Clinton News-Record, 1957-06-27, Page 7'''l::IUB$DAY, JUNE ?; 1.957 CLINTON NBWS-PECORD NEWS.RECORD IT S FOR QUICK RESULTS RATES - .No charge for announcements of Hirths Marriages and Deaths Articles for sale, rent, etc,, Card of Thanks, in Memoriam, engagements 3c a word, minimum.75c, Box No. to this office 15c additional, Repeat in- cartons 2c a word, minimum .50p, CASH DISCOUNT: 3f: if paid by .Saturday fol- lowing last insertion. Billing charge .,f 1,0c added each time .bill is sent. Latest Time for Insertions -- 12 Dial IITI 2-3844 noon Wednesday Accommodation For Rent SMALL HOUSE TQ RENT. Un- furnished. Phone HU 2.9546. 2643 °TWO BEDROOM UNFURNISH- ,ed apartment, available_ now. Phone HU 2-6677. 26b 4 RQOMV. APARTMENT, WARM 4'and cold water, West' of Seaforth, :Phone Seaforth 660x14. 26-7'.p 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, kit- ehen, livingroom, share bath, Pri- vate entrance. Phone HU .2-3874, 19-tfb 'TWO APARTMENTS FOR.RENT, furnished and separate bath; frig; arse Of garage, phone HU 2-9508. 26-b FURNISHED APARTMENT, pri- vate entrance and private, bath. 'Phone Clinton 'HU 2-9350, after :six p.m. 26 b PUIRNISHiED Apartment heated, wroth frig. On ground floor, East Street. Available July 4. Phone 'IIID 2-9536. 26p 'THUM ROOMS, FURNISHED or unfurnished. Private bath. Cent- ral location. On ground floor, :Phone HU '2-6665,, 26-p 'COMFORTABLE FURNISHED, :steam, heated apartment, cenitral- 'ly lofted; available for couple. :Dial. HU 2-972$. 26-tbb 3 ROOM APARTMENT, heated and. furnished. Refrigerator. Cern -trolly located. 78 King Street. Mahone .HU 2.3434 after 5 p.m. . 26-p :'SMA1 L FURNISHED' Apartment, :suitable 'for one or two people, private entrance, private . bath. Phone HU 2-9350 after 6 p,m. 26p COTTAGE, MILE AND HALF Esouth: of Hayfield, two bedroom, :screened porch. Sandy beach. Phone London, 7-57.07 or Clinton :HU -2-9218. 26-7-6 'COTTAGE, MILE AND A HALF •south, of Bayfield. 3 bedrooms. In - .side plumbing, frig. Available 'July 6 to August 3. E. Beattie. P,hhn:e HU 2-9218, TWO 2. -BEDROOM Apartments, 5 rooms in each, near lake and"park. Hot water heating. Available July 15. J. Bacon, side door, 23 Well. angton Street W, Goderich. 26b: "3 ROOM APARTMENT, NEWLY ,decorated, private entrance. Also for salve, house trailer, 4 -Burner -electric stove and two woollen horse coolers. Phone HU 2-3465. 26-b '. , „„ 'TWO BEDROOM COTTAGE,` at Hunter's Beach, 6 miles north of Goderich; spring -filled mattresses, furnished. . Refrigerator. Mrs. Elmer Hunter, RR 3, Goderich, phone Dungannon 19r8. . 25-6-b Articles For Sale HIGH CHAIR, CHROME and red, practically new. Phone HU 2-9348, 26-p 'TWO LARGE SIZE CRIBS, one -with good , mattress, Phone HU 29178. 26-b SEED BUCK,V EA,T, HYDRO poles, fence posts. H. Brandon, :Hayfield. 26-b (CANADIAN CEMENT: Any quan . city, for immediate delivery.. A. G. Grigg and Son, phone Clinton 'HU 2-9411. 13-tfb EASY SPIiRrALATOR WASHING .machine, 2 years old; three-quar- ter size steel bed, spring filled mattress. Archie Mustard. Phone Bayfield 40. ' 26-p ;SEVERAL NEW PATTERNS in English Bone China Dinnerware, Including lovely "Cornflower". See It and others in our window and get our low prices for fine china. ,Counter's Jewellzery. -p `TRUCK RACK AND PLATFORM, 'Complete. U=bolts, lights, loading :shutes•, ridge pole, .good' for live- stock or grain, 13' x 7' 6" and *6' 7" high. Good repair. Reason- -able. Baird Transport, Bruce - ,field, . Phone HU 2-7551. 26-7-b Accommodation Wanted REQUIRE' '2 OR 3 BEDROOM louse in Clinton with occupancy 'by end of June. Reliable tenants. tOne child. Williams at.HU 2-3411, Local 334. 