Clinton News-Record, 1957-06-27, Page 12Old -U .awry 44Working
ar ' at 4he Banamilaising
TgLrlll,,SDAY, JUNE 7, 1901
A. lot of barn -raising is in the "kno r -bow"
and these senior citizens, standing by with advice
if needed, recalled one instance when a barn WAS
put up under the advice of two men, both over
75,, who sat about in the shade ,and directed the
movements of the crew. Pictured under the
trees at Elgin Porter's barn raising bee are,
'(frown the left) Ben Rahwelil, Orval M,oClinchey,
Fred Watson, Richard Robinson, Archie Arm-
strong (standing), William Johnston, George
Castle, Tom Westlake and Billy Clark. More
pictures on page eight): (News -Record Photo))
Re -Built Barn .Raised
On Elgin porter Farm
A re -built barn: measuring 75 x
64 feet has beentgoing up steadily
at the farm of Elgin Porter, Bay-
field during the past `(weeks. Last
week, the barn -raising ' in the,
traditional manner, saw 90 men at
work getting the big bearis into
place, under the ,direotion of Sid
Martin, .in charge of moving the
barn and getting it into position.
The structure has been moved'
from a farm just across the road
from the new General Electric
plant near Guelph: Fiouandation
was poured by volunteer help,
with' Mahlon Sander, Zurich, the
expert in charge.
Helpers included the following:
Bill Armstrong, William Porter,
Glen, DOws'on, Orval MoCi,Dchey,
Ted Dunn, Noah Gingerich, Ever-
ett Mellwain, Bruce Keys, Gordon
Hill, Anson McKinley, Waiter
Eckel, Miulton Pollock, Anson Calf-
, ztsan, Joseph Martin, Harvey Roh-
ner, Harrold Lawson, Wilmer Mc:-
Lloyd Johnston, Lee McConnell,
Melvin and William Elliott, Wi:14i-
iaarri Oesch, Mervin Bauman, Louis
Taylor, Bert W. Dunn, Raymond
Scotchmer, Murray Grai
nger, Ivan
Steekle, Jack Armstrong, Melvin
Frey, Terry Porter, Bert EVans,
Allen Johnston, Harvey Martin,
John Keys; Eli B. Saucier, s
Clayton Boyce, Jack Dunn,
Douglas Armstrong, Bev, Taylor,
Gordon: Westlake, Allan Steckle,
Elmer Hayter, Floyd Armstrong,
Don Campbell, Cliff Greer, Dan
Steckle, Harvey Coleman, George
Stephenson, Ralph Turner, Elmore
Keyes, Joel Gasaho, Richard Por-
ter, Cecil DOWson, Wesley Me-
' Bride,
Mozart Gelinas, Melvin Greer,
Allen Armstrong, Bert McBride,
Ed. Steckle, Dwight Porter, Edwin
- • Frey, . Jim'' Keys, Arnold Porter,
Bert Greer, John, Marks, Roy Mc-
cBride, Louis Wilde, Israel Martin,
Clarence Martin, "Amzi Wideman,
Dolton Bowman, John Atnstrtong,
John Watson,
Leslie Armstrong, Ford John-
ston, Aaron B. Mar* Clifford
Keys, John; Wild, Len Talbot, Rey
Scotchmer, John Scotchmer, 3r•.,.
Russell, Oesch, Douglas Armstrong,
John Campbell, Richard and John
E. Robinson.
And on the distaff side, prepar-
ing the mealls, that kept the men
on the job, Rose and Frieda..
Scotchmer, Clara Clark, Judith
Armstrong, Edith .and Allan Hoh-
ner, Anne Wild and Barbara Annie
Wild, Dorothy and Pauline Arm-
rmstrong, Rhoda and Mrs. 'William
Reid, Gertrude Steckle, Eileen
Dunn, Eleanor Watson, Margaret
Scotchmer, Jeanne. Lindsay, Mrs.
William Oesah, Anna and I,ynnda
Scotchmer,.Margaret, Marion and
Kathleen Porter, Lois and .Bonnie
Armstrong, Alma Peck, Margie
Talbot and Elizabeth Grainger.
