The Wingham Times, 1888-12-14, Page 5' G it than t (im c.
FRIDAY, DEO. 11, 18e8.
Tun ir.
The l,ntln•laty li ,-l,itora,ry Society
will 110111 thea. lir•, t manilla Of the
seitsnn, on Ielid:ty rat in.x, 14eil inset.
at .lir. IMI) rt '`t ts:+5 i•lt's, All tint
members lire eapt„ tett to bn 1Tt atten-
dance P,'i bu..iin04$ of •'np 'trance is t')
be trattormt.,l • --`fetes '.tier X ewwv : Mr.
John Fowler, of \Vnighrtln, who
visiting his son Mr. 17 m. Fowler this'
wet?1.,..00 .'araolc ix r Yl!adpitte,) between
ls°11d')lvnel'a sell one si.; :,n'l the C, P.
Ib• CO,. Olt tho O t `t, anent the right
to put up soon '+ oleo. on Property
aadlainin„ th raiitoa, 1. omefarmers,
as. Sn0:1 08 the fn0le'o was set stn, took
theta clown tool pito] Cd them over on
the road alluwa z . It will be inter-
esting, t>) Mote how ,Paters will turn
I tbr•ri K t,tsou bas returned
from Dakota wll ie he has bora,
speudiug the sown '. He thinks he
would jest as soca btu it1 Ontario yet.
-- Vaal' no Mutton .10th con., is gating'
out thither for a arL o new barn, 50
feet by 68. Mt Jos Abram is the
'contractor.—:"era- Helen Murray, oil
cin. 3, avllotte dot enlse we noted ',tit
«'caeic, wa,s ll pati e of 13ox',orongh,
'')e')tland, who eatN to Canaria with
her hu..b:t,l,t Davi, hurray 1n. 1855
and settled in. 111xntiford and subao-
`qneutly rernoved to 1'•lymptou, L alilb-
:ton, Cnt,j, fl�lally Srftlirl:; in, Turn -
berry 23 plan ag°.'). `,lo Wats an
active tad 1leaalthy,wolna,n, sick but a
few days. She hl 1 70 grand children,
30 groat grand e iith'eu and 10 of a
f'trltily, sev,>1.1 0 whom are living,
Hhe was a mutt ler of the C')ngreg i.
tional church, . Yiuglt: n, a devoted
Claristiau mond, a and oda highly
ostelarnod by all b 1r aoquaintaoees,--
SO:a•M of tide p.lrtia e, who went to see
I',nnisiat a have returned. Al!
ruepress thon,elvcs eta biting w..1l
pleased with the co vary, mai give
glowing accounts of the prodllctivE'
soil, hill climate, &e Mr. 11Inc,'lirney
brought lioluo sr)111a so -trillions
` -t ilnons 0
cane, Ionians, note, .wi}di1a:v.,rs tttld
other products of 'the Sunny laud.
--A meeting. was hold at Mr. William
C:;•e.nulilt a on Fric ay evening, to
'organize 0 oompaay to boy a 8000
acre platutaticn at a cost of i,, 92.000.
Ori tho plantation are a sogar refinery
and a cotton twill; Lao a Ii,)lnb••r Of
tti,T.les, brood mares, ':tttlo C:.0 llit'fisrs.
1 (sOY)1 n'll, Soot and :lioutn.tulery
loft for L)ulsi,tua tiri, • week and ;liossr's
GO. I3e+11tlej>, Orl ode Currie and
others go next w 'sic. Should the
fever- Continua we wi 1 soon. ho depopu
lilted. It is oar wi h that all may
bare their bast • hal 1s realized.—We
Wore pleased to leiara that Airs. James
Henning hos so far °eoovered as to bo
able to be out of be•: a part oe 00(11
day, Mrs, LI .iii iuc has boon confi,ht'(1
'to bed since least Apr 1 with rheumatism
surf the new . of her anlookod for
recovery will be plc sing to her mlrany
friends.-•-Goor(3 rey Johnston, of
'.purtle;ilountaiu, ;a an., SOA of John
-Johnston, forfn,ar13'of the I310ev810
Road, writes as fo lows : Our clops
.were not 118 good 1 ore this year as
they were last. '!.'u s year I hard only
700 bashers of wheat off 68 taros
whore last vear 1. h: tl Ct:: bushels off
28 etc+es. I had O1 ly 600 bushels of
"'oats oil' 21 pores t i , year ant }act
yam, my tiaras want T Foul oO to 00 bush.
to. the acre. Also .a writes : Robert
Camtolon and hi4 (plug bride arrived
'froth Ontario in.. sa:oty. Itou'ben
.hill started for 0i carie on Monday
3rd inst. 11'a aro tot certain whether
•he will port)rrn a d ty similar to Mr.