20 to 26p Articles Wanted • USiED HYDRAULIC Front -End Manure Loader, for International Super -0 Farmall Tractor, Phone HU 2.7490, 264p Business Opportunities OWN YOUR OWN' BUSINESS. !Contact L, G. Winter, Real Estate, High Street, Clinton. Phone Clin- ton HU 2-6692, 13-tfb `'I1WO LARGE :PRODUCING milk routes in Goderich Township to Carnation Co., Holniesville, both converiiently handled with one truck, a 195'6 IxMC with 1,500 milage, also 16 feet !milk van all in A-1 condition, Excellent returns the year round, reason for set - ling 111 health. Stewart 'Schoen - 'hats,. Clinton, Ontario. Phone 1111 '2-9777. Automobiles For Sale -. 1956 BUICK SPECIAL, hydrama,. tic transmission. Phone HU 2.7400, 26-p. 1955 PLYMOUTH SAVOY Sedan, excellent condition, Phone 2HUUU 2-7523•, after 6 p.m, 1,948 DODGE COACH, SUNNIS. or, radio, new tires, in excellent condition. $250. Box 261, Clip ton News -Record. 26-p BABY SITTING RELIABLE MOTHER will Baby sit by the day or hourly. Reason-, able rates, Phone HU 2-9765. Baby Chicks DAYOLD BIG -4 CHICKS avail- able every week, And pullets— started, all ages. Wide choice breeds, crosses. Special low prices in effect now. You'll find these excellent investments on later markets. Agent: Charles Scott, Auburn, phone Blyth •43x23. ' 26b CUSTOM "WORK AUTOMATIC SAW Sharpening. Saws retoothed, jointed and filed for $1.25. Or just filed and set 75 cents. Automatic butcher knife and scissor sharpener, scissors 15 cents, knives 10 cents, W. E. "Bill" Jervis, Fulton Street, Olin- . Phone HU 2-9664. 1,1-tfb SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL Septic tanks, Cess Pools, etc., pumped and cleaned with Sanitary equipment. 'All work guaranteed.Estimates given without obligat- ion. Louis Blake, RR 2, Brussels. Phone Brussels 42r6. 6 to.32-p .Employment Wanted `TEEN AGE. GIRL DESIRES, steady employment, with board and room, for July and August, FIU 2-9509. . 26-p FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale SMOKER ELEVATORS, NEW Ilo land Haying equipment. Geor- ge Wraith, Montreal Street, God- erich, phone 1285. 23-tfb `ORD. BUCKRAKE, IN GOOD ondition, Will sell reasonable. R. Semple, 'RR 2,, Bayfield, phone IU 2-7456. 26-b. Farm Produce For Sale A FEW BAGS OF GOOD QUAL- ity potatoes. Selling at $1.25 per bag, Apply Ken Rogerson, RR 5, Clinton, phone HU 2-9100. 26-b. STRAWBERRIES FOR SALE — Berries are now at their best. Or- der early as . the season will be chart. on account of early frost. F. W. Andrews, phone HU 2-3462. 25tfb GRAIN FOR SALE MIXED' GRAIN, $40 PER TON. Frank McDonald, RR 4, Clinton. P1�one HU 2-7418. - 26-p QUANTITY OF FEED BARKY; also mixed, grain, $40 per' ton. Cliff • Stewart, RR 5, Clinton, phone HU 2-9806. 26 p HAY FOR SALE 30 ACRES CHOICE ALFALFA hay. Standing. Call HU 2-3398, 24-5-6-b CHOICECHOI!STANDING TIUYIO41HY, alfalfa or, mixed hay. Mrs, John Middleton. 26-b 30 ACRES OF' STANDING mixed hay, on shares. Apply V. Kobzza, Tot 16, concession 12, Hullett Township. • 26-p 35 ACRES' OF CHOICE HAY. Alfalfa, red clover, timothy and alsike mixture. Phone Hensel]. 681r5. William Aikenhead, RR 3, Kipper. _ 25-6-p Livestock For Sale 12 YORK PIGS, SIX WEEKS old. John McGuire, RSR, 1, Clinton, phone HU 2-9993. 26-p '11IIREIEHE4WFERS, 11/2 years old. T, Sjaai'da, RR 2, Bayfield„ phone Clinton ' HU 2-9882. " 26-p Livestock Wanted OLD HORSES WANTED at 31/2 cents lb., and dead cattle at value. If dead, phone at once. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, phone Goderich collect 1483J4 or 1483J1. 