Clinton News-Record, 1957-06-20, Page 6HAM and STRAWBERRY SOCIAL BRUCEFIELD UNITED CHURCH WEDNESDAY JUNE 26 First Serving at 5.30 ADMISSION Adults $1.00; Children 50c The July meeting will be belct in the church basement, PORTERS HILL CorreeFfoWent MRS. 00.AT flAnnla rItcoms Clinton 1W g-$M. 41 T n SS ricnio The Sunday School, of Grace Church held their annual pienie on Friday evening, on the lawn of Mr, and Mrs. Wilmer Harrison, with a good' attendance, Supper was served at 7 p.m, A. highlight. of the evening was the presentation of a silver vase to Rev, and Mrs. Peter ,Renner who will be leaving for Teeswater in the near future. Presentation WAS made by Colleen Lockhart, Elaine TowriShend and John Man- ning, with. Joanne Harrison read- twig the address,. A full program of sports fol- lowed throughout the evening onr til dark. Grace WA The June meeting of the Wo- man's Association of Grace Uni- ted Church was held• last Thurs- day in the church Ihserrient. The president, Mrs. A. LoCkhart took charge of the meeting. Mrs, Gor- don Manning led in prayer, Scrip- ture reading was by Rev, P. Ren- ner, A very interesting roll call "name the minister who performed your marriage ceremony," was an- swered 'by all. The president thanked all the ladies that helped in any way with the bake sale held last month. In- stead of the bake sale to be held in July, the ladies decided to each give $2. It was decided to have the weeds around the church sprayed, Mrs. Ernest Towlishend and Mrs. Allen Betties were in charge of the program which consisted of very humorous readings. During the afternon a crib quilt was quilted. Bears looking into for the -whole family ICA4.0y4Ahanza Ram 111141.1 NUM . mmmmmmmm aq ilk 101101111416 ONTARIO TRAVEL 738 Parliament Elciga, Toronto) Seed For literature to Name Address Post Office es Ontario 'Deportment of Travel 8, Publietty • Hon. Bryan 1., Cathcart, Minister BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY., JUNE 23, 1957 SPEAKER: DR. A. A. GANNETT President of London Bible Institute SPECIAL MUSIC 25-1, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Crawford, Toronto, visited the latter's par- ents over the Weekend, Miss La,vina Knox was a week- end visitor with her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Thomas Knox. Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Reid, To- ronto, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Allen at present. The Snell Reunion picnic was held in the community hall, on Saturday with a goodly number present. Daire EWan was seized with a serious heart attack on Wednes- day night and was taken to Clin- ton Public Hospital. Miss Leone Duncan, Listowel, and William Stacy, Wingham, vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin letliergill on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Vodden and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Allen spent Sunday with Mr. and; Mrs. Arthur Mahaffy at Willow Grove. John Bedford and grandson, Donald Harris, Sault Ste Marie, visited over the weekend with his nephew Bert Shobbrook and fam: ily and other relatives in the com- munity. WlYIS Meeting The Woman's Missionary Soc- iety held their June meeting on Thursday of last week. Mrs; Ivan Carter who was a delegate at the Branch meeting of the London Conference held in Woodstock in May gave a very 'interesting re- port. About 200 ladies attended the Branch meeting. -A, great deal of enthusism was shown and the various speakers were enjoyed by all. Miss Sommerville, a mission- ary from Trinidad, was especially interesting, I New "Baby" for Yo Lg 'Mother" IMPW 11477NN, two-year-old and happy playing °mother" found a new °baby" at the home of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. John Flynn: The patient farm dog "Tippy" sebinitted to her attentions and was often dressed in bonnet and dresses. Visitor `Barney" 'the dog • at right, is investigating the situation, Terry is 'the daughter of Mr, and Mrs.- Hugh Flynn. • (Photo Contributed) News of Londesboro Correspondent — MRS. BERT ALLAN Ph6ne Blyth r $ • (Mt to tlo * • C,36570 O INVITATIONS tt ANNOUNCEMENTS qEY INFORMALS '• ACCESSORIES AVik, `t~ "k Clinton News-Recor *94 NATIONALt..,. LET US ASSI'S-T Yott Y'OU'R WEttrN6 14,Af1t , O i_t# 41.p ASK FOR YOUR FREE BRIDAL ,OIFT RKGISTER CLINTON NEWSeneCKP TerrIASDAY, JUNE .20, 1057 vog Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Hamilton, Syron, are at their eottage for a few days/ Mr. and Mtn. Nelson McConkey, Toronto, spent a few days recen- tly at their home here, Miss Jane Myers, Byron, spent Clest week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Bryant. Mr. and Mrs. O. Erightrall, Sea- forth, occupied their cottage in Bailey Park over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs, Chuter