HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-06-27, Page 10• 4.N. :,,;; ' "TgEt•PLACC VTNECIF. YOU NEVER HAVE TO 6i-OW YOU P. Mori" DOLL UP YOUR PRINTING - Let us plan attractive, eye-catching printed material 'for you! LOW test, OLTN7MN NMS,',RECOnt- 7R-Unt9DAY.t. JUKX Z1 19or, MA= VCONOMIST t$ ARPOINTD,P"E:04 BRIBON. MISS _Shirley Patterson, graciu-', Ate of Macdonald Institute, OAP, 041)?14 tiga Wing: has been nam- ed the new home economist for Hunan County,' $he will 'take ov- er part of the work of Miss zey Builcnk, who now is in, charge of the work in Bruce, only, in- stead of the' two counties, *IP Mneri Mrs. Harry Clark and Cathy, Byron, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs'. W, O. Goodwin,. and Mary. Mr. and Mrs. J, E, lYfea,van tended the Lowe reunion livid at Seaforth Lions Park, on Saw,. day, June 22. Rev. and KM. C, Daniel are .aPentitrig July at their sunnier cottage near Goderlch. Their son- in-law and. daughter, Rev. George peers, Mrs. Speers and little son Danny, Saskatoon,. will be their guests for that month. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle left .(n't 'Monday for Toronto, and were flying Tuesday morning to Wash- ington, and from there to New York City later in. the week. Mr. Mickle won this trip which in- elUdes conducted tours of both • cities, for himself and has wife for sales in 1956 for the Ralston Pur- ina .CemparrY. • • Reception The new auditorium of the Community Arena was filled to capacity Friday evening, June 21, `Or a reception honoring Mr. and Mrs. George Bell (nee Mildred Eallantyne). The young couple were presented with a well filled purse of money, The presentation address was read by Mervyn Ey- re, and presentation by Harry Jac- obi. Desjar,dine's orchestra fur- nished music for the dance, Bingo Winners Winners at the, Legion. Bingo last Saturday night included, Mrs. Orville Smith (2), Ed. Corbett (3), Mrs. Wes. Venner; Mrs, Mae McLellan; `Jack • Brintnell; Mrs. Norman Baird, • Brucefield (2); Mrs.- C. Wilkinson; Mrs. A. Poi: rewsesee neewseseawsesrees Jack SCRUTON YOUR Cities Service e CITIES SERVICE Distributor Phone HU 2-9653 Budget Plan Available At No Extra Cost a "The Home of Good Clean Fuels" ter; Mrs, Roy Simile; Mrs, Plitot, These Were all winners. Corbett won the $5. .door prize, and :Mrs. William Clement the share- ttic-.wealth .garne. The jackpot which was not Won, will be worth $110 next genie,. in 52 calls. Closing service at. the United *Churchwill be on June 30, Sem vices. will be held for the month of July in Carmel • Presbyterian Church, Rev. Donald MacDonald in charge. Mr. MacDonald will also have charge orthe daily vac- ation Bible 'School to bd• held in connection with the receational playground activities the second week in .July, Tai school will be held in the playgrounds with Robert Reaburn, principal of the public school here in charge. His assistants will 'be Miss Gwen Spencer ' and Miss Mary Ann Rennie, Mr. MacDon- ald will give the devotional at the. commencement of each day. Rev. Daniel will conduct union services in the United Church for August. Love-Forest Clan Under ideal. weather conditions over 100 members of the Love- Forrest clan held their reunion at Turnbull's Grove. Members at- tended from Gravenhurst, Sask., Kincardine, Guelph, Galt, Strat- ford, Grand Bend, Nippon, Exeter and Hensel'. Sports were in the :charge of Robert and James Love. Robert Love, Thedford, was' elec- ted ,,president, and Mrs. Ruth Whiting, Parkhill, secretary-treas- Urer.- Turnbull's Grove will be the 1958 setting for the reunion: Earl Burtt, who conducts the Queensway nursing home here is still confined to South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter, recovering from head injuries suffered in a fall aft the nursing home some weeks ago. Schwalm Family The first Schwalm Reunion was held at Riverview Park in Exeter, on Saturday, June 22, under ideal weather conditions. Members of 'the clan were present from Belle- Byron, Springbank, Hamil- ton, Stratford, Stoney Creek, Bur- lington, Aurora, St. 1VLarys, St. Thomas, Thedford, Exeter and Hensel. A full line of sports were run off in charge of Mrs. Harold Han- son, Stratford; Arthur Pfaff, St, Marys and Murray May, Byron., Bathing and a ball game climaxed the recreation