Extra $1,000
To SwirnPo�I
(Continued from page one)
$2,000 will be realized from the
Thursday night.bingos in the first
six months of the year. The bingo
committee also states that the re-
gular bingo players from town
realize their money is going to-
ward the swimming pool and the
other wortthwhiae Legion sponsor-
ed projects.
Help Scouts and Cubs
After a request from past Dis-
trict Scout Commissioner L. G.
Winter, the Legion voted $100 to-
wards Maintaining and further
equipping the Scouts and Cub
camp sites on the Maitland river,
north of . Hoimesville.
iHector Kingswell, leader of the
Legion pipe band now being for-
med, made a trip to Toronto last
Friday and ordered kilts, sporran,
ete, for ten bandsmen. The Leg-
ion approved an expenditure of
$668 for these initial dress uni-
Two new members were initia-
ted into the Legion, Karl Skov, a
caretaker at CDCI, and Cpl. Rus'-
Beverage Sets •
TUMBLER SET -8 Tumblers ---Red, Black,
Turquoise or Green per set
TUMBLER SET --Leaf Decoration—Set of '8
in Gold and Black
TUMBLER SET—Gold ond Black ----Modernistic
TUMBLER SET—Gold Base --Set of
RACK and 8 TUMBLERS -- Blue, ar Yellow
TUMBLER RACK -8 Tumblers, $ Coasters ..
TUMBLER RACK -8 Tumblers — Polka Dart
decorotibn in White and Gold
BEVERAGE SET —S -Piece 2' rz, Container
and four lasses
Wooden 'Spoons, Forks Paper Pates, Table Cloth,
'Se'rvielytytejs�, �'',P�a�per' Cups, Etc,
4 :+0.0 ' 444} '4' �. T"+T' T 04
3.95 ,
Mc Ewan!s
�� �T, • array td
Zurich Drubs
Colts 10-4;'
Lead League
Zurich Lunllberkcings demonstra-
ted why they are the top team. of
the Huron -Perth here on Friday
night when they drubbed the Clin-
ton. Colts 10-4.
The win was as convincing as
the score indicates as the Kings
tore into the offerings of Bob
Younghlutt and Ron Hugill for 11
solid hits. . Thesse included two
triples, a home run and a double.
Meyers allowed nine Clinton hits
but they were all singles and when
the Colts threatened he settled
down and snuffed out the rally.
Meyers was the big man for the
Kings. His lusty triple in the third
drove in three runs and he led
off the fifth with a longhome
run to deep left centre. Rawlings
and Tilley collected extra base
blows that drove in important
runs. Doug O'Brien, although
W. Craig, cf, c in 3rd .... 3 1 1
R, Anstett, rf 3 0 0
J. Wilson, ss 3 0 2
K. Patterson, lb 4 0 0
1VL. Edgar, if 4 1 2
F. McDonnell, c 0 0 0
R. Rieman, cf in 3rd ,, . 2 0 0
A. Wilson, 2b 4 1 1
F. McKay, '3b 4 0 2
Youngblut, p 0 0 0
., Hugill, p in 3rd 4 1 1
31 4 9
Doug. O'Brien, 2b ............ 2 " 0 2
Meander, ss 5 0 0
Don O'Brien, lb 5 2 2
Youngblut, ab 3 2 1
Rawlings, c 4 1 1
Gignac, 1f ..................:5 2 0
Meyers, p 513
Hesse, rf 5 1 '1
Liffey, cf 4 1 1
38 10 11
R. Youngblut, R. Huai. (3) and
F. McDonnell, W. Craig (3); Mey-
ers and Rawlings.
COO Fromotion $ Dist
Following are the examination results at Clinton District
Collegiate Institute' for the school year 1.956 -.57:
In. Grade,. IX and X some pupils are recommended for promotion
as indicated by the letter (R) 'These pupils are we* in some sub -
Pieta and should make an effort :to improve their standing in these
subjects next year:.