and' Miss Poris Chuter, Preston, occupied their cottage here over the week- end, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Etherington and farnily, Stratford, spent the weekend at their cottagge in Bail- ey Park, Mr. and Mrs. D. Luck and three sons, Maohinaw City, Mich., were at the Kanter Cottage from Thursday to Monday. Mr. and Mrs, E. W. Oddleifson entertained guests at an impromp- tu party at their home on Main Street on Monday evening. Mr t and Mrs. Bert Foyston, Byron, entertained friends from British Columbia at their cottage for a couple of days last week. F/0 and Mrs. Frank Thurston and family, who have occupied one of the Jovvett cottages for a month have moved to Goderieh. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sturgeon and family attended the Merner-Kleb- er wedding at the church of St. John the Evangelist, London, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Featherston, Mr .and Mrs. R. Larson, Mrs. D. McLeod and Lea Anne, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold King in Sarnia on Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. W. A,berhardt, Mr. and Mrs, William Aberhardt and family, London, and Miss Helen Aberhardt, Stratford, were at their cottage for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGee, Belle River; Miss Sandra Dun- gey, Seaforth, and friend, Miss Marlene Austin, Hint -Mich., are occupying River Rockery Cabins. Mr. and Mrs. R. Moore, Detroit, and daughter, Mrs. Norman Smith, are at their summer home, "Fairlawn" this week. Their son Richard was also with them over the weekend. • Mr. and Mrs. Axel L. Oddleif- son who motored from. Winnipeg, arrived on Tuesday to spend a week with the former's brother and Wife, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Od- dleifson. Guests at The Little Inn over the weekend included; Robert Tor- bet, Ann Arbor; Mrs. Hayward, Keniston, daughter Mimi, Ann Arbor, Mich., and friend Joseph- ine Sellers, Alabamba, Mrs. R. Heard. Mrs. A. Arm- strong, Mrs. C, W. Brown and NOTIOEt WA .SERTIOES POSTPONED etINE 1. The joint Women's Auxiliary service for the branches of St. James', Middleton; St. joinVs,d Varna and Trinity Church, Bay- field, which was to have been held on Thursday afternoon, June •20, has been .postponed to June 21., at 2,30 in Trinity Church par- ish 1141, This is for .all women of the church, whether active WA members or not, Mrs. Bruce Menerey from Knox Church attended The birthday pare ty of the VMS of Carmel Presby- terian Church, Hensall, on Thurs- day last. Robert. Heath, Calgary, who is General Service Manager for Gen- eral Motors, visited his aunt, Mrs. F, P, Arkell' over the weekend. He has 'been taking a course in Flint, Mich., and was on his way to Oshawa for further study, Mr. and Mrs, Thomai Arkell, Kenny and JoAnne, Burlington, were with the foeiner's parents, Mr, and Mrs. F. P. Arkell, over the weekend.' Mr, and Mrs. Don- ald Sager, Nicky , and Clare, God- erich, also. spent Sunday with her parents. Mrs. W. C. Newcombe and Mrs. W. L, 1\foriek, Clinton, entertained 25 guests at a bridge luncheon at The Little Inn On Thursday last. Lunch was in the main dining- room and cards in the parlor and coaching room. Summer flowers decorated all the rooms. Charles Bell had the misfortune to lose a two-yereold Hereford heifer which was pasturing on Thomas Blackies' farm on the Bayfield Concession Road, South, Stanley Township. Both horns were completely blown off the an- imal by the lightning storm Tues- day afternoon. Lightning struck on the proper- ty of Mrs. F. Hendrick on Thurs- day last, burning out her hot wat- er heater and telephone. Other telephones in the vicinity were al- so affected. This is the second time that the same electrical ap- paratus has, been damaged by lightning at "Westwind". The Directors and Committee members of the Bayfield Agricul- tural Society met in the Town Hall on Monday evening. Harold Penhale, president, was in the chair. Judges for the various classes were appointed and the prize list for horses revised. The next meeting will be held on July 15. Mr. and Mrs. R. Miller, London, were overnight guests at The Lit- tle Inn on June 12, when they celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary with, seven members of their family. rot, this occasion the dinner table was centered with the 50th Anniversary Cake and floral decorations carried out in Yellow roses and orange blossoms. The Directors of Pioneer Park Association met at the home of the president, Pr, R, G. Hunter, on Friday evening. Mrs, F, lx, Paull, secretary, gave a res.une of the year'e activities, It was reported that the movies would be held at the Park as meal, Plans were completed for the annual rummage sale on July 16, and the annual