HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-06-27, Page 1Zig .4firot CC1111.0111,;;Pg (esy W, D., B.) TM WE= IS WMR,: et' Week, . yet last weeleeoci More people drowned than ever before 10 Canada, over a tWenday Weekend, . , Don't let yourSelf or your 'Riffled ones become a vie - tine If you can't Swim. then Use the olcl slogan„ . "Don't go near the water", . and eee that you stick to it, . If someone does happen to he - %erne overcame in Water beyoed his depth , then get hirn to land es 00,11 as possible. •. and geit omelife-saving technique at Work - , There are two reettene.. tors available locally. . one is t. Bayfield, in the hands of the Bay- field riro Department, and the other in Clint= Also capably Jia died by the fire department, . case of en emergency, call your fire department. . . the m'en know What t,o, do. . • Abeve, Hector Kingswell, of the Clinton Fire Department, applies the mouthpiece of the resuscitator to Bert ,Gliddon, past president of the Clinton andDistrict Chamber ot Commerce, . , The firemen con- stantly train themselves in the use of the resuseitator. , D.otet • forget that it is available. . . * ,FIRST OF JULY HOLIDAY IS corning up. . . For 'those who plan to travel we would issue this two- line resume of safety: 'He -looked; she didn't He is; she isn't." * * ANYONE- TRAVELLING HIGH - way 4 north of Clintan would not be wasting time if they drove slowly past the residenee of Jim Livermore, . The place is a riot ,a colour, as theegaedens and per- ennial,: hedges Seem just at their Prime. . . This, wai the home which last year won province -wide at- tention when a coloured picture of the gardens was entered in the Ontario Horticultural Society con- test, Winning first place, . , * * * CLARK BALL'S DOG GOT A surprise Saturday morning when out after the cows, , . Apparently he met a porcupine. . . and good- ness knows that's surpirse, enough this. part of Ontario'. . oand the visitor was more than the dog oould handle, . . The poor animal almost went frantic trying to roll tthe deadly quills out. . .Finiy Clark took bAan over to Keith Tyn- dall's for help, and between them the men drew out 25 quills. . They were white with blue tips. . . • * * * CLIFFORD EPPS• HAS JUST returned from a text-day-114meg trip into Northern Ontario , and he's got some good fish stories about Beauty Lake.. This is an area where not many fishermen go. . . and the fishing is wonder- ful. . Cliff brought home a 25 pound lake trout, and a pickerel that weighs, seven and one half /30,11.ridS. . He else got some spec- kles, but complained a little that these fish jut weren't biting when he was fishing them, . . Beauty Lake is near Elk Lake, and that's many miles Werth af Sudbury. , Mrs. M. Nediger First Clintoniaii To Grand Lodge Mrse W, M. Nediger was in- stalled into effiee as Colour Bear- er, of the Rebekah Aisernbly of Ontario last Wednesday, June 19, at the Assembly sessions in Tor- onto. She was escorted to her posi- ticket by Past President Sister Bothwell, Ottawa, Mrs, Nediger wdsa recipient of any lovely gifts in recognition sef this ()CCM'. ion. is the first time that the 'Karmic Rebekah Lodge N. 306 has had one of its Past Onand serve as an Assembly officer. The Week's- Weather 1957 1856 'High Low Bigh Low .3tnie 20 16 48 78 57 21 84 60 80- 63 22 8$ 60 85 57 23 86 68 78 63 24 76 52 79 58 25 74 58 68 • 54 0 •55 78 56 THE NEW ERA -92nd YEAR No, 26 -Tho Nome Paper With the News THE NEWS -RECORD 76th YEAR CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, INE V, 1957 7 Cents. a Copy $3,00 a Year xtra '4,000 'Piomised."QlidaY lours •---- At Post Office wim rocs y Legion