HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-06-06, Page 8CONSTANCE oorvesponont ans. A. Boxy rboicie sworoi 84'*1.41 Mr, and Mrs. Charles pe4tep visited Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Youngbint on Tuesday,. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Riley yist, ted Mr, and Mrs, William .Johre sten and family in 'Qetlerich on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. Borden Brown,' Joyce and Blaine, were in Hanove. er. Sunday, visiting the form- er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brawn. The Sunday Scheel Anniversary will he held on June 16, and there will be special music by the yollAg people. Sam Scott will be the gnest 'speaker. .Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wilson and family,' Ingersoll, spelit Sat- urday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Millson, Charles Mill- spn, who has spent the past week with his son Gordon, returned to spend some time with his broth, er, Dave 1.1/1111Sen. And Put Huron On The Government Side!. Andy McLean will work to the end that those eng4g- ed in the farming industry will have returns equal to the returns received by other classes in the community. 0 He recognizes that Canadian trade is at an all-time high and that favorable trading agreements exist with the free countries of the world. He pledges no action will be taken to endanger this trade already in existence by the introduction of high tariffs and protection. He will oppose the introduction of bureaucratic con- trols, limiting agricultural production which are part and parcel of so-called "adequate parity". He is opposed to irresponsible promises. He makes no promises, other than to say he will do everything pos- sible to aid the people of Huron riding. He will continue to work on behalf of all the people of Huron in assisting them with their problems. He will speak to and be listened to by the Liberal Government of the day. , He will continue his efforts on behalf of Huron Municipalities. He will continue to support those Liberal policies that recognize that the individual is supreme — that en- courage individual initiative — that recognize that every Canadian is entitled to an equal opportunity — that have resulted in family allowances an. d old age assistance (each year more than two million dollars is paid Huron residents in receipt of family allowances and old age as- sistance) — that recognize that orderly financial ar- rangements in keeping with the ability of the country to produce are essential to continued prosperity —„that re- duces taxes (8485,000,000 in the past four years, $30 for every man, woman and child in Canada.) On June 10 in 'Huron Riding WORK FOR AND ELECT ANDREW V. MEAN WHO -GETS THING DONE FOR HURON! (Published by the Huron Liberal Association) HARRY WILLIAMS FUEL OIL MOTOR OIL GASOLINE LUBRICANTS %I le. 441) ZeLe- *H111111111110 II 111111111111 1111111111111iiilli1111111111111111111111111i11lpe HARRY0WILLIA4441 cPutse IMPORTANT To THE FARMING SCENE IS oiro,,,tve:12EP (y 14CM. TRA178144RKI3, i)dillelo1111 01101111 511 01111111111111111111111 m 111111111 1111111 FLORBAIT for -Barns An fit ES-STOCK Stock Spray You Can SAVE 25c PER COW Every Day!! uSE • oFtTO MARKET IN JAS. PINK COWS GIVE MORE MILK! FUSE COWFLY POWDER —The New' PINK Fly Powder F. WETTLAUFER .F.EMOS and SEEDS MAKY STREET — CLINTON — PHONE HU 2-9792 ARE YOU MARKETING HOGS THIS WEEK — OR NEXT, THAT WERE FARROWED DURING, THE PAST 6 MONTHS? Well you could be, and probably are, if your hogs have been on the SHUR-GAIN 5-STEP HOG FEEDING PROGRAM. "Time" is almost always "money" in any busi- ness, and this is so very true if the marketing of hogs is part of your operation. SHUR. GAIN balanced-fed hogs are finished faster, up to 2 months faster than straight grain-fed hogs. SHUR-GAIN hog feeds will save you this time! — m this money!! So the next time you're near the mill, come on in and let US help you set up your SHUR- GAIN feeding plans for your summer litters. Canada Packers Limited ?hone Itt 2-3815 Clinton Ontario Mrs. W. V. Dinnin returned home on Saturday after a week's visit with her daughter, Mrs. Ted Munn, Kitchener, and her aunt, Miss Ida, Hotham, in Galt: A large crowd of neighbours and friends attended a shouter at the Brucefield United Church for Miss Marion Ross, on'Priday even- ing, Marion received many lovely gifts. Mrs, H. Berry spent a few days in Bluevale with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Smith and attended the funeral of Mrs. Smith's mother, Mrs. George Thornton, By-Law No. A.D. 1957-10 TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT A By-Law to raise One Hundred Thousand Dollars to Aid in the Construction of Tide, Stone or Timber Drains. The Council of the Township of Hullett pursuant to The Tile Drainage Act enacts as follows: 1. That the Reeve may from time to time, subject to the pro- visions of this By-Law, borrow on the credit of the Corporation of ithe Municipality such sum not ex- ceeding in the whole One Hundred Thousand Dollars as may be de- termined by the Council, and may in manner hereinafter provided, issue debentures of the Corpora- tion in such sums as the Council may deem proper for the amount se borrowed, with coupons attach- ed as provided, in section 4 of the said Act. 2. That, subject to section 10 of The Tile Drainage Act, when the• Council is of the opinion that the application of any person to borrow money for the purpose of constructing a tile, stone or tim- ber drain should be granted in whole or in part, the Council may, 'by' resolution, direct the Reeve to issue debentures as aforesaid and to borrow alum not exceeding the -amount applied for, and may lend the same to the applicant on the completion of the drainage works. 