14 to 26-p ATTENTION FARMERS! Prompt, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals 'and hides. Call collect Ed. Andrews, 851r11, Seaforth. Associated with Darling and :Co. of Canada . Ltd. _ 26�p-tfb LOST and FOUND FOX TERRIER, BLACK AND• white, with tan spots. Lost near railroad tracks, Highway 4, please phone HU 2-3349. Reward $10. _. PERSONAL "OLD AT 40, 50, 60?" MANI, You're Crazy! Thttiiusends peppy at 70, Ostrex Tonic Tablets pep up bodies lacking iron. 1"izr run- down undown feeling Many men, women call "old". New "get -acquainted" size only 60c. All 'druggists'• Miscellaneous • ,JO WATCH REPAIR IS AB FOR, experts. Our work assures your satisfaction, Counter's Jewellery, Huron County's % Oldest Establish- ed Jewellery Store, 26-p LET US REPAIR ,AND MAKE Yew rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured --don't take .chan- ces, Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction, ' Watch re- pairs and Pearl restringing, W. N, Counter.'26-p RUBBER STAMPS, SIGNATUR- es, maps, marking devices of all kinds. Call at News -Record Of- fice, Albert Street, Clinton 14-tfb MAPS OF THE TOWN OF OLIN ton, showing streets, lot numbers, and ton limits. 50c each. Avail- able at Clinton News -Record of- fice. 24-tfb NOTICES CHANGE OF NAME TAKE NOTICE that an Appli- cation will be made before His Honour, Judge Frank Fingland or other presiding Judge at the Court House, Goderich, Ontario, on Fri- day, the 26th day of July, AD. 1957, at 10 o'clock a.m. by William George Bell, RRC,A.F. Station, Clinton, Ontario, to change his name from William George Bell to George Neil Watson.. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 7th day of June, A.D. 1957, E. R. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the Applicant 24-5.6-b Property For Sale DESIRABLE LOT FOR SALE on Raglan Street, near two schools. D. S. Cantelon, phone HU 2-9483. 20-tfb HOUSE FOR SALE ON JAMES Street. 3 bedroom, bathroom. Hardwood floors. Built-in cup- boards. Sun porch, garage and full basement. Call evenings phone Hunter 2-9707. 25-6-b TWO BEDROOM Central Mort- gage House. Excellent condition. Oil furnace, partial basement. Payments $26 per month, after down payment. Phone HU' 2-3490 or call at 135 Matilda Street. . 25-6-7-p REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE IS OUR B•USIN- ess. Farms, residential, commer- cial, summer cottages. For de- pendable and capable service list your property with John Bosveld, 40 Wellesley Street, Goderich, phone 1108. Salesmen: George Mc- Gilliyary, J. McConnell. 23-4-5-6-7.8-b Salesmen Wanted WANTED: MAN FOR STEADY travel among consumers in Huron County. Permanent connection with large manufacturer. • Only reliable, hustler considered. Write Rawleigh's Dept. F-169-131, 4005 Richelieu 'St., Montreal, P.Q. 24-6-b STOVES FOR SALE MOiFFFA.T HEAVY DUTY ELEC- trio range, four burner, oven; also rangette, both in good working condition. Phone HU 2-9129. 26-p TENDERS Township of Goderich TENDERS FOR GI,i,41VEL Tenders will be received by the undersigned: until noon July 1st, 1957, for approximately 8,000 cub- ic yards of gravel, crushed and hauled at flat rate anywhere on Township roads. Material to pass through 3. inch screen, taken from two Township of Goderich pits. Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. ROY TYNDALL, " Road Superintendent R. B. THOMPSON, Clerk. 26-b TOWNSHIP ,OF GODERICH Tenders willbe received by the undersigned for a man to operate Township tractor and mower, cut- ting roadsides in the Township. Reply stating price per hour. Tenders to be an by noon, July 1st, 1957, Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. TROY TYNDALL,.• Road Superinendent R. E. 