Clinton News-Record, 1957-06-20, Page 5' UiSDAY, JUNE 20, 1957 TON NEWS PAGE IV NEWS -RECORD WANT FOR ,QUICK. DS RESULTS - RATES NQ charge for announcements of Births, Marriages arid Deaths Articles, for sale, rent, etc., Card of Thanks, in Memoriam, Engagements 3c a word, triennium 75c, Box No, to this, office 15e additional, Repeat in- 'sertions 2e a word, minim=m• 50p, CASH DISCOUNT: 14 if paid by Saturday fol- lowing last insertion. Billing charge of 1,0c added each time bill is sent, Latest Tinge for Insertions -;r 12 noon Wednesday Dial HU 2-.3844 Accommodation For Rent ZURI IISHED TI IR.EIf 1100M .apartment. Phone RU 2-6610, 24-5-b SRI/Pi-CONTAINED Apartment — Apply to Rey Tyndall. Phone HU :2.9928, 25-6-ip-tfb 'WO BEDROOM, FURNISHED .cottage for rent. Phone Clinton RU 29572.' • 25b 'THREE; ROOM APARTMENT, else of f ig and washer. Furnished. .Phone RU 2-9540 after.6 p.m. 25-p FOUR, ROOMS FURNISHED'. private bathroom, central beat - on. Phone HUnter 2-6665 25-p MED SITTING ROOM .apartment. Self-contained. $20 a month. C. :M, Shearing. Phone. HU 2-9003. :25-tfb 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, kit- 'ehen, livingroom, share bath. Pri- vate entrance. Phone HU 2-3874. 19-tfb 'THREE ROOM FURNISHED .:apartment, heated, private wash- •aoone private entrance. Phone 'HU 2-9361. 254b 'THREE ROOM FURNISHED. ;apartment, private bath. Available 'now, Apply to W. Cochrane, phone RU 2-9500. 25b 3 ROOM APARTMENT, heated and furnished. Refrigerator. Cen- trally: located. 78 King Street. ;Phone :ilii J .2.3434 after 5 p.m. 25-b 4 ROG I SOUSE. FOR RENT IN Mayfield. Hydro, newly d'ecorat- 'ed, 'reasonable rent. Possession im- innediately. Phone HU 2-9214. FURNISHED APARTMENT TO rent in the town of Seaforth. AV- ailable, July 1. Apply to Harold Jackson, Seaforth, phone 474. 24-5-b tCOTTA E, MILE AND .A HALF south. of 'Bayfield, 3 bedrooms. In- side plumbing, frig. Available .June and July. E. Beattie. Phone :HU 2-9218. 2e-5- b 'TWO BEDROOM COTTAGE, at Hunter's Beach, 6 miles .north of Goderich; spring -filled mattresses, ..furnished. Refrigerator. Mrs. Elmer Hunter, RR. 3, Goderich, ;phone Dungannon 19r8. 25-6-;b 'ROOMY FOUR ROOM apartment 'with bath, upstairs, down -town. -Furnished or, unfurnished. Private .Vont and rear entrances. Use of garage. .Frig. Stove, built -in -cup- boards. Available July 1. Phone Meter 2-3844. 25-tfb LAKEFRONT COTTAGE', 3 miles -north of Bayfield. Wide sandy 'beach. Electric stove and refrig- •'erator, inside conveniences, tiled 'Moors. Available now to July 13. -August 3 till end of season. Write .J. Barnes, RR 1, Bayfield. 25-b Articles For Sale ,SECOND HAND, 8% CU, FT. frig. Merrill Radio and Electric. Phone HU 2-7021. 25 -le BRAND TV WITH 13 CHANNEL ;•ntenna, alinost new; installments accepted. Phone HU 2-3292. 25-b CANADIAN CEMENT: Any quan- tity, for immediate delivery. A. '0. Grigg and Son, phone Clinton HU 2-9411. 13-tifb 1956 OH? CHAMPION OUT- board motor. Demonstrator. Below .cost, Ideal fishing motor. Recoil start. Gear shift. Clayt. Dixon's .Auto Supply. 25-b 'COTTAGE, 16 x 20', removable. Mile and one half east of Clinton. Insul-,brick. Well finished inside :and out. Painted. Box 252, Clin- ton News -Record. 25p MENDER MIRROR SPEC,IAL. 'Quantity purchase brings you this •well designed fender mirror at the very ]ow price 'of $3.98 a pair. 'Olayt. Dixon's Auto Supply. , 25-b GIRL'S BICYCLE, IN PERFECT' ' onditiOne also one small drop leaf table, closed 12", open 36". ;squire, red. Phone HU 2-9963 or .call; at 12 Regina Road. 24-5-b .W'ESTINGLIOUSE W A S H IN G "Machine, ideal for summer cot- tage, Good working condition. Newly over - hauled wringer. Equipped with Water pump, $50 'Phone Clinton HU 2-7526. 