The Wingham Times, 1888-12-14, Page 2-ateakessererez.wr -kende - weemeene- newapa
L. 411..I
Iiiglp,111 CUD di I Iwieedi
eetson ot the year to come. They are,
Said a Bristol buyer t. "If fine
'2111'thei17” DEC 14' 1888' 1 creamery can be sold. for 92 to 9$
I shillings (about 20 to 21 tvuts) fot
-"*xiDe mare:YANG IZTEZS N CAN. SUI1111.100.1 make. end for 102 to 108
ADA. shillings (about' 22 to 23 eeAs) for fall
••A Swigs or Letters Addreesedto tue
Agricaltural Public or Canada: being 6. It Obeli be sold here. When it
6,008 S 11 it g
116 'll't a ( bout 25 coital
careful study et Dairy methods and it makes it difficult to handle, and it
Practices in Great 3.1ritain and Eu,„ gets blocked out Of the market by
rope. Luring a Four MouthsVisit margarine- and cheaper brands of bat-
.This letter is registered in accordance
with the Copyright Act, and pub•
fished in this paper by permis-
sion of the author.
A, sort of working holiday is what
'-'the British dairy farmer gives himself
when he attends his annual association
'meetings. He wisely combines pleas.
Sat holiday excursions with excellent
'working conferences. While he works
he travels, while he travels be feasts,
while he feasts he grumbles, and one
leannot easily say which he enjoys
most. But the Englishman does
enjoy himself, even when face to face
wiih problems that are worthy of
wisest heads and bravest hearts The
smart saying that the Englishmai.
takes even his pleasures sadly, may
not be full libel, but he certainly has
a way, sometimes, of takinn a deal of
'solid enjoyment out of good work.
was a rare experience in simultaneous
lesson -learning and pleasure -taking,
and it afforded a fine opportunity for
the study of English character, which,
in spite of its strong -marked typo, is
too many-sided Co bennderstood at a
glance or delineated epigrammatically.
There is, of course, great temptation
to elaborate the striating first hit-
Tressions of a country so remarkable
as England, but the limits of space,
and the probable temper of my
readers, demand that I keep within
more prosaic lines. The first point
of interest to Oanadian dairymen,
brought out by the discussions of the
British dairymen, was the probability
It has been our habit, on -this side of
the water, to assume that the' only
'question of obtaining a foothold in
the British market for otir butter pro -
'duct is the question of quality. We
have been saying all along that all ye
have to do to inake our butter peanc-
tion preAtable is to atilt the qua* of
Our make to the liking of the British
nonsumer. No doubt that this re-
quirement is the first and most imPera-
tive need of our butter industry, but
it does not depreciate its importance
to say that it is not the whole need.
The teachings of our conference sag.
gOted another and important problem,
the existence of which was later con-
-firmed by a careful enquiry into the
state of the English 'market—the
great market ofthe werfd. It was
Professor Lig stated at the con-
ference last MaY that, eXcept in fav-
ored eases, good butter as not `worth
more than 20cents a vound, and in
•sorne distrieti less. This may kb said
to be pretty, nearly the bottom kirices
for ,best butter in England in, any
season, but the price may rule at elhout
this figure for months. I take iettat
Prof. Long rderred to the price§ re-
ceived by the farater, practically
wholesale Prices. As to retail pekes,
I saw no good butter in the shops at a
lower price than 22 cents, and the
eeoramoner price°was 24 cents. 1 flaw
displayedln some d the shops ;during
'the sumnaer, butter ranging at prices
so high as 24 to 80 ceats,, but
these appearedto bathe top prices of
the season for the finest goods. The
bulk eA butter karl, dOubtless, for froin
20 to 24 cents. I think these prices
-would fully justify Prof. Long's etete
input. A trade circular *now before
Inc, dated Jul,y 8Ist;1888, gives
farther eonfirmation. This circular
quotes for "butter landed," a range of
prices from lowest Svenedish,:ii'rencli
or DuLob, at 17 (lents. The' 'above
mey give an idea of the Surnmeif priees
which we may obtain' Tor .lttter in
Englan& if we can place ite, in the
iotrket, in the fresh condition. which
eqtaracterises all the butter eaten there
in the summer season. Now, thee°
'prices, when allowatee is made for
tranepertatien chergesovill not strike
ter." Reference is here made, of
pricesThtwits to 18 cents. If each package
(=m . e e, to wholesale weighed 50 lbs., the nggregate return
in the first ease would be $77.50 ;.in
the second case $90, inakihg a gaimby
improvement in quality of q12.50,on
the whole ten packages, or an average
gain of $1,25 on eaoh package. This
would obviously be
Alt.fee. ..eoix.'"Artroi."$'4.V.7rY'sriq'4; :111i9te" .