Cantelou or not.
A. successful t`a bath Scheel Con-
vention was held 11 Knox. C1,ur 111 on
Wednesday ev@a1h14 . A dicussi rn 011
the relation of the Sabbath Scholl to
tho minion field art s taken part in by
Boo. Messrs. Howie ,J Kerr, Clui
• and Swann --At tl o last meeting of
the Y. P. C. A., Po v. J. Rom read a
'player on. thtt Cam mutts of Roma --
The first of the t0 Mthly horse fairs
was held last Ticino lay.
. Din attend-
•tt1Ce) was large, fa 111a31'ti and bnyero
being largely rept waited. Quito a
number of home changed hands,
pri11cipx'ly general ;)'ulaoat' and heavy
draught Olydos, t r price:; oblaiued
being from ;,11111 ti $ 00 a Mere.
i%Iis3.M:x;*;ie R ttherfor,l i9 l;tl:i up
with erysipelas i1 the f;tca and !ovals.
-Lewlrl T'11oin o i received a very
::overs kne'k from steer on '1't11u'sday
.lust tlbo •0 the left ey', dis-
figuring Bina very b1°;11y.— :hiss I eizzio
Lamont, of Mplts,• is visiting fsi'0 lot
l:o alai around Z :1a11416
Ir pA t .
A drunken mon a itllout ra hot was
80011 on the first li 1r, of Morris ono
cold morning lately Ile said he bail
iris lett when be 'ft 111uovitle.--A
paring bet' was 11e1 at S. Pool's, 2tul
con., ])tot wee'k, to ootily number sat
down to the, table an 1 soon a largo heap
of apples. plat un al );;ether a (Morcott
appoaral:0e. llfa l"ant, assisted by
Mrs. Paul, seometl to use the young
folks so well that they wilt as they
wended their way home,. they would
be phn''t to go again. The annual pub•
he t3ellool exllulfllal: on of 1Vo.8,111orris,
will be held on +'ridgy, Doti. 140.
Besides the 1101181 ruutiuo of school
work, the pupils I ave in preparation
an lengthy prograu 111', Your corres-
pondent has 1'eceiv 1d a spacial invit:t
tion, which also i.r oblates the editor of
tilt) `I'Ilrns, from t 1e tone ter, iter, 1l'.
Bartley; lilt all a'a cordially invited.
•--1),I3e11, 3rd line, has rented his farm
to R. Boll, Suusllii e, for t;, 331;,
}w'un nine.
dr. ,Tames I3ro n, tvlio has boon
visiting friends 11e ', left on Monday
for his hums in . akotet. —Mr, Chas.
Canary, who has b 00 in iiyracuse, N.
Y., for stmt; Ono, 'a Melte oil a visit.
—lit'. Ironstone 11 s finished moving
the machinery fr to tho mill and
factory11e1'e. Titis inds up businoesin
Sunshine.° -A very interesting meet.
in;; in colltl!Ction itll our Literary'
ociety was hold U the T„Wils'1ip.
Kell on Friday Iii ,ht of last week.
-rho debate., the sub, sot of- which wits,
" IiAOlved tllait it is bettor to einigrate
to a forest oountr than a prairie,"
was resided in. favo' of the atliulativo.
Lang -tote.
Miss Nate Cro vston ire visiting
friends in I irmat inc.-11r. Edwin
Philips i;; at prose 1t seriously
It is is proposed to litve a tea -meeting
in the Methodist eh rel ou Christmas
eve.—Tho members >f Rock of Friend-
hip'I'etn.poratnce Le dge. havo decided
to give all entei'taill ne:nt on the oven
mg of the twenty ei
14Ir.11 "ic(LU'trr1
intendent of the 1'r
School hero for nee
uentnry. This seboo
eras been super•
'byte -than Sundry
ly a quarter of a
held a Successful
entertainment rete . tly.-1'tev. W. J.•
E'rtylor, of 14litt}1,11, preached in
Trinity Church on Si ud:ty and lectured
"Habit" on Mom ay eveuing.
Luck ow.
Rev. G. 13. flow i is lecturing in
, ,
wu )tt- itis weekt.1
on H
Holy Land.—..t tl e List meeting of
the literary society 'rnprolnptu speeches
were made by tile. rs. D. D. Yuba an 1
John 11.iurebison, rospectively, on
".cranks" and the est .Burns.