25-b WE NOW HAVE A FII.mER '4,iueen sales and service store in Blyth, Fir home demonstration 'of Filter Queen Health Units and Cleaners, also rainless clothes lin- es. Phone Blyth 5. ' 24-5..p SEiV1 RAT NEW ?ATM: NS in "English Bone China Dinnerware, including lovely "Cornflower". See it and others in our window and eCotlnte 'sow Jewellerrys . fine china. `p 'NEW CRYSTAL CLEAR. impor- ted Stemware, just arrived, Hand 'itut by European Craftsmen. See '.this complete range of Stemware to add pleasure to your dining an entertainment. Open stock only 'Mc oath in our window. Counter's .jewellery Store. 25-p Accommodation Wanted HOUSE OR APARTMENT, 3 bedrooms preferred, R. L. Hoard, phone ,Iii 2-6686. ' 24-5-p REQUIRE 2 , OR 3 BEDROOM house in Clinton with occupancy by end of June. Reliable tenants. One child. Williams. at IdiU 24417., Local 334. 20 to 26p Articles Wanted BOY'S BICYCLE (12 to 13 years). D. Bruinsma. Phone HU 2-7540. 25-p TRICYCLE, FOR YOUNGSTER 3 years old. Chris. Guetter. Phone HU 2.-9257. 25-p d3ROWNLE UNIFORM, size 8, 10 or 12, needed urgently. Phone Hensall 681r5. Mrs. W. Aiken- head. 25p Business Opportunities OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Contact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, High Street, Clinton. Phone Clin- ton HU 2-6692. r 1$-tfb TWO LARGE PRODUCING milk routes in Goderich Tev'nship to Carnation Co„ Holmesville, both conveniently handled with one truck, a 1956 GMC with 1,500 milage, 'also 16. foot milk van all in A-1 condition. Excellent returns the year round. Reason for sell - ling ill health. Stewart Schoen- hats, Clinton, Ontario. Phone HU 2-9777. • 25-b BABY SITTING RELIABLE MOTHER will Baby sit by the day or hourly. Reason- able rates. Phone HU 2-9765. 7-tfb Automobiles For Sale 1955 PLYMOUTH SAVOY Sedan, excellent condition. Phone HU 2-7523, after 6 p.m. 25-b Baby Chicks BIG -4 PULLETS. DAYOLD. And started, all ages. Variety breeds, crosses. Prompt shipment. And Dayold chicks available every week. Special low prices in effect now make these fine investments' for all markets'. Agent here: Chas. Scott, Auburn, phone Blyth 43r23. 25b - CUSTOM WORK DRESSMAKING. WOMEN'S and Children's clothing. Phone HU 2-9480. 22-3-4-5-p AUTOMATIC' SAW Sharpening. Saws retoothed, jointed and filed for $1.25. Or just filed and set 75 cents. Automatic,butcher knife and scissor sharpeer, scissors 15 cents, knives 10 cents. W. E. "Bill" Jervis, Fulton Street, Clin- ton. 11-tfb. SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL Septic tanks, Cess Pools, etc., pumped and cleaned with Sanitary equipment. All work guaranteed. Estimates given without obligat- ion. Louis Blake, RR 2, Brussels. Phone Brussels 42r6. 6 to 32-p '. Employment Wanted 'TEEN AGE GIRL OR BOY, de- sires steady employment, With board and room, for July and Aug- ust, HU 2-9509. 24-5-,b FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale McCORMICK-DEERING, DROP head, hay loader, in A-1 condition. Phone Clinton HU 2-9102. 25;b SMOKER ELEVATORS, NEW Holland Haying equipment. Geor- ge Wraith, Montreal Street, God- erich, phone 1285. 23-tfb FURNITURE FOR' SALE EITICHEN SET, CHRO1VIE, five pieces. Also drop-leaf table and two chairs. Living room furni- ture. Phone HU 2-9079, 25.b GRAIN FOR SALE MIXED GRAIN. $40 PER TON. Apply Carman Tebbutt, phone HU 2-9818. 25-b HAY FOR SALE 30 ACRES CHOICE ALFALFA hay. Standing. Call HU 2-3398. 24-5-b 30 ACRES of Mixed Clover Hay or share. Apply Percy Johnston, Varna, phone Ht)" 2-9863. 