A lower rico for the best, due t-" itte. eontiutte to preduce,•it wiit doubl!ese I v‘,Iiit's 6 .'‘'',.44,11q yam Eta) t$,
fa'tor iii ini.eal'ir•eena tiet Ant 8/34 - Prietet at whieh the Enropeen will , /..1:': iii.4"."4)",e 1 ,
provement in quality ef the rest, may am becanme ree employ faulty methotle.
l'aVT4:11T 7' Bl.DAY "atOP
,— ,...:e TIM—
-'inimorintionierd. ner Yearlinitdvance•
mean a better average price f e the
whole. l'o illustreee ; A fate package
of butter, because there are ix the
market nine patlages of inferior but.
ter to every paokege equel to it, Will
bring say 20'cents per pound. The
improvement in the peaty of the
whole lot whieh wortkl bring down the
price of the single package to, bay 18
cents, would also briug up the price
of the nine packages, perhaps from 15
1 heard rertunbling both in Inane and
England' about the "profitlese" prices
ut the aay, -and saw much evidence
tht price are already. nearly or trite
as low es the Europea» producer
eonefortablecliee upon.
1 may Again quote Prof, Robertson,
thee whim there is no better authori•
ty on this stiteject, on the future prices
of cheese: "The prospect for high
prices for t'heese in years to come is
not.very briglet. Perhaps an .averago
of (*lit cents eter lb, tatty be all we
can exspect. .A't any rate, our farmere
ehould try to produce iitk cheap
enetgh to 'he able to sell at that price
at e..prefit. We can produce °tweet
at as low a cost as any nauntry ;. and
if severe competition wines we, will
not be the 6rot forced out of the
To sum up the matter, ve may be
linpefunof a possibe foreign market ;
Ina to sueeeeci in the oompekition
6140tiCi of us,. and to find such a market
a -profitable one, it will be necessarY,
far us, heckles learning to mativ, a
enerior quality of pieduct, to study
point is that while a limited quantity
of butter may reach high prices, the
bulk of the butter mast be sold at a
price within the mewls of the average
Consumer, otherwise the consumpeion
itself will be checked by the use of a
substitute,. The opinion quoted
doubtless furnishes as encouraging an
outlook at can be reasonably hoped
for, since
in the near future ia likely to dull
rather than to sharpen the edges even
of the low prices which have ruled in
the near pest.
Let it be reniembered, tad, that
even the prospective moderate Prices
will be possible only for a fine quality.
For inferior goods, he would be an
optimist indeed who would hope in
the future .for any price good enough
to pay for making butter. .
With this not too rose colored pros-
pect before us,
While I was abroad, this Very prac-•
sical query often thrust itself 'Upon me
most .forciley, and soilietimes, the
answer seemed clotilitful. I 'even
heard the (pinion confidentially ex-
pressed by others. that it is uulikeld
that we shall again he able to sen -
butter to the Fuglish market profit,
ably. The reasons given, however,
for this dark view were nbt to myself
conclusive. Notwithstanding a some-
what unproMeing outlook, 'there were
a few weighty considerations which
led me, to taka somewhat hopeful
view ,,Of the *situation... There are
real*, only two, serious barriers in the
waypf our finding in England
These barriers.are, first the impera-
tive demand for a highereteality than
characterized our shipni'ents these late
years ; and, seecnticl; this fact,- jut
referred. to, of prAable low priceditt
the future. Assuining, for tLe MO-
ment, tbat 841 yet succeed in
improving the quality., let us now deal
only with the other diffiaultyL-that ot
which Ye have just been writing', low
To encourage shipment ofileroduce
abroad, the foreign prices. need to lie:
enoughliigher than home; prices to
afford, a trade margin. go' w, our own
millet offers for butteri' for home
consumption, prites very, nearly as
high as i,iihat we have just seen have
.leeen ruling in England. oute of our
dairymeii where y. am now writing
(Eastern townsfitS) find in ,Montreat
momentat' this (Outober)ir easy
market for the fist -class butter which
theineake, at Of eents, for .1.13anaclitne.
table. It is nett easy to nee bow
shiers can rich telying this *ter at
this price for ,the English 'market.
Thin, of course, is saltebutten, , packed
in tubs.' Take' print butter.: Bronee•
countylarmers haVeeAmen enjoying a'
market in Montreal' fcilefine print but.
ter, at a price even high` as 85
cents. The price lids soM0,-
what, but I believe It is 30 Cote even
yet. From this it 'would appear that
our home .pricee. for best butter' .run
so Closely upon the low prices ruling
abroad that the,• margin for profit
would not be encouraging ta
shipments. • '
inthe oointn on interest.
