •both chairman and secretary of the North Bay Pres- bytery. . Mr. and Mrs. Peacock have three children, Myrtle, who is a registered nurse on the staff of the. Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Harald, Heron Bay, who is chief timber cruiser for the Ontario Pulp and Paper Co., and Jonhwho works for a Quebec firm and is at present 'a timber cruiser in NeNvfioundiand. ' LAST - CALL For ' HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY BUS TRIP to Hamilton Gardens on July 17, 9 a.m. Reserve Your Seat NOW if you want to go`: Tickets Available from REV. D. J, LANE 28b MORTGAGE SALE UNDER and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain anortgage, which will be produced at the Mme of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction on Saturday, the 27th day of July, 1957, at the hiour of one o'clock in the afternoon, at the • Andrews Grist 1VDill in the Village of Au- burn, in the County ,of Huron, by Harold Jackson, Esq., Auctioneer, the following property, namxel+y: ALL the Mill property, buildings, d'escrib'ed in' Instrument Number 8867 for the Township of Col. borne; No. 12730 for the Township of H'ulRlett; And No. 16532 for the Township of Wawanosh. The property .consists of a Grist Mill, residence, storage buildings and surrounding property. TERMS: ten (10%) per cent of the purchase price to be paid down at the time of sale, balance to be paid within thirty (30) days there- after,. F'or further particulars and con- ditions of sale, apply to: Messrs. HAYS and PEEST, Barristers, Solicitors, 33 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario. DATED at the Town of Gade- rrich, in the County of Huron, this 24,111 day of June, 1957. 28-9-30-b Supertest Service Station FOR. LEASE 'Located . on No. 4 Highway Large Gallonage Established Excellent opportunity for right party Apply II. 0: FREE SEAFORTH' Phone 366 Tenders W nted TENDERS are invited fa. the Construction of approximately 1,400 feet of 4 -foot Asphalt or Concrete Sidewalk. Contractor to do all grade work on base. Tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk on or before 2uly 27, 1957, who will f urliteh all neves- eery 3nfeemat1tnr re same. Low- est or any: tender not necessarily accepted, PILLAGE OI HENSALL James A. Paterson,; Clerk -Treasurer PAGE FIVI4 ROXY THEATRE Clinton TWO Shows N.i,ghtiy Wide Screen. 'NOW: IIUR ,, IRI, _and. S "PARDNErRS" (Vistavision) The wildest, woodiest Western ever made ----a sax -gun barrage of trate and fun Flintal in Technicolor against gcenieallY beautiful! Arizona backkgrounds, REAM' MARTIN t— JERRY' LEWIS --14010 NELSON MONDAY, C[TE SD Yad "THE ETERNAL SEA" Based on the amlazing 'career of a World War .II hero, Rear. Admiral John M; . Hoskins, wdxo successfully commanded • a second aarerraft carrier after losing a 'leg. S7,'EgLINGc HAYDImN •-- ,ALEXIS SMITH --- DEAN JACwQER Coming; "SHF VAGABOND RING" Iiatlttyn Grayson * Rita Morene -- Sir Cedric Hardvvieke 'Citizens voluntarily deflated 385, 690 b'ottles'of blood to the Caned- tan Red Cross BloodTransfusion Service in 1956, 0 ti Used Furniture Bought and Sold • Store At King Street, Clinton Across from the Post Office (Formerly. Riley's Grocery) 28p 1 WANTED: TRADE IN 17" & 21" TV's For Summer Cottages and Rentals FOR THE BEST DEAL BRING IN YOUR • OLD TV NOW. ROGERS MAJESTIC 21" 1957 Console TV ONLY 199,.9,5Jr; or our Old —0 -- RCA VICTOR- 21" WINFIELD Console 19 tubes ' ONLY 26995 And Your ou O . ' v --o— ELECTROHOME Swivel Base' Console 22 tubes ONLYao t And YourI 21.ar• 5 or21"TV Galbraith RADIO and TV Cali HUnter 2-3841 PARK THEATRE E R GODERJCH NOW: "Tribute to a Badman" James Cagney Cinenmseope MONDAY, TUESDAY • and WEDNESDAY - "PORT AFRIQUE" -- Iru Color A murder mystery filmed' on lo, cation in Africa, in which a night oliuh singer helps locate the killer. Pier Angell -- Philip Carey and-- Dennis rope THURSDAY, FRIDAY , and SATURDAY "The SEARCHERS" In Warner -Color This' pioneer adventure story tells of a seven year search by: an uncle for two little girls captured - by Comanches. John Wayne -- Vera Miles and Ward Bond Coming: "EVERYTHING BUT. . THE TRUTH" with Maureen O'Hara t 1.Peter Westerhout • Londesboro, Ont. Phone Clinton HU 2-9812 25-tfb ..1 F o r LANDSCAPING ASHTON' $ TAXI Operated by, CLIFF ASHTON DAY or NIGHT CALL HU -'2-9036 Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY at 8 p.m. TERMS CASH • J. COREY Sakes Manager E. W. ELLIOTT„Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere K. C. Cooke FLORIST Phone HU 2-7012, Clinton GIFT of LOVE! From man to woman, from heart . to hear.•t,. a dram - and speaks in ten- der tering of happi- neSs and love. Such an import- ant gift as a dia- mond, should be chosen With spec- ial care. Take Time To Choose Your Diorriorld lrt Privdicy-••• • Phone Collect for an Evening Appointment TERMS RMS CCAN BL ARRANGED Anstett Jewellers OPEN Emow NIi,'I CLINTON (Phone HU. 2; 9525) and WALKERTON Expert "%Veit Repairs and Engreving EtTLO'VAw-. CYMA and OWE11T WATCHES 1%Li1E RIVER and lsLVi•7 BIRD' DIAMONDS SPODE D lvNE t•WARE