The Wingham Times, 1888-12-14, Page 3rr,rlinrey, - 7.7e4 -7.77n, . ; issr..tyfisofoic;79 ,713wesfiilcsonessimenk.in... 2`1 } A Lon parte t r, hut f -`‘,1- :kle3. old time .5 of. thoinfe DIn(41) M111,1;:V. P11.VVCII 11;t14 Vq! ntl:y bOt9 Mina training,ur teaeai»,,: "yoiea" how to • shoot. --A gmit ,e,r reek ed van - too of the cheap fa <la i.-;;Lturilay to - make it werket day and go to Wing - ham, It would. be almost easier to noution thoet1who stayed at home than these who went. And as it ...becomes more widely known men will take advantage of what already seems so popular.—A lively time was had this week over a cattle fled. It is some timo.since Mr. A. 13. Jackson, ist con., Morris, missed three of his young tattle and began a zearch. . Diet week he went to Mr McKenzie's, boundary "1st\ and found one of his there, and ..also learned that two had -been taken by a man in the south side of Morris. , accordingly visited the, place and soon was convinced that• these were .the lost, found. Mr. David Patton, 1.boundary line, has also been looking ,.for several:weeks for a stray calf, and this week discovered that it had been in a farm yard in Bluevale, and was, k taken by a; man about the same in, Morris as mentioned ,bofore. Mr.' ,.,Patton started early and • sure enough, was able soon to convince M. that this animal also belonged to How they came to resemble the 5.th. 1,1ine man's cattle still remains a inystery unsolved.—Mr. Jas. ThoMp teocher Bluvale school, has bee ',absent several days, owing to the ness of his sisterin-law, in Brussel,Miss Laing conducted the senior div., • and the 5th Class ruled the juniors.— Wm. Smith, of this' place, • has suc- 4.ceeded in obtaining a school near Pt. &Dover. Wm. S. is a young. mau who • will certainly endeavor to do his best for any school, It is the wish of the *Turns thatzhe may be successful, and \ win roses to add to and beautify his cliiiplet. The fall of snow, which has decked the earth in a lovely i.eiuslitr. has called forth the merry jingle:.. ,:of the sleigh bells. The "hoofs keep., „time to nro sic's chime as merrily on we. i‘bound." The young folks are ,happy.l. ',The lights *cern to shine,more hrightly., .The storee.seem to be more elieerful.: Business is better. Prayer ineetings, ..are well ettended. Every service, Araws a largo audience.—Jack. Frost /still keeps , the pond in splendid cell., ,dition for:shatit.g. The rink opt ,-from morning till night and sometimes ,later. .4.11 are weleome. Stumps are ,provided as seats • for those who neither ,skate nor seoast.—The young lads seem •to enjoy themselves' sleighiriding, -and :their merry shoutferney .be heard • lone ...after night has spread .her eneirclin14 swings areund, and h;de the scene from lthe distant observer. The stars peep ,out throngh and ,a peep is all the ;boys need. Nothing like it for 'making bealthy, bearty, jolly boys.— Mr. and. Mrs. \V. Gardner, &timid, ;were jo. Aown Sanday. It is always ?with pleasure they are welcomed. ,Mr. .Was .once the pitCher in the ,Bluevale base ball team, which was ,hard Wheat. It is to be hoped that -the young couple will always be as ,successful in life as Wm. was in making cthe base ball move, and may they he as ,successful in avoiding trouble as the ball in avoiding the strickers bat. We would gladly wish more, but trouble, some of it, can't he escaped. We hs,ve abin.l. four inn'..cri, o; quo v but 114 enor if, .0er liorary i-ry is in Ft very l‘reveaeue conoitioe end any poloit to enjoy a e ye( eutertainmeut would le 1 to a. tend. Tho literary -1,11.:tetreinr. 011 Wednesday evening 'Wflti boys.ird expectation and the debate next evou lug will be very intereeting,—Mr R. Agnew was oil duty for a lhw days last week from the effects of a bad uold.