Any ,Grade XI pupils, including those not promoted to Grade XII
General Course, may take the Special Commercial course next year.
Certilficates covering the work of Grades XI and Xii have been
forwarded to ail Grade XII pupils. These should be 'carefully kept
for future reference, A statement re failures has beery; "fdrwar d'ed to
those concerned.
sell Stewart, a service policeman
at RCAF Station Clinton.
The attendance draw prize, was
not won this month, and the July
draw will be wortih, $35, This goes
up $5 each general meeting, if the
member whose •naiine is drawn is
not rpesentt..P .L. A. Humphrey's
name was. drawn Monday night,
The • branch received, two invi-
tations, one tO the Legion Auxil-
iary picnic in Harbor Park, Gode-
rich, on July 28, and one to attend
,drumhead service in Wingham,
on June 30, in oonjunction' with
the Centennial Celebration of
Turnberry Torwnship.
Grade 10
to Grade H
!Sandra Addison, David Alex-
ander,. Irene Satkin (R), Sylvia
Bell, Mark Bender, Melva Boyce,
Gilbert Brand, Patricia Butler,
Dwight Campbell, Gwendolyn
Campbell Norman Cartwright,.
Judith Quiff, Sherry Cochrane,
Emily Collins, Karen Cook, Sharb,.
gook, Dianne Cooper, Gloria Coop-
er, Carol Cudmore, Kenneth Cur,
tie (R), Murray Cutler (ft,), Marg -
era t lDohertyr Samuel Dougherty,
Robert Et'nYnerson, Jeanne i tie,
Mary Grainger, Robert Gregory
(A), Wayne Harris, Barbara Henry
(R), Jeanne Hodgins, Wilizarn
SWAMI, Marilyn Royer, Fatr'ieia
I ivv%n; Allan Jdhnstott, F.ii'Teen Jos.
Pini, Mary Levis, Marie LeBeau,
avtli ~ray Lobb, Thornatganri,
Donald MacKenzie, Murray Mei
i wan, Donna it urch, Mary Aliti
Ngw.aotnibe, Gloria- O'Dell, Elvin•
Parker, Patricia Pegg, Barry Piper'
Arlyne Powell, Larry, Powell,
Michael Reg* Richard ll.00rda,
Gloria Rutuball (R), Paul Seltoeat-
hall, Joanne Scott, John Sharp,
Margaret Skov, Ronald Smith (II),
Bernard Sturgeon (B), Louise
Talbot, William Trick, Allot West-
lake, John Van deli AOM; Lyle
' Cameron Addison --.Eng, C, Hist, C, Geom ID:, Ag. ,Sc C, VA C,
Douglas Barnett -Hist, C, Bklcg., II, Alg. [
Douglas Bat:kin-Eng.. C, Hist 0, Georn. C, Agr, So C, $kkp. C,,
..d�C. Inde, Arts IL
Beverley B,oyes-•Rist, C, Lat, C. .
. Stephen Exown---Eng, T, Hist. I Geom. I, Ag. Sc. T, Lat,
L'ol Chuter-Eng. c, Hist, C, Ag. Sc. C, Bkkp II, Home Re, IL
Aubert :Ciiffpcd-Hist, 1.1, Geom. C, Ag. Sic. C, Lat. TTI.
Robert Oluff----Geom,. C, Ind. Arts XII.
• T,ho na rOunn ngnam--+E''ng. C, Hit, XI, Geom. TI, Ag. Sc. C.
' • •> �` . Ekkp, III, Ind, Arts II,
J"ohrl Finley -.Eng. XII, Hiust. C, Geom. I, Ag. Sc, II.
'Dorothy Flynn Eng. C., Lat, -C., Fr, III
Iva iGlazler 1+ bg. C, Hist, C, Georgi; C, Ag. Sc. UI, Lat. ILL Pr. C.
Frank Gley -Hist, C, Bkkp. C, •
Lenora Hasnnalto iS'ng. I, Hist. TI, Geom, T, Ag, Sc, I, Lat, I,.
Fr, I.