Announced Here I 6 • Clintoo Legion Branch gave an extra $1,000 to the Clinton Com- m -way Swimming Pool Fund at the regular meeting lelonday ev- erting. This makes a total a $3000 from the brateh towards the pool ftmel. Last sunnier the Legion gave $1,000, as •did the three •other sponsoring organizeitions, •Clinton Lions Club, Kinsmen Club of Clin- ton and the Huron Fish and Game Conservation Assooiation,, From, September 1 to Deeember 31, 1956, all Profits from the Leg- ion Thursday night bingos were earmarked for the pop]. After a progress report to the • meeting neonday night • by R.. J. "Bud" S,choenhal.e, general chairman of the ANvimming pool projeet, the 'above donation was made. The motion read, in part; That the Legion make the September to December bingo, profits (approxi- bately $960) up to $1,000 and give. •an extra $1,000 to the Clinton Communtty Swimming Pool Fund; same to be paid before the gen- eral cany.ass, of the towns people on maul 15. This motion was Sponsored by Kenneth C. Cooke and R. D. "Deck" l'remlin. The motion was oarried, over an am- endment which asked "that $1,000 be paid now and. further donations be dealt with, at later date." Treasurer K W. Colquhoun in for.med the meeting that there was now a credit balance for the past few months the branch had. been running a debit balance. (Not a mortage as was reported in the daily press this week). Al- CDCI Promotions, Complete on P12 a Promotion lists for the' end of the high echoel year, are publish- ed on page 1, as releasedby Principal E. A. Fines, Clinton, Dis- trIct Collegiate Institute. • so in the treasurer's report Waa 'the fact that $381. 69 profits had been reelized from bnigos in the 'three Thursdays':in Zane. • • Bingo Profits • Aecording to bingo eommittee •oo-dteintran Fred Ford„ nearly • (Continued PA Page 121 Pony Ride • Borden McRae, eldest son Of Mr. and: Mrs, Kenneth B. Mc- Rae, Clinton, is in charge here • es, a young lady enjoys a pony' ride on Clinton's- Main Street. The occesien; the annual Lions Club• Summer Carnival. The pony; one of those owned by Mr. ,and Mrs. Joe Corey, RR 4, Clin- ton. (News-Reeord Photo) Children Must Be Five By, Dec. 31 Last YearTo: Attend Kindergarten Are you considering sending one of your youngest off to school in September? Perhaps you are unaware of recent regulations passed by the Ontario governMent concerning children eligible to at- tend In. the ,past there has been some misunderstanding about the age of children eligible to attend kin- dergarten. The'act On the past) hae simply stated "between the ages of five, and 21 years." Ndw, haw,ever, your child must have been five years old before Decem- ber 31, 1956, hi, order to begin School in September, 1957. The alt was amended by Bill No. 47, Ontario Statutes, 1957, Sth,oL Chapter 101, effective April 3rd, 1957: "1. Right to Attend Public School. Subsection 1 of Section 5 is re-enacted to make it clear that the child must have reached the age of ti,ve, before the 31st of December in any year to have the right to be admitted after the commencement of school in Sep- tember in the following year, and provides far the payment of costs if the board does not operate the, school." This inforraation was released by G. G. Gardiner, •inspector of public schools, through Bert Gray, principal of the Clinton Public to • Bit Bored With Beauty 4 - - ene eteeee,ee..e• A.. A little bit of boredom. 