25-b 35 ACRES • Oro CHOICE HAY. Alfalfa, red clover, timothy and alsike mixture. Phone Hensall 681r5, William Aikenhead, RR 3, Kipper, 25-6-p Help Wanted—Male FARM' HELP WANTED FOR 2 months, Box 253, Clinton News- Record, ewsRecord, MAN WANTED D for work or farm, or building silos, With good ref- erences. Could be pernianent job if satisfactory WAGES,. w--. THE VEST, I. E. . Huge, RR 2, Sea - forth, ]hone Clinton, Hit)• 2-0822. 25.6 Farm Produce For Sale S TE FOR SALE -- Berries are now at their best. Or- der early as the season will be short on account of early frost, F, W, Andrews, phone HU 2-3462. 25tfb Livestock Wanted OLD HORSES WANTED at 314 cents lb., and dead cattle at value. If dead, phone at once. • Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, phone Goderich collect 1483J4 or 1483J1, 14 to 26-p ATTENTION FARMERS: Prompt, courteous collection of all -dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call collect Ed. Andrews, 851r11, Seaforth. .Associated with Darling and Co, of Canada Ltd. 26.p-tfb Miscellaneous WATCH REPAIR IS A JOB FOR, experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Establish- ed Jewellery Store. 25-p LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take chan- ces. Expert work' done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch re- pairs and Pearl restringing. W. N. Counter. . 25-p RUBBER STAMPS, SIGNATUR- es, maps, marking devices of all kinds. Call at News -Record Of- fice, Albert Street, Clinton 14-tfb MAPS OF THE TOWN OF CLIN- ton, showing streets, lot numbers, and town limits. 50c each. Avail- able at Clinton News Record of- fice. 24-tfb NOTICES CHANGE OF NAME TAKE NOTICE that an Appli- cation will be made before His Honour, Judge Frank Fingland or other presiding Judge at the Court House, Goderich, Ontario, on Frit day, the 26th day of July, A.D. 1957, at 10' o'clock a.m. by William George Bell, R,C.A.F, Station, Clinton, Ontario, to change his name from William George Bell to George Neil Watson. DATED 'at Clinton, Ontario, this 7th day of June, A,D. 1957. E. R. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the Applicant 24-5-6-b Property For Sale DESIRABLE LOT FOR SALE on Raglan Street, near two schools. D. S, Cantelon, phone HU 2-9483. 20-tfb HOUSE FOR, SALE ON JAMES Street. 3 bedroom, bathroom. Hardwood floors. Built-in cup- boards. Sun porch, garage and full basement, Call evenings phone HUnter 2-9707. 25-b TWO BEDROOM Central Mort- gage Rouse. Excellent condition. Oil furnace, partial basement. Payments $26 per month, after down payment. Phone HU 2-3490 or call at 135 Matilda Street. • 25-6-7-p PROPERTY WANTED SMALL TWO BEDROOM House preferably with furnace and gar- age. Give all particulars. Write to Box 251, Clinton . News -Record. 'REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE IS OUR BUSIN ess. Farms, residential, commer- cial, summer cottages. For de- pendable and capable, service list your property with John Bosveld, 40 Wellesley Street, Goderich, phone 1108. Salesmen: George Mc- Gillivary, J. McConnell. 23-4-5-6-7-8-b K. W. COLQUHOIJN Real Estate Broker Clinton, Ontario SEVEN ROOM STUCCO—$7,200, 3 bedrooms, fireplace, stoker furnace, double laundry tubs, garage. Possession August 1. Ideal location. Taxes• and heating costs are exceptional- ly low.