,..Bonnie ffinan--;Ehg. IIi, H• ist. III, Ag. Sc. C, Bkkp. 11, Home
Re, • I, XI Ag: Sc, XII,
'Barbara Holland -Eng, II, Hist. III, Geoan; G Ag, So. C,
Lat. III, Fr. HI,
Jeila Hoyrtema,---Eng. C, Hist. II, Geom. C, Ag, Sc, II, Fr, C,
Bkkp. I.
Wayne Jackson XI Ag, Sc. C.
Doris' ,T,ohnston•-ung. C, Hist. C, Fr. C, Bkkp, I.
Kenneth Livermore ---Eng. III, Hist, I, Geom. I, Ag. Sc. I, Fr. I,
Bkkp. I.
Donald Lobb' -Fagg. C, Dist. III, Geom. H, Ag, Sc. C, Mg. III.
Marguerite Lyon -Eng. LL, Hist. III, Geon, II, Ag Sc. I, Lat. I
Fr, I..
Jane McCool:• --Eng. IT, Hist, II, Geom. C, Ag. Sc. fI, Lot, IX,
Fr. IL
Katherine McGregor -Eng, C, Hist. C, Geom, zi% Ag. Se, C,
Fr. C, Bkk1J III.
Garth Marniglit--Bng, C, 131s1t, I, Type II.
Paige Plaallipsg, I, Hist, I, Geom. I, Ag. Sc. I, Lat. I, Fr. I.
Kenneth Potter -Eng. I, Hint. I, ,Gavin. I, Ag. Sc, I, E. I,
Bkkp. I.
Marilyn Ploitter"--Eng. I, Hist; II, Geom. I; Ag. Sc. I,' Lat. I, Fr. I.
'Brenda Povveiil,-sE''ng, I, Hirst, I, Geom. II, Ag„ Se. I, 'Fr, II,
Bkkp. I.
'Pauline Steekl:— Eng. I, Hast. II,. Geoan. I, Ag, Sc, I, Home Re. I.
X.T Ag. Sc. I.
Esther Stewart -Ing, III, hist. I, Geom. C, Ag. Sc. III, Home
Esc. III,
Gordon Tebibuut-•-+Eng. 1, Hist. I, Geoan. I, Ag. Sc. I, Let, I, Fr. I.
Sharon Thompson -Eng. C, iiint.IiI, Ag. Se. C, Bklep. I,. Home
Ec. I, XI Ag. Sc. IL
Cornelia Treffers-Eng. T, Hist. I, Geom. I, Ag; Sc. II, Lat. I,
Fr. II.
Carol Tyremaii-Ehg. 0, Hist. II GeOrn. C, Ag. Sc. C, Fr. III,
John 'Tyreman -XFU Ag. Sc. II
Robert Willi si-E'ng. III, Hist. II, Guam. TL, Ag. Sc, II, Fr. C,
Hkkp. C.
Betty Young -Ag. Sc. IIS.
Proinated to Grade XII General Course
Douglas Ahxnsitrong-Hist. C, Mg. I, Ag. Sc. C, Type. II, Ind.
Arts C.
Jane Batkin Eng. IL, Hist. II, Mg. I, Ag. Sc. III, Fr. III, Type. I
David Beattie --Eng. C, Hist. II, Alg. C, Ag. Sc, III, Type. I.
Joyce Bell,--1Eng, UI, Hist. C, Ag. Sc. C, Type. II, Home Enc. HI.
Eugene Bender Eng. I, Hirst. I, Mg. I, Ag. Sc. I, Lat. I, Fr. I.
Katherine Blacker --Eng. I, Hist. 11, Mg. I, Ag, Sc U, Lat. I, Fr. II.
Robert Brewer -Eng. I, Hist. I, Aug. I, Ag. Sc. I, Fr. I, Type. I.
Elizabeth Brown --Eng. ILI, Hist. HI, Mg. I, Ag. Sc. C, Type: lir.
Moine EC, IIS.
Valorie Cameron -Eng. III, Hist, III, Alg. C, Ag, Sc. C, Lat. TI,
Fr. C.