Second While between foreign
prices for good butter and the prices
of our best butter here, there is litt'e
margin, there is margin enough, in ail
conscious, between foreign prices and
the prices here for our lower grades of
butter. When our best batter come
mends 20 to 25 setts per pound, there,
wiate found poorer qualitie'e of butter,
offering as low as 12 to 15etents1 A
foreign merket would need to net
only 18 cents for this butter, to give
the producer far better returns with.
au abundant trade margin. If, there-
fore, because of the home demand for
our best butter the English market.
does not afford a temptine market for
it, -we we might prOtably ship our lower.
priced batter, i / only its gitality
god enough to tarrcipt tho trade, in,
doing so, Let it be remembet ed tit at,
dealing with ; the questiop of
terices only, ate affecting a pooible
future trade, not with that of quality.
Of course the future trade here alailLt•
ed to be possihle involves that the
qnality of the, lower grades of 01.111
make be much improved,whieb tueane,
awe shall see; that we improve our
methods of 'Manufacture, fetek ing,
shipping, etc.,.plattses of the eubjeet
to be treated alb. subsequent letters,
And here we may well pause "to re-
flect on the quantities of Store -packed
btitter that has been sold even as low
awten or twelve. cents, 'which might
hOe been sold for eighteen Cents aid
upwiirds, if only it had bleu made
fink packed' in a way to comniand sale
in the English market!
Third—Bearing upon this question
is the probability, or, rather; Certainty,
that Prem now on
Multiplied production and stiff compe-
tition are slowly but' surely..bringing
down prices of al! lea procl'uce. We
way as well sell but,4,er as. anything'
else at a low price. :Indeed when we
consider the general economic advan-
of butter production, we may be leo
prefer to produce lintter at low priafs,
to procinoing low.prices wheat *beef,
or even..;eheese. The followhig ex-
tract from Prof. Robertson, of dueloh,
ilI .6110W some 'of the' econotnic
advantages of cheese making, as proved
by actual results, and theis6 of butter -
making are even' greater. "Dairy
f trilling, notably in emineetiOn with
the establishment of cheese factories,
has ss,ved whole districts. from the fate
g unproductive.
the prOduetive
rids and added
Owen' Many
Yet, in spite of • the above facts,
there are reasons,for the hopeful view
whiCh I am takiu,t/First,
. •
THE tierROVIelfeerreet. THE QUALITY
Of all our butter will necessarily have
a tenduney to lower the prices of our
best. The presetit prices of our best
butter tut higher because of the' fact
that coneparatively little ef our own
Make ksood enough to compete with
the beet.. When" the beautiful print
butter ("i'f. 'rotnetounty ,sola for 35
cente it was beeause there was a still Against intelligence and enterprtse
avaiittbi,,, we ought to bo able to bring like
detuani• tor all there was qualities, and with new world vigor.
The high price. stimulated production
Against distance te market p..r.
the Cztnetlian farmer as enough bettor *td ecou the supply Wits tuoro :visa
haps dearer labai. we have here
'than home pricer, to be very preinising t tlit101111111d, W11011 the. priori fell to
ps)lt. It Le true that I afti f peak- 30 vents. It is (pito likely to fun Clitie,k PEI; LANDS AND LOWER Inaerts.
ing ottiyef the samitier seaeon, when 140411 lower, iray, to 25 cents. fled all The inventions of reedeen geniu
N.,11,0 1 tr%43 hulk 4,1 fr4ti5tilttin butter ouri atter Leal choice% the high price ' have a teivienay to at.niltilani 111s
; t ht. !;;•tt II; 11 I tweet, of :15 e.ette weaid not htire. nos.> tittiCOS The crowilea tinif.11c10,1 ef
fge n tf.ret 1 eT,":. tee! nit& ; and ie. one OfflifeVitl 111111'.1 Wi11. 01a W4$1'ld 1133 a to;Itie;:ey inere%
't.rottc ltt 10';$ t.$ lt,y43 for i' tho. flu! tb,) beet 'tvi 1' the Coit and reit, of la- 4(15, tft,ZCS,
.1; %,1 a ; any v;eeken. TU. feet L Lite, se tieeitt."53- if we eetinut 5I1 fide profit, out of
t • "
V. LYNdkl.
P Q.4 •
Dec. 8, 1888. .
of Speedily becom
It has largely inertias
capacity of exhausted 1
to their yearly earning
coluies 'aye been in de 4rn6a,ItIty., by
the increase. in the ertility. bf semi -
exhausted soils, Were tiiib auratal
return from this extra earning power
capitalized at 6 per \cent, it would
represiint over thirty .million,:clol; are."