\Vith the now ye r Gs ip r.nterss upon
its thirty•seaond ha .f -yearly volume, a
fact which speaks loquelltly for the
merits of this 11111 Ue and favorite
Canadian journal. o former attempt
in tho field of ban (mtai journalism
iri Caudle,.was ever s iccesaful, b:3nause
in no form 3r caso wa there the Happy
enrnbivatuw Of eleu e1118 essential to
Alta success of such a venture. In the
first p'aee, au uncoil nmol fertility of
iuvcntiouis required o keep a comic
paper e brertrtof thetil les, and this must
backed up by an anti: tie ability equal
to the task of iuterp vai11; the happy
thoughts evolved ill a lopular nr. tuner.
Seen:oily, there must i tho so:id basis
of right principles opal wlliell to build,
Truth, Honor; f 011100s and good taste
are all as essential t) the SUeee8S of a
remits journal as of a
highest class. All the
flvnll the first ilunlbe
Grip in a 11ig:a negrot
lay alma side elf filo v
Cons of, its class in
13agtazine of the
e features nave.
It stands to-
ry host produc•
he world, and
enjoys 0 ladle far bc'yoaicl the bonds
Of Ottnaa'a. To (Jamul Gins it ought to
bo More Ltd more an 01) eco of patriotic
pride, end 'a:tautly bot little earl be
said for lila patriotibl of any Cant.
dian who p.•ot+ands t.) c lturo, and can
reboil tiro price, wltoso• nettle is not
1„',alai U; tt 1 (}l'ip's sub •eriptien list,
The only c:iption price r: almost nidi•
oub,usla :law,wltnu the rt 100 of simiiatr
(:olid DIA equally able) ,'ournals oleo
where aro Considered. t is only two
dollars a year, although t to paper Con.
tains sixteen pages fills l with bright
original humor of lam an polled, and
always gives, without st 1rt, political
Ca.'t00110 on passing oven s, which for
poi it, paver and humor tre certainly
un: ltrp assed i11 any bun moms paper 1
tbo clay. lfor ourselve. we can sty
hat Grip is the very firs • ,journal w'. I
open and enjoy.on tho nt 'ival of o.1 r
w.;t kly exchanges, and we believe tie•
saw i8 true of nearly eve y editor hal
tits? u.:untry. Get it for 1 ,89 withott
OT°••Tut* n of all the cher
at by .England last year wa
98 import.
At the C
tho swee1)•i
LCope,. of
wits 1022 da
lbs. alt aver
icago Fat Stork allow .1
kes was taken by Jo11n
ow Park, The' animal
s oltl 811:1 1voigherl 1800
ge of 1.85 pounds per
The i .ayoraity,1&&9.
To the Ratepayers of the Tount of
At the request of a largo number oil the
ratelntye tt, I have decided to offer myt)elf
as t candidate for the Mayoralty of Wing.
Hart for 1889. Yost aro well dud, I trust
favorably, acquainted with all my public)
nets. I have served several years in the
Town Council and am no stranger to muni•
cipal law. I have always done the best 1
could to advance the interests of the town
and shall continue to dos() if elected. The
town is now on the high road to prosperity.
It is easy to increase or mar that prosper-
ity. It shall be nig endeavor, by every
judicious toll honorable means in my
power, to add to and increase that pros-
perity. 1f elected I shall 110 everything
possible in the way of justice to all 01(34804
alike, rich auu poor. I shall dt, my best to
faster and encourage the industries we
already have and to add to them if possible.
The welfare of Wingliam shall bo my aim
and object, and at the end of the year I
hope to be able to silo that ii'inginam will
inlet all the eircam•
ly solicit your votes and
adios and Gentlemen.,
ours very respectfully,
m, Deo. 11111, 1899.
be still advancing.
stances I respect
I am,
The Reeveship, 1339.
To the Ratepayers of Il'inghar)t;
At the request of several ratepayers
I have decided to offer myself as candidate
for peeve of tho T'o.wn of Witgluon, for
13199, I have served for Beveral years in
the Town Council, and have never spared
any personal exertions to benefit the town.