—Soo of the farmers round here have been caught in the storm with some of their roots out.—Thore will be an examination in S. S. No. 5, Morris, ,on Friday, th'e 20th. All are cordially invited to attend. 11;.'i):•44)010 tf) le-tvue,r speekii. !,; the 1,,ortOon; it is nia6: ,,, that whoa nfrv,i titht awFui !.r.own, Noah ;ma '.:;outit, leaped from their soehto, anti started aghast at t1l(1 equator! A. NASAL limormt free with each bottle of modes Catarrh. Remedy. Price 10 cents. For sale by 0. Williams. George Littlewood, the English pecieetrain, covered 623 miles 1,820 yards in the six days' race at New York last week, and. this distance ia now the beat on record. Moro than a sixth part of the land of the globe and nearly a sixth part of the popnle,tioe of the world aro under the control of Great Britain; Russia, rank second in terri- torial extent an. the United States third. Some men cannot stand prosperity; some never get the chance to stand it. THE public expenditure of Canada At Confederation in 1807 was $13,490,- D92, and now it is $35,068,101, Our debt has increased upwards of 300 .per cent., but our population about 50 par cont. Ana you made miserable by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a posi. • tive cure, For sale by C. E. Williams. Tat New York Tribune says thet but 98 out of every 100 voters in .that state support a prohibition party. The Globe says the real cause of the failure to ,increa.e.e.the,prohibi,tion vote was because that the proItibitionist Republicans elected Clevelend in 1884, but refused to vote againet their party in 1888. They found no better? temper- ance sunnert froin.the Deingerats than from the Republicans. SHILOH'S Cues mill immediately relieve Croup,WhoopingOongkand Croffeljtis. For sale by C.. Til 2 Tem piers of Temperance will issue a paper at gineston to bo cal el the Arrow. Grey - The ratepayers of S. S. No. 5, tGrey, and the friends outside the immediate neighborhood, are requested to be. present at the annual examin- ation of 'No 5,' on Tuesday the 18th inst.—A public entertainment will he given in the .evening. Choice singing, humorous dialogues, comic speeches, interesting readings and recitals will make up the programme. Admission to entertainment 15e. ; 'pupils frac. School equipments and *rise books will be furnished with 'the proceeds. Doors open at 7 P. M. Programme to commence 7.30.. .A pleasant time niay be expected. • —Geo. McDonald, living near Ridgetown, lhas beaten the record out of sight. Off two wires ho took 1,500 bushels of MEM. em1(180.50 bashols of potatoes, and 100 bushels of turnips; and off eleven acres the whole comprising one thirteen acre field) 1,575 bushels of corn, 8,325 bushels as the product of thirteen acres, THE Env. Gno. Twivnn, of 13ourbon, Ind., says: t, Both myself and Viie owe our lives to Sutton's Cc mon..rrzex Com." For sale by Williams. Viten ober. ations at the Toronto Observatory it :a Liarned that the' has been sleighing only eight; times io 34 years. Filten,t times since 1854 the ground hat bept baro on Ohriattuas xlay. Win: will you oopgb when Shiloh's Jure ;will Aim you relief? .1.' rice )5f)c. mid:X. leo r,eale by C. E. Willi anis. Dy ,voto of 14 to 7 the North west Assittnitly 8atiirday decided not to su :the liquor questiou to a popular ,vete. The :great secret of getting on hi the world —a secret which few have leaned —is to know when to speak and especially when to keep still. An employer of labor concludes his advertisement for assistauts with the Significant nota bene, none need apply who are in the habit of being poorly on Monday mornings. Snumn'samanit REMEDY—a positive cure for Catarrh,Diplitheria. and Canker Mouth. For sale by 