The Wingham Times, 1888-12-14, Page 1VOL. XVII. ---NO )'O .iar�-IiCI»! s rs ,I" prr; au" :4i ;t i p0N. 1','1NGLS-tM'H !F I),; e1Y1i ST.Nllr;ir, We have dao dell to issue, next week, In.. oditim of 2,000 Corito; of the 'hum The. suer will be almost exclusively a tees n,a of the history, growth, weevil': +taring industries, 7& mercantile estalitis moots, education• el and religious ins Rations, organiza- tioi s, r;0 , of the tt 1, This issue is i'ittnJed to he a Irepri'ren,ation to uutsidelwof Winglii and its indus- tr2es-a nosiness vtrtiselni)nt, t�.3 nosiness-� a. largo uutuasnr of spars will be cir- culated in town a>) y . vicinity,. business men will Wirt he t1i1 aleft au excellent opportunity to bring' heirgitods before tlfo public. All. tin se desiring to 10 so, by local% or al).r ireculents, are re- tiueA4ed to let us knus saga+ k iiltentiuus tiil,errce, . tiny avishu j MOO,. to send • to si neon• abroad, c n lie supplied, %'V ;t ;heft the co 0 'ration of business mania our tmicar' 'r to send out au issue fairly , se forth the natural advantages„ busi/ess standing and probable future ,iraspects of Wing. ' hand. LOCAL =WS. T'ifty.six travellers' units ware handled at tho I3runervicI; !hot so a few days ago. J -! -Waterloo is one ` t1 a most substantial .and go.aheacl tom.: • in Ontario, We buildiug operatious t' 's, year amounted to wt1G;200. -A. 'fifty more ?UM' n Con 1:1, East Wa- wanosh, lot 32, for sale. 'About 4 miles from Wing haru and cue mile from W11ite- ehui'oi1. Terms easy. Apply at the Trees office. -The private frank' g boniness of Messrs. Cameron e:; Cant e11, of l.mknow, has b3eu sold. to Mr. C'e ergo Mete, lately rrti'Irir, r...hr•, „Landon of Ito Peden:I Bank of aiiida -The Wing=ham Conrvative... ssocia. tion has elected the lowing officers; Preside t, Z,' Ln5.2'ii I.r'r:ovitteevroseitlento. Thos. Agnew, I'ro:iort ?Ill Dr. 'Chisholm, Robb Mcltrcloo t seorotaary Win. Plenty. .Amy person !having a difficult watch or clock to be aepearcd can'•t do better than to leave it at Yeeistono's, where you coeu `-, rely on it being clone tight as he is an ex- • perielnood head. himself. --.:aeserat it sties in to n nave received letterefrain tsrrontf'I,' io ittunitoba in the "bast fow'days, Prodi t -stn we learn that ;the weather recently it s been very mild withnoSnow .awl the it disappearing on the rivers. earty,sympatlty h .bceu exteudecd .o. Mr. W. E. Grow:, rincipal of the public school, . and his wife, in. :their herovolnentin the loss o their only infant •child who had :attained, he age of two °moot s. -A surprise party, tw nty.eight couples - strong, took possession - Mr. John Case- rnore's house, on Scott st ,et, and spout a, pleasant evening pre 1 wateryto the' departure of his bra ,ler IBobert for ibiiehigan .•--I ow is the time f • Isitsincss mon to tell the people what to ave in the way of Christmas and Now tae bargains. No inore effective way taxi it than through tho columns of tlhe ' I / s. It is naw Widely and closely re. - -Twonroreoopies .^. the choke and elieap reacdillg fssuecd " ' y Mr. William Bryce, Toronto. have •stege received -_the Silent Witness," by :31;.s..1. If. Walworth, esnd "Galloping Days a the Deanery," by Charles Janine. 'Then' ,, are low priced reading at 25 cents coact •,O At a meeting; of til 1actlnti on Tuesday evening last, Mr. H. I. C, .Moyor was :eTeotedhonorary urate .nt; Mr. A. So• s! baetian, president; F. ' J©huston, vice- preeidout; W. K. Louti seiectary•tteas- neer, Sufi • MMTr, E. P. f. = rrstex, boniness taauagor. ' They now oo ;,y their now r 1 rootlet iti T"am] n a block. h ,. Y hey 1 oasaut- ly serenaded the town on ' `day evening.. -Tho tenon yearly issue ,•f Crip's abed a Ahnrnrac is bolero ea, and it rho best yet. scut outTho cal.:min ra i3 are uniia,uo Mand ingenious : tho clout:' tag- cs cartel/1 , oIrrrpressibie Tug of WI "its fiest:clase • while there aro several fall p,tee tattoos of no lose merit,Catid any alt cunt of emu. splitting illustrations. 