Let it be understood that the *produe-
tiou of butter is urgedeas adva.ntageons
not tiiesupplatit that pf cheese, but
rather to supplementeAl
Again, while the Ii5w price( will lie
genereA, it is a question if luitter.'will
not holdeep mors:itifily than &Most
any other farm product, since rawly
other viaducts deinand for euccessful
manufaefure and
skill, in one of the papers read* the
Wet:We/lee (by Mr, Stnitu) itwas
stated that "dairy products hadfallen
in value less thin any other coentiolli-
Fourth, --Prices for butter ean
hardly be permanently too low in
England to allow us to oontpete with
the British and Europeati prodneer.
Catarrhal Deatnaies, Hay "Ilever.
A NEW noun. reREArBIENT.
Sufferers are not' generally aware that' (hese dis-
eases are' contagious, or thht they are dile to the
presence of living- parasites ifti• the lining membrane
of the nose and nustrachiammubes, Microiceple re-
search, however, has pro.edfrthis to be a' piet, and
tla rosult is Mat a simple remedy has been form -
fated whereby catarrh, catarrhal defile:4. and hay
fever ari permanently enrci.“in from one to tlifec
simple applications made at home by the patent
once iti'M weeks. N. B.—For catarrhal' discharges
peculiar to females (whites) this remedy is a specific.
A pamphlet exin4ining• this new treatment is sent on
receipt of ten cents by A, H. Duos & Sem, 803 West
King St, Toronto, Canada.—Sclentlile A-Merit:an.
Sufferers catarrhal tfbubles should read the
above careffill;,1
—Beach, the Australian sculler, was
ellIcdanged by Haulm], and the two eX:
champions ef the world rowed. twain 011
Thursday. Beach defeated for
the fourth time,
ADVICE TO 11/41.0TIIERS.— Are you disturbed at night
and broken of your rest by a sick child -suffering and
orying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at
once and get a bottle- of ." Mrs. Winsibw's Soothin,„.•
Syrup" for Children Teething. Its \Wants incalml-
able. It will relies ,the poor little sufferer
immediately. Depend :Mon it, mothers there is no
mistake about it. It cues Dysentery and Diarrhtele,
rep Mates the Stomach Mid Bowels, MIMI Willd
softenS the Gums, reduces Inflammaticen, and gives
toile and energy to the'whole system. • ,4' Mr& Win-
slow's .Soothing Syrup" for ehildreii, teething is
pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of ono of
the oldest and best female physicians Ad nurses in
tho Calt6d States, and it- for sale by tell druggists
through4ut the world. Price twenty -dive cents a
bottle. • Be sure and ask for •"Mas. Wisstow's
Soovunta4Braue," and take no other Rind.
Tnz .McClary Manufaeturinn Oma•
pany, df London, sustained aloss of
$100,00 by fire' on Friday?night
They are busy rebIlding.
flex. 1 yr. G nio. ) 3 nio.„I 1100.
iii-a•h:,•4117inn • *kin oiri•6 a i•ii5T)S"--11ao
00 33 00T1 12 00 000 , " 2.0 00 12 00 7 00 4 00
Local and ot casual advertisements, Pe. por linC
for first insert om.ard 50. per MN oiVech subsementi
Local notices, in nonpareil type,- 10o, for first in-
sert:on, and 60. pm line far each subseqUent insertion."
o 1o1a1 notice will be charged less thati25e.
Advertisements Of Lost, .Found, Strayed, Situations,
and Business Chalices Wanted, not 010.14eding' 8 Hoes
1108p44011, por month. •
Houses and Farnes for Salo, not exceeding 8 linos,
$1. tor first month, lat, per subsequent month,
These terms wale strictly Adhered to.
Spcei4I rates for longer nwertiseineets, or for ,
longer periods.
Advertisements without speeifie dircetionshwill bo ,
inserted till forbid and charged accordingly, Tram
sitory advertisemetts must be paid in advance.
Changes for contract advertiseinents mustsbe in
the office by Wednesday noon, in order to. itpmear
that week.
'WI:- '11%7. AJ11.'A. 11E.TeDRU-N,
Iieficr Graduate of Toronto University.
Oflice midi:Residence—The old stand formerly rem -
Pied by ne. Bethune, at the corner of-,rentro and.
Patrick stieets,
Wiscium, • ONT.
Co4sumption•Purely Cured.
To TUE Berea :—Please Atom your readers that
have a positive remedy for the above named disease.
