HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-06-13, Page 6Rullett Young Folk Married MR. AND MRS, ALBERT JOSEPH LYON, were married in Knox United Church at Auburn on June 1, by the Rev. R. S. leiltz. The bride is Joanne Pearl, elder daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Roy Easom, Auburn, and her husband is the son of Mrs. Joseph Lyon, Hullett Township and the late Mr. Lyon. They are living on the groom's farm in Hullett Township. COAL COAL PRICES TO ADVANCE IN JULY. Let us have your order now while prices are at their lowest and quality at its best. 00 Also have on hand . . CANADIAN CEMENT At Special Yard and Quantity Prices 00 Fresh Roe Feeds in stock at all times 00 Agents for WE,STEEL Products oa Mustard Lumber & Coal Ca BRUCEFIELD Phone HU 2-9922 24-5-b Jack SCRUTON YOUR Cities Service Distributor Phone HU 24653 Budget Plan AVallabl0 At No EXtro cost "The Home of Good Clean Fuels" ereaalealaeedeepeeseeeieeeeeeeee Lk^ C.004.6" Father's day is, just a remin- der that he's as smart and well-groomed as any of the youngstets. The secret? Ile always relies upon Clinton, Laundry and Dry Cleaners to, keep his clothes neat and like new. This Week the Lucky is No,. 1078 Check your Calenuar. If the number matches, take the Calendar to our office and claim your $3.00 credit, 40-444-.4-........-•-•-•-•.•-•-4-44 For You Convenience Use Our Down Town Office on King Street (formerly Sirropsont-Sears) 4.444-.4-40,4-.4,...4.•-•-i•-•-e-o-•=0-4.4 munity Hall„ on Thursday after- noon, June 6, Mrs, Stanley Lyon Presided, a Mrs' Stallie•Y Lyon was appoint,• ed leader of the Training .Sehoe41 Mn. Arthur Clark, assistant,, which is to be held in the fail, on. rug making, The WI accepted with regret the resignation of Mrs, A, Fangrad, as secretary-treasurer as she leaving our community, Mrs, Throop has accepted the position,. Mrs. T. Allen favored with a very fine instrumental, Mrs. L.. Pipe gave .a very fine report ore the District Annual and Mrs, Fan-grad reported on the Officers. Conference at Guelph. The haste. esses served lunch, YOU CAN DEPEND ON • ‘ DODOS „ Kin N EY PILLS RECEPTION Bayfield Pavilion Wed, June 19 for Mr. and Mrs. George Ross.. (nee Barbara Ford) HARRY NORRIS ORCHESTRA 24p,, Waiter Tares• spent the week-end in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lyon have returned from their honeymoon, Mrs, Pearl Powles, St. Thomas, spent Tuesday at the home, of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Allen, Rev, Copeland, London occupied the pulpit on Sunday and gave a good temperance sermon. Mr, and Mrs, William Strang- ban, Auburn, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Wes. Vodden, Mrs. Thomas Fairservice spent Sunday with her grandson. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cooper at Tillsoriburg. Mrs, Thomas Neilans is a pat- ient in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth at present and is not progressing very favourably. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Yungblut and family, Woodstock visited last weekend with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Yung- blue Mr. and Mrs. W. R. "Bert" Lobb, Holmesville and Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Eckrnier, Pine River were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Durnin. Mr. and Mrs. Colonel Marks and Diana, Listowel; Mrs. Jack Simpson and family, Elmira were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fothergill on' Sunday, A committee met at the home of John' Riley on Saturday even- ing to arrange for the Lyon and Lear picnic which will be held in Exeter Paelt on June 22. Mr. and Mrs, Bert Shobbrook spent, Sunday in Paris with the latter's brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Vodden. Mrs. Gordon Garrow and girls returned with them after spending' the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Vodden and family. WI Meeting The Londesboro Women's Instit- ute met in the Londesboro Com- News of Londesboro MOS, BERT ALLAN Phone Hlyth 311 r When kidneys fail to remove mess acids and wastes, back-ache, tired feeling, disturbed rest offen follow. Dodd's Hideo Pills stimu-late kidneys to normal duty. You fool better—sleep better, work .better. Get Dadd's at