'THOMPSON, Clerk '26413 Supertest . Service. S taton FOR LEASE Located on No, 4 Highway Large Gallonage Established Excellent opportunity for right Pariy Apply . O. FREE SEAFORTH Phone 366 BIRTHS BEACOM—In Clinton Public Has - vital, en Saturday, June 22, 1957, to Mr, and Mrs, Bert Bea porn, Blyth, a son. BRINK In Clinton Public Hospi- Sal, an Thursday, June 20, 1957, to Mr, and. Mrs, Dirk Brink, See -oral, a daughter. BROWN—,In Clinton. public Hos- pital, on Saturday., June 22, o 1957, to Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Brown, RCAF Station Clinton, a son.. CANN In Clinton Public Hiospi- tail, on Friday, June 21, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cann, Clinton, a son. CUNINGHA[ME--In St, Mary's Hospital, ‚Syracuse, N.Y., on June 20, 957, to Mr. and Mrs John E, Cuninghame• (nee Peggy Parsons), 207 Pleasant Ave'„ North Syracuse, N,Y„ a dough - .tar, ILFILLAN—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, June 26, 1957, to 'Mr. and Mrs. Geo- rge GilfiilIan, Auburn, a son, JOHNSTON—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, June 26, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Johnston, Varna, a son, LAZET—In Clinton Public Hosp:i- tad, OnSaturday, June 22, 1957, So Mr, and Mrs,• Peter Lazet, Clinton, a daughter. LeCLERE-In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, June 25, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs, Marcel Lealere, RCAF Station Clinton, a daughe 'ter. LOVE --In Clinton Public Hospirt- al,• on Tuesday, June 25, 1957, to Mr. and Mr's. Keith Love, Zurich!, a son, MacDONIALD In Clinton Public _Hospital, on Sunday, June 23•, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert {MacDonald, • RCAF Station Clin- ton,. a son.- MOIR — In General Hospital, -Brampton, en Sunday, June 23, 1957, to Mr. and/ Mrs. Douglas Moir. (nee •• Monica " Masse), Brarnprton, a daughter. RILEY—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, • on Monday, June 24, 1957„ to Mr. and Mrs, William Riley, Zurich, a daughter. ROSS—In Clinton Public Hospital, ,on Thursday, 'dune 20, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Ross, Sitarf- fa; a» daaughter. SPINNEY—InClinton Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, June 25, 1957, to Mr. and Mars. CarlSpin- ney, RCAF Station Clinton, a son, ZEHR—In -Clinton. Public Hospit- al, on Thursday, June 20, 1957; to Mr. and Mrs, Harold Zehr, Zurich, a son. • MARRIAGES KOK—HOYTEIVIA In the Christ- ian Reformed Church, Clinton, on Friday _evening, June 21, 1957, by hd father, Frances Martha, daughter of the' Rev. and Mrs. George J. Hoytema, Clinton, to Harry Jan Kok, Lon- don, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geor- ge Kok, Lobo. DEATHS APPLEBY—.In , Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Wednes- day, Juane 19, 1957, Samuel Ben- jamin .Appleby; y beloved husband of Mary Annie Fairseirvice, My- th, in his 64th year, Funeral from the Tasker memorial cha- pel, Blyth, by the' Rev. D. J. Lane, Clinton, to Clinton Cem- etery, on Saturday afternoon, June 22. COl CLOUGH-- In Clinton, on Sunday, June 16, 1957, Eliza- beth Jane Churchill, widow of the late Robert E Colclough, in her 87th year. Funeral from the Beattie funeral honie, Rat- tenbury Street East, Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery, on Tuesday, afternoon, June 18, by, the Rev. A. G. Eagle. LUNDBOHM-In Mitchell, on Mon- day, June 17, 1957, Lizzie Lund- bohm, dear mother of Mrs. Lil- lian Jowett, , in her 94th year. Funeral from Trinity Anglican 'Church. to Bayfield Cemetery, on Thursday afternon, June 20, by the Rev. E. J. B, Harrison. McCLI'NOHEY—In Clinton, on Friday, June 21, 1957, William Robert McClinchey, beloved hus- band of Amelia Zapfe, Holmes- valley in his 91st year. Funeral !from the Ball and Mitch fun- eral home, Clinton, to Bayfield Cemetery, on Monday afternoon. McCt LLY--Suddenly at his home in Brucefield, on. 