'J.'lr ` letter•pross in capital reading. Ten scut:) .a 11 semen tho book at any. noesedoalcr'r n ce:lest to I or so cnjoyabl:: 's tne?angg(', wit WIN ULEAM, ONT., FRIDAY, DEO..' 4, 1888. ----,rohn 11To 11311:au, r i? for South Huron, le holding a series of p litioal meetings in hie riding. ,7. II. 'ironstone has the fino•tt and !erg et diepley of ladies • 15 k., l;nglish, eolorecl good sots. Diainond rings, etc., eta. The :1 dor of a gel( cross br000ll, lost hoods evening last, w 1 he rewarded by Ieav' g it at the 'Tera o lloo. ire Trues today leas f it regular roasters for every oue it ha(1 a er ago. TI11+3 is an iruVorteut oahsicleratio 1 to r;elvertis3rs. A b 1naisive and magnt,,. a lib independent awC ep second regnlator h been plated in the window of ;tlr, jr.11, nstono's jewelr y store. -American watches, in 3 oz„ silver ore, open face oases, for r'^,iO,a3 at J. H. Van. stoue'K A. bread and butters ial will be held t �, under the auspices of he I xeabyterian Church I3iblo Society, at tir.W. Scott's, on Thursday evening ne All cordially invited. A good program me. •-,Tho Liberal assooiat .n purpose hold- ing their next meeting on uosday evotiiu g next. The subject olhoaet at last rneetiug for cdiscs]ssiou is that of i seiprocity frotn the farmers point of vie ' Let there be sl good turn r,r .'it the. annual meetin' of the L. O. L., No. 704, the following offs: re were elected for the erisning yoar : Jo] u Davidson, W M.; henry Green, 1). It :, • Thomas Abca. ham, D. See. ; I•'. R. Ito t: .us, tvoas,; W. Clegg, F. Sec.; Dr, Thome. Chisholm, 1st corn. ; Thos. Agnew, o : ep. ; tiililliam Jolutstoil, lecturer, ,. - STftellell enuifbil has d toidecl to take ten electric Iigiltl,from the Ball Co. to burn till 12 o'clock, and tl : number of nights not to exceed 200; " he price is 2:3 cents per night. Could h of Wiughem make some such arraug:ment? Ten lights at Cite rate would cos the town hut MGs,:. That Wombat of ni'1ta would cover ail ulhpleasantiy dark onus fir. W P Ander on, of Cariboo, British Oola,;nbiar ahrother,of Mr. e,.1'..Aucl,ersn of the gats mills, hi heave o a a visit after ) xioarly ,�• ya.Lrs' residence in the Iaattie pros iuee A. short letter, rl• soriptive of the prey in condttio,i and futur' prospects of the jn viuce, liar to be he over till future issue. Mr, Auclersoi is a man of close observation, wide expe fence, reputa- tion and brusinose standiu" and his view:; will no doubt carry :seaside bie•woi;ht. • -The annual report of t o inspector of public offices for 13:37, wl oh gives the atnouut which each Mlle receives,. has been issued.. The figures or Huron aro as follows; Sheriff Gibbons, 2,223.42 ; Judge Toros, as surrogate judge 753.50 ; II Mo• Dermia and r iylalcolnsoe , as local mas- tors and deputy reggisar. •s in chancery, 112,500; Ira Lewis, as co my Crown. attor- ney and clerk of the peaco 51,537 ; D Me - Donald, as deputy olorl of the crown, county court clerk and s rrogato registrar, $1,522.10. • -Mr. D. 3.131eCasoy, Cpl o attended the funeral of the Dwyer fie +.Lityttt, whose sad '$'etc was chronicled to la. • sue, gives us fuller detail». The fantil of late slept upstairs and es the steirw y was close by the stove where the fire started, escape was rendered impossible, when the fire had made considerablo h adway, lint ono of tho live sons, who asides in Detroit, got home to the fauora , which was largely ettenth' t, the owe, ion being one of especial sadness. A s of money and some notes were burnt. At the prosent writing Mr. Dwyer is yin;; dangerously ill at Myth, in Kelly's total, and suffering from the effects of inju •ies sustained, •-•-I'aeforring to the .moval of Mr. Sparling to Wing h:Lln th Herforth, E.rposa• for says : "%fr. and Mrs.