0..E. Williams. The candy poisoning case at Galt has been closed, so - far as the coroner's inquest is concerned, the verdict being one of wilful murder against parts no known. It c.)sts $1,200,000 per annum to, keep the streets of Paris, France, clean. When a woman calls, her husband at‘ bear she probably renwebers how, used to bug her. It is waste o f time to look back at one's own mistakes when there is so much fun in w.aetching other people's. FOR DYSPEPSIA 61.14 Liver Complaint you have printed guaranteq'on'every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. 0 never fails t'Ocure. For sale by 0. E. Williams. Nature is bound to keep up the average ; when she makes a man who can accumulate a fortune she usually Produces a family of spendthrifts to squander it. it has been calculated in the United States, and it is not disputed, that the Presidential election cost directly and indirectly not less than $500,000,000, that is at the rat eof $125,000,000 a' year for the presidential period. Little three year old Arthur was pulling the cat's tail, when a gentle. man said, Yon musn't do that ; 'she will bit. The little fellow replied, "Oats don't bite at this end." Thom are twenty 'four trains romn. ing out of London daily, which inn from fifty -ono to a hundred and Afty- eight miles with outstopping, and these trains make fixim forty to fifty four miles an hour. The average distance run by these trains, without stops, is seventy•six miles and the avt-rage speed is forty-eight miles per hour, Mr. Harrison, the President elect of the United Stailes, is a total abltitiner, an elder of the Presbyter. iiu church, a teacher in the Sabbath scii;o1 and tut active Christian worker. 8;,;isbury, the present Premier of frequently reads the asons L. the church, and oen of IS entered the ministry. banu: may he said of Mr Glad- sOne. Who also lies son in the • I ' * • .The very Vseful Cent. -Pennies) so long despised in the south and west, are now,deraanded by those sec- tions so eagerly that tho Philadelphia. mint, the,only one manufacturing minor Cetus, cannot keep up with the demand. Three million pennies were made at the mint last month but if double that num- ber had been produced it is probable they .00uld af,once have been placed in circula- 'With the influx of common, vulgar copper pennies in the extravagant west and the aristocratic south, there is a drop .1n.the general prices, particularly of small (kicks This, while benefiting the buy- ers,.will also do good to merchants by in- creasing consumption to a very decided ,extent. Pennies are very good things, particularly if one has enough of them, 'and their widespread introduction all over the United. States, though rather late in coming, now seems assured.—Trade Eto2, 721tDresden's Street Car Lines. Ae:ialtimorean, writing from Dresden to a friend in that city, says: "It was` hero that I saw the best managed street car lines. The hill boys aro men, and the 'jaded' hill horses aro 'fiery stedds;' all the „ company's employes are uniformed, and such uniforms are not on our police; they look more like our military, dress. Tho cars are spotless, double deckdd, first and second class, roof cheaper; first class faro 15 pfeimings, or less than 4 'cents from end to end of the route, and 10, pfen- nings for shorter distances. Tho horses: go like race horses, and aro evidently not' overworked. There are Ivaiting robins at numerous crossings along, the route, and the morning papers are kept on the racks —two papers to each ' car."—Chicago Elerald. COMBING RATES. Any of the fOliowing metropolitan weeklies can be obtained with the Wingham TAtes at the figures here given. Bala:id:9 of '88 free : TIMES and GlObe.. . .. • .81 75 TIMES. maivarid Farm and Fireside, 1 75' Talks, Globe and Rural Canadian,. 