any drug store. You can depend on Dodd's. GIFTS for DAD TWIN AUTO MATS Heavy Gauge Colours: Red, Blue, Grey, • Green, Yellow I/ 4-444-44÷444-+++++4÷4.4-4.4444-14444-++++++444-4444:44+ Clinton Farm and Madill* Charles Nelson 11•010* Supply Shop Jock Nedi9er AOV' STN. =MN NAWSr;Rr,p0.41? Tal,YRSDAY„. ,17)11$ 19(511' News of Bayfield Ay MISS LVOY R, WTOODS 1955 Onta.110 Champlop Rama CorreePoodent PHONE: worflaD w. L Robinson, SPeAlt a ta(e• few days in London this week, the guest this week of Mrs, gel-, en. Cobb. Miss F., P. Lyttle, Toronto; is Jack Moen and family, Lon* don, occupied their cottage over ,the weekend, Mrs, W. 3. Milleap, London, was At her -cottage in the Highlands, over Sunday, Mrs. Marie A. Wilson, Halifax, visited Mre and. Mrs. Robert Rod- dick 00 Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. Allan Ayleeworth and sons, were at their cottage over the weekend. Dr,, and Mre. H. C Chapman, Detroit, spent the weekend at their cottage here. Miss Jessie Metcalfe visited her mother this week and returned to Detroit on Sunday, The Misses Wateae, have re- turned to the village and opened up their hone for the season, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bauer and daughter Margie, are at' their ere- tage, fora few days this week, Miss Kay Reid, Windsor, came on Saturday to spend a few days edth her mother at Enfield ,Cot- e4hlKoiprnIJIWI'sfP""P VNONW". • LAKEFRONT • DANCING BAYFIELD PAVILION EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT KEN WILBEE'S ORCHESTRA .ennormounow.••••••••••••••••••••00.01.01 1•01.ftwormon00............... Announcement We have sold our general store in'' Brucefield 'to Lloyd Craig, who assumes ownership on June 15, and ask that you continue patronage of his business. Our SINCERE THANKS to all our customers for their support through the past fiVe years. Seed Beans Many of the beans grown last year are not suit. able for seed due to disease in them. At the present time we have a good stock of GOVERNMENT TESTED Seed on hand—germination tests 97% or better on all varieties. We hove the following No, 1 Seed on hand: MICHELITE, ROBUST, CLIPPER, NAVY, BLUE POD, and YELLOW EYES. Do not be disappointed, Order eddy2 This Should be a good year to sow beans. Cook Bros. Milling Co. Ltd. PHONE /4 HENSALL, ONT. * 22-3-44 Mr; and Mrs, 3. B. Hayman and daughter Lisa, Chatham, visited the ;fortner's parents, 14r; and Mrs, A, W. HayMan, this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Will, had as their guests at their cottage, on Saturday and, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. W, M. Smyth of LOndon. Mr, and Mrs. W. 1, Manners were in the village on, Saturday to attend, the sale at the home of the late Mrs, Winifred ,Ahrens, Mr, and Mrs, Chris, Parker„ who have been the guests of Mrs, E, have 'returned to thelr home in Varna, Featherstone, for, the past week, Mrs, William Purves, Birming- ham, neb., opened up her cottage this weekend, and had as her guest, Mrs, Kirkby White, Hirrn- ingtore Bishop and Mrs, W. A. TOwn- ahend were in the village on Sat- urday, and their deughterS, occu- pied the family cottage over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. James Phinney, Detroit, visited Mrs. Phinney's sister, Mrs. J. Richardson, and Mr. and Mrs. 3. MacKenzie," on Satur- day and Sandal, Mrs. R, • H, Middleton; Hensall, returned to her home on Monday, after having spent the week with her sister, Miss Lucy Woods, who has been indisposed. The Misses Rhea and Margaret Kruke of the Village Guild, were in the village over the weekend, returning to their home in Dear- borne, Mich., on Sunday. Bob Heath, Calgary, who is taking a course of studies at Flint, Michigan, spent ,this week in Bay- field visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Arkell, and Mr. and Mrs. George Castle. Mr. and Mrs: Monroe Fisher, with Susan and Barry, also Mr. and Mrs. James Fisher, with Lar- ry and Frank, all of Kitchener, spent the weekend at their respec- tive cottages. Mr. and. Mrs. Allan S. Charlton, with daughters, Mary, Tina, and Elizabeth, and a house guest, spent the weekendat the Metcalfe, hicee h havetaken cottage, w t ey for the season. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Atkinson returned to the village on Wednes- day after having been. to St. Claire Shores, Mich,, for a couple of days. Their grandson Guane . Johns ac- companied them on their return to the village. Miss Reta Cobb and. John R. MacLeod, Port Stanley, visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. D. MacLeod, from Tuesday until Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Car- son Fawcett also spent the week- end with her parents. • Jacqueline and Vicky Cluff, were in Mitchell on Saturday, to attend the Huron and Perth Jun- ior Farmers' Field Day, • They took part in the Square Dance competition, in which Clinton and Seaforth tied for the• Huron Coun- ty group. Mr. and Mrs. Robert MacLeod and Cathy, London, accompanied by Mrs. MacLeod's brother and wife, Mr, and Mrs. William Mac- D'onald, Stellarton, N,S,, spent Wednesday evening wtih Mr. and Mrs, L. H. D, MacLeod. Cathy remained with her grandparents. Mrs. Jack Murray, Owen Sound, has been visiting Mrs. W. J. Mac- Leod and family for the past week. Helen MacLeod, who has accepted a position with the Hur- on & ,Brie Mortgage Co. in Lon- don, spent the weekend at home. AW2 Joan MacLeod returned to RCAF Station Clinton after, a two weeks holiday here. Mr. and Mrs. 1 W. Brown, De- troit, for many years have been coming to Hayfield in June. This week marks Mr. Brown's 45th year, and Mrs. Brown's 36th visit. They were guests at the Little Inn, Mr, Brown returning home on Monday and Mrs. Brawn staying for another week, July U. Also discussed was the, table in the dining room was sere buying of carpet for the church trod with bridal cake flanked with aisles, to be a gift to the church to commemorate the centennial of Huron. Diocese this year. A com- mittee was appointed to investi- gate costs, and it was hoped this could be accomplished before the time of pilgrimage to Trinity, the 107-year-old church, this summer. Official date has yet to be set, The Rev. E. J. B. Harrison clos- ed the meeting with prayer. The hostess served refreshments and a social evening' followed. At Drumhead Attending the Drumhead service in Goclertch on Sunday, at which Douglas Carswell, Bayfield, Dis- trict Commissioner and Miss Ube MacDonald, Gotietich, took the salute, were the following children from. Hayfield: guides: Margaret Resetriarie Telford, Cathy Kitty Melly, Sylvia Fit- stinerions,'Itobeeta and Freda Mac-, Leod, and Ramona Telford, with their leaden, Captain, (Mrs. Grant Turnerl and Lieutenant (Mrs. Robert MeVean), Brownies: Rosemarie Turiand, Barbara &triple, Joan Mote, Lyn- da Gemeinharclt, Janice Merner, Carol Wallace-, Margaret Semple, Barbara Turner, Lynda Scotch- Mr. and Mrs, William Barber, St. Thomas, end their five child- ren, were at their cottage last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. William Moran, London, were in Bayfield on Sat- urday, making plans to sell 'their cottage, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Bannister, And daughter Elizabeth, Stretford, were in their cottage over the weekend, Carol Pugh, Royal Oaks, Mich- igan,. entertained two girl friends at the family cottage over the weekend. Sergeant and Mrs, J. MeYMen, visited at the home of R. L. Mac- Millan, and returned to London on Sunday. leminereon Heard, and son Geor- ge Heard, are spending this week in London, with Mr, and Mrs, Gor- don Heard. Mr. and Mrs, H, Baler and son spent the weekend at their cot- tage, Mrs, Bauer remaining-- for the week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Churchward and baby son Dan, have rented one of the Path cottages for a few weeks. Mrs. Warren Carson, Hayfield, is a patient in the Clinton-Pane Hospital, where she, underwent surgery this week. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Etheringtort and daughters, Neilene and Fur- lanne, Stratford., opened up their cottage this weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson MeConkeY, and son John and his family, were at their home on the lake shore, Saturday and Sunday. Bobby Brandon returned to his studies in London, after spending the weekend at the home of his father, Harold Brandon, Don and Mabel Gray • 24-b ••• liver candelabra, whorl scheme throughout with yellow roses and pansies. United WA Over 20 United Church women met on Thursday evening last, at the home of Mrs. Robert Greer, Blue Water Highway. The presi- dent of the Woman's Association Mrs. Harvey Hohner conducted the meeting and the study book chapter, on southeast Asia, was read by Mrs. Jack Scotchmer and Mrs. Westlake, Bridal Reception The Little Inn, Bayfield, was the scene of the reception for the guests of Mrs. W. T. McLean, Goderich, for her daughter Gladys Muriel, whose marriage to Donald William Coleman, son of Mr, arid Mrs. Douglas Coleman, London, took place Saturday at North Street United Church, following the ceremony, 84 guests drove ,to Hayfield where the reception was held in the garden, The bride's Guild Meeting Trinity Church Guild met at the home of Mrs. E. A. Featherstone, on Tuesday evening, Mrs. Percy Weston, president, presided. Mrs. Merton Merner read 'her secre- tary's report for approval, and Mrs. Fred Weston's treasurer's re- port was adopted. Plans were made for the annual bake sale which will be held on New Books Among the new books recently purchased for the library are the following authors: William Bar- rett, Sudden Strangers; Frances Parkinson Keyes, Blue Camelia; Elizabeth • Corbeeee 0 u r Mrs. Meigs; Helen McInees, Pray for a Brave Heart; Pearl Buck, Imper- ial. Woman; Guy Endore, King of Paris; Norah Lofts, Afternoon of an Autocrat; Thornton Burgess, Flower Book in Color; Charles G. D. Roberts, Forest Folk; John Bledlow, Heritage of England. St. Andrew's WA The Woman's Association of St. Andrew's United Church was op- ened with the theme hymn, follow- ed by the report of the secretary and treasurer, given by Mrs. Char- les Scotchmer and Miss J. Ster- ling. The president, Mrs. Len Talbot gave a brief report on Huron Presbytery. held in Londesboro. Several business matters were dis-' cussed. The president brought material to be divided among a few of the members to be made into aprons and sold, at bazaars held during the summer months. A very humorous reading "Mis- taken Values," was read by the president. A few bazaar articles were brought in .and displayed. The July meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. G. Westlake. Iluron Juniors Going To Inter- County Field Day As a result of the Huron-Perth Junior Farmers Field Day held in Mitchell last Saturday, there will be Huron teams competing in the inter-county competitions to be held in Guelph this coming Sat- urday, June .15. Teams will enter both boys and girls softball mat- ches; girls basketball, rifle shoot- ing, tug-of-war and horseshoe pitching. The Seaforth Square Dance eight will be represent the county. This honour has been given the Clinton square dance group for the past two years. mer, Jackie Weston, Mary Eliza- beth Erwin, Gayle Turner, Gayle Mote, Ellen Lindsay, Alana Syn- denharn and two Tweenies, Cheryl Johnston and Pat Semple, with their Brown Owl Mrs. Brown Hig- gins and Tawny Owl, Mrs. Regin- ald Francis. With Cub/nester Art Turland, the Cubs attending were: Lloyd Francis, Jimmy Francis, Phil Tur- ner, George Lindsay, Terry Fitz- simmons, and Garfield Merner, Bayfield is indeed proud of the faithful leaders who carry on this important work in the village. It Pays to START Them Right — Then RAISE Them Right RAISING VEAL CALVES: Feed NURSING CHOW gruel first 4 weeks. Keep a mixture of I part PURINA BEEF CHOW and 2 parts coarsely ground grain or PURINA OM.&LJtNE in front of calves all the time. At 4 weeks cut off the gruel and mix 1 lb. dry NURSING CHOW per calf per day with STEER FATINA and grain. Feed this way for another 25 days or so, The calf-starting plan outlined really GROWS calves. It HELPS SAVE calves, too. In the big Purina Research Farm herd every heifer calf dropped in over two years has been successfully raised. Disinfecting calving stalls, disinfecting the dam's adder and flanks, disinfecting utensils, holding down flies, all helped toe. // • On Display Now REO POWER LAWN MOWERS Rotary and Reel Types MAXWELL HAND MOWERS 1/ TRY OUR LAWN MOWER SHARPENING SERVICE $2.75 pr. • Auto Aerials $2,75 up White Tire Walls $5.50 set of four Auto Wash Brushes $1.79 up CLEAR PLASTIC SEAT COVERS Heavy Gauge Universal 4.95 ea. BUY AND SAVE AT CLAYT. DIXON'S AUTO SUPPLY Phone HU 2-7034 Clinton, Ont.