101 thig, young fnan's part, but the performance of' ballet on the lawns at the old public school grounds last Sattiedey, was neve' and interesting for trzoSt of those present, Ballerinas are (left to right) 'Iteresa 'Zahlocki, Nine siVfol)ofiald and Bennie Beyes, The presentation was af the ?Ids AuxiliaryField Day, this • year conuternorating the Cehten. • urch Canada. (News -Record Photo) • Hours at the 'Clinton Post Office on .1VIonday.; July 1, have been announced Postmaster Arthur Ball, as follows. There will be one hour Wicket service in the morning from ten until eleven ofolock, and in the alter - noon from 1.30 to 2,30 per, The lobby will be open for -service to boxholders until :eix -o'eleek in the evening, E._ ar .1.y Copy Please For Next ^Week. Tuesday, tatest Next week at the News -Record office, our working time is cut short by one whole clay. This due to the -holiday fflftgon Mon- day, during which time Canada will celebrate her 99tb birthday. For this reason, ..we would ap- preciate tbe co-operation. of ad- vextisere and' news -gatherers, in having their copy ready for us early on Tuesday. • 'With your help, the Home Pap- er with .the News, can come put on time. 0 -- Carol Ann Hurt As Bicycle Crashes Into Car 'Nine-year old cyclist, Miss Car- ol Ann, Thompsoo, suffered a cut on the head on 'Tuesday evening let about seven o'cleek, when she struck the side of a car as she was approaching her home. She is the dauhter pf, Mr. and -Mrs. Duff 'Thompsenee • Accerding to Chief H. R. Thom- psion, who investiagted the mishap, the little girl was approaching Mary Street, going south on Isaac, and although she slowed down, she did not • come to a full stop. The driver of the car, Mrs. Will- iam McKinnon, Osborne Street, was driying east on Mary, pulled the vehicle over to the rtght 'to avoid the bicycle. 'Carol Ann hit the front fender of the car, and was thrown up on- to the hood, where her head was cut on the ornament above the radiator. Dr. A.J. Addison treat- ed the wound later that evening, and about ten stitches were re- quired. Scout Camp` Opens June 29 Through Until July 7 Clinton Boy Scout coon) will be held this year from June 29 to July 7 inclusive. The camp will be under the direction of Scout- master Percy Brown and it is .ex- pected that about 16 of the Cline ton troop will attend. Visitors day has been set for Wednesday, July 3, during the afternoon and evening Everyone is welcome. 0 Higher Rates For Telephone (ails Made From Booths The standard rate of, 10 cents for each iota] call from public, and semi -public -telephones will become effective in Clinton next Saturday, June 29, according to W. W. My - /corn, Bell Telephone manager for this regien, Approval in principle of the 10- cent rate for local calls from all of Bell's. public and serniepublic telephones was given in Novena ber, 1951, by the Beard of Trans- port Cominissiotere for Cahada„ However:because of equipment shortages at that titne, the Bell asked for the higher rate to be applied immediately-oXy in the larger centres. • With equipment to Modify the public telep,hones 'in the smaller centres now installed, the ecru pany has 'decided to complete the application of the standard rate • throughOttt its -territory, Par Roars • If you need repairs to your tele- phene you ean get a diteet answer to your request sininly by dialing 114. A man on full time duty in the Clinton exchange will ahsvver, and is prepared to send a repair truck to your home. 