meeting will be held on July 26, A surprise birthday party was held for Mrs. William Hohner at the home of her son Murray Hoh- ner, Goderich Township, on Sun- day. Mrs, Hohner accompanied her daughter, Mrs. Harvey Taylor and family to the home of her son where Mrs. Murray Hohner had a two tier birthday cake bearing 68 candles, centering a table done in pink streamers and spring flowers, Fourteen members of the family were present for the celebration. Mrs, M. Kent, Hayes Middle- sex County, England, came aboard the Empress of Britain, to spend the summer with her daughter Mrs. Keith Gemeinhardt and fain- tly. She arrived in London at midnight on Friday, and was met by heir daughter, whom she had. not seen for ten years. Mrs; Kent thinks Canada very nice, de- spite the fact that she arrived in the heat wave, but is surprised at the vastness of the country. Mrs. Gemnliardt came to Canada ten years ago to be married to Mr. Gernenhardt whom she met dur- ing World War II, Knox WMS The Women's Missionary Soc- iety of Knox Presbyterian, Church met at Miss C. P. Rankin's cot- tage "Glenboig" on Wednesday af- ternoon of last week. Mrs. C. W. Brown conducted the opening ex- ercises and presided, The month- ly reports were given by Mrs. R, Heard, secretary, and Mrs. Bruce Menerey, treasurer. Members took part in the study book on the PhilIiPpines. In the discussion, Miss C. P. Rankin gave some very interesting facts con- cerning Philippine children she had known who had been brought to the USA by a missionary. At the close of the meeting Miss Ran- kin served refreshments. The Poplars Mr. and Mrs. J. Cree Cook, Clin- ton, are at their cottage "Wee Loch Hame" for the summer. Mrs. William Greig and Miss Jean Greig came last week to spend the summer at their cot- tage "Bali Acres;" William Greig who spent last week here with his wife and daughter returned to To- ronto, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Stephens, Jane, Mark and Nora, Toronto, were at their cottage "Loch I-Eame" for the weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peter, Douglas and Mary, Stratford, oc- cupied their cottage over the weekend, Mr. and Mrs, George Peter, and Beverly, Mrs. Harry Peter, Mr. and Mrs. Bertinger, Stratford, spent the weekend at their cot- tage. Stan Blowes and two sons,. Stratford, were at their cottage "Blowes Inn" over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Cook, Nancy and Donald, Stratford, spent the weekend at their cot- ta,ge. Stewart Cook had , just re- turned from a trip to Vancouver and Calgary. a There were two historic battles on the Plains of Abraham, the first won by the English forces, the second by the French forces. to mews of Bayneua By MISS LUCY A. WOODS *90 Coeteeio Oluenapletle Aural Correspondent PHONE; EA •l 45 r 3 Baler Twin AGINCOURT and BRANTFORD Special Discount on 1/2, and 1 Ton Lots / Pick up your supply of SALT for the Haying Season. , H. F. WETTLAUFER IPEEDS and SEEDS MARY STREET -- CLINTON — PHONE' HU 2,-9/92 OA AS la % Ftik la WS OV 1951 0 2435O oils C11:1; sv eee. eee, teiteg eeeteleattSbUNR S 7:0 17 0:00‘4,..., efeeeee a t n • eee e. eyeelee Year after fear — and now again in '57 Chevrolet outsells them all! Yes! Regardless of what you may read or hear—Chevrolet is the passenger car sales- leader in Canada. The SALES-FIGURES show just how far ahead Chevy really is! Look at the facts opposite — spectacular evidence that Canada- has again taken Chevrolet to its heart! And the prelimin- ary May reports (from over 28 major cities) show Chevrolet len gthenin g its already impressive lead! And look at Chevrolet see for yourself the many ways that this car has earned this overwhelming popularity...how Chev- rolet gives Canada what Canada wants!' The beat Canada wants, Chevy has — a proud Body-by-Fisher masterpiece! Step- inside, and the richness and rooriliness may make you think you're right out of the,,low-priced field, Drive this greatest of all 'Chevrolets, and you discover the.fam- ous handling ease, the new softer ride, the, nailed-to-the-road sense of security that Canada wants—and gets—from the leaded Plus unbeatable performance, with a fabu- lous choice of cligines—ultra-modern V8's and the world's thriftiest, peppiest, best- liked Six! Come meet the big best-seller .. farther ahead of competition with every month! See, drive and price the car that's setting the unapproachable pace for value, po • e laxity, sales! Make it Soon—at your near..., Chevrolet dealer's. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE 15 316 wis • 13,539 "'"'s 0,1143 "11s • • , eeereeeeel. et:•••••-•:eie, iseeeteeeeeNe, '''eeteeeeeeelese teeeee, • hcveotef "ryea,44tri"Uloor Setfint • YOUR AtitHORIZO) CHEVROLET DEALER Tilt MOST MODERN MOIENT` ENGINES itr Tilt WORLD