• Ii'. G. Sperling and family left hero e I Wednesday for Wingtnmm, where they vill hereafter livo, 11Ir. Spading, having ohs . of the Wing. hand salt works, found t inconvoniout living hero when he had • o be there so iuuch of the time, and 13 nee his reuhovai. te r', tfortln• has given Wing; ram several good and worthy citizens, ad our northern 'wield:m twillfind iris. - Lirs. Spratling among the beet. We, t ' th thein 'every Reccesa and. comfort in tb it new home, •We understand that a nut then of the lady friends of 131r1). Spasliu g r ailed on her at the residence of Jr. Win d:Ly avenin last, au,I pre Y. j • Over a ton of per was delivered at th Trw s. office a f' w clays sago. Thin in, n doubt, the lreay''st newspaper shipnnou ever made into Y m Ingha. -The best gime in town to purchase Christmas presents in tiro finest silk plush, such as ladies' and gouts' clreesiug cases, travelling cases, odor mon, cuff and collar ca • s; itc„ i:t, at Dr. 'B'owler's drug store, ere you will fined the blest value end tl greatest variety iu this line of good ; Celt and sec. There have r ently boon an unusual e 1)IMC{DIL1WT (, lt89. o ?', flee orators of the Town of Wingleam : t L.SnI n AND GP.h'lar.rn,2,-.••Having been reque:eted by a, number of .the heaviest rateepeyerr, and also leading men of the town, to contest the coining; election for the oilico of mayor, I have consented to clo so. I have it large amount of gooney invested in real estate, therefore I urn deeply interested in the general advancement of the town, If you will give me your vote and influence to 1111 titin honorable position Isbell use my best endeavors; to make 13;39 a proeporoua year Inc Wiugham, r Your humble servant, floor. T 1'ICIr;DQO. Wing mm, Dee. 12511, '88. wee /Oozed, All the mosnb WHOLE NO. 8 number of movie, Wisgierin, We b available) rosidene but the most unli houses lulve been doubt Wingllans's materially added mouths. and changing houses in love there is not an in town. Not only this, ely and ucomfortable ken and occupied. No population has been. to is the last few -Owingtoengage. the o a he business el7 e• L meats, the absorpti t of the public mind in inunioipal lnette's and the feet that the attention of not a fo will he engrossed holiday pleasures, the executive of the literary society ell tight it. advisable to hold no further mee ings Untie) beginning of the year. elcidir•.nal attractions will then be provided , the meetings and notice will bo given to the publio. A very iutoreeting quarterly meeting of the Wingham auxi cry of the Wonlan'rr Missionary Sooioty -gas hold in the Mettle - dist church on We los:lzy evening. :tlr.-i. Retlor, of Clinton, ;;five at beautiful and able adrlress, settir , forth: the claims and workings of this b• each of Christian effort. Rev, Mr. •Scott col sleeted the meeting and also spoke words of en& urngomout in behalf of the lot y formed. society hero. Miss 13, Reynold: read. the report.. Mr, b!' Smith sant; a so in his u -sal ploasing style. Tho choir also assisted. Owing to the stormy evenio there wan not ms large an attendance um here Otherwise would have been, PyltsosAr,e.- TFhc ewrntrket -Ora adds a complimentary ref recce to the marriage notice of ilir. John 1 o eoc1,11ead cutter at "The..Loading ]:lour ,," to Miss Bella 'U:tiWsoat, of i\'iugbara, ,s cleated rani this Tr:Ans.-Mrs. T. 11, Ito' a is: visiting her parents et Sea.orth tl7'a week.