'This it an improvement over the delaY net.' esSary when repair trifle Were routed through London. LendYourarawn For Work Party At Pool Friday Hereola your change to give the CornmenetY Swirennbeg Pool a little manual labor and help push it to completion this summer. to Thr•oiugh the ivie minded- ness 01Gardcrn Cuelmore, an easement has been obtained from him to put the sewerage and water mains through his property on Princess street to the pool in, Community Park from the mains on Prin- cess street. The Clinton PVC began this work last week and the ex- cavations are now ready to be filled in. This work borders on the gardens of Mt, Cud - more and his parents, Mr.and Mrs. Alex Cudniere. This snakes it inconvenient to use a tractor to fill in, the excava- tions, and the swimming pool chairman requests volunteer help in doing this job. Bring your shovel to the Gordon Cudmore home on 'Fricley af- ter supper and do your bit for the pool committee. New "Exercise" TV Series By Mrs. Beecher Menzies Mrs. Beecher, Menzies, Clinton, teacher of physical -training ,in the Wingham. District High School, will Commence a weekly series of "Exercises" on the "M'Iady" show over CKNX-TV, starting on Wed- nesday, July 3. This series Will extend through the summer mon- ths. - • Cherry Trees Are Damaged; Parents Should See Danger Several complaints h'ave been received in the police office here from owners of cherry trees. Ap- parently young folk have been climbing the trees to get at the fruit, and are causing damage by breaking the limbs. Not only are the youngsters in danger of felling, and breekirtg art arm or leg, but they are causing wilful damage, and the owners, of trees are anxious that it stop, Parents are advised that they should keep their children from this practice. 1917 Car Enters Cross Country Tour Did .you see this beautiful, shiny 1917 Model T in town last weekend? Its _owner, Norman Hathaway, his wife Lois, and two "SODS' motored front. Newmarket to Clinton; on Saturday in less than five hours. They visited with the lady's parents, Mae and Mrs, Caryl Draper, until Sunday afternoon when they left for Landon 'to join, 50 other old -tine autos.. in the first London to Brighton tour, similar to 'the London to Brighboo, England; antique car tour. They left London Monday. at nine o'clock and expected: to arrive in Brighton (near Treeton) yest•erday. Extensive cele- brations were planned at Oakville and Oshawa, en route. • (News -Record Photo) Are You For The Pool? More Donors Listed; Lots' Of TimetoAdd Your Name - • These are more donors to the pool, so far: If your name has not yet been listed, it will probably appear next week, or the one fol- lowing. If yould like to give more, and have that recorded, then see John Livermere, treasurer of, the Swim Pool Furid, at the Town Hall. Contributions are deducti- ble! Alex Inkley $ 25.00 Cecil Cooper 5.00 C. H. Magee 20.00 Clifford Cooper 5.00 Ross lelerrill , 5.00 Cyril Bertrand 2.00 Kenneth Johnston • 5.00 Jack Clegg 5.00 E. W. Stanley • 5.00 Howard Crich • 2.00 Gordon Cunningham • .50 Alvin Cox 2.00 John Batkin 2.00 Bill Grigg 25.00 Mabel G. Garrow 1.00 C. A. Trott 111. Mayhew Robert Cudmore H. R. Thompson Alvin Shall G• C. German, and Son Tom Steep Mr. Caldwell Torn Leppingtop S. Moodie • Don Pickard George Cox Mrs. G. R. Taylor Fergus McKay M. J. Schoenhals Robert J. Schoenhals T. H. Ellwood D. R. Ellwood William Hearn Mrs. B. C. Hearn F/0 R. Stewart ..,...., Clarence Denomme George F. Elliott L, Stroud Fred Miller Mrs. J. Snider Bob Hicks M.Durham. • Masons Insta I Don Symons LWa. Dencommaki e elm Clarence Neilans Alf. Crozier Mrs, H. Bartliff Harold Fremlin Mr. Harris Tom Colquhoun Art Leyburn F. W. Fisher Douglas Andrews Hector Kingswell Norman Ball F. Rumball John Wilson or. aster Clinton Lodge The joint inatellatten, 01 officerse eleet in Clinton Lodge AF & AM, No. 84 and Huron No. 224 (Hen - sell), was held on Monday evening at the regular meeting of the Clin- ton• Masonic Lodge. Right Wor- shipful Brother R. E. Thompson, RR 2, Clinton ,as installing