Wiu„ hero has now made a new start for-
ward, and if elected I 3111111 do everything
in my power to promote and increase its
.10 ward progress. I shall always be found
firmly on 'tlie sine of economy, truth and
rnnrtlii°y, and while anxious to make Wing-
hani a prosperous and flourishing town, I
shall at the name time be anxious to make
it a pure and moral one. ii'ina,.lham is now
at the orfni8 of a rising tide, and if properly
and wisely managed, it will still rapidly
rise and grow: odierwiae the ebb tide may
80011 stat in. Sneh a e11i18 should never be
neglected, You will find me constant iu
attention, both at +he Town and County
Councils. I have been closely identified
with ii'ingham, almosb from its very in-
fancy, and it has always beet- and always
will be dry pride to snake it a place of
itupo•ttanco. All I ask is that in your
Interests and thine you ,sive rue a chance
to bark for it at this critical period in its
career. You will never fined the to turn one
step aside from the strict line of dutyfor
any person or consideration. I shall alays
be found f',r justice and right. I therefore
respectfully ask o0 to elect me, and I feel
confident that he e.v °nt will show that I
trustnot. told vill not be unworthy of the
I a , Ladies and Gentlemen,
Your re epeotfully,
LAnIrs AND Gr:iTLe31rN,—
I have been requested by a number
of the citizens to odor myself es can-
didate for tho Roavosbip for the op
suing year, 1889. Iia,ving served as
Deputy Reeve ta the interest of the
town, "lr years ago,'and 110 corn
plaints .n:tdt3 agaillat me, I ask you
to elect me as your Reeve for the
Coming year.
Truly yoars,
1(101 tilt” 00 TO 111:1(1 I --
on viva YE :44.
Jlfei A fleet -t civ far,n i11 the towleship of Tnv,»b° try,
bei» Lot s rand part of d, intha tint with C;elces:ion,
contaii1*,, 1)3 aero, of which 1(1 ate cleared 1a1.8 hl
a '.,nd state of cvttivation and all floe of at'hmps.
a::e•,.,, .:wont 4 teres. A fine 18811 tai, a gond fair.()
dw1i(,1, told huge 11111,1: lo',, ,vtth frame 8tivine
sheds, etc., aro on the prenuees. The farm p„ «•vel
wet'rea. hoe part'oulars apply to the prapric+ar en
tho pr,®uie:-A n1 to .T. Comm, Wroxeter, JOII:r
03 y133113 ., 1 roxetor P. 0. —tit
IT 4. '-to° .
01 o 01' Ax AC1Ui ON'
Apply to
"TIIIE$" 011301.
L Ell.
rtTRAYED n1t
8ohxcriber, lo
about the 1st of.
The 11ht ear iv
f.,rrn3,inn as
,lit. A
lead to 01
P1vlv3119l;q OC TIi11
1•ltb rot East t1 an In ,ut,
a red Steer, ,Be, "year old.
peraca yiv114 foul, ;',11..
Yory will bd Suitably
0l: PDX,
Wit ' eimro11 P. 0.
Oat Ideal ilYflil Opened
Tire undersigned desire to inform frtrtn
ere and the people generally that they have
reopened their
Oat Medi rip ill '1rinhatn,
And aro now prepared to parohaso oats in
Unlimited quantities and at tilt , G.4o,, ”' Forell '1 a r. t d ma
Sincerely hope that all their Customers and, the Public generally,
And, to give practical evidence of their sincerity in this matt;•,•, Goy art
prepared to give
3. OI.>, a BARG
•.JJ cai.
17 S
Every Line of their Dig Store
From this date till the FIPST of Jaattra1 I, 188J.
---Their Stock of--
Very Choice and Complete
,.and will be solt1.
.. Our Friends in Town, who can conveniently do so, will canker a favor by
leaving their orders in the forenoon.
� .."Sla_avd�
. `.
,t) ri, ry°a
`j r
l;. .j
Has a most complete assortment of the LATEST, CHOICEST, and
2 Tatches, Clocks, Jewelry
and Silver Good
AND Wtrat. a..i.
With a New, Fresh, Well -assorted Stock,
Oysters _Done in Am,- St`,l
—A Sailed, Variety of--
and --- All -•- Seasonable --- Int Pit.
o'Q1 r' at'n" t fge w,
C1PI'o, dao `,`1111 Iit3'IA?. (allot.::8y, Wric;I*.a::.
To The Leos of Iiiiinghal tnid ry o rf°
Wo bop, to intimate that we lowo on hated a very Contin, t.o ht )r.u. o1'
Comprising. tho CaeiOICi7ST A.B.TIOr4E+'„i and LilaEsT NrOV Ya1.,TI.E :i
ut+iii '11 it N ubtc& �w�44. !S �: i.n w Ll.v,46,,,
They will Oupply onstoruors with tits liz.trr
Gaatios to Otte itto8l,
0 'wzin-oz , . 6 ` Ci.L , t 1S E O NT R 3 LS,a
AN INSi? e noN o1;+' on nom, SOLlano.
1 t> Prices Very . ,easona1_)i€:.