'Thursday mor- ning, June 20, 1957, Joseph Swan McCully, widower of the late Bessie Fay Wintermute, and dear mother of Mary Grace (Mrs, Ivan Wightman, Bel- grave) in his 72nd year. Funeral from the Brucefield • United church, on Saturday after -nen, June 22, by the' Rev. 5, Davis- on, to Baird's Cemetery. Rubber Stamps 1 and Marking Devices of every description Also Pads Sold by Clinton Nevis,itecord • Kin 'Ladies Night Held at Bayfield ‘Dancing held in Bayfield Pavil- ion Iollowed liy •a chickenbar-B-Q on the river flats was enjoyed by over 85 people as the Kinsmen Club of 'Clinton held their ladies' night last Saturday, Highlight of the evening was the presentation to Kinette president, Mrs. Gordon Grigg, of a gong and gavel, the gift of the Kinsmen. The presentation was made by president Harry McEwan, Durin,,,gthe evening spot and el- imination dances were held with prizes going to Mr. and Mrs,. Ray Biem,an, Douglas Andrews (2), Mrs. Harry McEwan, Mrs. Doug- las Andrews. CARDS OF THANKS To all my friends' who remem- bered me during my illness, with visits,' flowers, card's and treats, and my neighbours for their kin- dly help, my sincere thanks,—JIM MAKIN'S. _. 26-b Our -sincere thanks and apprec •iation to all friends and neigh- bours for their many kindnesses and help in our recent bereave meat. The FAMILY of ;the late Joseph McCully, ' , 26-p We would like • to thank our neighbours and friends, and any who sent cards and flowers during Mrs. Colclough's illness and since her death; also thanks to Dr. Newland and the nurses: WIL- FRED AND VERA GLAZIER. 26-p Elgin Porter's family' and Mrs. Reid wish to thank all those who 'n any way have helped to make the speedy building of our barn possible, including the ladies who So willingly helped the day ..of the barn raising. -+ELGIN PORTER. 26-b The Rev. C. S. Inder wishes to express 'm the members of the congregation of St. Paul's Church his sincere thanks for their good wishes • on the occasion of his birthday; and also for the gift of a projector and screen. This will be most useful, both . for his col- eetion of slides and also' for film- strips in the Sunday School 26-p The family of the late 'William McClinchey wish to thank their friends and neighbours for kind- nessand sympathy shown; them during their recent bereavement, also for beautifulfloral tributes; special thanks to Dr. Newland, Rev. Wilson, the nurses and staff of Clinton: Public Hospital and the Ball and Match funeral home and all those who helped in any way. 26-b IN MEMORIAM COLE—In loving memory of a dear husband arid father, R. Nelson Cole, who passed away two years ago July 1, 1955: "They say time heals all sorrow And helps us to forget, But time, so far, has only prov- ed How much' we miss him yet. God gave: us strength to fight it And courage to, bear the blow, But what it meansto us • to lose him No one will ever know." 26-b STEEP—In fond and loving mem- ory of a dear Father and Grand- father, David Steep, who passed away, Sunday, June 23, 1940: "There is a dear and hallowed spot In a cemetery so green Where sleeping lies our Father e From human eyes unseen The winds of Heaven blow saf- ely O'er that dear hallowed- spot And amid the changing scenes of life, W He will never be forgot. Sheltered by the rocks of ages Anchored on' the Golden shore In the loving arms of Jesus He is' safe forever more." —Sadly missed by daughter Sadie„ Susan and David. 