Douglas Cartwright --Eng. C., Hist. C, Mg. I, Ag. Se, II, Type. C,
Ind.. Arts I.
Victoria Chuff ring. III, Hist. It, A'lg, C, Ag, Sc. C, Fr. C.
Type, ZI. ' •
Calista Counter -2 -Eng, IX, Hint. II, Alg. C, Ag. So. C, Fr. III,
Type I. •
Ross Crich -Eng, C, Hist., III, Mg. III, Ag. Sc. I, Ind. Arts IL
Kenneth Currmiings--Eng. I, Hist. I, Alg: I, A,g. Sc. I, Fr. I,
Robert Da�ile-Eing. III, Hist. III,- Mg. I, Ag. Sc II, Lat. II, Fr. Oe
Thelma Dale BEng. C, Hist, C, Mg. C, Type. I.
Shirley Dorinan.-Eng. C, Hist. III, Mg. ,[II, Ag. Sc. C; Fr. C,
Type. H.
Agnes Ducharmne :Eng. C, Hist. C, Mg. I, Fr. II.
William E2Z nttf-Fog, IT, Hist. II, Ag. Se. II, Type. C, Ind. Arts C,
Carol Erb --Eng. III, Hast. II, Type II, Home. EC. I.
lEliralbeth, Falconer -Eng. I, Hist. III, mg I, Ag, Sc. I, Type I,
Home Ec. T. i
June Goldtwlorthy-Eng. C, Hist. III, Type, c.
Ula Grififit�hs!Eng. III, Hist. C, Alg, Cl, Ag.- Sc. C, Lat,
Brian Grime Eng, III, Hist. Mg. iT, Ag. Sc,'II, Let. II, Pr. II.
James Howson, ---Eng. C, Hist. II, Alg. III, Ag, Sc. II, Li,d. Arts III.
E1velyn.13yde-•-+Eng. II, Hist. I'I, Alg. I, Ag. Sc. II, Lat. I, Fr. III
Shirley Jackson -Eng. C, Hist. C, Alg, rr, Fr. C, Type,
Ronald Jewitt -Eng. II, Hist. C, Alg. II, Ag. So. III, Fr. C,
Ind. Arts III.
Gerald Keyes -Eng. C, Hist. C, Mg. I, Ag. Sc. C.
.Wil !am Kkiim'ntra- g. T, 131st. I, Alg. I, Ag. Sc. I, Lata I, Fr, I.
Bruce Lobbing.. C, ,.Hist. C, Aag. C, Ag. Sc. 0, Let, C, Ind.
Arts C. -
;Fred Leib -Eng. C, Hist. Ii, Ag. Sc. C, Ind. Arts C,
Mary Livermore -Eng. III, Hist. III, Type. Ii, Home Ec. III.
Norma Love -Hist. III, Mg. C, Type. II, Rome Be. C.
Joan 1VICClinchey--Bfag, C, Hist. C, Alg, III, Type. II; Home Ec. Tx'.
11„ona,ld McClinchey--EEng. C, Hist, C, Mg. LI, Ag. Sc C, Ind,
Amts. IL
Robert McClymoni-log. XXX, 131st. ITS, Mg. II, Ag. Sc. C,
Type XXX, Ind. Arts III.
Frank McCowan -,Eng, C, Hist. C, Ali. TI, Ag, Sc. III, Type XIX,
Ind, Arts II,
Frances 1v Cuilough.Etig. I, Hist: IX, Mg. I, Ag. Sc. I, Lat. I,•
Pr I.
Frank. McDonnell-+F'ng. II, Hist, I, Mg. T, Ag: Sc. I, Fr. T, Ind'.
Arts IL
Nancy Mt''a 'lane-.-Ehg, C, Hitt. C, Mg. I, Ag. Sc, C, Pr. C,
Type. I,
Wayne .MeGee---SJixg, Ir, Hist, T, Mg. T, Ag, Sc. XT, Pr. TL Type. It.