mas- ter, was assisted in the ceremony by past masters of each lodge. • prominent part of • the even- ing was the investiture af the wardens and junior officers, with the regalia of ofeice, taken by Worshipful Brother W. V. Dinnin, Zurich, a past' master of Huron Lodge. Worshipful Brother R. G. Shortreed of the, host lodge and the Very Worshipful Brother D. E. kyle of the visiting ledge were directors of ceremony. Doncald E. Seenoris Clinton, was installed the Worsi"npfed 1Veaster Of the Clinton Lodge, and was honoured by four members of Otte tank) Lodge No. 26, Port 15ope, who motored here to take part in the installatioh ceremony. They were the Right Virorshipitil Bro- ther George Thine Foam, who Was master of the Port Rope Lq- dge when Don was inetiated there oo April 18,1940; the Very Wor George L. Falconer Dep. Grand Master Of Huron Distrkt George L. Falconer, Brticefigel, received his eotereission as beet Deputy Grated Master Of utoitDistrict No. 8, Ihiperial Ordet a Odd relleees, at the Grand Lodge sessions ht TOrmito, last Week. Mr. ralConer win hold office for a year, And his duties t,vilt include installation of all of- ficers in the modals lodges of the District ' this fan. shipftd Brother Ed. Ruthven; Wor- shipful Broter Perc. Hoskin and Dort's brother Brother Kenneth Symons. Other `officers of the Clinton Lodge :are: irnmediaate past, mas- ter, Harry Ball; senior warden; J. E. Dale; junior warden. Harry treasurer, Frank E. Pennebaker; WiAliVres: chaplain, W. A. Aiken; M. Munnings Dorothy leltitch eecretary, H. E. R,orke; D of C, R. Norman Livermore D. Thompson; senior deacon, J. L. C. E. Wise - Peckett; junior deacon J. A. Mc- Laren; inner guard, W.: S. Craig; senior steward, Alvin Lobb, junior steward, Frank Cook; tyler, Er. Gibson; trustees, Roy Fitzsimons, J. Hart,' T. G. Scribbins; auditors, anA. gMitt„rtd,Q Xnigh.Q.C. ,,tan,dJudge ,Frank r WOO,. mAsznit DON svmoNs Offie the (Hellman 'are; worshipful master, C. D. Daniels; immediate past Twiater, F, leathwell; tenter Warden; a G. Melerlde; junior warden, R. X. Peck; ehaplairs C. 0, Often treasurer, qr. Thompson; secretary, W. GOOdwite Senior deacon, W. S. V. Bell; 31iniat dea- con, re. D. Cooper; b C, kyle; senior steward, C. D. t-loY1 Junior Steward, R. Campbell; he leer guard, M. t,rDelte; tyler, Campbell. Rev. H. C. Wilson Alex McMichael D. C. Coleuboun Hugh Cameron Peter Damsma Harald Emmet:son' Verne Postill G. Smitt Douglas Freeman William Glew Mr. and IVIes. A. Habkirk C. Kuiper Jack Porter !Fred leletionald jack Woods Harry Cochrane StanifOrth Harry 1VIcEwan :Frank MeEwan Laurie Coliatthoun E. B. Menzies ....... Kenneth. Lee E. C. Nickle Mrs. M. Swinbank Lonnie Matthews Patsy 1Vturney Mrs. Shipp 5.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 5,00 25.00 2.00 1,00. • • 1.00 5.00 5.00 • 2.00 2.00 1.00 25.00 25.00 5.00 5.00 • 65.00 10.00 2.00 5.00 100.00 5.00 10.00 2.00 5.00 2.00 5.00 • 5.00 , 25.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 20.00 10.00 1.00 2,00 5.00 • 2.90 10,00 10.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 • 2.00 5.00 1.00 10.00 2.00 • 1.00 5.00 2.00 • 2.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 1,00 1,00 • 5,00 1.00 1,00 5.00 50.00 50.00 50,00 30.00 2.00 5.00 • 1,00 5.00 3.00 .50 Frank Cummings 2.00 (Continued b/i Page Six) ers n e ,,Huron Lodge Over 80 Birthday Club Mrs, JAI.' .Gibbings will dole- brate het 82nd birthday on June 28 at her home on Mary Street, She Is still doing her own house.. work and enjoys very good health., Mr. V. E. Sheppard, LYndeA, WashingtOn, formerly of Godetich Township, will celebrate his 84th, birthday while holidaying in this area, .