period. Prizes for the oldest present went to Mrs. Violet Schwalm, Hensall; youngest, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harris, London; coming longest distance, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur O'Hara, Belleville. Murray J. May, Byron, was el- ected president, Mrs. Jack Mc- Farlane, St. Thomas, secretary- treasurer- 1958 reunion will be held at the same place. (By our /fossil correspondent) Itle lovely lawns at the home of tMr, and Mrs. Carl Payne, Paghway 4, south of liensaia, prov- ed an ideal setting for tile annual picnic of .Herisall Women's Insti- tute, held June 17, with an attend- ance of over' 30 members, guests and children. Preceediing the picnic the, mem- bers toured the lovely new $100,,, 000 public sehool. A delicious picnic supper • was served from tables set up on the lawn, Mrs. Payne, president presid- ed for the business meeting. Mrs. Gordon ShWalan was appointed on the committee on Home 'conozn- ies .and Tlealth../ A discussion took place on the 'W. I. holiday at the 0. A, C. Guelph, in July. Plans were out. lined and the committee appointed for a bus trip, Mrs. S, Roobol, Mrs'. H. Horton; Mrs. N. Cook, • and Mrs. B. Rowe will, form the tourist committee. Discussion centered around the Bean Festival on Labor Day and it was decided to have a booth, with Mrs. G. Armstrong, Mrs. W. R. Stephenson, Mrs.. R, Elgie and Mrs. L. Chapman in charge. Miss M. Ellis and Mrs. Arm- strong, gave %splendid reports of the Distric Annual held at Dash- wood. One interesting question brought up at the annual was, "Are we less educated than we were 60 years ago?" It was decid- ed to order printed stationery for the Institute. 011•111 .01011•Iamims..••••11•121411100•••••••••••••••11, emu Fast Wednesday, IPtgiR• on County had visitors,. The Farm Forum from 'Shet- land, in Lambton County made up a bus load for the tour, It was 111 Y good , fortune to be asked to conduct 'these people. •Tneir first contact with Huron was at Grand Tlend where they had dinner at the 13renner House, From there we followed the 14.4e shore road past many fine farms' With numerous large fields Of white beans. This surprised our visitors as soybeans are replacing white beans in their district. At' Goderich we were conducted -through the Court House and the visitors were enthusiastic in their 17,atse' q?f , the :building. Our next stop was the Crop Im- proVement test plots for hay Mix, tureS on the gam of William Clark near Carlow. After Inspec- ting some of Mr. Clark's top qual- ity Herefords, the group met Douglas .17I, Miles, agricultural re- presentative for the county, at the. test plots. These consisted of various copibinations of vernal. al-. falf a, Canadian brome,-lion brome, Ladino and La Salle red cloVer and climax timothy, Mr, Clark is going to have a heavy yield of haY from all plots but undoubtedly some combination Will prove sup- erior, ,,,The results will be avail- able later., Robinson's modern cattle feeding Station, also near Carlow, - There Were 125 cattle in the lot ambper- baps the most interesting feature was the filling -of the feed manger from .a self-unloading wagon in about five minutes, The thrgti. MSS and healthy condition of all animals .assured satisfactory gains, The fact, that, out of the 600 cat-. tie fed out of this barn in the past three` years, there has been only one fatality, speaks very highly for the management of this enterprise.' The tour continued through Clinton, past the County Home, the Air School and on to "home sweet home" for our visitors, 0 Kippen. Chuich Earns $200 at Berry Supper (By our itensall correspondent) Over $200 was received at the ham and strawberry supper held at St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen, en June 21, by the Wo- man's Association of the church. A program chaired by Mrs. R, El- gie, was held on the church lawns, and included slides shown by Ray Mills, Woodham, of his trip to the West coast, and numbers by local :Suounerhill Club. Meets in Home of Mrs. C. Farquhar The S.ummerhill Ladies' Club held their June meeting at the one of Chester Farquhar, with Mrs, Percy -C4bblog$ in the chair, 20 members and twr.F vis- itors were present, Mrs. Fred 'Vedden gave the treasurer's report, and Mrs, Law- renee Cummings reported on the hospital meeting, Print were ap- rons and pillow -owe wore. given Out to he made for the bazaar which is to be held on October 19. Plans were made to hold the pic- nic on July 3, at Bayfield, in the afternoon. 