Eilten McLean -Ong. 'C, Hist. III, Mg. C, Ag, Sc, C, Type.
Ronald 1Vl+agee-Haig. C, Hlatr 0, Ag. Sc. lit, Ind. Arts II.
James Matmagivan ng. X, Hist. X, Alg. X, Ag. Sc. I, Lat, 1, Pr. I.
Olive ltXar�tln-Eng, I Hist, I, Mg. 1, Ag, Sc, I, Fr. `I, Type. T.
Patrinia.•'Vi•tntc�t� tlg. T, First, II, Aitg. XI, Ag. Sc. C, Lat. TI, Fr. II.
Douglass N rtrman--tlrig. Iit, 131st. C, Mg. 7t, Ag, Se, C, Lat. ISIS,
Fr, C.
Dianne (YBrlen;-Eng. I, Hist, XI, Pr. C.
Barbara Peckitt ng. IT, Hint. 0 Mg. I', Ag, Sc. C, pr.
tOh.axdlene Sc'atebmer-ll ng, T, Hist. XII, AMg, TI, Ag, Sc. XV, Pr.
XIX, Type. r.
John Sfiaddiek--Hog. C, T, Ag'. Sc. C, Type. IL
D'Alene Stanley -Eng, 1, 131st, 0, Mg. I, Fe. II. Type. T.
Marilyn Steekleng, C, Hist, C, Mg, C, Type. C, Home F,c•. C.
Joanne Switzer --Eng. It, Hast. C, pr. TI.
Myrna Torrance Hist, C, Mg. C, Fr. C, Type,
Marion; Turneer. Fng. C, Hist. ITI', Mg, C, A,g. Sc. C, Type r,
Honte lie. TI.
ltttth. Turxer ng, TI, Hist. C, Mg, I, Ag. Sc. T, Pr. xt, Type. I
Phyllis. V164den-ung. T11, sE7iSt. C, Alg X, Pr; C, Type, XX.
Larry�-J;h . II Hist. TX Al . I IX , r 'i T
�y�.� W{�}l�s'l�i,� y+� yy y.�y.� +}•� An y,�AYI,y�r, ',(���.'. Fy.y �yi� •./��
ttl r deo - E TX, Rut II, Mg. r.4 r,, Az Sc. 0 Lat. XXI,
K. r, C. ,rW:,, +�• y�* yw y .y t� y
Mary BobXeJ tot --Fog, X, Rig. II, Mg. ', A ', o, I, tat, I,
Lyon Youngblut-.-Etig. . J:L, Mg, J:,. Ag." Sc. Cl, Fir
Pronotior s
Grade 9
.Grade 10:
Ann Trott, Grant Turner, lea►,
Turner, Janet yndall, Kenneth•
VauBtesenr , Eva •Verheef, Gerald
XVallis, Ra,salee Watkins, Cather-
ine Welsh, Jane Wood, Beverley
Wright, Helen, l'oungblut.