-Itir. Alex, Sutherland, of 1tatnsey • county of Lauark, ite well as Jatues, is lir working with his brother, 131r. D. Sutbe • :end.-11rs. George Lindsay, who has. bee suffering from an abscess o11 her foot, i improving nioeiy.-. Miss Etta' 3Com, of. istowel, was visi,tiug friends in Wiugh 1 and Whitechurch last week: -Mrs, ham.. 1. cD. Fleming, of Lietowel,speut a 1.w days. at -Me. Ti. Leslie's last week. Mr. George Lently, lately in the emplo of Mr. J. Timmins, fluevale, and fortne'ly with 'Me, iiX, fi.1110- Indoo, Wingllahn, ane Mr, Orlando Ourrio, recently returued frc Crookston, Dakota, leave with sonho.oti •rs from Teri berry for Geanerotto, Louis' ua, nn Monday next. - Mr. T. B. Tisdale .:Leos on Tuesday next for 'reroute, where is going to attend the School of 11 nuaey.-hiss F. W. Harper, of Norvl. .0 sister to Mrs. W. di. Groves, crate: t viugham on Monday. 111r, W. E. Ha , r, a recent teacher. in Lower Winglham + it now in the employ of rho victoria Lomb r Company of Toronto, also attended the • enerai•uf Mr. Groves' infant child 011 T oefiay,-Mr, S. Youhill was in Loull,rie : business a couple of days this week, 1 •, II. Davis was visiting his permits at odlus o, near Simcoe, this week.' - 31r ai 1 Mrs 1) II Dorman, of Mitchell, removes to i.Vinghern on We,lnes- day.-. -lfr 1-5 I .Etendorson, of Toronto, general argent of the 'I:revellers' Insurance Co„ of ITartfor( Como, is spending it few days with his co sin, fair J'bli11er. • !l. Lovalt's Gant Dominion o. Ca Lovell, of volusnes--ono for eleven, if 011tari brought within pages. 'L*hero province and the general lustory of with eight bee,uti' the lakes, rivers routes, newspaper general slatieties districts, parisi towns, Villages, a islands, lakes, ri described. 15 will OMPTIMMTI wore. present, at the regular meeting !'Tuesday evouing, Tho following accost ere ordered to bo paid: J. A. Cline & Co., plies, ,Z,12.0l; Smith 61 Pethick, s+ippliesw,18; (3, Lloyd, work, '131.00; A. hoof, s iO4, t^3.15; It. Elliott, ' printing, 5.2; l+', f ht, work, $11.03; Cleo, Meson,. supplies, ,r 5.00. A. motion was mettle by Messrs: I' j lis and Smyth, to the o11 c't that A. Sloe era be paid at the rate of , c; l per clay tint ng i4Ir, Coed's siole:ileas, :rind that this ant mot be deducted from the it:miter's salary. (All armed to this except Mr. Morton, 1'l . finance Cominitt3,I ream intirended that 111 !.a paid :1Ir. Showers on account. It w• treed the chairman 1100 cud -settle wit Duffield iu regard is certain hat ai •. Theniansagotnont committee wan d to ru:aka necess. ary repairs to tl cluritio the holt: days. Mr. 5 Y • adored his resignas tion as trustee it star 18,0 which on motion was. Nee 1. The chairman and secretary were •cote 1 to iesuo (hooka for the teachers o eteets salariee for the term. 2.teeti adjourned sine clic. Maw 1 Matters. As predicted lu - sok a plentiful orop of mauioipal at :rtes has sprung up. None of the higher 6 :es at least aro goiug to g:t abegging. Fthe eivie choir we hove now in the ti las opposieuts uieesre. W. Seett and It. oludoo and we are pleased to see contest between We mon so comps end worthy. The reeveship is even . re earnestly coveted, there being at pree0 four Igen in the field---1dessra, A'• •1:L , Il1meka izie, Hume Mel Gregory: 13' the doptityrrao a,hip the craudidatee are ids: • y to be Me.3srs. J. A. Cline and II, Ke to Whilst a number of the rate 7a a a e s :et, anxious Y � to have the present mayor, Ms Inglis, enter the lists a„ sin he lino deal nod to do so, finding that his a ntou iv+ besiuess iutere,3ts de. rnand all Iiia tine • alta attontion. Iia bats servo(' the town .aonscierltiousiy. and efficiently. The pres lit painstaking, most efficient and worth reeve, f,1r. Morton, declines the positi. i this. year. Ceudi- dates