3. A special annual rate shall be imposed, levied and collected over and above all other rates up- on the land in respect of which the money is borrowed, sufficient for the payment of the principal and interest as provided by the Act. This By-Lawn read a First, Sec- ond and Third time and finally passed this Third day of dune 1957. W. R. JEWITT Reeve GEORGE W. COWAN, Clerk Notice CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT Take notice that the above is a true copy of a By-Law passed by the Council of the. Township of Mullett on the Third day of June 1957, and all persons are required to take notice that any- one who desires to apply to have the By-Law or any part' thereof quashed must serve notice of his application upon the Head or Clerk of this ,Municipality within 20 days after the date of the last publication of this notice and must make his application to the Supre- me Court of Ontario within one month after the said date, This no- tice was first 'published on the Six- th day of Awe 1957, and the last ptiblication will be on the Twen- tieth day of June 1957. GEORGE W. COWAN, Clerk 233-5-b 4,11PA.0000,. WHAT, A SECOND STORY Popp YOUR FATHER- wmeN I DON'T RELIEVE 141$ FIRST STORY HE INVENTS ,ANOTHER'. II Poucs LOVE to 114 TELL OP THE WoNottzFoLVALUEsist DUTTONS AND 'I HE , RUTH! A. DUTTON #1011SEN6Y.0 APPLIANCE'S' RCA v croFt -WESTINGHOUSE BRUCEFIELD HU-2-3232 PERCE STRING'S .01iRrif DUTTON =WPM;.JUNE 6, Mr M, "Tames and Mrs, Oliver, 'Len- flesbere, visited. the Misners at Port Colborne on Tuesday of this -Week, 40th Anniversary ACV. and Mrs. J. T, White, Len, desbore, were at home to their many friends On "TlitirsdaY MAY at), on the occasion of. their 40th wedding anniversary, Mont 1,50 pests paid their respects during R.R.2, CLINTON 4kma. HIT 2-6633 the afternoon and evening,. They were married at Wapelia, Sask., and .carne to London Con, fere= from $aslt„ 13' years ago, The family were with them for the weekend. Miss Minnie Lyon and Mrs. Ger-. tie Taylor, Cenderiele spent the weekend with their brother: N:el- Son Lear and Mrs. Lear, Charles Small; returned from Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, on Wednesday and is recuperating nicely, Visitors with. Mr, and Mrs. Ted Fothergill last Sunday were Jam, es and Carol Marks, LiStowel; Dorothy Coulter and Glen Bender, Palmerston. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pipe, with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Sauridercoek, visited friends at Ailsa, Craig, last Sunday, The Bageant Family of near In- gersoll, spent Sunday with Mrs. Thomas Fairservice, Miss Amie, Fairservice spent last week under the parental roof, LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND BEND DANCING SATURDAYS The New BENTLEY-GARDINER ORCHESTRA featuring TRUMPETS, OBOE and Dalt. Walpole on the Hammond Organ 1 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dalrymple are on a fishing trip up north as tar as Marathon. Miss Marguerite ' McDonald, London, spent the weekend with Misses Kathleen and Marie Elliott. Miss Eleanor Fisher returned home with them and spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Walter Moffatt, Mrs, M. Mahaffey, Staffs, is spending a week with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dalrymple. Donald Gray has sold his gen- eral store in. the village to Lloyd Craig, Auburn. Mr, Craig gets possession on June 15. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moffatt, Mr. and Mrs. James Striefler, at- tended the wedding of Mrs. Met- fat's nephew, Mac Fisher, in Gravenhurst. James Burcige, Cobourg, spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burdge and atten- ded the funeral of his aunt Mrs. Egmondville. GUERNSEY BREEDERS TO MEET ON W. J. DALE FARM For the first time in Huron County, the annual twilight meet- ing of the Western Counties Guer- nsey Breeders will be held at the farm of -William J. Dale, RR 1, Clinton, tomorrow evening. Com- mencing at eight o'clock , there will be a full program of judging, and type demonstration. Bus Tours Held For Farm Groups The annual Perth-Huron Short- horn Breeders bus tour left this morning for a tour to Ridgetown experimental farm, and 'the cattle barns of W. G. Thompson at Blen- heim, and McKinley's in the same area. Soil and Crop Tour Township directors on the Hur- on County Soil and Crop Improve- ment Association toured ye5terday with their guests throughout the county. Among calls made was one at the farm of William Man- ning, Londesboro, where they saw the new McKee barn, which is us- leg the idea of loose housing for cattle. TENDER Tenders for a man and tractor to cut roadsides in Goderich Township, using Township Ford mower. Reply stating price per hour. Lowest or any other tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders to be in the hands of the undersigned by 12.00 noon, Monday, June 10. For particulars apply to:, R. E. THOMPSON, Clerk ROY TYNDALL, Road Superintendent, 23-b News of Londesboro Correspondent' MRS, HEW ALLAN Phone Myth, r 5 p4'^ .E OFU To Meet On Tuesday, .june i. Because election -day falls. on the date of the regular monthly meeting, the .liohnesville Local Farm Union meeting will be held one evening later, Tuesday, June 11,, in I'foltneSville School, IVfeM,, bens are asked to bring in any. resolutions that they wish to sub- scribe to ;be discussed and con- structed at this meeting„ These resolutions will be brought before . the fall convention of the Farm This should prove to be an in- teresting and informative meeting if as Many members as possible attend. o. BEEF* PRODUOV. 4;,$' MEWING.. JUNE 18 IN rz.mrvg, There will be a meeting of the Beef Producers of Huron CoUnty in the, Exeter High School on Tuesday evening, June 18. This meeting will be open to all pro- ducers' of beet, and is. being called by the Farm Products Marketing Board. MINTON nvvvs417xxdo, Heirs of Brucefield Correspondent: MRS. IL F. BURRY' Phone, Clinton HU 2-7572 or Seaforth 609112