James Ale' ander, John Allan,
Marry Allan, Gloria, Allen, Judith,
Armstrong, Orrin Baird, Egbert
Bakkker, Maine Ball, Charles Bart •
1iff, Brenda Blair, John Bylsrna,
Dianne Campbell, Nancy Campbell
(R), Susan Cann, Ross Carter,
Sibyl Castle, Gordon Charter,,
Ronald Clifford, John Consitt,
Barry Cooney, David Cooper,
James Dales, Patricia Dowson,
Pewayne Ell ott, Kenneth Engel-
stad, Frances Flynn, Wilfred
Frernlin,' Noreen Garlbw, Dale
Gattinger, Faye Gaunt, Philip
Gemeinhardt ('R), Douglas Gila-
bings, Yvonne Gibson, lV.fartha,
Gillette, Francis Greydanus, Joyce
Greer, Robert Grigg, Judith Hal -
ward; Patricia, Harrigan; Bruce
Harris, Richard Heard, • ' Ralph
Holland, Anthony Hutchings,
Marjorie Hyde (R),
Graham Jackson, Linda Jervis,
Donald Johnston, Grant Keyes,
Kenneth Knights, James Ko, Nor --
man Lacroix, Lewis Ling, Ronald
Livermore, Fred Lovell, Barrie
MacLaren., Sandra MacLean, Jean
MMOlinchey, Marlene McOiinchey,
Ruth . McOlinehey, EdWard Mc-
Cullough, -Glenda McDougall Jane
McIParlane, Roy McLean, \2arg=,:
aret Merrill, Robert Miller, Ken
net+h Moon, Ruth Ann Moore, Gary
Mote, Carol Pepper, Paul Pickett,
Kathleen Porter, Frank Postill,
Bruce Powell,
Diane Radford, Marilyn Rath -
well., Eric Sehell'enherger CR.),
Howard Scotchiner, Stephen
Scotchmer, Ruth Anne Scotchmer,
Ronald Smith, Wayne Starti'ey,
Wayne Stirling, Julie Steeves,
James Storey (R), Berva, Switzer,
4c a word, minimum .75e
Thurs., June 27 - BINGO, Leg-
ion Memorial Hall, Kirk Street,
Clinton, commencing at 8.30 p.m.;
15 regular games, for $5.00; three
special share -the -wealth' games:
$56 jackpot: on 56 nutbers includ-
ed in all share -the -wealth games;
one special game for $25.00. Ad-
mission: 15 regular games for 50e;
special games 15e, 2 for 25c; 5 for
50c. 26-b
Sat., June 29 -Bazaar and Tea,
United Church basement, 2 to 4
1t�•an• Sponsored by Girl Guides.
Monday, July 1 -Annual Sup-
per, 4 to 7 .p.m;, in St. Andrew's
United Church Basement, Bay-
field. Sponsors: WA, Adults
$1,00; children under 12, 50.c.
Goderieh Pavillon; Summer Dan-
cing Friday Nights; 'Teen Age Re-
cord Hop with Johnny Brent. Ev-
ery Saturday, Cabaret dancing,
Paul Cross and his Orchestra.
Sunday Midnight dance June 30.
The Patio now open, 26-b
_(Games this week)
JuneXI-Exeter at Olinton
Mitchell at Zurich
June 213 --'Dashwood at IieaW .
July 2--ainton at. Mitchell
Hensall at Exeter
July Dashwood
(Games this: week)
June 28 --Clinton at St, Cohan,*
Winthrop at Walton
July 2 -St. Co'umban at Clin-
- m
June 27 and 28
"Touch and Go"
Family .Picture (Colour)
Jack Hawkins -- Marg. Johnston;
(Colour) (Cartoon)
"Fire Over Africa"
• (Colour)
Maureen O'Hara MOD, Carey
(TWO Cartoons)
Church Service, Sunday, June 301
8.00 p.m. Dr. J. Semple
June 30 & Monday July .1
-- Double Feature -,--
"Emergency Hospital"
Margaret Lindsay -- Walter Reid.
"Hot Cars"
John Bromfield -- Joy Lansing
(Two Cartoons)
July. 2 and 3
"The Killing"
Sterling Hayden -- Colleen Gray • .
(Two Cartoons)
Tuesday and Wednesday
July 9 and 10
The management urgently in-
vites everyone to see J, Arthur
Rank's top picture of 1957:
the legless ace of,,the RAF
Box Office Opens 8.00
Children Under 12
in Cars—FREE
Good platform and racks. Duals ore
good. Dual axle and other extras. A
good buy for someone
Good Platform and Racks. Dual rear.
wheels. Good Value: at this price $375
'51 PONTIAC /2 Ton Sedan Rel',
New motor, New paint Goad tires, I
Extra windows ...... ....,....... ..................r I
A ttuck you can rely cn .....,,,,, :,,..,.,,$
In fair condition. �� ��
Priced to sell '"As Is"
WHAT YOU Ntlgat IS' NOT LIS`lcEol--'1'Xtt' ITS ANYWAle.
Your Friendly CHEV.wOLDS, Dealer
Hunter 2-9321 CLINTON
'Open Evenings igs for your Convex iennce