By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have
been cured. I shall be gladlo send two bottles of
my remedy FREE to any of your readers -who have
consumption if they will send inc their Express and
P. O. address, Respectfully, Da. T. A. SLOCUM
87 Yongo St., Toronto, Ont.
Train's:arrive and d'opart as follows:
5:27 a. M.... .. .. —For Toronto.. .... —.5:27 a. In
1:45 p. in , ee , . 135 p.m
8:15 p.'ua..Por Teeswater 31.5
10:20 p. nt •
4. • • .10:20 "
ne Ineh 5 00 3 00; 2 00 100
0-1-Z.A.1\1-3741111:VETTM .PP7r
.Through ticket Mall points in Ainerlat=North-
West, Paeifle Coast, etc., via the shortet and all
pdpular routes. glairgage checked through to
ddatination. Lowest freight rates to GM:Mints.
trAks WINOITAM. WE'VE AT wisomm.
6:00.a.m.Toronto,Guelph,PalmerSton, &c. 3:30 p.m.
If' 10:10 "
11 " Clinton, 11
....:Palmerston, Mixed.. .. —10:20 0.10.
7:05 am London, &c..... ..... 11:00 "
131100 Geo man.
8:30 p.m, lido "
10:10 6:50 p.m.
A NT, 1.8
o i\i" ;NI-
--LL'orr •
Je'EZIVI lop oi::?E*eirsr
WX0OI1611, 04:7011E0 41:IL .183N,
, .
— •
Solieitoes for the Bank of Hamilton. '.-Counnissionati ,
for taking affidavits for Manitoba, Private hinder
to lend in Straight loans at lowest rate% Offices
Kent'S Pdock.Winghrtmlleucknew and brrle.
0. 10. O. MEYER. E. L. nlenistms.
Winghemi Ontario.
OFFICES—Beaver TIMM:, Wombat, 0142.,
• GORRIP. and 131M11, ONT.
Private and Company Melds to loan at low rates of:
interest. Mortgages, , town and hunt,' property
bought and sold. Mercantile collections
DENTISTRY.— 3. JEROME, %Vixens/4.
I am, making beautiful setts ck.
t'''.9'"3e'it— Artificial Gum "Teeth" for $8.00 per • •
sett, anti Plain Teeth, per sett, moo.
Prices hi:all other brauches o deals-
try.,in proportion. • •
VOgetable Vapor adndnistratecl for the ,painlosz
outraction of teeth, timonly s 48 anesthetic known.' 4-
orrics: Ii the Beaver Block, • opposite
Ermiswick Hotel,
•• Maker of Vulcanite, Celluloid, Alloy
Silver, Gold., oto., etc., Plates; ranging..f,
in prices from $500 'upwards per set, -•
orownng„ and bridgework.' -Teeth ex•
tra4ed without the least pain by the 110005 Vital-
ired,Air. Head Office, 1iIngbam, side entrance op- •
posit° the Queen's hotel, open daily (Sundays except- ..
ed) from 0 a m to 6 p m. Will be at Blyth over •
Saturday—Office at Milne's hotel; Gorrie: lst and
3041 Mondays of each month—Office at Albion hotel;
Lueknow : 2nd and 4th Monday and Tudidays of •
each month—Office at Whiteley's hotel. -.Extracting,
25 cents
allaiose it•
DORGE MaXAY, Wingham,. Licensed Auctioneer --
for the Counties of Huron and &UM :t
At moderate rates, sales will be conducted in any ,
• • •
portion of the Counticn.;-
Orders can be left at the TIMES Office.
Oreers left at TollAkice promptly attended to
O. HURON. • •
Sales attended in Oily part 'of the Co. Charges
Moderate. . .
r • 13MICE. •
An tales attended toronmtly and on the Shortest..
Chartres Moderate am! Satisfaction GuaranMed.
All neeessary De:enema:as can be inado;,at tlmo
Tufts' office.
Money to Loan on libtest
Notes 1)iseouttted
AT lin, ASCNAIME :aims&
Motley mica -nerd on MottMores at (1 percent. ;vitl1
privi16g4 timing at the end of any 3.03r.
and accounts collected.
riOrriit. no/NI:HOP,
Orrice, -11( aver 5!1rh 11 intrleain, Ont.
FS a 1.13.'1.
. 'REAL LT5: Arm Parra'. iNSUR,
GroitAti,Cuftlas, alv;ityn ($..: "01118 to1.g...0..
A 1",is‘" tl 0.14,k1101,1;if•PCV-
1rvait14r, roli
• 501,1,!..e.01in tai flr Li simple!
:53.1.4PTIN(411V:Vr.'is .69 ebtLJA40-'
, ma, g 3 te`• Ct%Li: