HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-06-27, Page 8it 'will pay, you to be ready
with well-grown pullets
There is an old Dutch saying, "The time, to plant
potatoes is when the seed is cheap." These observant
farmers were simply following the law of supply and
demand. When potatoes were cheap at planting time
they knew that many farmers would become discourag,
ed and suit for a year, so potatoes would go up, The
rule is just as sound , for poultrymen. For the past 5
years, a, year of low egg prices has always been follow-
ed by a year of gdad egg prices, The reason is easy to
see. Low egg- prices encourage many farmers to cut
back on chicks or to "conserve" on growing costs, re-
sulting in poorer •pullets. So, the next fall, eggs are,
scarce and the price is •good,
Will you be ready? Let• us urge you to grow
hardy, high-producing pullets ready to cash in with' lots
of eggs. Be sure to grow 'em on
Bite Size Checkers
Clinton Farm Supply
and Machine Shop
Charles Nelson Jack Nediger
Lots• a Man-Power Needed to Hoist Beams
TRImoDA:iVaum im
Pause That Refreshes
NeWs of Bayfield
190 Ontario Champion Rural Correspondent
William Lee and family, Hen-
4111, occupied their cottage over
the Weekend.
Mr. and Mrs, Robert McEweii,
Byron, spent a few days last week
at "The.Cedars,"
Misses A, Drouln and 4. Fern-
ette were in Detroit from Sam-,
day tunii Tuesdey.,
• Mr, and Mrs. L. B, Smith, Lon-
don, were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. R. Larson on:,SuridaY.
Mr. and Mrs, E. Flagg, and Ed-
die, London, spent the weekend at
their cottage on Main Street.
Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence' Sprag-
ue, Detroit, spent the weekend at
the latter's cottage, "Holley Lod-
Mr. and Mrs, G. MeKnight, Etc-
.eter, are at their cottage, and
have opened Lloy.d's Cabins for the
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Brandon,
Brian and Gary, Stratford, spent
the weekend with his father, H.
N. Brandon. •
Mr. and Mrs. George Huuicutt,
Sao Paulo, Brazil, were the guests
Hof Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Ormond
over the weekend.
Mrs. E. A. Featherston went to
London on Tuesday lo be near her
brother Chris Parker who is ill
in Victoria Hospital,
George Fellows and son Fraser,
`Mr. and Mrs. George Fraser, Ftiv-
erside, were at the former's cot-
tage for the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davison, De-
troit; were weekend visitors with
the former's brothers, lVfyles, Mel-
vin and Russell Davison.
eVfiss Judy Chuff accompanied
her sister,• Miss Jacqueline Chaff,
on the bus taking pupils to Nia-
gara Falls for the day on Tues-
Bobby Miff, Bobby - Brandon,
who are working at Hickson with.
Gordon Heard Construction, were
at their respective homes for the
weekend. •
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Knight,
Though sometimes a pike poke, and the urge
to "heave-ho!" was needed to _raise a timber,
in this' ease, it was a matter of putting a lot of
Many hands make fairly light work, and the ,
barn-raising at Elgin. Porter's last week was a •
good, example. Here a group is transporting one
of the heavy timbers up the. gang-way. (From:
Team-work Helps Get The Timbers Into Place
Gold Bars and Hands
Presented to Brownies
(By our Bayfield correspondent)
weight on a rope, to pull a beam up. From the
left, Walter Johnson, Ralph. Turner, Len Talbot,
John Wild, Walter Eckle, Clayton Boyce and
Harold Dawson. (News-Record Photo)
the left), Joe Martin (with the erection crew
from near Kitcherer), Anson McKinley, 'Louis
Taylor; Les, Arrristrong, John Watson (rear),
(unknown), Melvin Elliott
• (News-Record Photo)
don amounted to $6,742,72.
'Mra. Donald Middleton sang
"F,aireat Lord Jesus?' with Mrs, E.
A, Featherston at the piano.
'Mrs. R. J. Larson covered in
detail the second day of the, 70th
annual meeting held in Cronyn
Memorial Hall. •
Four ladies of Essex Deaner.y,
took part in a panel discuSsion on
WA, work.
The installation of officers for
the year was: conducted by the
Very Reverend R. C. Brown, Dean
Of Huron, who paid tribute to.
Mrs. Calder's years' of service to
the W.A. She was re-elected for
the ninth term. as president.
Mrs. Gairdner expressed thanks
to. the Speakers. which was follow-
ed by, the membera% prayer, 'a
hymn, and closing prayers by the
Then -falloWed a social hour
When tea was served by the 'mem
bers. The table was arranged
with spring flowers at the back of•
the hell,
Willing Workers
Gift Departing
Minister And Wife
(By our Bayfield correspondent)
. Mrs, Fred Wallis was hostess
for the June meeting of the Will-
ing Workers, when prayer Was
given' by the Rev. P. Renner,' and
eleven members answered roll call,
'Mrs. Grant Turner gave the fin-
ancial report.
The hostess received the, gift of
the Month brought by Mrs. Warn-
er Payne. Elaine Brandon read
the card and flower report. Ev-
elyn Francis read a short address
to Mr, and Mrs. Renner, and gifts
were presented them in farewell,
by Mrs. Fred Wallis; from, the
group. The Iatt church 'service
on Attie 30 will be a dedidation
Visitors were welcomed by pres-
ident, Mrs, Grant Stirling. An
auction sale will be held •at the
next Meeting, and roll call will be
answered• with suggestion for rats-
log funds.
Mr, and Mrs, A, Lattimer and,
two boys, Toronte, spent the
Weekend 'at the late Mg's. F, C.
Cdeineinhareit's home on Louise
James Brown, Mrs.. Jimmy -
Brown and two sons, Detroit, were
guests at The Little Inn over the
weekend. -MrS. Janice Brown, Who.
has been a guest here for several
week returned with them,
Mr,' 'and 'Mrs. Victor 1.,eindhalure .
who came lest' week to be with
the .former's. sister, Mrs. J, W. je-
wett, ' owing to their .mot'her's
death., .returned to their. home'-in
Roseau,. Minn:, on Sunday, tray-
ening by plane.
Mr. and Mrs. H. H, Ormond re-
turned to: their borne in the vil-
lage on Tuesday of last week, Mrs,
Ormond arrived in New York on
jtine 5,. after a most enjoyable
two months in Spain and Portugal,
Mr, Ormond met the ship after
which they visited her Sister in
Upper Montclair,. N.J„ and his
brother in East Orange, N.J. Mr.
Ormond and George Speere. atten-
ded the 45th Class Reunion at
Princeton' University on June 15,
after which the Ormond's visited
their daughter Mrs. Byron John-
Son and family, Ashtabula,. Ohio,
en _route to Bayfield.
Guides Party .
The end of the season party
for the First Bayfield • Company
Girl Guides was held at .the-home
of Mrs. Grant Turner, Bayfield.
Seventeen. of the • 18 Guides en-
joyed a social evening under the
direction of Mrs. •Grant TUrner
(captain) and • Mrs.. R. McVean
(lieutenant), •
On Tuesday' -evening members
of the local association gathered
with their leaders at Mrs, 0.. Tur-
ner's home. to prepare the - artioles
made by • the . Guides and others
for the bazaar in the .:United Chur-
ch basement, on Saturday, after-
noon. •
their lives, time and talents in the
Christian cause, as presented. by
Canon Queen; a resume of the
address of Mrs. A. Calder,
Diocesan President; greetings. by
Mrs. Durham, president of the
Michigan Diocesan Board; Miss
Maxine MacGregor on furlough,
from the Amritsar Diocese in In-
Miss 'Stella Doubleday, a CMS
Miasionary returning from fur-
lough• in E'riglancl to Japan. She.
had been one of the first to leave.
Japan when war broke out and
among the first to return to' the
devastation of Hiroshima after
the war.
Hospitals and research work is
needed as' they are still treating
people suffering from radiation.
EVen children who were not born
at the time of the blast are affec-
Mrs. .Costain gave the treasur-
er's. report in the absence of Mrs.
Smith who was ill. The Thank-
offering for that morning in Lon-
There was a large attendance of
parents and friends at the First
Bayfield' Pack Golden Bar and
"Flying Up" Ceremony in Trinity
eCnhiunrgch Parish Hall on Friday ev-
The opening was by the-Guide
Captain, Mre. Grant. Turner who
was assisted by Mrs. Robert Mc-
Veen lieutenant, in giving stars'
to the following Guides, who, had
formed a horseshoe: Margaret Ho,
ward, Elaine., Weston and Rose-
marie Telford, four year stars;
Margaret Wan% and Janet Red'er,
three year stars; Cathy Wallis,
two year star; Sylvia Fitzsimons,
Ramona Telford, Margaret Smith,
first year stars.
From, their Fairy Circle, Mar-
garet Howard,' Gold Cord Guide
and P,ackie, for the first Bayfield
Pack Was• presented with a small
gift by Gayle Turner and Sharon
Rosemary Turland received her
collector's badge and writer's bad-
ge, ./
Then followed the Golden Bar
ceremony for the following who
had passed. tests: Roseniary Tur-
land, Shirley Darnborough, Gale
Turner, Sandra Middleton, Mary E,
Ermine, Gayle Mote, Margaret
Semple. In this. impressive cert
ineny through the Golden Path-
way, Mrs. J. 8. Higgins, Brown
Owl and Mrs, Reg FralleiSe-Taw-
ny Owl, told them. their oblige,'
liens arid pinned the Golden Bar .
On each Brownie,
Next came the Golden Hand Or
Ely Up Ceremony, This IS
the first time Bayfield has had
First Class Brownies. Two Bracy-
ies "Walked up", Gayle. Mete and
Margaret Semple to the Guide
CoMpany, and two Brownies
"FlIeW up"). Carol Wallis and
Jackie Weston.
From a large 'Golden Hand on
which were printed the 15 tests
they had tried, these two Brown-
ies were 'asked the solemn quest-
ions, and from' there, they were
taken into the Guide Company.
Mrs. J. B. Higgins, Brown Owl,
stressed the fact that it was not
just tests which had been passed
by the First Class Brownies, but
for Character and all-round train-
The Rev, E. 5. B, Harrison gave
words of encouragement to the
Guiders, Guides and Brownies.
Then followed a song 'by Jackie
Weston, "The Fairies Have Nev-
er a Penny to Spend," accompan-
ied by Mrs. S. Ro!ddick, and' a
piano sole. by Rosemary ,Turland.
Mrs. J. B. Higgins, then told
the assembly that due to the Un-
avoidable absence of the District
Commissioner, Miss Una McDon-
ald the three Guiders, Mrs. G.
Turner, Mrs. R. MacVean, and Mrs.
Reg Francis wquid not receive
their Warrants• as planned. They
will be presented in the Pall.
Mrs. Higgins thanked all teat-
ars, also Mrs. R, Fitzsimons, Bad-
ge Secretary for the local assoc-
iation for her,very capable ar-
rangement of olden Hand Test
Work; to Mrs, Roddick for her
usual hapipy cooperation; and to
the mothers' for the interest
Shown. -
The ideal association tinder pres-
ident Mit. J. Lindsay served light
refreslirnentS at the end of ,the
Mrs. Robert Seetehmer returned
home dune 19 after a Week in
A cooling drink on. a hot job, is welcome to these members
of the volunteer barn-raising 'crew. Ralph Turner (left) and
Ilareld Dawson pause briefly, Ninety men from the Township
of Stanley, and some from, Goderich Township, joined in under
the able direction of Sid Martin, boss of the PrOject to get the
heavy timbers up and, lashed into place, all. in a day.
(News-Record Photo')
MASTER PIG GROWER in Pellets or Meal
Insect Bombs Cowfly Powder — Florbait
Barn Fly Spray
Have To Vacate Store by July 1,
What Stock Left, Offer At A
To Save. Moving
Stock Consists 'of:
PEAT MOSS — and a Few Bags of
either for Seed or Table Use
FRED FORD, Manager
Phone HU 2-7041
Dominion Day
- 425'
urphy Bros.
Chrysler — Plymouth — Fargo
Sales and Service
Huron St. Clinton
en's Auxiliary of St. James', Mid-
tIleton, • St., John's, .Varna, and
'Trinity Church, Bayfield, was h,eld,
in the Trinity Parish Hall on Fri=
day afternoon.
The vice-president, Mrs., R. H.
F. Gairdner, was in charge and
welcomed the visitors. •
The Rev. E. J. B. Harrison took
the prayers. Miss, L. C. Morley
read the Scripture lesson. •
Mrs. Bert Rowden„Middleton,
'gave a repbrt of the first day of
the 70th. Annual meeting of Hur-
on Diocesan Board of - the Wom-
en's. Auxiliary of the • Anglican
Church of Canada,. held in St.
Paul% Cathedral and Masonic
:Temple, London, on May 1:
She brought to her listeners,
the thrill of being one of the 700
communicants at the opening ser-
vice, the welconie of Suffragan
Bishop, the Right Rev. WillieM A.
Tovensh.end, DD, MIS; .The Very
Reverend Dean Brown's. message
based on St. Matthew' 24 14.
In, the• afternoon at the Masonic
• Ladies or Three Parishes
Meet in Trinity Hall
(By our Bayfield correspondent)
The joint service of the Worn- Temple, the challenge to give of
-„, During MS Marriages register-
ed in Canada were 125,851, for a
Marriage rate `Per 1,000 populatien
of 8.2,
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