` $6,250.00 --- 9 -ROOM, 114 Storey, stucco house, 2 blocks from main street, 4 bedrooms, 3 - piece bath up and 2 -piece down. Modern kitchen, ,spat- sous living room and den, sun porch and garage. Coal fur- nace. $4,000.00 -- 1�%2 STOREY INSUL Brick and garage, two bed- rooms; bath, living room and modern kitchen, Just outside town limits. TWO BEDROOM Central Mort- gage, cottage; partial cellar, oil furnace, nbuilt-in cupboards, modernized bathroom, This property kept in excellent condition. Owner moving. Insurance 8z seal Estate Dial RU 2-9747, Royal Bank Uldg. Salesmen Wanted WANTED: A GOOD RELIABLE man to supply customers with #l;swlei.gh Products. Write Raw- neighs Dopt. F-169127, 4005 Rich- elieu St., Montreal, Que. 23b -25b BIRTHS BOONS -In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Sunday, June 16, 1957, to Mr. and' Mrs, John Boone, RR 3, Bayfield, a daughter. CRAIG --In lettuce CougtY Hospi- tal, Walkerton, on Thursday, June 13, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Craig (nee Ruth Greal- is), Walkerton, twins, a son and daughter ;(grandchildren for Mr and Mrs," Ed. Grealis). DENOMIVfE In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, June 17, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Matthew DenOmine, RR 2, Zurich, 'a son. FREEMAN --- In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, June 15, 1957, to' Mr. and Mrs, Louis Freeman, Clinton, a son, GRENCIER In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, June 14, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. George Grenier, RR 1, Dashwood, a son. HARTWCCK In ..Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, June 18, 1957, to LAC and Mrs. Walter Hartwick, Clinton, a son. McROBERTS —In St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Wednes- day, June 12, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Conrad McRoberts (nee Marlene Williams, Hensall) ' a son (Paul Barton). NEWCOMBE -- In St. Joseph's Hospital, Guelph, on June 13, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. James Newcombe (Edna Jackson) 52 Hale .Street, London, a son. NOAK ES --,In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Thursday, June 13, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Noakes, Hensall, a son. REID In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, June 18, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reid, RR 1, Varna, a daughter. BOOP—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal on Thursday, `June 13, 1957, to Corporal and Mrs. William Roop, RCAF Station Clinton, a daughter. SAUNDERS—In Maternity Pav- ilion of Winnipeg General Hos- pital, on Wednesday, June 5, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E, Saunders (nee JoAnne Cueing- ,name of Clinton, Ont.), Winni- peg,. Man., a son (Derek Bruce, brother for Eugene and Mich- ael) . - TORRAINCE—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, June 17, 1957, ' to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Torrance, RR 2, Bayfield, a daughter. MARRIAGES ADKINS —NEIL In James' Street United Church, Exeter, on Saturday, June 8, 1957, by the Rev, H. J, Snell, Janice Nan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ans- ley Neil, Exeter, and Stewart Henry Adkins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adkins, Hensall. CALDWELL-DOWSON—• In Var- na United . Church, on Saturday afternoon, June 15, 1957, by the Rev. T, J. Pitt, Careen Ruth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dowson, Varna, to Kenneth Case Caldwell, Windsor, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. CaIdwelI, Qin- ton. HOWIAfT''I'-RE'AY — In Christ Church, Allan Park, Ont., on June 8, 1957, by the Rev. S. J. Snell, Hanover,' Velma June, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Reay, RR 1, Hanover, to Lloyd R, Howatt, Clinton, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Howatt, Blyth. TRAPNELL-McLARNON—In F.eg- mondville United Church, by the Rev. De. J. Semple, Ruth Ann, eldest daughter 'of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey MoLarnon, Kippen, to William Trapnell, Seaforth, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert 3. Trapnell, also of Seaforth. DEATHS COLCLOUGH—At her home in Hullett Township, on Friday, June 14, 1957, Adeline Thuell, widow of the late Henry Col Clough, in her 89th year. Fun- eralfrom the Whitney funeral home, Seaforth, to Maitland - ,bank Cemetery, on Monday, June 17. FRE'EIVIAiN — In Clinton Public Hosptal, on. Tuesday, June 18, 1957, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Freeman, three days' old, NEIJJANS In: Seaforth, on Fri- day, June 14, 1957, Ellen Haw- thorne Neilans, Hallett Town- ship, widow of the late Thomas Neilans. Funeral from the Ball and Match funeral home, High Street, Clinton, to Maitlandbank Cemetery, Seaforth, on' Monday afternoon, lune 17. SCL'ATER•-In Regina, Sask„ on .Friday, June 7, 1957, William Sclater, brother of Mrs. Edgar Lawson, Auburn, in his 77th year. Funeral. at Regina and. burial there on June 11. •SMYILIE. * In Tisdale Hospital, • Sask„ on Monday, lune 10, 1957, George S, Smylie, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. David Smylie, West Wawanosh Township, in his 90th year. Funeral and in- terment at Star City, Sask. STOWS FOR SALE NEW PRINCESS PAT STOVE for sale. In good condition, Char- les Small, Londesboro. Phone Blyth 25r8, 25-b iviogrxr HEAVY DUTY' ELE'C-- trie range, four burner, oven, also rangetto, both in good working condition; child's crib, good condi- tion. Phone HU 24)129. 25-p Official Returns In' Local Area Federal-. Election TOWNS' OF 0ODERICH PC J, 1 97 5ib0 2 81 26 3 88 50 4 85 15 5 91 44 6 72 27 Total ..- 51,4 212. (PC Majority 302) HULLETT ' 1 86 68 2 60 45 3 57 52 4 134 54 28 17 6 78 47 7 81 54. Total 524 $37 (PC Majority 186) STANLEY 1 ... 71 '50 2 48 52 3 63 22 4 104 23 5 70 27 6 78 48 7 25 22 8 7,31. 50 294 Total. 590 (PC Majority 296) • TUCKERSMiT:H 1 .84 102 2 91. 111 3 54 66 4 87 65 5 68 61 6 51 53 7 44 157 8 44 38 Total 4523 653 (Lib. Majority' 130) .... .... A .. St. St. St. St. CLINTON Andrew's 200 135 James' 231 137 John's 231 137 George's 197 119 Totals 859 (PC Majority 340) Service vote Huron 106 Total, Huron riding 12,323 8,870 (PC Majorty 3,453) Total vote (less service) 20,959 out of possible 25,119—a turn- out of 85.13 percent. 519 317 0 Good Will Club Presents Gifts To Mrs. H. C. Wilson Mrs. H, Gordon Manning pres- ided for the regular meeting of the Goodwill club of Wesley -Wil- lis United Church. Miss F. Jam- ieson read a psalm and Mrs. Pais- ley offered prayer. On behalf of the club, Miss W. O'Neil presented Mrs. H. C. Wil- son with two pretty cups and saucers. Mrs. Wilson replied in her usual gracious manner. Mrs. McKnight accompanied by. Miss Elva Wiltse, sang two lovely solos, "To a Wild Rose," and "Syl- via." Mrs. Harry Ball, the guest speaker, introduced by Mrs. Frank Fingland, gave an exceedingly in- teresting nteresting review of the book "Nor- anda," by Leslie Roberts and pre- faced it with an entertaining and profitable account of early mining days in Northern Ontario.' The ladies who had assisted with the program were thanked • by Mrs; Manning. Mrs. Fingland and Miss W. O'Neil's group' was in charge of.• the meeting, which closed with a hymn and the Mizpah benediction, after which a social time was en- joyed. d STUDY GROUP TO MEET f1 TMRS. t7 .MOOR'S The Mothers' Study Group of Wesle7% Willis United Churchwill hold their June meeting at the home of yrs. Clyde Mock on Tuesday, J ..ie 25, at 8.30 p.m, Mrs. Percy Livermore will be in. charge of the meeting. Miss Evelyn Hall will be the guest speaker. Ontario Street SS Executive Plans Dedication Nineteen members of the On- tario Street United Church Sun- day School Executive met in the parsonage on June 17, with Robert