4 "Thank yons" were read from Mrs'. Lloyd Stewart and Mrs. Johnston, Mrs, Russell, Good gave. a reading, Mrs, Wes. Hoggart some jokes, and Mrs. Percy Gib- ;..ifuron County Farmitig Report (By MILES, Agrioultnro Beproontetive tor Huron "Haying is the order of the 47- and most farmers are making it .4$ fast as possible, Spring .gralo, of both oats and barley are bet gippirt, to bead out, Corn is 41.140.. making fair progress,. "Pastures are adequate With e. good flow of milk," Wings gave an outline on the.' Shakespearian 'play "TvvelftlL% Night." The July meeting is to be ile14: at the home of Mrs. Neville Fop, bes. The program ' committee f Mrs, Earl Blake, Mrs. Williarrp Jenkins", Mrs, Ross • Lovett ant), Mrs, William. Lovett. The lunch committee is Mrs; Chester Far- quhar, Mrs. Charlie Merrill, Mrs.. Wes. .Vodden and Margaret Goods_ ( Lam6ton Farm Forum is isitor; Beans, Barns (By 4. Carl flemingway) News of :Henson OwnsPendent AIDS. lM nx,purs rhono Dienes11 5 Hensall Hold Picnic Lakeview. Casino GRAND' BEND Dancing Nightly . Starting June 29th Midnite Dance THIS WEEK-END BENTLEY-GA DI NER O.RCHESTRA The last stop was at George E. talent, For Lease MODER11 SERVICE STATION Three Bay with Hoist and Pit MODERN EQUIPMENT PAVED DRIVEWAYS Immediate Possession IN PROSPEROUS TOWN ON NO. 4 HIGHWAY GOOD GALLONAGE — LOW RENT LICENSED MECHANIC PREFERRED Small Capital Needed For Stock Apply to S. McDONALD, Box 329, Clinton, Ontario. 23-4-5-6-b M:M.:,";Kiegger' There's ,a KIST flavour for every taste. to carton or cooler , o perfect "pick- up"..ti sit1,-1526,1-15 r4K.IV•1,3':ti 0,1 Who dran all the KIST Cream Soda ?— ) There's extra smooth re- freshment in KIST Cream • Soda. That's why smart people insist..on KIST .. , accept no "just-as-good" brands, Be sure you KIST Cream Soda soonl-- „egg* e'Al'ill to refresh unq fAril vol.) FEEL ALL RIGHT THIS MORNING? 0 or , • \ „ I FEEL FINE. WELL) `101.3 OUGHT TO • NOTIFY /OUR FACE. ) #i I.... ' ^) i so 1.1 , 19 ......, ...- •i•• „.....- * .. b..,, - a,. „ // FACE . DUTTON'S HAVE OFFER ANY THE FACTS! MORE TO 'IOU THAN PLACE IN -- • TOWN* ' _.i. . • , a 1. l..,,oat,. ,.. i.. J - TON ,:i1O11SEINO APPLIANCES* RCA - WESTINGHOUSE BRUCEFIELD HU-2-3232 VAVR Dia Dozaw 0.am" I Viet /vow Get the finest hard coal on the 'blue coal' buying plant 1. Special diseount ,by ordering now. 2. Only a small down payment-fits your budget. 3. Months to pay the balante. There is a supply of , dependable 'blue coal' safe in your basement. 4. 14o red tape-easy as ABC! A. G. Grigg & Son CLINTON PHONE HU 2-9411 711 Always as 40%*blue coal' 'brie cord' TEMP- IVIASItit4—steedy controlled hest trenn VOut Owing room 11 ,:ter,, 4.0•00-- f WO MANY PEOPLE ARE CRUSHED Eri' WEIGHT OF 'THEIR OWN, \ DIGNITY ," 'We're pretty, proud of the expert service and repair work we do for car owners. Drive in now . . . our com- plete check-up will show you what we 'mean. , CLINTONIre fit12-9032 Get in on the money-saving service of these new Chevrolet Trucks! Learn about their new stamina, new lasting efficiency! Every new engineering feature in Task- Force '57 Chevrolet Trucks is there for a purpose . . to make them more last, ingly efficient to cut your Costs for keeps! And Chevrolets have earned a reputation for doing just that! It's the combination of rugged, brute-for-pun- ishment .construction and job-tailored power that does the trick, Suspensions, axles, frames are built to "take it" . and come back for more! Engines are designed to get the most out of a gallon of gas. They DO, too . . V8's with the shortest stroke available in any major truck, 6's that are known the world over as economy champs! Stamina, strength, long-life, larger trade-hi value ... Chevrolet gives truck buyers the dollar-saving features they want! You'll find it well worth your while to visit YOUR Chevrolet dealer. He'll give you ALL the reasons why, Chevrolet Trucks cut youx costs . . . and out than for keeps A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Clinton ttows.Rotord Phone 4 Clinton CHEVROILIE RUCIa. LORNE BROWN MOTORS LIMITED • 2•9321 CLINTON; ON?