for the oeuuI are likely to be sufficiently nLtnoro/s to afford the else. tors a chance o£ sel sting toots competent and willing to as: the the lnauagem.;nt of the town's affair • Literary ,Soo The meeting of A niondrty evening w• there being at least 1 element prepoudera excellent recitetio Carrie Macdonald, a eeloction fn good sengla exeaIle ut v idiss Cargill hid well received, itud B100 wa3 110 (MOW.) being aeuilcd opo appropriate rein vantages of snull e gratulating 5113 attending it. 1111 Ilatrncrrana selo3t which as most Crawfartt.Inail gave 14 •ara0 exhibiting ex dialectic abrliey talent generally. the chair, the (pee rage" rusts then •t Air. L. CI. Clarke it in favor of the con seinen, and Moser ; Venetouo and D. C. .iio.0 ? Woxlt. lo or and history of the ado, being issued by John otltteitl, comprises Mine itch province -possibly and Quebec; evni,ot be o volume, each • of 1,000 be it history of each W. Territories, and a le Dominion of Canada, it province maps, lists of post offices, tables oil • and other publicatirnne, etc, 10,O60 counties, , townelripa, eitin.l, , with more than 3,000 rs, eto., will be fully O the nest stuirendolia ver attempted. iilr. --If you war tt relittblo Wile -hoover i to the elevated nil vast experience as WOK as that tlta work ur Dominion,. and all .roinioc or desire, Gray, an '1'uee. C opted her with a L haudwtne fruit diel! set 1' • nilver ago mark a of their appreciation of h as ire friend c v „ I t auactian work vvell'u roputatio publisher, felly ill bo worthy of flat 150 proutotsri Mad co•wol l.nc 1n t110 elated • • 'u 11,1ooth1,g. Iiterery society on largely atten.le 1 0 present, the female ng largely. A vary wag given by 17+.tise fir. E. C. Clarke read yle; the 1Tissee I'ie1.13 e a beautiful drat. STQnr, a^si7 iri..azizuY,'.lt. A. ;i. Turner Ause tact cal coca ustm.. fat The announcorro t on Wednesday morning that the for of Messr:3, Itloiusiee Jo Talbot was env: } to previous night and some articles of clothing appropriated, caused a great sensaty'on,. 13y making a series of lioles•fu the fear door an apertt7rr' 'about sic inches sryu+re was made, aha. • iron b:tl• that fastens the iloollstfin. loved andentrance:lime 0.','led. The moot hers of the firnn, on s ; felon, lied war - ratite issued and bete e uoonc the good.: were rcoovared, having boon secreted the bine ei vacant grafi . wareroom at the etatidn, and at the same time ?iIr, A. .1. Turner, who. hag for so a time had his. sleeput ; quarters in. tit s same building was a rt n: eel, by on to le Pettypieee, b'iug 1's•uud ire title nil i ing. An investi - „ 4lna took piece in CO1 ii chamber before the niaayor and . • ve Morten in the afternoon. Mr. D. Me u es, beteg sweetie.. idouti iod the followio = artielata which - were in the chief's pos.: -scion; an over- - coat, a rubber coat, a Pe ;dais iitnib cap, 1 pals of petite and braces - :mil four shirts. Ile had left the shop al out, th p.. u'.' the. previous evening, and ki w the goods were there. Mr. G. Pettypiee sworn,' said fu effect that ho having ob nines/ a search warrant, searcired the rear' room in quer- • tion in company with 2dr. m. Moore and they found .the various art cies hong up or• stowed away in. difforc•.t parts of rho ander flat, which is d vide:! into grain bins. There were two o. _'ble entrautte to this portion of the bat diug from the ant - side., Whilst etrgtge: in. t o search Tor. nor came down from le second fiat witlz a saw in, his hand. Ser •thing. the second flat they found a cheat e tools. a shake down and some other art Ies. The leass- ing goods were all f cd below. fur. Moore also testified to t finding •of tho, goods as ,'}tate! by Mr. typieco, dctr�il- itig bow the building v «, arranged, anal' . how and where the re net ve articles,rvere gotten in different. ace ,same hon„f u.; • upereet•. seine retorted y 1)r different, • party oil the bins. Mr. L.7 'l. Talbot r cage nine thes . n.1 all articles its tb tnissiug, on.,s On corning to the slop beilveeu seven and. - eight o'clock he saw thifl s ai a ranged first missed part of .a re: iy made; s.ttit hanging at the door and tat u notie le the opening made in the re e floor. He closed the promises abet t-• Hca leaving securely fastened taw neer • nl I lckiug the front doer. As yet Owlish: .rt i hiesocl cols the goods recovered and pr ducted le court•. Mr.Morton conducted ti o investigation and asked Turner if ho -he . any questions to a„sk the witnesses. He t -rcluie-1 to do se and protested leis iuuoceu,. The court' room being closed the aitch, au the strength of the evidence p laced, had the prieoee committal for tri I,,.asrrl on Thine rlay merniug be was nest; ek9dericli jail in charge of Mr. Petty g The annual "ileo byterian Sabbath Sol hold ou Monday ever report showed the $ lourshi.ng c.:ileii i amount raised for tl 52. A good attend e Pres - ellen was, Tucr aulnlrll to be in 0. The totali� was e?1Vi).+ W. was mnain- t:L1110i1 and an eiii� 5 corps of recitations ie ulweye p r effort on this area- teachers e)uployod, 7:h': officers u. Ilan. W. Ti. Shornelected for tilt) casein,Y \ 0111' the : Mr. deutly maIti, a few D. yl' Gordon, superintendent; 3v1r W. Scott, it351.35a:it suporint:nldent; ,lir, J. t;. Brogan, s'rui ;tory; :11 ssrs. A. \V. W'elrster unci K. G:itno,'on, librarians ; Miss Ani is Davidson, or• gauist and 1r. 0, 1 :, tyre, loader of the singing. The bah ice on hand is ,- $77.1. 1. Anditors Mimes John.. and Dawson. Then ' have been e'17,i•• ployt'd 15 teachers a • :1 the sob tttl ' been 210. It Ay:, O'an:vlc)rl by 311th rf) thanks of ie due, 1e0)1 aro ,'udero l to til'; ' the 9'•ibbat.lr vl cu'ill Illtitif1•yiill:llrl tin y• god, 1.121:1 for the successful elver. y -theta o21t1Nr,nke. giving evening, rea5 ;ling the honJoe mtl.l 1311111 of $7.1 over al t31)c)tt•i(`S, pointing g ,oat the rtcl- organiz.ation til.i oou- nbers on the 1100339 elm liuellanian read it u from Mork Twain evilly received. Mr. rk, of Lucien, thou 1:1110 Irish reait:ttiol3 faoir,l exprossintn, fin. iplondi0 clorutionary "i1"°1 attr?11c1:Lt3co hi o John Neelanile in. was moved by h ( r of "Wo:n:an Suff. 'ILC oats, that rho the tit:Iwhere p:.'a'rnt -en np and. • tdebataal. lit t'eby cot+!nilly d Jas, W. Inglis argu.:d Un" pt:ftlilct 'ssiun of this right t,, Syo01i,, )1 for the b Iir.apriato manner hail the church do highly pleasing all taiiliu011t provided 131unro opposed i Space forbi'1.,1 any attempt to °nun)f',jate the arguments for or n gaulst. The au, < nee preserved tile best of order and an a �• anent seit'it prevailed throughout. Mr. eelauds swooned up the 10115,`3 1n it brief . address and ggive,• Illy dLJei5.ion in faro of the ilegetive. It might he eettt:d r :at Itlr. Gezttlay being 'al/®(Na on tho •• It rivativfr sitif) .lir. W. I5obertsou vafrai e from. taking poet in the dire utisiuu, • - IViriltt 1tr.,1.1' W,L4 111 Zot11,o-1 othoe d:LV IIF Wtt3 ii stilett 5:1 9,r,1 VI,. r;1•.:1 of travellere anti li i.s iVt It their eldhl',r.a ruching the porter ,lith their trunks. ;tie/ valises while tbt,y 're making tient. woe tilorel. Ix 3 1,i:-tti. 1. i.romel and mIkaa „ ,ve're i ales: i they \0' nowt sled ahoy i o,r K''>a9tiiLn 13ro;e. f )1, ra thrivtrn to • t''• .ea ought to • e er.1 to to le, tette, tiro loos. • Vaustoise'e i;a the plaeo to go where you have a tirst cl,•at s stock to select from, at. 'vices t,itry peolil, %vernfdet' how he can toll thein so thl'sip. The rOasan is tA1..iU' l 11e mays for 50311.