26-p CleremVu Auto Wreckers Now Wrecking: '52 PLYMOUTH '53 DODGE IA TON '50 MONARCH '50 CHEV. '50 FORD '50 STUDEBAKER _. '49 AUSTIN CHEVS., FORDS, DODGES '50 CHEV. Sedan Delivery Parts for Older 'Makes of Cars and Trucks USED TIRES 15" 'to 21" We Buy SCRAP METALS (Wire, Tin and Farina Implements) McColl -I rontenae OIL PRODITCTS 24 -Hour Road Service DUNLOP TIRES .. , 2643' PAGE SEVEN ROXY THEATRE Clinton Two Shows Nightly Wide Screen Now: WED., THURS., FRI. and SAT. Rodger's & Hammerstein's great musical "OKLAHOMA!" The glorious music that has been whistled and hummed by millions, the same cast that thrilled Broadway audiences, now on the screen in Oinemascope & Technicolor. A't regular prices. Gordon MacRae -- Shirley Jones -- Gloria Grahame ONE SHOW ONLY each night starting at 8 o'clock. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday "SCREAMING... EAGLE S An, airborne infantry platoon overshoots its objective on D' -Day and lands behind the German lines, Tom Tryon -- Jan Merlin -- Jacqueline Beer Coming: "THE VANISHING AMERICAN" Scott Brady -- Audrey Totter -- Forrest Tucker NOW iN STOCK AT Galbraith RADIO and TV 1—NEW ELECTROHOME RADIO -PHONOGRAPH • List $199.95 SPECIAL, only ,,.. $139,95 1 Only—Rogers-Majestic RADIO-PHONO • List $89.95 SPECIAL, only ...... • $69.95 1 Only—SEA BREEZE Fidelis Hi-Fi PHONOGRAPH , List $169.95 SPECIAL, only -$129.95 1 Only—Trade-In SILVERTONE —. Automatic RECORD PLAYER List' $89.95 ONLY $50.00 Call HUnter 2-3841 ASHTON' S TAXI Operated by CLIFF ASHTON DAY or NIGHT CALL Hi! 2-9036 I Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere K. C. Cooke FLORIST Phone HU 2-7012, Clinton PARK THEATRE GODERICH Now Playing: A preview of the year 2200 AD, Science -;fiction at its best! ;;The FORBIDDEN PLANET" with, Walter Pidgeon' MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY July 1.2-3 Jas. Cagney -- Barbara • Stanwyclr and Walter Pidgeon Dramatically treated story of a millionaire who turns up, after twenty years; to claim a son born out of wedlock. "THESE WILDER YEARS" THURSDAY,. FRIDAY and SATURDAY July 4-5-6 Alan Ladd -- Sophia Loren and Clifton Webb The picture that audiences and critics have raved about, a search for sunken treasure filmed off the coast of Greece. "BOY ON A DOLPHIN" — In Color - Cinemascope — Coming: July 8-9-10 THRam DAYS ONLY "The VAGABOND KING" In; Vistavision with Kathryn Grayson and Oreste I For LANDSCAPING Peter Westerhout Londesboro, Ont. Phone Clinton HU 2-9812 25 -tib Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY at 8 p.m. TERMS CASH J. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELLIOTT,Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk MacLaren's Studio Telephone 401 -- Goderich Portraits -- Weddings -- Children's Groups —. ALSO -- Artist Supplies -- Religious Articles Picture Framing - Framed Prints Studio Located At Our Residence 196 St. David Street — Goderich (Near the High Water Tower) -. ANYTIME—DAYS or EVENINGS 8tfb GIFT of LOVE! From man to Woman, from heart to heart, a diam- ond speaks in ten- der terms of happi- ness and love, Such an import- ant gift as a dia- mond, should be chosen with spec- ial care. Take Time To Choose Your Diamond In Privacy— Phone Collect for an Evening Appointment TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED Anstett Jewellers OPEN tilitY FRIDA°3.'• NIQ•HT CLINTON (Phone HU; 2-9525) and WALKERTON Extort Wakat Repairs and Engraving BI/LOVA CYMA and GRUEN WATCHES BLUE RIVER and BLUE BIRD DIAMONDS SPODE DINNERWARE •