Elliott presiding. Rev, A. Glen Eagle offered the opening prayer. Mrs. George Potter read the Scripture from Genesis. Plans were discussed for the picnic in • August, The piano lamp in. memory of Miss Grant, will be dedicated some Sunday be- fore Rev. Eagle leaves. A presentation of a silver tray fitted with a relish dish and suit- ably inscribed, was made to the Rev. and Mrs. Eagle at the close of the evening, Delicious barbecue lunch Was served by the host and•hostess, as- sisted by Mrs. Batkin and the superintendent and others. ROXY.. THEATRE Clinton.. Two Shows Nightly Wide Screen NOW PLAYING .. Thurs., I'ri. ,.and .Sat. `‘CHA-CHAMCHA BOON!" The pulsating' Latin rhythms of Perez Prado, King of Mambo. The cool cats will thrill to this cavalcade of jive, Ste'e, Dunn The Mary Kaye Trio t Helen Grayco MONDAY and TUESDAY Only, "IILDA CRANE" (Adult Entertainment) version of a hit play. Impulsive le divorces among today's youth. Simmons-- Guy Madison Jean marriage as a cause of Multiple In Cinemascope. Jean Pierre Aumont COMING NEXT—Rodgers and Hammerstein's "OKLAHOMA��"---'� at regular prices One showing each night starting at 8 o'clock PARK THEATRE GODERICH NOW: Maureen O'Sullivan in "THE TALL T" with Randolph Scott—In Collor MONDAY -- TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY ('Adult Entertainment) William Holden --'Deborah Kerr and Thelma Ritter Present a stormy romance be- tween a Marine colonel and a socialite Red Cross worker hunt- ing for the grave of her late husband killed in action: "The PROUD and PROFANE" THURSDAY -- FRIDAY and SATURDAY The FORBIDDEN PLANET' -•-. In Color - Cinemascope — An amazing preview of the year 2200 A.D., when a brilliant philol- ogist is the only survivor of a crash on the planet .Altair -4. Walter Pidgeon -- Anne Francis and Leslie Nielson COMING: "BOY ON A DOLPHIN" Alan Ladd -- Sohia Loren Clifton Webb Supertest Service Station FOR LEASE Located on No. 4 Highway Large Gallonage Established Excellent opportunity for right party Apply H. O. FREE SEAFORTH Phone 366 t Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere K.C. Cooke FLORIST Phone HU 2-7012, Clinton • Stanley Tomhiship Mr. and Mrs. Vic Taylor and Morley also Mrs. Katherine Tay- lor, visited in Buffalo over the weekend, Mrs. Taylor remained to visit. for a while. NI 1111 IIIIlhIIIIIMIIIIIIIl[lfgllliilpfIIIlillFIIIIIAAIIIII Q! 111ff IIIIEN. TV TROUBLES CALL Galbraith RADIO and TV Clinton's TV Service Experts Precision Test Equipment Phone HU 2-3841 1 IIII IIII �IImhI�I IIIIDII1IIIIIIII1III IIII II II1IIIIIIIIll1IIUl llllll III 111111'1IIII ASHTON' S TAXI Operated by CLIFF ASHTON DAY or NIGHT CALL HU. 2-9036 Clinton Community Farmers 'AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY, at 8 p.m. TERMS CASH J. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELLICY/Tr Auctioneer K, W. COLQUHI6UN, Clerk MacLaren's Studio Telephone 401 -- Goderich Portraits -- Weddings -- Children's Groups -- ALSO Artist Supplies -- Religious Articles Picture Framing -- Framed Prints „ Studio Located At Our Residence 196 St. David Street Goderieh (Near the High Water Tower) ANYTIME—DAYS or EVENINGS 8tfb GIFT of LOVE! From man to woman, from heart to heart, a diam- ond speaks in ten- der terms of happi- ness and Iove. Such an import- ant gift asatia mond, should be chosen with spec- iaj care. Take Tiree To Choose Your Diamond In Privacy Phone Collect . for an Evening Appointment TERMS OAN BE ARRANGED Ans�tett Jewellers OPEN EVERY FRIDAY NIGx'1' CLINTON (Phone NU, 2.9525) and WALKERTON' Expert Watch Repairs and, Engraving ,1BTJLOVA -, CYMA and GRUEN WATCHES. BLUE RIVER end BLUE BIRD BLAMONleS SPODE DINNERWARE