2 00: Tblas and tendon Achertiser; 1 75. Trims and Montreal Witness, .. 1 75' TIMES and Toronto NOWS, .. 1 74 TIMES and daily World .. 2 72 TIMES and weekly News with premium, "Christ • before Pilate,".. 1. 75 Also, "Fathers of Confecleration.".. .. 2 00 'Strayed on the pr Con. 2, Einloss, abo year-old red and wl ' quested to provo it away. JD. the subscriber, Lot 37, he let of. October, a one. eifer. The owner is re pay charges and take nen ROSS, hitechurch P. 0, CALEDONIAN HALL. This commodious hall can be secured for enter' tainMents of every kind at a very low figure. For terms arc., apply to JAMES LOUT1T, at Cline & Co's store. MONEY TO LENIf rpm CORPORATION OF THEI TOWNSHIP OF Turnberry has about 83,000 to loan on Mort- gages, For terms apply to, P. MoLAREN, or WM. MoPHERSON, Tr, TRF•ASURER, WiEghalD. REM% Glenfarrow3 Wingham, May BAP: 0? HAMILTON, -stsrmi\TG- 13 _A. iv" . Sterling Exchange and Drafts on New York BOUGHT AND SOLD.) OFFICE DOVES 10 a. no. to 3 p. m. Saturdays, from 10 a. m. to 1 p. rn B. WILLSON', Aqpxr. Mom picaisse, Soliettor8 ocartftwounifirmactitgaranagotstottnoo Wbgn say cams I do not moan merely to )top mom for a time, and then hiatetlapaire. turn again, I ItitAN A RADICAL havo made the disease of MS, Er:MEI:KV oat rAttillga. AufbIongstinly. WAttRAN tn7 r (Iwo y tee °trait the wct:is 01305 Ltcauso halIt% felled s to reason for not tow rccearin'; r, sine. Send at ()fleeter a treatise end P,rttEtl. POTTLE utrAmm.11 Ern.urt. Gtvo Exproal and ...AOst Office, Costs you nothing xot tall, tad n villc.ro you. ..tddress Dr. 21)0ii.l. 11',..no $t, Toronto, Oct. ifu TAILOR SHOP MR. E. C. CLARKE, In opening a now Tailor Shop in Winzham, re-poetfilly sonolts a 4:Ism' of public patronage. It *till be his endtAvor to lice satidaogion to al;. entrusting him with their orders • Ladies requiring tailor-made JACKETS AND ULSTTRS Can secure a good fitting garment by patronizing the new Tailor Shop. E. C. CLA.RNE. Wingham, Sept. 25th, 1888. ELEGANT fte,e lb It CUTTER TWO DOZEN BEAUTIES BEING FINISHED AT DORE & COOK'S. These articles are of LATEST DESIGN, SUPERIOR MATERIAL and, SPLENDIDLY FINISHED. Intending purchasers ought to see them. Ileadizarters for Geed Sleighs, AO- BE SURE AND CALL AT THEIR SHM ON VICTORIA ST. WINGHAM, • — ONTARIO. HE, BEST PLACE TO GET ORDERED -: - CLOTHING -15 4.W. WEBSTEEVR, HE HAS CHOICE LINES OZ WINTER, SUITINGS AND OVER- .. 00.AT1NGS, • FINE § PERSIAN § LAMB § GOODS § AND § IMITATIONS.; GENTS' FURNISHINGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION VERN,7; CHEAP FOR CASH. Ea- GOODS MADE TO ORDER ALL GUARANTEED. .• • OUT OF THE FIRE HAVING FULLY A S 3011,T ED THEIR s0CK, MESSRS. McINNES & TALBOP HAVE OPENED OUT IN Henderson's Old Stand, AND OFFER SPLENDID INPUCEMENTS IN READY-MADE CLOTHING, GROCERIES,, BOOTS & SHOES, AND GLASSWARE. Colgradi and Witift Shirtg TRIM cusiqt Ng- GREAT BIG- BARGAINS,, WHICH EVERYBODY OUGHT TO (D'' OBSERVE AND PROFIT BY. STOVES AT HALF PRICE, U. asmmimmoNNISIOMEM110. SUTHERLAND'S STOVE and TINWARE ROOMS. 1l • Having purchased the stock of HINGSTO Sz SONS, we are offering.. GREAT BARGAINS' IN STOVES for the net 30 DANS. COAL and WOOD STOVES in Great Variety, and at GREATLY REDUCED. PRICES. ammoloommemaamoman Owing to the number .of Furnaces put in this year, we have som$, SECOND-HAND S ro VES as good as new, at LESS THAN HALF COSTA ....4.momilmommummo A SUPERB STOOK OP 01.10I0E1 LAMP GOODS. ••••=01101ialliOlk BEST PROCURABLE COAL OIL. DEA.DY-MADE TINWARE, A HEAVY PRICES.' ORDERED WORK, SPECIALTY. •:WARE ROOMS Axn SUOPS ; Opposite Exchange (Ltd, corner hscpb6w and Victoria Streets. werifosetwores.mai.x.m.teitur STOCIC AT VERY LOW